NJNSC-T-96-002 E-191 gPCHIVE COP'f NEw jERSEY AcRIcULTURAE ExPERMENT STATloN ar eta i o Liqui in Southern New erse ertilizer cacy an Contract No. ST93.203-563~ July 1993 - June 1995 Final Report to National Coastal Resources andDevelopment Institute 528 SW Mill Street, Suite 220 PO Box 751 Portland, Oregon97207 Nona R. Henderson Seafood Marketing Extension Specialist RutgersCooperative Extension Slake Hall, Cook College, RutgersUniversity New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903-0231 Dan B. Strombom Agricultural & Resource Management Agent Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County 4 Moore Road Cape May Court House,New Jersey 08210 June 1995

ar eta i o Liqui ertilizer in Southern New erse

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ar eta i o Liquiin Southern New erse

ertilizercacy an

Contract No. ST93.203-563~July 1993 - June 1995

Final Reportto

National Coastal Resources and Development Institute528 SW Mill Street, Suite 220

PO Box 751

Portland, Oregon 97207

Nona R. HendersonSeafood Marketing Extension Specialist

Rutgers Cooperative ExtensionSlake Hall, Cook College, Rutgers University

New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903-0231

Dan B. StrombomAgricultural & Resource Management Agent

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County4 Moore Road

Cape May Court House, New Jersey 08210

June 1995

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This publication resulted from research sponsored by the National Coastal Resources Institute,pursuant to NOAA contract number ST93.203-5630-06; NOAA Office of Sea Grant, Departmentof Commerce, pursuant to grant number NA89AA-D-SG057 Project ¹ A/A-I!; and the 1993-1994 Special Initiative in Solid Waste Management of the New Jersey Agricultural ExperimentStation. The U.S. government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmentalpurpose notwithstanding any copyright notation that may appear herein: New Jersey Sea GrantPublication No. NJSG-95-321.

The contributions of our numerous project cooperators were essential to the success of thisproject and are greatly appreciated see APPENDIX I � PROJECT COOPERATORS!.

The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe funding agencies or project cooperators.

Cooperating agencies are Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Sea Grant, New Jersey Sea Grant CollegeProgram, New Jersey Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service, New Jersey Marine SciencesConsortium, and the Cape May County Board of Chosen Freeholders.

Rutgers Cooperative Extension provides information and educational services to all peoplewithout regard to race, sex, disability, handicap, color, age or national origin. RutgersCooperative Extension is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Fish hydrolysate can be produced from fish processing residuals by enzymatic digestion and beused as a fertilizer. Seafood processors can benefit from installing a fish hydrolysate plantthrough reduced waste disposal costs and by-product revenues. Such developments may alsocontribute to local employment and the long-term viability of fish processing plants.

The objectives of this project were to: 1! introduce the technology of producing fish hydrolysateto the fish processing industry in the port of Cape May, New Jersey, and 2! assist in developingmarkets for fertilizer produced.

A pilot hydrolysate plant was constructed at Axelsson and Johnson Fish Company. Productformulation was adapted from those developed for fish species in the Northeast fisheries.Testing by an independent laboratory demonstrated that the plant could consistently produce afertilizer product with a balance of nutrients �:4:2!. This product was certified organic by theNew Jersey branch of the Northeast Organic Farming Association and has been licensed by theNew Jersey Department of Agriculture.

Several target markets were identified. Fish hydrolysate is a recognized product in commercialcranberry production and in organic farming and gardening. Controlled tests demonstratedefficacy of the fish hydrolysate comparable to synthetic fertilizer in cranberry production andcomparable to other organic fertilizers in staked tomato production.

A model business development plan for fish hydrolysate determined that aggressive marketing,emphasizing ease of application and organic certification, is the key to business success.Competitive advantage is achieved by supplying local markets and miniinizing distribution costs,

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Coastal Issue Addressed

Disposal of solid waste from the processing of seafood products in New Jersey, as throughoutthe coastal United States, has been recognized as a persistent problem for the industry FortPoint Associates 1986!. Increasingly stringent waste discharge regulations and rising disposalcosts have raised operating costs. A study of 98 New Jersey food processors indicated that thecost and difficulty of compliance with solid waste discharge regulations are among the mostsignificant impediments to expanded food processing in New Jersey, and are factors affectingthe location decisions of Mid-Atlantic food processors Lopez and Henderson 1989a&b andHenderson 1992!.

Some seafood processing waste is disposed of in landfills, and landfill tipping fees haveincreased dramatically in recent years. For example, from 1987 to 1991, landfill tipping feesin two southern New Jersey counties of Cape May and Cumberland increased by 115.2% and55. 8%, respectively Henderson and Strombom 1992!. There is one public landfill in Cape MayCounty, and it is scheduled to close by court order because it is located in the environmentallysensitive Pinelands area. This is expected to double Cape May tipping fees in the short-run andeliminate local landfill disposal as an option for seafood processors by 1996. The use of fishwaste as swine feed is another traditional disposal method which is becoming unfeasible as thenumber of local swine farms decline.

State of Existing Knowledge

By-product development can contribute to the resolution of the seafood processing solid wastedisposal problem. A variety of by-products have been suggested Otwell 1981, SeafoodManagement Corporation 1986, Keller 1990, Goldhor and Regenstein 1991!. One potential by-product is fish hydrolysate. The hydrolysate process uses protein-digesting enzymes to breakdown fish processing residuals into small particles that are in liquid suspension Stuiber et al1986, American Composite Technology 1986, Goldhor 1988!.

The resulting hydrolysate contains nitrogen and other nutrients. Although evaluations ofperformance of fish hydrolysate for most crops have not been rigorously assessed, prior researchon several crops provides cause for optimism that fish hydrolysate will be an effective slowrelease fertilizer. Research conducted at the University of Massachusetts Cranberry ExperimentStation has shown that cranberry bogs in Massachusetts using fish hydrolysate producedcomparable yields to conventional granular fertilizers DeMoranville 1988, 1989, & 1990!.

A 1986 study reported that the best northeast market for hydrolyzed fish by-products as afertilizer is as a lawn, garden and turf fertilizer Seafood Management Corporation 1986!, Turf

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studies by the University of California's Hopland Field Station showed that spray-dried,hydrolysed fish protein was superior to ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, including evengrowth over longer time periods, and no burning of turfgrass even when grossly over-applied Wyatt 1990!. In addition, the fish fertilizer provided better greening at lower temperatures thandid other organic fertilizers.


The objectives of this project were to apply proven technology to assist a seafood processorlocated in the port of Cape May, New Jersey in producing liquid fish fertilizer from fishprocessing residuals and develop markets for this product in New Jersey production agricultureand home gardening. Development of a fish hydrolysate production facility in south Jerseyoffers an alternative disposal option for seafood processing waste. Furthermore, this projectserves as a model for seafood processors in other regions of the country for turning their solidwaste into a marketable by-product.


Cranberry Field Trial

To determine the efficacy of fish hydrolysate as a fertilizer for commercial cranberry production,a controlled experiment was conducted during the 1993 growing season on a bed of Early Blackslocated at the Rutgers Cranberry/ Blueberry Research Station in Chatsworth, New Jersey.Twelve 6'x 8' plots were established randomly across the bed. Three sample rings, 6" indiameter, were placed in each of the plots for a total of 36 rings. To provide control treatments,six of the plots were covered during the application of fish hydrolysate and fertilized separatelywith conventional fertilizer.

Nutrient requirements of the bog were determined based on soil and tissue analysis, Whole bedapplication of fish fertilizer was used. Fish hydrolysate, with nutrient composition of 2:4:2, wasapplied through the sprinkler system at a rate of 300 gallons per acre. Two application timingsby crop growth stages were employed following previous research results in Massachusetts DeMoranville 1988, 1989, 4 1990!. Granular fertilizer was applied to the covered areas atrates equivalent to those for the hydrolysate.

For each sample, the total number of uprights, fruiting uprights and vegetative uprights werecounted. The average number of fruit per upright, total fruit weight, average berry weight, andpercent rot at 0 and 30 days post harvest also were determined.

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Cost Comparison

To complement the 1993 cranberry field trial and to determine whether cranberry growers wouldhave an economic incentive to use fish hydrolysate, a cost comparison of liquid fish fertilizerapplied through sprinkler systems versus conventional inorganic fertilizers aerially applied incranberry production was originally planned for Year 1. A literature review was completed. Acranberry grower survey was designed to obtain farm-level data on labor costs, informationregarding existing irrigation capabilities, cranberry acreage by cultivar, and data regarding soiltype i.e., level of organic matter!. The survey was tested with 4 New Jersey cranberrygrowers. The cost comparison study was rescheduled to Year 2 when the graduate student whowas assisting on the project left to accept a job. The study was subsequently canceled becausethe literature review revealed previously published cost comparisons see RESULTS -CostComparison!. This action was proposed in the Progress Report July - December 1994 andsubsequently approved by NCRI Henderson and Strombom 1995e!. By canceling the proposedcost comparison study, researchers were able to divert attention to three surveys related tocustomers and competitors see METHODS - Business Development and Marketing!.

Turf Field Trial

A fertility study was initiated in June 1994 on 'Baron' Kentucky bluegrass grown on a sandyloam at the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Horticulture Farm II located in NorthBrunswick, New Jersey. Two formulations of fish hydrolysate �-1-0 and 2-1-1! were comparedwith a popular organic fertilizer, Ringer's Restore 9-4-4!, and a commonly used water-solubleinorganic fertilizer �2-4-8!. All fertilizers were applied at equivalent rates of 1 pound ofnitrogen per 1000 square feet. Two application timings for the hydrolysate and Restore werecompared.

The plots were rated for color and clipping yield when mowed approximately once a week.Clippings were collected with a 21-inch wide rotary mower set at 2 or 2.25 inch mowing height.Irrigation was performed to avoid severe drought stress. A randomized complete block designwith 4 replications was used. Plot size was 4 by 8 feet.

Orgariic Vegetable Field Trial

Two certified organic farmers in Cape May County, New Jersey utilized the fish hydrolysate asa source of crop nutrients in the production of tomatoes and other organically grown vegetablesand melons. The liquid fertilizer was applied through drip irrigation according to ratesrecommended by the project team. Soil samples were collected from selected rows throughoutthe summer and analyzed to track soil nitrogen.

Organic horne gardener cooperators were solicited by means of an advertisement placed in thespring issue of the NOFA-New Jersey newsletter Henderson and Strombom 1994a!. More than

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two dozen interested gardeners responded and were provided sufficient fish hydrolysate for usein their gardens during the 1994 growing season by Axelsson and Johnson Fish Company. Theproject team provided technical assistance to the home gardeners in the form of recommendedapplication rates, timings and methods. The gardeners were surveyed by telephone in the fallof 1994 for their satisfaction with application ease, crop yield and crop quality.

Business Development and Marketing Plan

Advice and assistance were provided to Axelsson and Johnson Fish Company in the followingareas required to begin commercial production:

a! fertilizer formulation;b! specification for organic certification;c! container design and material selection; andd! legal requirements for fertilizer labeling.

Once these basic technical hurdles were surpassed, the project team turned attention to planningstrategies for business and market development. A business and marketing plan was developedwhich includes company background and situation audit, customer analysis, competitor analysis,environmental analysis, business strategy, technology strategy, and development strategy.

Com etitor Anal sis

Because essential information for the competitor and potential customers analyses was lackingin the literature, the project team conducted three surveys during the fall of 1994. Thecompetitor analysis was based on two surveys. To characterize nation competition, a survey wasfaxed to 38 primary and secondary suppliers listed in the "1993-1994 Organic Market Guide:New Jersey" as carrying "fish product fertilizer." Information requested consisted of fertilizercompany, location, brand names, nutrient composition, unit quantities available, and pricing.

To determine which brands of liquid fish fertilizer are available in New Jersey, a representativesample of retail stores geographically distributed throughout the state was taken from New Jerseytelephone yellow pages and surveyed by telephone. A national agricultural supplier chain-AgWay, two national home improvement chains � Home Depot and Channel Home Center, twofertilizer suppliers; and thirteen independent garden centers were contacted. A total of 24 storeswere surveyed. Information requested consisted of brands of liquid fish fertilizer currentlystocked, the nutrient composition of each brand, product size and price.

The fact that NOFA-NJ has 500 members and 5,500 people interested in organic farming andgardening on its mailing list provides a general measure of the interest in organic hornegardening. To gain a better understanding of what organic horne gardeners are looking for inan organic fertilizer, a telephone survey was designed to obtain information regarding organicfertilizer usage, brand awareness, sources of information, relative importance of productattributes, and respondent demographics. The survey was conducted by telephone of 155individuals selected at random from the NOFA-NJ database in November 1994.

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Several target markets were identified. Fish hydrolysate is a recognized product in commercialcranberry production and in organic farming and gardening, Controlled tests demonstratedefficacy of the fish hydrolysate comparable to synthetic fertilizer in cranberry production andcomparable to other organic fertilizers in staked tomato production. The field trials on turf grasswere inconclusive.

Cranberry Field Trials

Related Research

Research results which indicated that using fish hydrolysate on Massachusetts cranberry bogsproduced at least as well as those which receive conventional fertilizers DeMoranville 1988,1989, 4, 1990! had to be confirmed in New Jersey given differences in soil characteristics andclimate.

Preliminary investigations conducted with fish hydrolysate on Early Blacks and Stevens cultivarson 4 New Jersey commercial cranberry farms during the 1992 season, indicated that fishhydrolysate presents some challenges as a good regime for cranberry production in New Jersey Davenport and Provost 1993!. The fish hydrolysate used in the 1992 trials differed in nutrientratio from that used in Massachusetts Davenport and Provost 1993!. The fish hydrolysatematerial developed for use in Massachusetts for cranberry growers had a 1:2:1 ratio of N:P:K.The New Jersey fish product used in the experiment had a ratio of 4:1:0.1. Cranberry soil andtissue surveys by Davenport and Schiffhauer �992 unpublished! have shown that New Jerseycranberry bogs are low in P and K levels and supplemental P and K are needed. Thus, the fishfertilizer used in the 1992 experiment did not provide sufficient P and K to meet croprequirements.

It was assumed that the fish hydrolysate used in these trials contained equivalent ratios ofnutrients to the hydrolysate used in the Massachusetts trials. As a result, highly elevated levelsof nitrogen were used. Excessive nitrogen results in vegetative growth at the expense of berryproduction Davenport 1993!. This is a particular problem in bogs with higher organic mattercontent Davenport and Provost 1993!. Therefore, berry yields were depressed in thehydrolysate treatments.

Fruit rot is a serious problem in New Jersey cranberry production. New Jersey cranberries havethe highest percent rot in all of the North American cranberry producing areas Ocean SprayCranberries Inc., unpublished!. This is attributable to warmer climate as compared to othercranberry producing areas. Davenport and Provost �993! cautioned against using the 4:1:0.1fish hydrolysate formulation on beds with historically high rot levels.

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1993 Field Trial

For the 1993 cranberry field trials on Early Blacks, hydrolysate formulation was adjusted to thedesired 2-4-2 N:P:K, and application rates adjusted to appropriate levels for the soil conditionof the bog used in the experiment. Results of the 1993 field trial indicate that fish hydrolysateproduces cranberry yields comparable to inorganic fertilizer Henderson and Strombom 1995b!.

Cost Comparison

Literature review revealed several costs of production studies for cranberries which includefertilizer costs Engel 1985, Morzuch 1988, Southern New England Farm Credit 1990 8c 1991,and Leiby and Marra 1990!. Only Morzuch contains a direct comparison of costs associatedwith liquid fish fertilizer versus conventional granular fertilizer, and the study did not compareaerial versus sprinkler application.

Several trends are providing incentive to cranberry growers to consider hydrolysate as afertilizers. Synthetic fertilizer costs are rising as are application costs. Recent cranberry fertilitystudies recommend 3 to 5 applications, depending on the cultivar, of synthetic fertilizer ratherthan the traditional two applications in order. The reason for the recommendation is to providesustained availability of nutrients to the crop for optimum fruit production. Fish hydrolysate,being a slow release fertilizer, does not have to be applied as frequently. In fact, recent researchat the University of Massachusetts Cranberry Field Station indicates that 20% less nitrogen canbe provided if liquid fish fertilizer is used to produce the same yields as conventional fertilizersbecause of the sustained availability of the nutrients provided. In addition, because it is appliedvia the sprinkler system, fish hydrolysate application avoids expensive aerial application costs.

Turf Field Trial

Treatments evaluated for color response and fresh clipping yield generally demonstrated that thefish hydrolysate and Ringer's Restore released nitrogen to the turf more slowly than the watersoluble, inorganic fertilizer. This response is most likely due to lower soil temperaturesinhibiting nitrogen mineralization of organic nitrogen forms. The color response of the turf toboth hydrolysate treatments was equivalent to that of the organic fertilizer, although the timingof green-up in mid-summer was slower with the hydrolysate. Clipping yields of the hydrolysateformulations and the organic fertilizer also were similar. As expected, the inorganic fertilizerapplication resulted in the fastest green-up and highest clipping yields. However, the colorratings for the inorganic fertilizer and the organic fertilizers were quite comparable until mid-autumn when the color resulting from applying the inorganic fertilizer was significantly higher.More detailed results are reported in a separate publication Murphy 1995!.

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Organic Vegetable Pield Trial

The two organic farmers who used fish hydrolysate during the 1994 growing season reportedsatisfaction with ease of application. Both farmers experienced problems initially with cloggingof apertures in the irrigation strips. Additional screening of the product both at the fishhydrolysate plant and at the farms removed small fragments of bone and resolved the problem.

Crop yield and quality with the use of fish hydrolysate were consistent with previous years'production and previously used organic fertilizers. The tomatoes produced were packed inspecially designed 10 lbs. boxes imprinted with "Vine Ripened Organic Jersey Tomatoes" and"NOFA-NJ Certified Orgamc Jersey Tomatoes." The organic tomatoes were marketed throughfive retail outlets in the Philadelphia area owned by one of the farmers and under a cooperativeproject with the Northeast Organic Farming Association � New Jersey and Jersey Fresh Programof the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

Business Development and Marketing Plan

A model business development and marketing plan for fish hydrolysate determined thataggressive marketing, emphasizing ease of application and organic certification, is the key tobusiness success. Competitive advantage will most readily be achieved by supplying nearbymarkets where distribution costs will be relatively low. Details of the business development andmarketing accomplishments of this project are reported in Henderson and Strombom �995b!.

Or anic Certification and Fertilizer Licensin

A pilot hydrolysate plant was constructed at Axelsson and Johnson Fish Company. With theassistance of the project team, Axelsson 4, Johnson Fish Company was able to consistentlyproduce a fertilizer product of desired nutrient content as verified by an independent laboratory.The product was certified organic by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jerseyin the fall of 1993 and the company obtained New Jersey state licensing of the product for saleas a fertilizer shortly thereafter.

Product Packa e and Label Develo ment

Alternative commercially available container designs were reviewed and assessed. Selection wasbased on target market applications. The primary criteria were ease of distribution and handlingin applying the fertilizer by different target users, and non-reactivity of container materials whichwould provide for a shelf-stable product. A 30-gallon barrel was selected for use in agriculturalmarkets. The barrel provides for relatively easy delivery of larger volumes of product. A 32-ounce, non-reactive plastic bottle with a self-measuring dispenser was selected for use in home-gardening markets. Accelerated shelf life studies indicate that Sea Sprout is stable for up to 2

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years if stored within this particular container in a non-diluted state. The self-measuring devicereduces direct contact with the fertilizer by the user. This container is unique among liquid fishfertilizer brands currently on the market.

A label was developed to meet legal requirements and provide application recommendations.Labels and packaging were ordered and stocks received in preparation for consumer as well ascommercial sales during the 1995 growing season.

Com etitor Anal sis

Direct competitors of Sea Sprout are other fish hydrolysate brands, fish emulsions a concentrateof fish processing waste water!, and soluble fish powder products. Product variations containseaweed which provides additional desirable trace elements to the fertilizer. The liquid fishfertilizer product class is distinct from bulk organic fertilizers, such as manure and compost,which are turned into the soil as an amendment prior to planting.

Results of the supplier survey indicate that there are a number of liquid and powdered fishfertilizers on the national market. The suppliers closest to New Jersey are Ocean Crest ofGloucester, Massachusetts, Necessary Trading of New Castle, Virginia, Hy-Trous of Woburn,Massachusetts, and North Country Organics of Bradford, Vermont.Ocean Crest manufactures Neptune's Harvest, a fish hydrolysate with a 2-4-.5 NPK analysis.Neptune's Harvest is available in 5, 55 and 4500 gallon quantities. Ocean Crest also sells a fishand seaweed fertilizer blend in the same quantities. Necessary Trading manufactures SeaMix,a fish emulsion with seaweed with a 3-2-2 NPK analysis. It is available in pint, 1 gallon, and5 gallon quantities. Necessary Trading also produces Folia-Fish, a concentrated fish powderwith a 12-0-1 NPK analysis. No information was received regarding quantities and prices forHy-Trous and Squanto's Secret.

Although almost all brands of fish fertilizer are available through mail order, only Alaska brandis readily available. The Alaska brand is carried by independent garden centers but not byAgway, fertilizer suppliers, or home improvement centers. Alaska brand is an emulsion, notan hydrolysate.

New England seafood processors are experiencing severe fish supply shortages. The suppliersin New England and Virginia face higher transportation costs than BEA in serving this market.

The national fertilizer industry is well-developed and includes several large, well-establishedcompanies such as Ortho and Fertrell which already liquid fish fertilizers. These companies canmartial significant marketing resources.

Although there is always a threat of new entrants into the Mid-Atlantic organic fertilizer market,BEA's competitive situation is promising. Other New Jersey seafood processors have notacquired hydrolysate technology and expertise, and BEA has a lead in developing New Jersey

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agricultural and consumer markets. Seafood processors in and near the port of Cape May arenot likely to enter the market due to BEA's competitive advantage, particularly if BEA acceptstheir solid fish wastes and, thereby, provides them with a disposal alternative ta landfill.

The primary target agricultural inarkets for Sea Sprout in New Jersey are for commercialproduction of cranberries and organically grown vegetables. Fish hydrolysate has been proveneffective by research conducted by the University of Massachusetts and Rutgers CooperativeExtension DeMoranville 1988, 1989, k 1990, and Henderson and Strombom 1995b!. Fishhydrolysate has been used as a fertilizer in commercial cranberry production in Massachusettssince about 1990s. There are 3,300 acres of cranberry farms in New Jersey and the majorityof the farms are equipped with sprinkler systems. The primary advantage of using fishhydrolysate in cranberry production is that it can be applied, because it is a liquid, via sprinklersystems and, thereby, save on costly aerial application. Likewise, fish hydrolysate can beapplied via drip irrigation to tomatoes and other vegetables.

As part of this project, two organic farmers in southern New Jersey used fish hydrolysate duringthe 1994 growing season for tomatoes and other vegetables and reported good yields. TheNortheast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey NOFA-NJ! certified 33 organic farmersin 1994.

Fertilizer formulation requirements are diverse in agricultural markets. Commercially growncrops require specific NPK formulations, rates and timing of application. Farmers selectfertilizer products with specific formulations depending on the specific crop grown and soilconditions, Farmers conduct soil tests relatively frequently to assess nutrient availability in thesoil and strive to provide an appropriate nutrient balance for their crops through selection ofappropriate fertilizer formulations and application rates.

In contrast to the organic farming market, home gardeners tend to purchase a standard fertilizerfor a broad range of applications such as vegetables, flowers, or lawn. They conduct soil testsrelatively infrequently and, in general, are poorly informed regarding nutrient requirements ofspecific plants and the NPK analysis of the fertilizers they purchase. They tend to rely on theapplication rate recommendations provided on product labels.

A survey of organic home gardeners was conducted in November 1994 to identify potentiallyimportant consumer attitudes and buying behavior relevant to liquid fish fertilizer Hendersonand Strombom 1995c!. The results suggests that increasing market share for liquid fish fertilizeramong home gardeners would require considerable effort to raise awareness of the product andovercome buyer resistance due to lack of experience. The dominant use of bulk fertilizerindicates that pre-plant application of fertilizer is the general practice; yet liquid fertilizer is mostoften used as a side dressing. Moreover, even gardeners purchasing fish fertilizer had almostno brand awareness.

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All consumers surveyed placed a high importance on the organic characteristics of the productand on the product being environmentally safe. Convenience factors, such as ease of applicationand availability of the product through local gardening centers were important. The surveyindicates that organic gardeners are interested in new products and sharing of information.

The organic gardeners surveyed had all joined NOFA-NJ, a statewide association of farmers andhome gardeners interested in organic methods. They report that they are more likely to seekand give gardening advice than others they know. Personal experience, word-of-mouthcommunication, and articles in organic gardening magazines are important sources ofinformation, These gardeners are more responsive to education than to commercial promotionof products, This suggests that suppliers of liquid fish fertilizer should utilize organic gardeningassociations and expert testimony in respected organic gardening magazines as means ofincreasing sales rather than advertisements to promote their product.

Direct mail is not an important means of fertilizer purchase. This is most likely because organichorne gardeners primarily buy and use bulk fertilizer for pre-planting soil preparation, Thegardeners look to purchase in their local home gardening centers. To increase liquid fishfertilizer sales, suppliers should consider increasing availability through local gardening centers.

Organic home gardeners do not appear to be particularly price sensitive for a product that isorganic and environmentally safe.


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Technology transfer is a major component of the project to examine the efficacy andmarketability of liquid fish fertilizer in southern New Jersey. Seafood processors in coastal andGreat Lake states around the country face rising solid waste disposal costs and reduced wastedisposal options as landfill space becomes more limited. Seafood processors will benefit fromthe adoption of hydrolysate technology by converting a costly solid waste disposal problem intoa revenue-generating by-product.

The keys to processor adoption of hydrolysate technology for producing liquid fish fertilizer areto identify potential markets through agricultural and horne gardening field trials and to developan effective marketing strategy to develop target markets. The field trials and model marketingplan developed as part of this project will facilitate the adoption of fish hydrolysate technologyby seafood processors. The principal investigators have combined expertise in productdevelopment, business management, market development, and agriculture production. Both areextension faculty with Rutgers Cooperative Extension and New Jersey Agricultural ExperimentStation, institutions dedicated to applied research and public outreach. Rutgers researchersassisted Axelsson and Johnson Fish Company in researching fish hydrolysate technology andestablishing a production facility. A key feature of this project is the close working relationshipbetween Rutgers researchers and the Axelsson & Johnson Fish Company. Information has beenexchanged regularly through in-person and telephone communication during formulationdevelopment, the organic certification procedure, and field trials.

Team members met with Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey NOFA-NJ!representatives regarding organic fertilizer certification. Information about the cranberry fieldtrial was presented to the American Cranberry Growers Association at its winter meeting 1993.A technical report summarizing the results of the cranberry field trial and a fact sheet describingthe procedure for applying liquid fish fertilizer through the sprinkler systems were developedand distributed to Ocean Spray cooperative members and independent cranberry growers in NewJersey Henderson and Strombom 1995b & c!.

Team members worked directly with two south Jersey farmers who utilized Sea Sprout duringthe 1994 growing season for the commercial production of organically grown tomatoes. A factsheet describing the procedure for applying liquid fish fertilizer through drip irrigation wasdeveloped and distributed to certified organic farmers in New Jersey, NOFA-NJ, and RutgersCooperative Extension agricultural agents in 21 counties of New Jersey Strombom andHenderson 1995!. A technical report regarding the results of the turf trial was produced andfindings were presented at the 1993 New Jersey Turfgrass Expo in December 1993 Murphy1995!.

A model business development and marketing plan for liquid fish fertilizer and a technical reportsummarizing results of a survey of New Jersey organic home gardeners were produced Henderson and Stromborn 1995a & d!.


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The this final project report and the model business development and marketing plant weredistributed to the Pell Library and all coastal state Sea Grant College Programs, the primaryfederal program for providing extension services to seafood processors, by the New Jersey SeaGrant College Program.

A feature article about this project in NCRI News resulted in inquiries from seafood processorsin Oregon and Alaska Henderson and Strombom 1994c!. An article in the summer 1994 issueof NOFA/NJ News, the newsletter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of NewJersey, reached over 5,000 readers interested in organic farming and gardening throughout NewJersey and the Mid-Atlantic/New England region Henderson and Strombom 1994d!. Dozensof inquiries were received by interested home gardeners. Information about the product andpotential applications was provided by team members and product requests were referred toAxelsson & Johnson which shipped requested volumes directly to new customers. Twoadditional articles about the project appeared in The New Jerse Farmer, the leading agriculturalnewspaper in New Jersey, and The Jerse Shoreline, newsletter of the New Jersey Sea GrantProgram Henderson and Strombom 1994e & f!.

An educational exhibit, Development of New Jersey Liquid Fish Ferti/izer, which highlightsactivities and accomplishments of this project, was developed. The educational exhibit wasdisplayed as part of a commercial booth, staffed cooperatively with Axelsson & Johnson FishCompany at the popular Northeast Organic Farming Association -New Jersey annual fair inPennington, NJ on September 17 & 18, 1994.

A slide set summarizing the development of a liquid fish fertilizer in New Jersey was developed.The slides were used in presentations at the 39th Annual Atlantic Fisheries TechnologicalConference and Rutgers Cooperative Extension Annual Conference Henderson and Strornborn1994c!.

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This project achieved its objective of assisting a seafood processor in the port of Cape May incommercializing hydrolysate technology to resolve its solid waste disposal problein. TheAxelsson and Johnson Fish Company has installed a commercial scale hydrolysate plant and hasformed a new company, BEA, Inc. to manufacture and market fish hydrolysate as a certifiedorganic liquid fertilizer. BEA has operated the plant at a pilot-scale for the two-year durationof the project. The branded product, Sea Sprout, is licensed by the New Jersey Department ofEnvironmental Protection as a fertilizer, and is certified organic by the Northeast OrganicFarming Association of New Jersey NOFA-NJ!. The spring of 1995 is the first season ofcommercial production.

AkJ Fish Company has a wholesale fish business which processes more than 100 species of fishthat come into their docks through independent fishermen on a daily basis and distributes about15 million pounds of fish a year. BEA reports that the current plant has the capacity to convert6,000 pounds of waste into hydrolysate daily.

The development of this new waste processing capability has contributed significantly to thereduction of waste disposal costs. Solid waste from seafood processing have traditionally beendisposed of in landfills. Landfill tipping fees in southern New Jersey counties, where NewJersey seafood processing is concentrated, have increased dramatically in recent years addingsignificantly to operating costs Henderson and Strombom 1992!. Seafood processing waste isexcluded from current food recycling programs in Cape May County. In addition,the single landfill in Cape May County is scheduled to be closed in the next few years.Therefore, landfill is being eliminated as a disposal option. AAJ has also relied on swinefarmers to take its solid waste. However, there is a decline in local hog production due tocompetition from large-scale operations in other parts of the country with lower costs ofproduction. Expected expansion of markets and manufacturing will bring BEA to its goal ofbecoming the dominant supplier of fish hydrolysate in the Mid-Atlantic region and a profit centerfor the parent company.

At the present time, BEA employs three people, one in management and production oversight,one in manufacturing, and one in market development.

The success of this project was due in large measure to the partnership between Land-GrantExtension and private sector partners. Each brought complementary resources and expertise tosolving this real-world problem. The seafood processor made capital investment in the plantconstruction, product manufacturing, and package development. Extension technical assistancewas particularly helpful in appropriate technology identification, product formulation,certification procedures, product testing at university research facilities, and marketdevelopment. Through the Extension Service, farmers and home gardeners were recruited to


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participate in field trials. In addition, the support of agricultural organizations such as theNortheast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey, the New Jersey Turfgrass Association,and Blueberry/Cranberry Research Council was facilitated through existing Extension contacts.

The primary unanticipated outcome was a change in the target market for Sea Sprout. Theoriginal target market anticipated was commercial cranberry growers in New Jersey based onthe experience of fish hydrolysate producers in New England. However, the enthusiasticresponse of organic farmers and home gardeners in New Jersey has resulted in a shift in marketfocus,


Consistent with our work and technology transfer plans, a close relationship will be maintainedbetween BEA, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, and the industry groups with which we havecooperated during the project. This project has become self-sustaining with thecommercialization of the hydrolysate operation in New Jersey. The growth of the company willdepend primarily upon the development of market demand and profitability of the operation.Increased employment opportunities, manufacturing capacity, business expansion and econoinicstability are anticipated as the business grows.


As described more fully in the Technology Transfer/Outreach section of this report, extensionpublications have been disseminated to cranberry growers, turf farmers, organic vegetablegrowers, and home gardeners in New Jersey. Feature articles have appeared in NOFA-NewJersey News, New Jersey Farmer, and New Jersey Sea Grant's The Jersey Shoreline. Aneducational exhibit was displayed at the popular NOFA-NJ annual fair in Pennington, NewJersey, and product samples were distributed to 500 interested gardeners. Research results weredisseminated to industry and extension professionals at the Atlantic Fisheries TechnologicalConference, New Jersey Turf Expo, Rutgers Cooperative Extension's annual conference, andthe American Cranberry Growers Association semi-annual meeting.

National dissemination has been achieved through an article about the project. in the NCRI Newsand publication distribution of this final project report and the model business development andmarketing plan by New Jersey Sea Grant to the Pell Library and all coastal state Sea GrantCollege Programs, the priinary federal program for providing extension services to seafoodprocessors.

The technical and capital investment requirements of implementing a fish hydrolysate facility arenot prohibitive. Technical specifications for equipment and formulation are available in theliterature, and this project provides guidance to market development. The successful adoptionof fish hydrolysate production depends upon a consistent supply of raw material, meeting the

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fertilizer standards set by state regulatory agencies, and aggressive market development.

State and national Extension and industry information distribution channels have been utilizedin disseminating project related results to industry and Extension professionals.Commercialization of Sea Sprout will expand dissemination through advertising media.


One important lesson of this project was that it is essential to assemble a interdisciplinary teamwith appropriate expertise to address multifaceted problems. This expertise may come not onlyfrom one's own academic institution but from other universities, industry groups, and thegovernmental agencies.

Because of busy schedules and multiple obligations, flexibility is needed on the part of all teammembers. Project management must deal with emerging problems expeditiously in order toinsure that team members responsible for project components stay on schedule.


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American Composite Technology, Inc. 1986. Fish Waste Handling Systems for New England:Engineering Specifications. New England Fisheries Development Foundation. Boston, MA.

Davenport, J. 1993. Nitrogen Fertilizers: Results of the Rates and Timing Experiment. OceanSpray Cranberry, Inc. unpublished!

Davenport, J. and J.Provost. 1993. Report on the Use of Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer on NewJersey Cranberry Bogs. Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Feb.

DeMoranville, C. 1990. Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer for Cranberries. Low Input SustainableAgriculture Project. University of Massachusetts Cranberry Experiment Station unpublished!.

DeMoranville, C. 1989. Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer for Cranberries in Fish Silage FertilizerPotential for Selected Northeastern Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. Vol. II. R.P. Athanas ed.! New England Fisheries Development Foundation. Boston, MA.

DeMoranville, C. 1988. Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer for Cranberries in Fish Silage FertilizerPotential for Selected Northeastern Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. Vol.I. R.P. Athanas ed.! New England Fisheries Development Foundation. Boston, MA.

Engel, N. 1985. Massachusetts Cranberry Costs of Production. Department of Agricultural andResource Economics, University of Massachusetts.

Fort Point Associates. 1986. Fish Waste Production and Utilization in New England. NewEngland Fisheries Development Foundation.

Goldhor, S. and J.Regenstein. 1991. Improving the Profitability of Finfish Processing Waste.New York Sea Grant Institute. NYSGI-T-91-001

Goldhor, S. 1988. Fish Protein Hydrolysis: A User's Guide. New England FisheriesDevelopment Foundation. Boston, MA. 96pp.

Henderson, N. 1992. Relative Importance of Environmental Factors Among Impediments toSeafood and Agricultural Processing in New Jersey. Proceedings of 16th Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas. Raleigh, NC.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1992. Sea Clam Solid Waste Generation in New Jersey.Proceedings of 16th Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fisheries Technological Conference of theAmericas. Raleigh, NC.


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Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994a. Cooperators Wanted-RCE Liquid Fish FertilizerProject, advertisement in NOFA-NJ Organic News. Vol.12, No.S.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994b. New Jersey Company Enters Fish Fertilizer Business.NOFA-NJ Organic News. Vol.12. No.6.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994c. Turning Seafood Processors' Costly Waste ProblemInto a Profitable Solution feature!. NCRI News National Coastal Resources Institutenewsletter!. Vol,8, No.3, 1994, circulation: 3,800!

Henderson N. and D.Strombom. 1994d. Potential of Fish Processing Waste as a Liquid FishFertilizer, Abstracts of the 39th Annual Atlantic Fisheries Technological Conference. AtlanticFisheries Technological Society.

Henderson, N. and D.Stromhom. 1994e. Farming with Fish Fertilizer ffeamrei. T~he JerseShoreline NJ Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service!. Vol.15, No.2, 1994.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994f. New Jersey Company Enters Fish Fertilizer Business feature!. NOFA/NJ Or anic News Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jerseynewsletter! Vol.12, No.6, 1994.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995a. Model Business Development and Marketing Plan forFish Hydrolysate Fertilizer, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers CooperativeExtension. E-192. New Jersey Sea Grant NJSG-95-322!.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 199Sb. Use of Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer on Early Blacks inNew Jersey, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. E-193.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995c. Application of Liquid Fish Fertilizer Through SprinklerSystems in the Commercial Production of Cranberries, Report to National Coastal ResourcesInstitute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. FS-803.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995d. 1994 Rutgers Survey of Organic Home Gardeners,Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. F-19S.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995e. Efficacy and Marketability of Liquid Fish Fertilizerin Southern New Jersey, Progress Report July-December 1994 to National Coastal ResourcesInstitute, Portland, OR. January

Keller, S. 1990. Making Profits out of Seafood Wastes. Proceedings of the InternationalConference on Fish By-Products. Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Report No.90-07.University of Alaska. Fairbanks, AL.


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Leiby, J. and M.Marra. 1990. "The Costs and Returns of Growing Cranberries in Maine" inCranberry Agriculture in Maine: Opportunities and Challenges. The Maine CranberryDevelopment Committee. USDC Technical Assistance Program,

Lopez, R.A. and N.R. Henderson. 1989a. The Determinants of Location Choices for FoodProcessing Plants, Journal of A ribusiness, 5:6 619-632.

Lopez, R. and N.R. Henderson. 1989b. Impediments to Increased Agricultural and SeafoodProcessing in New Jersey. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Publication No.R-02261-1-88.

Morzuch, B. 1988. "The Economics of Presently-Used Fertilizers and Fish HydrolysateFertilizer in Cranberry Production" in New England Fisheries Development Foundation. Boston,MA.

Murphy, J. 1995. Evaluation of Fish Hydrolysate as Fertilizer Source on Kentucky BluegrassTurf, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. E-194,

Otwell, S. 1981. Seafood Waste Management in the 1980's: Conference Proceedings. FloridaSea Grant College Program. Report No.40.

Seafood Management Corporation. 1986. New Markets for Maximizing New England FisheriesByProduct Values. New England Fisheries Development Foundation. Boston, MA.

Southern New England Farm Credit. 1990. The Massachusetts Cranberry Cost of ProductionSummary. Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association.

Southern New England Farm Credit. 1991. The Massachusetts Cranberry Cost of ProductionSummary. Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association.

Strombom, D. and N.Henderson. 1995. Drip Injection of Liquid Fish Fertilizer for VegetableProduction, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. FS-804.

Stuiber, D., R.Lindsay, R. Vilstrup. 1986. Handling Fishery Wastes and By-Products. Sea GrantCollege Program. University of Wisconsin. WIS-SG-86 -789.

Wyatt, B. 1990. Fish Emulsion: How to Use It On Your Plants. Fish & Kelp News. Universityof California Cooperative Extension. Santa Rosa, CA,

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Nona Henderson, MMA, Seafood Marketing Extension Specialist, Rutgers CooperativeExtension, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

!an Strombom, MS. Agricultural and Resource Management Agent, Rutgers CooperativeExtension of Cape May County, Cape May Court House, NJ

Uncs Murphy, PhD, Turfgrass Specialist, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Department of PlantScience, Cook College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

echnicai Advisors

ian Davenport, PhD, Agricultural Scientists, Ocean Spray Cranberry, Inc., Lakeville-Middleboro, MA

uolyn DeMoranville, PhD, University of Massachusetts Cranberry Experiment StationResearch Station, East Wareham, MA

ichael Hamm, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Nutritional Sciences, Cook College, Rutgers University,New Brunswick, NJ

conifer Morgan, Director, Northeast Organic Farming Association � New Jersey:hard Hurley, President, New Jersey Turfgrass Association

iustry Cooperatorsdrew Axelsson, Axelsson k Johnson Fish Company, Cape May, NJsten Axelsson, Axelsson & Johnson Fish Company, Cape May, NJve Klinghopfer, certified organic farmer, Eldora, NJ<es Hazlett, transitional organic farmer, Green Creek, NJ, and member of the Cape May

County Board of Agriculture and the County Agriculture Development Board

ension Assistance

vart Tweed, Marine Agent, New Jersey Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service, RutgersCooperative Extension of Cape May County, Cape May Court House, NJSamulis, Agricultural and Resource Management Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension ofBurlington County, Mount Holly, NJ

micians and Graduate Studentsa Novy, cranberry technician, Rutgers Cranberry/Blueberry Research Stationgael Costagna, turf technician, Rutgers Horticultural Farmud DeStephano, research farm supervisor, Rutgers Cranberry/Blueberry Research Station,any O'Donnell, graduate student, Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing,"ook College, Rutgers Universityia Collins, graduate student, Graduate School of Mangement, Rutgers University, Newark, NJr Shiffner,graduate student, Graduate School of Mangement, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ


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SUMMARY OF EXTENSION MATERIALSEfficacy and Marketability of Liquid Fish Fertilizer

in Southern New Jersey

The following extension materials were developed with funding from the National CoastalResources Institute, pursuant to NOAA contract number ST93.203-5630-06; NOAA Office ofSea Grant, Department of Commerce, pursuant to grant number NA89AA-D-SG057 Project ¹A/A-I!; and the 1993-1994 Special Initiative in Solid Waste Management of the New JerseyAgricultural Experiment Station.

Technical ReportsHenderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995. Efficacy and Marketability of Liquid Fish Fertilizer inSouthern New Jersey, Final Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers CooperativeExtension. F-191. New Jersey Sea Grant NJSG-95-321!.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995. Model Business Development and Marketing Plan forFish Hydrolysate Fertilizer, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers CooperativeExtension. F-192 New Jersey Sea Grant NJSG-95-322!.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995. Use of Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer on Early Blacks inNew Jersey, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. F-193,

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom, 1995. 1994 Rutgers Survey of Organic Home Gardeners,Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. F-195.

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995. Efficacy and Marketability of Liquid Fish Fertilizer inSouthern New Jersey, Progress Report July-December 1994 to National Coastal ResourcesInstitute, Portland, OR. January

Henderson, N. and D.Stromborn. 1994. Efficacy and Marketability of Liquid Fish Fertilizer inSouthern New Jersey, Progress Report Year I July 1993-June 1994! to National CoastalResources Institute, Portland, OR.

Murphy, J. 1995. Evaluation of Fish Hydrolysate as Fertilizer Source on Kentucky BluegrassTurf, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. F-194.


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Fact Sheets

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1995. Application of Liquid Fish Fertilizer Through SprinklerSystems in the Commercial Production of Cranberries, Report to National Coastal ResourcesInstitute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. FS-803.

Strombom, D. and N.Henderson. 1995. Drip Injection of Liquid Fish Fertilizer for VegetableProduction, Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. FS-804.

Axelsson k Johnson Fish Company, 1994. Sea Sprout � 2-4-2 liquid fish fertilizer.


Henderson, N. and D.Stromboin. 1994. "Potential of Fish Processing Waste as a Liquid FishFertilizer," Abstracts of the 39th Annual Atlantic Fisheries Technological Conference. AtlanticFisheries Technological Society.

Conference PresentationsHenderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994. "Potential of Fish Processing Waste as a Liquid FishFertilizer," 39th Annual Atlantic Fisheries Technological Conference. Hyannis, MA. September. audience: 100 researchers and extension professionals!

Henderson, N.. 1994, "Seafood Waste Utilization," Rutgers Cooperative Extension AnnualConference. Somerset, NJ. September. audience: 150 extension professionals!

Murphy, J. 1993. "Evaluation of Fish Hydrolysate as Fertilizer Source on Kentucky BluegrassTurf," New Jersey Turf Expo, Somerset, NJ. November. audience: 110 turf professionals!

Newspaper ArticlesLiquid fish-based fertilizer makes use of organic waste by S.Duckworth.Farmer. November 1994, p.27.

Newsletter Articles

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994. Turning Seafood Processors' Costly Waste Problein Intoa Profitable Solution feature!. NCRI News National Coastal Resources Institute newsletter!.Vol.8, No.3, 1994. circulation: 3,800!

Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994. Farming with Fish Fertilizer feature!. ~The JerseShoreline NJ Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service!. Vol.15, No.2, 1994, circulation: 6,000!


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Henderson, N. and D.Strombom. 1994. New Jersey Company Enters Fish Fertilizer Business feature!. NOFA/NJ Or anic News Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jerseynewsletter! Vol.12, No.6, 1994. circulation: 5,000!

Efficacy and Marketability of Liquid Fish Fertilizer in Southern New Jersey Year 2 grant awardannouncement! NCRI News. Vol.8, No.2, 1994. circulation 3,800!

Grant Central Station Year 2 grant award announcement! Connexions New Jersey AgriculturalExperiment Station newsletter! Summer 1994. circulation: 600!

Cooperators Wanted-RCE Liquid Fish Fertiiizer Project advertisement! in NOFA-NJ ~Or anicNews. Vol.12, No.5.

Educational Exhibit

Development of New Jersey Liquid Fish Pertilizer. Displayed at the Northeast Organic FarmingAssociation of New Jersey annual fair, Pennington, NJ. September 17 & 18, 1994.


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