Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia Fuentes Site Code: CAP18/221 (TQ 4153 0240) TVAS SOUTH

Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

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Page 1: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex

Archaeological Evaluation

by Virginia Fuentes

Site Code: CAP18/221

(TQ 4153 0240)



Page 2: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex

An Archaeological Evaluation

for Mr Malcolm Webb

Planning reference : LW/18/0210

by Virginia Fuentes

Thames Valley Archaeological Services Ltd

Site Code CAP 18/221

February 2019

Page 3: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs


TVAS South, 77a Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton, BN1 7HB Tel. (01273) 554198; email [email protected]; website: www.tvas.co.uk


Site name: Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex Grid reference: TQ 4153 0240 Site activity: Evaluation Date and duration of project: 25th February 2019 Project manager: Sean Wallis Site supervisor: Virginia Fuentes Site code: CAP 18/221 Area of site: c. 800 sq m Summary of results: The archaeological evaluation successfully investigated those parts of the site which will be most affected by the proposed development. Despite the fact that the area had not been significantly disturbed in the past, no archaeological finds or features were recorded. The site is considered to have no archaeological potential Location and reference of archive: The archive is presently held at TVAS South, Brighton and will be deposited with a suitable depository in due course. This report may be copied for bona fide research or planning purposes without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. All TVAS unpublished fieldwork reports are available on our website: www.tvas.co.uk/reports/reports.asp. Report edited/checked by: Steve Ford 27.02.19 Steve Preston 27.02.19

Page 4: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs


Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex An Archaeological Evaluation

by Virginia Fuentes

Report 18/221


This report documents the results of an archaeological field evaluation carried at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven,

East Sussex BN10 8AL (TQ 4153 0240) (Figs. 1 and 2). The work was commissioned by the property’s owner,

Mr Malcolm Webb.

Planning permission (LW/18/0210) has been gained from Lewes District Council to demolish the existing

bungalow on the site, and construct a pair of semi-detached houses. The consent is subject to standard planning

conditions (4 and 5) relating to archaeology and the historic environment, which required the implementation of

a programme of archaeological work prior to the commencement of groundworks. This is in accordance with the

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF

2018), and the District Council's policies on archaeology.

As a consequence of the possibility of archaeological deposits on the site which may be damaged or

destroyed by the proposed development, it was proposed to carry out a field evaluation in order to inform a

mitigation strategy as appropriate. The field investigation was carried out to a specification approved by the

Local Planning Authority as advised by the East Sussex County Council Archaeological Officer. The fieldwork

was undertaken by Virginia Fuentes-Mateos, Sean Wallis and Jim Webster on 25th February 2019, and the site

code is CAP 18/221. The archive is presently held at TVAS South, Brighton, and will be deposited with a

suitable depository in due course.

Location, topography and geology

The site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on

NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs 1 and 2). The evaluation trenches were excavated in the front garden of the existing

building. The area is relatively flat and lies at a height of approximately 63m above Ordnance Datum. According

to the British Geological Survey the underlying geology consists of Woolwich and Reading Formation of the

Lambeth Group (BGS 2006), and this was confirmed in the evaluation trenches as a mid orange brown sandy

clay, with varying levels of flint inclusions.

Page 5: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs


Archaeological background

The archaeological potential of the site stems from its location within an Archaeological Notification Area

associated with prehistoric remains recorded in the county Historic Environment Record. A probable cremation

urn was discovered in a garden along Glynn Road, about 100m south-east of the site, in 1924. A possible round

barrow and early Bronze Age mace-head have been identified less than 200m north-west of the site. Slightly

further afield, numerous archaeological finds and features, dating from the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age

and Iron Age periods, were recorded during a large scale excavation at Lower Hoddern Farm, to the south-east

of the present site (Hart 2010).

Objectives and methodology

The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the presence/absence, extent, condition, character, quality and

date of any archaeological deposits within the area of the proposed development.

Specific aims of the project were:

to determine if archaeologically relevant levels have survived on this site; and

to determine if archaeological deposits of any period are present.

Two trenches were to be dug, each measuring 13m in length and 1.60m in width. The trenches were

positioned to target those parts of the site which would be most affected by the new buildings. The trenches were

to be dug using a 360° type machine fitted with a toothless ditching bucket under constant archaeological

supervision. All spoilheaps were to be monitored for finds.


The two trenches were dug close to their original planned positions (Fig. 3). Both trenches were 1.60m wide, and

measured respectively 13.70m and 11.50m in length, and 0.65m and 0.60m in depth. A list of the trenches giving

lengths, breadths, depths and a description of sections and geology is given in Appendix 1.

Trench 1 (Fig. 4; Pl. 1)

This trench was orientated approximately WNW-ESE, and was 13.70m long and up to 0.65m deep. The natural

geology was encountered beneath 0.24m of topsoil (50) and 0.36m of subsoil (51). No archaeological finds or

features were recorded in the trench.

Page 6: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs


Trench 2 (Fig. 4; Pl. 2)

This trench was orientated approximately WSW-ENE, and was 11.50m long and up to 0.60m deep. The trench

was not dug to its full intended length due to the presence of a gas main. The natural geology was visible beneath

0.24m of topsoil (50) and 0.29m of subsoil (51). No archaeological finds or features were recorded in the trench.


No archaeological finds were recovered during the evaluation.


The archaeological evaluation successfully investigated those parts of the site which will be most affected by the

proposed development. Although the area where the two trenches were located, in the front garden of the

existing bungalow, does not appear to have been significantly disturbed in the past, no archaeological finds or

features were recorded. The site is considered to have no archaeological potential..


BGS, 2006, British Geological Survey, 1:50,000, Sheet 319/334, Bedrock and Superficial Deposits Edition, Keyworth

Hart, D, 2010, ‘Excavations at the Brighton and Hove Wastewater Treatment Works, Lower Hoddern Farm, Peacehaven, East Sussex’, Archaeology South-east unpublished report 2010098, Portslade

NPPF, 2018, National Planning Policy Framework, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, London

Page 7: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs


APPENDIX 1: Trench details

Trench Length (m) Breadth (m) Depth (m) Comment 1 13.70 1.60 0.65 0-0.24m topsoil (50); 0.24-0.60m subsoil (51); 0.60- 0.65m+ natural geology

(mid orange brown sandy clay). [Pl. 1] 2 11.50 1.60 0.60 0-0.24m topsoil (50); 0.24-0.53m subsoil (51); 0.53- 0.60m+ natural geology

(mid orange brown sandy clay). [Pl. 2]

Page 8: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

TQ41000 42000

41 42

41 42





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Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven,East Sussex, 2019

Archaeological Evaluation

Figure 1. Location of site within Peacehaven and East Sussex.

CAP 18/221



Reproduced under licence from Ordnance Survey Explorer Digital mapping at 1:12500Crown Copyright reserved




Bexhill Hastings



Page 9: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50







54 1600m






OS MasterMap 1250/2500/10000 scaleMonday, December 10, 2018, ID: BW1-00763402maps.blackwell.co.uk

1:1250 scale print at A4, Centre: 541538 E, 102445 N

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TQ41500 41600



Reproduced from Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping under licence.Crown copyright reserved. Scale 1:2500

Figure 2. Detailed site location.

N Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven,East Sussex, 2019

Archaeological Evaluation

CAP 18/221


Page 10: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs









CAP 18/221

Figure 3. Location of excavated trenches within site.

Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex, 2019

Archaeological Evaluation



Page 11: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

Figure 4. Representative sections.

0 1m

CAP 18/221

Land at 14 Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven,East Sussex 2019

Archaeological Evaluation

63.18m AOD

63.13m AOD

Trench 2

Trench 1





Subsoil (51)

Subsoil (51)

Mid orange brown sandy clay (natural geology)

Mid orange brown sandy clay (natural geology)

Topsoil (50)

Topsoil (50)

Page 12: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

Land at Cripps Avenue, Peacehaven,East Sussex, 2019

Archaeological EvaluationPlates 1 to 3.

CAP 18/221

Plate 3. General view of site, looking South-west.

Plate 1. Trench 1, looking West-north-west.Scales: 2m, 1m and 0.50m.

Plate 2. Trench 2, looking West.Scales: 2m, 1m and 0.50m.

Page 13: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs


Calendar Years

Modern AD 1901

Victorian AD 1837

Post Medieval AD 1500

Medieval AD 1066

Saxon AD 410

Roman AD 43 AD 0 BCIron Age 750 BC

Bronze Age: Late 1300 BC

Bronze Age: Middle 1700 BC

Bronze Age: Early 2100 BC

Neolithic: Late 3300 BC

Neolithic: Early 4300 BC

Mesolithic: Late 6000 BC

Mesolithic: Early 10000 BC

Palaeolithic: Upper 30000 BC

Palaeolithic: Middle 70000 BC

Palaeolithic: Lower 2,000,000 BC

Page 14: Archaeological Evaluation by Virginia FuentesThe site is located on the west side of Cripps Avenue, in the northern outskirts of Peacehaven, and is centred on NGR TQ 4153 0240 (Figs

TVAS (South),77a Hollingdean Terrace

Brighton, BN1 7HB

Tel: 01273 554198Email: [email protected]

Web: www.tvas.co.uk/south

Offices in:Reading, Taunton, Stoke-on-Trent and Ennis (Ireland)