Goal Designing and getting projects built can be a complex en- deavor. To many of our clients this process is new and a bit scary. Common questions we are asked here at Modative are: What is the process for getting my project designed and built? and What are the services that architects provide during this proc- ess? After numerous verbal explanations answering these questions, we decided it was time to provide a step-by-step guide for our current and future clients to better understand the architecture process. Enjoy. Who created the process guide? This guide is brought to you by Modative; a modern architecture firm located in Los Angeles, CA. If you don’t know us already, learn more about us at www.modative.com . Questions? If you have any questions you may: Call us at 310.526.7826 - ask for Derek, Christian or Michael E-mail us at: [email protected] Contact us via a web form modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610 Santa Monica, CA 90405 P: 310.526.7826 W: www.modative.com Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 1 of 12

Architecture Process Guide

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  • GoalDesigning and getting projects built can be a complex en-deavor. To many of our clients this process is new and a bit scary. Common questions we are asked here at Modative are:

    What is the process for getting my project designed and built?


    What are the services that architects provide during this proc-ess?

    After numerous verbal explanations answering these questions, we decided it was time to provide a step-by-step guide for our current and future clients to better understand the architecture process.


    Who created the process guide?This guide is brought to you by Modative; a modern architecture firm located in Los Angeles, CA.

    If you dont know us already, learn more about us at www.modative.com.

    Questions?If you have any questions you may:

    Call us at 310.526.7826 - ask for Derek, Christian or Michael

    E-mail us at: [email protected]

    Contact us via a web form

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 1of 12

  • The Process

    Our industry has been around for a long time, and with that has come some standards for how we practice. Although technology and the law lead to occasional changes, the general principles stay the same. The most important thing to understand is that getting a project designed and built is a process, it takes time. Decisions are not made all at once, but throughout the course of a project.

    Standard PhasesStandard phases bring an order to the design process. Each phase has a purpose and a level of expectations that you as the owner can expect to see. In general the phases are se-quential and you as the owner will sign off on the completion of each phase, permitting the project to move forward based on the decisions you made up to that point. The timeframe to complete each phase varies depending on the complexity of your project. Here are the six phases:

    Phase 1 Pre-Design

    Phase 2 Schematic Design

    Phase 3 Design Development

    Phase 4 Construction Documents

    Phase 5 Construction Procurement

    Phase 6 Construction Observation

    Billing & Fees

    Phases also help to determine fee breakdown and billing. A common misnomer is that the design fee is due upfront or paid in one big lump sum. This is incorrect. Payments of design fees are actually made monthly as the project progresses. These payments are based on the amount of work completed in that particular month.

    FeesOur design fees are set at the beginning of a project as either a fixed fee or an hourly fee with an estimated number of hours to complete. The total fee is then divided into the individual phases by percentage of the total fee (for fixed fees), or as an estimated number of hours per phase (for hourly fees). We like these type of fees because they give our clients an under-standing of what the design fee will be from the beginning of a project, helping to avoid surprises down the road.

    Our design fee varies from project to project depending on the following factors:

    Project Complexity Project Type

    Project Location Project Size

    Project Quality Scope of Services

    Owners Schedule Owners Budget

    At Modative, we take time in understanding a clients particu-lar needs and custom cater our services to meet those needs

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 2of 12

  • The Six Design Phases

    PHASE 1 Pre-DesignGoal: research and determine the owners criteria for the project. Fee Breakdown: 5-10% of total fee

    Before DesignSimply put, pre-design the stuff that is done before starting de-sign. Pre-design services can vary greatly depending on the complexity of a project and the experience of the owner. Sometimes an owner will come to us with most of the pre-design criteria established, however, more often, the owner needs our experience and researching capabilities to properly determine the projects requirements.

    ServicesThe Pre-design phase may involve the following services:

    ProgrammingProgramming consists of establishing and documenting de-tailed requirements for the project relating to but not limited to; design objectives, development of space requirements, rela-tionships between spaces, flexibility and expandability, special equipment and systems, and site requirements.

    Budget AnalysisThe budget should have estimated costs for both the hard costs and soft costs involved in your project. Hard costs are construction related costs including material, labor, and the contractors overhead and profit. Soft costs are non-construction related costs including the designers fee and ex-

    penses, consultants fees and expenses, city fees, bank fees and interest, and insurance.

    It is also important during this phase to generally assess if the budget is adequate to complete the project given project type and quality.

    Schedule DevelopmentThe following are just a few of the factors that contribute to the project schedule:

    Owners schedule Owners decision time

    Designers schedule Consultants schedules

    Project complexity Permit process

    Contractors availability Contractors schedule

    Because of all the various factors involved in the schedule, it is important to continually adjust the schedule as the project proceeds.

    Code AnalysisIt is important to understand the rules of the game before you play. This ideology is ever important when it comes to your pro-ject. Cities and often specific regions within cities have differ-ent sets of rules governing many aspects of your project. Mo-datives experience in researching and understanding codes is critical to preventing costly code errors.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 3of 12

  • Space SchematicsIn certain projects we will produce space schematics that may include: diagrammatic studies and descriptive text, conversion of programmed requirements into net area requirements, general space allocations, adjacency, special equipment, and flexibility and expandability.

    Existing Facilities SurveysMany projects are remodels or additions to existing structures. These types of projects require a record of what is built. Since most of our clients do not have drawings of their existing build-ings, we recommend they hire an as-built consultant. An as-built consultant will measure and create accurate CAD draw-ings of your building that we can then use as a base to de-velop the new design. We are happy to refer our clients to as-built consultants that we have used in the past.

    Site Analysis and SelectionWhether you already own a site for your project or would like our assistance in finding one that will meet your needs, we are diligent when it comes to site analysis. It is our belief that great design comes from a buildings relationship to its site. We ana-lyze a projects site to determine what makes it valuable, what are its opportunities, and what about it is negative and needs to be properly dealt with.

    Consultants NeededAside from our services in the Pre-design phase, most projects require that the owner hire consultants to prepare the following two documents:

    Site SurveyA map depicting the boundaries, topography, utilities, and existing buildings on a particular site.

    Soils Report/Geotechnical InvestigationSoil borings and laboratory tests performed to determine the strength,compressibility and other characteristics of the soil conditions of a site. This type of report is more frequently re-quired in hillside or costal areas.

    We are happy to refer our clients to surveyors and soils engi-neers that we have used in the past.

    End of the Phase The pre-design phase officially ends when the owner signs off on the approved program, budget, schedule, and code analysis. At this point, any site analysis should also be com-plete.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 4of 12

  • PHASE 2 Schematic DesignGoal: utilizing the criteria established in Pre-design, graphically explore design alternative concepts. Then present these options to the owner and narrow them down to one preferred concept.Fee Breakdown: 15-25% of total fee

    Commencing DesignSchematic design typically begins in rough form as sketches, floor plan studies, and/or quick models. Several owner/designer meetings are typical during this phase to make deci-sions and determine a design direction.


    At the end of this phase it is common to have the following documents:

    1 Site Plan A drawing depicting the buildings loca-tion on the site.

    2 Floor Plans Drawings of each floor showing the size and locations of the various rooms/functions.

    3 Key Elevations Drawings of appropriate building sides to convey conceptual design direction for the project.

    4 Key Sections Building cut through drawings depicting the heights and relationships of the various floors and roof.

    5 Area Analysis

    A summary of the sizes of the various rooms/functions in the building.

    6 Renderings or Model

    3D renderings or a physical model depict-ing the overall look of the building.

    7 Preliminary Cost Estimate

    A rough estimate of the cost of construc-tion based on the current building design.

    The preceding list of drawings may still be rough in nature at the end of this phase. Their intent is primarily to determine a design direction with which to proceed into the next phase.

    End of the Phase The schematic design phase officially ends when the owner signs off on the drawings, giving approval of the design up to this point.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 5of 12

  • PHASE 3 Design DevelopmentGoal: refine and develop the design such that most of the major design decisions have been made. Implement the various systems into the building.Fee Breakdown: 15-25% of total fee

    Finalizing the DesignThe design development phase typically includes finalizing the size of the various rooms & spaces, refining the look of the pro-ject, selecting exterior and interior materials, determining the projects systems, and deciding upon door and window types and locations. This phase may also include several owner/designer meetings which are critical to finalizing design deci-sions so that the detailed documentation can commence in the next phase.

    InteriorsOne common question that arises is what level of interior de-sign do we provide as part of our basic services. Simply put, we will design everything that is typically built-in to the project. This includes basic cabinetry and finish materials such as tile. This does not include furniture or stand alone light fixtures. If you would like detailed interior design services, we are happy to provide these for you at an additional cost, or collaborate with the interior designer of your choosing.

    Systems ConsultantsIt is during this phase that the systems consultants begin to de-sign and draw up their portions of the work. For a list of poten-tial consultants, see the consultant coordination section of this guide. It is our job to coordinate the work of these various con-sultants, implementing their drawings into the overall design of the project.

    DocumentsAt the end of the design development phase the previously listed documents from the schematic design phase should be updated in further detail. In addition, it is common to also have the following documents:

    1 Outline Specifica-tion

    Preliminary written description of the pro-jects major systems and materials.

    2 Key Interior Ele-vations

    Drawings depicting the vertical relation-ship and material choices of the pro-jects interior rooms.

    3 Reflected Ceil-ing Plans

    Drawings of the ceiling depicting locations of lighting, equipment, & level changes.

    4 Interior Sched-ules

    A detailed list of the type and location of of interior finishes.

    5 Door & Win-dow Schedules

    A detailed list of the type, size, graphic ap-pearance and location of all of the doors and windows in the project.

    6 Key Details Large scale technical drawings of specific elements within the project.

    7 Systems Con-sultants Draw-ings

    Varies with each project. May include struc-tural, civil, electrical and mechanical draw-ings.

    End of the Phase The design development phase officially ends when the owner signs off on the drawings, giving approval of the design up to this point.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 6of 12

  • PHASE 4 Construction DocumentsGoal: to prepare the technical written and graphic documents that set forth the require-ments for constructing the project and obtain-ing government agency approvals.Fee Breakdown: 25-35% of total fee

    Instructions for BuildingThe construction documents phase involves adding a level of detail and technical information to the design documents such that a contractor has a set of instructions with which to build the project as designed. This set of instructions is, how-ever, not a complete set, as the contractor is responsible for many aspects of constructing the project.

    This phase may also include several owner/designer meetings, however, it is not as likely as previous phases considering most of the design decisions have been made. This phase is more about the designer and consultants working through the tech-nical aspects of the project.

    PermittingIt is during this phase that the project is submitted to the local building department for what we call plan check. Plan check is the process by which the various city agencies review the submitted documents for compliance to the codes. The owner will be required to pay a fee to the city when the documents are submitted to plan check. The timeframe for this process varies depending on your projects size, complexity and the speed of the local jurisdiction.

    After the various agencies review the project they will return the documents with corrections. Every project has some level of corrections. This does not mean that the work was done im-properly. The designer and consultants will then fix the correc-tions and resubmit the documents for a second review. If the submitted documents then meet the agencies approval, the owner will be allowed to pull a permit to construct the project. All this means is that you will pay the permit fee allowing con-struction to commence. For an additional fee, most jurisdic-tions will expedite this plan check process.

    DocumentsAt the end of the design development phase the previously listed documents from the schematic design and design de-velopment phases should be updated in full detail. Additional documents will also be created as part of this phase and can vary greatly depending on the scope of the project. A com-pleted construction document set is highly technical and can be quite extensive. Those unfamiliar with the industry will often have a difficult time understanding these types of drawings.

    End of the PhaseThe construction document phase typically ends when the permit is pulled and construction begins. However, sometimes a permit is pulled before all of the construction documents are complete since not all of the documents are required to ob-tain a permit.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 7of 12

  • PHASE 5 Construction ProcurementGoal: to assist the the owner in the selection of a contractor to build the project.Fee Breakdown: 2-10% of total fee

    The Contract DocumentsThis construction procurement phase will often overlap with one of the other phases depending on the method of select-ing the contractor. It is important to note that the documents prepared by the designer and consultants in the construction documents phase are actually considered to be contract documents. They are a contract that the owner will hire a con-tractor to perform. In addition to the documents, there is an actual contract that must be signed between the owner and the contractor. The designer can help the owner to determine the type of contract to be used.

    Contractor SelectionWhen it comes to hiring the contractor the owner typically has two choices:

    1. BiddingInvolves making the set of documents available to two or more contractors who then submit a bid to the owner with how much it will cost to build the project including the contractors fee. The owner can then select whichever bidder they want, even if they are not the lowest.

    2. NegotiationInvolves selecting a contractor based on qualifications, capa-bilities and/or referrals. Once a particular contractor is selected the owner then negotiates the terms of the contract with the contractor including the contractors fee.

    Which Method is Better?There are positives and negatives to both processes. Either way, it is important to determine the method of contractor se-lection early on in the process. Modative can help you deter-mine which contractor selection method is right for you.

    End of the PhaseThe construction procurement phase typically ends when the contractor is selected and has signed a contract with the owner.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 8of 12

  • PHASE 6 Construction ObservationGoal: to observe the construction of the project for general conformance to the construction documents. Assist the owner with contractor payment requests. Handle requests for changes during construction.Fee Breakdown: 10-20% of total fee

    The Owners AgentDuring the construction observation phase the designer will act as the line of communication between the owner and con-tractor. Once the project construction commences it is impor-tant to keep the designer involved in the project to assist the owner with the following tasks:

    Observation ServicesThe designer will visit the construction site at appropriate inter-vals to observe the work for general conformance to the con-struction documents.

    Evaluate contractor requests for paymentAssist the owner in processing payments to the contractor by visiting the construction site to determine if the particular work described in the payment request has actually been com-pleted.

    Process submittalsReview shop drawings, product data and samples for general conformance to the design intent.

    Review results of tests and inspectionsKeep the owner informed as to the progress of tests and in-spections during the construction process.

    Supplemental documentationThe designer can provide supplemental documents to clarify design intent for the contractor.

    Handle requests for changesThe contractor, designer, or owner may need to change some-thing during construction. The designer can administer this process and prepare the necessary construction document revisions.

    Resolve claims between the owner and contractorThe designer acts as the mediator between the owner and contractor if a dispute arises. This is the first and least expensive step to conflict resolution during construction.

    Administer the project close out process for the ownerAssist the owner with the various processes and steps that oc-cur as construction ends.

    End of the PhaseThe construction observation phase typically ends when the construction is complete.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 9of 12

  • Project Administration

    As we say here in the office, design is often the easy part of what we do. When we take on a project here at modative, much of our time is spent on the less glamorous, but equally important administrative process. Project administrative serv-ices occur throughout all phases of the project and are in-cluded in the basic fee for services.

    Keeping the Project on TaskGeneral administrative tasks may be as simple as a phone call to inform the owner of some information, or as complex as in-ternally coordinating a detailed set of construction docu-ments. Communication and organization are key to a smooth administrative process. At modative, we pride ourselves on these skill sets. Often a well-designed process can be just as valuable as a well-designed building.

    Examples of general administration on a project may include:

    Phone, e-mail, & fax correspondence with the owner Owner meetings & presentations Preparation of meeting agendas & minutes Internal coordination of staff Internal coordination of files & documents Invoicing

    Consultant Coordination

    Design and construction are team processes. There are often many parties involved outside of the owner-designer relation-ship. Consultant coordination involves coordinating the various consultants required or desired for your project.

    Required ConsultantsGovernment agencies responsible for your project require cer-tain consultants be involved in your project because their ex-pertise is critical to the safety of your structure. The type and number of consultants required will vary from project to pro-ject, and is most often based on your projects location, type, and size. Some of the required consultants may include:

    Surveyor Title 24 Consultant (Energy)

    Structural Engineer Mechanical Engineer

    Electrical Engineer Civil Engineer

    As-Built Service Environmental Engineer

    Subdivision Engineer Geologist

    Landscape Architect Soils and/or Geotechnical Engineer

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 10of 12

  • Desired ConsultantsAs the owner, it is your choice to bring on other consultants to assist with specialized portions of the project. If appropriate to your project, desired consultants can greatly enhance the de-sign or process of a project. Some desired consultants may in-clude:

    Landscape Architect Lighting Designer

    Kitchen Designer Interior Designer

    Expeditor Cost Estimator

    Pool Consultant Environmental Engineer

    Parking Consultant Acoustic Engineer

    Handling ConsultantsYou are not alone when it comes to consultants. In fact, we take care of most of the communication and organization of consultants. Here are some of the examples of how we assist our clients with consultant coordination:

    Assist the owner in determining the necessary consultants for their project. Suggesting two to three appropriate consultants in each field. Preparing requests for proposal (RFPs) for the various con-sultants. Assist the owner in selecting the various consultants based on their price, experience, skill, and professionalism. Coordinating the various consultants services throughout the course of the project. This involves communicating the de-sign intent of the project to the consultants and cross coordi-nating their drawings with our drawings.

    At modative, we do not directly hire these outside consultants, however, as you can see, we handle almost the whole proc-ess. All the owner has to do is select them, sign their contracts, and pay them when an invoice is received.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 11of 12

  • Agency Coordination

    Government agencies play a key role in getting your project designed and built. Each project can have a unique set of applicable codes and processes with which to navigate. We are available to get your project through the various agencies.

    ServicesAgency coordination occurs throughout the various phases of a project and will vary greatly depending on the type, size, complexity and location of your project. These services may include the following:

    Meeting with agencies to verify code requirements Preparation of documents for a planning approval process Presentation at a public hearing Preparation of documents for a design review board Environmental process coordination Historical process coordination Preliminary plan check review Plan check submittal Plan check re-submittal Pulling a permit Obtaining departmental sign-offs Obtaining agency approval of changes made during con-


    FeesDue to the uncertainty of how much agency coordination will be necessary on any given project, these agency coordination services are not included in the basic fee, but are billed on a separate hourly basis.

    Thank You

    Thanks for taking the time to review the Architecture Process Guide. Now that you have a clearer idea of what this process entails, you may be ready to get started on that project youve been thinking about for a while now.

    Modative is here to help you with any questions you may have about this process or anything architecture/building related. Please dont hesitate to contact Modative for some friendly advice.

    You may also want to check out the resources section of our website for more information.

    modative 2633 Lincoln Blvd. # 610Santa Monica, CA 90405

    P: 310.526.7826W: www.modative.com

    Copyright 2009 Modative, Inc. page 12of 12

    GoalProcess | Fees1 Pre-Design2 Schematic Design3 Design Development4 Construction Documents5 Construction Procurement6 Construction ObservationProject AdministrationConsultant CoordiantionAgency Coordination