THE NEWSLETTER OF THE FREE CHURCH (UNITED REFORMED) SAINT IVES www.stivesfreechurch.org s p i r e s p i r e s p i r e s p i r e April 2014 Inside APRIL spire spire Editorial Team Month Editor Mary Anthony 469530 Val Bush 469189 Christine Curtis 350787 Keith Cakebread 462726 Copy preferably by email please to [email protected] The Stone is Rolled Away Christ is Risen Very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, so they went in; but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. They stood there puzzled about this, when suddenly two men in bright shining clothes stood by them. Full of fear, the women bowed down to the ground, as the men said to them, “Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here; he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, be crucified, and three days later rise to life.’” Luke 24:1-12 Page 1 The Stone is Rolled Away Page 2 View from the Manse Christian Meditation Page 3 From the Church Secretary Church Concert Page 4 Letter from Cumbria Page 5 Favourite Hymns Page 6 Choral Society Concerrt Page 7 Church Activities Community Activities Page 8 Contacts Worship Deadline for May Inspire is Sunday 19th April

April Inspire 2015 - St Ives Free Church of their brain matter with MRI scans it was found that there was significantly more retention of grey matter in ageing people who meditate

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s p i r e

s p i r e

s p i r e

s p i r e

April 2014

Inside APRIL


spire Editorial Team

Month Editor Mary Anthony ����469530

Val Bush ����469189

Christine Curtis ����350787

Keith Cakebread ����462726

Copy preferably by email please to [email protected]

The Stone is Rolled Away Christ is Risen

Very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, so they went in; but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. They stood there puzzled about this, when suddenly two men in bright shining clothes stood by them. Full of fear, the women bowed down to the ground, as the men said to them, “Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here; he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, be crucified, and three days later rise to life.’”

Luke 24:1-12

Page 1 The Stone is Rolled Away

Page 2 View from the Manse Christian Meditation

Page 3 From the Church Secretary Church Concert

Page 4 Letter from Cumbria

Page 5 Favourite Hymns

Page 6 Choral Society Concerrt

Page 7 Church Activities Community Activities

Page 8 Contacts Worship

Deadline for May Inspire is Sunday

19th April


View from the Manse

April showers bring May flowers! Well, I hope so! You might think it strange for me to want rain, after so many dull days of our lengthy yet relatively mild winter, but our farms and gardens are desperate for it. We do need rain to nourish, refresh and clean our air and land. Rain is a blessing from God – yes we can have too much of it at times, but we do need a certain amount. Jesus says in Matthew 5.43-45, “You have heard that it was said, ‘you shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.” Rain is a blessing for all people as a sign of God’s generous and expansive grace, not only for some, but for the whole world. Because God is loving toward all, we as his followers are to be loving toward all -- even our enemies!

These are challenging and difficult words, yet the gospel message of Good Friday and Easter that ‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.’ John 3.16 Jesus’ risen to new life after death confirms that message, ‘as in Adam all die, so in Christ, shall all be made alive.’ 1 Corinthians 15.22 What exciting and wonderful news, that through Christ, God has reversed the power and effects of sin of disaster, disease and death so that we might be renewed, restored and revived! How can anyone not respond to this kind of love that gives its all so that we might live? As we commemorate Good Friday, let us remember what Christ did for us and as we celebrate Easter let us overflow with joy and love that we too are ready to spread the good news of God’s love to others. Let us be people characterised by grace, ready to show God’s mercy and love to others.

With Joy and peace at Easter, Catherine


A recent article in a scientific magazine quotes research on the effect of Meditation on a group of 200 individuals. 100 of them practised meditation regularly, the others did not. On examination of their brain matter with MRI scans it was found that there was significantly more retention of grey matter in ageing people who meditate. Obviously there needs to be more research done but it is interesting.

Every second Tuesday in the month there is a session of Meditation at our sister Church, the URC Church in Fenstanton for any Christian people, starting at 2:30 pm for about 40-50 minutes, followed by refreshments. All are welcome to these sessions. Many people have found them beneficial, both for physical well-being and spiritual reflection. We use both Biblical quotes and writings by significant Christians to meditate upon.

The next session will be on Tuesday 14th April.

John Williams John Williams John Williams John Williams

tel 463117


From The Church Secretary

Happy Easter to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the first holiday of the year, the services during Holy week or perhaps visiting family and friends. Easter is a time of looking forward, winter is behind us and we are filled with hope and expectation.

It can be difficult to predict just when things will happen. The first leaves or bulbs bursting forth, finding a king – Richard 3rd under a car park in Leicester, now interned in the cathedral hundreds of years later, or the birth of our second granddaughter sooner than expected. The unpredictability of life makes it all the more exciting!

The main topic for discussion at the March Synod was whether the URC should allow same gender marriage ceremonies to take place in our churches. This was also discussed in our March Church Meeting and views expressed are being sent to John Proctor, the URC General Secretary for consideration.

However, the Bank Holiday Snack bar will happen on Easter Monday and Ruth’s Living Questions discussion groups will continue on the 19th and 26th April at Fenstanton URC at 7.30pm. They have got off to a good start so do come along and join in some lively discussion.

The church weekend away programme is complete and will be led by Peter Ball and Sheila Maxey. We will have time to share, reflect, relax and be renewed.

Plenty to look forward to! Barbara

A Concert Date For Your Diary

On Wednesday, 20th May, there will be another concert with instrumental music, song and poetry performed and read by members of the Free Church and friends.

This will include Brian Lodde, Felicity Wrenwood, David Gardener and members of the Poetry Group as before, with perhaps some others.

All are welcome to this event which will raise money for Christian Aid.

Tickets will be on sale from Just Sharing from about 6th May, and on the day at the event.

More information about tickets, etc. will be available on “worship sheets” and in next month's Inspire.

John Williams & Brian LoddeJohn Williams & Brian LoddeJohn Williams & Brian LoddeJohn Williams & Brian Lodde


A few weeks ago we visited our good friends Ken and Diane in Cumbria. March is not

the ideal time to see the Lake District, but we were lucky with the weather. Although cold

and damp, it was mostly sunny and it only rained once—and that was at night. They

made us very welcome and we enjoyed our visit immensely.

Ken and Diane moved to a village in the Northern

Fells, just below Hadrian’s Wall, fifteen months

ago. It is rural, remote and rugged—and they love

it! From their front window, the view is of a large

green and a duck pond—before the land rises to the

next ‘fell’. From the rear, they look onto a hillside

usually occupied by grazing sheep. Sometimes the sheep wander round to the front, so it

is important to keep the front gate firmly shut!

The couple have certainly fallen on their feet. In the short time they have been there, they

have made so many friends; and they have quickly become very much part of their village

and the Northern Fells community. Four mornings a week Diane helps young children

with learning difficulties in the village school. Two of their grandchildren live in a nearby

village and also attend the school—so she sees them almost every day. Ken is involved

with several local groups, including ‘Men in Sheds—mostly retired men who meet

socially to carry out charitable woodworking projects. The ’shed’ is just 2 minutes walk

from their front door.

They are both very happy in their new environment

although, of course, they do miss their friends in

Elsworth and at The Free Church. They love having

visitors, so—when the weather gets a bit warmer, if

you want a short break in Cumbria—why not look

them up?

Keith & MargaretKeith & MargaretKeith & MargaretKeith & Margaret

Letter from Cumbria


Favourite Hymns— Our joint 7th –10th

When I survey the wondrous cross

Four hymns tied for 7th position, thus making up the last 4 of our Top Ten. This month we look at Isaac Watts’ famous hymn “When I survey the wondrous cross”. First published in 1707 it has been “tinkered with” on several occasions over the years, initially by Watts himself. For the 1709 edition Watts changed his second line from “Where the young Prince of Glory dy’d” to the now familiar “On which the Prince of Glory died”. Initially Watts also indicated that v4 could be omitted but that would have robbed us of some unforgettable imagery. In v5 some hymn books altered the second line to “offering” rather than “present”: Rejoice and Sing reverts to Watts original wording, “that were a present far too small”.

For me this is one of our most powerful hymns and an integral part of Good Friday worship, though it could be sung at any time. The tune “Rockingham” is again so closely associated to the hymn that it is almost impossible to sing it to other words.

Christine CurtisChristine CurtisChristine CurtisChristine Curtis

When I survey the wondrous Cross, on which the Prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord that I should boast, save in the death of Christ my God; all the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood.

See from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down; did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown.

His dying crimson, like a robe, spreads o’er his body on the tree; then I am dead to all the globe, and all the globe is dead to me.

Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.


Please note that tickets will be available from Just Sharing, the Fair Trade Shop in The Free Church from late-April


Church Activities

Wednes-days from Apr 15

10:00 - 11:30

Tots & Carers

Wed 1st Apr

19:45 Elders Meeting

Fri 3rd Apr



Good Friday Procession of Witness starting at Crossways Market Hill Service

followed by Lunch

Mon 6th Apr

08:00 Bank Holiday Snack Bar

Mon 13th Apr

09:00 Church in the Market Place

Tue 14th Apr

14:30 Meditation led by John Williams at Fenstanton URC

Thu 23rd Apr

19:30 Living Questions discussion at Fenstanton URC

Sun 26th Apr

13:00 Fellowship Walk

Thu 30th Apr

19:30 Living Questions discussion at Fenstanton URC

Mon 4th May

08:00 Bank Holiday Snack Bar

Wed 6th May

19:45 Elders Meeting

Mon 13th Apr

13:00 U3A French Class

Tue 14th Apr

09:30 Alzheimer's Society Support Group

Wed 15th Apr

11:00 U3A Current Affairs

Wed 15th Apr

19:30 St Ives Gardening Club

Thu 16th Apr

19:30 Amnesty International

Fri 17th Apr 10:00 U3A Local History

Fri 17th Apr 19:30 St Ives Civic Society

Sat 18th Apr 19:30 Somersham Town Band Concert

Tue 21st Apr

09:30 Alzheimer's Society Drop In Cafe

Tue 21st Apr

14:00 U3A Book Group

Wed 22nd Apr

18:00 CHIP

Sat 25th Apr 00:00 Bridget Smith Memorial

Mon 27th Apr

13:00 U3A French Class

Wed 29th Apr

19:30 RSPB

Sat 2nd May 09:30 - 16:00

Saints Crafters Fair

19:30 Community Choir concert

Wed 6th May

11:00 U3A Current Affairs

18:00 CHIP

19:30 WI

Fri 8th May 10:00 COPE

Sat 9th May 12:00 ACE Book Jam

Community Activities Cont’d

Community Activities

Mon from 13th Apr

10.00 CRUSE

Tuesdays 19.30 St Ives Photographic Club

Wednesdays 14.00 Senior Citizens’ Club

Thursdays 09.30 Sunny Steps

Wed 1st Apr

11.00 U3A Current Affairs

Thu 2nd

Apr 19.30 W.I.

Sat 4th

Apr 09.30-


Saints Crafters Fair

Wed 8th

Apr 18.00 CHIP

Fri 10th

Apr 10.00 COPE


Printed & published by The Free Church (United Reformed) St Ives, Market Hill, St Ives, Cambs. PE27 5AL

E-mail [email protected] Tel 01480 468535


Minister Revd Dr. Catherine Ball 352058

Mobile: 07714 081930

Church Secretary Barbara Duffett 395308

Associate Church Secretary

Andy Fleming 468055

Communications & Media Convenor Alan Curtis 350787

Webmaster [email protected]

Finance Convenor Peter German 352401

Freewill Offering Treasurer Val Holmes 301111

Property Convenor Vacant

Tookey’s Convenor Val Bush 469189

Manager Pat Clarke 468886

Organist Brian Lodde 354647

Flower Convenor Margaret Cakebread 462726

Eco Group Convenor Mary Cox 300103

Chapel Prayer Coordinator Gerry Swain 468053

Just Sharing Manager Sue Billings 496570

Asst Manager Rosemarie Smith

[email protected]

Church Office 468535

[email protected]

Open 9am. - 1pm. Monday to Friday

Room Bookings should be made through the Church Office

Free Church Worship

Chapel Prayers

10am Mon—Sat

Thu 2nd Apr

19:00 Maundy Thursday Communion

Sun 5th Apr

11:00 Revd Dr Catherine Ball - Easter Day Holy Communion

Sun 12th Apr

11:00 Ruth Wilson

Sun 12th Apr

18:00 Joint Service at Fenstanton URC - Keith Cakebread

Sun 19th Apr

11:00 Revd Dr Catherine Ball

Sun 26th Apr

10:45 Hinchingbrooke Hospital Service (Ruth Wilson)

Sun 26th Apr

11:00 Revd Dr Catherine Ball - Cafe Style

Sun 3rd May

11:00 Revd Dr Catherine Ball - Holy Communion

Fenstanton Worship

Fri 3rd


2:00 Good Friday Service

Sun 5th


9:30 Revd Dr Catherine Ball

Easter Day Holy


Sun 12th

Apr 9:30 18:00

Geraldine Swain Keith Cakebread

Sun 19th

Apr 9:30 Revd Dr Catherine Ball

Sun 26th

Apr 9:30 Keith Cakebread