Clyde Beutler I 2Jui Weidman bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Weidman, Michigan 48893 Thursday, Oct. 7, 195 LAST CREW AT WEIDMAN SAWMILL--Bertha Gross loans us this remarkable photo of John S. Weidman’s last crew to work at his sawmill and shingle mill in Weidman, probably between 1903 and 1905. The mill was operated by steam engines fed by waste wood from the saws. The wheeled carts showing on the tramway were two-wheeled vehicles, operated by two men each, to haul the cut lumber from the mill over the tramway and out where it could be piled. The tramway was about 10 feet high, and extended across Woodruff Road, coming out about where Alton Allen’s house now stands. Workmen trundled carts of lumber along the tram, unloading it all along the way, and the tram went to the railroad spur track turn-off. The old spur track once went to the mill itself. BERTHA GROSS IDENTIFIED SOME OF THE MEN in the picture. Maybe our readers can identify more. Here are her identifications, counting from the first man; Ed Shurlow, Bertha’s father, with his horses, in light-colored clothes, first from left; fourth from left, Emmett Donaly; sixth, Mr. Decker, father of Florence Decker; eighth, Fred Robinson, with horses; tenth (standing), Tom Hauck; 12th, Robert Weidman; 13th, John S. Weidman; 14th, Will Johnson; 18th, Ott Robinson; 19th, Mike Hobler. Seated, left to right: third, Wilbur Johnson; ninth, Dan Carpenter; 10th, Tom Annis. The horses were used on dump trucks, to haul wood slabs and wood waste back to the wood-fed steam boilers to run the mill. WE PUT A MAGNIFYING GLASS on this picture, and still couldn’t see faces clearly, so we haven’t ‘blown up” the picture. Many old-timers, we hope, will recognize more of the men, and many will remember those old days of the origin of the Village of Weidman. Bertha Gross also has a photo of John S. Weidman’s shingle mill, which we shall hope to print some time soon. ANYBODY RECOGNIZE I so often forget to write names “We should mark our current pho-I EVERYBODY IN MILL PICTURE? I and dates on pictures, and we tos. Fifty or seventy-five years Walter Russell was here Sunday, are faced with a wealth of histor-1 from now--who will know what interested, as always, in histori- j ical material which we can only they’re all about, unless we de cal material of Isabella County. hail describe. scribe them, and now.” One of his regrets was that people I “Even today,” Mr. Russell said,I If anyone recognizes any of the men not named below the picture, will you please notify us, and we shall try to get complete identi fication of the men employed by Mr. Weidman in the early days here. Thanhs to Bertha and you good folks who may help us on this. AREA Of RECREATION VOL. II, NO. 17 204: per coT - J - V - - - - —‘ •. - - .-a -, 3’ --f-k

AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,

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Page 1: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,

Clyde Beutler I 2JuiWeidman

bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçerWeidman, Michigan 48893 Thursday, Oct. 7, 195

LAST CREW AT WEIDMAN SAWMILL--Bertha Gross loans us this remarkable photo of John S. Weidman’s last crew to work at hissawmill and shingle mill in Weidman, probably between 1903 and 1905. The mill was operated by steam engines fed by wastewood from the saws. The wheeled carts showing on the tramway were two-wheeled vehicles, operated by two men each, tohaul the cut lumber from the mill over the tramway and out where it could be piled. The tramway was about 10 feet high, andextended across Woodruff Road, coming out about where Alton Allen’s house now stands. Workmen trundled carts of lumber alongthe tram, unloading it all along the way, and the tram went to the railroad spur track turn-off. The old spur track once went tothe mill itself.

BERTHA GROSS IDENTIFIED SOME OF THE MEN in the picture. Maybe our readers can identify more. Here are her identifications,counting from the first man; Ed Shurlow, Bertha’s father, with his horses, in light-colored clothes, first from left; fourth from left,Emmett Donaly; sixth, Mr. Decker, father of Florence Decker; eighth, Fred Robinson, with horses; tenth (standing), Tom Hauck;12th, Robert Weidman; 13th, John S. Weidman; 14th, Will Johnson; 18th, Ott Robinson; 19th, Mike Hobler. Seated, left to right:third, Wilbur Johnson; ninth, Dan Carpenter; 10th, Tom Annis. The horses were used on dump trucks, to haul wood slabs and woodwaste back to the wood-fed steam boilers to run the mill.

WE PUT A MAGNIFYING GLASS on this picture, and still couldn’t see faces clearly, so we haven’t ‘blown up” the picture. Manyold-timers, we hope, will recognize more of the men, and many will remember those old days of the origin of the Village ofWeidman. Bertha Gross also has a photo of John S. Weidman’s shingle mill, which we shall hope to print some time soon.

ANYBODY RECOGNIZE I so often forget to write names “We should mark our current pho-I

EVERYBODY IN MILL PICTURE? I and dates on pictures, and we tos. Fifty or seventy-five years

Walter Russell was here Sunday, are faced with a wealth of histor-1 from now--who will know what

interested, as always, in histori- j ical material which we can only they’re all about, unless we de

cal material of Isabella County. hail describe. scribe them, and now.”

One of his regrets was that people I “Even today,” Mr. Russell said,I If anyone recognizes any of themen not named below the picture,

will you please notify us, and weshall try to get complete identification of the men employed byMr. Weidman in the early dayshere.

Thanhs to Bertha and you goodfolks who may help us on this.


VOL. II, NO. 17 204: per coT


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V - - - - —‘

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3’ --f-k •

Page 2: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, Oct. 7, 1965

ug’n9flPUBUSHERS George and Constance Skinner. Editor, Constance

Skinner.SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5 per year in Isabella County and sur

rounding areas; anywhere in the world, $7.50 per year.Second-Class Postage paid at Weidman, Michigan.PübTlshèd at Weidman, Isabella County, Michigan, each Thurs

day; except that the last week of June and the first week of July;and the Christmas and New issues are combined.

Address all mail (subscriptions, change of address, etc.) To:The Weidman Messenger, Weid2nan, Michigan


ADSWANT AD RATES--504 per wee]%

for ordinay ad, space rates of50 per inch for those of longerlength. Cards of Thanks, 7S,unless very long. Ph. 644-3747,Weidman,

FOR SALE--Oil heater circulatorstove, large capacity. BertEstes, ph. 644-3637, Weld-man. Located one mile north

of Brinton.Oct. 7tf

FOR SALE--Two traverse rods, ful to me and my family during10 feet long. Restaurant equip- my stay at the hospital;ment, such as a grill, 24x28, I am so grateful for the manygas coffee maker, two burner; cards sent me, the gifts of plantspop cooler; dishes of all kinds, and flowers, and the kind neigh-Also miscellaneous restaurant bors who did my canning for me,equipment. F losiie Davy, ph. and brought baked goods and oth644-3541, Weidman. er food to the family while I was

Sept. 30t1 away.We all appreciate everything.

Mrs. Al Clevenger.FOR SALE--Woman’s navy blue

trench coat, size 9. fall coat.Worn once. Price $8. LeonaBuchel, ph 644-3508.

Oct. 7t1


To our faithful news writers,all over the west half of Isabella

NO HUNTING--Sorry, there’ll County;be no hunting again this year Next week the Messenger ex

on the George Skinner place in pects an ad or so from Mt. Pleas

Weidman (Roe’s Acres). Ours I ant, and we are asking our news

is too small a place for safety, I writers to peel down as much as

and anyhow it’s a bird and possible on their letters, for this

game refuge. We appreciate one week.

all those hunters who have re- The Messenger cant t afford to

framed from hunting rabbits I put on extra pages, as printing

and birds on this place. We’ll costs prohibit this. So--when

appreciate all co-operation we have a page or two or three

again this year. of ads, we try to cut down on

George and Connie Skinner, copy.


Our real thanks and apprecia[n, news-writer gals.

Card Of ThanksI wish to thank my relatives and

friends for their cards, prayersand well wishes while I was inthe hospital

John J. Schafer.

Card Of ThanksI wish to express my heartfelt

appreciation to all my relativesand friends who were so wonder-


Rev. ClarenceW. Hutchinswill conduct a Preaching Mission three evenings, Sunday, Oct10, Monday, Oct. 11, and Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 7.3Op.m.

Rev. Hutchins is the pastor ofthe First Methodist Church ofIthaca. He has held pastorates atMontague, Sparta, Byron Centerand started a new congregationand built the church at WesleyPark, Wyoming, formerly partof Grand Rapids.

These meetings will be heldin the Weidman MethodistChurch.

word is “Love”.)The annual smorgasbord will be

held in the dining room of theDeerfield Church Saturday, Oct.9, with serving from 5. 30 to 7p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 10, will be Layman’s Day in both the Weidmanand Deerfield churches. Members of the congregation willhave charge of the services.

Rev. Clarence W. Hutchins,pastor of the First MethodistChurch, Ithaca, will conducta Preaching Mission in the Weld-man church at 7. 30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 10, Monday, Oct. 11‘and Tuesday, Oct. 12.

The Esther Circle of the Woman’s Society of Christian Serviceof the Weidman church will meetin the parsonage Monday, Oct.11, at 8. 30 p.m. (after thechurch service).

The Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Deerfieldchurch will meet Thursday, Oct.14, at 1.30 in the home of Mrs.Wm. H. Roberts.


Rev. Father Edward Neubecker,Pastor

Rev, father Hugh King, Assistant

Sunday Masses 7 a. m., 8.30and 10.30.

Masses on Holy Days will beone hour earlier than the SundayMasses.

St. Leo’s Catholic Church atWinn has Sunday Mass at 9. 30a • m.



500-gal tank$15; 750-gal tank$20; 1,000-gal tank$25.


Call Stan Phelps collect, l*;Pleasant, after 4p.m., m9154; or call Doif Smith, W.ld

!!‘ 644-2224.


C. Hiram Gates, Pastor

Sunday schedule:Worship Service, 10a.m.Sunday School, 11 A. m.Evening Service, 7.30 p.m.Midweek Bible Service, Wednes’ay, 7. 30 p.m.



Rev. Marvin Eldridge, Pastor

10a.m., Sunday School.11 a.m., Morning Service.7. 30 p.m., Evening Service.A Missionary Conference is be

ing held at the Weidman BaptistChurch during this week. Sunday a missionary from Japanwas a speaker. Slides were alsoshown on Japan and the missionary work there. The conferenceswill be held nightly except Saturday, at 7. 30, at the church.

Seven missionaries and the pastors of seven churches of thisarea were guests of the WeidmanBaptist Church at a noon dinnerTuesday.


Rev. Williams P. ReyndersMinister

Sunday School, 9.45 a.m.Morning Worship, 11.00 a.m.Methodist Youth Fellowship, 1st

and 3rd Sundays, 6.45 p.m.Methodist Men, 1st Wednesday

,fmonth, 6.30p.m.Women’s Society of Christian

Service, 1st and 3rd Thursdays,2.30 p.m.

Brfnton Chapel- Choir practice each Thursday,

Brinton Community Hall 2.00 p.m.Norman Brthes, Pastor Bible Study each Thursday, 7.

Route No. 2, Lake p.m.Phone 588-2569 Farwell fellowship Dinner, 3rd Sunday

Sunday School 10:00 a. m ofeachmonth, l.OOp. m.Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.Evening Service on 3rd Sun- The McArthur Circle of the

day evening of each month. Woman’s Society of Christian

Prayer and Bible Study: 8:00 Service of the Weidman Church

---0--- will meet Thursday, Oct. 7, in

BETTER THAN A LETTER the church at 2.30 p.m. (The BETTER THAN A LETTER

Page 3: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,

Thursday, Oct. 7, 1965 WEUDMAN MFSSENGER

Walker CreekNews

Esther Stanley, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs.Gilbert Schrock visited her sister, Mrs.Wayne Tetsloff, at lonia Memorial HospitalSunday afternoon, and made theacquaintance of their nephew,Jeffrey Wayne, who was bornSaturday morning and weighedfive pounds, five ounces. Congrattilations!Congratulations are also in or

der for Mr.and Mrs.Robert Corwin of Lennon on the birth of ason. Mr.and Mrs.Lyle Densloware the proud grandparents. Mrs.Corwin was Sharon Denslow. Thebaby weighed seven pounds, 14ounces, and has been namedRobert, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mielw Dargitz and

family of Big Rapids spent theweekesd with her parents, Mr.and NB’s. Lyle Denslow.

£vIr.and Mrs.Denslow and Mr.and Mrs.Dargitz and family attended a farewell party for theirnephew, Duane Abbott, son ofthe Virgil Abbotts, Sunday at McBride. Duane will be in trainingat Great Lakes Naval Station.

Ms. and Mrs. D enslow receiveda letter from their son, Pfc.DaleDenslow, who is aboard the USSMann. The slap stopped at Midway Island, as one of the boys’father died and he was flownback to the States. Dale reportsabout half of the 2,075 menaboard were seasick.

Mr.and Mrs.Melvin Ockert ofFarwell were Saturday eveningguests of Mr.and Mrs.ClaytonBeutler. The Ockerts are planning on going to Florida soon.

Mr.and Mrs.Harry Dosenberrywere Saturday supper guests ofher sister and husband, Mr. andMrs.Ray Patterson, of Marion.

Mr.and Mrs.Clyde Dosenberryand son,Blaine, of Mt.Pleasantand Glen Dosenberry of Ferris,Big Rapids, were Sunday guestsof their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leiter ofHannah Lake were Sunday visitors of his brother, Ira, and nephew and family, Mr.and Mrs.Warren Leiter.

Mrs. Herbert Lawrence of Horse-head Lake spent Monday eveningwith Mr. and Mrs. Howard Monroe.Mrs. Sam Waters of Weidmanspent Wednesday through Fridaywith the Monroes. Mrs. VanceWood was a caller Saturday. Rev.and Mrs. Eldridge and childrenand Sheldon Peck of Cass Citywere Sunday dinner guests. Mr.Peck is a missionary who will beleaving for Japan soon. Thisweek he will be guest speakerat the Baptist Church.

Mrs. Lou Gray went with herdaughter-in-law, Mrs. DuaneGray, and Teresa and Joyce, toGrand Rapids Monday to purchase formals for the girls, whowere candidates for Barr}tonHomecoming Queen.

Patricia White, daughter of theWarren Whites of Fork Township,was crowned Queen at Barryton.Several from this community attended the event, and were disappointed to see Barryton losethe football game to Lake City.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Gray visitedMr. and Mrs. Cohn Lowery andMrs. Gertrude Dague of BarrytonThursday evening. Duane Grayand son, Mike, spent Sundayafternoon with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs.Russell Stanley attended a farewell party for Kenneth Wawersik at the home ofhis parents, Mr.and Mrs.JosephWawersik, Thursday evening.Ken will leave for service Oct. S.

George Beers and Al Baker repaired the roof on the Stanleyhome recently.

Donald Scott and Dale Mercerfinished filling silo Saturday.

Denny Pung celebrated his seventh birthday Sunday at Grandpaand Grandma Stanley’s. Hismother made hun a lovely birthday cake, and children sang,“Happy Birthday’ to him. Afterdinner they gathered some beautiful leaves and Grandma helpedto wax them. Other dinner guestshe3ides his parents, Mr.and Mrs.Donald Pung, and sisters, wereMr. and Mrs.Adelbert Pung anddaughters of St. Johns, Mr.andMrs. Thomas Moore of Big Rapids, and Ronnie Stanley.

David Moore of Saginaw visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Russell Stanley, over the weekend. He attended a farewell party for Kenneth Wawersik at thehome of Ken’s sister and family,Mr.and Mrs.Fred Meyers, Saturday evening in Mt. Pleasant,and also one the same eveningfor Thomas Martin, at the homeof his parents, Mr.and Mrs.Wm.Martin. Both boys left for service Oct. 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Miller andMary Lou and Clarence Kale ofBarryton were Sunday dinnerguests of Mrs. Ethel McLean. Mrs.McLean spent one day last weekwith Mrs. Mary Emmons, and onFriday, with Mrs. Etta Skalitsky,helping the ladies make chilisauce and green tomato pickles.

Arthur Schroek went to GrandRapids Friday night and got hisnephew, Dan MeNeal, who flewin from Chicago, and took himto Riverdale to the home of hisparents, Mr.and Mrs.Frank Me-Neal.

Mrs.Arthur Schrock accompanied Mr. and Mrs.Otto Sehrock ofGrand Rapids to Marion Saturdayafternoon, where they attendedgraveside services for their greataunt, Mrs.MaryLandon, of Tecumseh.

Mr.and Mrs.Clarenee Conleyvisited Mrs. Lena St. John Sundaymorning. Mrs. Jennie Krauser ofBig Rapids and Mrs.Adeline lsenhower, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ha mmand Mr.and Mrs.Tony Keck ofCleveland, 0., were Sunday afternoon visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Shelley Burton of

Clar,e were Wednesday nightguests of Mt. and Mrs. Otis ConIcy.

Barry Conley and Richard Nelson left Monday morning for amoose hunt in the Upper Peninsula, in the Soo Lookout Mourtam area.

Mr.and Mrs.Willis Fmnney andson, Scott Deane, of Lansingwere weekend guests of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Leo Denslow.

Mrs.Denslow visited Mr. andMrs. Otis Conley Sunday evening.

Avie West of Diamond Lakespent Thursday night and Fridayevening with Ronald Stanley,and attended the homecomingfootball game with Ronnie andhis parents, Mr.and Mrs.DonaldStanley.

Roger Fusssnan was a Thursdayafternoon guest at the Stanleyhome, while his mother, Mrs.Larry Fussman, visited her husband at the hospital. Mr. andMrs.Denald Stanley visited Larryat the Mt.Pleasant hospital Sunday afternoon, ahd her sister,Mrs. Evelyn Kent, at the Clarehorpital, in the evening.

Miss Janet Dille:sbeek of GrandRapids spent the weekend at thehome of her parents, Mr.andMrs. Clarence Dillenbeck.

Mr.and Mrs.Arthur Savage ofMt.Pleasant were Sunday evening guests of the Dillenbeeks.

Mr.and Mrs. Virgil Loomis andfamily visited his brother andwife, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lo,snis,and daughters, Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Loomis wereSunday evening guests of his sister and family, Mr.and Mrs.Warren Leiter.

Mr.and Mrs.Otto Skalitzlqr visited her brother and wife, Mr.and Mrs.Ward Loomis, of Sherman City, Sunday afternoon,and they all went for a drive andvisited Mrs. Kate Darnell atSears.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White ofBelding visited Mr. and Mrs. Ha-Zen Thompson and son,Ralph,Sunday afternoon last week.

Mr.and Mrs.Thompson andRalph, and Roy Reed spent threedays last week at Plummer, Ont.,Canada. The weather was windy,water rough and riley, so no fish,but a nice time and the countryvery beautiful in its fall Splendor.

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson andRalph visited her father and sister, Manley Oliver and Mrs. Marguerite Coleman, of Remus,Sunday afternoon.

— ---0---NOTICE--I5 your subscription

due? We keep names on ourmailing list about a month after expiration date, then, ifwe don’t hear from the subscribers, we take them off, thinking maybe they don’t want toget the Messenger. A phonecall will keep your name onour list till it’s convenient foryou to drop in. But let us know,if you want the paper after expiration date has run out.


Those crazy Weidman Skinnershave been catching some mostinteresting fisis in the WeidmanPond, during its lowering processin preparation for cleanup.

Speaking as one of those crazySkinners, I’ll say, Yes, it’s goodand cold down there most evenings (George and I go about every night after supper). But--wehave caught some very good fish.

Among the variety we’ve gotwas a 10 1/2 inch black bass, acouple of good-sized bullheads,a few giant bluegills and many,many bluegil]s of the whoppersize; and pike have been hittingworms on bluegill hooks, to ourembarrassment.

One evening last week I had apike on a bluegill hook-andworm, and the dun thing ran allaround the boat--with me at firstand then George trying to holdhim on a six-pound-test bluegillline on a cane pole. Geergethought he could wear him out,letting him run, hut the big fish,which George said he figuredweighed about five pounds, finally dove to bottoni and snaggedthe line on a submerged stump.We got my line back, with thehook broken or bitten off.

We’ve caught some whopperrock bass there, too. Cars stopand their occupants sit and stareat those lunatics out there in aboat not far from shore, windwhipping their lines and sendingshivers through the hardiest.

But--there are some wonderfulfish in that Pond. You have togo where they are, have yourline at the right depth, and handle ‘em correctly to land ‘em.

George and Connie Skinnerlike to run down to the Pond anhour or so, after supper, and wecone home refreshed, no matter what the weather or our fishing luck. We will say this: Wehaven’t been “skunked” this fallon the Weidman Pond, and wehave had a lot of fun.

The fish are of good taste, too.We have known times, even inwinter ice fishing, when weweaidn’t eat bluegil]s from thePond. We thought they tastedweedy. But not now. At thistime, anyhow, they’re wonderful eating, besides being also-wonderful recreation, right athome.

Incidentally, we checked withHoward Rowe of Mt.Pleasant,who is still game warden for thisarea, on word we’d heard thatfishing restrictions were off atthe Weidman Pond, due to thedraining of the Pond.

“All laws and restrictions remain in force,” Mr. Rowe said.“There are size limits on gamefish, and numbers limits onbluegihls. They are still in effect on the Weidnnn Pond.”

Page 4: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,



CoidwaterEsther Skinner, Reporter

Wally, Ray, Dick, Alice andBrenda Skinner spent the weekend with their ‘andmother Miller of F arwell.

Mr. and Mrs.Dewey Olger andfamily called on Mr.and Mrs.Lloyd Conley and family and Mr.and Mrs.Dale Letson and familyof Mt.Pleasant, Saturday.

A dinner honoring the birthdaysof Dewey Olger and Jim Lathamwas held at the home of Mr. andMrs. Dewey Olger Sunday. Present were Mr.and Mrs.Gerald Latham and Johnny Latham andchildren of Lake and Miss Glenowyri Stark of Remus.

Mr. lind Mrs.Dewey Olger andchildren attended the Homecoming football game at BarrytonFriday evening. Lake City won,13-6.

Esther Skinner attended the 11thDistrict Rally in Mt. PleasantSunday. She is Assistant Democracy Chairman for the District,and treasurer of her own Auxiliary No. 3033. She helped in theregistration of guests, numberingabout 75. She acted as substitutefor Flag Bearer , No. 3 for thefloor work Sunday, and helpedserve plate lunches to about 50after the business meeting at thePost 3033 home.Pat Conley, youngest son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Conley, leavesfor the Army Nov. 1. Mrs. Conley is the former Delma Olger.

Dale Olger went to his doctorin Remus Monday evening. Dewey Olger went to the doctor Wednesday, suffering from flu.

Esther Skinner and Wally andBrenda called on Mrs.BlancheCarr of Weidman Wednesday evening.

Esther Skinner visited EdmoieAuxiliary No. 2292 Monday evening. She enjoyed movies of theDepartment convention in Muskegon in 1964 and Lansing, 1965,where Esther took part in theDist. 11 parade and the Auxiliarywas in first place in the state thetwo years, carrying Banner Flagfor the District, during her office.


Local ItemsMr.and Mrs.Wm. Sprague re

cently returned from a week’s

vacation trip to florida.Mr. and Mrs.Robert Denslow

went to Texas last week Wednesday, to bring back Mrs.Joyce Sheets’ daughter and and

children.Mrs. Ed Fox entered CMC Hos

pital Monday afternoon for observation and tests.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Van Tasselof Marshall spent Sunday withLew Frantz. Their children werewith them.

Mr. and Mrs.Ron Sprague andfamily were Sunday guests of herbrother-in-law and sister, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Bruce, and fam

Wavise Nolan of Mt. Pleasant,and John Van Tassel of Marshallwere Sunday visitors of Lowfrantz.

Mrs.Audrey Flaugher and Mrs.Mildred Ruegsegger of Mt. Pleasant were Saturday callers of Mr.and Mrs.Ben Bailey. Supperguests tvere Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams and family of Laingsburg.Mrs. Norma flower of St. Johnswas also a supper guest.

Richard Shook of Saginaw spentthe weekend at his home here.

Mr.and Mrs.Ted Smith and sonJim spent Sunday with Mr. andMrsRoger Smith at Flushing.Mrs. Leah Scharrer returned withthem after spending two weekswith Mr.and Mrs.Paul Straus influshing

Mr.and Mrs.Clayton Smith left

Friday for Wolverine to spend afew days with Mr. and Mrs.WayneSmith and children. Clayton andClara took their house trailerwith them. They have been enjoying their travel-trailer a lotthis fall.

Mr.and Mrs.Harlan Sprague ofMt. Pleasant and Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Dent of Farwell wereday evening callers of Mr. andMrs.R.D.Sprague. Mr.and Mrs.Harlan Sprague and son, Steve,were Sunday afternoon visitors.

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIPA Statement Required under 39

U.S.Code Sec. 4354, showingthe ownership, management andcirculation of

THE WElD MAN MESSENGERPublished weekly at Weidman,

Michigan, for the year 1964-65.Located at 6298 Airline Road,

Weidman, Michigan.Publishers, George and Con-.

stance Skinner. Editor, Constance Skinner.

Owned by George and Consta:Skinner, Weidman, Michigan.

Known Eondholders, mortgag€and other security holders owningor holding 1 percent of totalamount of bonds, mortgages, orother securities, None.

Total No. copies printed (netpress run), average no. copiesbach issue during preceding 12months, 450. Paid circulationthrough dealers and carriers,street vendors and counter sales,average each issue, 40. Mailsubscriptions, 326. Total paidcirculation, average no. eachissue, 366. free distribution, including sample copies, averageno. each issue, 12. Total distribution, average no. each issue,378.

I certify that the statementsmade by me above are correct.Constance Skinner, Editor.

ily, in Ashley.

Word was received Tuesday ofthe death of Ruth (Ostrom) Mc-Arthur, in Lake Odessa. Friendsmay call at the Stinson funeralHome in Mt. Pleasant Thursdayand Friday. funeral services willbe friday, with burial in Mt.Pleasant.

* Wedding Invitationsand Announcements

* Monogrammed Napkins* Monogrammed Matchbooks


0ne to two weeks delivery!

W’eiIman yIL’sscne,Hours 9 to 6. If you wish to see our beautiful book

of Wedding Invitations after 6 p.m.,please call the Messenger’s

number, 3747.

Page 5: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,

1962 BUICK INVICTA 4-DR. HARDTOPAutomatic transmission. Clean.

Local Items

1960 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2-DR. SEDAN. 6-cyl., standardshift. Very dean.

1961 CHEVROLE1 CORVAIR MONZA 4-DR. SEDANStandard transmission. Clean.

1961 RAMBLER SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN.6-cyl., overdrive transmissios. Real sbaxp car.

1961 CHEVROLET B AIR 4-DR. 6-cyl. Standard shift. Clean.

1958 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN. 6-cyl.Automatic transmission.

1958 EDSEL 4-DR. SEDAN. 8-cyl., automatic.Very good motor and tires.




Phone Barryton 382-5445Weidman 644-2155


Thursday, Oct. 7, 1965 WEIDMAN MESSENGERat the home of Mrs. Elenore Doerr daughter of Detroit came Satur- IN . Br oo mfi e Id fl Mecosta. day to help their father, ThomMaycie Cook, Reporter Recent visitors at the home of as Cole, iut on a new roof on

Clyde Beutler and daughter,Mr.and Mrs.Fred Whaley were his house.

I ivirs.jeanette Jolmston, attendedMr. and Mrs.Walter Caulkin of Mrs. Ida Hught of Michigan Cen- Frank Kobel and friend and

the McKenzie Foundation dinnerAlto were overnight guests of fur and Mrs.Fannie Sabastian of David Kim Kobel spent the

at the University Center lasttheir sister, Mrs. Nettie Crowley, Clar1otte. weekend with Frank’s mother,and brother, Jay Leinaar, Wed- Mrs.Pearl Sowle of Eaton Rap- Mrs.florence Kobel. Thursday evening.nesday and Thursday. iris and Mrs. Clorah Halifax of Mr.and Mrs. Elmer Curtis spent Doyle Plank and son of WheelerLawrence Lovell was a Monday Jackson are spending a few days the weekend with their cousins, were Saturday callers of Mrs.Inacaller and Tuesday Mrs. Clarence visiting relatives and friends the Paul Coles. Mr.and Mrs. Gillette. Jessie Rosencrantz wasCrowley and children and Mrs. around Brinton. Curtis live at Hopkins. a last week Tuesda’y’ visitor.Clayton Crowley and children Twelve relatives spent an eve- Fred Wardwell returned home Mrs. Irma Kische and Mrs. Her-spent the afternoon with them. ning at the Fred Whaley home, from Gratiot Community Hospi- mione Smith were Sunday dinnerRoderick Nicholson was a re- in honor of the Whaleys’ fourth tal Thursday. guests of the Don Smith family.cent caller and supper guest of wedding anniversary. Lewis Wixson returned home Mr. and Mrs. Tvan Allen andMr.and Mrs.Art Barnard. Coidwater Farm Bureau meets from the Clare hospital Tuesday. family were Sunday guests of

Mrs.Hilda Sunyog of Detroit this week Friday evening at the Mrs.Florence Kobel visited His brother and wife, Mr.andand Mr.and Mrs.Arthur Barnard home of Mrs.Lena St. John. the Paul Coles Sunday evening. Mrs.Alton Allen,Jr., in St.were last Sunday dinner Suests Mr. and Mrs.John Irish and son, Adolph Stava of Detroit spent Louis.of their niece, Mrs.Helen Hart- Mr.and Mrs.Roy Zang, all of the weekend at his farm. He Sunday callers at the Georgeman.

Saginaw, were over Sunday vis- called on the Paul Coles Sun- Skinner home in Weidman werePhilip Walch of Flint and sister, itors at the James Maddox home, day. Ovid Riggs of Wayne, Mich.,

Myrtle Walch, of Remus called This writer received a nice let- Pike must be hungry in Little- Walter Russell and Kenneth Dralat the Will Cook home Sunday ter from Mrs.Anna Cheadle, at field Lake. One tried to steal a lette of Mt. Pleasant, and Cal-afternoon. Mrs. Etta Beflinger the Golden Acres Rest Home in minnow from a minnow trap and yin Ohis, also of Mt. Pleasant.and Clinton were also callers. St. Louis. Anna has many friends got caught, stuck in the minnow John J. Schafer called at the MesWill returned home from the in our neighborhood, where she trap. senger office Monday, enjoyingAlma hospital Sunday afternoon, lived for many years. She writes ---0--- being home and around after two

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith of that there are four ladies in the Bill Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. months in the hospital’. Mr. RiggsFlint and Mrs.Helen Hummel of room with her, and when friends Ed Fox, spent last Thursday and and his wife have built a beau-Florida called on their cousin, bring a treat to them, they each Friday in CMC Hospital, having tiful cottage on the west shoreMrs.E.R.Rhode, last week. get a share. Let’s remember her his tonsils out.Harold Rhode and Gaylord Nel- with a card. She will appreciateson of Remus spent Sunday in it.Saginaw.

Gary Brines has been absentMr.and Mrs.Richard Lueder from school the past week, dueand Mr. and Mrs.Benzetti of Mt. to illness. Gary’s home is at Gra2Pleasant enjoyed a trip to Nor- Lake, and he attends school intherm Michigan and Canada last Weidman.week.A family has moved into theMrs. E.Rhode and Harold spent Tower house in Brinton.Friday evening with Mr. andMr. and Mrs.Willis Lee, PhilipMrs.Rudolf Lueder, and enjoyed Allen and Mr.and Mrs.Albertseeing the pictures of their

- Cox, all of Durand, were SundayWestern trip on the screen,visitors at the Bessie Forbes home.Mr.and Mrs.Richard Stevens Mr.and Mrs.Bert Fstes attendedwere visitors of the Rhodes one the Silver Wedding anniversary ofevening last week.Mr.and Mrs.Max McCall Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dutcher The couple were married 25and Mr. and Mrs. &vin Dutcher, years ago in the fates home. TheySr., and Roderick Nicholson are the parents of four children,spent Thursday evening with Mr. and live on a farm south of Bar-and Mrs.Robert Hine. It was ryton.Roderick’s and Bob’s birthday. Mr.and Mrs.Gordon Fosburg andMrs.Glee Krueger is working two children of Clare were Sun-at the Potato Storage Building day visitors at the P.ay Geaslerat Edmore for a few weeks. home.---0---


Brintoh News West GilmoreCora Estes, ReporterLena Cole, ReporterMrs. F lossie Forbes and daugh

ter, Rosmond, of Detroit are vis- Velma Cole went to her doctoriting relatives in Florida, at the at Rosebush Monday, then on tohome of Mrs.forbes’ daughter, CMC Hospital for a blood test.Irene. The Coles were supper guests ofMrs.Don Measel and son, Jimmy, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Swan in Mt.of Farwell spent Thursday with Pleasant. The Swans were SunEilen Geasler. day dinner guests of the Coles.Mrs.Vonnie Scott, who has Mr.and Mrs. Claris Allen reworked at Community Hospital as turned to their home at Corn-a registered nurse for several merce, after spending someyears, was taken suddenly ill two time at their trailer house.weeks ago and is reported in seri- Fred Wardwell is gaining slowoud condition at this time. ly, after his recent surgery. His

Jesse Lee attended the funeral sitter, Miss Ella Wardwell, flewof an old friend, Oscar Starks, of home from Arkansas to be withSears, recently. him.Mrs.Blanche Roberts spent Thurs Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Cole of

day with Mrs.Bessie Forbes. Detroit are at their farm, andMrs. Clifford Leiter of rural Mt. plan to repair their roof. They


Pleasant and mother, Mrs. Clyde report George is doing fair.Forbes, were Wednesday visitors Mr.and Mrs. Mike Tvad and

1964 CHEVROLET IMPAlA SPORT COUPETwo-tone, white and green. A very beautiful black iuterlor.6-cyl. engine and standard transmission. Whitewfl tires.Real sharp.

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Page 6: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, Oct. 7, 1965

Around HorrJe,,sic Rosencrantz, Reporter

Mickey Cochran spent Fridaynight and Saturday with the Geraid Losey children.

Mr.and Mrs.Dick Curtis andMike and Mr. and Mrs. HowardJackson, Lynette and Bruce wereThursday evening callers of theGerald Loseys.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Losey andJessie Rosencrantz were Sundaysupper guests of the Gerald Loseys.

Mr.and Mrs.John Can of Lansing were Sunday evening guestsof his uncle and aunt, the Sterling Oplingers.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin andboys had supper in Beal City Friday evening, in honor of Mr. Martin’s birthday.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Charlie Losey were Mr. andMrs.Harold Losey, Ron, Shari,and her girl friend, and GeraldLosey, Susie, Nancy and Patti.Mrs.Alma White was an afternoon caller.

Miss Sandy Gross and friendcalled Sunday afternoon on hersister, Mrs. Marilyn Losey, andfamily.

Mr.and Mrs.Gerald Dent spentWednesday at the cottage of herbrother, Raymond.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin andboys attended a party at the BillMartin home Saturday evening,in honor of Tommy, who wentto the service Tuesday.

Mr.and Mrs.Joe Martin andfamily and Woodrow Martin wereSunday guests of their sister andfamily, the Lloyd Carrolls, inMt. Pleasant.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dutcherspent Monday evening last weekwith the Charlie Loseys. Mrs.Ronnie Dutcher and Steve, andMrs.Alma White were Tuesdayevening callers.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denslowand Eugene, Steven, Elaine andHarold of Lansing spent Saturdaywith his mother, Mrs.Eva Den-slow.

Mrs. Lois Losey and Mrs. EvaDemlow called on Jessie Rosenrcrants Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kruegerand children were Wednesdaysupper guests of her parents, theGerald Dents.

Mr.and Mrs.Gerry Dent andHarry were Tuesday supper guestsof the Lynn Johnson family.

Harry Dent spent Friday nightwith his grandmother, Mrs. Emily Wood, in Weidman.

Mr.and Mrs.Clafr Oberlin ofLansing were last week Mondayovernight guests of Mr. and Mrs.Howard Wood. They had been inthe Upper Peninsula to visit herbrother at Shingleton.

Carl and Ellen Geasler wereMonday afternoon callers at theHoward Wood home.

Missionary Society met at thechurch asmex last Thursday afternoon. They tied two quilts

and sewed carpet rags.Mr.and Mrs.Jack Thompson

called on Mr.and Mrs.SaffordTerry Saturday afternoon.

Robert Denslow left last Wednesday at 1 o’clock a. m. forBlooming Grove, Texas, to getMrs.Barbara North and two children, to visit her grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Mack Denslow.

Mrs. Carol Johnson and her mother, Mrs. Myrl Blodgett, calledon Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Helmernear Blanchard last Wednesday.Thursday morning, Mr.Helmercalled to tell her they had a baby girl, quite welcome in thishome of four boys.

Weekend guests at the PaulMiller home were Mr. and Mrs.Wilbur Wright and Mr. and Mrs.Charles Fiber, all of Pontiac.Sunday supper guests were Mr.and Mrs.Chris Wickener of Defroit. Sunday afternoon, 31 relatives of Mrs.Wilbur Wright called to see where they are buildingthe new house, near the river.Wilbur and his wife are makingit their retirement home.

On Sept. 27, a son, JeffreyNeil, was born to Mr. and Mrs.Charles Shanteau, at the Mt.Pleasant hospital.

Mrs. Mildred Terry called onMrs.Deborah Benn Saturday. Mrs.Ellen Thompson was a Sundaycaller.

Mr. and Mrs.Roy Cumnilns ofFarwell were Wednesday afternoon callers of Mr.and Mrs.AlvaCummins. Mrs. Cummins’ sisterand husband, Mr. and Mrs.Harry Thurber, of Stanton, wereFriday afternoon and supperguests.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Losey andJessie Rosencrants spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.Alva Cummins.


Wanda Graham) ReporterMr.and Mrs.Carl Gott and

family of Altpna were Sundayguests of his parents, Mr. andMrs.John Gott. Albert Gott called from Winn Saturday evening.

Mr.and Mrs.Kerry Grove andfamily of near Barryton calledon her parents, Mr.and Mrs.Lloy Sperry, one day last week.Mary is much impreved sinceher stay at the hospital.

Becky and Debbie Grahamstayed over night with tisefrgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs.JolmGott, Saturday, while their parents went out to take pictures.

Meryl Graham returned to hiswork in Clare Monday after aleave of absence because of hishealth.

Thursday evening callers atthe Meryl Graham home wereMr. and Mrs. Marvin Allen ofFarwell and Linda Foster of Me-costa.

Mr.and Mrs.Al Godwin of Far-well visited Mr.and Mrs.MerylGraham and family Sunday eve-

ning. Mr. and Mrs.John Gott also called.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blodgett announce the birth of a granddaughter, born to Mr.and Mrs.Gordon Helmer of rural Blanchard, last Wednesday at 12p.m., weighing six pounds.Mrs.Helmer is the Blodgetts’daughter.

Mrs.Jack Burden and Mrs.WaltSmith spent Friday in Mt. Pleasant, Shepherd and Clare.

Wally Jee Smith stayed withMrs.Jack Burden and Edie Beawhile Walt and Jeanne were inSaginaw en business last Wednesday.

Mrs. Marviss Allen of Farwell,Mrs. Vivian Bush of Planchardand Mrs.John Gott went to visitkfrs.Gett’r mother, Mrs. JuliaRhynard, of near St. Johns. lastWednesday. Mrs. Anna Kochensparger returned to her home inAshley with them, after spend—ir a few days here with theJeim Gotts.

Mr.and Mrs.Clayton Micadrove to Toledo, 0., a weekago Monoay to v:sst souse ofClayton’s relatives. They report a LAdy time.

Wrrd Lieu was the honoredguest at the John Gott hene aweek ago Monday, observinghis birthday, Sept. 14. Otherguests, to enjoy birthday cakeand ice crar in, were Mrs.AnnaJlochcnsparger of Ashley andMrs.Doo iwood and children.

Mrs. Keav Grove and threechildren called at the Den Al-wood home Tuesday forenoon.

Mrs. Norman Abbott started towork at tile new Holiday Innlast week, in Mt. Pleasant.

Kenny Waters, 20—year-oldson of Mr.and Mrs. Sam Waters,left for the Army this week.Rusty Alwood of Lansing wentfor an Army physical Wednesday and Thursday. He passedwith flying colors.

Mr.and Mrs.Robert Embrey andchildren of Farwell spent Fridayafternoon at the Roy S.Adansshoma. Bob enjoyed a few hours’hunting.

Hi Sexton and his workers aredigging and picking up potatoos j

at fo nxtck corner north uf Weld-man.

Mr. and t irs. Norman Abbottspent one day last week at Wan—lasd, c iusiness.

Mr. tn Mrs.John Lathant aredol in:; a new green car.

M:.aad Mrs.Don Abbott calledat the Harold Branson home Sunday 1 ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. DeanYats of Brinton were also callers.

Rusty Aiwood, Buck Swan andDenny Johnson enjoyed huntingSunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abendrethspent from Wednesday till Sundaywith her sister, Doris Buerge, inReed City.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Voss ofLake were Sunday guests of Mr.and Mrs.Joe Wilmot.

Two RiversBlanche Can, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larson returned Wednesday frons a 10-day tripto the home of their son, CarltonLarson, and family, of New Iberia, La. Nels Nichols, the Larsonnephew who teaches in Greenville.visited them Sunday.

The Russell and Richard Flaughers were Saturday guests of Mr.and Mrs.Ray Flaugher. The RayFlaughers called on Mr.and Mrs.Johns Sheldon and the Herb I loch-reins Saturday.

Recent guests of the HermanMartins were Mrs.Philip Meadand children of Mt.Pleasant, Mr.and Mrs. Stanley Grewett andBob and Tom of Roseville, andTim Martin. Sunday Leo Bierschbach of Bridgeport and his brother, Dan, of Cleveland, 0.were guests.

Mr.and Mrs.Ernest Courser visited the Fred Woodruffs Sunday.They also called on the KeithThompsons one evening last week,

Barry Thompson and Tom Courser made a trip to Maumee, 0.and visited the Lav.rence Robertsfamily there.Mr.and Mr.Geral’i Westrick of

Grand Lodge visited the OliverWards Sunday.

Mrs.Anna Crone, her daughterand granddaughter, and Louis Biter were Saturday guests of theBlame Stansolls. The Duane Stan-sells and Ralph Neal of GrandRapids were also guests. TheBlame Stansells were Sundayguests of the Duane Stansells inGrand Rapids.

Karen, Barbara, Sandra andMark McDonald visited the Singleton Moses children Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bunting andfamily of Beiding, Mr. and Mrs.Ed Carey, the Miles Buntings andMrs. Kenneth Bellman were Sunday guests of Mr.and Mrs. OralBunting.

Mrs. Lorena Moses was a Sundayguest of the David Kysers of Winn.

Blanche Carr visited lser motherand sister and family, the EarlSfrahles of St. Johns. lost week.She was a Friday supper guest ofMr. and Mrs.Vcrne Foster. Mrs.Bessie Teall and Miss BlancheCliff visited Mrs. Ca,r Friday.The Doyle Planks were wec k-anduest,, and Mr. and Mr. DwightAungst were Sunday callers.

Mrs. Mae Moses and daughter,Bornetta, and hesband of Owossowere recent callers of Mrs. HerbHocbrein. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Abbott of Lakeview were Sunday visitors of the Hochreins.


Mrs. Esther Akins and HubertBunker of Carson City spent Friday evening at the Charles Half-man home.

Mr. and Mrs.Raymond Flaugherwere Saturday callers of Mr. andMrs. John Sheldon. Mrs. MillieVoss and Mrs.Doris Wilmot andMr.and Mrs.Art Preston of St.Louis were Sunday callers.

Page 7: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,


Women of the Weidman PTAwere hostesses at a tea honoringthe teachers, last friday, Oct. 1,from 3.3Oto 5p.m., intheschool cafeteria.

An important part of the meeting was the volunteering of mothers with children in variousrooms to serve as Room Mothersfor the current school year.

These devoted women help theteacher in various ways, such asthe holiday programs, decorations, refreshments, and so on;accompanying teachers and students on field trips by bus, or forCommunity Resources; assistingwith the Awards Assembly, Science Fair, PTA Fair, and otherspecial occasions. In short, thesemothers spend many hours helping teachers give students valuable experiences.

The following mothers are helping Mrs. Virginia Herman withher 50 kindergartners.

Carol Andrews, Carol Joslin,Mary Starr, Bonnie Young, RuthTurnbuil, Loretta Cotter, GladysParker, and Carol Schafer.

Helping the First Grade teacher, Mrs. Mary Colingsworth, areMarion Cook and Mrs.Rose McCrimmon; assisting Mrs. VioletLittle with the Second Grade areMrs. F em frants and Mrs. HazelBattleshaw.

Mrs.Helen Egbert, Third Gradeteacher, will be assisted by Phyllis Wernette, Marylin Recker,Marion Cook, and Mrs. Frantr.

Fourth Grade Teacher Mrs. Margaret Gingrich, will have helpfrom Mrs.Ted Smith, DonnaHoughton, Mrs. Ed Garrett, Mrs.Glen McDonald, and Mrs. dFox.

Betty Latham, Mrs. NormanBrines, Mrs.Bernice Wise, Mrs.Bob Cook, Mrs.McDonald andMrs.Jake VanderSys will serveas Room Mothers for Grade Five,Mrs. Jean Houghton teacher.

Helping Miss Aliance Cook inGrade Six are Marilyn Losey,Meryl Miller, Glee Krueger, Mrs.Battleshaw, and Mrs.&ines.

Room mothers helping Mrs.Mary Starr with Seventh Gradeare Mary Courser, Elaine Wood,Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. GleeKrueger.

Norman Brines, Eighth Gradesponsor, will have Kate Wood,Helen Flower and Mrs. Frantzas Room Mothers. Ninth Gradeadvisor Mrs. Joan Charnes willhave Glee Krueger and Mrs.McDonald to assist her.

Mrs.Margaret Tarsa and Mrs.Eleanor Thielen, co-sponsors ofthe Sophomore Class, will haveLucille Brown, Mary Courserand Bea Gross as Room Mothers.

Junior Sponsor Thomas Mikulawill have help from Mrs. Ed Garrett and Alice Lueder.

Lucille Brown will serve asRoom Mother for the Seniors,who are sponsored by Albin Tar-

more than one room, and othershave volunteered to help out ifthe need arises, or to substitutefor any mother who cannot serveat a given time.


SW. ShermanGoldie Dutcher, Reporter

(Delayed in Mail Last Week)Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beutler en

tertained with an anniversarydinner for Mr.and Mrs.CarlBeutler Tuesday evening.

Mary and Marion Beutler andchildren and Claribel Beutler visited Mrs. Forrest Johnston Sundayevening.

Mr. and Mrs.Jack Gaudard andfamily of Midland were Sundayevening guests of her folks, the&vin Dutchers, Sr.

Mr.and Mrs. Clayton Dutchertook their son, Larry, to Tn-CityAirport early Friday morning,where he took a plane on hisway to Fort Sill, Oklä., wherehe expects to have eight weeks’advanced training. Then theystopped at the home of their sonRobert and had breakfast withhis family.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sander-son of St. Charles were birthdayguests Friday evening at theHoward Beutler home. It wasMr. Sanderson’s birthday.The Howard Beutlers entertain

ed Mr.and Mrs.Robert Tibbettsand children of Lansing at ananniversary dinner Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. Clyde Beutler attended.

Mrs.Lucile Mernihew, MarionBeutler, Vada Louisell and Virginia Saunders attended a Woman’s Society Fail Rally at Greenville last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hardenburgand girls visited his uncle, Wm.Hardenburg, at Ludington, Saturday.

Mr.and Mrs.Sidney Lawrencecalled on Mr.and Mrs. GeorgeMerrihew Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dutcher,Rex and Dawn of Midland spentSaturday night and Sunday withhis folks, the Clayton Dutchers.Mr.and Mrs.&vinDutcher,Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Hines and Mr.and Mrs.George Woodin spentSaturday evening with them.Mr.and Mrs.Jack Gaudard andchildren of Midland were Sunday callers.

Mr. and Mrs.Don Harshmanand girls of Lansing were Sundaycallers of the &vin Dutcher,Jr.,family.

Mrs.Beatrice Gatehouse anddaughter, Lou Ann Maeder, werecallers of the Clarence ChaffeesSunday evening.


Veterans of foreign Wars Dist.11 Rally was held in Mt. PleasantOct. 3, with registration at 10a. m. at the Post home.

Dinner was served at noon to156 guests, at the Senior HighSchool cafeteria.

At 1.30p.m. the caravan left

the school for the college, withEdmore Dist. 9 fire engine inthe parade, led by Post Colors3033, Mt. Pleasant.

The Rally opened by AuxiliaryDistrict President Mabel George.District officers, Post and Auxiliary, were escorted to stations viaAuxiliary Cross of Malta, Saluteto the Flag and Pledge of A lie-glance. Prayer byAux. Dist. 11Chaplain Sonia Keeler of Midland.

Welcome remarks by Dirt.Commander Merle Hooper. Introduction of guests, Dirt. Commander and Dist. President ofAuxiliaries 9, 10, 12 and 13.Dept. Commander Schumacherand Dept. Aux. Jr. Vice President Edith Brown.

11th VFW District Ritual teamlong form initiation, Thomas.Linco]n, captain, Mike Moore,Commander.

Address by Dr. Charles Anspachpres. Emeritus CMU. Salute toColors. Benediction by DistrictCommander.

This was the first time this had

ever been put on to the public.Lunch and refreshments were

served at Post 3033 Home following a short business meeting forboth Post and Auxiliary.

Guests were present from Traverse City, Mio,Roscommon,Harrison Bay City, Midland,Shepherd, Battle Creek, Muskegon, Lansing, St. Charles,Swartz Creek, Dearborn, Beldingand Edmore, Greenville, F lintEast Tawas, and Tawas and EastLansing.

---0---NEWS NOTE.

Mrs.Faye Stephenson of Clareand Mrs. Morgan Thompson ofSt. Ignace spent last Wednesdaywith Mrs. Edna Schultz. Mrs.Schultz spent the remainder of

the week with Mrs.Stephensonat Clare.

Mrs. Ethel Bywater returned lastFriday after a week and a halfvisit with Mr.and Mrs. N. S. Wood-ward in Flint. Mrs. May Whiteof F arwell was also a guest of theWoodwards during that time. Erri,1 broueht both ladies bome


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BARsa.Many mothers are helping with

Meals at All Times--friday Sjecials Wt I dman

Page 8: AREA Of RECREATION bc UttetcHuan ttlSceecnçer Messenger... · Bride. Duane will be in training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Ms. and Mrs. D enslow received a letter from their son,


Mrs. Emmo B. Beebe, 85, res

ident of a nursing home at 350

S. Ridgewood Ave., OrmondBeach, Florida, died there Sept.

27.She was born in Indiana and

had lived in Florida since 1956,

going there from Los Angeles.Survivors include three sisters,

Mrs. Eva Reynolds, Holly Hill;

Mrs. Harriet Foults, Shepherd,Mich. ; and Mrs. Bertha Delo,

Blanchard, Mich. ; and one bro

ther, Linn Smith, of Helena,Mont.

Services were held at Ormond

Beach, with Rev. Irvin Cheney,

pastor of the First Congregation

al Church, officiating. Burial

was in Volusia Memorial Park



The regular Rebekah card partywas held last Tuesday at theIOOF Hall in Weidman.

Prizes were won by Violet Oplin

ger, Elizabeth Neubecker, HelenAiwood, Coletta Gross, with thedoor prize going to Tress Bunting.

A delicious lunch was served by

the committee.The next meeting will be held

at the home of Mrs. Edna Schultz

in Weidman, Tuesday, Oct. 12.---0---


Mr. and Mrs.Fred Smith of

Coidwater Lake celebrated their

60th wedding anniversary, and

Mr. Smith’s 90th birthday, Sun

day, with a family gathering.Scheduled to be at the Smith

home, so many relatives and

friends arrived that the party was

moved to the lake cottage of the

Smiths daughter, Mrs. Edith

DeVary.A sumptuous family dinner was

enjoyed, along with appropriate

wedding cake, and the Smiths

received many beautiful gifts.

Their many friends in this area

offer their congratulations.---0---


tained the line officers of the Isa

bella-Gratiot Association last

Wednesday evening, at the Ma

sonic Hall in Weidman.Supper was served to about 40

members and guests.---0---


— Mr.and Mrs.frank Maxon celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, at the home oftheir son-in-law and daughter,Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Richardson,of Saginaw.

Attending also were Mr. andMrs. C2r1 Embrey of Weidman.



In theEditor’s MailDear Connie:

Thanks for the reminder in the

paper. I checked the nameplateand discovered our subscriptionwas due Sept. 1.

Thanks for continuing the pa

per. I have enjoyed the old pic

tures so much, especially the1933 grade of Weidman (school).

I have the High School picturefor that same year. It’s been

that long since I graduated. At

that time, graduation and all

major programs were alwaysheld in the church.

Keep up those local color news

features.Mrs. Dan CarrickWeidman.

Weidman MillBox 270Durango, Cob.Oct. 1

Constance Skinner, EditorWeidman MessengerDear Mrs. Skinner:

With very keen interest I haveobserved in the last few issuesof your paper, the reference toactivities about turning the oldmill pond into an attractive lake,and refer particularly to yourissue of Sept. 23, where you publish a picture of my father’s mill.

The enclosed picture of oursawmill and planing mill, together with the lumber shed,shows our plant here in Durangowhich has twice the capacity of

father’s mill in Weidman.Presently, we are cutting En

gelmann Spruce timber purchased from the Forest Service wherethe altitude runs between nineand eleven thousand feet. Herein Durange the altitude is 6, 500

feet.I always look forward to receiv

ing tire Messenger, and am veryhappy indeed to learn of the pro

gress you are snaking there, resort-wise. The new lake willaugment your facilities for attracting the tourists and possiblepermanent residents.

To you, I send my cordialgreetings and appreciation ofwhat you are doing to further the

economic interest of the citizensof your community.

Cordially yours,J. Stanley Weidman.

(Editor’s Note; The photo Mr.Weidman sent is a beautiful one,but in color. Graphic arts menshudder at attempts to reproduceprinting from colored photos, so

we have written Mr. Weidmanasking for a black-and-whitephoto of his plant in Durango, to

print in the Messenger. We dothank Mr. Weidman for hisgood letter, and we are sure his

many friends in Isabella Countywill be happy to hear from him

through the paper.)---0---

Deal CityDora Smith, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cross en

ertained their club last Thursday

evening. Prizes went to Steve

Simmer for high score, and Bob

Pung, low; and Joyce Schafer,

high score, and Mary Thing, low.

Ruth Simmer had the loners.

Mrs.Edwin Fox and Mrs. Ernest

Gross called on Mrs.Peter Scha

fer Friday.Bob Curtis was home from the

service, at the Paul Schafer

home, returning to his post Sun

day.Quite a number from here at

tended the wedding of Mike Bars

Saturday evening at the Deer-

field Center Hall.Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blasen spent

Saturday at Houghton Lake with

her father, Oscar Fedewa.Mr.Patick Horan spent a few

days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph

Marchiando and family.Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jump and

Mrs.Bculah Sacco returned to

New York riday, after a two

weeks’ vir;c with relatives around

Ea1 City.Mr. awl Mrs.DeThert Pung of St.

Johns spent the weekend at the

Je Pung home.Deanna Trowbridge of Green

vlle speir the weekend with

Mr.and Mr.Ed Blasen.frank Ufrich of Detroit spent

the weciouid at the home of his

mother, who was in the hospital.

Benl City chose its Homecom

Thursday, Oct. 7, 1965

ing Queen and attendants Friday.Queen was Karen Pohi, with 12th

Grade attendant Jane Elias, 11th

Grade Connie Fedewa, 10thGrade Joanne Clevenger, and9th Grade Linda Schumacher.

Rose Ann Reilil and Vera spent

Sunday afternoon with Delores

Rau.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and

family of Lansing spent Sundaywith Mr.and Mrs.Bob Blasen and

family.The basms of matrimony were

announced Sunday for the firsttime between James Schafer, son

of Mr.and Mrs.Frank Schafer,and Patricia Johnson, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson.

St. Joseph’s Church had Forty

Hours Devotions Sunday, Mon

day and Tuesday, which were

very well attended.Mary Ulrich is in the hospital.

Mary Grisdale also is in thehospital Their many friends wish

theni a speedy recovery.---0---

Local ItemsJames Beutlcr and sons, Jon and

Kevin and David CluIey of Rose

bush were Sunday supper guests

of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B cutler.Mrs.Joan Charnes returned Sun

day from CMC 1-losnital after a

week’s stay, ill with pneumonia.

hfrs.Ruth Blesch and daughter,

Jo, of Barryton called on Emma

Middboworth and Vada Carroll

one day last eck.?vfr.and Mrs.Bob Ritter and fam

ilv of Wayne spent the weekend

at the Frank Gross home here.



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I CE CREAM Maxwell I-louse

49C COFfEE8 96oz. lar


“• k’’ Sugaririn25c MICHIGAN Q9C


PineaoIe Juice1 qt. , 14oz.



WEIDMAN Y Big Parking LotAt Rear of Store

Shopping CenlerStore Hours: Mon. -Thurs.: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. - -Fri.: $ a. m. to 8

p.m.--Sat.: 8a.m. to 9p.m. -- Sun.: 9a.m. to 1p.m.WEIDMAN--Lakes Area