A&R Tattoos

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  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    A&R Tattoos

    Team: Andreescu Andrei and Atanasoaei Raul 

    Coordonating professor: Adrian Brunello

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    A&R Tattoos

    • A&R Tattoo will open a small tattoo parlor in Iasi, where both tattoonewbies and collectors will be able to work with two established,talented artists.

    •  The business needs only $22,200 to launch, due to the low capitalrequirements o the business!

    • "ales will e#ceed $00,000 by the third year based on the ull%timework o the employees.

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos



    • Reach annual re(enues o appro#imately $0,000 in year three!

    • "uccessully create *++ tattoos o(er three years

    • -arn net prots or the owners, or si/nicant total compensation to

    the two owners includin/ salaries and di(idends

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos



      A&R will create sae, impressi(etattoo art or customers in Iasi areaboth throu/h tattoos and throu/h

    other products eaturin/ art by theshop1s tattoo artists.

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Keys to Success

    • -ncoura/in/ repeat customers collectors3 who return a/ain anda/ain or ull sessions with artists they lo(e!

    • akin/ the health and care o customers and tattoos a top priority toensure the saety o the customers, employees, and business!

    • 4orkin/ with talented artists and encoura/in/ their e#pression andreedom!

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Products and Services

    • Introductory5shop%minimum tattoos

    6asic tattoos 7 hour session3

    • 8ull sessions 2% hour sessions3

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Market AnalysisSummary

    •  The market is se/mented into9

    •  Tattoo newbies or dabblers those who /et one tattoo3

    •  Tattoo collectors those who /et numerous tattoos3

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Marketing Strategy 

    • :rint 7,000 ;yers ad(ertisin/ the /rand openin/ o the business topost in the area o the shop, at local establishments and hand outat e(ents and on the street in the precedin/ week.

    • ellow :a/es

    •  The principals and additional artist handin/ out business cards andwearin/ A&R shirts to promote the openin/

    • Runnin/ ads in the local papers about the /rand openin/

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Sales Strategy 

    • "ales will be encoura/ed throu/h word%o%mouth.

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    "ales 8orecast

    •  The sales orecast represents an amount o work that is reasonableor two ull%time artists, while allowin/ time or them to work on ;ashart, create desi/ns or other resale items, and mana/e and marketthe business

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Financial Plan

    •  The nancial plan or A&R is to raise $2@,000 rom a combinationo personal sa(in/s, a lon/%term loan, and short%term borrowin/ tolaunch the business. The business will achie(e cash ;ow and protbreak%e(en in the se(enth month o operation and net prot willbe achie(ed in the rst year, allowin/ or di(idends to be paid to

    the owners beyond their salaries startin/ in year two.

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Start-up Funding

    •  The start%up undin/ will be primarily rom in(estment by the co%owners and ounders, Andreescu Andrei and Raul Atanasoaei, whowill each contribute $@,*00. They will borrow $2,000 on creditcards and seek a three%year loan o $70,000 or the remainin/cash, with their home equity as collateral. This will co(er the

    required $2@,000 in undin/ needed to launch.

  • 8/17/2019 A&R Tattoos


    Proected Pro!t and "oss

      ross mar/ins will impro(e sli/htly as sales o ull sessionsincrease relati(e to other ser(ices.