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Embrace Your Judas and Become . . .

Everyone wants it . . . so how do we get it? No matter who we are, we all have dreams, goals or ideals that we long for. Our greatest obstacles are fear and ourselves. No one can prevent us from achieving our plans once we discover who our Judas is.

Tradition dictates we avoid Judas. However, if we do not Embrace our Judas we will never become what it is that we were created to be.

Judas simply means a celebration or praise of God. So, to embrace our Judas means we are giving God the opportunity to receive praise by giving us the wisdom to plan the perfect defense. In fact, it is a requirement that every living thing praise God . . . let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

The traditional story of Jesus teaches us that we must embrace the thing, the situation or the person that we know, in our hearts, means us harm. A job, a significant other, a coworker, a habit or an unsuccessful business plan can be Judas discovering your own Judas can be a great challenge.

Judas was laid in the path of Jesus, by God, only to overcome. It is ok to go into our Garden of Gethsemane (oil press or the place where we clear our spirit and mind of fear), but we must remember to exit that place to become what were meant to be. So often we stay in Gethsemane waiting for someone to join us to no avail.

Instead, we must acknowledge that we are in a place that we do not desire and so, we are ready to go to another level to find and embrace our Judas.