K NITTING T RADITIONS 103 Arctic Tundra Scarf DONNA DRUCHUNAS Inspired by the preceding article 100% qiviut yarn made from the down of the Arctic musk ox lends an exquisite luxury to Donna Druchunas’s lace scarf. Photograph by Joe Coca.

Arctic Tundra Scarf - s32071.pcdn.co · Arctic Tundra Scarf D O N N A D R U C H U N A S Inspired by the preceding article 100% qiviut yarn made from the down of the Arctic musk ox

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  • K N I T T I N G T R A D I T I O N S 103

    Arctic Tundra ScarfD O N N A D R U C H U N A S

    Inspired by the preceding article

    100% qiviut yarn made from the down of the Arctic musk ox lends an exquisite luxury to Donna Druchunas’s lace scarf.Photograph by Joe Coca.

  • 104 K N I T T I N G T R A D I T I O N S

    This scarf reminds me of the landscape of the Arctic tundra, the native home of the musk ox. The color of the yarn

    and the oral motif make me think of young musk oxen frolicking in the spring, carefree in the warm months

    while they are growing their own layer of qiviut to protect themselves in the coming winter.

    Made from 100% qiviut yarn, the scarf is knit in two

    pieces. Each piece is worked from the end toward cen-

    ter, and the two ends are joined with Kitchener Stitch.


    Note: See page 124 for Abbreviations and Techniques.


    *CO 53 sts.

    Work in Seed st for ¾ inch (1.9 cm), ending with a

    WS row.

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, k to last 4 sts,

    work Seed st over 4 sts.

    Next Row: Work Seed st over 4 sts, p to last 4 sts, work

    Seed st over 4 sts.

    Set-Up Closed Bud Lace,

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, work Closed Bud

    Chart over 45 sts, work Seed st over 4 sts.

    Next Row: Work Seed st over 4 sts, work Closed Bud

    Chart over 45 sts, work Seed st over 4 sts.

    Work in patt through Row 36 of chart, then work

    Rows 1–36 once more.

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, k to last 4 sts,

    work Seed st over 4 sts.

    Next Row: Work Seed st over 4 sts, p to last 4 sts, work

    Seed st over 4 sts.

    Work in Seed st for ¾ inch (1.9 cm), ending with a

    WS row.

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, k to last 4 sts,

    work Seed st over 4 sts.MaterialsWindy Valley Musk Ox Pure Qiviut, 100% qiviut yarn, laceweight, 218

    yards (199.3 m)/28.3 gram (1.0 oz) ball, 2 balls of #3002 Forest

    Floor; www.windyvalleymuskox.net

    Needles, size 3 (3.25) or size needed to obtain gauge

    Stitch holder

    Tapestry needle

    Finished size: 8¼ inches (21.0 cm) wide by 69 inches (175.3 cm) long,


    Gauge: 26 sts and 32 rows = 4 inches (10.2 cm) in Floral Mesh patt,


    Special StitchSeed Stitch (over an odd number of sts)

    Row 1: K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

    Rep Row 1 for patt.

    The Closed Bud and Floral Mesh patterns in Donna Druchunas’s Arctic Tundra Scarf. Photograph by Joe Coca.

  • K N I T T I N G T R A D I T I O N S 105

    Next Row: Work Seed st over 4 sts, p to last 4 sts, work

    Seed st over 4 sts.

    Set-Up Floral Mesh Lace,

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, k2, work Floral

    Mesh Chart over 41 sts, k2, work Seed st over 4 sts.

    Next Row: Work Seed st over 4 sts, p2, work Floral Mesh

    Chart over 41 sts, p2, work Seed st over 4 sts.

    Work in patt until piece measures 33½ inches

    (85.1 cm) from CO, or until about 10 yards (9 m) rem in

    the 1st ball of yarn, ending with Row 12 of chart.

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, k to last 4 sts,

    work Seed st over 4 sts.*

    Next Row: Work Seed st over 4 sts, p to last 4 sts, work

    Seed st over 4 sts.

    Work in Seed st for ¾ inch (1.9 cm), ending with a

    WS row.

    Next Row (RS): Work Seed st over 4 sts, k to last 4 sts,

    work Seed st over 4 sts. Place all sts on holder.

    Rep from * to * for 2nd half.


    Graft ends together using Kitchener Stitch. Weave

    in ends.

    Closed Bud

    Charts may be photocopied for personal use.

    The charts for this project are available in PDF format at


    45 sts




















    k on RS; p on WS


    k1 tbl


    k2tog tbl

    sl 1, k2tog, psso

    patt rep

    Floral Mesh







    10-st rep