Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH

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  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH



    InteriorstylesResearch #1

    Submitted by:

    Faye Ann Tumampil


  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    Submitted to:

    Ar. Nathaniel Cru

    Mediterranean Style This interestin! interior style mi" up the colors o sur$ sand and earth to createma!ic in your home. The %arm colors and e"otic interior desi!ns ha&e helped this

    style to be amous$ popular and hi!h demand all o&er the %orld. 'editerraneaninterior desi!n is casual but dramatic %ith a ocus on &ibrant colors$ li!ht$ natural

    te"ture$ and (uropean charm. This style is comin! rom 'editerranean places and usually is suited or places %ith%arm or really hot climate. )e present you some cle&er tips to decorate your e"oticdream bedroom in 'editerranean style and ma*e your interior more unctional and

    aesthetic %ith some simple chan!es.

    First o all colors are so important and stri*in! eature in this style because theycreate interest and help to balance bold 'editerranean urnishin!s and +"tures.,nce your %alls ha&e a neutral but te"tured loo*$ add some &i&id color to your

    desi!n. -ere are included %arm$ natural bri!ht colors$ resemblin! that o the sea$aure$ s*y$ peaches o an ocean sunset$ sunshine and sands$ but try to a&oidin!

    bri!ht tones o red and pin*.

    ,ther thin! important o this style is the lettin! the li!ht inside. Althou!h the colorsinside are &i&id and bri!ht you need more li!ht too. 'a*e li!ht an inte!ral element

    in your rooms by *eepin! the %indo% simple and airy %ith blinds.

    Add some tiles or mosaics. They are symbols o the 'editerranean style. I youroor is not made o tiles$ you can add a mosaic that %ill help you to achie&e the

    same e"otic e/ect.

    0rin! inside some natural outdoor element that %ill !i&e your home a %arm eel bydecoratin! %ith plants. reen plants %ill !i&e you sotness to the home decor and

    %ill help you to *eep the loo* more resh and bri!ht.

    Find the ri!ht accessories that %ill be hallmar* or you and they %ill play asi!ni+cant role in your 'editerranean bedroom desi!n. ou can display rustic %oodbeams$ +li!ree li!ht +"tures$ %rou!ht iron sconces$ art rames$ and banisters. All

    that %ill add a touch o stylish interior$ create a ocal point in 'editerranean interiordesi!n$ and ma*e a balance o the bri!ht colors and lar!e urniture pieces.

    'editerranean interior style is not so e"pensi&e and e&erybody can a/ord it. I yourbedroom ha&e !ood natural li!ht and you lo&e combinations o &i&id hues and bold

    accents$ you3re hal%ay there.

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    'editerranean style homes are typically ound in %armer climates and eaturecoastal desi!n elements$ such as open spaces and outdoor patios. This desi!n style

    is inuenced by homes in reece$ Spain$ and Italy. )alls are typically made o stucco or plaster$ oors are marble or tile$ ceilin!s are usually %ooden$ and %allbeams are let e"posed. olden yello%s$ oli&e !reens$ rich reds$ and cobalt bluesare colors commonly used and can been seen on %alls$ tapestries$ mosaic inlays$

    pottery$ and art.

    (lements o desi!n:

     The colors and decorati&e elements are inuenced by homes in reece$ Spain$

    and Italy  Typically eatures a rich color palette in !olden yello%s$ oli&e !reens$ rich reds$

    and cobalt blues 4ecorati&e elements include te"tured %alls$ tapestries$ mosaic inlays$ Italian5

    style pottery and art

    ,pen5air patios are commonly used as entertainment space Floors are typically dar* %ood$ marble$ or terra cotta tile Stucco and plaster %alls %ith sculpted detailin! are common

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    0aro6ue Style 7Rococo8)hen you thin* o lu"urious or o&er5the5top ornamental home d9cor$ 0aro6ue style

    typically comes to mind. This style %as adopted by (uropean royalty in these&enteenth century and %as the preerence o palaces and churches throu!hout

    (urope throu!h the mid5ei!hteenth century 7ouis ;I

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    %all$ and %indo% co&erin!s. These abrics are oten damas* or oral patterned. Inthe early ei!hteenth century$ Rococo e&ol&ed rom the 0aro6ue style$ *eepin! theopulent desi!n elements$ but adoptin! a pastel color palette and ta*in! itsel less

    seriously %ith %himsical art.

    Rococo architecture$ as mentioned abo&e$ %as a li!hter$ more !raceul$ yet also

    more elaborate &ersion o 0aro6ue architecture$ %hich %as ornate and austere.)hilst the styles %ere similar$ there are some notable di/erences bet%een bothRococo and 0aro6ue architecture$ one o them bein! symmetry$ since Rococo

    emphasied the asymmetry o orms$ %hilst 0aro6ue %as the opposite. The styles$despite both bein! richly decorated$ also had di/erent themes= the 0aro6ue$ or

    instance$ %as more serious$ placin! an emphasis on reli!ion$ and %as otencharacteried by Christian themes 7as a matter o act$ the 0aro6ue be!an in Rome

    as a response to the >rotestant Reormation8 Rococo architecture %as an 1?th5century$ more secular$ adaptation o the 0aro6ue %hich %as characteried by moreli!ht5hearted and @ocular themes ,ther elements belon!in! to the architectural style

    o Rococo include numerous cur&es and decorations$ as %ell as the usa!e o pale


    (lements o desi!n:

    Characteried as dramatic$ opulent$ and lu"urious %ith rich colors$ intricately

    desi!ned urniture$ !ilded and ornamental accessories$ and hi!h5end te"tiles Floors are typically made rom hi!h5end materials such as solid %ood or marble ar!e room5sied$ hand5%o&en ru!s are placed to soten spaces Furniture is intricately detailed to accent embellishments %ith cur&ed le!s$

    car&ed details$ and !ildin! old rames and !ildin! on statues and pottery are common ar!e mirrors$ crystal chandeliers$ door *nobs$ and pulls are commonly used u"ury abrics in damas* and oral prints are used or upholstery$ %all

    co&erin!s$ and oor5to5ceilin! %indo% co&erin!s Rococo is a li!hter$ more %himsical &ersion o the 0aro6ue style$ usin! a pastel

    palette and li!ht5hearted art

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  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    American Country StyleRooms decorated in the American Country style are !enerally rela"ed and

    comortable %ith simple adornments. This d9cor commonly reerences Americanherita!e throu!h the use o traditional materials and a country moti. -omes are

    in&itin!$ coy$ and comortable$ oten %ith %ood oors and stone or bric* +replaces.Spaces loo* Dli&ed inE %ith the use o anti6ue and unctional decorati&e elements

    such as pottery$ car&ed %ood$ hand5ormed metal$ and bas*ets. Furniture is typicallymade o leather or sot abrics in muted colors %ith oral or !in!ham patterns.

    (lements o desi!n:

    Spaces are in&itin!$ coy$ and rela"ed )ooden or stone oors ,&ersied urniture in leather or simple patterned abrics such as !in!ham$

    striped$ or oral >ainted American a!s American herita!e anti6ues 4ecorati&e elements such as pottery$ car&ed %ood$ hand5ormed metal$ and

    bas*ets A muted color palette

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    Art 4eco StyleArt 4eco style is a decorati&e ta*e on modernist style rom the early t%entieth

    century. Interior architectural elements include smooth %alls %ith rounded corners$par6uet %ood oors$ !lass bloc* %indo%s$ and porthole %indo%s. Furniture ismodern$ oten %ith mirrored acades$ and is hea&ily lac6uered or %ith inlaid

    !eometric desi!ns. Common materials also include &eneer$ stainless steel$ or

    chrome. As %ith modernist style$ spaces are uncluttered %ith minimal urniture ordisplay.

    (lements o desi!n:

    Smooth %alls %ith rounded corners >ar6uet or tile oors %ith !eometric desi!ns 'irrored %all panels$ !lass bloc* %indo%s$ and room di&iders 'odern urniture includin! mirrored or &eneer aade Color palette is bold= oten blac* and %hite %ith bri!ht accents

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    eometric patterns$ includin! che&rons and sunbursts$ are oten incorporated

    into the desi!n

    Arts G Crats The Arts G Crats style %as ormed as a part o the decorati&e arts mo&ement o the

    late nineteenth century$ becomin! popular in the Hnited States in the early

    t%entieth century. The style %as a response to the industrial era$ %here handcrated%or* %as bein! replaced by mass5produced$ actory5made home %ares. Te"tiles$ceramics$ urniture$ and metal %or* %ere handmade by artists in simple orms orhome use. The ob@ects created %ere typically unctional as %ell as decorati&e. The

    color palette o homes decorated in the Arts G Crats style is one that reects tonesthat are ound in nature$ %ith %arm oran!es and bro%ns as %ell as &arious shades

    o !reen.

    (lements o desi!n:

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    -ousehold items ha&e the loo* o bein! handcrated -andcrated items oten include te"tiles$ tile %or*$ metal %or*$ and ceramics Furnishin!s are simple and unctional$ not o&erly ornamental ,tentimes urniture is built into rooms$ as a part o the architectural desi!n Construction elements are e"posed to sho% handi%or*$ such as e"posed beams

    or @oints in the construction o urniture Autumnal color palette %ith tones that reect nature

    Asian InspiredAsian5inspired home interiors primarily reerence apanese and Chinese desi!n

    aesthetics. The style is !rounded in eastern philosophies$ althou!h di&erse$ stri&in!to create a balance bet%een the e"ternal %orld and internal bein!. 'inimalism isthe core &irtue o Asian5inspired desi!n. 0y eliminatin! clutter$ ornaments$ and

    urnishin!s$ these spaces are thou!ht to be enhanced and promote harmony. 4esi!nphilosophies$ such as Fen! Shui$ pro&ide !uidance or achie&in! balance bet%een

    natural elements and encoura!in! the o% o ener!y. Natural abrics and materials$household plants$ the inclusion o %ater 7such as a ountain8$ and natural li!htin!

    are all common elements.

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    (lements o desi!n:

    'inimalism is a core &irtue$ riddin! the home o clutter and unnecessary

    urnishin!s ("tensi&e use o natural elements$ ran!in! rom natural abrics and buildin!

    materials$ to the inclusion o plants$ %ater$ and natural li!ht

    Function is e6ual to orm 4esi!n style is %ithout e"cess ornamentation Color palette is typically neutral and reects muted colors ound in nature$ such

    as bamboo and stone 4ecorati&e %all panels$ room di&iders$ orchids$ and statues o deities are

    common elements

    Contemporary StyleContemporary style is characteried by open spaces$ modern$ clean lines$ and

    careully selected accents in bold shades. i*e most modern styles$ there is a lac* o ornamentation in contemporary desi!n. Instead$ spaces are *ept open and

    decorati&e accents are careully selected. Floors are typically hard%ood$ tile$ orpolished concrete. Contemporary style can be achie&ed in any architectural space=

    ho%e&er$ industrial spaces or contemporary5built homes %ith lar!e$ unco&ered

  • 8/18/2019 Architectural Interior Styles RESEARCH


    %indo%s and hi!h ceilin!s are more common or this desi!n aesthetic. Furniture and%alls are usually %hite$ neutral$ and blac*$ %ith bold accent colors in the orm o an

    accent %all$ lar!e5scale art$ or !eometric oor co&erin!s. This desi!n style otenhi!hli!hts architectural elements that ha&e te"ture$ such as e"posed %ooden

    beams$ bric* %alls$ or air ducts.

    (lements o desi!n: ,pen spaces %ith hi!h ceilin!s and lar!e$ open %indo%s Furniture is modern %ith solid color abrics and clean$ strai!ht lines  Te"tured te"tiles in natural abrics add interest to the contemporary desi!n style  The color palette consists o %hite$ neutrals$ and blac* %ith the addition o bold

    accent colors Contemporary desi!n is oten enhanced by lar!e pieces o art$ accent %alls$ or

    accent details li*e pillo%s and ru!s ,rnamentation and clutter is *ept to a minimum Chrome and metallic suraces are common$ especially in contemporary *itchen
