1 Angel Jeanne on Kim’s shoulder! APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2015 NEWSLETTER Florida Suncoast Chapter, we did it! We ended our year with a bang and now we have a short hiatus before our meetings start again in the fall. Sun ‘n Fun, the Southeast Section Meeting and installation of new officers - we really covered a lot in those last three months. There was a lot of hard work, a fantastic amount of participation and a lot of thanks owed to so many people. Sun ‘n Fun: April 21-26. What can I say? This is my favorite event that we participate in every year. Of course the airshow was fantastic, the static displays were incredible and the vendors had all kinds of goodies as usual. Camping there is so much fun and very convenient too! Spending time at the 99s clubhouse is really what makes it special. Meeting 99s from around the country, sharing stories, and spending time with the WASP are what it’s really all about. It takes a team to get the clubhouse ready, meet and greet guests, recruit new members, run the silent auction and sell tickets and goods. We had it covered! Thanks so much to everyone who volunteered, donated items or just stopped by to hang out. Barbara Yeninas and Mary Wunder did an outstanding job as SNF co-chairs. Ladies, you nailed it! Thanks to Barbara and Jerry Sierchio, Barbara and John Yeninas, Marie Grein, Barbara Strachan, outgoing Section Governor Terry Carbonnell, incoming Governor Myra Bugbee and everyone who volunteered. Marie, Elinor and Steve received their 20 year volunteer pins and Barbara Sierchio received one for 35 years!! We absolutely could not do this without their support. The WASP


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Angel Jeanne on Kim’s shoulder!


Florida Suncoast Chapter, we did it! We ended our year with a bang and now we

have a short hiatus before our meetings start again in the fall. Sun ‘n Fun, the

Southeast Section Meeting and installation of new officers - we really covered a

lot in those last three months. There was a lot of hard work, a fantastic amount of

participation and a lot of thanks owed to so many people.

Sun ‘n Fun: April 21-26. What can I say? This is my favorite event that we

participate in every year. Of course the airshow was fantastic, the static displays

were incredible and the vendors had all kinds of goodies as usual. Camping there is

so much fun and very convenient too! Spending time at the 99s clubhouse is really

what makes it special. Meeting 99s from around the country, sharing stories, and

spending time with the WASP are what it’s really all about. It takes a team to get

the clubhouse ready, meet and greet guests, recruit new members, run the silent

auction and sell tickets and goods. We had it covered! Thanks so much to

everyone who volunteered, donated items or just stopped by to hang out. Barbara

Yeninas and Mary Wunder did an outstanding job as SNF co-chairs. Ladies, you

nailed it! Thanks to Barbara and Jerry Sierchio, Barbara and John Yeninas, Marie

Grein, Barbara Strachan, outgoing Section Governor Terry Carbonnell, incoming

Governor Myra Bugbee and everyone who volunteered. Marie, Elinor and Steve

received their 20 year volunteer pins and Barbara Sierchio received one for 35

years!! We absolutely could not do this without their support. The WASP



Luncheon was a great success again, thanks to Barbara Yeninas. We were so lucky

to have four WASP and two Tuskegee Airmen as our guests. Top that off with

another great catered meal by Ron! Mark your calendars for next year. SNF will

be April 5-10, 2016. See you there!





The Southeast Section Meeting was a success. We started out with a meeting

on May 9th where we stuffed goodie bags and finalized details. The fun began

when everyone started arriving on Friday, May 15th. Barbara Sierchio and Mary

Fletcher handled the registration table all day, welcoming 99s from all over. We

had the best hospitality suite ever, with an amazing spread of food. Barbara

Yeninas and Janice McWilliams (with much help from 49 1/2s John and Billy) had

every little detail covered. Food, drinks, decorations… there were so many

compliments from our guests. It was a great place to relax, have a snack and

socialize. And that shrimp, care of John Yeninas…it was to die for! The social on

Friday night was a hit followed by a business meeting that included installation of

new section officers and lots of fun thanks to Terry Carbonell. Later we had a

“Mommy Pilots” forum and then the first public screening of the new WASP

documentary, “Silver Wings, Flying Dreams.” Topping off an already great event

was the banquet. Thanks to Jeanne Burklund we had a Murder Mystery Dinner

starring some local high school students. Everyone joined in at happy hour to learn

about the murder and meet the suspects and after a delicious tropical-themed

dinner we learned who the murderer was. It was a huge hit. Many of our members

helped with the preparations for the meeting. Denise Rosenberger made the

cutest goodie bags as well as the table decorations for the banquet. Ginger

Adelstone helped fill those bags with all kinds of great items. Barbara Strachan

and Russell Miller handled transportation arrangements. Really, everyone helped

and it was perfect. MVP for the event? Jeanne Burklund! From A to Z, Jeanne had

it covered. Thanks so much to all of you for making this such a great success.





The final meeting for the year was June 9. Thanks to Mary Fletcher for hosting

this. The AWAPS building has become our “go-to” location for many meetings and

our chapter really appreciates that. We de-briefed our section meeting and

installed new officers. Congrats to our new officers: Barbara Strachan (Chair),

Amanda Olney and Janice McWilliams (Co Vice-Chairs), Ashley Angle (Secretary)

and Jeanne Burklund (our ever faithful Treasurer for many years.) Also, Mary

Fletcher will be taking over as newsletter editor again.

My Good-Bye. Sooo… Out with the old and in with the new. First I’d like to thank

everyone who served on the board with me. Secretary Ginger Adelstone, Treasurer

Jeanne Burklund and all the committee chairs- you are all very much appreciated

for your hard work and dedication. Next, I’d like you all to know that I appreciate

this chapter and the friendship of everyone in it. I was fairly new to the chapter

when I became the Chapter Chair. At first I was pretty sure I had made a huge



mistake by accepting the position. There was a pretty big learning curve for me and

this was the first officer position I’d ever held in any organization that I’ve ever

been a member. It was more work than I had anticipated. It also turned out to be

lots of fun and a great experience. Thank you, Marilyn Shafer, for talking me into

it. Thanks to all of you for trusting me and for supporting me. We accomplished a

lot this year, in spite of losing our Nancy. We powered through it and got it done.

This is such a special group of people and I’m proud to be a member of this




Tentative 2015-2016 Meeting Schedule:

September 12 @ 10:30a

St. Petersburg @ AWAPS building

(hosted by Mary Fletcher)

October 10


November 14

Ocala @ KOCF

(hosted by Connie McConnell)

**December 19 (3rd Saturday)**

Tampa at Columbia Restaurant

(hosted by Charleen Jaffe)

January 9


February 13


March 12

Crystal River @ KCGC

(hosted by Gudie Davis)

April 9

Lakeland @ Sun & Fun

May 14


June 11




99s meeting Minutes. For April 25, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 10:15 by our chair, Kim.

She introduced herself, and explained the meetings late time, due to slow traffic leading

into SNF.

Martha Phillips was introduced, from Venture, CA, and said she enjoyed walking around the

show. She is the International President of the 99s.

Terry Carbonell introduced herself. She is the outgoing Governor.

Myra Bugbee introduced herself. She is the incoming Governor and the outgoing Chair of

the Florida Goldcoast Chapter. She has enjoyed meeting people, and already has her SE

Section Governor cards made!

Mary Wunder was introduced from the 99s Endowment Fund, and she and Barbara Yeninas

are the SNF co-chairs. Barbara replaced Nancy Wright, who was a co-chair, who passed

away in February.

The WASP luncheon was hosted by the 99s, and this was another duty Nancy handled, but

Kim thanked everyone for their support, and said Nancy would have been proud of

everyone pitching in to make this a success.

Steve and Eleanor Kline and Marie Grein received roses from us, and a 20 year pin from


Everyone there introduced themselves.

Terry spoke of her Youth Aviation Program, and about the need to involve underprivileged

children in Leadership Programs.

Kim spoke of promoting all of our chapters.

Nancy Wright Memorial



Nancy Wright and Barbara Sierchio obtained the 99s clubhouse.

Myra Bugbee talked about her “Chicks Fly” t-shirts. See her for sizes.

Birthdays were announced and a beautiful cake was brought out, and everyone sang happy

birthday to the many celebrating their birthdays!

Meeting adjourned by Kim at 10:45am.

In attendance:

Barbara Sierchio , Fl Suncoast chapter

Ginger Adelstone, Fl Suncoast chapter

Marilyn Shafer, Fl Suncoast chapter

Martha Phillips, Ventura County

Barbara Yeninas, Fl Suncoast chapter

Linda Kaufman, Oregon Pines Chapter

Debbie Dennis, Carolinas Chapter

Brittany Miculka, Austin

Debra Folsum, Central

Barbara Strachan, Fl Suncoast chapter

Pat Ohlsson, Long Island NY

Marlene Smith, Fl Spaceport

Elinor Kline, Fl Suncoast chapter

Marie Grein, Fl Suncoast chapter

Myra Bugbee, Fl Goldcoast

Jeanne Burklund, Fl Suncoast chapter

Linda Murphy, Three Rivers Chapter

Terry Carbonell, Paradise Coast Chapter

Kim Elzholz, Fl Suncoast chapter

Allie Franler, Fl First Coast

Amanda Olney, Fl Suncoast chapter

Denise Rosenburger, Fl Suncoast chapter

Mary Fletcher, Fl Suncoast chapter



Ninety Nines Mtg Hilton St Petersburg

May 9 2015

Called to order 10:10 Kim Elsholz

No guest were present

Secretary absent

Barbara Yeninnas. Membership Chair

3 new members for chapter total of 9 including renewals signed up at Sun n a Fun

Marie Grein Aerospace chair

applications for scholarship

now online till June 1

Sophia Payton 99s news Chair

please send pix and info

Barbara Serchio received 35+year pin award from sun n fun

Marie Grein introduced slate as nominating committee representative:

Barbara Strachan chair,

Amanda Olney and Jan McWilliams co vice chairs

Jeanne Burklund Treasurer,

Ashley Angle secretary.

no nominations were made from the floor.

Slate accepted.

Installation of officers at June meeting.

Terri Carbonell is outgoing governor and gift is needed: suggestion was made for Aviation

Adventure (girls flying group) donation please bring to section

Last mtg minutes: 4/27 date change requested

ADD Marie Grein receiving a 20 year pin.

ADD Barbara Yeninnas handled Wasp luncheon



CHANGE Mary Wunder chair Endowment fun

VenturA (change spelling)

Sun n fun needs to be spelled out before SNF used

Cross out : Kim promoting chapters

Jan McWilliams is retyping minutes with corrections

Minutes accepted as corrected

Treasurers report attached

Jeanne Burklund, Barbara Yeninnas, Marie Grein will be the committee to establish

financial process of building fund for house at Sun n Fun

Chapter Dues, will be due in June $25

Chapter scholarship $1500 no applicants this year. Was not advertised. Next year will be


Suggestion was made for a Nancy Wright Memorial.

Bench? With plague? At Sun N Fun building.

Ideas requested for possibilities

Most short sleeved shirts sold, and we have reordered for Section Meeting

June Meeting will be at AWAPS Building June 13th.

Kim will send newsletters and be Ways n Means chair.

Keystone heights airpark. Wasp museum

Meeting discussed as maybe next January Sue King and Bob Ohel (?) to be in touch

Delegates slips will go to Elinor Klein as representative of chapter going to conference in

Munich in July.

Standing rule change to be presented at Intternational Conference

Eliminate initiation fee: vote result: yes




Attendees expected

43. 99

11 491/2

3 Guests

5. 331/3

Section Meeting Agenda:

Registration 1-5 Friday

Hospitality 6-9 Friday


Breakfast 7-8:30 in Hospitality Room

Business mtg 9-12

Lunch on your own

2-3:30 Wasp documentary (premier showing)

3:30-5:30 on your own

5:30- 6:30 mystery show

6:30-8:30 dinner.

Toast for Nancy during dinner champaign provided by hotel

After a mingle with mystery actors and guess "Who Did It"


Hospitality Room

limited breakfast

Meeting Adjourned 11:07

Respectfully submitted

Barbara Strachan



99s Meeting on June 13, 2015

In Attendance:

Ginger Adelstone. Sophia Payton. Kim Elsholz

Marilyn Schafer. Charlene Jaffe

Barbara Yeninas. Ashley Angle via FaceTime

Jeanne Burklund. Denise Rosenberger

Marie Grein. Mary Fletcher

Alice Paddock. Barbara Strachan

Last meeting minutes were read with corrections and then corrections accept, re-read and

accepted by unanimous vote.

Kim stated she would not be the Ways and Means chair for the chapter as she has been

accepted the position of Education Chairman for the SE Section.

The secretary had no report.

Treasurer Jeanne Burklund gave the Treasurers report.

The Standing Committee report was given by Barbara Yeninas. She reported on SNF and

the 501C3.

She made a motion to:

1. Add to our SNF building account Jeanne Burklund

2. Let Jeanne then be able to write from this account up to $500.00 with approval of

one SNF Committee Member. Anything over the $500.00 would require the approval of

two SNF Committee Members.

This was approved by vote unanimously.

WASP luncheon is in jeopardy. Susan King is stepping down and no one is available to fly

the WASPS. Susan is seeing the producer/director ( Bill Suchy Productions ) of the movie

Silver Wings/Flying Dreams.



Barbara Yeninas read some emails from her, and Kim Elsholz talked of a conversation she

had with her. The bottom line is while the 99's were at the SE Section Meeting, the film

was shown, we were an audience only and we as the 99's were not involved at all in the

lawsuit. Not with jewelry sales or anything to do with the movie.

Barbara Yeninas said we need to look to the future, make plans now for 2016.

A committee needs to be formed, to put the WASP luncheon together, and expand from

there to the Section. Someone needs to book hotel soon. Jeanne said we already have the

money designated for this.

Marilyn Schaffer said she will talk to Myra Bugbee, our new Governor, about obtaining

assistance from the Section concerning the WASP luncheon and transportation for WASP

at next years SNF.

There is nothing new to report in Membership.

Kim mentioned having the meeting in January concerning the Keystone meeting, possibly

extending spending,the meeting and staying the night, and visit the museum.

Kim talked about Space Camp. No applicants. May be able to get refund. Kim and Marie

Grein want to be on committee to assist promo for Space Camp. Look at its future.

Marketing. Kim suggested we table it for the moment.

Scholarship Committee...no applicants. Kim is interested in it.

Aviation Adventures, 2016 Scholarship, for a new person wanting to fly, 30 yrs of age or

older - thru Terry Carbonell.

99 News - Sophia Payton

Article and pictures were submitted by Barbara Sierchio.

Newsletter, Kim Elsholz

She needs to stop doing it in December. She will submit the April, May, June soon.

Upcoming meetings, Connie McConnell for the second Saturday in Nov. in Ocala.

Blanche O'Brien is turning 99 at the Ocala meeting!



Several other meetings already planned, Crystal River and Christmas.

SE Section Meeting

Great response! Everyone loved it.

Marjy Leggett loved it. She in on the International Board.

Mommies pilots seminar successful.

Flight Line printed an article about the SE Section meeting, and Barbara Strachan read it

for everyone.

Barbara Harris-Para died of the result of injuries the result of a plane crash. Her husband

has had several surgeries and we hope he recovers fully. Barbara was a very charismatic

person, and it is a huge loss for the 99's.

There was no new business. Kim thanked all of us for serving and being there.

She announced she is head of Education and Ginger Adelstone announced she is now the

chairman for the Ways and Means Committee. Marie Grein is still with the By-Laws, and

Marilyn Schaffer is now the Secretary. All these positions are with the SE Section.

Sept meeting is at the AWSPS building at St Pete.

Kim handed the reins of Chairman over to Barbara Strachan. Barbara thanked everyone.

Said Jason at Volo at Sebring wants a new Compass Rose. It needs a new survey.

Jeanne Burklund announced the 4th of July cookout at EAA 282 @CLW air park. The 99's

are all invited.

Barbara Strachan adjourned the meeting, and it was confirmed @ 12 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Ginger Adelstone, outgoing Secretary



Current Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs

Chairman: Barbara Strachan

[email protected]


Co-Vice Chairs: Amanda Olney/Janice McWilliams

AO: [email protected] 813-375-2747

JM: [email protected] 727-906-4938

Secretary: Ashley Angle

[email protected]


Treasurer: Jeanne Burklund

[email protected]


Membership Chair: Barbara Yeninas

[email protected]


AE Scholarship Chair: Denise Rosenberger

(Spring Section Meeting Co-Chair)

[email protected]


Ways and Means Chair: Deb Palmer

[email protected]


99 News: Sophia Payton

[email protected]
