AREOPA intro - The Organization of the Future

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An introduction to AREOPA and it's unique organization model.We are global network of independent experts operating and collaborating under the Shamrock model.

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Introducing AREOPAThe Organization of the futureThe Areopagus, hill of Ares, is situated west of the Acropolis in Athens, the center of ancient Greek civilization. It was also the name given to the advisory council with legislative and judiciary powers, which seated on the Areopagus. They were the Change Experts avant la lettre.Confidential, not to be disclosed without written approval of the AREOPA

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AREOPA Origin on the name AREOPAGUS( )The Areopagus or Areios Pagos is the name of both a low, rocky "Hill of Ares about 112m. high, north-west of the Acropolis in Athens; and of an ancient court that convened there, which in classical times functioned as the chief homicide court of Athens.

This court, representing the ancient council of elders (AREOPAgites), usually combined judicial and legislative functions and in the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. was a stronghold of the aristocracy and a sacred meeting place.

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AREOPA - Provoking Innovative IntelligenceUnique organization Shamrock Model based We commit to results We stay until attained We resolve the real causes Not symptoms We invest in what money can buy Virtually no financial restructuring We dont just analyze & teach We implement a proven strategy

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AREOPA = Provoking Innovative IntelligenceProvoking ...

creates change, innovation, intelligence, and new thinking parameters of performance, benchmarking, communications critical in the creation of new knowledge key ingredient in the excelleration of business performance, change, and the defining and delivery of customers demands.

Innovative ...

learning as a key strategic tool for new strategies, innovation significantly improving organisational effectiveness innovative in deploying the creation of new knowledge and new practices.

Intelligence ...

AREOPAs product portfolio embodies the leap from information to knowledge, from theory to practice, by giving meaning to the flow of information and involvement in organisational contexts.

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AREOPA Founder & President Ludo Pyis

Ludo PYIS founded AREOPA in 1987. He started his career as a Management Trainer at General Motors. He joined Hewlett Packard in 1983 as a European Quality Manager. In 1988 he became the President of Atlas Consult. Ludo is a visiting professor and guest speaker at several business schools and management institutes in France, the UK, Switzerland, Belgium, and Thailand. He is also a director of Excellence Partners N.V., an international business forum organizing seminars in Total Quality Management and Business Process Reengineering. Ludo worked as a consultant and advisor to companies such as Volkswagen, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Henkel Europe, Rabobank, UCB, BASF, Hewlett Packard Consulting, Oracle, Tandem Computers, Olivetti, AT&T and many others. Ludo is one of the members of the High Level Expert Group on Intellectual Capital, advising the European Commission on the establishment of guidelines and directions (RICARDIS Reporting IC to augment R&D and Innovation in SMEs).

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AREOPA = Virtual, Global & Unique

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AREOPA - Realizing the Potential of People...OUR MISSIONBe the leading edge knowledge and practice provider, in the fields of managing organizational change, risk assessment, knowledge management and intellectual capital accounting. creating leverage for our strategic alliances and Excelleration in business performance for the customers we share and assist.Excelleration = Excellence + Acceleration

We deliver market leading services through people, processes and technology

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AREOPA Core Solution AreasAREOPA delivers training, methodologies and tools, advice and implementation services for any type of organization or institute, undergoing change in any of its core competencies, organizational and operational environment, including mergers & acquisitions, restructuring, downsizing, IPO placement, AREOPA is a virtual global organization with a network of independent senior experienced consultants, operating in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia, headquartered in Belgium Our patents for product portfolio and knowledge are owned by AREOPA Trust in Gibraltar AREOPAgites create perpetual recurring income

We are all fully empowered no fixed overhead

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We We We We We We

are all entrepreneurs & shareholders are fully empowered within the AREOPA network are working in a customer driven organization have no hierarchy, but we believe in leadership have no fixed costs in our organization no overhead use the Shamrock Model for revenue distribution

AREOPA Group International a global network of independent experts, collaborating in a closed virtual network (GNO = Global Network Operations). Product Development is organized in Knowledge Centres (AKC) by ECO Zone, while training is provided in regional Training Centres (ATC).

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AREOPA - Overview AREOPA products brought to market, include

models & case studies methods & methodologies tools & techniques

AREOPA also provides event speeches, seminars, workshops, trainings, coaching, scoping and assessments. AREOPA enables

customer driven, process enabled change management knowledge to be captured, stored and made reusable measurement and valuation of intangible assets

through the use of over 20 years of experience by its founding members and a continuous growth of knowledge, methods and tools by our emerging AREOPA network of partners and alliances, and close collaboration with universities, academics, thinktanks and standard organizations worldwide.

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AREOPA - Overview continued AREOPA licenses its products and knowledge through Certified AREOPA Partners (CAP) and directly to multinationals & large corporations as AREOPA Enterprise Partners (AEP). AREOPAs Strategic Alliance Managers (SAM) are the point of contact for any CAP or AEP. SAMs represent a geography and an industry/expertise. AREOPA has access to Subject-Experts sourced from CAPs and an insource pool of freelance experts and from project outsourcing providersAREOPA keeps list of all active CAPs (by geography and specific services provided) which can be contacted by AEPs, SMEs, NGOs, government institutions and other potential clients.

Challenging the KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY and bringing the standards of INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL to market.

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Business Model Shamrock

AREOPA SHAMROCK PRINCIPLES Variabilisation of ALL costs Customer driven structure Entrepreneurial spirit Full empowerment of ALL AREOPAgites No hierarchy

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= Knowledge Provider

AREOPA is a leading edge knowledge provider, covering 5 ECO Zones Product Portfolio:


= = = = =

Change Management, Risk Assessment & Process Performance Public Sector Governance, Learning & Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital Calculation & Accounting

Our maxim

PROCESS DRIVEN, CUSTOMER FOCUSED Onboard until the agreed objectives are achieved We practice our vision within our group and throughout the delivery with our partners, alliances and clients.

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- Methodologies & ToolsE

Sales channels

4 reasons IECC



Measure ment





Implementation Strategy

Implementation Methodology


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CM Applied Information Services


The AIS Reference Model is an implementation model built on Organizational Process Technology The AIS Reference Model aims at transforming classical hierarchical organizations into Customer Focused and Process Driven organizations that are better adapted to constantly changing environments by making use of Process Servicing Technologies The AIS Reference Model was developed by AREOPAResult


Implementation Strategy

Implementation Methodology

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CM Measuring Results & PerformancePerformance measurement using the TAPE Grid and SNEP

Processes are analyzed from the customer perspective, either the internal or external customer Key performance indicators for processes are Timeliness, Accuracy, Productivity, and Effectiveness (TAPE) The TAPE grid measures the quality and customer satisfaction with a N E S P + process in qualitative terms + S + An analysis of the process TAPE grid B + + indicates if a process has to be improved, re-engineered, or engineered (BPI/BPR/BPE) in order to provide customer satisfaction The TAPE grid documents the justification of process improvements for management understanding

P + +

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RA&PP Quantification of Performance The TAPE Grid qualitative analysis of a process provides input to the Cost of Poor Performance (CoPP) quantitative analysis The Cost of Poor Performance calculates the cost of executing a process and that portion of the costs attributable to delays, errors, wastage, and inefficiency, which reduces the value of the process

The CoPP provides a quantified objective for process improvement and a way to measure the gain in process performance Cost control can be built into new processes as an on-going means of preventing recurrence of poor performance Processes must be continuously improved and renewed and the cost of poor performance must be controlled

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RA&PP Risk Management PrinciplesAREOPAs Risk Assessment & Process Performance = an integrated approachBusiness Risks in various Standards



ISO 9000 ISO 14000 OHSAS 18000

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PSG Public Sector GovernanceTypical Public Sector Issues:

National Heritage: historical buildings, monuments, archeological sites, museum collections and archives Military equipment Public infrastructure: motorways, roads and public networks Social insurance: pensions, health care

Typical Implementation Issues:Cultural Change Implementation Models: stepped vs big-bang approach Communication People Skills ICT Investments

IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards

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L&KM Why Knowledge Management?

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L&KM Knowledge EvolutionKM+ICA = [eK (da + sy + se + co) + tK (us + pr + ef)] x [value]Information management = - BITS & BITES + syntax + semantics Explicit knowledge = - INFORMATION + context Tacit Knowledge = - KNOWLEDGE + use + practice + efficiency = DATA = INFORMATION = KNOWLEDGE = KNOW-HOW = EXPERIENCE = EXPERTISE

AREOPAs KM Model Positioning on the Sveiby Matrix Direct Intellectual Capital Components identified Monetary valuation

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L&KM Intelligent Integration (I2)

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ICC&A What is Intellectual Capital? Intellectual Capital is considered as the resource that creates invisible or intangible sources of competitive advantages such as networks and organizational systems. Ability to transform knowledge and intangible assets into wealth creating resources, by multiplying human capital with structural capital (Leif Edvinsson)

77 phenomenas IC Calculation: (Net) Book Value (BV) + Future Potential (FP)BV= [(Acquisition Cost + Enhancement Cost(s)) (Depreciation, Depletion or Amortization) +/- (Value Increase/Decrease) FP of IC assets calculated based on 77 added value calculation formulas

AREOPAs 4-Leaf Model Human Capital Customer capital Structural Capital Strategic Alliance Capital

IC Accounting & Reporting: follows the structure logic of the financial balance sheet

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