Aries 2022 Horoscope 4 2 0 2 2 Hor o s c o p es

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Page 2: Aries 2022 Horoscope 4 2 0 2 2 Hor o s c o p es

2022 Horoscopes

© The Dark Pixie Astrology

General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only.

For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.


Aries 2022 Horoscope 4

Taurus 2022 Horoscope 9

Gemini 2022 Horoscope 14

Cancer 2022 Horoscope 19

Leo 2022 Horoscope 24

Virgo 2022 Horoscope 29

Libra 2022 Horoscope 34

Scorpio 2022 Horoscope 39

Sagittarius 2022 Horoscope 45

Capricorn 2022 Horoscope 50

Aquarius 2022 Horoscope 55

Pisces 2022 Horoscope 60

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Page 3: Aries 2022 Horoscope 4 2 0 2 2 Hor o s c o p es

2022 kicks off a little rocky as we start the new year with Venus

retrograde (appearing to move backward) in Capricorn, ruler of goals, so

we may be questioning the goals we have and direction we’re going in

for the new year. Mercury retrograde kicks off early as well, starting in

Aquarius and ending in Capricorn, so we’re in a period of about 6 weeks

as the year starts where we’re reflecting, looking back, and being more

introspective. When things finally start to pick up as we go into February,

we start to see lovely energy thanks to Jupiter and Neptune together in

Pisces. Increased intuition, compassion, empathy, and creativity with

these two. Jupiter enters Aries in May, lasting through October, and our

ability to take the initiative increases dramatically, and we’re focused on

what we want to get started, and start right away. BUT that gets kicked

around with Mars retrograde starting late October for the rest of 2022,

and Mercury retrograde starting a few days before the year ends. It’s an

interesting start and finish for 2022! Hold on to your knickers, girls ;) (I luv

you if you get that reference lol)

New to predictive astrology? If you want to start learning how to do all of

this for yourself, check out the beginner course, Get Started With Predictive


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Aries 2022 Horoscope

Aries 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Ceres, planet of nourishment, tours your 5th house of love late July

through September, and you may want to focus on how you can be

more supportive of your loved ones. You can be there for them in a big

way, but do need to be careful when Mercury is retrograde (appearing to

move backward) in September in your relationship sector. Tend to your

relationships before that hits so you can manage the retrograde better.

Ceres ends the year in your relationship sector, and you can be there for

the people in your life.

The Scorpio eclipses target your intimacy sector, and the May 15th lunar

eclipse can bring out intimacy issues and make you more focused on

challenges you have with forging deep emotional bonds with others.

This would be the time to work it out and get it gone. The October 25th

solar eclipse can present opportunities for you to grow closer with

others and feel more comfortable with intimate bonds.

Aries 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

Pluto remains in your career and goals sector all year, where it’s been for

years now, but Pluto is coming to a close with this transit and moves on

starting in 2023, so this is coming to your last chance with using the

passionate energy for Pluto to create something long-term. This is likely

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on the mind in a big way as 2022 kicks off with Venus retrograde in this

sector, and Mercury retrograding in this sector late January to the start

of February. What goals have you passed on that you need to give

another chance to? How do your long-term plans need to be adjusted?

The year ends with Mercury retrograde in this sector again, so 2022

starts and ends with focus on your goals and direction long-term.

Ceres tours your work sector October through mid-December, and you

can focus on nurturing yourself more in your work environment. You

may find you thrive when you’re being supported with your work during

this time, and if you’re doing work where you’re caring for others in some

way, this can be a time when you’re doing your best work.

Uranus remains in your money sector all year, keeping you on your toes

financially, and Mars tours this sector July to mid-August. This can be a

period where you’re super focused on money, and you can try to make

more of it, make important financial decisions or put together important

financial plans, or get important financial information. Just watch the

spending! The year begins with Ceres in this sector for the month of

January, after spending some time retrograde in this sector, so you may

begin this year focusing on how to use your resources in ways that

support you. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector April 30th, which can

bring helpful energy for financial opportunities, while a lunar eclipse

occurs in this sector November 18th, and you may need to work on

challenges that need to be eliminated.

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Aries 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Ceres tours your home and family sector mid-May through late July, and

this can bring great energy for improving your family connections or

your home life. You can spend more time with the people you think of as

family, and want to be there for them more. You can devote yourself to

them, especially those who need you most. You can be emotionally

invested in their issues, and want to help however you can. And you can

strive to make your home a place where you feel comfortable,

supported, and secure, so if you move, this may be top of mind when

you’re making your decisions.

Aries 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Ceres is in the sector ruling your mind early February through mid-May,

and you may want to work on nurturing your mind. You may thrive

mentally when you feel nurtured and supported, and you may focus on

new ideas and plans for improving stability and security in your life. This

is helpful once Mercury retrograde kicks in this sector during May, and

you can use the comfort, support, and security mentally.

Mars is going to be in the sector ruling your mind for a while in 2022,

entering August 20th and retrograding in this sector starting the end of

October for the rest of 2022. This makes 2022 a big year for you mentally,

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for your mind, for your ideas, for your learning, and for your expression.

You can focus on how to develop a better connection to your mind, and

learn how to better express yourself, but there may be frustration in the


Neptune remains in the sector ruling your subconscious mind all year,

pushing up subconscious issues and making you more connected to

your intuitive self. Jupiter is with Neptune to mid-May and again

November and most of December, so this is a fantastic year for

connecting more to your subconscious, tackling subconscious issues,

and releasing subconscious baggage. Mars is in this sector mid-April to

late May, energizing and driving you to take action.

Aries 2022 General Horoscope

Jupiter starts a tour in your sign, Aries, mid-May through October, and

this is a fabulous time for taking initiative for what you want and pursuing

opportunities presented to you. You can be more optimistic about your

life, and want to get started with something that can last for the next

decade or more. Focus on what you want for yourself.

Mars, your ruler, is in your sign late May to early July, and this increases

the energy and drive you have to go for what you want. This is excellent

energy for you to get started with something big and bold, and you

likely want to take advantage of it while you have the chance, before

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Mars retrograde starts October 30th. With Mars being your ruler, you’ll

likely feel off in many ways, and this can create some challenges for you

in getting anything going, so you may want to hit the ground running

well before that starts.

Also want to note that Chiron is also in your sign all year, so healing

remains a big topic of focus for you in 2022, and you can take charge of

your healing and work on better expressing yourself, knowing who you

are, and celebrating your identity.

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Taurus 2022 Horoscope

Taurus 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

This may seem like an interesting, challenging year for your

relationships, starting with the eclipses in your relationship sector. A

lunar eclipse on May 15th occurs in this sector, and you can take a hard

look at your relationships, partnerships, and commitments, and see what

needs to change and what needs to be let go of. Emotions may run high

for you when dealing with others, and this can make it a little more

challenging, but try to consider what you feel. The year kicks off with

Mars in your intimacy sector for most of January, so going into 2022, you

may be more interested in forging relationships that are strong and have

deep emotional bonds, and let go of making the rest important at all.

The main period comes with Mercury retrograde (appearing to move

backward) in late September to the start of October in your love sector.

Ceres, planet of nourishment, enters your love sector during that, in late

September, lasting until mid-December. And, a solar eclipse comes

October 25th in your relationship sector, so this is likely the big time of

year for your relationships.

Mercury retrograde may caution you to slow down, take stock, and

assess the love relationships in your life. Are they positive and

supportive for you? Are you giving equally? Ceres then focuses on

improving these connections to nurture and support you, and you can

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be super giving in return. You want to make sure you’re giving to the

right people, the ones you should be. The solar eclipse can bring new

people into your life, and these new relationships may be healthier for

you when you understand how to give and take equally. The

connections you make and have may open up new opportunities for


Taurus 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

The Mercury retrogrades take another aim in 2022 at your professional

sectors, starting with Mercury retrograde the second half of January in

your career sector, then with Mercury retrograde in mid-May in your

money sector, and finally with Mercury retrograde September in your

work sector. You’ve dealt with Mercury retrograde targeting these

sectors for a couple of years, this is the last year for a little while. This

has been energy that’s great for professional change, and you have likely

focused on that for the last 2 years. 2022 would be the time to wrap

things up and put a bow on those changes.

Mars is going to spend a good chunk of 2022 in your money sector,

entering August 20th and retrograding the end of October for the rest of

2022. All of this time in your money sector can be a little challenging

financially. Before Mars retrograde starts, you’ll want to set yourself up

well financially, or as well as you can. Make good financial choices and

don’t be reckless, otherwise Mars retrograde hits and hits hard. The year

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also ends with Ceres in your work sector starting mid-December, so you

may focus on tending to work in a way that makes you feel supported,

and may benefit from the support of others professionally.

Saturn remains in your career sector all year, so you have to continue to

do things the right way and for the right reasons. It may seem like you’re

not being rewarded for that when you’re doing it, but Saturn just likes to

wait a little while to make sure you mean it and stick with it.

Mars joins Saturn in your career sector early March to mid-April, and

they pair up with Ceres in your money sector early February to mid-May.

This may be a fantastic period for you professionally, and you can make

great strides, set new goals, hit high points, get recognition, and see

financial payoffs. Make the most of that time!

Taurus 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Ceres tours your home and family sector late July through September,

and this can be great energy for tackling home and family matters.

Ceres is nurturing energy, so you can be more nurturing and supportive

of those you think of as family, and may strive to create a nurturing,

supportive environment at home. This can help you feel more

emotionally secure and stable internally. When spending time with

those you think of as family, you may help them out whenever you can.

When spending time at home, you may prefer quiet time and doing

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comfortable things. If you have to move during this time, you may focus

on finding a place that feels super comfortable.

Taurus 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Jupiter is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind for part of the year,

mid-May through October, and is joined by Mars in this sector late May

to early July, and Ceres in the sector ruling your mind mid-May to late

July. Midyear 2022 is likely great energy for focusing on both your

conscious and subconscious mind, weeding out old issues, resolving old

patterns, and becoming more consciously aware of how the past has

impacted you mentally and emotionally. You can take care of your mind,

and want to nurture and cultivate your mental abilities. Freeing up your

subconscious mind more allows your conscious mind to work much


Chiron, ruler of healing, has been in the sector ruling your subconscious

mind for a few years now and remains all of 2022, so you’ve likely

already been focused on healing yourself mentally and subconsciously

for a while. That gets a big boost in 2022.

Taurus 2022 General Horoscope

Uranus remains in your sign, Taurus, all year, continuing with big change

energy. Uranus in your sign is generally a time to make lots of changes

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in lots of areas of life, and letting things sit isn’t really an option. Those of

you born April 30th to May 9th get targeted at some point in 2022 most,

so stay on your toes and be open to positive change.

As 2022 begins, Ceres is retrograde in your sign until January 14th, so as

we kick off 2022, you may not feel as supported as you’d like, and this

can lead to feeling insecure and like life isn’t stable. You may need to

focus more on improving your support system, and try to find a source

of confidence from within instead of externally. Those of you born after

May 15th likely feel this most. Your ruler, Venus, is also retrograde to start

2022 until January 29th, so you do need to take care of yourself to start

the year, and make sure you’re being patient with yourself and others.

Mars is in your sign early July to mid-August, and this likely energizes

you. You can feel motivated to take action for what you want, and are

willing to take the initiative. With Uranus also in your sign, this may

happen quickly, and you can jump to start something new, and focus on

what you can work on quickly. Just try not to let restlessness make you


And you’ve got two eclipses in your sign, a solar eclipse on April 30th

and a lunar eclipse on November 8th. You can focus on new beginnings

and new opportunities with the solar eclipse, and work on starting

something new. You may bring some things to a close with the lunar

eclipse, and work on what you connect to most.

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Gemini 2022 Horoscope

Gemini 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Your relationships are likely on the brain as 2022 kicks off with Mars in

your relationship sector to late January, then in your intimacy sector late

January to early March, with Venus retrograde (appearing to move

backward) in your intimacy sector to start the year to the end of January,

and with Mercury retrograde late January to the start of February in your

intimacy sector. You may not feel as close to others as you’d like going

into 2022, and your solution may be to commit yourself more to them,

but it might actually need to transform in some way. Pluto remains in

your intimacy sector all year, where it’s been for years, and transforming

your intimate connections has likely been a theme for a long time. That

gets amplified early 2022.

Mercury then retrograde in your love sector most of September, and you

may think about old flames and want to reconnect (but is that a good

idea?), or experience some issues in existing love relationships that need

to be addressed. You may need to make improvements in the way you’re

connecting with loved ones. The year ends with Ceres, planet of

nourishment, in your love sector mid-December, and this can help with

improving your connections, being more loving, and getting and giving

more support with others.

Gemini 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

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Neptune remains in your career sector all year, where it’s been for a

while now, and this has likely had you a little uncertain about your goals

and direction, and needing to connect more to your intuition to guide

you. This gets a boost in 2022 with Jupiter in your career sector to start

the year until mid-May, and again November and most of December.

Jupiter can bring opportunity, and you can focus on creating new

opportunities for yourself professionally. Mars brings energy and drive

touring this sector mid-April to late May, and you can take initiative with

your goals and make progress.

Ceres is in your money sector mid-May to late July, and this can help

you financially. The professional opportunities you pursue may pay off

financially quickly, and you can make smarter financial decisions and set

yourself up.

There are two eclipses in your work sector in 2022, a lunar eclipse on

May 15th and a solar eclipse on October 25th. The lunar eclipse may

bring progress, rewards, and success with work you’ve done until that

point, and you can get recognized for it. On the other hand, you may be

a little stressed out by work and need to get a break. The solar eclipse

may bring more work opportunities, and you can get excited by work

you do and showcase your abilities.

Gemini 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

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Ceres tours your home and family sector October to mid-December, and

this can be a great time to spend with family or the people you think of

as family, and to make improvements at home or to your living situation.

You likely want to be surrounded by comfort and support, and you can

be super helpful with others in return. You may dedicate yourself more

to your family, support group, or home. If you end up moving during this

time, you can prioritize this, and may want to move to a place that feels

very comfortable or that puts you closer to the people who support you.

You may feel like you thrive more during this period with a solid home

and family life.

Gemini 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Uranus remains in the sector ruling your subconscious mind all of 2022,

and it’s been there for a couple of years. This helps you find

unconventional ways of connecting to your subconscious mind and

digging out the sludge and letting go. Ceres is in this sector to start the

year to early February, and working on those old patterns and habits

may be important for you as you start 2022. You can find new ways to

work them out.

Mars is in this sector early July to mid-August, and you can feel driven to

tap into your subconscious. You may want some time alone to spend

with yourself and your thoughts, and you can work to better understand

your subconscious issues and motivations. There are two eclipses in this

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sector in 2022 as well, a solar eclipse on April 30th and a lunar eclipse

on November 8th. The solar eclipse can help with focusing on past

issues in a productive way that allows you to move on with the lunar


Ceres is in the sector ruling your mind late July through September, and

this can bring lots of mental energy. You can feel driven to pursue your

ideas and plans, and take action with any ideas you’re excited about. You

can connect mentally, and want to make ideas reality.

Gemini 2022 General Horoscope

You’re ruled by Mercury, so Mercury retrograde tends to be a time when

you feel off in a subtle (or not-so-subtle) way. This is January 14th to

February 3rd, May 10th to June 3rd, September 9th to October 2nd, and

December 29th to the end of the year for you. The hardest one though is

likely the May retrograde, since it starts in your sign, Gemini, to May

22nd. Your ruler retrograde in your sign can really throw you off, and you

may experience all sorts of setbacks and delays, annoyances and

frustrations. You may need to give yourself lots of extra time to get

things done. It is amazing energy for a second chance though, so you

may want to focus on that. Those of you born before May 27th can be

impacted by that retrograde most.

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Unfortunately, that’s not the only retrograde to worry about though! Mars

will retrograde starting October 30th for the rest of the year, and this is

entirely in your sign. This can stir up major frustration, aggravation, and

impatience. You may find yourself always fighting with others, and

constantly annoyed and irritated by the things people do. You likely

need to tackle something underneath it all, something that is the actual

cause of the irritation, and not the external superficial stuff. Those of you

born June 13th - 20th can be impacted most at the start of the

retrograde. Mars enters Gemini August 20th, so try to make the most of

the time before the retrograde starts to set things up.

Ceres is in your sign early February to mid-May, and you may want to

focus on being more nurturing of yourself, and being around more

supportive people. You may want to stick to what is comfortable to you,

and can focus on trying to be more confident and secure.

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Cancer 2022 Horoscope

Cancer 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Pluto remains in your relationship sector and Saturn remains in your

intimacy sector all of 2022, and that continues the focus on transforming

your relationships and striving for healthier intimate connections. This

gets a lot of focus to start the year with Venus retrograde (appearing to

move backward) to kick off 2022 in your relationship sector, and Mercury

retrograding in your relationship and intimacy sectors mid-January to

the start of February, and you’re likely seeing challenges that need to be

addressed, or realizing relationships that maybe need to be let go of.

People from the past can come back into your life, but it may only be


Mars is in your relationship sector late January to early March, and this

can give you more energy to spend time with others. You can bring new

people into your life, enter into new partnerships, and strive to be fairer.

Mars moves to your intimacy sector early March to mid-April, and you

can focus on better intimacy with others.

There are two eclipses in your love sector in 2022, a lunar eclipse on

May 15th and a solar eclipse on October 25th. The lunar eclipse can be a

time to clear out love issues and address challenges in existing love

relationships. You can get even more serious about love in your life. The

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solar eclipse can bring opportunities to do more of what you love and be

with who you love.

Cancer 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

Your professional life gets a boost in 2022 thanks to Jupiter starting a

tour in your career sector mid-May through October. Mars joins Jupiter

early, touring this sector late May to early July, and you get a shot of

energy for pursuing your goals, getting on the right path, and crafting

solid long-term plans. You can be more open to opportunities to make

progress and achieve success, and you may get recognition from

important people. This can be a period where you hit your stride and hit

high points in many ways.

The year kicks off with Mars in your work sector for most of January, so

2022 starts with your work on the brain. You can have more energy to

get the little things done, any tasks and smaller projects, and you can

have a better eye for the details. If you’re passionate about your work,

you can do even more; but if you don’t like it, you may be extra

frustrated and need to make some changes.

Ceres is in your money sector late July through September, and this can

bring great money energy. You can focus on improving your financial

situation, make smarter financial choices, and set yourself up better

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financially long-term. As you feel more financially secure, you can feel

more secure overall. You may also help others out financially.

Cancer 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Mercury retrogrades in your home and family sector most of September,

and this can create some challenges for you at home and with those

you think of as family. Existing issues can become unbearable, and you

have to work to make improvements for the better of all involved. You

may need to be more thoughtful and considerate of others, or you may

need to improve your support system so others are more thoughtful and

considerate of you. Your emotions may run high, but this may lead to

subjectivity that isn’t helpful. Try to stay open and don’t let your emotions

completely take over. On the positive side, this can be good energy for

reconnecting with those you think of as family or with places you used

to live.

The year ends with Ceres in your home and family sector starting

mid-December, and this can help with making your connections with

family more nurturing and supportive. You may give a lot more to those

you feel a strong emotional connection with, and can work to improve

the foundation for your relationships and life.

Cancer 2022 Mental State Horoscope

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Mars brings strong energy to your subconscious as it enters the sector

ruling your subconscious mind late August, and is there for the rest of

2022 as it retrogrades in this sector starting the end of October. This may

bring challenges for you when it comes to dealing with your

subconscious mind, and you may become painfully aware of

subconscious issues, motivations, and desires. You may become easily

frustrated with others as a result, but aren’t quite sure why. You may

need to face the issues and force yourself not to run. The retrograde can

be a draining period on you spiritually and mentally, so you may want to

take things slower later in the year.

Mercury retrogrades in this sector mid-May, and this might give a little

preview of what’s to come for you with the Mars retrograde. Pay

attention to the energy and focuses and developments during this

Mercury retrograde, and any problems that arise, work to make

headway with them now before Mars retrograde hits to make it easier on


Ceres is in this sector early February to mid-May, and you may want to

spend that time earlier in the year prepping. Get more in tune with your

subconscious mind, work on subconscious issues you’re already aware

of, and take care of your inner self. Strengthen your support system, and

give yourself some comfort. Ceres tours the sector ruling your mind late

September to mid-December, combining with Mars, so during the Mars

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retrograde, you may need to work on being more confident in your ideas

and secure about your mental abilities.

Cancer 2022 General Horoscope

Ceres will be in your sign mid-May to late July, and this can be great

energy for you financially, for dealing with your confidence, and for

improving stability. You can be more in tune with what your needs are,

and you can be willing to nurture yourself. You can be more nurturing of

others as well, and may be willing to go the extra mile for those you

love. Ground yourself and make sure to balance focus on the self with

focus on others.

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Leo 2022 Horoscope

Leo 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Mars is in your love sector to start 2022, so the year kicks off with love on

the brain. You can be more loving and affectionate, and want to share

the love you feel with others. You can spend more time with those you

love, and you can be open to meeting new people. But, there is also a

Mercury retrograde (appearing to move backward) mid-January in your

relationship sector, so you may focus more on reconnecting instead of

anything new. Old flames may circle back around, and you can give

more priority to the people already in your life.

Saturn remains in your relationship sector all year, making you much

more serious about relationships and commitment. Mars tours this

sector early March to mid-April, and this can make you more open to

committing to people and partnerships. You may feel more energized

with a partner, and more driven when you’re with others.

Neptune remains in your intimacy sector all year, focusing on spiritual

intimacy and craving spiritual connections with others. Mars is in this

sector mid-April to late May, and Jupiter is in this sector to start 2022 to

early May, and again the end of October to mid-December. You may be

a lot more open to improving intimacy with others, forming stronger

emotional and spiritual bonds, and more willing to share with others. You

can make a big push to create a strong committed bond with others.

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Leo 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

It’s another big year for you professionally with Pluto remaining in your

work sector all year, and the year starting with Venus retrograde in your

work sector to the end of January, and Mercury retrograding in your

work sector late January to early February. You may start 2022 thinking

about how you can make changes in your work life so you’re more

passionate about what you’re doing on a daily basis. If you don’t love it,

you’re likely going to really, really hate it as the year starts, and this can

prompt you to focus on change coming out of January with Mars in your

work sector late January to early March.

Uranus also remains in your career sector all year, and Ceres, planet of

nourishment, starts 2022 in this sector in January, adding to the

professional focus as the year begins. What goals do you want to focus

on? How can you make changes that allow you to pursue more

opportunities and make progress? Mars is in your career sector early

July to mid-August, and you can be extra driven and ambitious, wanting

to achieve as much as you can and taking unconventional approaches

to succeed and hit your stride. Two eclipses also occur in this sector in

2022, a solar eclipse on April 30th and a lunar eclipse on November 8th.

Focus on opportunities can come with the solar eclipse, while you get

rewarded and make strides with your hard, smart work come the lunar


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Ceres is in your money sector late September to mid-December, and

this can be super helpful for you financially. You can focus on making

better financial decisions, find new ways of improving your financial

situation, and focus on stability and security with your finances, and less


Leo 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Two eclipses occur in your home and family sector in 2022, and the first

is a lunar eclipse on May 15th. You may want to focus on challenges in

your home life or family relationships, and focus on dealing with them.

Existing challenges can be highlighted, so it’s important to work them

out. This can help you grow closer with the people you view as family,

and create a home environment that is more comfortable and

supportive of you.

The second is a solar eclipse on October 25th, and this can be great

energy for opportunities with the home and family. You may decide to

move or make changes to your home or living situation, and this can

help you feel more secure. You may spend more time with your family,

or make plans for a gathering. You can grow closer with those you think

of as family, and some of your family may get attention in some way,

which you can support them with.

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Leo 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your mind in September, and

you may be extra short and lack mental focus. There may be too much

on your mind, making you scattered, or you may not have enough to

focus on, making you anxious. You need to try and give your mind

enough to focus on to use up mental energy while also giving your mind

breaks as needed. Ceres is in this sector mid-December to end the year,

and you can be more nurturing and have a gentler touch with your

mental abilities.

Ceres is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind mid-May to late

July, and you can focus on connecting to your subconscious. A better

connection to your subconscious can help you in many ways, and you

can work to clear out subconscious sludge. It can be easier to deal with

everything else with less to worry about internally.

Leo 2022 General Horoscope

Ceres is in your sign late July through September, and this can help you

to nurture yourself. You may want to take some time to treat yourself

well, pamper yourself, and take a break from the demands of the world.

You can also be super generous with others, and want to be there for

the people you care about most. This can be a good time to work on

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improving your confidence and security, grounding yourself, and

strengthening your inner nurturer to benefit both yourself and others.

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Virgo 2022 Horoscope

Virgo 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Pluto remains in your love sector all of 2022, and there’s big focus on

love early with the year starting with Venus retrograde (appearing to

move backward) in your love sector for January, and Mercury retrograde

in your love sector late January to the start of February. This may prompt

you to reflect on your love relationships, to think about your relationship

to love, and work on love issues. Existing issues can become more

prevalent, and this can show you what to work on. Mars is in your ove

sector late January to early March, so you can come out of January

energized for love, wanting to be more loving and affectionate, and

more open with the love in your heart,

Neptune remains in your relationship sector all of 2022, and Jupiter

starts the year in this sector to mid-May and comes back late October to

mid-December. Jupiter helps with making new connections and

improving existing connections, and Neptune wants those connections

to be more spiritual. Mars is in this sector mid-April to late May, and this

gives energy and drive to focus on your relationships, enter into new

partnerships, and be more committed to the people in your life.

Jupiter is in your intimacy sector mid-May to late October, and this can

help open you up to stronger emotional bonds with others. It can be

easier for you to be more committed, deeply and emotionally. Mars is in

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this sector late May to early July, and you can be driven to strengthen

existing emotional bonds, and create new ones.

Virgo 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

You may start with a focus on your work life with Saturn in your work

sector all year, and you can continue to strive for work that you’re

passionate about, and doing work in a smart way. Mercury retrogrades in

this sector mid-January, so you may have some challenges with getting

work done or feeling really connected to what you’re doing. Mars is in

this sector early March to mid-April, and this can energize and motivate

you to pursue the work you want to be doing, and get recognition for

work you’ve done.

Mercury retrogrades in your career sector mid-May, and you may focus

on old goals and work to reconnect with old mentors. You may need to

press pause on your goals to reassess and evaluate your plans. Ceres,

planet of nourishment, is in this sector early February to mid-May, and

you can work best when you feel supported and nurtured, and have

stability and confidence.

Mercury retrogrades in your money sector mid-September, and you can

address financial issues and work on removing financial blocks. Existing

financial issues may get worse if you try to avoid them, so work on

improvements. You may work on making money in a way you have

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before or thought of before. Ceres is in your money sector

mid-December to end the year, and this can be great for improving

money matters and finding more stability.

The biggest challenge though is Mars, who enters your career sector

late August and retrogrades in this sector end of October to the end of

the year. You can feel super ambitious and driven before the retrograde,

but may stall and become easily frustrated during the retrograde. You

likely need to give more attention to your plans, and assess the work

you’re doing. Couple this with the 3 Mercury retrogrades impacting your

professional areas, and this can be a good year for doing work you used

to do before, or going back to work somewhere or for/with someone

you worked with before.

Virgo 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Mars starts 2022 in your home and family sector for most of January, so

you may be focused most on home and family matters as the year

begins. You can make improvements to your home life and living

situation, make a move or remodel or get a roommate. You can spend

more time with the people you think of as family, or make plans for a

gathering or event with them. You can be more supportive of them and

whatever they’re doing, and act as a cheerleader. This can help you feel

stronger internally as you strengthen your internal foundation and work

at issues at your core.

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Virgo 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Two eclipses occur in the sector ruling your mind, a lunar eclipse on

May 15th and a solar eclipse on October 25th. The lunar eclipse can get

you more serious about your thoughts, ideas, and plans, and you may

sort through them and zero in on the ones you’re most passionate about.

You can connect emotionally with your words more than usual, and this

can make you more honest and authentic in your communications. At

the same time, you can be sensitive to what others say, and may need to

keep from reading between the lines when there’s nothing there.

The solar eclipse can bring lots of new ideas, new plans, and renewed

mental energy. You can enjoy using your mind and pursuing your ideas,

and you may find you have lots of new opportunities to pursue your

ideas. You can be more optimistic and want to see the positives in

whatever you’re doing. You can use your enthusiasm to your advantage.

Ceres is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind late July through

September, and this can be helpful for connecting to your subconscious.

You can sort through subconscious issues, and do so gently. You can

nurture your subconscious mind, and ground it better. This can help you

work on letting go of old issues that have plagued you for some time.

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Virgo 2022 General Horoscope

Your ruler is Mercury, and when Mercury is retrograde, you tend to feel

pretty off, so those dates are January 14th to February 3rd, May 10th to

June 3rd, and September 9th to October 2nd. These are times to go

easier on yourself, however the strongest is likely September 9th to

October 2nd, since that retrograde partially occurs in your sign, Virgo.

That can REALLY throw you off! So try to be patient with yourself and

leave lots of room for error and do-overs. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo

September 23rd to October 2nd, and those of you born later than

September 14th likely feel it strongest.

Ceres is in your sign late September to mid-December, so you can come

out of that retrograde giving yourself nurturing, supportive energy. You

can take care of your needs, and make sure you’re feeling grounded and

centered and confident. You can show this nurturing energy to others as

well, and want to be helpful with those you care about.

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Libra 2022 Horoscope

Libra 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Saturn remains in your love sector all of 2022, and you continue to take

love more seriously. You can clear out relationships where your heart

isn’t really in it, and try to improve love relationships you’re invested in.

Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward)in this sector

mid-January, so you do start the year potentially thinking about old loves

or reconnecting with existing love relationships. Any challenges in

existing love relationships can become more obvious, and you can focus

on them in a smart, careful manner with Saturn. Mars is in this sector

early March to mid-April, so you may come out of the Mercury

retrograde wanting to bring more love into your life and commit yourself

to your love relationships in a healthy way.

Jupiter begins a transit of your relationship sector mid-May through

October, and you can bring new people into your life, enter into new

partnerships, and commit yourself to your relationships more easily and

in a healthy way. You can focus on being more balanced when dealing

with others, and understand their side better. Mars is in this sector late

May to early July with Jupiter, and can bring energy and drive for dealing

with others, spending time with others, and being more committed.

Uranus remains in your intimacy sector all year, and you can find

unconventional and new ways of forming new and strengthening

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existing emotional bonds with others, Ceres, planet of nourishment,

starts the year in this sector til early February, and you can be much

more generous with those you feel a strong bond. Mars is in this sector

early July to mid-August, and you can be more driven to focus on these

bonds with others. Two eclipses occur in this sector in 2022, a solar

eclipse on April 30th and a lunar eclipse on November 8th, and you can

create new bonds and deepen existing ones with the solar eclipse, and

remove intimacy baggage and issues with the lunar eclipse.

Libra 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

Neptune remains in your work sector all of 2022, which has likely made

your focus a little off over the last few years. You may feel you need to

do things that you’re spiritually connected to. Jupiter is in this sector to

start 2022 to mid-May and again November to mid-December, so this

gives a push for you to pursue work opportunities that allow you to do

what you enjoy most. You may be presented with more work

opportunities than usual, and you can be more willing to take a chance.

This can be strong when Mars is in this sector mid-April to late May, and

you want to pursue work you’re energized about. You can feel motivated

to do work that you’re enthusiastic and excited about.

Ceres is in your career sector mid-May to late July, and this can help

make your goals more profitable, or at least help you make more

rewarding progress. You can ground yourself as you pursue your goals,

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and the more you achieve, the more confident you can feel. You may

circle around mentors who can nurture you professionally, and can

thrive with them.

Two eclipses occur in your money sector in 2022, a lunar eclipse on May

15th and a solar eclipse on October 25th. The lunar eclipse can be good

for eliminating financial baggage and issues that have bogged you

down, and you can work on streamlining and being more aware

financially. You may feel inclined to splurge, but may want to hold that in.

The solar eclipse can bring opportunities for you to make more money,

make money in different ways, or make smarter financial choices that

help improve your financial situation.

Libra 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Pluto remains in your home and family sector all year, where it’s been for

quite some time, but is starting to near the end. You’ve likely spent the

last decade completely transforming what home and family mean to

you, and how you connect with both. The year kicks off with Venus

retrograde in this sector most of January, and Mercury retrograde late

January to early February. This can bring attention to issues at home or

with those you think of as family that need to be addressed, otherwise

you can lash out, feel unsupported, and have a shaky internal

foundation. It can be good for reconnecting though.

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Mars is in your home and family sector late January to early March, and

you can come out of the retrogrades with more energy and drive to

spend with those you view as family, to create new family or improve

existing family relationships, to spend more time at home or making

home improvements, or move somewhere that feels more like home to


Libra 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Mars starts 2022 in the sector ruling your mind for most of January, so

you may have lots of ideas and plans to work on. You can feel motivated

to take action with the ideas and plans you have, and make them reality.

You can be more open and expressive, and want to say what’s on your

mind. You may need to work on keeping a handle on your mental

energy though, and have healthy outlets for your mind.

Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your subconscious mind late

September to the start of October, and this can make you spend more

time dwelling on the past, being introspective, and needing time alone

to tend to your subconscious issues. You can become more aware of

issues you weren’t before, and this can give you the opportunity to work

on it. Ceres is in this sector late September to mid-December, so you can

benefit from giving yourself nurturing and support. Spend time with

supportive people, ground yourself, and go easy on yourself.

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2022 Libra General Horoscope

Your ruler, Venus, is retrograde as 2022 starts until January 29th, and this

can make you feel off in a subtle, or not-so-subtle, way. You can struggle

with focus, feeling like your usual self, and may need to take it easy.

Watch for feeling out of balance, and try to steer clear of chaotic people

as much as you can.

Later in the year, Mercury retrogrades partially in your sign, September

9th to 23rd, and this can make you feel even more off. You may feel like

every little thing is going wrong, or you have a million things to do and

not enough time, or you need to do things over that you thought you

were done with. You need lots of extra patience with both others and

yourself. Those of you born before October 4th may feel this most.

Ceres ends 2022 in your sign starting December 18th, and this can make

you want to nurture yourself, strengthen your support system, and take

it easy. This may be a good idea with Mars retrograde to end the year

too. You can be extra helpful with others in your life as well, and want to

be as generous as possible.

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Scorpio 2022 Horoscope

Scorpio 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Neptune remains in your love sector all year, where it’s been for some

time, making you crave more spiritual connections in love, and making

you more compassionate with those you love. Jupiter is in this sector to

start 2022 until mid-May, and again November to mid-December, and

this can present love opportunities to you. You can meet new people,

spend more time with your loved ones, and generally open your heart

more. You may want to spend more time doing what you love and being

with who you love. This can be amplified when Mars is in this sector

mid-April to late May.

Uranus remains in your relationship sector all of 2022, and you can

continue to make changes in your relationships and with the way you

deal with others. Ceres, planet of nourishment, starts 2022 in this sector

until early February, and you may want to work on being more

supportive with those in your life that you care for. Mars is in this sector

early July to mid-August, and you can feel energized when you’re with

others, and want to commit yourself more. You can improve existing

relationships and partnerships. There are also two eclipses in 2022 in

your relationship sector, a solar eclipse on April 30th and a lunar eclipse

on November 8th. The solar eclipse can help open you up more and

become more comfortable with commitment, while the lunar eclipse

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can help you improve existing relationships and emotional bonds, and

work on relationship baggage.

Ceres is in your intimacy sector early February to mid-May, and you can

focus more on your emotional bonds with others and want to feel as

close as you can. Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in

this sector mid-May though, so you may have some issues that need to

be worked on blocking you from having the strong bonds you need.

Mars is in this sector for a while in 2022, entering mid-August and

retrograding in this sector the end of October to the end of the year. This

can stir up deeply-held baggage and issues when it comes to blocks to

intimacy, and you can work on releasing so you can create healthier,

stronger bonds moving forward.

Scorpio 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

The year begins with Mars in your money sector, so 2022 starts with you

putting a lot of attention toward your finances. You can make more

money, spend more money, and take your finances more seriously. You

may focus on better money management, and you can make a plan for

how to deal with money for the rest of 2022 without much worry.

Jupiter starts to move into your work sector mid-May through October,

and this can open up new work opportunities for you. You can focus on

the work that you’re most passionate about, and want to pursue

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opportunities that give you the flexibility you want. You can create work

opportunities for yourself if you’re not finding what you really want. This

can especially be true when Mars is also in this sector mid-May to early

July, and you can take the initiative and make things happen in positive


Ceres is in your career sector late July through September, and you can

focus on making progress with your goals in a steady way, and can

benefit from nurturing and grounding yourself instead of being hard on

yourself. A solid support system can help you make more progress and

succeed. You may also benefit from helpful mentors, or do some

mentoring of your own.

Scorpio 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Saturn remains in your home and family sector all year, and this

continues the streamlining from 2021. You can get rid of lots of stuff at

home, move to a smaller place, move on your own without family or

roommates, and generally want to have an uncluttered home life. You

may have the opportunity to have the kind of home you’ve been working

toward for a while, and hard, smart work pays off. You may see some of

the people you think of as family leave your life, whether or your own

choice or theirs. On the other hand, you may grow closer with those you

think of as family that you have a healthy, positive relationship with.

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Mercury does retrograde briefly in this sector mid-January, so you may

have some challenges to work through and deal with early in the year.

Keep yourself grounded and steady, and have patience. Mars is in this

sector early March to mid-April, so you can take time to help family,

improve matters at home, or make a move.

Scorpio 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Pluto remains in the sector ruling your mind all of 2022, where it’s been

for a while, so you can continue to transform your mind and your mental

abilities. People can pay more attention to what you think and say so

your words have a lot more weight. You can get serious about your ideas

and plans, and use them to your advantage. You can get passionately

wrapped up in whatever interests you, and you can use the power of

your mind to change your life. This may get a lot of attention as 2022

kicks off with Venus retrograde in this sector most of January, and

Mercury retrograde in this sector late January to the start of February.

There may be difficulty with focus, you may be insecure about your

ideas or mental abilities, and you may go back to old mental patterns.

Try to keep yourself in as best of a place mentally as you can, and

remember healthy ways of keeping your mind in check. Mars will be in

this sector late January to early March, so you can come out of the

retrogrades with more mental energy and enthusiasm.

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Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your subconscious mind

mid-September, and this may stir up some subconscious issues and

baggage that you need to become more aware of and work on. You may

think more about the past, and what you need to let go of. The year

ends with Ceres moving into this sector mid-December, and this can

help you to nurture your subconscious self. You can use a gentle

approach to your subconscious, and work on being better connected

and feeling more secure.

Scorpio 2022 General Horoscope

Two eclipses occur in your sign in 2022, Scorpio, starting with a lunar

eclipse on May 15th. You may be more in tune with your feelings, and

everything can have a deeper impact on you. You can focus on what you

need to work on, and may want some extra time to reflect and rest. Your

passionate energy may increase, and this can get channelled into

something productive, otherwise it might make you lash out. What

you’ve done well with and been smart about may experience rewards

and progress. Those of you born after November 14th may feel this


A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 25th, and this can be a

great time for you to focus on new opportunities, new goals, and a new

journey in life. This can be the start of a new chapter for you, and you

can focus on it with enthusiasm. You can work on getting things started,

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and you can move forward with energy and drive. What you embark on

now can be a focus for years to come. Those of you born before October

31st may feel this most.

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Sagittarius 2022 Horoscope

Sagittarius 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Jupiter starts to move into your love sector in 2022, occupying this

sector mid-May through October. This can open you up to love, open up

your heart, make you more generous, and more affectionate and loving.

You can increase the romance in your life, and want to connect more

with others in a fun way. Mars is in this sector late May to early July,

boosting loving energy and making you more heart-centric. You can

make love more of a priority in your life, and make more choices based

on love. Chiron, ruler of healing, is also in your love sector all year, where

it’s been for a few years, and this love energy can help you to heal and

grow as a person.

Ceres, planet of nourishment, is in your relationship sector early

February to mid-May, and you can focus on being more supportive and

nurturing with your loved ones. You can do more to help the people in

your life in any way you can, and you can focus on having supportive

relationships in general. This can be very helpful with Mercury

retrograding (appearing to move backward) in this sector mid-May,

when you may experience challenges with the people in your life and

your relationships require a lot more work. It gets more complicated with

Mars, who enters this sector mid-August and retrogrades in this sector

the end of October to the end of the year. Any relationship issues that

exist can get dug up in a big way during that retrograde, so it’s helpful to

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have more solid relationships before Mercury or Mars retrograde. The

energy can be good for reconnecting with people from the past though.

Ceres is in your intimacy sector mid-May to late July, and you can work

to improve the emotional bonds you have with others. You can be super

generous, and want to share everything you have with those you’re

closest to. You may have to watch for being a little clingy or doing a little

too much though. Moderation!

Sagittarius 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

Pluto remains in your money sector all year, where it’s been for a while,

and you can continue to experience major changes with money in your

life. Your entire attitude and approach to dealing with money has likely

completely transformed. This may get a lot of attention as the year

begins with Venus retrograde in this sector to late January, and Mercury

retrograde in this sector late January to early February. There may be

some financial issues that need to be addressed, and you may feel

financially insecure, even if you’re actually not. You may focus more on

your finances long-term and want to maintain stability. Mars is in this

sector late January to early March, so coming out of the retrogrades, you

may have lots of energy and drive to make more money and manage

your finances.

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Uranus remains in your work sector all year, and you can continue to

experience changes in your work life and work environment. Ceres is in

this sector to start 2022 until early February, and you may want to focus

on nurturing yourself more in and with your work. Mars is in your work

sector early July to mid-August, and you can have more energy and

drive for work and to pursue work opportunities. You can take the

initiative with the work you want to be doing. There will also be two

eclipses in your work sector in 2022, a solar eclipse on April 30th and a

lunar eclipse on November 8th. The solar eclipse can present new work

opportunities, and you can get energy for work that you’re excited about,

while the lunar eclipse can bring rewards for work you’ve done right, and

extra frustration for work you don’t care for.

Sagittarius 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Neptune remains in your home and family sector all year, continuing a

focus on spiritual connections with your home life and with those you

think of as family. Jupiter is with Neptune in this sector to start 2022 until

mid-May, and again November to mid-December. This can open up

more opportunities for you to spend time with family, to offer them

support, or to make improvements to your family relationships. You can

also spend more time at home, improve your living situation, or move.

This may be strongest when Mars is also in this sector mid-April to late

May, and you can feel energized and motivated to get going with home

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and family matters. This can also help you feel more solid internally, and

you may be able to start from the ground up with something.

Sagittarius 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Saturn remains in the sector ruling your mind all year, and you may be

quieter around others, keeping more of your thoughts and opinions to

yourself. You can work on mental issues, and might be more

discriminating with your ideas and plans to avoid overwhelm. You may

strive to be more realistic, but do need to watch for pessimism instead.

Mercury retrogrades briefly in this sector mid-January, and this might be

when you’re most in danger of being too pessimistic. You may need to

work on having something productive for your mind to focus on so

you’re not dwelling on the negative. Mars tours this sector early March to

mid-April, and your mental energy can increase, giving you lots of ideas

and plans.

Two eclipses occur in the sector ruling your subconscious mind, a lunar

eclipse on May 15th and a solar eclipse on October 25th. The lunar

eclipse can be great for getting in tune with your subconscious to

remove some of the sludge and baggage. Your intuition can be strong,

and you can sense what needs your attention. The solar eclipse can

help you to feel clear subconsciously, and you can use your intuition to

guide you to the right opportunities.

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Sagittarius 2022 General Horoscope

Mars starts 2022 in your sign, Sagittarius, for most of January, and the

year can start with you focused on what you want to do for yourself. You

can think about what you want to get off of the ground now, and it can

be a focus for the next 18-24 months. You can feel more energized,

enthusiastic, easily excited, and ready to take action whenever

opportunity strikes. This may not happen though with the retrogrades to

start 2022, so some patience may be required, and you may need to be

more flexible or more willing to try a different approach. Working smart

and productively can help manage the retrograde energy nd get you on

the right path for the rest of the year.

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Capricorn 2022 Horoscope

Capricorn 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Uranus remains in your love sector all year, and you can keep changing

the way you express love, what love is to you, and open to new ways to

love. Ceres, planet of nourishment, starts the year in your love sector as

well to early February, and you can feel more generous, affectionate,

and want to help those you love in any way you can. Mars is in your love

sector early July to mid-August, and this can make you more romantic

and in the mood for love. It can be great for dating, if single, or for

injecting some romance into the relationship, if attached. Two eclipses

also occur in this sector in 2022, a solar eclipse on April 30th and a lunar

eclipse on November 8th. The solar eclipse can make you more open,

offer opportunities for romance, and give you more time for who and

what you love. The lunar eclipse can get you more in tune with your


Ceres tours your relationship sector mid-May to late July, and you can

be more nurturing and supportive of the people in your life. You can feel

more comfortable with commitment, and more grounded with healthy

relationships and partnerships. Ceres moves into your intimacy sector

late July through September, and you can feel more comfortable

opening up emotionally, and want to strengthen emotional bonds with


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Capricorn 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

The Mercury retrogrades (when a planet appears to be moving

backward) target your professional sectors again for 2022, but this is the

last for some time. Mercury retrogrades mid-January in your money

sector (so watch your finances), mid-May in your work sector (so focus

on positive work), and mid-September in your career sector (so try to

take it easy with your goals). Adding to this is Mars, who enters your

work sector mid-August and spend the rest of 2022 in your work sector,

retrograding the end of October to the end of the year there. So all of

this retrograde energy can be great for going back to work somewhere

or with someone you’ve worked before, or doing a job you’ve done

before again, or reconnecting with old employers, employees, and

coworkers. If you don’t care for the work you’re doing going into 2022,

these retrogrades likely make it much, much worse though, and you

may get to a breaking point. Do what you can so you’re doing work

you’re passionate about.

Saturn remains in your money sector all year, so Saturn is likely forcing

you to be more cautious financially, plan for things long-term, and be

more of a saver than a spender. Saturn also requires you to make money

in a way you’re really invested in. Mars is in your money sector early

March to mid-April, and you may be more energized and motivated to

make money and use it wisely.

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Ceres is in your work sector early February to mid-May, and you can

work on giving yourself the support you need to do your work to the

best of your abilities. You can benefit from a nurturing work environment,

and may strive to develop that. You may focus on doing more work for

others than yourself. Work may be more profitable. Ceres ends 2022 in

your career sector starting mid-December, and you can make strides

financially, see rewards when you stay grounded, and you can be

recognized in a quieter way.

Capricorn 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Jupiter starts to tour your home and family sector mid-May through

October, and this can be great for improving home and family matters.

You can work on spending more time with those you think of as family,

or doing more to help them out. You may want to spend more time at

home or in the places most comfortable and familiar, and you can make

changes to your living situation or move. Mars energizes this, touring this

sector late May to early July, and you can feel driven to take action with

home and family matters. If you end up moving, you may focus on a

place that feels very open.

Chiron, ruler of healing, is also in your home and family sector all year,

where it’s been for a few years, and you can keep working on healing old

issues related to your upbringing, and create a healing, soothing home


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Capricorn 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Neptune remains in the sector ruling your mind all of 2022, and you can

continue to struggle at times with mental focus but have an excellent

sense of what people mean behind what they say. Jupiter boosts this,

touring this sector to start the year until mid-May, and coming back

November to mid-December. Your mind can be a lot more active, and

you can come up with plenty of new ideas and work on new plans. You

may want to pursue opportunities to do something with your ideas and

plans, especially with energetic Mars in this sector mid-April to late May.

Mars starts 2022 in the sector ruling your subconscious mind, in this

sector most of January. You can go into 2022 wanting to clear out

baggage, subconsciously, spiritually, internally and externally. You can

work on old issues, and resolve old problems. You may want to clear the

way and make room for the new.

Capricorn 2022 General Horoscope

Pluto remains in your sign, Capricorn, all year, where it’s been for many

years now, but this isn’t going to last much longer, so you’re starting to

come to the end of this tour. Pluto in your sign has likely brought a lot of

intense energy to your personality and life, and you’ve had to assess

where you’ve been and where you’re going, who you are and who you

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want to be, and what you have and what you deserve. You’ve probably

experienced major transformations in your life, and many things may not

be the same they were when this started. Those of you born between

January 15th and 18th likely feel this most in 2022.

Venus starts 2022 retrograde in your sign, so 2021 ended with Venus

retrograde in your sign, and you ended one year and start another with

this. You may lack motivation to do much, and want to just leave

everything for another day. A break may be a good thing, but total

avoidance isn’t, so try to balance that. It can be great energy for a

second chance, a do-over, or to reconnect in some way. Venus

retrogrades until January 29th, and those of you born between

December 30th and January 4th likely feel it most.

Mars is in your sign late January to early March, and this can energize

you. You can take the initiative for what you want and make things

happen on your own. You can focus on what you want for yourself

instead of letting everyone else dictate what you should and shouldn’t

do. You can make use of disciplined energy and passion to do

something productive and positive. What you start during this period

can be a focus for the next 18-24 months.

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Aquarius 2022 Horoscope

Aquarius 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Ceres, planet of nourishment, is in your love sector early February to

mid-May, and this can make you more generous and loving with others.

You may want to give as much as you can with loved ones, and can be

super helpful. You can go to the Moon and back to help those you love.

Ceres also tours your relationship sector late July through September,

and you can be super supportive and encouraging of others. You may

also benefit and thrive when you feel nurtured in your relationships, and

you may gravitate toward nurturing people. Ceres moves through your

intimacy sector October to mid-December, and you can share

everything you have and feel more comfortable with strong emotional


Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in your love sector in

mid-May though, and then in your intimacy sector end of September to

the start of October. Add to this Mars, who enters your love sector

mid-August and spends the rest of the year in this sector because it

turns retrograde to end October and lasts for the rest of 2022. This all

might signal reconnecting with loved ones, improving your existing

relationships and reaching back to old flames and old loves. But it can

also show any existing issues in your current love relationships may

grow, and you can get more frustrated with others. Work on

improvement, and don’t forget to stay connected to your heart.

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Aquarius 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

Neptune remains in your money sector all year, where it’s been for a

while, so you can continue to feel some foggy energy when it comes to

financial decisions, but have excellent financial instincts when you can

hone in on them. Jupiter helps out, and 2022 starts with Jupiter in your

money sector to mid-May and back again November to mid-December.

This can open up financial opportunities for you, and this can be a great

year for improving your financial situation. Mars is in your money sector

mid-April to late May, and brings energy and drive to make more money

and focus on money matters. Just watch for overspending, if you can

avoid it.

Ceres is in your work sector mid-May to late July, and you can benefit

from a calm, nurturing work environment, so you may strive to create

that if you don;t have it already. You can be super helpful with

coworkers, bosses, and employees, and generally more helpful overall

in your daily life.

Two eclipses occur in your career sector in 2022, a lunar eclipse on May

15th and a solar eclipse on October 25th. The lunar eclipse can bring

rewards for goals you’ve worked hard at, being smart with, been

responsible and ethical with, and have been striving to achieve for some

time. You can hit your stride, hit a high point, and get recognition. The

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solar eclipse may be a time when you set new goals, or focus on

different goals than you have been thus far. You can get excited by your

goals, feel more ambitious, and pursue opportunities for success and


Aquarius 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Uranus remains in your home and family sector all of 2022, and you can

continue to make changes with your family or home life. You can see

new people as your family, expand your family, change your family

relationships, make changes at home or with your living situation, or

move. Ceres is in this sector to start 2022 until early February, and you

can be super nurturing and supportive of those you think of as family.

You can make sacrifices for them, and are willing to do whatever will

help them, so you may need to work on some boundaries to protect


Mars is in your home and family sector early July to mid-August, and this

can bring lots of energy and drive to spend more time with those you

think of as family, help them in new ways, make improvements to your

home, or plan a move. Some of this may come about suddenly and

unexpectedly thanks to Uranus.

Two eclipses also occur in your home and family sector in 2022, a solar

eclipse on April 30th and a lunar eclipse on November 8th. The solar

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eclipse can be helpful for new family gatherings and expansion of

family, new home projects or moving. You can feel more energized to

work on home and family matters, and give more attention to them. The

lunar eclipse can signal the end of projects at home, settling issues with

family, and wanting more comfort and familiarity.

Aquarius 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Jupiter starts to tour the sector ruling your mind mid-May through

October, and this can help you to come up with lots of new ideas, work

on lots of new plans, and generally have a more positive outlook and

attitude. You can open your mind to new possibilities, and get excited by

your ideas. This can be strongest with Mars also in this sector late May to

early July, and you can feel driven to pursue your ideas and take

advantage of opportunities to make them tangible. Chiron, ruler of

healing, has been in this sector for a few years and is all of 2022, so this

energy helps you to work on mental healing even more.

Pluto remains in the sector ruling your subconscious mind all year, and

you can continue to quietly work on old issues, take control of your

subconscious, and transform yourself internally. The year begins with

Venus retrograde in this sector to late January, and Mercury retrogrades

in this sector late January to the start of February, so you may be much

more reflective and introspective as 2022 begins, and work on lots of old

issues. Mars is in this sector late January to early March, so you can

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come out of the retrogrades better able to control your subconscious

motivations and make use of subconscious energy productively.

Aquarius 2022 General Horoscope

Saturn remains in your sign all year, Aquarius, so you can continue to

work on lessons you need to learn. This can be frustrating since you can

feel a bit stagnant in the interim, but it does set yourself up moving

forward if you allow yourself to learn what you need to. You can be more

responsible, more considerate, and more mature. It’s important for you

to do the right thing and for the right reasons as much as possible to

please Saturn. You can think about your life long-term, and plan for the

next few decades of your life. Those of you born January 31st to

February 14th can be impacted most by Saturn in 2022.

Mars is in your sign early March to mid-April, and this can increase your

energy and drive. You can focus on what you want to do for yourself,

and take initiative to get going. Your energy can be disciplined thanks to

Saturn, which actually helps you make more progress. What you start

now, you can work on for the next 18-24 months of your life. Choose

what excites you and you’re passionate about, and work at it in a smart,

thorough, responsible way.

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Pisces 2022 Horoscope

Pisces 2022 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Ceres, planet of nourishment, tours your love sector mid-May to late

July, and you can focus on being more affectionate, loving, and

generous with loved ones. You can be more helpful, more supportive,

and more nurturing in love, and want that as well. It can be a good time

for romance, and you can enjoy love.

Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in your intimacy

sector mid-September and in your relationship sector late September to

the start of October, and this may bring out existing challenges in your

relationships. You may get frustrated by others a little too easily, and

need to have more patience. It can be good for reconnecting with

people from the past though. Ceres is in your relationship sector at the

same time, late September until mid-December, and then ends the year

in your intimacy sector. Ceres can show that being nurturing and

supportive of the people in your life can help with relationship

difficulties, and you may want to spend more time with supportive


Pisces 2022 Career and Money Horoscope

Mars starts 2022 in your career sector to late January, so the year begins

with you likely focusing on your goals, your direction, and what you want

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to accomplish. You can feel energized to pursue new goals, and you can

make strides, hit a high point, get recognition for what you’ve already

done, achieve some success, or make connections with important


Jupiter starts to tour your money sector mid-May through October, and

you can focus on improving your financial situation. You can take

advantage of opportunities to be smarter with money, make more, and

make important financial decisions. Mars is in your money sector late

May to early July, and you can take financial initiative, and make use of

any financial opportunities you have to the max. This can be excellent

financial energy. Chiron, ruler of healing, is also in this sector all year, so

improving your financial situation can help you to heal and feel more


Ceres is in your work sector late July through September, and you can

be more nurturing in your work life, help those you work with and for,

and thrive in a supportive work environment.

Pisces 2022 Home and Family Horoscope

Ceres is in your home and family sector early February to mid-May, and

you can be more nurturing, supportive, and considerate of your family.

You may want to help those you think of as family as much as you can,

and you can be more understanding with them. You can work to

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improve your home life and living situation, wanting to feel more

nurtured at home. This helps with the Mercury retrograde in this sector

mid-May, when little things may pop up at home or with family that

require extra attention, and you want to be in a good place and feel

grounded emotionally when that hits.

This also helps with Mars, who enters your home and family sector

mid-August and stays there for the rest of 2022 since it retrogrades in

this sector starting late October. This can kick up major problems at

home or with those you view as family, and you can get easily frustrated

and irritated with them. This energy may be bringing out deep issues

that need to be addressed, so if you’re flying off of the handle all of the

time, it may be masking that.

Pisces 2022 Mental State Horoscope

Uranus remains in the sector ruling your mind all year, and you can

continue to think outside of the box, opt for unconventional ideas and

plans, and benefit from bouncing ideas off of groups and friends. Ceres

starts 2022 in this sector to early February, and you can work to nurture

your mind and feel more mentally stable when you’re grounded and

secure in your life. Mars is in this sector early July to mid-August, and

this brings lots of mental energy and new ideas. You can push for what

you come up with, and take advantage of opportunities to take action

with your ideas and plans.

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Two eclipses occur in the sector ruling your mind in 2022, a solar eclipse

on April 30th and a lunar eclipse on November 8th. The solar eclipse

can bring new ideas, taking action with your plans, and you can be more

optimistic and expressive. You can open up with others, and want to

showcase your ideas. The lunar eclipse can show finalizing plans and

the culmination of an idea, and you can be more emotionally invested in

your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. You can express yourself more

authentically and openly.

Saturn remains in the sector ruling your subconscious mind all year, and

you can continue to do the work going through subconscious sludge,

and working on old issues. This can be done on your own, quietly, and

you can change a lot internally but it may not be so obvious on the

surface. Mercury retrogrades in this sector mid-January, and you may

become aware of an issue that you hadn’t put much thought into until

then. Mars is in this sector early March to mid-April, and this gives more

energy and drive to deal with subconscious issues and forge a stronger

connection to your subconscious.

Pisces 2022 General Horoscope

Neptune, your ruler, remains in your sign, Pisces, all year, where it’s been

for some time. This can put you more in tune with your natural Pisces

energy, making you even more compassionate and empathetic, creative

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and inspired, intuitive and imaginative, spiritual and wandering. Of

course, focus may also be a challenge, and sometimes you’re extra

scattered. Those of you born March 10th to 16th can feel the impact of

Neptune most in 2022.

Jupiter is also in your sign in 2022, starting the year in Pisces until

mid-May, and coming back the end of October to mid-December.

Jupiter can bring lots of opportunities, and you can focus on what you

want to start now that can be a focus for the next decade. You can be

more excited by the possibilities, and focus on the positives. You can

think bigger and brighter, and this can work in your favor.

Mars is also in your sign mid-April to late May, and this can increase your

energy and drive overall. You can be more energized to pursue

something new, and excited about what you can start now. Mars, Jupiter,

and Neptune overlap mid-April to mid-May, so you’ll want to take full

advantage of that energy.

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