Journal of Infection and Public Health (2016) 9, 42—51 Are treatment guides and rational drug use policies adequately exploited in combating respiratory system diseases? Mustafa Dogan a , Levent C. Mutlu b , ˙ Ibrahim Yilmaz c , Bulent Bilir d,, Gamze Varol Saracoglu e , Aliye Yildirim Guzelant f a Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey b Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey c Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health, State Hospital, Department of Pharmacovigilance and Rational Drug Use Team, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey d Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey e Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Public Health, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey f Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey Received 26 December 2014 ; received in revised form 1 April 2015; accepted 3 June 2015 KEYWORDS Asthma; COPD; Rational use of drugs; Pneumonia Summary The aim of the present study was to increase awareness regarding the rational use of medicines. The data were obtained via the Material Resources Management System Module of the Ministry of Health. For the appropriateness of treatments, the Global Initiative for Asthma, the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, and the guidelines for the rational use of medicines were used. We also investigated whether any de-escalation method or physical exercise was performed. Statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics to determine the mean, standard deviation, and frequency. The results showed that healthcare providers ignored potential drug reactions or adverse interactions, and Corresponding author at: Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 100, YIL Mah, Tunca Sok, Arastirma ve Uygulama Hastanesi, Merkez, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey. Tel.: +90 50 5774 5995; fax: +90 28 2250 9928. E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Bilir). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2015.06.002 1876-0341/© 2015 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.

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Journal of Infection and Public Health (2016) 9, 42—51

Are treatment guides and rational druguse policies adequately exploited incombating respiratory system diseases?

Mustafa Dogana, Levent C. Mutlub, Ibrahim Yilmazc, BulentBilird,∗, Gamze Varol Saracoglue, Aliye Yildirim Guzelant f

a Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases,59100 Tekirdag, Turkeyb Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases,59100 Tekirdag, Turkeyc Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health, State Hospital, Department ofPharmacovigilance and Rational Drug Use Team, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkeyd Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,59100 Tekirdag, Turkeye Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Public Health,59100 Tekirdag, Turkeyf Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine andRehabilitation, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey

Received 26 December 2014; received in revised form 1 April 2015; accepted 3 June 2015


Summary The aim of the present study was to increase awareness regardingthe rational use of medicines. The data were obtained via the Material ResourcesManagement System Module of the Ministry of Health. For the appropriateness

Rational use of drugs; of treatments, the Global Initiative for Asthma, the Global Initiative for Chronic

Obstructive Lung Disease, and the guidelines for the rational use of medicines were Pneumoniaused. We also investigated whether any de-escalation method or physical exercisewas performed. Statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics todetermine the mean, standard deviation, and frequency. The results showed thathealthcare providers ignored potential drug reactions or adverse interactions, and

∗ Corresponding author at: Namik Kemal University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 100, YIL Mah, Tunca Sok,Arastirma ve Uygulama Hastanesi, Merkez, 59100 Tekirdag, Turkey. Tel.: +90 50 5774 5995; fax: +90 28 2250 9928.

E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Bilir).

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2015.06.0021876-0341/© 2015 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.

Rational drug use policies in the respiratory system dise

reflecting the lack of adherenof medicines was recorded. Tcosts or narrow the antibiotic

g meion















tance patterns, culturinpreferred over combinat© 2015 King Saud Bin AbLimited. All rights reserv


he World Health Organization (WHO) reported thathronic respiratory system diseases will increasen the future as a result of air pollution, globalarming, and smoking [1]. In addition, chronicbstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneu-onia have been predicted as two of the leading

auses of death [1,2]. In addition, the cost of therugs and pharmaceutical products (DPP) used forhe treatment of these diseases has been huge bur-en on government economies and social securitydministrations [3,4]. Studies have also reportedhat chronic diseases pose a threat to public health,nd it might not always be possible to access effec-ive treatments due to cost-related factors [5].

The aim of all healthcare providers is to effec-ively treat patients and avoid adverse reactions toedicine [6]. The aim of the present study was to

educe the economic cost of medical treatmentsia the implementation of policies regarding theational use of drug. Despite the massive effortsf infection control committees, antibiotics haveeen irrationally consumed [7,8].

The present study included patients with COPDr pneumonia, diagnosed and admitted with chestiseases at a state hospital. The aim of theresent study was to investigate the compliance ofntibiotic use with laboratory, clinical, and recentuidelines and increase awareness regarding theational use of drugs via the estimation of unitosts using pharmacoeconomic models, includingost-benefit-analysis (CBA) and cost-minimizationnalysis (CMA).

aterials and methods

nclusion criteria

he study population included 1101 patients admit-

ed to the Chest Diseases Service (30 beds) ofekirdag State Hospital (400 beds) between January1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. For cost analyses,ome patients were excluded for specific reasons.


ases 43

ce to the current treatment guides, 35.8% irrational usehus, de-escalation methods should be used to decrease

spectrum, antibiotic selection should consider the resis-thods should be analyzed, and monotherapy should be

treatments.ziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier

According to the diagnosis, COPD, pneumonia,nd asthma patients were included in the presenttudy. Apart from this, intensive care unit patients,uberculosis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary embolism,iffuse parenchymal lung disease and asthma,neumonia with diabetes mellitus, congestive heartailure, chronic renal failure, sinusitis, and aller-ic rhinitis were excluded from the present study.sthma and COPD, accompanied by pneumonia,ere included in the group of pneumonia patients

Fig. 1).The remaining cases (n = 729) were included in

he study.

ata collection

he data were obtained from Material Resourcesanagement System of the Ministry of Health.he system provided diagnosis, medical history,emographic features, and treatment data. As partf the treatment info, all DPP, including feed-ng solutions and serums with dose information,nd culture antibiogram results for patients whosed antibiotics were obtained and analyzed. Drugnteractions commonly encountered in the patientecords and the compatibility of these substancesith the treatment guides and guidelines for the

ational use of drugs were analyzed [9,10]. More-ver, whether physical exercise was recommendedo reduce medicine costs was examined using ran-om sampling in 10% of the population.

ost evaluation

he cost of the drugs and pharmaceutical productsas calculated using unit prices and the actualmount of medicine used. The unit prices wereetermined using the price list published by theinistry of Finance and the Turkish Pharmaceuticalnd Medical Device Agency [11]. Following the

alculation of the cost of antibiotics, another phar-acoeconomic analysis was performed using theMA method, involving an alternative treatmentethod comparable but more economical than

44 M. Dogan et al.







Figure 1 Inclusion

that previously administered [12]. For the costscalculated in Turkish Liras (TL), the Euro (D ) equiv-alent of TL of the period of expenditure was usedfor standardization (1 D = 1.9595 Turkish Liras).

Statistical evaluation

Descriptive analyses (mean, standard deviation,frequency) of the data obtained through a routinedata recording system were made. To calculate thetotal pharmaceutical cost, the daily consumptionof medicine was obtained after multiplying the boxor unit price by the number of boxes or units. Tocalculate the mean total cost, the total cost wasdivided by the number of patients. The daily costper patient was calculated by dividing the meantotal cost by the mean hospital stay (days).

Ethics committee approval

The approval of the Tekirdag Province General Sec-retariat of State Hospitals Association was obtainedon May 15, 2013, and the study was approvedthrough the Local Ethics Committee of Namik KemalUniversity Faculty of Medicine on June 27, 2014,approval number 2013.70.06.01/01.


The study included 729 patients (67.7% male; 32.3%

female) diagnosed with asthma, COPD, or pneu-monia. The mean ages of the male and femalepatients were 70.38 ± 0.50 and 69.09 ± 15.62 yearsold, respectively. The mean hospital stay of the


exclusion criteria.

atients was 21 days. The longest hospital staysere 41 days for COPD patients, 8 days for asthmaatients, and 14 days for pneumonia patients. Theotal cost of inpatient DPP expenses of the hospitalor the year in which the present study was con-ucted was D 2,017,307.03. The total DPP cost ofhe participants of the present study for the sameear was D 373,497.45 (Table 1).

The mean total cost per patient was D 512.34,nd the mean daily cost per patient was D 24.40.he mean total cost of antibiotic use was D 350.80.he total DPP cost of the excluded patients was

234,187.70/year. The most popular antibioticsospital-wide during the study period was cef-riaxone with 43,405 units costing a total of

220,846.06; however, among the study group,oxifloxacin was the most popular antibiotics with

676 units consumed costing D 104,154.90 (Fig. 2).Quinolones were used the most in both study

roups and throughout the entire hospital. The totalost of the antibiotic use of the study group was9.05% of the total cost of antibiotic use at theospital for the same time period (Fig. 3).

A total of 929 samples were collected fromhe study group: 529 sputum samples, 197 urineamples, 180 blood samples, and 23 endotrachealspirate culture-antibiogram samples (Fig. 4).

Approximately 52.81% of the patients whose cul-ures showed no significant growth were prescribed

combination of moxifloxacin (400 mg/day) andeftriaxone (2 g/day) for 8 days. In addition to

oxifloxacin and ceftriaxone, ampicillin sul-actam (2 g/day) was administered to 7.13% ofhe participants (n = 52) for 10 days. Patients withtreptococcus (n = 1) were treated with ceftriaxone

Rational drug use policies in the respiratory system diseases 45

Table 1 The total DPP costs of the entire hospital, and patients with asthma, COPD, or pneumonia for the studyperiod.

Pharmaceutical product Study groupcost (D )/year

Hospital cost(D )/year

Study group% (D )

Study group(%)

Antibiotics 255,730.99 1,342,784.18 19.05 13.55Inhaled bronchodilators and steroids 54,837.64 170,749.17 32.12 24.52Montelukast 142.98 436.74 32.73 32.74Acetylcysteine 5723.49 32,488.51 17.62 22.77Corticosteroids oral and IV 13,339.07 105,714.39 12.62 10.49LMWHa 22,411.46 186,677.93 12.01 12.11H2 R.A.b 14,477.33 98,752.18 14.66 11.31Allopurinol 21.61 89.67 24.11 11.44PEFPc 6812.88 79,614.26 8.56 10.53Total 373,497.45 2,017,307.03 18.52 16.98

a LMWH: low molecule weighted heparins.





b H2 R.A.: H2 receptor antagonists.c PEFP: parenteral and enteral feeding products.

2 g/day) and moxifloxacin (400 mg/day), althoughhis pathogen is susceptible to penicillin, ando penicillin allergies were reported. In a COPDatient affected with the Enterobacteriaceae,lthough the culture antibiogram result showedusceptibility to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, andevofloxacin, the patient was empirically treatedith ceftriaxone and moxifloxacin.

Approximately 11.65% of the patients (n = 85),

ith CRP and WBC values within the normalange and antibiogram results showing no signifi-ant growth, were treated with both ceftriaxone


Figure 2 Antibiotics administ

2 g/day) and moxifloxacin (400 mg/day). Notably,5% of the pathogenic bacteria in the culture mate-ials (n = 8) were susceptible to levofloxacin; thus,oxifloxacin was prescribed costing D 114.20 peratient.

Carbapenem and quinolone antibacterials wererescribed (n = 10), although the antibiogramesults showed no need for antibacterials,

hich cost the hospital D 1431.90. Due toethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

MRSA), this patient was switched to linezolid andephoperazone-sulbactam. Similarly, empirically

ered to the study group.

46 M. Dogan et al.




Figure 3 Comparison of the amount of antibiotics cons(D ).

treatments with ceftriaxone and moxifloxacinwere switched to carbapenem and teicoplanin,although no culture growth was observed (n = 6). In261 of the 729 patients (35.80%), based on cultureantibiogram results and treatment guides, the

irrational use of medicines was observed.

In patients diagnosed with asthma (n = 112),treatments not compatible with the Global


Figure 4 Results of the culture antibiogram obtaine

by the study group and throughout the entire hospital

nitiative for Asthma (GINA) guide were observed9] (Table 2).

According to the GINA guidelines, antibioticsre not routinely recommended in asthma exac-rbations. However for asthma occurrences not

ccompanied by infections, such as pneumonia andinusitis, the patients were treated with antibioticsn = 112).

d from the patients in the study group (n = 929).

Rational drug use policies in the respiratory system dise

Table 2 Medication not suitable for asthmatreatment.

Pharmaceutical product Numeral Cost (D )

Ampicillin sulbactam 249 359.62Cefazolin 46 117.38Cefuroxime 680 30,711.9Ceftrixone 491 2498.22Ciprofloxacin 44 604.26Levofloxacin 59 122.55Moksifloxacin tablet 198 448.65Moksifloxacin vial 229 6488.43Cefoperazone sulbactam 6 38.64Piperacillin sulbactam 93 1100.15Meropenem 11 132.03











Linezolid 18 1120.24LMWH 194 926.69

Notably, 3770 units of acetylcysteine weresed in various treatments for patients withronchospasm (n = 197). Theophylline and otherethylxanthines were used with allopurinol (n = 6)

nd/or fluoroquinolones (n = 44). In patients withespiratory tract infections (n = 5), montelukast wassed. Pulmonary rehabilitation was not recom-ended to any of the patients.


he estimation of unit drug costs, among the directosts in healthcare services, is crucial. For hos-itals, the treatment cost of respiratory systemiseases, such as asthma, COPD, and pneumonia,re a large portion of the total hospital expenses13]. The cost of treatments for respiratory diseasesomprised 6% of the allocated total healthcare-elated budget in EU. Majority of this cost (56%,8.6 billion D ) was COPD-related [14,15]. Theirect cost of COPD in the US was estimated as 29.5illion USD, with an additional estimated indirectost of 20.4 billion USD [16]. Although, previoustudies have investigated strategies to achieve theost effective treatment of asthma [17], there areew pharmacoeconomic studies investigating theost of drugs [18].

The aims of the present study aims was to inves-igate the cost of DPP for the treatment of patientsdmitted with asthma, COPD, and pneumonia andssess the compatibility of DPP use of the cohortith the current treatment guidelines.In the literature, it has been reported that

he mean hospital stay and cost per person for

neumonia patients were 4 days and 256.63 USD,espectively, and the Global Initiative for Chronicbstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2014 Guide rec-mmends 5—10 days of antibiotic treatment for



ases 47

hese patients [10,19,20]. In addition, antibioticse in patients with COPD exacerbations might sig-ificantly reduce the duration of the hospital stay21].

In the present study, the cost of antibiotics inatients with asthma, COPD, and pneumonia was9.05% of the total cost of antibiotics used at theospital during the same time period, and the costf DPP and antibiotics per person was D 512.34 and

350.80, respectively. The mean hospital stay was1 days, and all patients were administered antibi-tics. Compared with previous studies, the meanost per person was higher in the present study,ssociated with a longer hospital stay.

Boucher et al. investigated the cost of DPP,ccurrence of hospital infections, use of drugroups, and duration of hospital stay in 278 inpa-ients. These authors reported that DPP use forntimicrobial treatment, stress ulcer prophylaxis,nd bronchodilator treatment comprised more than6% of the total DPP use [22].

In the present study, the use of the same DPP was9.92% of the total DPP use of the entire hospitalnd 87.03% for the study group, and these resultsere higher than the findings of Boucher et al. Thisifference might reflect the fact that the presenttudy included patients with respiratory diseases,hus bronchodilator use was substantial. However,he difference between hospital-wide values mightarrant an investigation of the drug use indications.Previous studies have shown that the difficulty

n differentiating infectious and non-infectiousathologies in pneumonia diagnosis might result inhe irrational use of antibiotics, thereby leadingo infections with bacteria resistant to antibioticoxicity and an increase in the cost of treat-ent [23,24]. In COPD exacerbations, 50—70%

f tracheobronchial infections (bacterial factors0—50%, viral factors 30—40%, atypical bacte-ial factors 5—10%) and 10% of the air pollutionere cited among the causes, but in 30% of theases, no etiology was reported [25]. In additiono the difficulty in obtaining a differential diag-osis, amoxicillin, beta-lactam and beta-lactamnhibitors, second-generation cephalosporins, andacrolides were administered for mild exacerba-

ions of COPD; third-generation cephalosporins orespiratory fluoroquinolones were administered foroderate exacerbations of COPD; and antipseu-omonal antibiotics were administered for acutexacerbations of COPD and exacerbations with aisk of Pseudomonas, according to the Jindal for

he COPD Guidelines Working Group [26].

The GOLD recommends clavulanic acidnd/oraminopenicillin or tetracycline for the initialreatment of pneumonia. For hospitalized patients







in general wards, the IDSA/ATS guidelines recom-mend antipneumococcal fluoroquinolone (e.g.,levofloxacin, moxifloxacin) or the combinationbeta lactam plus macrolide [10,27].

Moreover, routine antibiotics therapy for asthmaexacerbations is not recommended [12,15,28,29].

All patients participating in the present studywere administered antibiotics, and the choice ofantibiotics was primarily a combination of ceftri-axone and moxifloxacin, instead of monotherapy.Notably, the use of the combination of ceftriaxoneand moxifloxacin instead of monotherapy resultedin overspending, totaling D 36,801.74. In addi-tion, the use of moxifloxacin flacon (D 104,154.90,3676 units/year) instead of levofloxacin flaconresulted in overspending, totaling D 51,683.49. Fur-ther, despite the lack of any evidence of infectionaccompanying asthma, antibiotics in the amount ofD 43,742.07 were used.

A current treatment guide states that imipenem,meropenem, ertapenem, colymicin, vancomycin,teicoplanin, linezolid, and tigecycline shouldnot be part of an empirical treatment, andantipseudomonal antibacterials, such as, cef-tazidime, cefepime, cephoperazone sulbactam andpiperacillin tazobactam, should be administeredonly in a risky group [19].

The eligibility of the antibiotics was evaluatedaccording to antibiotic culture test results. Radio-logical, sputum, white blood cell count, fever, andC-reactive protein were also evaluated. In patientswithout infectious diseases, empirical treatmentand antibiotics overuse were evaluated.

In the present study, however, there wereindications of the use of these antibiotics inonly five patients, and these drugs were irra-tionally used for other patients, resulting inoverspending, totaling D 71,947.75. In addition,MRSA patients were switched to linezolid andcephoperazone-sulbactam instead of treatmentwith linezolid. However, the reason for the addi-tion of cephoperazone-sulbactam treatment wasnot understood.

A total of 52.81% of the patients with culturesshowing no significant growth were adminis-tered moxifloxacin (400 mg/day) and ceftriax-one (2 g/day) for 8 days, costing the hospitalD 87,267.97 and D 29,714.11, respectively. Addi-tionally, in 7.13% of the patients, ampicillinsulbactam (2 g/day) was administered in addi-tion to moxifloxacin (400 mg/day) and ceftriax-one (2 g/day), resulting in overspending, totaling

D 1502.02. In patients with cultures showing strep-tococcus, instead of penicillin costing only D 39.20,ceftriaxone and moxifloxacin were administered,which cost the hospital D 283.34.


M. Dogan et al.

Although the rate of identifying the activeathogen via culture growth in Turkey is between1% and 44%, this rate was 1.7% in the presenttudy. A study on culturing and increasing the ratef identifying the active pathogen would increasehe effectiveness of such probes and facilitate theelection of the appropriate antibiotics and therebyeduce hospital costs. Considering the antibiogramesults and the resistance patterns in 261 of the 729atients (35.80%), the irrational use of antibioticsas clearly observed.Previous studies have reported that the current

nd effective treatment might not always be acces-ible under financial restrictions, and thus, similarPP with a lower cost might be selected [12,30,31].owever, maintaining the empiric antibiotic regi-en until the end of the treatment has also been

eported [30].Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) are

sed in the treatment of venous thromboembolism,hich frequently occurs among patients and is anvoidable cause of death [31—38]. For immobile,olysemic, and dehydrated COPD patients, prophy-axis is recommended. Moreover, in this guideline,he use of LMWH for infectious asthma exacerba-ions was considered appropriate [10,33]. Studiesave shown that for each attempt to avoid deepein thromboembolism, the use of LMWH resulted in391 savings based on a pharmacoeconomic model,lthough the use of this drug was a large portion ofhe total DPP budget of the hospital [34,36].

In the present study, in COPD and pneumoniaatients and asthma patients experiencing exac-rbation, prophylactic LMWH was used, consistentith the literature. However, LMWH was adminis-

ered to patients with no indication of infection,hich increased the costs.Although a systemic review claimed that in COPD

atients, mucoactive agents reduce the frequencyf exacerbations and decrease COPD-related dis-bilities, recent studies have shown that theseffects and the positive effects on the quality ofife are minimal [10,39]. Therefore, the routinedministration of these drugs in COPD treatments not recommended, but patients who experienceenacious sputum might benefit from mucolytics10,38]. In addition, some studies have reportedp to 48% severe bronchospasm resulting fromcetylcysteine [39,40]. In the present study, acetyl-ysteine was administered to patients, resultingverspending, totaling D 14,630.98.

In the present study, theophylline, which has

weaker bronchodilator efficacy compared witheta-agonist agents, might have been administeredecause this antibiotic does not cause tolerancen patients with bronchial asthma after long-term

R dise















ational drug use policies in the respiratory system

se. However, when administering theophylline,ealthcare providers did not consider that theo-hylline interacts with several agents, and theffectiveness is reduced or toxicity is increasedhen used with several agents, such as antiarrhyth-ics, allopurinol, ciprofloxacin, and levofloxacinecause the theophylline biotransformation is sup-ressed. Theophylline or other methylxanthinesere administered to six patients using allopurinolnd 44 patients using fluoroquinolones through-ut the hospital stay without considering any drugnteraction.

Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist,hich can be used in addition to glucocorticoidnd beta agonists in patients with mild and mod-rate asthma and in patients with asthma inducedhrough exercise, cannot be used alone in chronicsthma treatment because this drug increases theisk of respiratory tract infection [40]. The GINAuide recommends montelukast in asthma treat-ent for stage 2 patients as an alternative to

nhaled steroids [9]. For stage 3 and above asthmaatients, inhaled steroids are recommended. How-ver, antibiotic treatment is not recommended forsthma patients without pneumonia and sinusitis9].

In the present study, montelukast was adminis-ered to five patients, which was not part of thereatment or prophylaxis of COPD. This irrationalse of montelukast caused the overspending of hos-ital funds on DPP.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an indirect factorecreasing the symptoms in COPD patients, increas-ng the quality of life, and enhancing the efficacyf the treatment, thereby decreasing the cost.siachristas et al. investigated the changes inost-effectiveness in 1322 patients treated in 16ifferent disease management plans. These authorsbserved that physical activity (21%) in COPDatients had a significant positive effect on cost-ffectiveness [41].

Among the randomly selected data (10%),o pulmonary rehabilitation recommendation wasbserved; therefore, the cost-effectiveness anal-sis of the pulmonary rehabilitation and theost-utility analysis of the increased quality of lifeere not conducted, which could be considered as

limitation of the present study.The total DPP cost of the inpatients in the study

eriod was D 2,017,307.03, with D 373,497.45 forsthma, COPD, and pneumonia patients for theame time period. The average total DPP cost per

atient was D 512.34, the average daily cost peratient was D 24.40, and the average total cost ofntibiotic therapy per person was D 350.80. Mox-floxacin was the most popular antibiotic with a


ases 49

otal annual cost of D 104,154.90. All patients in thetudy group were initially administered antibiotics,nd the choice of antibiotic treatment was primar-ly a combination of ceftriaxone and moxifloxacinnstead of monotherapy, which cost the hospital

36,801.74, and the use of levofloxacin instead ofoxifloxacin cost the hospital D 52,471.41. It was

frequent practice to initiate empirical antibioticreatment and complete the treatment using theame regimen; moreover, no de-escalation practiceas observed to decrease the cost and narrow thentibiotic spectrum. Considering the results of theulture antibiograms and treatment guide recom-endations, the irrational use of antibiotics was

bserved. Moreover, interactions among drugs wereisregarded, and several occasions of drug use con-radicting the treatment guides were observed. Noulmonary rehabilitation was recommended to theatients.


ased on the culture antibiogram results andelated resistance patterns, the irrational use ofntibiotics should be avoided. To this end, cul-uring methods should be re-evaluated, and theuccessful identification of active pathogens shouldncrease the effectiveness of culturing and facil-tate the selection of the appropriate antibioticherapy, which would eventually decrease the DPPosts. Patient care should be approached from aulti-disciplinary point of view and evidence-based

uidelines should be used. Teams should be estab-ished and led by experts of infectious diseasesnd pharmacology. In hospitals, pharmacoeconomicodels and health economy policies should be

rgently implemented.


o funding sources.

ompeting interests

one declared.

thical approval

he approval of the Tekirdag Province General Sec-etariat of State Hospitals Association was obtainedn May 15, 2013, and the study was approvedhrough the Local Ethics Committee of Namik Kemal



















University Faculty of Medicine on June 27, 2014,approval number 2013.70.06.01/01.


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