Argument: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Mr. Eagan English 110

Argument: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Mr. Eagan English 110

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Page 1: Argument: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Mr. Eagan English 110

Argument: Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Mr. Eagan

English 110

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All arguments exist in a rhetorical situation

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Rhetoric: Using language effectively to persuade, inform, educate, or entertain

Rhetorical Situation: The circumstances in which you communicate.

What is a Rhetorical Situation?

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Factors which can affect an author’s writing:





Political Beliefs

Parents And Peers


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Audience: To Whom are you Writing?

Many of the same factors which affect the writer also affect the audience


Social class


Past experience



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The “situation” which generates the need for writing

Affected by the Time period or timing


Current events

Cultural significance

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Purpose: Your Reason For Writing

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You need to be aware that a rhetorical situation exists every time you write and every time you read.

You need to adapt your writing as well as your analysis and use of sources depending on your purpose and your audience.

What this means…

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Introduction to Argument

All arguments must contain two parts:

1. Claim 2. Support*Also called conclusions and


(QA Chapter 5, pg. 84)

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Introduction to Argument

CLAIM: States the issue and takes a position on a debatable topic (usually takes the form of a THESIS STATEMENT in a written argument)

SUPPORT: Facts, evidence, reasons, examples put together w/ logical reasoning and critical thinking

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Introduction to Argument

Develop and refine your thesis/argument.Do this by asking yourself questions

about your chosen topic. (?)Using precise language and establishing

a clear position will help both you and your readers. (?)

STOP! QA Ex. 5-1, pg. 86

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Commercials for weight loss pills on television

Taxing new cars according to their mileage

Athletes’ use of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs

Requiring students to undertake volunteer or community service

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Introduction to Argument

Persuasive Appeals:

Ethos - Establishes the writer/speaker as a credible/(ethical or moral) person.

Pathos - Appeals to an audience’s values and beliefs through emotion/empathy.

Logos - The use of sound reasoning or logic.

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Qualities of Ethos

Demonstrating knowledge

Establishing common ground

Demonstrating fairness

Ethical fallacies: ad hominem, guilt by association

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Ethos - “I am a husband, a father, and a taxpayer. I have served on the school board for 20 years. I deserve your vote for city council.”

Such an appeal attempts to persuade by calling attention to the writer’s/speaker’s character. It says in effect: I’m a great person so you should believe what I’m telling you. Ethos does not concern the veracity of the argument, only its appeal. (I am a credible speaker.) (?)

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Qualities of Pathos

Using description and concrete language

Using figurative language (metaphors, similes, analogies)

Shaping appeal to audience

Emotional fallacies: bandwagon appeal, flattery, in-crowd appeal, veiled threats, loaded language, false analogies

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Pathos - “ Government-run healthcare will have ‘death squads’ to decide which citizens will live and which will die.”

Such an appeal attempts to persuade by stirring the emotions of the audience and attempts to create any number of emotions like fear, sadness, contentment, joy, and pride. Pathos does not concern the veracity of the argument, only its appeal. (QA pg. 88) (?)

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Qualities of Logos

Providing examples and precedents

Citing authority and testimony

Establishing causes and effects

Using inductive and deductive reasoning

Logical fallacies: begging the question, post hoc, non sequiter, false dichotomy, hasty generalization, oversimplification

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Logos - “All humans are mortal. You are a human. Therefore, you are mortal.”

This is called a syllogism. Logical arguments take this form through the use of rhetorical devices like process analysis, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, etc. (?)

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Logos - “Some politicians are corrupt. Therefore, Senator Jones may be corrupt.”

This is called an enthymeme. It is like a syllogism but the conclusion is based on inference rather than evidence. The syllogism leads to a necessary conclusion from universally true premises, and the enthymeme leads to a tentative conclusion from probable premises.

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When Reading forEthos

Note how the author establishes a persona

Note how the author establishes credibility

Note any revelation of the author’s credentials or personal history.

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When Reading forPathos

Note the primary audience for the text

Note the emotional appeals the author makes

Note the author’s expectations of the audience.

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When Reading forLogos

Note the claims the author makes.

Note the data the author provides in support of the claims.

Note the conclusion the author draws

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When using Ethos, ask yourself

Have I established a credible persona?

Have I established my credibility?

Have I expressed my knowledge and expertise of the topic?

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When using Pathos, ask yourself

Have I considered the primary audience and the type of background they have?

Does my audience agree with me or will I have to persuade them of the validity of my argument?

How will I make my paper appeal to my audience?

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When using Logos, ask yourself

Have I established the purpose for my text?

Have I established a clear, reasonable, and logical progression of my ideas?

Have I addressed opposing arguments or perspectives?

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Toulmin LogicCLAIM: a variation of a thesis statement. If needed, the claim is qualified or limited

SUPPORT: reasons or evidence, moving from broad reasons to specific data and details, support the claim

WARRANTS: The writer’s underlying assumptions, which are often implied rather than stated. Warrants may also need support.

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Toulmin Model

Read section 5f in your QA (pg. 89)

STOP! QA Ex. 5-2, pg. 89-90

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Applying what you’ve learned

QA Exercise 5-3, pg. 91

QA Exercise 5-4, pg. 93

QA Exercise 5-5, pg. 94