April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” (Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version) Weekly World Watch Andy Walton’s To skip the introductory slides and go straight to this weeks developments click here .

April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

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Page 1: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

April 5 - 11, 2009

“If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because

of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.”

(Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version)

Weekly World Watch

Andy Walton’s

To skip the introductory slides and go straight to this weeks developments click here.

Page 2: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

What is a Weekly World Watch?

• Israel: The continuing conflict in the Middle East and focus on Jerusalem.

• Europe: Its developing union, both political and religious.

• Russia: Its return to anti-Western ways as Bible prophecy’s “king of the north.”

• The UK and the US: Bible prophecy’s “king of the south.”

• Moral standards in decline and violence on the increase.

WWW presentations in PowerPoint can be ordered as audio/visual CDs by clicking here. Move your mouse to place the cursor on the blue link and click.

The idea is simple. It is to look at current events and compare them to events spoken of in the Bible. .

I hope to build up a picture of God’s hand working in the affairs of this world. God is bringing about a day when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle. At that time God will send His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, back to this earth. Jesus will then establish God’s kingdom on earth.

This kingdom will last for ever. This is our hope and the reason we watch.

• Increasing natural disasters: including earthquake, famine etc

The following six themes will appear repeatedly in WWW:

Page 3: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one




News Photo

The source of the headline and the date are included.

Each WWW looks at a few key developments that have happened during the past week. It is in no way meant to be exhaustive – just a look at those events I saw as significant from a Biblical point of view.

What is in a Weekly World Watch?


This is normally one verse which backs up why the event that has occurred is interesting from a Biblical perspective. Please read in its context. Unless stated otherwise, all quotes are from the King James Version. (Book, chapter, and verse)

This is straight from a news report that caught my eye because it looked significant from a Biblical perspective, usually that of prophecy.

Every WWW event slide has the following format. To reveal each block of text just left click your mouse or press the space bar. You control when it appears.

This is the reporter’s description of the event. It is always a direct quotation from the news report and reflects the understanding of the reporter and editors.

This is my comment on why the event is interesting to a Bible student. The intention of the WWW is to offer brief Biblical perspectives without going into detail. If more detail is desired, please e-mail me: ([email protected]).

Page 4: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

This Week’s Developments

To print any of the event slides that follow, click the picture on the upper right

• Obama presses ahead with missile shield

• Sarkozy attacks US ‘interference’ in EU

• Italian earthquake kills at least 150

• Russia furious with EU over Twitter revolution

• Israel tests Anti-Ballistic Missile System

April 5 - 11, 2009

• Iran opens nuclear fuel facility

Page 5: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

Obama presses ahead with missile shield

The missile defence system based in Eastern Europe is the one American project that upsets Russia more than any other.The plan was put together under the presidency of George W Bush. On the day that Barack Obama was elected (November 2008) the Russian president ordered the deployment of nuclear-capable missiles on NATO’s border. This was meant as a warning to the new American president NOT to push ahead with the missile defence system. This warning has gone unheeded and it appears that Mr Obama is going to press ahead with it. America says it needs this shield to protect itself from Iran. Russia believes the shield is designed to protect America from Russia!Expect to see some response from Russia shortly in retaliation for this announcement.What we are still witnessing is the king of the south (America) pushing (provoking) the king of the north (Russia). It will be one push too far that brings Russia down to Israel.

The United States would continue to develop a missile defence shield until Iran abandoned its nuclear ambitions, President Barack Obama said in the Czech Republic."As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defence system that is cost-effective and proven," he told a crowd of about 20,000 gathered in Hradcany Square, next to Prague Castle. "Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat, not just to the United States, but to Iran's neighbours and our allies.“ He hailed the "courageous" Czech Republic and Poland for "agreeing to host a defence against these missiles".Russia is strongly opposed to radar stations for a missile defence shield being established in countries that it still regarded as within its sphere of influence.

Daily Telegraph, April 5, 2009



And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwindBIBLE

QUOTE (Daniel 11:40)

Page 6: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

Sarkozy attacks US ‘interference’ in EU

The country of Turkey is all that remains of the Ottoman Empire. This empire lasted for about 600 years and at its peak controlled South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa. It controlled Israel as well. It is predominantly Muslim.Europe however is a “Christian” project. Christian meaning Roman Catholic in this case. It is highly unlikely that Europe will ever accept a Muslim nation into its fold.The Bible speaks of the Turkish power in symbolic terms as the Euphrates – the river that starts in Turkey. Revelation tells us that the Turkish power will be dried up. The Ottoman Empire began to decline in the mid 19 th century and dissolved in 1922.

President Nicolas Sarkozy berated President Barack Obama for interfering in European Union affairs by backing membership for Turkey on the eve of his visit to the country.The rebuke came after the French leader refused to commit any combat troups for the new strategy in Afghanistan that involved 21,000 additional American troops.The sparring was provoked by Mr Obama’s efforts to broker Turkey’s support for Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark’s former prime minister, as Nato’s new secretary general. Turkey had threatened to block the appointment because the Dane had angered the Muslim world by refusing to apologise for the publication of cartoon caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed in his country’s newspapers.Mr Obama promised that both America and Europe would show Muslims a new respect if Mr Rasmussen was appointed. At his first formal summit with EU leaders in Prague yesterday, Mr Obama urged Europe to speed up Turkey’s application to join – an implicit criticism of France which has blocked progress.

Daily Telegraph, April 5, 2009



And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. Kings of the east = the saintsBIBLE

QUOTE (Revelation 16:12)

The Ottoman Empire 1580

Page 7: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

Italian earthquake kills at least 150

The Apennine mountain range is the geological "backbone" of Italy. But this mountain range shows in effect where two tectonic plates meet. The African plate and the Eurasian plate. It makes Italy one of the most seismically active regions of Europe.There is a similar situation in Israel. A fault line passes right through the centre of the land which is also marked by a “spine” of mountains.We know from the Bible about a great earthquake that will be centred on Israel. This earthquake will have the effect of “raising up” the area of Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:2 says that “the LORD’s house will be established in the top of the mountains.”However the earthquake elsewhere has the opposite effect. Revelation 16:19 says that “Great Babylon” will be destroyed and her mountains “not found”. Rome is the centre of the religious side of Babylon. This earthquake (felt in Rome) is a warning of what is to come. The false religion of Rome will come to an end. God’s truth will prevail.

Italy's most deadly earthquake for almost 30 years struck in the middle of the night, giving tens of thousands of people just seconds to wake up and run for their lives before their homes were reduced to rubble. Within half a minute of the first violent tremor being felt at 3.32am local time, the earthquake was over, leaving those who were lucky enough to get outside staring in bewilderment at a scene of devastation."It was the apocalypse," said Maria Francesco, a survivor in L'Aquila, the medieval city nearest to the epicentre of the 6.3 magnitude shock, using an image which was echoed by others in the 26 towns and villages which were hit in the Abruzzo region of central Italy.

Daily Telegraph, April 7, 2009



and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.BIBLE

QUOTE (Revelation 16:19,20)

Page 8: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

Russia furious with EU over Twitter revolution

We mentioned on a previous slide how Russia might retaliate for President Obama’s backing of the missile defence system in Eastern Europe. Just a few days later a crisis begins in the country of Moldova (Eastern Europe) stoked up by Russia!Moldova used to be part of the USSR. They voted on Sunday for a new parliament. The ruling communists won but protesters say there was widespread rigging. The president of Moldova blames Romania for the widespread protests.Twitter is an internet chat site where those who oppose the communist rule are organising their protests. Russia wants Europe to condemn the protests but so far Europe has remained silent. The main point is that we have another potential showdown between Russia and the West. Russia will not be pushed around.

Moscow backs Moldovan President after he accuses Romania of supporting coup.The crisis in Moldova, dubbed the "Twitter Revolution", was last night threatening to turn into another showdown between Russia and the West. Just weeks after Barack Obama's government spoke of "pressing the reset button" with Russia, the conflict risks derailing the fragile diplomatic truce.Russia gave its backing yesterday to Moldova's President, Vladimir Voronin, when he accused EU and Nato member Romania of backing a coup attempt, and expelled the Romanian ambassador. Mr Voronin promised "harsh punishment" would be meted out to the organisers of protests which rocked the capital Chisinau on Tuesday after the ruling Communists claimed victory in weekend parliamentary elections.Moscow, deeply suspicious of anti-government protests in what it considers its sphere of interest, condemned the protests in the strongest terms.

The Independent, April 9, 2009



I am about to summon all the peoples of the northern kingdoms," declares the LORD. "Their kings will come and set up their thrones in the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem; Another northern kingdom will soon invade Israel – this time Russia!


(Jeremiah 1:15 NIV)

Page 9: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

Israel tests Anti-Ballistic Missile System

Israel successfully tested an anti-missile system designed to protect the country from attack by Iran, the Defence Ministry said.The intercept of a dummy missile was the latest test of the Arrow system, a U.S.-Israeli joint venture. Israeli defence officials said the interceptor was an upgraded Arrow II, designed to counter Iran's Shahab ballistic missile.Representatives of the Pentagon were present at the test, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity pending an official announcement.In a statement, the Defence Ministry said the interceptor shot down "a missile simulating a ballistic threat in especially challenging conditions."

Associated Press, April 7, 2009



Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.


(Joel 3:9)

Israel’s test fires a missile this week over concerns with Iran.On top of this we have North Korea test firing a missile as well. The North Korean missile test has brought the first major policy test for Barack Obama since taking office in January. The North Korean test was in defiance of UN resolutions that prevent them.President Obama accused Pyongyang of threatening the security of the nations “near and far”. Though he called for action at the UN Security Council none was agreed as China would not condemn North Korea.The Bible tells us that at the time of the end the Gentiles will prepare for war. Joel 3:9“They will beat their plowshares into swords” etc. In fact on the United Nations building in New York it says the opposite - that men will beat their swords into plowshares.Words are easy though. Obama called for the elimination of nuclear weapons this week. Who do we believe. Obama who says he will get rid of weapons or God who says man will continue to prepare for war. Surely the evidence shows God is right.

Page 10: April 5 - 11, 2009 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one

Iran opens nuclear fuel facility

Iran's president has inaugurated the country's first nuclear fuel production plant, making what correspondents say was a defiant speech.President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran was open to an offer of fresh talks with world powers, but only if they were based on "justice" and "respect".Once operational, the new plant could produce sufficient plutonium for two nuclear weapons a year, analysts say.Iran denies Western claims that it aims to build a nuclear bomb.The BBC's Jon Leyne in Tehran says Mr Ahmadinejad made it clear he did not see any change in US policy towards Iran, and therefore offered nothing in return."The Iranian nation has from the beginning been after... negotiations based on justice and complete respect for rights and regulations," Mr Ahmadinejad said."One-sided negotiations, conditional negotiations, negotiations in an atmosphere of threat are not something that any free person would accept," he said.

BBConline, April 9, 2009



Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces

BIBLEQUOTE (Isaiah 13:17)

We have moved from a crisis with Iraq (in the area of ancient Babylon) to now a growing crisis with Iran (in the area of ancient Persia).The Bible speaks of the Medes being stirred up at a time when nations invade Babylon.We know of course that originally this was fulfilled back in the days of ancient Babylon and ancient Persia. HOWEVER, it is just as clear that there is a future fulfilment. In fact most prophecies do have a dual fulfilment. The Bible is written in such a way so as to talk to different generations about history in effect repeating itself. It shows people throughout time of how God is in control. Read Isaiah 13 and note all the “last day” phrases. Verse 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. These verses have yet to have final fulfilment!Note the verse below that speaks of the “bows” (missiles) of the Medes (Iranians).

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Weekly World Watch

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