ARAGON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF ‘72 40 years later… (version 2)

Aragon72 - Forty years later...(v.2)

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40 years later…(version 2)

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August 4, 2012

Berkeley, CA

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Bruce Allen


I've been working for a living since I left Aragon. Now I'm day trading and position trading.

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Candice Silverii (Rogers)

It’s hard to believe it has been 40 years since graduation. Overall, life has been very good to me. I have a wonderful husband of 10 years (Marlen), two beautiful children (Mary-age 20 and Nick-age 15) and two wonderful stepchildren (Rob- age 25 and Sarah-age 19). Animals are my passion. Many wonderful horses, dogs and cats have enriched my life. 

I attended college at C.S.M and U.C. Davis. I studied Zoology as an undergraduate and Exercise Physiology as a graduate student. I worked for 15 years in the field of Exercise Physiology. I then worked in the family business (auto parts) for 15 years. For the last 10 years I have worked in accounting. 

Before my marriage to Marlen, I lived in the Bay Area and Reno. Since marrying, we have lived in Nashville, Oklahoma City, France and Indianapolis (current residence). Living in France for a year was one of the highlights of my life. We thoroughly enjoyed immersing ourselves in the culture, food, language and travel. By next summer we hope to “semi-retire” and move to Park City, Utah. We are looking forward to spending more time enjoying the outdoor lifestyle that we love.

Sarah, Rob, Marlen, Candice, Nick


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Carol’s wedding to Anthony Garrett

Julie Klinger, Patti Noe, Bebe Smith, Carol

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Went to CSM with Aragon Alum Patti Noe - transferred to UC Berkeley, where Aragon Alum Martha Johnson and I shared an apt. and where I played in the I-House Quartet with Sue – studied film semiology in Paris - studied broadcasting at SF State, and shared an apt. in Berkley with Patti - played with Sue at Martha's wedding

Met my husband Anthony Garrett while working at The Magic Theatre in San Francisco - Sue Smith played at our wedding, Martha Johnson and Patti Noe also attended - visited Aragon Alum Katherine Cheney on her husband's pueblo during our honeymoon 

Worked at Viacom Cable Network and KPIX after grad school--moved to DC and worked for CBS--moved to Los Angeles, and worked with Aragon Alum Jane Galbraith at Fox TV--moved back to SF, worked for KNTV in San Jose, where I saw a lot of Aragon Alum Barbara Finnerty,  at KCSM where I worked with Aragon Alum Cole Crew, and at KPFA in Berkeley

Had Thanksgiving with Katherine Cheney in White River, Arizona while she was in treatment for breast cancer.  She died from it later.  I attended her funeral, which was exotic beautiful and sad.  I had the privilege of providing food for her journey.

Moved back to DC to work for NPR – Associate Editor on “All Things Considered”

Visited Martha Johnson almost every time I came back to California until her death caused by MS.  I miss her very much.

Attended Susan Yael Siegel's (Sue Smith) Bat Mitzvah in Chapel Hill, NC.  

I'm looking forward to our reunion!


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I booked Benjamin Bratt for an interview about Pinero.  It was my idea.  We ran out of styrofoam cups, so I washed out my own ATC mug and let him use it for water during the interview.  He liked the mug so much he asked me if he could keep it. I hesitated and said, "I don't know.  They don't make these mugs anymore…oh, okay!" and he leaned over and kissed me.  All the younger women were in a twitter when they saw it.  I decided maybe I could get a little mileage out of it at home, but when I told my husband, he had no idea who he was. I had to point out a picture of him with Julia Roberts on the cover of US Magazine to give Anthony an idea of how famous he was. I've only sung in one club once…it was a folk club in Paris, with some French Paris Metro buskers, but I've joined a choir in every city I've ever lived in. Getting caught visiting communist East Germany illegally was the most dangerous thing I ever did, though.  I didn't get arrested, luckily.  The Germans looked scary in their shiny high boots and uniforms with epaulettes, but they didn't know what to do with me, so they decided not to do anything.  They turned out to be pussykatzen! Come to think of it, if that's the most dangerous thing I did, outside of hitchhiking, white water rafting, and cross county backpacking in winter, I've lived a very safe life.  I'm sure most Dons took more risks than I did.

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David Eisenberg

Here is Pat and our two sons  Joseph - who is a Family Practice MD in Portland and Ben who is an attorney in Washington DC

This is a picture of our grandkids taken last May at Ben's graduation from UC Berkeley LawFrom Left to Right  Ben's kids  Via, Avi and Kai  and   Joseph's kids  Faith and Elijah

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David Wee

I received my B.A. in Social Welfare from U.C. at Berkeley and Master of Science Social Work degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1978.

I worked briefly with the California Connection providing advocacy services to former heroin addicts and Alameda Child Protective Services in the Emergency Response Unit.  I joined the City of Berkeley in 1981 and retired as Mental Health Program Supervisor for the Mobile Crisis and Homeless Outreach Program on April 27, 2012.  I now provide consultation and training on disaster mental health and crisis intervention services.

I married Kim Sharrar on June 15, 1986.  I have three children, Michael, age 25, Melissa, age 22, and Laurel, age 17.  I have lived in Berkeley since 1989 and enjoy camping, travelling, and vacationing.  I have just returned from a relaxing post-retirement celebration in Maui.  I have co-authored a book titled, Disaster Mental Health: A Primer for Practitioners.

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Debbie Ruiseco (Venturelli)

I've been living in Miami, FL since 1986. My husband Robert & I have 2 kids, boy and a girl, they're both married. We have 2 grandsons from my son & his wife so far. We enjoy cruising & all forms of travel to explore different places.

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Devin Harris(Callaghan)With husband Rob

Daughter Carey

Son Kevin, D.I.L. Kristen


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Have not been in touch with anyone from Aragon for quite awhile, although my family still lives in the same house in San Mateo, where I grew up. But, glad to be back in touch and have enjoyed getting in contact again and reading everyone’s bios and seeing photos. I recognize all of you!

After graduation, I attended UC Davis, where I met my soon to be husband. I was majoring in Child Development at the time. We married in 1974 at the ripe old ages of 20 and were married for 22 years. During that time, we lived in Los Angeles, where I got my RN from Mount St Mary’s College, and he went to medical school at UCLA. We had 2 lovely children, daughter, Carey and son, Kevin (now 32 and 30). We moved to Ventura for my husband’s internship and residency, then to Placerville, CA where he could be a “country family practice MD” and we could raise our children in the beauty of the foothills and the Sierras.

We divorced in 1996, so I returned to school to obtain my masters in nursing and my family nurse practitioner degree. I have been practicing family practice, seeing patients for the last 12 years now. I met my 2nd husband while cross country skiing. He is from Australia and ended up moving over here permanently in 1998. We married in 2001, after he survived supporting me through a rigorous academic schedule, while I also worked full time. I figured that, if he could stand me after those 2 ½ years, we could get through anything together. He has a daughter, who is wonderful and is about the same age as my children

I have a lovely 3 mile commute to work, and my husband, Rob, works from home as a geophysicist/consultant for the man he sold his company to last year.We hike, still cross country ski, play tennis and have travelled to several places in the world, including England, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy and Australia 4-5 times.My children have been very successful at supporting themselves and have great jobs. My daughter is a specialty pharmaceutical rep in Los Angeles, and my son is a mechanical engineer, living with his wife, 3 year old daughter and 9 month old twin girls, in Gilbert, Arizona.Life has been very good to me and I try to enjoy every day of it! Hope to see some of you in person soon!

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Diane Harada (Yamauchi)

After high school, I went to UCD then San Jose State for a Nursing Degree.  I have worked at the same hospital since I graduated as an emergency department nurse.  I also work at a Surgery center.  Call me a workaholic! 

I have 2 sons, Bryan and Steven, who are doing well and both working.  Thank goodness.  

I love to travel.  Of course my favorite place to go is Hawaii. I have been to Alaska, New Orleans, Machu Picchu, Peru, Japan andwill be going on a Mediterranean cruise.  Las Vegas and LA are fun too.

I plan to go to the SF opera to see Larry Ragentplay his French horn.  I'll let you know when I am coming Larry.   

It was great to see everyone at the reunion.  Thank you John and Diane for letting us come to your beautiful home.

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Gary Kane


My autobiography (never to make the NY Times best seller list) consists of college, post graduate in a masters program, happily married and living in the Bay Area for thirty years (maybe that makes me remarkable) with two wonderful boys whom will be marrying soon. Started my career as a teacher but ended up working with my father as an accountant.

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Gwen Brass (Schultz)

Sons Jeff, Tim, and Jesse, husband Jim. Dear departed McKenzie (lab) and Buddy (golden).

After graduating from high school, I bummed around a bit, living in Tahoe and trying out different majors in various colleges.   I probably win the award for most colleges attended and areas of study tried. What can I say, I'm interested in everything. I ended up at CU-Boulder where I majored in wasting my dad's money.  After only one semester someone ran into me on the ski slopes and broke my ankle, so I came back home where I ran into an old friend who was in court reporting school.  That sounded good to me so I immediately enrolled and voilà  - I found something I was really good at.  I did take a year off in the middle of school to live in Tahoe once again, where I finally got the ski bunny thing out of my system.

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Back to court reporting school where sadly, my dad passed away before seeing me finally graduate from something.

While waiting to take the CSR, I landed a job at a sporting goods company where I had a great time hobnobbing with famous athletes and traveling around to various trade shows and ski events.  They even sent me to Switzerland to tour the Toko ski wax company and I 'trained' with the Swiss Olympic cross-country ski team.  My sports-nut then-boyfriend-now-husband was very jealous when I got to go to dinner with Ricky Henderson.

I finally passed the CSR, married Jim, and my fun and fabulous 20s were over.  Court reporting turned out to be a great job for me as it allowed me to work and still do what I had been waiting my whole life to do - have babies. 

Actually, I had been waiting my whole life to have girl babies, but life is funny that way.  I married a guy whose family only produces boys, so we ended up with three of those.  Turns out boy babies were what I was waiting for all along.  Who knew. In 2001 Jim's company opened a satellite office in Mukilteo, Washington, and offered to transfer any employees who were interested.   Having remembered what a nice clean city Seattle is (Jim says it's because it gets washed down once a day) from my trade show days, and because we had always talked about moving to the PNW, we decided to make the move.  When we came up to check the area out, we fell in love with Whidbey Island and moved up in August of 2001.  Whidbey is 35 miles northwest of Seattle and we take the Mukilteo-Clinton ferry back and forth.  


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When we moved, our kids were getting ready to enter 8th, 6th, and 4th grades.  I stopped working and became a stay-at-home mom.  I continued to do a lot of volunteering, which I've always done, and eventually as the years went by and the kids got older,  I started picking up some little part-time jobs here and there until I had accumulated 6 of them and keeping track of them became a bit much.  With two kids in college at the same time, I decided to return to court reporting in 2009.  Had I known how hard it would be to get back into the workforce, I would never have completely quit.  I only am recently back to something approaching full-time. I still have a couple of the part-time jobs and too many volunteer commitments, but am slowly ditching those that need to go.

I sell tickets on Tuesday nights at our small-town movie theater, which I love.  Sometime I work in the snack bar, which I also love.  I can dispense popcorn and pop like nobody's business.  Around 2007 I went to floral design school and became certified as a florist.  I tried doing that professionally but decided it was way more fun as a hobby.  I do prom flowers for the kids I know and take on the occasional floral job now and then, mainly so I don't lose my license. Our children are now 24, 22, and 20.  Last year we became grandparents to--you guessed it--a little boy.   Our oldest son lives in Walla Walla.  Our middle son just moved home in July after graduating.  Our youngest is living in Seattle while going to college.  He comes home on weekends to visit his son. My mom still lives in the same house on Oak Valley Road that I grew up in.  My younger sister and her family live with my mom.  Janice is a counselor at Hillsdale High School (she's such a traitor!),  My older sister Karin lives in Redwood City and is an electrical designer, and my brother John splits his time between Mexico City and Truckee and is a pilot. When not working or volunteering, I enjoy gardening (actually I just like to walk around the garden admiring the weeds with a glass of wine in hand), cooking and entertaining, tv and movies, reading, and occasionally updating my blog.

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Jane Galbraith

With Marshall


With Martin

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Currently in public affairs at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, specializing in water resources. Previously Director of Communications for Los Angeles City Councilmember Tom LaBonge and Asst. Press Secretary to Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan. Did four years as vice president of a public affairs firm advising outreach strategies for such clients as the Los Angeles Public Library and Los Angeles International Airport. Spent 15 years as a working journalist – 10 at the Los Angeles Times and five covering the motion picture industry for Daily Variety and the Fox Network. Graduated from Cal in Communications and Public Policy and got an MA from Stanford in Communications. Married to Martin with twins (Frances and Marshall). Reside in the “Miracle Mile” area of  Los Angeles near the Tar Pits (everyone knows where they are!).

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Janet Bevis (Brundage)

My husband, Michael is a musician, owns a guitar Shop here in Redlands, CA. I am a medical transcriptionist.

I lived in Hawaii for two years, got married there and had my first daughter, Michelle.  I have three children, Michelle (36), Jessica (34) and Max (26). We have a total of 8 grandchildren, my husband has a daughter from a first marriage who has 4 of them.

We moved to SoCal in 1977, lived in Orange County til 1989 when we moved to Redlands.  Now we're old.  The End.  Just kidding!!  Life is pretty good, love the grandkids.

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Jill Coleman

It has been such a pleasure to reconnect with so many old and dear friends through this reunion! I loved seeing the photos of everyone and am sorry I couldn’t attend! I don’t have current pictures to post but there are lots on my Facebook page! It’s hard to summarize a 50-something life in a few lines, but generally, I had a long career in corporate Human Resources which took me from San Francisco to Europe (in 1985 and 1996). Along the way I had a marriage to a Brit, which ended in 1989. As a self-employed Contractor/Consultant, I unexpectedly relocated to Europe, and have had the chance to work all over the European continent, and in Asia. The move also reunited me with a former Portuguese boyfriend, Fernando, who I had previously met in the 1980’s “backpacking years,” and we have been together ever since. I live in Faro Portugal. In the 2000’s I got my certificate for teaching English as a second language, and in more recent years have taught internationally, including in Portugal, Brazil and Slovakia. Also in the year 2000, I began to learn about the concepts of reality creation which I found resonated deeply with me, and I have studied and tried to live them as best I can since. I have never had kids, but my partner Fernando has a now-adult son. I’ve had a rich life, with ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns, like everyone, but have seen a lot of the world and enjoy being a “world citizen”! With affection, Jill


With Victor, in Slovakia

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Joan Taber


SassyAnya & Maggie

Joan, Anya & John

We live in the small retirement community of Florence, Oregon, pop. 9,000, on the Central Oregon coast.  I graduated with BS from UC Davis and MA from SF State University.  John & I work at the local medical center:  Peace Harbor Peace Health Medical Center.   I work as the Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator.

John has a large extended family in the Eugene/Corvallis area where we enjoy visiting his brothers, sisters, nieces & nephews.  We enjoy kayaking, hiking, backpacking and gardening. 

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John Rosenberg

Diane, Eli, Adrienne, John

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Too many years in school ( 4 in college, 5 in medical school, 4 in residency) - Trained in psychiatry---seemed the most fun of all the specialties I investigated

First practice opportunity with a medical group in Oakland---a great learning opportunity as I learned I should not have taken that job

Briefly worked for the psychiatric residency training program in San Mateo ( the old Chope hospital--San Mateo County Psychiatric residency program) - Then 17 years as a medical director in charge of adult programs at Alta Bates in Berkeley

Happily married for 29 years---to Diane Gerstler, from New York ( but she has now been in the East Bay for about 35 years)

I have a son ( Eli) in Brooklyn---where Berkeley kids go to age, like a fine wine, before they return for good to the West Coast ( or so we hope). He works as a reporter for The Brooklyn Paper---and loves it!

I have a daughter (Adrienne) who just returned to California after a year in New York ( also Brooklyn)----now she has to start figuring out what she wants to do with the rest of her life ( with a degree in Anthropology)

Neck injury in 2005 ended my skiing career---I’ve given up my fantasies of being the guy in “Downhill Racer”---(was that Robert Redford?)--but I’m otherwise healthy, and grateful for that.

Served as Chief of Staff at Alta Bates for 2 years, which was completely fascinating, but exhausting. Best part was that this allowed me access to a very high level of gossip ( the inside story about all sorts of characters working at the hospital)

Currently my work is in psychopharmacology and consultation--working with a mental health group in Berkeley. I gave up hospital work 7 years ago, as I had tired of working weekends.

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Kathe Nathan (Dehnel)

Married 32 years to DonOne daughter, Nicole. Nicole just finished with all the classes she needs to teach any elementary grade as well as math for middle school through high school. I couldn't be prouder of her.I work for a local, community bank as a relationship manager, helping clients with their total Business Banking needs including deposits and loans. Can't say being a Banker is a highly regarded position these days but I know my clients feel everything I do is with their best interest in mind (BA: I'm sure you disagree!)

I have had the wonderful opportunity to travel to some very awesome place with my dad, including Russia, Myanmar, Europe, Baja Mexico.Still in touch with some of my high school friends, including Candice Rogers Silvereii who was my best friend in elementary school. A real joy knowing friends for almost 50 years. Kathryn, Sue and Rita as well.

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Kathleen Noonan

The most important outcome of the last two decade is seen in one of the photos.  Our son graduated from high school in June and will be attending UC Davis, Dept of Chemical Engineering.  Other members of our family that reside on our small ranch in the East Bay hills include 4 horses, 2 dogs, 15 chickens, thousands of bees, 2 cockatiels and one very spoiled indoor cat.  Along the way we've had lots of fun; baseball, boy scouts, backpacking, skiing, and horseback riding.  I consider myself a very lucky lady!

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Kathy White

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In Memoriam: Class of 72

Drake Merrill

Nancy Mich,

Gary Wright,

Tim Young

Katherine Cheney

Shelly Davis

Sue Glasson

Gene Marey

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In Memoriam: Martha Johnson

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Laura Merlo

Matt, Laura, Teo, Alan

One day in 1976 I was outside the house I shared with friends in Mill Valley, talking to a prospective buyer of my little yellow Triumph, which I had to sell because I couldn't afford to replace the leaky convertible top. Our neighbors' son was visiting from college and happened to be talking to a prospective buyer for his pickup truck, which he was selling because he was about to move to Potrero Hill and start law school. We got to talking and one thing led to another and we got married on 7-7-77 in a park in the redwoods. There was a wonderful bluegrass band.

Eventually, I got a bachelor's in journalism and became a copy editor at the S.F. Chronicle and Matt became a private practice attorney. Although we had agreed not to reproduce (too messy), we got bored with trying new restaurants, going to parties, being thin and throwing money around, so we reneged and had a kid in 1987. I spent our tenth anniversary in a panic, wondering 1.) how to entertain our 2-week-old son, Teo, and 2.) whether I would survive maternity leave, let alone his entire childhood.

Merlo Girls: Laura and her sisters

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I did, along with a few sluggish brain cells, and our adorable son thrived. To justify our steep learning curve, we had a second kid on the last day of 1991. Of course, Alan was totally different from his brother, sleeping often and accepting a pacifier, so we never got the chance to show off our parenting skills. Newspapers began their decline in the early nineties, and the Chron offered buyouts to thin the ranks. I accepted and went back to school to earn my teaching credential (English at the high school level). Then I started Eagle Eye Editing from my home office and never again had to wear stockings or use a red pen, plus I could snack at whim. I just closed the editing business at the end of June. Matt turned out to be really good at his law thing. He even ran for judge once.  In 2009, Teo graduated UC Berkeley in International Development and started law school in Washington, DC. He graduated in May and his sweetheart and their two cats have been living with us this summer while he studied for the California bar exam. He's in Day 2 of that three-day ordeal as I write this. Alan is going into his third year at McGill University in Montreal, also majoring in International Development. At the end of August, he and I are taking a road trip from Calgary (where he's working as a camp counselor) through the Canadian Rockies. Banff, Lake Louise, the Icefields Parkway -- it should be beautiful. That's how it is for me. I look forward to reading about you. Have a great time at the reunion. Wishing you all the best,Laura

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Laurie Reyen (Neakrans)

Laurie & brother Bob

Sandi Skale, Sue Engman Lazear, Laurie, Cristal Sellman Carter

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I was just talking with  a friend this week about how much influence those 4 high school years have had on everything from taste in music to inability to wear high heels ( raised on platforms, my feet  never adapted!) I live in Santa Monica and work at UCLA as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Pediatric Gastroenterology/ Nutrition Support - Have been down here for pretty much my whole adult life but get up to the Bay Area often to see the family –

Besides work am godmother to 6 teenagers, young adults courtesy of friends and family members who trusted me to be "auntie" to their kids so keep busy keeping up with all of that - major hobby is quilting so am very involved with multiple community groups around that - went to the Aragon 50 year school anniversary last October and met up with Kristel Sellman, Sue Engman , Sandy Skale and Ann Becker  - had a great time with them . It was an all class reunion so brother Bob was there

Am not going to be able to come up in August - I volunteer as a nurse  at the Painted Turtle ( on of the Paul Newman camps for kids with chronic medical conditions) and my week there conflicts with reunion - will think of you all and look forward to seeing pictures and hearing stories form the reunion! 

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Linda Plank (Shneider) With Steve

With Linda Donley


Our wedding, 1978. Top: Bob Patch (70), Jim Alderman (71), Steve, Richard (70) ,Mike Elliott (71). Bottom row: Jeff Eisenberg (70), Greg Komisarek, Ron Noyes (71)

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After some earlier jobs I ended up at Kaiser where I have been for thirty three years working at four different Kaisers. I have been a file clerk, secretary, medical biller, financial counselor, and now an Emergency Room Department clerk up in Roseville.

I have been married to Steve Plank 34 years who is a 1970 Aragon Grad. I have two grown sons- Chris, 30, lives in NYC and wants to do musical theatre. Matthew is 26 and lives in SF with 4 guys and works for Adobe. I love living in Rocklin. We have been up here for 12 years, have great neighbors and still do lots of stuff with Linda Donley and other friends from Aragon, including all of Steve's old softball team who he has played with for over 25 years. 

I studied photography for 3 years and enjoy doing that on the side. I love hanging out in my backyard listening to music, throwing balls for my Mutt, Corona. Enjoying the hot weather we have up here. We have an outside Tiki bar and we enjoy hanging out with friends.

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Lori Gradinger

Lori with wife Annie and kids Rachel, Sam and Zoe

Sally and Gil with their 11 grandchildren and 1 grand-daughter-in-law

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Lora Moore (Bolyan)

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After graduating from Aragon, I attended U.C. Davis and obtained a degree in Applied Behavioral Sciences with an emphasis in Interior Design 

I began my career in San Francisco with a well established design firm working on various commercial projects throughout the Western States. I loved it! 

I advanced to a ‘better’ design job in Orinda and then transferred to Sacramento to establish a satellite office. Eventually I formed my own company and had a very successful run until the economy took a nosedive and I found my client base greatly diminished. At this time my husband’s efforts in commercial real estate/property management were starting to pay off so I transitioned over to his side of the office. I also became pregnant and had my one and only child, Thomas.  My son is now 21 years old and attending the University of Chicago, majoring in economics. And all told, I very proudly claim him to be my life’s best work. My husband passed in 2007 after a tragic illness. I have moved on and am finding tremendous joy and satisfaction in my life. I am independently employed, working part time in accounting and document management for a couple of law (litigation) firms. I seem to have quite a knack for organization that has been the backbone of my successes. I also am a seasonal income tax preparer, utilizing work skills that I picked up from my husband’s CPA practice.  I own a modest but absolutely beautiful home with a tremendous yard that receives quite a bit of attention from me on a regular basis. I’m an avid swimmer getting into the water and gym daily. I enjoy all forms of the arts, and I travel frequently. I have a wealth of friends and family that I am close to. Life has been very good to me, and where I can I endeavor to give back.  Thank you to Susan and all who worked to bring us together. While I did not make the reunion I look forward to reconnecting with my Aragonian peers.

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Marc Primiani


With Leanna & Nic

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Sorry we missed everyone. We are at a friend’s wedding in the Hamptons this weekend and then visiting my brother Peter next week on his farm outside of Charlottesville, Virginia.

After high school, I went to the University of Colorado where I skied a lot. After that, I got a law degree from Santa Clara and a Master in Law in tax from NYU, and then was a tax lawyer in the entertainment business in Los Angeles for what felt like a long time. I also skied a lot. In 2000, I left the practice of law to work for an internet company and in 2003, started a wealth management company. I still managed to ski a lot and to buy a place in Aspen so I could ski even more. Despite my efforts to continue screwing around, our company has been very successful and now manages about $9B for 800 families throughout the US.

Because I skied a lot, I couldn’t find time to marry. Had to travel, have fun and try everything about 8X over to get it out of my system. Then I met my wife, got lucky and got married. Leanna has two masters, a PhD and is a concert, film and television composer who also conducts for symphony and opera. I love her and she doesn’t let me get away with shit. But she still lets me ski, play ice hockey and go heli-skiing with my buddies (we just went on our 20th trip and I have only had to be dug out once), so she is ok.

We live in Santa Monica about a block and a half from the beach with two black Labradors, Fargo and Bismarck. Our cat Snoop unfortunately got eaten by a coyote (in Santa Monica, for god’s sake). In an only in Los Angeles moment, I got my SAG card this year and will be in JJ Abrams Star Trek2 next summer. Maybe a new career for me? Finally, and most importantly, Leanna and I are blessed to have a beautiful and healthy 3 1/2 year old daughter named Nic (named after my father). Yeah, I know I’ll be 72 when she graduates from high school…but I can’t think of anything better than spending the next 15 years watching her grow up.

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Marcia Drucker-Holberton


With Dave



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After I graduated from Aragon in the summer of 1971, I went to CSM for a year, studied broadcasting and worked at KCSM-TV. I transferred to Washington State University, where I worked at both KWSU AM and TV and graduated in 1975 with a BA in Communications. I was hired by KCBS Newsradio, and in 1976 I married my first husband. In 1978 we moved to Virginia outside of Washington, DC.  I spent a few years directing industrial training videos, and after burning out I went to work fulltime writing government proposals and software documentation for a group at GE. At the same time, I freelanced to WETA-TV where my first husband worked as an audio engineer. In college I was three units shy of a minor in music and in one of my classes I learned to read orchestral scores. I didn’t have much confidence in my ability, though, until he pushed me to be his audio producer for one of the Fourth of July concerts at the U.S. Capitol in the early 1980s. After that, the show’s producer included me as a freelancer for about ten years and also asked me to do a couple “In Performance at the White House” programs.  I collected a number of music scores signed by their composers. The one I treasure most is Henri Mancini’s Baby Elephant Walk. I remember he was surprised and tickled that anyone would want his autograph. Mr. Mancini had a great sense of humor. Maestro Mstislav Rostropovich was the easiest to work with (albeit at arm’s length) and brought the best out of the National Symphony. Leonard Bernstein, on the other hand, was the most difficult and challenging (gratefully, at a very long arm’s length). He was exacting and demanding, but the end result was magnificent, especially his Overture to Candide. As I continued to work with the software developers at GE, my interest in information systems grew and I went back to school part time to earn my MS in Information Systems Technology from The George Washington University in DC. I have spent the past 20 years in telecommunications and have worked for visionary companies in the area of voice, video and data integration. In 2009, I joined Buchanan & Edwards, a consulting firm, and today I am a business analyst on contract with the Defense Information Systems Agency, which manages the worldwide data and communications networks for the Department of Defense, the White House, and other branches of the Government.  

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After 22 years of marriage, but unfortunately no children, I spent four years on my own setting new goals and rediscovering long-lost  personal interests. I bought a house, learned how to venture out on my own and to travel alone. My main hobby is botanical photography and I found I have a passion for baking. I also started riding horses again after not doing so since my teens and learned how to team pen, barrel race and pole bend.

I met my second husband, Dave Holberton, in 1999 and we married in 2001. I inherited two beautiful twin daughters, Rhonda and Shana, who are now 30, and the three of them are my world. Dave is a software developer for a federal contractor, Shana is an environmental scientist in New York City, and Rhonda just received her MFA in Art Practice from Stanford and currently has a gallery show in San Francisco. The photos of Rhonda and Shana were taken at one of Rhonda’s gallery openings in Oakland. Dave and I enjoy hiking Shenandoah National Park, the Manassas Battlefield, and the portion of the Appalachian Trail near our home in Virginia. We also use any excuse to take a road trip. At the top of our bucket list is visiting all the National Parks by motorhome. I learned to sail during my first marriage and had a 34’ Catalina on the Chesapeake Bay. I have visited most of the Caribbean countries, sailed the USVI, and traveled to Mexico, Canada, England, and Argentina. But today I live for my annual mid-winter trek to Tucson to escape the pressure cooker known as Washington, DC—what I call “getting the heck outta dodge.” There, I spend ten wonderfully relaxing days in the desert sun on horseback with friends near the Saguaro National Park.  The photos of Rhonda and Shana were taken at one of Rhonda’s art exhibit openings in Oakland.The photo of Dave and me was taken during the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC; although you can’t see the blossoms in the photograph.

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Michelle Perkins(Diane Gocke)

Jeffrey & Jordyn

With James

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Diane Michelle Gocke, AKA-Michelle Perkins- I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, lived in Avon, Connecticut, San Mateo, Burlingame, San Jose, Campbell, and San Francisco, CA. I also lived in Luzern, Switzerland for three years.  

I went to undergraduate college in Luzern, Switzerland, the Intercontinental University, graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, obtained a Swiss working permit and worked in Luzern, Switzerland after college. I went to Graduate School at Eastern Washington University, graduated with of Master in Social Work (MSW).  

I am currently a Child Protective Service Investigator for the State of Washington.  I have worked as a Therapist in a Psychiatric Hospital, a Therapist for The Department of Corrections, high level offenders and a Counselor for an adoption agency.   

Married 30 years to James A. Perkins.  James is a Partner at Larson Berg and Perkins Law Firm. We have two children, Jeffrey James Perkins, two college degrees, one in Biology and one in Environmental Science and a minor in Chemistry. Jeffrey owns Yakima Valley Hops. Jeffrey is starting grad school in the Fall, 2012 in Seattle, WA.  Jordyn Nicole Perkins graduated from Glendow Academy and she is a licensed Esthetician at The Napa Valley Marriot Hotel and Spa.

James and I have played USTA tennis for 26 years and still enjoy tennis immensely. We belong to the Yakima Tennis Club.  We also down hill snow ski.  We are 40 minutes from White Pass Ski Resort. I am also involved in a book club and gourmet club. We also love to travel and be with family and friends.

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Pam Yazman

After graduating Aragon in January of '72, I moved to England to study a bit but really took off for six months of backpacking through Europe and having many "interesting experiences" (it was, after all, the post "60's" and all that implies). Amazing to be so young, fearless and naive.   

Husband John, daughter Katie, son Alex

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Came back to attend U.C.Berkelely where I graduated with a degree in English and minor in Art History (yeah, I know...that and $4 will get ya a cup of coffee!).  I met John Green, my future husband there.    Dec. of 1977, I married John (also a Berkeley grad) who was a Nuclear Engineer and Naval Submarine Officer.  We moved to Oahu, Hawaii for three years where John had his first assignment onboard a sub and I held various jobs: taught English onboard surface ships, worked in an art gallery, etc.  Lots of fun living in Hawaii, seeing all the other islands and traveling to the Orient (Korea, Hong Kong) meeting the submarine when they pulled into port. To this day, we go to Hawaii once or twice a year.      

Many pina coladas and mai tais later, we packed up and moved to the Groton, Ct. area for John's next port where he served as Navigator on a sub and I started a career in drug and alcohol counseling for the Navy.  After a couple of years running groups for the Navy, I started working for the State of Connecticut court system administering DUI/DWI classes.  Interesting work and I fell in love with New England.  Both our children, Katie, 29 and Alex, 26 were born in Connecticut. 

In 1986, we moved to San Diego for John's work and since he assumed command of a DSRV (Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle - think "Hunt for Red October"), I took on the dubious role as C.O.'s wife, helping the other wives cope with deployments, problems, etc.  When John became Executive Officer of a Ballistic Missile Sub, I continued this role as a helper to the wives.  The sub deployed a lot and we always had our hands full with issues.  John retired after 26 years from active duty.  It was a good life but I am not sad it's over!

After all MY Navy service, I switched gears and worked for many years as a Trade Director for Itex, a commercial barter company owned by friends of mine.  I am now blissfully retired and happy to see John off to his job working for the Navy Seals where he is in charge of all their underwater vehicles.

Life now consists of traveling to Mexico a lot and all over the world with my daughter in search of adventure (Istanbul, Amazon Rainforest, Tuscany, etc.).  She dreams up exotic trips, I pay the big bucks and off we go! 

I feel blessed to have a wonderful husband, constantly amazing kids (both graduated from U.C.s), pretty good health and a happy contented life.  Just can't quite believe it started at Aragon 40!!! years ago....


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Patti Noe

Husband Rick Bauml, son Benjamin

With Shawn at mini-reunion in Oregon!

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 I moved to the East Bay on a whim and ended up living with Carol Klinger for 3 years in Berkeley. After Carol moved on I continued in Berkeley another 18 years working at Cetus/Chiron, a biotech company, walking and riding my bicycle all over the Berkeley hills. I bought a cute little 1 bedroom house figuring I would never get married.

Naturally, at 41 I met Rick (who was living on his sailboat), got married 2 years later and had a baby (Benjamin) a year after that. The 1 bedroom house was too small and Berkeley too expensive. So we moved to Crockett. I got to be a stay home mom and I spent a lot of time volunteering at my son's school.

The bay area just kept pushing us on up the road and in 2009 we ended up in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Everyone in my family was born in Oregon except for me so it was a little like coming home. My 91 year old mother and my sister and her family live nearby.

We now have 5 acres, 3 beehives, expanding vegetable gardens and a lovely view of the Willamette Valley. I've been canning vegetables just like I know what I'm doing and we've been going into the winter with 80+ pounds of blueberries and blackberries in the freezer. I'm turning into my grandmother.

Benjamin is 14 now, plays the French horn and starts high school in the fall. I've been working seasonally at Territorial Seed - so our garden is well supplied. Rick is happy - he owns an old tractor and has endless projects. If we could just afford to retire we'd be in heaven here.

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Rita Loureiro (LeBlanc)

Went to junior college at CSM...went to work full time, got involved with DISCO dancing & had fun life.  Met in 1982 and married a foreigner from Lima, Peru in 1984. Had two gorgeous daughters, Sabrina Anne Nicole in 1988 and Adriana Marie Gabriella in 1990. Travelled the world and settled in the Sacramento area. Found out I loved working with children & took a job with a local school district in 1995.  I'm very content & hope to someday welcome grandbabies. Enough said. :) I love my daughters more than life itself!!!

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Rhonda PressLarry Ragent

Jeremy, Rhonda, Larry, Zachary

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Rhonda Press and Larry Ragent began their life of illicit love at Aragon in 1972 and have barely had a chance to catch their breath since. After undergrad college, they spent 3 years in Boston before moving back to California and getting married. Rhonda has worked continually as a social worker (her dream since childhood) mostly at the Peninsula Center for the Blind, Stanford Hospital, and the Peninsula Jewish Community Center. Larry has worked as a professional horn player since 1976. He is a member of the San Francisco Opera Orchestra and has played many seasons with the San Francisco Ballet. He also teaches at Stanford .They have two grown sons, Jeremy and Zachary. Their family is close, with a lot of music, hiking, laughing, and yelling.

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Sandra Skale

After Aragon, I graduated from UCLA and then earned my teaching credential for secondary education. I taught at a private school for 7 years, Hillsdale High for 2 years (I suppose I can be forgiven for working for the enemy, although my mom also taught English there for 17 years), and I’ve been at Aragon for the past 25 years teaching English (with the last 10 or so as department head). At times it feels like I never left high school. Students are always intrigued to find out I graduated from there and that I was a pom-pom girl (although they don’t know what that is, so they just think cheerleader). At first it seemed very odd to consider people like Phil Fisher, Brooke Knight, Lee Swenson, and Peter Lawrence as colleagues, but I soon realized they were regular (albeit extraordinary) people. There are actually about 8 Aragon grads now working as teachers there, as well as a few other staff. Laurie Lowenstein, from our class, works in the guidance department. It’s a great community and draws us back. 

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The Aragon newspaper is now called The Outlook (The Aristocrat was deemed too elitist a few years ago). A lot of new construction has been completed in recent years; a few samples are a new science building, new technology building, one big swimming pool where there used to be 2, and a new large theater on the old outside basketball courts. Currently renovation is being done on the two gyms (no more little theater) and locker rooms. Now that I’ve taught some of the children of previous students, I’m beginning to wonder when I should retire. At least as I wear red and black every Friday (sadly, Aragon is still generally lackluster when it comes to school spirit), I am thankful that AHS has the best school colors in the District. I live in the house in the Highlands where I grew up. I have a niece and nephew in Southern California, now both college grads, in whose lives I’ve played a very active and rewarding role over the years. I spend a tranquil piece of every summer up at Lake Tahoe hiking, biking, and swimming. For the 2 pictures I included, 1 was in San Francisco last year, and the other is from my classroom in May when the San Mateo Union High School District selected me for the Golden Apple Award (and it’s rather interesting I received it when we were protesting our lack of an acceptable contract, so I’m wearing protest attire). Unfortunately, my yearly summer vacation is almost at an end; it’s pretty cool that I’ve always had one. Once a Don--always a Don! (And for some people like me, that especially rings true.)

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Scott Garrison

For the past 15 years we have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina working in the technology sector here and raising our two daughters (who now both have moved back to California).

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Sharon Okamoto (Higaki)

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With Cleo

With DaveD-I-L Greta, Mason, 31, Shawn, mom, (Irene), Allison, 28

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I graduated from UC Berkeley with a

Theatre Degree and English Teaching

Credential. I taught drama at Awalt HS in Mtn. View , CA for 9 years, then left

teaching for awhile to raise our two kids.

When we moved to Oregon, I worked for

Parenting Magazine, for 10 years, thenreturned to teaching drama at a Middle

School before retiring in 2005.  

This photo is me (in the middle) with my

first play at Awalt HS.

Dorothy (Shawn) and Toto, too! (1970)

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Steve Lee

I have been playing and recording guitar with my hobby band almost 20 years with The Sorentinos and best friend Santa Rosa’s Danny Sorentino (18 albums – he has a lot to say) and the band or Dan comes to UK to tour around every year or so. Got lucky to perform on the stages at The Fillmore, Concord Pavilion, Mountain Winery and such like supporting many of my heroes.  Have been producing and playing with others when the chance arises which keeps me grounded and happy.   Mostly now work as artist coach, consultant and management now with a gaggle of Nordic artists. Teaching a bit at Brighton Institute of Modern Music. After barely attending, UC Berkeley (had a wonderfully mad psych professor who recommended I just get on with life), formed many Bay Area bands with Alan Kojimoto as well as Aragon alumni John Hasty. Played all over the place (Keystone, Catalyst, Fab Mab, The Stone, Colleges etc, and even had a video shown on MTV. Never got a record deal but never lost the passion. That was a 15 year journey…..

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Met a lovely girl from England who was working in Caroline Records NY when I interviewed her over the phone. Madeleine sent a lovely hand written CV in BBC green ink (as no one had CV/Resumes in the music business then - it was Telex even before faxes). I knew right away that was the person I wanted to hire.  We went out as soon as she moved to SF and have been inseparable since 87 having worked together at the same firms. 24 hours a day together has been great. No kids but lovely succession of our cat fur children. 

After years of Retail Records (head Music buyer for Rainbow Records, National music marketing and then a stint head of management for The Rosebud Agency with JJ Cale, Robert Cray, John Lee Hooker, Pops Staples and many others. Mad was head of the bookkeeping. Work was full on we learnt a lot but just got burnt out. 

We moved to London in '96 with no jobs set up and both landed on our feet sooner than we thought – worked for Virgin Records International marketing and then Director for Virgin Europe. Mad landed as head of accounting at talent agency Helter Skelter. We moved to Mad's hometown of Seaford (between Brighton and Eastbourne 70 miles outside London) on the English South Coast in 07 as her parents were getting on a bit. It was a good call as it has been non-stop since! Her Dad just turned 81 and requires constant monitoring being diabetic for 35 years and her Mom sadly passed away a couple years after moving down. Mad’s twin sister Caz who moved from UK is still in SF working 20 years for UCSF.  Mad (now client accountant for CAA) and I both work from home which takes the stress out of everyday commuting life!  I travel when I need to see one of my acts here and there.

Sister Cindy has been living near Frankfurt for over 20 years with her German husband Bernd (auto industry marketing guy) and she teaches at the International School there. They have two girls 11 and 13. My older sister Becky is married to Dan (United Airlines ground crew) in Burlingame and my older brother Mike (hi tech engineer) is in San Jose married with two boys. Mom just turned 85 leaving the Virginia Ave. house a just a few years ago and is now in assisted living in San Jose.  

Been blessed to have worked with many musical icons and heroes along the way.

  “What a long strange trip it’s been…. and who would of “thunk” it. It is about the song.


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Sue Engman (Lazear)


Sue, Bob, Alex, Jenn

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I am currently living in the Seattle area (Woodinville, WA). My husband, Bob, and I have 2 kids- and this year we celebrated two graduations. Jenn, our daughter who is 22 years old, graduated from Texas Christian University (TCU) and our son, Alex who is 18 years old, graduated from high school. Alex is headed to Pepperdine University in just a couple of weeks.

We have been living in the Seattle area for the past 19 years. Prior to that we were in Hawaii for 5 1/2 years. Bob is now a pilot for Costco. And both kids are working this summer for Costco so we truly have a Costco family. 

Kristel Sellman Carter and I went to nursing school at Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing in Washington DC. When we graduated I was stationed in San Francisco at the Presidio...a nice duty station. I got out of the Army in 1979 and ended up at the University of Washington and received a Masters in Nursing in Burn, Trauma and Emergency Nursing.

After graduating I started the air ambulance in Seattle- an amazing job. I was in the right place at the right time and enjoyed every minute of it. But it was stressful and high risk. I met Bob when he was one of the pilots. He took a job flying for Hawaiian Airlines so we ended up in Hawaii.

And why did we leave? (A frequent question!) Bob was looking for something different and he knew the CEO and President at Costco who asked him to return to Seattle to take over the flight department and it was a job he could not refuse. We only regret leaving Hawaii every winter when it is grey and dreary in Seattle!!!

Our passion has been traveling. We have been to all 7 continents. It was our goal to complete that prior to Jenn going off to college. And we went to Antarctica in the winter of 2006. We will have so plan places yet to see. When anyone asks us our favorite none of us can decide. Each trip has been unique and special. It is getting harder to plan trips with the kids as they begin the journey into adulthood and jobs and commitments but we will never give it up! 

We are now looking at retirement in a couple of years but we still have one just starting college so we have a ways to go before we are there! We may end up back in California- the weather in the Pacific Northwest is not our favorite! But never say never- who knows where we will be.


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Susan Siegel (Smith)



With “undocumented husband” John

Bebe (mom) and John

Backstage w David Grisman, Stephane Grapelli, Rudy Cipolla (didn’t get to play w/ Grapelli, but did w/ Grisman & Cipolla!)

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Degrees in English and Music from Berkeley and SFSU

Spent 3 years as Music Director at French-American International School in SF, teaching private students, and performing

Highlights included the Air Band competition, the Toot-It-Yourself Messiah (50 flute players), and playing at the Great American Music Hall w/ David Grisman.

Made a left-turn into public health and spent 12 years directing the Tobacco Free California program.

Highlights included the Tobacco Free California Centipede in the Bay to Breakers, Gummy Bears Against Tobacco, co-founding DOC of the Bay (medical activism), and

Along the way, I got to teach docs, health professionals, and students, help people quit smoking and avoid breathing secondhand smoke. Also got to travel a lot, give presentations (once in Paris!), met amazing people, including several US Surgeons General, and even got to produce an educational film that won a Freddie! (Oscars for health promotion films).

Moved to North Carolina in 2002, worked for UNC School of Medicine and hospitals in Integrative Medicine, health education, health communication, and patient-centered care initiatives.

Left in 2008 because of health problems – now semi-retired, I do consulting for nonprofits and have a small practice in Reiki, Hypnotherapy, and Integrative Health and Life Coaching (I do phone sessions!).

I volunteer at the hospital and sing with several groups for people who are sick, dying, recovering, etc. Just joined a Ukelele Meetup Group and started a flute quartet (Flutenistas!)

Finally joined a synagogue and had my Bat Mitzvah in 2010 – Carol Klinger was there!

I still miss CA like crazy – but we love Carrboro, our great neighbors, and our small-town, progressive community. Y’all come visit!

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Patti Noe, Julie Klinger,Carol Klinger, Sue Smith

Sue and Carol play at Martha’s wedding

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Suzanne Riera (Brandeberry)

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The Life and Times Suzanne-Brandeberry-Riera: In the early 1980’s, I lived in a quaint apartment in San Mateo with my Burmese cats while working as a Graphic Designer. Joe at this time was living in San Francisco where he grew up. My weekends were spent dancing at night clubs and entertaining clients and friends at the Old Clam House Restaurant in San Francisco.

Joe was the hot local bartender at the Old Clam House that everyone loved. Not only because he was good, but he could juggle quite a few women and drinks at the same time! It was love at first sight. We dated for almost two years before we got married and had our first child, Jessie. We raised her at my apartment in San Mateo for her first three years before moving to Fresno California in 1988 when Joe got his first airline job with United Express. Before leaving for Fresno, Joe continued working part time at the Old Clam House and full time as a flight instructor at the San Carlos Airport. I was lifeguarding and freelancing as a designer at that time. Our greatest joy was watching our daughter blossom.  She would sing nursery rhymes and would create and color to her heart’s content. Little did we know then, how far her creativity would take her.  She went on to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Illustration from the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco. The same school I went to years ago to become a Graphic Designer.

Moving on to Fresno, we rented a lovely house in a beautiful neighborhood. It was just Joe, Jessie and our beautiful dog, “Brutus”. Brutus was given to us by my mother during the move.  He was a national champion, Belgian Tervuren, trained by my older sister Cheryl.While Joe was building his career flying all over California, I was keeping busy giving Jessie swimming lessons, running with Brutus and taking college courses to keep my skills up. I also ran in my first half marathon, “The Fresno half marathon”. I was written up in the paper and subsequently was inspired to compete in Ironman Triathlons for the next 12 yrs.

Our son Nicky was born in Fresno shortly after my dear mother Marjorie passed away.  Following our year and a half stay in Fresno we moved back to San Mateo with my father for a short while.My father Bob Brandeberry was a renowned teacher at Aragon High School teaching Earth Science, Math and Biology; he was also the Wrestling Coach.

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My dad was also a NAUI Dive Instructor at San Francisco State University. He started the San Francisco Marine Science Floating Laboratory on the Bay. It is still going on today. He also started the first Diver Safety seminar which I was an Assistant Instructor.  My father is now retired in Murrieta CA.

In 1992 we moved to Windsor in Sonoma County. Windsor was a growing community of new neighborhoods and young families, nestled in the picturesque area of Sonoma County’s wine growing region. We raised our kids Abalone diving and camping on the coast, fishing  and living  part time in Kona Hawaii where my Dad and I were Safety Divers for the local dive shop .I was fortunate to lifeguard, teach Mural and Poster Design at the local schools, and to continue to compete in the local Vineman and other Triathlons while collaborating with other parents in our community to provide afterschool programs for our children. It truly was a charmed period of our lives.

In 2004, we decide to make a bold move to Newcastle Ca. We attempted to start a Mandarin Orange farm. Things didn’t work out due to my diagnosis of Lyme disease in 2003 so we moved back to Windsor where we belong.

Our son Nick is perusing a carrier as an electrician and currently competes as “heavy weight” boxer in San Francisco like my husband’s father was. Jessie is affiliated with her colleague Victoria Davis of “Space Dog Books”, an electronic book publishing company for children. “Treasure Island” was their first book.

My husband Joe was a Captain for American Airlines 737 in San Francisco last year. He now flies the Boeing 777 internationally out of Los Angeles.I’m pursuing my Mural Art, Training for my next Triathlon and Scuba Diving wherever…………

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Tom Kehoe

After living in NYC and Utah, I've spent the last 22 years in Minnesota; not really by plan, but because things have gone so smoothly. My wife and music partner of thirty years, Mira, was originally from here, and the Guthrie Theater brought us out here to have her as a vocal coach for several years. Since getting my Masters from Mills College in music in 1981, I've been immersed in music full time; solo piano, bands, composition, and playing a wide variety of instruments. I still have a passion for transpersonal psychology (UCB '76), and how personal and spiritual growth connect with artistic development. I feel grateful to have a life doing what I love to do with people I love.

Tom and Mira

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Tom Paoli

Yes, life has been happy and healthy. After Aragon I went to Canada College in Redwood City where I began studying to become an actor. But there were so many much more talented students than I, and when a professor told me I could be a lawyer, something I had actually thought about, but never believed I could do, I changed my focus to pre-law, transferred to San Francisco State, and then went to USF law school.

There I met my wife and we got married after graduating in 1982. We have two daughters, Alanna and Tessa, and live in San Francisco, where I work for myself, with a trusted law partner. Our practice is limited to personal injury cases, and I've been able to try many jury trials, which although not acting, is all abut persuasion, and is somewhat like performing.

My wife Margaret is a juvenile dependency lawyer and is executive director of Advokids, a nonprofit that educates people involved with foster children about the law and child development. My younger daughter is a college junior and my older daughter is a folk-punk musician and aspiring recording artist.

I still see a few of my friends from high school: Tim Barnard; Steve Steele; and Tom Siebenthal. Thanks again for contacting me, and my best regards to all at the reunion.

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Shawn’s One-Woman Northwestern Mobile Aragon Reunion Tour

Shawn has been traveling the Northwest to track down errant Dons who missed the Reunion!

Shawn, Patti NoeHad a lovely lunch in Seattle and caught up with Sharon Higaki and Sue Engman. Both are doing great. Sharon has two grandsons and is the principal of a private HS in Seattle. Sue has a daughter and son and is doing continuing Ed Nursing students. They extend there greetings to their fellow classmates.

Had fun visiting David Eisenberg and wife Pat in Medford Oregon He has caught the acting bug and was performing in a melodrama as the Villian. What a hoot They have a 5 acre spread with 2 horses -2 Grown / married sons and 5 grand kids!