Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers

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  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic

    ProgramLevel 4: Intermediate ArabicAnswers Book

    At the end of this level, youll be able to read 100% of Islamic literature in Arabic by using

    a dictionary, Insha Allah.

    Muhammad Mubashir Nazir

    This book is the beta version of this program. Quality review is in progress. Certain spelling, grammar orlanguage mistakes are possible in this book.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 042

    Table of Contents

    36Lesson 11A: Words as the Third Source Letter40Lesson 12A: Words as the Two Source Letter44Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings

    51Lesson 14A: , Conditional Sentences and Pronouns55Lesson 15A: The Summary of 58Whats Next?


    26Lesson 8A: Words with Repeated Source Letters

    29Lesson 9A: Words as the First Source Letter32Lesson 10A: Words as the Second Source Letter


    6Lesson 1A: The Groups of 9Lesson 2A: Further Groups of

    13Lesson 3A: Further Groups of 15Lesson 4A: Groups of 16Lesson 5A: The Sentence Starting with a Verb 21Lesson 6A: Deceased Verbs and Derived Nouns 23Lesson 7A: Words with Hamzah in their Source Letters

    Description Page

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 043


    Dear Reader:

    Assalam o alaikum!

    Thanks for selecting Quranic Arabic Program to learn the Arabic Language. We will take you through aseries of lessons. At the end, you will be able to understand the Arabic Language Insha Allah. This program

    contains an easy approach to learn the Arabic Language. This program covers the language of IslamicLiterature but it is name the Quranic Arabic Program because the Quran resides at the central position inthis program.

    People learn Arabic Language due to two reasons: To understand the Quran, the Hadith and classic ArabicLiterature; or to speak and write in the modern Arabic to communicate with Arabs. This course is targetedtowards the former objective. Although people with the second objectives can also get benefit of thisprogram.

    Due to its systematic nature, Arabic is one of the easiest languages of the world. It has well-defined rulesand a developed language structure. If you are familiar with these rules, you can learn this language in a fewweeks.

    To understand the Quran and the Hadith, it is essential to learn the Arabic Language used in the Quran, theHadith and the Islamic literature. We will focus on its linguistics, philology and figurative speech.

    Study MethodologyStudy Methodology is very simple. Study one lesson daily. Solve all the exercises provided under TestYourself . Do not read the answers before attempting the questions. Once you solve the exercises, compareyour answers with the answers provided to you. In a few weeks, you will find that your Arabic Languageskills are improving.

    The BoxesFollowing boxes are provided to you for your ready reference. They contain very important information foryou.

    Build Your Personality

    Objective of our course is not only teaching the Quranic Arabic. We are also concerned about transforming our personalities according to Quranic teachings. This box will provide you the tips for Personality Development.

    Face the Challenge!

    This box will challenge you which will help you in developing your language skills

    Do you know?

    Facts about the Arabs, their Language,Islamic literature and history will beprovided in this box.

    Worth Reading

    Links to good articles will be provided inthis box.

    Rule of the Day

    Grammar and language rules will be provided in this box.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 044


    The Program is organized as follows:

    Level 0: The objective of this level is to enable you to read the Arabic script.

    Level 1: The objective of this level is to enable you to understand the religious Arabic used in theroutine life.

    Level 2: This level is designed to improve your language skills. You learn basic grammar and enhanceyour vocabulary. After completing this level, you become able to understand 30-40% of the Islamicliterature in Arabic by using a dictionary.

    Level 3: This level enhances your skills further. You read advanced concepts of grammar. Yourvocabulary becomes vast. After completing this level, you become able to understand 75-80% of theIslamic literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.

    Level 4: You complete your studies of Arabic Grammar at this level. At completion of this level, youbecome able to read 100% of the Islamic literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.

    Level 5: This is the last level of this program. You study the advanced concepts of Arabic Eloquence

    at this level. At the end of this level, you become able to appreciate the fine rhetorical concepts in theArabic language. It enables you to understand the Islamic literature in Arabic without consulting adictionary frequently.

    Level 1 5 are also divided into two streams. A series deal with the rules of Arabic Grammar &Eloquence. Enough exercises are provided to you to learn the Grammar & Eloquence rules.

    The objective of B Series is to build your vocabulary. Passages from the Quran, the Hadith and selectedwritings of Arab scholars are provided to you. You have to learn the words and styles and then translate thepassages into English. You need not to cram these words. The lessons and the exercises are designed in away that you will automatically learn the grammar rules, words and Arabic styles. At this level, we shall not

    provide you the answers for the B Series.This program is not designed to teach you day-to-day conversation in the Arabic language. This program isalso not designed to teach you how to write in Arabic language. But this program will help you in achievingthese two objectives. You need an Arabic speaking environment as well as a teacher to achieve these twoobjectives. Nevertheless, the program is basically designed to teach you comprehension in the Arabiclanguage.

    Ask Your QuestionsIf you are facing difficulty in any lesson, feel free to ask your questions. Send an email [email protected] . Feel free to share your views and valuable comments. Scholars of Arabic

    language are strongly requested to please identify any mistakes in this book. Any constructive criticism willbe highly welcomed.

    Important Note

    This book is the beta version of this program. Quality review is in progress.Certain spelling, grammar or language mistakes are possible in this book.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 045


    Set-up Your ResourcesEnable the Arabic Language in your computer. Follow these steps:

    For Windows Vista Users

    Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel Press Keyboards and Languages tab.

    Press Change keyboards button

    Press Add button

    Select Input Language: Arabic

    For Windows XP Users

    Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel

    Choose Language tab.

    Check the "Install files for Complex Script and right-to-left languages (Including Thai)".

    Press Apply to proceed

    Press Details button.

    Press Add button.

    Select the Arabic (Saudi Arabia) in Input Language drop down list.

    Select the default Arabic (102) keyboard.

    Press OK and then Apply.

    The system may ask you to provide Windows CD during this process.

    Warning : If you are using an unlicensed version of Windows, it may corrupt.

    Download the following resources from this link to continue this program:

    The Holy Quran

    Arabic Font

    A Dictionary: Download the Sakhr Arabic-English Dictionary and install it in your computer. Afterthat, do the following steps:

    Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel In Regional Options change the standard format to Arabic (Saudi Arabia), and the location to be

    Saudi Arabia

    Press the 'Advanced' card (The third card up) and then change the language to Arabic (SaudiArabia), then ok and restart your computer.

    Check that Sakhr Dictionary is working.

    Go back to the Regional Settings and change the settings to your normal settings.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 046


    When it was called to them, Dont make disorderin the earth. They said, Verily, we are reformers .


    Nay, they are those who make disorder , but they do not realize . | He has left them in darkness, they do not see . He brought down water from the height, so He brings fruits out of it.

    We glorify You with your praise and sanctify You.

    O Adam! Inform them about their names. So Whenhe informed them their names ..


    So the Satan tempted both of them from there(garden) and caused both of them to drive out fromwhere they were living.

    The way of those You have blessed upon them.

    Verily, those who have denied, it is equal for themwhether you warn them or not warn them , theywill not believe . :

    : . :

    On the Day of Judgment, they believe with certainty .

    Those who believe in unseen, and establish theprayer and spend from what We have providedthem.

    The ResultCompare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 1A: The Groups of

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  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 048


    Verily, We have explained in cyclical ways in thisQuran so that they should remember .


    Or We are those who bring down .

    That is what He brought down for you , theexplained book.

    Similar to that, it is made attractive for the lavish spenders . They did not use to know what they do.


    Marked in the vision of Your Lord. He administers the matter and explains the signs sothat you believe in meeting your Lord.

    : | :

    And He has made exploitable for you the night, theday, the sun, the moon, the starts. All of them areexploitable due to His order.

    | This is the Arabic language that is clear .

    Verily, in that there is a sign for each slave who is repenting .


    O Prophet! We sent you as a witness and as a provider of good news and as a warner , and as acaller towards Allah with His permission and as anenlightening lamp. : |

    : | :

    That is brought down by your Lord. From the angels who are brought down .

    Lesson 1A: The Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 049


    So whoever is compelled in a situation and he is not one who deviatestowards a sin.

    So fasting for two consecutive months.

    O Lord! Make a distance between us and our evaluation reports.

    Competing for increase in wealth has destroyed you.

    And being proud against each other within you and competing for increasein the wealth.

    (Being) the women who seek chastity not the ones who seek lust . : |:

    (Being the) ones seek chastity not the ones who seek lust . : |:

    In it, there are established verses. They are the core of the book. Others are allegorical . : |:

    When they pass by them, they wink at them . So soon he will be evaluated with an easy evaluation.

    Or you have performed sexual intercourse the women.

    They hide themselves in a deceiving appearance against them with sin andaggression. Certainly, the cow has become confused to us.

    When We promised Moses for 40 nights.

    They try to deceive Allah and the believers but they do not deceive anyoneexcept themselves and they do not realize . :

    | :

    The Result (1)Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 2A: Further Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0410


    If you have a dispute with eath other in any matter, return it towardsAllah and His prophet.

    When you talk secretly , so dont talk with sin and aggression. : | :

    Do not defame each other and dont call each other with offensivenicknames.

    Be fearful to Allah to whom you will be accountable . Dont promise them secretly.

    There is not harm on both of them if they consult each other .

    Their hearts are similar to each other .

    So dont be a companion of me . A mother should not be harmed due to her child. If you are in a difficulty , another woman should suckle the baby.

    Verily Allah defends the believers. When you lend to a fixed term, write it.

    If the blessings of his Lord had not caught him, he was definitely throwninto a an open place in a detested state.

    You saw the hypocrites they show their utmost hesitation in coming toyou. O Lord! Certainly, we listened a caller who calls for faith. : | :

    We bring out from it grains that are piled up over each other . : |:

    Lesson 2A: Further Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0411


    Whoever will turn back that day except those who move back as a warstrategy or those who want to join towards a group (army).

    : |:

    Dont harm them to create difficulties for them. Some part of night, perform prayer . It is an additional prayer for you.

    Until you wash carefully . This is the place of washing (whose water) is cold and drinkable.

    So perform tayammum by clean soil. The worst is that for what they bought in return of their personality. So that they buy for it a small price. Verily, from the stones springs gush out .

    Verily, if Allah wills, we shall be rightly guided . Are you making us a fool?

    Verily you have offended against yourself by your strong holding of thecalf. They used to cross the limits .

    So Adam received from his Lord some words, so He accepted hisrepentance. So that you may be God-fearing .

    They were not the rightly guided ones .

    The Result (2)Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 2A: Further Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0412


    Woe on those who are unfair in business dealings .

    Those of you, who are caused to die and left wives, (these wivesshould) keep themselves waiting for 4 months and 10 days.

    : | :

    Verily in that, there are signs for a nation that thinks deeply .

    They will come out from their graves in a way that they are like

    scattered locusts. : |:

    Near the lote-tree that is at the last place .

    Verily, for the criminals, We are the one who takes revenge .

    Say, wait , We are also waiting . .

    So are you ones who abstain ?

    Do scattered gods are better or One Powerful Allah?

    So wait , We are waiting with you. . Whoever kills a believer intentionally , his reward will be thehell.

    Verily Allah loves those who repent and those who make themselves pure . They will be provided with similar (blessings) .

    Is there not a home in the hell for the arrogants .

    Lesson 2A: Further Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0413


    Guide us to the path that is estbalished and straight .

    We already knew those who passed away from you andWe already knew will come later .

    If you seek victory , so the victory has already arrived. .

    On that day, some faces will be shining , laughing andenjoying . : |:

    He will return to his family happily.

    When the sky will blast .

    They used to seek help over the infidels.

    Whenever a prophet came to you with that you did notlike, you became arrogant .

    Do you want to exchange that is inferior with that what isbetter.

    They wished keeping alive your women.

    ... Remember when Moses asked for water for his nation.

    so 12 springs sprout out of it.: |:

    For you, in the earth there is a place to live . Verily, we are with you. We were only mocking .

    Allah throws back their mockery on them.

    The ResultCompare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 3A: Further Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0414


    . . .

    When the sun will be agglomerated . When the stars will be scattered . When the mountains will be caused to move . When theten-month pregnant she-camels will be left unattended .

    : | :

    . .


    When the sky will be split . When the stars will be dull . When theoceans will be blasted .

    : |:

    The time (of Judgment) came near and the moon broke down .: |:

    If you are in difficulty , so another woman should suckle that baby.

    : | :

    And Allah is the One from Whom help is asked on what they areassociating (to Him).

    (The tornado) snatched the people like they are trunks of rootlesspalm trees. So We opened the gates of heavens with water pouring out .

    And he was not helped .

    The sky is blasting by it.

    Towards our Lord, we are the ones who are returned .

    So a place of living and a place to store . Those who became weak from men, women and children.

    Those who spend (in Allahs way) and those who seek fogivenessat the dawn. : |:

    Lesson 3A: Further Groups of

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0415

    The ResultCompare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 4A: Groups of


    At that time the believers were tested and shaken with a hard shaking . : |:

    When the earth took its adornment and decorated itself. Do they not know when whatever is in graves was scattered.

    That who reveal evil in the hearts.

    When the earth was shaken with a great shake.

    ... (A confirm event of future is described in past tense in order todescribe its inevitability.)

    We know what you reveal evil .

    Some of them reveal beautiful statements to each other todeceive them.

    Allah had created it only to satisfy your hearts. (Group is considered in Arabic)

    Surely, the shaking of the Day of Judgment is a great thing.

    He said: Yes but to satisfy my heart. They should place their veils on them.

    When the graves were scattered .

    So the Satan revealed evil to both of them. Hardship and loss touched them and they were shaken .

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0416

    Lesson 5A: The Sentence Starting with a Verb ResultNow see the result. Each line carries 10 marks. If your score is less than 80%, repeat the test. The analysis isextremely important. Do not proceed to next lesson unless you get 80% or more marks in it.


    : hidden|: of | :Second |:|:

    : |:|: hidden|: of |:

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    : | : hidden|: |: | :

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    : |: hidden|: |: |: |: | :| :|


    : hidden|:

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0417


    : |: |:|: |: |: | : |:|: |: | :

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    : | : |: | :

    : | : |

    : |: |: | : | : |

    The has given to which is , so the is notapparent but it is assumed.

    : |: : |: We|: | :

    :| : | : |:|: |:|


    : |: |: |: |:

    Lesson 5A: The Sentence Starting with a Verb

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  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0419


    : |:|: | :

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    Lesson 5A: The Sentence Starting with a Verb

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0420


    : |: |: |: |: : |: | : |:

    : |: | : | : |: |:

    |: | :

    : |: | : :|:|: |: |: |:|:

    : | : | : |: |:

    Now you have learnt the analysis of Arabic statements. Read a passage of the Holy Quran daily andanalyze its words in the same manner as mentioned above. Then translate it.

    Lesson 5A: The Sentence Starting with a Verb

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0421

    Lesson 6A: Deceased Verbs and Derived Nouns Result (1)Compare your result. Each word carries one mark. If you score is less than 80% repeat the test.

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0422

    Result (2)Compare your result. Each word carries four mark. If you score is less than 80% repeat the test.

    Lesson 6A: Deceased Verbs and Derived Nouns

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0423


    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    (You all) Make me and mymother two gods besidesAllah.

    So take four birds. Allah will not assess you critically for your

    unintentional oaths.

    So the thunder caught them

    Make (you all) a worshipplace at the standing place of Abraham.

    They should take their guardand their weapons.

    I will definitely take the sharefrom Your slaves.

    Catch (you all) what We gaveyou with strength.

    (The women) not builder of illicit secret sexual relations.

    Then you made the calf.

    So if they return, then (you all) catch them.

    A compensation will not be taken . You are not taker of it.

    Do you make us a fool?

    Result (1)Check your answers. Each line carried 5 marks. If your marks are less than 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 7A: Words with Hamzah in their Source Letters

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0424


    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    And I will definitely deviate themand I will definitely create inthem false desires and I shall

    definitely instruct them ..

    In the later life (hereafter) good.

    O Lord! Make this city peaceful . So an announcer announced inthem.

    They do not delay. And instruct your family for theprayer.

    So permit (be prepared) for a war

    with Allah.

    And command your nation.

    We already knew the ones who delay . Eat (you all) from the purethings.

    Believe (you all) as people believed .

    Do you command people forpiety? So they seek permission from youfor coming out. We believed in Allah and the day coming later on (hereafter)

    Lesson 7A: Words with Hamzah in their Source Letters

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0425


    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    No change

    Soon We shall teach you to read , soyou will not forget.

    They dont ask people like beggars. Till a book is revealed on us, whichwe read . They ask you, What to spend inAllahs way?

    And when the live buried girl will be asked .

    The Quran is recited in front of them.

    Developing love in Quraish, developing love in them to travel inthe winter and the summer.

    Who says, Give permission to me.

    And the Quran , We have revealed itin parts so that you read it in front of these people.

    So they should seek permission asthose who were before them sought

    permission .

    So He developed love in your hearts.

    Lesson 7A: Words with Hamzah in their Source Letters

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0426

    Lesson 8A: Words with Repeated Source Letters

    ResultCheck your answers. Each line carried 5 marks. If your marks are less than 80%, repeat the test.


    No change) (No change

    No change

    No change) (

    If Allah affects you with acalamity, there is no one who canremove it.

    Have you deviated My slaves?

    For Whom you became aworshipper. Their necks became bent by that.

    Adversity and affluence has affected our ancestors.

    They did not deviate anyoneexcept themselves and they do not

    harm you with anything.

    His face became black. They will definitely not harmAllah with anything. The deviated one cannot harm you .

    Distress and adversity affected them .

    What harm them not benefit them.

    Recall when We suspended themountain over them as it is a

    shelter and they thought that itwas going to fall over them.

    We placed a shelter over themwith clouds.

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0427


    That is due to that they competed with Allah and HisProphet. And whoever

    competes Allah, so surelyAllah is hard in retribution.

    ) (

    ) (

    ) (

    No change) (

    ) (

    No change

    So We strengthen with thethird one.

    Your Lord is pure, the Lord of respect .

    He gives respect to whomeverHe wills and He causes

    disgrace to whomever Hewills.

    For them, He has prepared arespectful reward.

    From you, whoever turns backfrom his religion, so Allah willbring soon a group who Heloves and they love Him .

    The smallest number

    When you marry with thebeliever women, and thendivorce them before you have

    touched them , for you it is notessential to complete the

    period which you count forthem.

    He has prepared for theunbelievers a painfulpunishment.

    They said, When we deviated from the track in the earth?

    Lesson 8A: Words with Repeated Source Letters

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0428


    You do not think to drive outand they thought that theircastles will protect themfrom Allah.

    No change

    They suspected about Allahnot truthfully i.e. the

    suspicion of ignoranceperiod.

    No change) (

    ) ( ) (

    No change) (

    No change) (

    No change) (We have made subservientfor them.

    Verily, you cannot guide theone who you like .

    If you love Allah then follow me , Allah shall love you.

    Have you not seen the onewho debated with Abrahamabout his Lord .

    They love them like the loveof Allah.

    (The fruits of paradise) will

    hang over in clusters in away that they will be under

    control .

    If we return to the city,definitely the most respectful of it will drive outthe most disgraced .

    Subjugation was imposed onthem.

    The one who gathers wealthand counts it .

    Lesson 8A: Words with Repeated Source Letters

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0429

    Lesson 9A: Words as the First Source Letter


    Grant us from Your side, verily Youare the Grantor .

    No change

    No change

    He removes their heavy burdensfrom them and yokes that werearound their necks.

    So whatever is for their false godsdoes not join to Allah and whateveris for Allah, that is join to their falsegods. What an evil decision theymake.

    We will place the balance of justiceon the Day of Judgment.

    He grants a daughter to whom Hewills and He grants a son to whomHe pleases.

    The period of the pregnant is when they give birth to what they carry.

    We granted him Isaac and Jacob. They cut what Allah has instructedto join .

    ResultCheck your answers. Each line carried 5 marks. If your marks are less than 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0430


    On Hereafter, they believe .

    So trust in Allah and Allah isenough Protector.No changeNo change

    No change because it isfrom and no


    No change

    No change

    Have He not found you anorphan then He provided you ashelter?

    Allah is enough for us and whata Good Protector ! I will definitely not find ahideout from Him.

    So bring to us what you promiseus.

    So whoever does not find , heshould fast for two consecutivemonths.

    They said, Dont be afraid . Weare providing you goods newsfor having a knowledgeable boy.

    They denied it wrongfully but believed in it in their hearts.

    They will not find a protector ora helper.

    The earth will shine by the lightof its Lord and the book will be

    placed .

    Lesson 9A: Words as the First Source Letter

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0431


    He causes the night to enterin the day and He causes theday to enter in the night.

    No change

    Verily, We have made easythe Quran for admonition. Sois there any one who takeadmonition.

    No change

    He admonishes you so thatyou remind Him.

    Chiefs of Pharaohs nationsaid, Do you leave Mosesand his nation so that they

    spread mischief in the earthand leave you and your gods.

    So that they carry their burdens completely on theDay of Judgment and from

    burdens of those they havemisled in their ignorance.Alas! Evil is what they carry .

    Allah admonishes you not torepeat it forever, if you arebelievers

    He knows what enters intothe earth and what comes outof it.

    Verily, they love theimmediate life and leave theHeavy Day on their back.

    He leaves them in theirtransgression in which theywander.

    Lesson 9A: Words as the First Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0432

    Lesson 10A: Words as the Second Source Letter


    It was not good for them to enterit except as fearing (God) .

    A caller from them said , Surely Ihad a friend.

    When it is said to them, Dontmake mischief. They said ,Verily we are the reformers.

    He said , Refuge of Allah! verilyMy Lord has provided me thebest residence.

    . Say , I seek refuge with the Lordof dawn, from the mischief of allthat He created.

    Dont be like those who weregiven the Book before you. Thentheir term was prolonged andtheir hearts became hardened.

    You will definitely not reach thepiety unless you spend out of what you love .

    Their meat and blood surely doesnot reach Allah. But your piety

    reaches Him.

    When he said to his companion,Dont be discouraged, verily

    Allah is with us.

    Verily, I fear there is apunishment for you on the greatday.

    ResultCheck your answers. Each line carried 5 marks. If your marks are less than 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0433


    Yes, whoever earns a sin and hismistake encircles him..

    There is a decease in their hearts,so Allah increased that decease.

    No change

    Verily Allah gives you good newsabout John who will testify agreat word of Allah and a chief ,chaste, and a prophet from piouspeople.

    He brings out living matter from non-living and He brings out the non-living from the living matter.

    The repenters , the worshipers, thethankful and the travelers (to see

    Allahs signs) .

    Verily, Allah accept the repentance for those who dosomething wrong by ignorance,then repent at earliest. So they arethe ones whose Allah will accept

    the repentance .

    So He Adam learned some wordsfrom his Lord. So He accepted his repentence .

    When We made the House a

    returning place for the peopleand a peaceful place.

    And We have explained things invarious ways in this Quran so thatthey may receive admonition. Butit does not increases to themexcept aversion.

    Lesson 10A: Words as the Second Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0434


    Similarly, the people before themrejected until they tasted ourpunishment.

    They establish prayers and payZakat.

    No affliction hits on the earth noron your souls except it is written ina book before We bring it intoexistence.

    No change

    Make the standing place of Abraham, a place of prayer. When it darkens, they stand .

    Verily a great light i.e. a clear

    Book has come to you from Allah.

    We have not sent a prophet except

    that He is followed with thepermission of Allah.

    For Allah, it is essential for peoplefor perform pilgrimage of TheHouse whoever is capable to find away towards it.

    . .

    Verily, it is the word of aRespectable Messenger. Verypowerful near the Owner of TheThrone, Who is obeyed andtrustworthy.

    Soon it will hit on those who arecriminals. They will be humiliatedin front of Allah.

    Lesson 10A: Words as the Second Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0435


    So if you fear that both of themwill not observe Allahs limits.

    When We said angels to prostrateagainst Adam.

    This (punishment), so they should taste it i.e. scalding water, pus.

    When it is said to them, Cometowards what Allah has revealedand towards His Prophet.

    If you are sick or traveling,anyone of you came after

    delivering stool or you haveperformed intercourse with wivesand you dont find water, so

    perform Tayammum with puredust. Wipe you faces and hands.

    When the promise of Hereafterwill come, their faces will turn

    bad .

    If they plan to deviate you from

    what We have revealed to you.

    He said, O my son! Dont describe your dream to yourbrothers, lest they plan an evilscheme against you.

    They deserved for Allahs wrath. Each soul has to taste the death.

    Lesson 10A: Words as the Second Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0436

    Lesson 11A: Words as the Third Source Letter


    _____ whomever He pleasestowards the right path.

    When Moses requested forwater for his nation. We askedhim, Beat the stone withyour stick.

    When they meet the believers,they say, We believed. Andwhen they meet secretly withtheir devils, they say, We arewith you.

    No change

    No change

    So We brought down waterfrom the sky and We provided

    you water to drink .

    He will be forced to drinkfrom festering water.

    O my fellow inmates! One of you will serve wine to his lordand the other one, he will becrucified.

    When you met , He showedthem to you as small innumber.

    They day of distinction(between the right & thewrong), the day when twoarmies met .

    Those who denied meetingAllah have made a loss.

    So Adam learned some wordsfrom his Lord. So Heaccepted his repentance.

    ResultCheck your answers. Each line carried 5 marks. If your marks are less than 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0437


    Your Lord will soon give you soyou will become happy .

    . .

    So whoever gives (wealth for

    God sake) , became careful,testified with righteousness, Weshall soon make life easy forhim.

    O our Lord! Dont deviate ourhearts after that You guided us.No change

    No change

    And Lut, when he said to hisnation, Do you bring vulgarityand then you watch it.

    And give them from the wealthof Allah that He gave you.


    The Knower of hidden secrets.He does not open His secrets onanyone except the Prophets He

    pleases .

    Allah became happy to themand became satisfied with Him.

    Are you satisfied with the

    worldly life as compared to theHereafter? So the worldly life istoo small as compared to theHereafter.

    Those who believed and did not joined their faith with offence,for them there is peace and they

    are the rightly guided .

    In the same way, Allah clarifiesHis signs for you so that you

    become rightly guided .

    Lesson 11A: Words as the Third Source Letter

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0438


    I reply for the call of the caller when he calls me.

    Verily Satan intends to stir

    up enmity and hatredbetween you by intoxicantsand gambling, and to preventyou from remembering Allahand from the prayer. So willyou not forbidding ?

    And those who givewhatever they can give andtheir hearts are full of fear bythe very idea that they haveto return to their Lord.

    Verily Allah commands youfor justice, benevolence, and

    giving to relatives and forbids from vulgarity,wickedness and rebellion.

    We have not sent prophetsbefore you except that theyuse to eat food and used towalk in markets.

    Allah created every livingcreature from water. Fromthem, there are which walkon their bellies.

    Keep yourself content withthose who call on their Lordmorning & evening.

    Call on your Lord withhumility and privately.Verily He does not like the

    transgressors .

    Lesson 11A: Words as the Third Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0439


    Dont walk on the eartharrogantly.

    So decide whatever you are goingto decide . Verily you can decide(to punish us) only in this world.


    The one who feared standingbefore his Lord and forbade hissoul from evil desires, verily theParadise will be his home.

    So if they repent, establish prayerand give Zakat, then leave theirway.

    No change

    Verily the prayer forbids thevulgarity and evil practices.

    Your Lord is sufficient (to count)the sins of His slaves, theKnowledgeable, the Observer.

    Verily We are sufficient for youfrom the mockers.

    If they turn, they will fall indissention, so soon Allah will

    suffice you and He is theListener, the Knowledgeable.

    From the people, there is a personwho buy frivolous tales to deviatefrom Allahs way.

    Those who buy the worldly lifefor the Hereafter.

    It will cast whatever is in it andwill become empty .

    Lesson 11A: Words as the Third Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0440

    Lesson 12A: Words as the Two Source Letter


    Verily, those who denied, it is equal forthem whether you warn them or not,they will not believe.

    No change


    Fulfill the promise. Verily, the promisewill be asked for. And complete the

    measure whenever you measure, andweigh with a right measure.

    I worship Allah Who shall cause you to die and I am instructed to be one fromthe believers.

    Either We shall definitely show yousome part of what We have promisedthem or We will cause you to die .

    They are not equal in front of Allah.

    Verily, your Lord is Allah Who createdthe heavens and the earth in six periods,then He targeted towards the Throne.

    On that day, those who denied anddisobey the Prophet will desire that theywere equaled with the earth; for theywill not be able to hide any thing fromAllah.

    Whoever replaces the faith withdisbelieve, definitely he goes deviatesfrom the right path.

    ResultCheck your answers. Each line carried 5 marks. If your marks are less than 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0441


    That day, Allah will give them the full reward they deserve, and they

    will realize that Allah is the OneWho manifests the truth.

    No change

    Verily, Allah does not hesitate todescribe a parable of a mosquito orsomething greater than it.

    Is He not powerful enough to givelife to the dead?

    When they are asked, Come! Sothat the Prophet of Allah seek

    forgiveness for you, they twist theirheads and you find them decliningin an arrogance manner.

    And if you twist or turn your faces,then Allah is observing what you do.

    A group among them twist their

    tongues while reading the Book (Torah) so that you consider it a partof the Book and actually it is not apart of the Book.

    Whatever you spend from wealth, itwill be returned in full towards youand you will not be wronged.

    They fulfill the oath and fear theday that is full of widespread terror.

    Lesson 12A: Words as the Two Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0442


    He is the One Who gives life thenHe causes you to die, then will give

    life to you. Verily man is thankless.

    No change

    Whoever likes this worldly life andits enjoyments, We shall give the

    full reward of their deeds and theywill not be diminished.

    So whoever associate a partner withAllah, it is like that he falls from aheight, then his body is eithersnatched away by the birds or felt

    down by the wind to a far-awayplace.

    So turn the hearts of people so that they like them and provide themfruits, so that they may become


    Whenever a great Prophet came toyou with that your souls did not like .You became arrogant. Then youdenied a group (of prophets) andkilled the other group.

    Their call is O Allah! You are freefrom all weaknesses. And their

    greet is Peace on you.

    When you receive a greet , then greet in a better way or return thesame.

    Allah, there is no god except Him, the Live and the Eternal.

    Lesson 12A: Words as the Two Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0443


    For them, there is a punishment inthis world and the reward of Hereafter is the hardest. There willnot be any protector from Allah.

    No change

    No change

    Be fearful to Allah and bear in mindthat Allah is with the fearful .

    They are ones who spoke the truthand they are ones who are careful .


    Was he not be a drop of emittedsemen, then he became a leechlikemass, then He (Allah) created himand fashioned it in the right order .

    O Believers! Protect yourself andyour family from the hellfire whosefuel is people and stones.

    So that We shall make it a reminderfor you so that your ears momorizewith comprehension .

    Do they not see that Allah is theOne Who created the heavens andthe earth and their creation has not

    tired Him. He is powerful to give

    life to the dead. Nay, Allah ispowerful over everything.

    Allah caught them for their sins andthere is no protector from Allah.

    Lesson 12A: Words as the Two Source Letter

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0444

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings


    We delivered him from the town whose (inhabitants)used to perform heinous acts.

    And he forbade it what they used to to worshipbesides Allah.

    The punishment will catch them because they used to be disobedient.

    Whoever used to think

    And if used to believe in Allah and His prophet.

    So whoever used to expect meeting his Lord, heshould perform good deeds.

    Satan made attractive for them what used to do.

    Both of them used to eat food.

    He used to instruct his family about the prayer and themandatory charity.

    We leveled to ground what Pharaoh and his nationused to make and what they used to raise.

    And he vowed for those (gods) our ancestors used toworship

    Whoever used to desire the reward for this world, sothe reward of here and hereafter is with Allah.

    That is because of that they used to to deny Allahsverses.

    The Result (1)Now compare the result. Each line carried one marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0445

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings


    So an earthquake caught them and they becamelying face down in their homes They said: We worship these idols, so we will besitting in front of them.

    The unbelievers will remain in doubt until theyllsee the Day of Judgment suddenly

    Then they became unbelievers.

    If We want, We send a proof down on them from thesky, so their necks became bent

    When one of them is given the news of having a

    daughter, his face became black (with grief).

    I am instructed to be one from obedient people

    So you will be equal

    So today, Well preserve your body so that it will become a symbol for those after you.

    He became one of those who are suffering fromlosses

    Soon theyll (the pious people whom peopleconsidered as deities) will deny their worships and they will be against them.

    We will be witnessing against it

    So dont be one of those who doubt

    So there should not be an objection in your heart If it is is a dead body

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0446

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings

    If We have sent a wind and they have seenit turning (their crops) yellow, they would have kept denying after that.

    So they continued their that call until Wemowed them down, leaving no spark of life in them.


    Allah is not going to waste your faith

    He is Exalted that there be a child for Him So when they prostrate, so they should be(the other group) behind them

    It was better for them Surely, Allah does not like that who wasan arrogant boaster.

    On the Day of Judgment, he will be awitness against them Allah is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.

    We may have eaten

    They may have eaten

    You may have beaten

    Both of you may have drunk

    You may have witnessed

    They may have killed

    We ate a long time ago

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0447

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings


    The unbelievers from the People of Book and thePolytheists will not be refraining

    Their base on which they established the doubt intheir hearts will continue They said: Well keep sitting in front of it.

    So Ill continue to live in (Ill not leave) this landuntil He (Allah) allows me.

    O Wives of the Prophet! You are not like anyother women. We made economic activities for you in it and you are not the sustenance providers.

    O People of Book! You are not on anything untilyou firmly establish the Torah & the Gospels.

    They will keep fighting with you until them returnyou (to your previous faith)

    Is the One Who created the heavens and the earth,

    not able to create similar to them

    It is not piety that you turn your faces towards theEast and the West

    The Jews said: The Christians are not onanything.

    There is no restriction on you that you seek thebounties of your Lord

    Whoever greets you, dont say to him: You are not a believer.

    All People of Book are not equal. There is anestablished group (among them) who reciteAllahs verses at night and prostrate.

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0448

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings

    Ill continue until I reach at the joining point of tworivers. Those who pass their night for their Lord inprostration and standing (for prayer).

    O Moses! Surely we will not enter it forever until they remain inside it. So go you and your Lord and both of

    you fight (with them).

    Living in them until the heavens and the earth remain They said: By Allah! Youll keep remembering

    Joseph until you become sick.


    They said, O our Lord! These are our partners whomwe used to call instead of You.

    So taste the eternal punishment for what you used todo.

    We did not used to do evil.

    You did not use to expect that the Book would berevealed to you.

    Surely we used to jest and play.

    You used to come from the right hand. This is the hell about that you used to be promised.

    You did not use to recite a book before.

    This is from the secret news We have revealed it toyou that you did not use to know. If you used to believe in Allah and the last day.

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    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0449

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings

    The worldly life is nothing except jesting andplaying It is possible that you dislike a thing while it isbetter for you

    It is possible that Allah create love between youand your enemies


    They said that it is only this worldly life and wewill not be raised He is about to deviate us from our deities

    It will be about to blast due to rage

    (O Muhammad!) It is expected that your Lord mayexalt you to the station of glory

    Allah is not unaware of what you do

    Some of them are not following the prayer

    direction of others

    The heavens are about to crack due to it

    Surely the Day of Judgment is sure to come, I wantto keep it secret so that every person is given areward for his/her effort.

    He will sip but he will not be able to swallow it

    It is expected that their death may have come close Allah does not intend to offend

    The hearts of one group of them are about todeviate The lightening is about to snatch their eyesight.

    The Result (2)Now compare the result. Each line carried one mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0450

    Lesson 13A: The Verbs with Incomplete Meanings

    O my father! I saw 11 stars. They will make you return to disbelief after your(acceptance of) faith.

    They made their oaths a protection shield. When he knew anything from Our signs, they make itmockery of it.

    We made it an Arabic Read Book so that you think logically.


    They thought that the armies did not go O David! We appoint you a caliph in the earth.

    The thirsty will consider it water

    The believers should not make the infidels their friendsbesides the believers.

    Some of us should not make others as gods besides Allah.

    They consider it light but it is great according to Allah.

    The ignorant consider them rich due to their decency.

    Dont think that Allah is unaware of the acts that theoffenders do.

    Dont consider about the unbelievers that they candominate in the earth.

    He said: I dont think that the Day of Judgment will occur. They considered the angels female while they are theslaves of the Beneficent.

    Dont consdier it bad for you. Nay, it is good for you. Nary, we consider you liars.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0451

    is , and is a phrase.Normally comes first

    is , and is a phrase.

    If is an interrogative word, itcomes first

    is , and is a phrase. is , and is a phrase. is , and is a phrase.Normally comes first

    If is an interrogative word, it

    comes first

    If is an interrogative word, itcomes first

    is , and is a phrase. is , and is a phrase.

    carries a pronoun, so it isallowed to bring first.

    Normally comes first








    )( )(

    )( )(

    The Result (1)Now compare the result. Each line carried three marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 14A: , Conditional Sentences and Pronouns

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0452


    So Allahs Prophet said tothem: This is Allahscamel and its drinking (ismandatory for you).

    In order to draw full attention onthe[]

    They are deaf, dumb and


    is already described in the


    [] .

    What do you know aboutthat coming on night? It isthe shooting star.

    In order to draw full attention onthe

    [] They are dead, not aliveIn order to draw full attention onthe[] So I should express a nicepatienceI shouldexpressIn order to draw full attention onthe

    [] Allah is the Knower of hidden and open well known[] She said: I am old andinfertile.In order to express amazementabout the

    [] This is Allahs colorIn order to draw full attention onthe

    is well known

    Reason [] Allah is the Originator of the heavens and the earth


    The Result (2)Now compare the result. Each line carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 14A: , Conditional Sentences and Pronouns

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0453

    Whatever you do good, Allahknows it None

    If they decide to divorce, thensurely Allah is the Listener, theKnowledgeable (of any offence)


    Whoever comes to him as abeliever and he had done gooddeeds, so they will be at highranks.


    If they intend to deceive you, then

    Allah is enough for you.None




    Reason for

    Their husbands have the priorityto return them in that matter(divorce), if they intend to reform


    Whenever sign you bring tobewitch us with that, we will notbelieve in you


    So whoever will do a good deedequivalent to a grain, will see it

    If they lower their arms forobedience, then you also loweryour arms for them


    Whomever Allah guides, so hebecomes the rightly-guided.None

    Whoever does good deeds and heis a believer, so he will not befearful to be offended


    If You will not forgive me andwill not be merciful to me, Ill beone of losers.


    The Result (3)Now compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 14A: , Conditional Sentences and Pronouns

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0454

    My Lord! If You had wanted, You mayhave killed them before and me (too).The is after

    So only fear Me.The is used before theto create sense of only

    Thank Allah if you worship only Him.The is used before the

    to create sense of only

    We advised the people of book who werebefore you and you (as well)

    The is after

    Are these the ones whom they used toworship.The is used before theThe is after

    The is after

    The is after

    The is used before theto create sense of only

    The is after

    The is used before the

    to create sense of only

    To create the sense of it isessential to

    Reason for using

    We or you (either of us) is on guidance oron the way of an open deviation

    Allah provides sustenance to her (orthem) and you He instructed that dont worship anyoneexcept Him.

    You did not use to worship only us. We provide sustenance to them and you.

    Nay, you call only Him

    It is essential for you to fear Allah.


    Lesson 14A: , Conditional Sentences and PronounsThe Result (4)Now compare the result. Each line carried one mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0455

    : .: : .: : .: .

    : .: .: : .: . :

    : . :

    :. : .: .: . : .


    : .: .: .: .

    : .: .:

    :.: .: . :.: :.: :. :.: .

    : .: : .:

    Lesson 15A: The Summary of The Result (1)Now compare the result. Each word carried one mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0456

    When We took a covenant with you andraised The Mount Sinai over you We gave the clear signs to the Jesus IbnMarry

    They said: The Hellfire will not touch usexcept for a few days

    Then your hearts became hard after that,so they are like stones

    All praises are for Allah, Who is the Lordof all worlds. The Owner of the Day of Judgment

    Surely those who believed and those whoare Jews and Christians

    We shadowed upon you with the clouds and sent down The Manna and TheSalva on you

    When We promised Moses for 40 nights,then you made the calf (as your god) afterthat

    They (Pharaoh & his followers) weregiving you the worst punishment O Adam! Stay you and your wife in thegarden

    He is the One Who created whatever in theEarth for you So He brought out fruits as a sustenance

    for you

    They are the ones who bought deviationfor guidance That Book , there is no doubt in it

    EnglishThe Result (2)Now compare the result. Each word carried one mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 15A: The Summary of

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0457


    The Result (3)Now compare the result. Each line carried one mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

    Lesson 15A: The Summary of

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0458

    Whats Next?

    In Level 4, you have completed the Intermediate Level of the Arabic language. Now you can read theQuran, Hadith and Islamic literature. Your vocabulary is enough to read in Arabic but youll need adictionary to look at the meaning of any new word.

    At next level, you will start the Advanced Arabic. You will study advanced concepts of


    Level 5 which will help you in fine tuning your linguistic skills. Some highlights are as follows:

    Attributes of a good communication Parables & Allegories Literal & Figurative Meanings Metaphors Amount of Words to Describe Meanings In addition to that, you will also see more advanced passages from the Quran, the Hadith, the QuranicExegesis, the Hadith Commentary, the Hadith Sciences, the Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabic Literatureand writings of ancient scholars. Your vocabulary will be enriched further.

    So continue Level 5 for the Advanced Arabic.

    Worth Reading

    Personality Development Program. A series of articles at

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0459


    Following sources are consulted during preparation of this book:


  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0460

    Other Writings of the Author (Available at )

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Quranic Arabic Program Level 0461

    Other Writings of the Author (Available at )

  • 8/8/2019 Arabic Grammar - Level 04 - English Answers


    Other Writings of the Author (Available at )