Activity Planning Book Farmed in Maine: Oysters Trout Salmon Mussels Seaweed Scallops Sea Urchins Halibut Baitfish Aquarium Fish MAINE AQUACULTURE ASSOCIATION

Aquaculture for ME Activity Planning Book

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Page 1: Aquaculture for ME Activity Planning Book

Activity Planning Book

Farmed in Maine:OystersTroutSalmonMusselsSeaweedScallopsSea UrchinsHalibutBaitfishAquarium Fish


Page 2: Aquaculture for ME Activity Planning Book

Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources2

Aquaculture Crossword for You

Across1. ShellfishgrowninMaine,similartoa

MusselandOyster.3. Smallfishusedtocatchotherfish.5. AtypeoffinfishgrowninMaine.6. Atermforbabyshellfishthatgrowin

Mainewaters.7. Aplacewherefarmersselltheircrop.9. Stagesofplantsandanimalslives.11.Watercontaininglittleornosalt.

Down2. Growingplantsandanimalsinthewater.4. Ananimalthatposesathreattoanother

animal.5. Anothertermforbaitfishis_____8. Atypeofseaweed.10.Salmon,trout,andbaitfishareexamplesof


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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 3

Activities & Resources

Aquaculture for ME

Table of Contents

For use with the book...

Pg. Content2. Aquaculture Crossword 3. Table of Contents4. Aqua-gram5. Maine Aquaculture Graph6. Aquaculture Word Search7. Maine Water Mathematics 8. Find & Number9. Water Farmers Math10. MaineShellfishColoringPage11. Aquaculture Language Arts12. Kate’s Family Oyster Farm 13. Seafood Recipes14. Aquaculture Matching15. Salmon Lifestyle Maze16. Glossary17. Glossary (continued)18. Resources, extensions and answers19. FinfishColoringPage

Visit our websites,




for additional lessons andmaterials aligned to State and

National standards

Page 4: Aquaculture for ME Activity Planning Book

Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources4

Maine Aqua-GramFind the correct word to complete the sentence and write it on the line in order!

Oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, salmon, and ______ are all grown in Maine.

Maine water farmers grow plants and animals in both ______ and fresh water.

Mussels are grown on ropes hanging down into the water from _____.

_____aretheonlyshellfishthatcanmovebyclapping their shells.

____ ______ are a culinary delicacy in many parts of the world despite their spikey outside.


Food from the sea is great source of many essential nutrients like calcium, ______, potassium and phosphorous.


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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 5

Maine Waters Used for Aquaculture in 2014

Do you know?

Read the Graph!

How big an acre is?

How much farm raised seafood Maine produces each year?

How long people have been farming the ocean?

The size of a football field! 43,560 sq. ft.

28 million pounds! Or 14,000 tons!

Over 3,000 years!

How many acres of shellfish are farmed in Maine?

How many acres of finfish?

How many acres of seaweed?

How many acres of experimental fish?

What is the sum of all the acres of water farmed in Maine?

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources6

Aquaculture Word Search



Find these words

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 7

Winston is visiting an aquaculture hatchery with his class.The students are helping with some important mathematics.

See if you can help Winston and the class make the correct calculations.

1. Winstonneedstofindouthowmanygallonsareinonegrowtube.Thelargestmeasuringtoolstheyhavearetengallonbuckets.Whentheypourthewateroutofthetubeitfillsthreetengallonbuckets.Howmanygallonsareinonetube?_______________________________Whattypeofmathdidyouuse?________________________________________________

2. Oneoftheotherclassmates,Nateneedstomakesurethewaterstayscoolenough.Thethermometersaysthewateris70°Fahrenheitinthehatcherytubroom.Thetempneedstobeloweredto55°Fahrenheit.HowmanydegreesdoesNatehavetolowerthethermostatsothewateristherighttemperature?____________________________________________


3. Winstonislookingintoamicroscopetocountthenumberofshellfishlarvaegrowinginonetablespoonofwater.Theycounted10shellfishlarvaeinthewatersample.Howmanybabyseedshellfishareapproximatelyinonecupofhatcherywater?___________________________________



4. AnotherclassmateSaraiscountinghowmanypoundsofsalmonarebeingharvestedfromtherafts.Thefirstbasketis10lbs,thesecondbasketis15lbs,andthethirdbasketis22lbs.HowmanypoundsdidSaracountinthebaskets?______________________________________


5. Theteacherishavingalotoffunpracticingmathwiththestudents!Sheisgiven5poundsofclamsforeachofthestudentstotakehome.Thereare15studentsintheclass.Howmanypoundswillsheneedfortheclassifthereare3studentsabsentthatday?________________________


6. ThehatcherymanagershowsWinston’sclassalargetankwith80finfishinit.Hewantstotransferthefishinto5tanksequally.Howmanyfishwilleachtankhave?________________


7. BonusQuestion!!Whatwould50°FahrenheitequalifweconvertedittoCelsius?Hint:toconvertFahrenheittoCelsiusyousubtract32,multiplyby5,anddivideby9.___________________________________________________________________________

Maine Water Mathematics

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources8

For use with the book “Aquaculture for ME”Find the number of the picture that matches the sentence below.

Maine Aquaculture Find & Number







1. 2.





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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 9

Water Farmers MathCount, add, and subtract the number of sea creatures.






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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources10

Maine aquaculture


Bay ScallopMussel

Surf Clam

Soft Shell Clam

Hard Shell Clam

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 11

Language Arts activities to use after reading the “Aquaculture for ME” book.

In this activity, you will imagine you are an aquaculture farmer! Use the questions and the book to write a story based on real aquaculture farms. Good luck!

1) What type of farm would you choose? There are 10 types of water farms on the map and legend on page 8 and 9. 2) Where do you want your farm to be? Look at the map of Maine on page 8.3) How will your plant or animal start out in the hatchery? Finfish(pages14),shellfish(page16),andSeaweed(page18).4) How does your plant or animal grow in the water? Different methods are on pages 15, 17, and

19.5) What are the plants and animals you grow used for? 6) Why do you think it’s important to farm on the water?

Make an acrostic poem using one of the following words. Salmon, scallop, urchin, oyster, kelp, mussel, clown fish, minnow, and shiner.Example:TalentedRespectfulOutstandingUniqueTrustworthy

MUSSEL MAGIC, answer the questions with creativity and knowledge from the Maine Aquaculture Book.

1. Whatcanyoudowithamusselshell?

2. Whatdoesamusselshellremindyouof?

3. Thinkaboutmusselsandthenfinishthesesentences:






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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources12

Kate’s Family Oyster FarmRead the story and fill in the blanks using the words below!

Kate is 12 years old and plays a big role in ___________. She helps her Family on their

American oyster farm. Their farm is on the Damariscotta River in mid-coast Maine, where the

river empties into the ocean. This is called an _______, because it is an area with both salt and

fresh water. Let’s take a closer look at their farm.

An ______ is called a bivalve because it has a soft body inside two shells connected by a

hinge. Scallops and mussels are bivalves too. Hatcheries raise oysters from microscopic larvae.

Kate’s family buys small oysters or ____ from the ________. On the farm these small oysters

are placed in ____ ____ that are made out of mesh bags, or screen boxes. Each grow bag

can hold up to 100 oysters. Kate’s family has to check on their grow bags every ___ to make

sure the lines are ____ and the oysters are clean! Kate and her family keep the bags clean by

scrubbing or ________ ________ them.

When the oysters are big enough they will be transferred to a sandy area on the ocean

bottom until the time when they are ready to be _________ by hand and brought to ______.




Grow bags







Pressure Washing

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 13

Seafood RecipesFiery Oysters on the Half Shell

•4dozenoysters •2tbsp.butter•¼cupLouisianahotsauce •½tsp.garlicsalt•¼cupscallions,minced •½cupRedBordeauxwine•2tbsp.freshlemonjuice •½tsp.paprika•1tsp.whitepepper •1tbsp.freshparsley,mincedDirections:Thoroughlyscruboystercleanofdirt.Shucktheoystersoverasmallmixingbowltocatchthejuices.Discardtopshellandgentlyfreetheoysterfromthebottomshellbutleaveitintheshell.Placeonaplatterandrefrigerateforonehour.Inthesmallmixingbowl,combinewiththeoysterjuices,Louisianahotsauce,redBordeauxwine,scallions,lemonjuice,butter,whitepepper,andgarlicsalt.Microwaveforoneminutethenstirandmicrowaveforanaddi-tionalminute.Refrigerateforonehour.Removefromrefrigeratorandstir.Gentlyspoonaverysmallamountofsauceontoeachoyster.Sprinklelightlywithfreshmincedparsleyandpaprika.Placeonanicecoveredplatterandserve.Serves6-12.“Recipe courtesy of the Maine Aquaculture association.”

Triple Citrus Glazed Salmon•¾cupfreshorangejuice •¼cupfreshlemonjuice•¼cupfreshlimejuice •¼cupchickenstock•1garlicclove,minced •2tbsp.orangemarmalade•2tbsp.soysauce •1tbsp.ricewinevinear•1tbsp.lightbrownsugar •1tbsp.buter


•KoshersaltandfreshlycrackedblackpepperDirections: Prepare glaze by bringing the first 10 ingredients to a boil in amedium-sized saucepan overmedium heat, stirring tomelt the preserves and to keep themixture from burning.Reduce the heat to asimmerandlet theglazereduceuntilsyrupy,about15to20minutes.Adjust theseasoningswithsaltandfreshlycrackedpepper,totaste.Heatagrilltomedium-highheat.Brushbothsidesofthefilletswitholiveoiljustbeforegrilling,thenseasonwithsaltandpepper,totaste.Grillthesalmonforabout4minutesperside,brushingwiththeglazeduringthefinalfewminutesofcooking.Transferthesalmontoservingplatesandbrushthemwiththeremainingglazebeforeserving.Serves4.“Recipe courtesy of Food Network.”

Cathy’s Amazing Fish Chowder•1lb.slicedbacon •1largeonione,chopped•5mediumpotatoes,peeled&diced •1½lbs.halibut,salmonand/ortroutfillets,cutinto1-inchcubes•12oz.canevaporatedmilk •½cupwholemilk•2tbsp.butter •saltandpeppertotasteDirections:Placebaconstripsinalargestockpotovermedium-highheat.Cookbaconuntilcrisp,thenremovetopapertowelstodrain.Draingreasefromthepot,reservingabout1tablespoon.Setheattomedium,andfryonionsinthereservedbacongreaseuntiltender,about5minutes.Addpotatoes,andfillpotwithjustenoughwatertocoverthem.Bringtoaboil,andthencookuntilpotatoesarealmosttender,about5minutes.Addfishpieces,evaporatedmilk,wholemilk,andbutter.Bringtoaboil,andthensimmeroverlowheatfor30minutes.Seasonwithsaltandpeppertotaste.Ladleintobowls,andtopwithcrumbledbaconpieces.Serves8.

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources14

Aquaculture MatchingDraw a line to match the sea animals from the left to the

sea animals on the right. Can you say the names?

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 15

Salmon Lifecycle MazeFollow the lifecycle of a salmon through the maze. When you find

a number read the caption to see how the salmon is growing.




2. The salmoneggshatchinahatcheryandgrowintosmallfish.



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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources16

GLOSSARY – for all underlined words in the book “Aquaculture for ME”

Algae:Simplenon-floweringplantsthatincludeseaweedsandphytoplankton.Aquaculture:Farminginthewater.Baitfish:Livefishthatarefarmedtouseasbaittocatchbiggerfish.Bivalve:Acommonnameforshellfishthathavetwoshells(mussels,oysters,scallops,clams).Cage:Apieceofwaterfarmingequipmentthatisenclosedonallsides,usuallybynetormesh,butallowswatertoflowthrough.Ecosystem:Anaturalsystemcontainingplantsandanimals,theirconnectiontoeachotherandtheenvironment.Environmental protection:Tobeconsciousofhowtotakecareoftheenvironmentandkeepoceansandfreshwaterscleanandsafe.Equipment:Toolsusedtoharvestortendtoplantsoranimalsbeingfarmedonlandorinwater.Finfish: Allfishwithfins(dorsal,caudal,andpelvic)thatswimthroughthewater.Fresh Water:Watercontaininglittleornosalt.Growing: Allowingplantsoranimalstogetbiggerandmorematureovertime. Grow Out: Toprovidetheperfectenvironmentforplantsandanimalstogrowlarger.Hatchery: Aplaceforbreeding,hatchingandrearingthroughtheearlylifestagesofanimals.Harvest:Topickandselltheanimalsorplantsyou’refarming.Halibut:Speciesofflatfish,theadultsareknownforhavingbotheyesonthesameside.Healthy:

1. Whenplantsoranimalshavethecorrectamountofmineralsandfiberstogrowwell,

2. Foodsthatcontainthebestnutrientsforhumanstogrowandmaintainhealth.

Iron: Nutrientfoundinproteinmainlyusedforhemoglobin,redbloodcells,inthebloodstream.Juvenile: Youngstagesofanimals.Larva:Ananimalinanearlystageofdevelopmentthatdiffersgreatlyinappearancefromitsfullygrownstage.(Plural-Larvae)Longline:Awayoffarminginopenwaterwhereseaweedorshellfisharegrownonropesorcontainershangingfromropes.

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GLOSSARY – for all underlined words in the book “Aquaculture for ME”

Mariculture:Farminginseawater.Market:Theplacewhereafarmersellstheircrop.Microscopic:Sosmallyouhavetouseamagnifyinglensormicroscopetoseeit.Nutritious:Foodthathelpsyourbodygrowstrong.Ornamental/Aquarium fish:Fishthatarekeptfordisplayasdecorationoraspets.Phytoplankton:Planktonconsistingofmicroscopicplants.Plankton:Small,microscopicplantsoranimalsdriftingorfloatingintheseaorfreshwater.Planting:Spreadingseedsalonganareawheretheywillgrowwell.Pond:Aclosedproductionsystemforfinfishwheresoildugoutandusedtobuildlevees(banks).Raceway:Aproductionsysteminwhichwaterflowsthroughaseriesoftroughsortanksatrelativelyhighflowrate,likeafastmovingstream.Smallerfishareusuallystockedatthebeginningoftheracewayandlargerfishstockedtowardtheend.Raft:Awayoffarmingonfloatingstructureswithropes,cagesorbagshangingintothewater.Salt Water:Waterfromtheoceanorwatercontaining3.5%salt.Sea pen:Anettingenclosureanchoredtotheseabedand/ortobuoysinwhichfisharefarmed.Sea Urchins:Spinymollusksthataregrowninseafarms.Seaweed:Amarineplantmadeupofalgaethataregrownintheocean.Seed:Anaquaculturetermforbabymussels,clamsandoystersthatfarmersuse.Shellfish bag:Ameshbagthatisusedtoholdgrowingshellfish.Spores:Microscopicpiecesofkelpandotherseaweed,releasedintothewaterthatarecapableofgrowingnewplants.Technology:Machineryandtoolsusedbyfarmers.Twine:Roughropeusedtogrowkelpon.Water Farms:FarmsgrowingplantsandanimalsinthewaterZooplankton:Planktonconsistingofsmallanimalsandtheyounglifestagesoflargeranimals.

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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources18

Teachers Guide

Aquaculture CrosswordAnswer key (page 2)


Maine Aqua-GramAnswer Key (page 4)




Maine Waters Used forAquaculture in 2014Answer Key (page 5)



Maine Aquaculture Find & Number

Answer Key (page 8)A. 2B. 3C. 5D.1E. 4F. 6

Water Farmers MathAnswer Key (page 9)

1. 3+2 = 52. 4-1 = 33. 4+4 = 84. 6-2 = 45. 7-3 = 4

RECOMMENDED READINGFarming on the Sea – by Kellie Peters ISBN-13: 978-1482057560

Shucked, Life on a New England Oyster Farm – by Erin Byers Murray ISBN 978031268191-3

ONLINE RESOURCESMaine Aquaculture Innovation Center – www.maineaquaculture.org

Maine Sea Grant - www.seagrant.umaine.eduAuburn Alabama Aquaculture Education Site – www.aces.edu/dept/fisheries/education/lessonplans.php

Herring Gut Learning Center, Port Clyde, Maine – www.herringgut.orgNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraion - Official Site – www.noaa.gov

Aquaculture Word SearchAnswer Key (page 6)

Kate’s Family Oyster FarmAnswer Key (page 12)





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Aquaculture for ME • Activities & Resources 19

Maine aquacultureTrout



Golden Shiner


Fathead Minnow

Green Urchin

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28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333(207) 287-5522 [email protected]


Special thank you to the“Aquaculture for ME” Book Writing Committee

Sebastian Belle, Executive Director - Maine Aquaculture AssociationCheryl Beyeler, Executive Director - Maine Dairy & Nutrition Council | Maine Dairy Promotion Board

Christine Bozak, MAITC Association Chairwoman, Best Berry FarmChuck Brown, Communications Manager - Cooke Aquaculture

Rhonda Cook, Project Coordinator - Maine Aquaculture AssociationChris V. Davis, Ph.D., Director - Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center & owner of Pemaquid Oyster Co.

Anne Langston, Associate Director - Aquaculture Research InstituteDana Morse, Extension Associate - Maine Sea Grant College Program & UMaine Cooperative Extension

Kellie Peters, Author & Teacher - Camden-Rockport Elementary & and co-owner of Norumbega Oyster, Inc.Margaret Pietrak, Science Teacher - William S Cohen School - Bangor School Department

Lynda Richards-Stocks, Marketing Manager - Calendar Island Mussel Farm

Editor – Willie Sawyer Grenier – MAITC Executive Director

Photo Editor – Elaine Stedman

Aquaculture for MEMade possible by the State of Maine Agricultural Development Grant

and funding fromThe Maine Aquaculture Association and

Our Maine Agriculture Specialty License Plate