April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010 - National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica · Karl Wolfe Shawn, Anna, Dennis & Nancy Please pray for the repose of the soul of Harry Krasicky Elizabeth (Betti)

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April 4, 2010

Page 2 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Please pray for the sick of our parish

Pamela Barber Janet Bertling

Garrett R. Burtwell Joseph Caram Mark Cavazos

Charlene Cusick

Yvonne Demonaco Theresa Dennis Sabrina Fodera

Lynn Frank Jane Gallagher Jane Gleason

Betty & Ed Goliber Linda Hanniford

Joe Haubert Janet Pinkey Isabell

Margaret Lowe Matthew Mannette

Charles McGill Judith Mikich

Kathleen Moore Eleanor Murphy

Sarah Nissan John Nowack Robert Perry Gary Reggio John Trainor Willy Wade Karl Wolfe

Shawn, Anna, Dennis & Nancy

Please pray for the repose of the soul of

Harry Krasicky

Elizabeth (Betti) Lentz Donna Reyman

Dr. Juanito Tang

The Byzantine Catholic Church – Byzantine Eparchy of

Parma, Ohio, Wednesday at 7 pm , April 7

Celebrant: Rev. Joseph Marquis, Pastor of Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Church,

Livonia, Michigan

The world-wide Catholic Church consists of smaller geographical territories called

“dioceses” from Latin or “eparchies” from Greek. Every eparchy/diocese is headed by a

bishop, a successor to the apostles. His Grace, Bishop John Kudrick presently leads the

Eparchy of Parma, Ohio established by Pope Paul VI on February 21, 1969. It encompasses

the geographical area of Ohio (except the eastern border counties), Indiana, Michigan,

Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South


The Byzantine Catholic Church traces its foundation to the 12 Apostles who proclaimed

the Gospel, first to Jerusalem, then to the Gentiles. The first mission of the New Testament

Church to the Greek-speaking Gentiles was to Antioch, in the Roman province of Syria,

where "the disciples were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26). Antioch became the staging

area for the great missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul, which resulted in the foundation

of a string of Greek-speaking Christian communities in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) and


As the Christian Church grew, each nation and culture who received the Gospel

influenced the growth of the Church. Early in the history of the Church, two major

heritages developed and remain with us today: the Eastern or "Greek" tradition, and the

Western or "Latin" tradition. The Church in the West had its principal center at the Imperial

capital of Rome, and is known in our present-day as the Roman Catholic Church. The

Church in the East grew and developed from the Churches in Jerusalem, Antioch and

Alexandria. These three Eastern centers shared a common language, Greek, and similar

mode of discourse which formed the basis for the subsequent development of the Eastern

Christian tradition. The Byzantine Catholic Church shares in the inheritance of the first

Greek-speaking Christian communities of the Eastern Mediterranean world, founded by

the Apostles of Jesus Christ.

A landmark event in the history of the Eastern Church was the decision in 325 by the

Roman Emperor Constantine to move the Imperial capital from Rome to Byzantion, a small

town on the Bosphorus strait which he renamed Constantinople (and which is presently

Istanbul, Turkey). This shift in the secular political balance had a dramatic impact on the

Eastern Church, for a new secular and religious center – Constantinople – was created in

the heart of the Christian East. The Eastern Roman, or "Byzantine", Empire centered on

Constantinople was a Christian Empire that flourished for over 1,000 years, and

engendered a new and unique culture infused with Christianity. Byzantine Catholics in

America are the spiritual descendants of Christians in Central and Eastern Europe and the

Middle East who are the heirs of this Byzantine religious culture, and who therefore trace

their spiritual heritage to the Great Church of Constantinople, known as Hagia Sophia (The

Church of Holy Wisdom). This heritage includes the doctrines, liturgical practices and

underlying theology and spirituality which came from the Christian Church of the

Byzantine Empire. It is shared among all of the Christian peoples, regardless of ethnicity or

nationality, who trace their spiritual roots to the Great Church of Constantinople. The

Byzantine Church, following the command of the Lord to ‘let the little children come to

me’ (Mt 19:14), administers the Holy Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation (Confirmation), and

Eucharist to infants on the same day, so that they become full members of the Body of

Christ, fully integrated into the Church, and full participants in the gift of New Life in Christ.

Christians of the Byzantine tradition always have referred to themselves as "Orthodox

Christians". Byzantine Catholics are Orthodox Christians who embrace full communion with

the Church of Rome and its primate, Pope Benedict XVI, the successor of St. Peter.

The National Shrine Parish Family extends a warm welcome to our Byzantine brothers

and sisters from Sacred Heart Byzantine Parish in Livonia. We look forward to the solemn

celebration of Holy Mass in the ancient Byzantine Liturgy stemming from one of the

greatest Doctors of the Church St. John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople at the end

of the fourth century.

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 3

Divine Life

Banns of Marriage

First Bann Klaudia Pelak and

Antoni Jucaj

Second Bann Kim Robertson

and Chris Kramer

Third Bann Amalia Kaddo and Andrew Raczkowski

Living Easter Pope Benedict XVI wrote “Holy Saturday is the day of the “death of God,’ the day which expresses the unparalleled experience of our age, anticipating the fact that God is simply absent, that the grave hides him, that he no longer awakes, no

longer speaks, so that one no longer needs to gainsay him but can simply overlook him…”

How true it is of our time and culture to set God aside. Secular forces seek to remove the name of God from all public buildings, the pledge of allegiance, the money. Christmas becomes the “Holidays.” Easter and Passover are a little more difficult to secularize but attempts are made to make it into some passage into

Spring. Society seeks to make the resurrection of Jesus unreal or irrelevant. Jesus is almost seen as an annoyance to be done away with.

After the crucifixion and death of Jesus, his body was sealed in a tomb with a huge stone and guards placed at the entrance. What were they afraid of? That someone would steal a corpse. A dead body treated as an enemy. Keep him sealed up and out of our lives, we can do just fine without him. Oh, really? To

believe this is to give the victory to death.

Jesus, God cannot be contained. The creator cannot be entombed by creation. Death is conquered. The resurrection will not be stopped by force, nor impeded by seals, nor put down by soldiers, nor concealed with lies. Rather the resurrection is to be both believed and lived.

Pope Benedict continues, “Christ strode through the gate of our final loneliness; in

His Passion He went down into the abyss of our abandonment. Where no voice can reach us any longer, there is He. Hell is thereby overcome, or to be more accurate, death, which was previously hell, is hell no longer. Neither is the same any longer because there is life in the midst of death, because love dwells in it.”

For the next 50 days we celebrate with joy the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ

who has conquered death and restored life.

Easter Every Sunday Every Sunday is a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. As “the first day of the week” (Mark 16:2) it recalls the first creation; and as the “eighth day,” which follows the Sabbath, it symbolizes the new creation ushered in by the Resurrection of Christ. Thus, Sunday has become for Christians the first of all days and of all feasts. It is the day of the Lord in which He with his Passover fulfilled the spiritual truth of the Jewish

Sabbath and proclaimed Man’s eternal rest in God.

For this reason the Catholic Church obliges the faithful to participate at Holy Mass every Sunday and on holy days of obligation. To disregard this obligation is a serious sin. It is not sufficient to just pray alone on this day, or to attend some other type of service or a different denomination. Not all churches are the same. As Catholics we are obligated to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist and if at all

possible to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. To disregard this obligation is to dismiss the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus from the central place it should have in our lives.

Rosie & Carlito Carlito is happy with the nice change in the weather. He is able to get outside in his big cage again. His attitude is improving with every warm sunny day. Come to

think of it, so is mine.

Bearings Notes from Monsignor Easton

Page 4 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Mass Information

Monday, April 5

6:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Servers Blake Smith, Niklas Jenkins 8:30 am Mass Fr. Kaczmarczyk

Servers Anthony Fisher, Brian Palmer

Tuesday, April 6

6:30 am Mass Fr. Kaczmarczyk

Servers Michael Miller, Justin Cantrell 8:30 am Mass Fr. Nowak

Servers George Vidosh, Tom Peaslee

Wednesday, April 7

6:30 am Mass Fr. Nowak

Servers Meg Johnson, Olivia Zardus 8:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Servers Cassia Burley, Madeline Rozanski Thursday, April 8

6:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Servers Josef Mehall, Joe Wagner 8:30 am Mass Fr. Kaczmarczyk

Servers Alexander Bruckner, Asher Smith Friday, April 9

6:30 am Mass Fr. Kaczmarczyk

Servers Andrew North, Alex Hejka

8:30 am Mass Fr. Nowak

Servers Nicholas Mandel, Joe Romano

Saturday, April 10

8:30 am Mass Fr. Lang

Servers Isabel Aklestad, Maureen Luddy

Sunday, April 11

Divine Mercy Sunday

Vigil Masses (on Saturday)

4:30 pm Mass Fr. Kaczmarczyk

Lectors Lisa Pickering, Kay Cyrek

Servers Paul Palmer, Brian Palmer

Max Quinn, Evan Greenwood

Hospitality Margie Suchyta, Team 6:30 pm Mass Fr. Nowak

Lectors Mike Howard, Don Erwin

Servers Carlo Ginotti, John Ginotti William Arce, Justin Cantrell Hospitality Gerald Schaffran, Team

Sunday Masses

7:30 am Mass Fr. Nowak

Lectors Donna McNamara, Preston True

Servers Matthew Sutton, Sage Baltrusaitis Jordan Kennelly, Anthony Fisher Hospitality MaryAnn Skaggs, Team 9:00 am Mass Fr. Kaczmarczyk

Lectors Gabrielle Schmidt, Madison Cross

Sarah Quigley Servers Alyssa Cramer, Daniella Cramer Anna Bradley, Madeline Rozanski Hospitality John Burg, Team 10:45 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Lectors Dave Uchalik, William Reisdorf

Servers Sean McQueeney, Keegan Murphy Joe Wagner, Gregory Golias Emcee Frank Peaslee

Hospitality Wayne Friedman, Team 12:30 pm Mass Fr. Lang

Lectors Frank Lepkowski, Tom Kendziorski Servers Brandon Breen, Kenneth Miller

Michael Miller, Tyler Moylan

Hospitality Hugh Brennan, Team 4:00 pm Spanish Mass Msgr. Easton 6:00 pm Mass Fr. Lang

Lectors Emily Erdman, Samantha Kinjorski Alison Tyrrell Servers Kaleigh Sonntag, Bailey Haran

Isabel Aklestad, Mary Sier Hospitality Tom Torma, Team

Monday, April 5

Acts 2:14, 22-33 Mt 28:8-15

Tuesday, April 6

Acts 2:36-41 Jn 20:11-18

Wednesday, April 7

Acts 3:1-10 Lk 24:13-35

Thursday, April 8

Acts 3:11-26 Lk 24:35-48

Readings of The Week

Friday, April 9

Acts 4:1-12 Jn 21:1-14

Saturday, April 10

Acts 4: 13-21 Mk 16:9-15

Sunday, April 11

Acts 5:12-16 Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19

Jn 20:19-31

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 5

Monday, April 5 Monday in the Octave of Easter

6:30 am †Margaret Samoray

8:30 am †Pedro Beltran

Tuesday, April 6 Tuesday in the Octave of Easter

6:30 am †Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kurczyk

8:30 am Intentions of Barbara Schmidt

Wednesday, April 7 Wednesday in the Octave of Easter

6:30 am †Patricia Gulleran

8:30 am †Terence Vaughan

Thursday, April 8 Thursday in the Octave of Easter

6:30 am †Irene

8:30 am †Ronald Fiscus

Friday, April 9 Friday in the Octave of Easter

6:30 am †Isabel Lambert

8:30 am †Dee Brell

Saturday, April 10 Saturday in the Octave of Easter

8:30 am †Ethel Marie Shields-Canfield

Sunday, April 11 Divine Mercy Sunday

Vigil Masses (on Saturday)

4:30 pm †John Voight 6:30 pm †Anne Schroeder

Sunday Masses

7:30 am †Theodore Krawczak

9:00 am †Jane and Edward Roepke

10:45 am †George Schwarzenberg

12:30 pm †Phyllis Granger 6:00 pm Intentions of the Parishioners of NSLF

Mass Intentions Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration "The world is indeed dark, but even a single

candle suffices to bring light into the deepest


"As we wait in the night-dark church for the

Easter light to be struck, we should experience the

consoling realization that God is fully aware of the night by

which we are surrounded. In fact, He has already struck His

Light at the heart of it...The night enables us to appreciate

what the light really is. It is the brightness or the luminousness

that enables us to see; that shows the way and gives

direction; that helps us to know both others and

ourselves. ...At this moment we are not only celebrating the

Resurrection; we are also being given a distant glimpse of the

second coming of the Lord, whom we are advancing to

meet with lamps lit...Something of the joy that marks a

wedding should be ours on this night so bright with

candles....Did not God give us a candle at baptism and the

means of lighting it? We must be courageous enough to light

the candle of our patience, our trust, our love. Instead of

bewailing the night, we must dare to light the little lamp that

God has loaned us: 'The Light of Christ! - Thanks be to God!'"

- Pope Benedict XVI, Benedictus

Open hours: Sunday, midnight, 2 pm; Monday, 1 am; Thursday, noon; and Saturday, 5 pm. Partners are needed for the following Holy Hours: Sunday, 2, 5, 6 pm; Monday, 5and 10 am; Wednesday, 4 pm; Thursday, 7 10, and 11 am, and 2 pm; Friday, 4pm; and the 1pm hour on Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday; and the 7 pm hour on Sunday. Call

Marie Lama at 248.655.0309 if you are interested in a Holy Hour or are interested in substituting.

Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us!

World Youth Day, Madrid, Spain, August 14-22, 2011 What is World Youth Day?

¨ A pilgrimage where you will meet and worship with hundreds of thousands of Catholic youth from around the world.

¨ Celebrate the Closing Mass officiated by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI.

¨ A chance to immerse yourself in the Spanish culture.

¨ Participate in many World Youth Day activities each day.

Who can attend World Youth Day?

¨ Any students that will be entering their sophomore year of high school in the fall of 2011 through college aged students.

How do I sign up for this amazing pilgrimage?

¨ Contact Christine Wist at [email protected] or 248.541.5133.

Page 6 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Sgt. Daniel J. Allen, USMC Maj. Eric Ansorge PhD, US Army

Patrick Paul Atallah, USMC Sgt. Joanna Bertling, US Army

Envin E. Billings, US Army Pvt. Sean Brady, U.S. Army

Capt. Matthew Cain, US Army Pat Carroll, USAF, Shrine ‘61, MIA

Crisanto R. Delos, USCG Lt. Joseph W. Doman, US Navy Col. Thomas M. Doman, USMC

PV2-E2 Melissa Ducastel, US Army Lt. Jason D. Everts, US Army

Thomas Fern, USAF LCpl. Sarah Fitzpatrick, USMC Lt. Troy Perry Glendye, USCG Cpl. Gary R. Gmeiner, USMC

Joseph Haddad, USMC LCpl. Matthew Hebert, USMC

SSgt. Philip Huber, USMC Jacob Kindl, USMC

Ssgt. Troy P. Kosal, US Army

Andrew Kostrzewa, US Navy 2nd Lt. Nicholas Robert Langan, US Army

Peter Laperriere, US Navy Brian MacKenzie, USAF

GS13 Dan Marem MI BN Spec. Ryan McWilliams, US Army Rangers

Capt. Christopher Mellon, USMC

Spc. Beau Messer, US Army

Aaron Mingle, US Navy Matthew Mitchell, US Navy

1st Capt. Johnny Pruitt, ASAF Cpl. Eric Nakalsky, USMC

Spec. Kevin C. Oldani, F.A.S.T. USMC Lt. Daniel P. Palmer, US Army Lt. John F. Palmer, US Army

Lt. Martin J. Palmer, US Army Maj. Loren D. Penney, US Army

Maj. David M. Reilly, USMC Anthony Reynolds, USAF

Capt. David N. Roberts, USMC Cpl. Derrick Savage, USMC Andrew Schulte, US Army Lt. Col. Eric J. Simpson, FA

LCpl. Ronald C. Smart, USMC Capt. Michael Szalma, US Army

PV2 Christopher M. Villerot, US Army LCpl. Andrew Villareal, USMC Spec. David Wittla, US Army

Please pray for our Military


Just a reminder, please notify us when you

have additions to the Military prayer list, or

when one of our Military members can be

taken off the prayer list.

Thank you!

Life Matters As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate God’s abundant love for us. He loved us so much that He died on a cross for us so that we may live. For this, He asks us to love Him and love each other. He

gave us life that we are obligated to love with dignity from conception to natural death.

¨ At conception, all characteristics of each person are determined

¨ At 18 days after conception, the baby has a heart beat

¨ At 6 weeks, brain waves can be measured

¨ At 8 weeks, stomach, liver and kidneys are functioning; finger prints are formed

¨ At 3 months, the baby can make a tiny fist, get hiccups and suck its thumb

¨ At 4 months, the heart pumps 6 gallons of blood a day

¨ At 19 weeks, the baby is viable outside the womb

¨ At 5 months, the fingernails and toenails are present

¨ From birth till death, limitless opportunities to love

Crisis Pregnancy?

Mother and Unborn Baby Care can help! Call 248.559.7576 Hurting from an abortion


Call Silent No More 800.395.HELP

A Knight of Fashion Reminder... Tickets are still on sale for "A Knight of Fashion," Thursday, April 15, 6 pm, at Shrine Catholic High School. It's the largest fund raiser for the Shrine Catholic High School and

Academy Mothers' Club. Strolling dinner includes food donated by Andiamo's, P.F. Changs, Town Tavern, Tapestry and more! Fashions will be modeled by High School seniors and their moms from White House/Black Market, Cold Water Creek, Chico's, Lexi Drew and Men's Warehouse! Win $1,000 off tuition for fall 2010 (all three Shrine Catholic schools included!) and much more. Bring dollars for the

popular Rainbow raffle (50/50). Lots of other prizes to win just for a dollar a ticket. For "A Knight of Fashion" tickets, contact Cathy Nagle at [email protected].

Beginning Experience Weekends Beginning Experience Weekends are for persons who are wid-owed, separated or divorced. Beginning Experience Weekends are scheduled throughout the year. For details, call Debbie at

248.351.0368, Sue at 248.219.9417, Toni at 248.549.1162, or Nancy at 248.549.1652, or visit us online at www.BeginningExperience.org.

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 7

Events Calendar

Sunday, April 4—Easter Sunday

Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;

and12:30 pm

RCIA Formation Meeting

CC-SH 10:30 am

Rosary For The Unborn

AC 5 pm

Monday, April 5

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting

HH-BR 7 pm

Legion of Mary Devotional

CC-B 7:30 pm

Tuesday, April 6

Masses 6:30, 8;30 am

Sewing/Quilting Group

CC-A 10 am

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

STC 6:45 pm

40 Days for Life Meeting

CC-A 7 pm

Seven Capital Sins Study

CC-B 7 pm

Boy Scout Troop #1634 Meeting

YR 7:30 pm

Love of God Prayer

Group Meeting

STC 8 pm

Wednesday, April 7

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Men’s Bible Study

CC-B 6:15 am

Moms & The Word Scripture Class

CC-SH 9:30 am

Baptism Class

YR,STC 7 pm

Thursday, April 8

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Handbell Choir Rehearsal

CR 9:30 am

K of C Challenge Girls Meeting

YR 4 pm

Friday, April 9

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

ENDOW Women’s Study Group

CC-A,B 8 am

Shrine Lending Library – Open

CC-C 9:15 am

Girl Scout Brownie Troop #42568

YR 2:30 pm

Girl Scout Troop #3068

CC-B 7 pm

Saturday, April 10

Mass 8:30 am

Confessions 3-4 pm,

5:30-6:15 pm

Sunday Liturgy 4:30, 6:30 pm

Master Plan Oversight Committee Meeting

HH-BR 10 am

Sunday, April 11

Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;

12:30, and 6:00 pm

Preschool RFP

YR 9 am

Discalced Carmelites Secular

CC-A,B 10 am

RCIA Formation Meeting

CC-SH 10:30 am

K of C Blue Recognition Mass

Church 10:45 am

K of C Blue Recognition Reception

GS-Gym 11:45 am

Discalced Carmelites Secular

CC-SH 12:45 pm

Spanish Mass

Church 4 pm

Rosary For The Unborn

AC 5 pm

Cross Connections Youth Group Meeting

YR 7 pm

Events Calendar Location Guide A Academy

AC Adoration Chapel, Coughlin Building

CC-SH Conference Center, Seton Hall CC-A Conference Center, Room A

CC-B Conference Center, Room B CC-C Conference Center, Room C

CL Choir Loft CR Choir Room

GS Grade School HH-BR Heritage Hall Board Room

HH-B Heritage Hall Mtg. Rm. B

HH-EW Heritage Hall East Wing HH-WW Heritage Hall West Wing

HH-MF Heritage Hall Main Floor HS High School

STC St. Thérèse Chapel YR Youth Room

Lending Library Happy Easter! Christ has risen! And yes, Christ Is

Alive. That is the title of a

small book by Michel Quoist. You may have read some of his other books. He writes to be read, not with highly technical or theological language, but to speak to the ordinary lay people in the Church, because "Christ

Himself is living at the heart of the world; and His total Mystery--that of Creation, I n c a r n a t i o n , R e d e m p t i o n a n d Resurrection--embodies and animates all of life and all of history." He states, "I think the gravest sin of Christians today is

fear. Evil, sin, death--we must keep those things in mind, of course; but beyond them, and in the same glance, we must see Christ victorious. Many people say, 'Everything is falling apart. A world is passing away.' But I say, 'A world is being

born.' Death exists, but Jesus Christ has conquered death. Christ is alive!" (Back cover) Section 6, Jesus)

Lending Library hours are Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm, and Fridays from 9:15 am

to Noon, in the National Shrine Conference Center, Room C (across the alley from the Northwood parking lot). For information call Kathy McGuire at 248.541.6834 or JoAn Gilleran at 248.629.4045.

Interactive Weekend for

Widowed Men and Women The annual Widowed Friends

Interactive Weekend will be conducted on two days: Saturday April 17, and

Sunday, April 18. The weekend will include speakers, small group discussions, a healing service, Mass, and several meals. It will be held at St. Kieran Parish, 53600 Mound Road in Shelby Township. Cost according to participation options. For

more information contact Rose at 586.726.0844.

Page 8 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower


Grade School Happenings

Second Grade

The big news in second grade is about the blessing of our two special sacraments. On March 6, we made our First Reconciliation. With much joy, we were finally able to tell God how very sorry we are for our sins, and how happy we truly are to renew our friendship with Him. We have also begun to prepare for our First Communion which is rapidly approaching this spring. The children can hardly wait to be among those at God’s table and to be graced with the joy of receiving our Lord for the first time. The seventh graders at Shrine Catholic Academy wrote the children the nicest notes of encouragement for them to treasure throughout their journey in coming closer to God and understanding the depths of His love.

Along with the blessings of these sacraments, we have been counting money, reading graphs, and telling time in math. We’ve been exploring pronouns and figuring out when to use “I” and “me” in grammar, and have been exploring the weather and space in science. We also buttoned up our laboratory jackets when dissecting owl pellets to understand the eating habits and digestive system of an owl.

In April, the children will be stepping into a surgeon’s shoes as we are dissecting sheep eyes to uncover how the eye works to enable sight. Altogether, it is very clear to see that second grade at Shrine Catholic Grade School is a tremendous place to learn and grow!

Ms. Adams Mrs. Barbuscak Mrs. Nyikes

High School News

The students, faculty and staff of Shrine Catholic Schools wish the members of our parish a Happy Easter. May your heart and home be filled with the blessings of this beautiful season.

Spring Sports Knight

Calling all fifth, sixth, and seventh graders! Join us for Spring Sports Knight, a fun-filled evening of friends, sports, pizza and camaraderie on Friday, May 14 from 6 to 9 pm. Registration forms available on the high school website, www.shrineschools.com or by calling 248.549.2925, ext. 2502. Cost is $20 and includes pizza, Gatorade and a t-shirt! Register early as space is limited!

Host Families

The International Program at Shrine Catholic High School & Academy is thriving. We are looking for host families from National Shrine Catholic Parish or Schools to provide a loving home away from home for the school year. As a host family, you will be provided with a monthly stipend (approximately $700+ per month) to cover costs of providing your exchange student with meals, a bed, a place for their belongings and transportation. For more information, please contact Mrs. Jan Recinos at 248.549.2925 or [email protected].

Upcoming Dates

April 1 – 11 Easter Break

April 15 Mothers’ Club Fashion Show

Roamin’ with Rosie

Happy Easter!!!

Last week, we were talking about the crucifixion and how the Charity Tower was especially inspirational

this time of year. I asked you if you knew who the four people were at the bottom of the cross. Looking at

the tower from left to right, they are the Virgin Mary, John (the Beloved Disciple), the Centurion

(Longinus), and Mary Magdalen. The tower really gives a complete portrait of the crucifixion.

Gazing at the Crucifix is St. Thérèse from across the terrace. She is holding a flowered cross. There are many inscriptions

around her. One says, “After my death, I shall let fall a shower of roses.”

Speaking of roses, where else are there carvings of flowers or roses? Think about the inside and outside. How many do

you think there are? Let me know at [email protected].

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 9

Page 10 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Religious Formation

Family Activities

WANTED! Pringle Cans

Vacation Bible School is in need of Pringle cans with lids for a craft activity. We need to collect almost 200 (full size) cans by June! Cans may be dropped off at the Religious Formation Office located in the grade school or at the Parish Office, marked “ATTN: VBS”. To arrange for pickup or if you have any questions, contact Janie Lynch at 248.541.5133 or [email protected].

High Seas Expedition Vacation Bible School June 28 – July 2, 9 am to Noon Shrine Catholic Grade School

We are almost full! Please visit www.shrinechurch.com for registration forms.

Vacation Bible School runs June 28 – July 2, from 9 am until noon at the Grade School. High Seas Expedition is for children registered this fall for grades kindergarten through 6th. Skipper’s Preschool Play Deck is for children who are at least 3 years old by June 1, 2010 and potty-trained. The cost per child is $40 and includes crafts, snacks, and Bible Memory Buddies!

Thanks to a generous donor, financial help is available. Contact Renee or Janie at the Religious Formation Office at 248.541.5133 or [email protected] or [email protected].

Preschool Religious Formation

Easter Break

There is no Preschool Religious Formation class on Easter Sunday (April 4). Classes resume on April 11.

Elementary Religious Formation

Easter Break

There is no Religious Formation class for grades K – 6 on April 5. Classes resume on April 12.

Grades 7/8 Religious Formation

Easter Break

There is no Religious Formation class for grades 7 and 8 on April 5. Classes resume on April 12.


Table Leaders Needed! Confirmation Retreat Saturday, April 17, 9:30 am to 2 pm or 2:30 to 7 pm Shrine Catholic High School

Table leaders are responsible for helping guide the students in small groups following the facilitator’s instruction. Parents will not be placed as table leaders of their sons or daughters. Please contact Christine Wist at [email protected] or 248.541.5133.

Faith Portfolios

All eighth graders received their Faith Portfolios at the Evenings of Formation on February 25 and March 1. If you were unable to attend either night, please contact Christine Wist at [email protected] to pick up your Faith Portfolio from the Religious Education Office.

Youth Service Team Opportunities

Focus: HOPE Food Distribution Saturday, April 10, 9 am, Ferndale Site

Parents and youth are needed to unload the truck for the Focus: HOPE food distribution site. It is located in Ferndale on 9 mile Rd at the OLHSA building (across from the Police Station). To register, please contact Mrs. Cerone at 248.541.5133 or [email protected] with the words “Focus Hope” in the subject line.

Pancake Breakfast Sunday, April 18, Shrine Grade School Gym

Volunteers are needed to help the Dad’s Club with the Pancake Breakfast. There will be two shifts of workers available, either 7 to 9 am or 9 to 11 am. Responsibilities include: setting up/taking down tables and chairs, rolling silverware, carrying trays for patrons, wiping tables, etc. To register, please contact Mrs. Cerone at 248.541.5133 or [email protected] with the words “Pancake Breakfast” in the subject line.

Cross Connections HS Youth Ministry

¨ April 4: Happy Easter! No Youth Group

To help raise money for our mission trip and our trip to World Youth Day, Cross Connections is collecting old cell phones (no accessories) and used ink jet cartridges (no laser or toner cartridges please). If you have any donations please drop them off in the marked box at the top of the stairs leading to the Youth Room. Also, if you would like to donate money for our trip to World Youth Day you can do so by visiting the donations page at www.shrinechurch.com and selecting “World Youth Day.”

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 11

Adult Religious Formation

2010 Saturday Evangelization Series

Evangelizing Hot-Button Issues: Giving witness to

hard-to-discuss topics of faith 10 am to Noon, Sacred Heart Major Seminary Dates and Topics:

April 17: Evangelizing on the Sanctity of Life: Abortion and Life Issues Dr. Janet E. Smith, Chair of Life Ethics, Prof. Moral Theology,


May 15: All is Relative? Are you absolutely sure? Truth as our Foundation* Rev. Ronald T. Browne, Moderator of the Curia, Diocese of Marquette, presenter

*Please note this talk will be held at the National Shrine of the

Little Flower, 12 Mile and Woodward, Royal Oak 48073

A free-will collection will be taken to cover costs of refreshments and speakers at each event.

Series presented by the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis Department of Evangelization, Catechesis, & Schools, Archdiocese of Detroit.

Catholicism 101 7 to 9 pm; dates and topics listed below

Sessions are from 7 to 9 pm. Cost is $10 per session; Registration at least one week in advance of the class is required so enough handouts are prepared. To register, email Renee Cramer at [email protected] or call 248.541.5133.

NOTE: Please bring your Bible to any of the below topics you


Date: Topic (Catechist Certification Topic #):

April 22 Prayer #11

May 19 The Church at Prayer in the Eucharistic Celebration,


June 7 Spirituality, #18

June 9 Sacrament: Sign and Symbol, #6

June 14 Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and

Eucharist, #10

June 16 Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and

Anointing of the Sick, #B

June 21 Sacraments at the Service of Communion:

Matrimony and Holy Orders, #17

National Marriage Encounter National Marriage Encounter is a weekend experience of rediscovery for couples who want to make their good marriages even better. For more

information, call Rich and Fran at 586.838.4447 or Tim and Ann at 248.634.8924, or visit www.national–

marriage– encounter.org.

Widowed Friends Widowed Friends offers grief support for men and women of all ages geared toward healing, spiritual enrichment, and finding a new sense of

purpose. For information call Rose at 586.726.0844, J u s t i n e a t 7 3 4 . 4 5 5 . 6 9 3 9 o r v i s i t www.widowedfriends.org.

Faith Direct Your generosity to National Shrine of the Little Flower truly helps our parish extend God's loving presence to those among us who are most in need. During this season of Lent, I pray you will enroll with Faith Direct.

This commitment to recurring electronic giving will not only provide our parish with the consistent resources that help us with the operating needs

of National Shrine of the Little Flower but in turn provide you with the convenience of automatic deduction from your specified checking account or credit card.

There is no cost to you to enroll. Please enroll today by visiting www.faithdirect.net and our parish code is MI16.

Young Adult Holy Hour & Fellowship Friday, April 16, 8 to 9 pm in the St Thérèse Chapel Sponsored by the Frassati Society of Detroit

If you've never experienced Jesus' invitation to "spend one hour with me," celebrate the Easter season with us in our Eucharistic Holy Hour filled with Praise and Worship, Scripture, and Reflection. Confession will also

be available! ***This month we will gather at National Coney Island after the Holy Hour for fellowship. May 21 we will resume the usual Holy Hour at 8 pm with the Coffee House with live music from a Catholic artist at 9 pm in the Conference Center.***

About the Frassati Society of Detroit: We are a group of lay young adult Catholics that strive to follow Christ through the example of our patron, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Blessed Frassati served the poor, yet lived a vibrant, joyful life as a very diverse young lay Catholic until his death at the age of 24. Learn more and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.frassatidetroit.org or call National Shrine parishioners John and Sarah Chunta at 248.545.4169.

Page 12 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

VIANNEY Reception

Palm Sunday Banners

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 13


The National Shrine Parish Family is pleased to welcome into full communion with the Catholic Church the following Catechumens and Candidates who received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First

Communion at the Easter Vigil last evening. The RCIA Class expresses its thanks for the prayers and support received from our priests and the entire parish during this past year and offers a special thanks to those who shared with them the special experience of the Easter Vigil 2010.


Timothy Wayne Bossingham Patrick James Carleton

Loretta Sue Cwiek Monica Mary Demres

Marcy Dickinson Nancy Marie-Davies Faught

Steven George Grimes Carrie Elizabeth Henrich Amy Fawn Jastrzemski

William Jue George Daniel Kirby

Warren Bradley McCallum Claudia Maria Thompson


Gregory Michael Ahee Katherine Marie Ahee Leah Marie Bronson

Tina Marie Cervantez William Reynolds Dickinson

Jedidiah Paul Durkin

Ann Greene Gregory John Grobis Rachel Anna Gruner

Lindsey Nichole Higdon Philip Lynn Horton

Lebrave Oblong Houensou Betsey Lynne McLachlan

Gary John Onnela Adam Michael Pashak

Coleen Sue Pontello Ashleigh Kathleen Rainko

David James Reeves Charles Edward Roddis

Brenda Joyce Ruzzin Matthew Christopher Thurman

Brian David Vivian

Danielle Kim Worthy

Page 14 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Abell ................................................................................................. Joseph Houston Abell Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Antonino ................................................................. Emilio, Pilar & Constante Brillantes Miss Jacquelyn Arredondo ............................................ Carmen Arredondo, Marilyn Arredondo Welsh Mr. Robert T. Artis .................................................................................................................. Margaret A. Artis Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Baker ........................................................................................................ Robert K. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ball .................................................................................. Mr. & Mrs. Ball, Mr. & Mrs. Bailey Ms. Gayle Bettega .................................................................................................... Louis & Minnie Bettega Ms. Bernice Bettendorf ................................................... Hubert & Marie Bettendorf, Claude Bettendorf Mr. & Mrs. Richard Borrelli ............................................................................................................. Tony Borrelli Mrs. Kris Bucci ............................................................ Deceased Members of the Svitek & Bucci Families Mr. & Mrs. David Budzinski ................................. Robert & Margaret Budzinski, Robert & Diane Jankow ........................................................................................ Steve Jankow, Henrie Ha Stach, Diane Wiechec Mr. & Mrs. John Burg ....................................Louis & Angeline Burg Family, Peter & Mary Patrick Family Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Caminsky ........... Deceased Members of the Wasilewski & Caminsky Families Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Carrillo ............................................. Tita Carrillo, Antonio Carrillo, Daniel Campeau Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Caruso ........................................................................................ Rocco & Mary Caruso Mr. Kevin Cavanaugh ....................................................................................... Sherry & Joan Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. John A. Chapman Sr. ................................................. Deceased Chapman Family Members Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Ching .......................................................................................................... Florante Rayala Ms. Colleen Collins .................................... Don & Jackie Stone, Sharon Stone, Lorin IV & Agnes Collins Ms. Juliet Cruz ............................................ Mrs. Regina T. Cruz, Mr. Pedro U. Cruz Sr., Mr. Jose T. Cruz Sr. ............................................................................................................................................. Mr.Pedro T. Cruz Jr. Ms. Lilia Cruz .............................................. Mrs. Regina T. Cruz, Mr. Pedro U. Cruz Sr., Mr. Jose T. Cruz Sr. ............................................................................................................................................. Mr.Pedro T. Cruz Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Culver ........................................................................................................... Ursula Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Richard Daly ............................................................................................................ Kathleen Daly Mrs. Marie DeMerle ................................................... Bill DeMerle, Mary & Cass Boginski, Carol DeMerle ................................................................................................................................... Ed Voisinet, Gene Gyure Miss Ellen Doran ........................................................................................................ Doran & Martin Families Mrs. Elizabeth Dreachslin ....................................George Dreachslin, Bernard Nowacki, Alice Nowacki Mr. Vincent Duff .................................... Dody Duff & Deceased Members of the Duff & Shanks Family Mr. & Mrs. John Ekin .................................................................................................................... James Szarka Mr. Jeremiah Flood ............................................................................................... My Wife Josephine Flood Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flood ................................................................................... Veronica Flood (Deceased) Mr. & Mrs. Loreto Gallardo ............................................................................ Florendo & Gallardo Families Mr. Thomas R. Geniusz ..................................................................... Thomas M. Geniusz, Mariann Geniusz Mr. & Mrs. Troy Gorman .................................................................................................. Richard A. Gorman Ms. Eugenia E. Haderlein ............................................................................My Husband Peter F. Haderlein Mr. Joseph Harper .................................................................................................................. Michael Harper Ms. Suzanne Haywood ............................................................................................................. Heather Tailor Mr. & Mrs. Gary Henderlight .......................................................................................... Mel & Vera Evanoff Mr. & Mrs. Edward Henry ................................................................................... King Family & Henry Family Mrs. R. Patricia Hoemke ........................... Norman R. Hoemke, Clifford, Betty, Elaine, Barbara & Craig Mrs. Dee Hogeboom ............................................................................................................ Bob Hogeboom Mrs. Lulu Hollow ........................................................................................................................... Anis S. Hollow Mrs. Iris Hramiec ................................................................................................................ Edward J. Hramiec Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hughey ................................................................................... Henrietta & Sam Tisco Mrs. Joann Hunt ............................................................................................... Frederick Hunt, Theresa Hunt Miss Janie L. Iadipaolo ...................................................................................................... Rene M. Iadipaolo Mr. Roger Jankowski ......................................................................... Edward, Angela & Arlene Jankowski Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jarvi ................................................... Raymond O’Brien, Ruth Coursey, Barry Tallent Mr. & Mrs. James Jirkans ................................................ Priests of The National Shrine of the Little Flower Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jordan ............................................................................................... Leonard Malkowski Ms. Rebecca Joseph ............................................................................. Our men & Women in the Military Mrs. Natalie Kelly ........................................................................................ John J. Kelly, Edward P. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kendziorski ........................................................... John Kendziorski, Evelyn Kendziorski ...................................................................................... Frank Partyka, Jennie Partyka, Patricia Kendziorski Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Killiany .............................. Joseph & Mary Angelovich, Andrew & Angeline Killiany ........................................................................................................ Stephen & Anna Galya, Edward Killiany Mrs. Marjorie Kissick ......................................................................................................................Ben F. Kissick

We thank all who donated for Easter flowers ..... In loving memory and honor of

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 15

We thank all who donated for Easter flowers ......In loving memory and honor of

Mr. Michael Kissick ....................................................................................................................... Ben F. Kissick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kole .................................................................................. Holubeck & Kole Families Ms. Elizabeth Kolodziej ........................................................................................................... Veronica Flood Mr. Tom Lamarra .................................... Romeo Lamarra, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lamarra, Mr. & Mrs. Al Arcari Mrs. Mary C. Lareau .......................................................................................... Lareau and Doran Families Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lash ....................................................................................... Rita McMullen, Anne Lash Miss Linda A. Lau ................................................................................................................Helen & Ralph Lau Mr. & Mrs. David B. Lee .................................................... Dorothy Galovich from Robin Stockard Family Mr. & Mrs. Allen Liggett Sr. ................. Liggett, Bline, Santasiero, Brands, Ettinger, MacLeod, Travnikar .......... Townsend, Chisholm, Martin, Keene, Kansa, Meng, Loffredo, Makowski & Tectmeier Families Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Mansfield .................................................................... Mansfield & Thompson Families .......................................................................................................... Deceased members of Gilligan Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Marasigan .................................................................................... Encarnacion, Quentin Ms. Ewa Mason ............................................................................... Jadwiga Zurawska, Kazimierz Piasecki Mr. & Mrs. John Maten ................................................................................... JoAnn McFall, Robert Maten Mrs. Evelyn Mazurek ..........................................................................................Joseph Mazurek (Husband) Mr. & Mrs. Frank McConnell ........................ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Zelenak, Mr. & Mrs. Bert McConnell ................................................................................................................. Mary Ann Yerkovich, William Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Richard McLaughlin ..................................................................... Farley & McLaughlin Families Mrs. Joan McNish ......................................................................................................................... Larry McNish Mr. & Mrs. James Meyers ................................................................................................ Kathleen LeVasseur Mrs. Judith A. Mikich & Leslie Townsend ................................................................ Charlotte A. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. George Miller ....................................................................................................................... Mandy Mr. Fedele A. Morelli ..................................... Frank & Francis Morelli, Irene Peterson, Fr. Florence Hoste ................................................................... Richard Sherman, Nick & Paul Aversa, Walter & John Aversa Mr. & Mrs. David Moulton ........................................................................ Berta Hamann, Donna Moulton Mrs. Marceline Mudie ............................... John & Marcella Sidor, Stanley Sidor, John & Helen Domka ................................................................................................... George & Virginia Mudie, Robert Argarian Mrs. Natalie Muglia .............................................................................................................. Joseph A. Muglia Ms. Carrie Murphy...................................................................................................................... Rose Andreski Mr. & Mrs. Russell P. Murphy ................................. William & Marcella Relph, Russell & Annette Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nader ...................................................................................... Mrs. Katherine O. Nader Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Nagy .... Earl & Helen Beach, Gabriel Nagy Sr., Kevin Spears, Sister Patricia Marie ....... Sister Annunciata Hulse, Sister Mary Catherine, Marge McAlpine, Honor of All Sisters of Charity Mr. Edward Nasrey ............................................................................... Edward, Margaret & Maya Nasrey ................................................................................................... Deceased Nasrey, Nashar, Soules Families Mr. & Mrs. George W. Nicoletti ........................................................................... Josephine & Ernest Grossi Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Nolasco .................................................................... Duqueza Sumabat, Alva Santiago Mrs. Delphine O’Brien............................................................................................................. John N. O’Brien Ms. Kathryne Olejniczak ..................................................................................................... Olejniczak Family Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pace ............................................................................ Leslie Nowicki, Josephine Vollmer Mr. & Mrs. Adolfo Palomo................................................................ The Alongi Family, The Briseno Family Mr. & Mrs. Adam Pashak ..................................................................... Grandpa Saul L. Paulo, Grama Ilze Mr. & Mrs. Scott Piachta ........................................ Catherine Theisen, Matilda O’Connor, Doris Plainta Mrs. Jacqueline Pierik ...................................... Robert Dolkowski, Hillard Dolkowski, Delphine Dolkowski Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pivetta ........................... Antonio, Bartalomeo, Danilo, Luigi, Rosa & Argia Pivetta Mr. & Mrs. John Ploskonka .................................. Devlito Twonlos Sr., Ernest Ploskonka, Judith Ann Dice Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Procopio ................ For the Deceased Members of the Nays & Procopio Families Ms. Lorraine Pyska ............................................................................................................ John & Clara Pyska Mr. & Mrs. Louis Redmond ........................................................................................... Loran Gail Redmond Mrs. Norma Regenold ................................................................................................................. Bill Regenold Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Reid ................................................................................................................... Jo Ellen Mire Mr. & Mrs. Hector Rodriquez ..................................................................... Guillermo Matute, Zoila Matute Mrs. Patricia Roepke ........................................................................................... Clancy & Roepke Families Ms. Kathleen Rohde ............................................ Mary Jo Rohde, Bernard & Irene Rohde, Emma Kane Mr. & Mrs. John V. Rohr .................................................................................. Our Parents & Grandparents Mrs. Katherine Rohr .................................................... John B. Rohr (Husband), Clarice De Reu (Mother) Mr. David Ruhl ............................................................. Robert H. Ruhl & Our Deceased Family Members Mr. & Mrs. James Saindon ............................................................................... Deceased Family Members Ms. Maryann Schaller ........................................................................................................... Justin C. Schaller

Page 16 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

We thank all who donated for Easter flowers ..... In loving memory and honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schindler ............................................. Ray & Mary Schindler, Arthur & Bettie Payne Mr. Gerald J. Schutter .......................................................... Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schutter, Sr., Arthur Schutter Mrs. Theresa Schwarzenberg ................................................................................... Schwarzenberg Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sheahan ................................................................................................... Charles Goynes Miss Marjorie Sikorski ................................................................................................................. George Siefers Mr. & Mrs. Peter Singler ....................................................................................................... Catherine Singler Ms. Marie Soraghan ................................................................................................................ John Soraghan Mr. & Mrs. Martin Smith ....................................................................................... Joann & Joseph Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Stamps ..................................................................................... Frank & Ernestine Petri Dr. & Mrs. Barry R. Szczesny ......................... Raymond & Sophie Szczesny, Wm. & Leona Gill, Jerry Gill Ms. Gay Thacker ......................................................................................................................... Rose Thacker Mr. & Mrs. Julius Tomaszewski ...................... Raymond M. Frederick, Beatrice & Edward Tomaszewski Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Tomaszycki ....................................................................................................... Eulah Biby Mr. Danny Torresan ................................................ Deceased Members of the Torresan & Arra Families Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Tracy ............John & Miriam Tracy, Chet & Jean Lawrence, Allen & Erma Friesner Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vidosh .......................................................................................... Jordan & Starr Vidosh Mr. & Mrs. John Voight ................................................................................................................. John Voight Ms. Maria F. Ward ...................................... Mary C. Ward, Frank K. Ward, Hugh & Catherine Crawford ......................................................................................................................................... John & Mayme Ward Mrs. Grace Weidman ......... Albert Weidman, Margaret & Francis Darling, Mary & Joseph Mulharen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wilding .................................................................................................. Douglas Wilding Ms. Karolyn Wilkey ....................................................................................Robert Wilkey, Katheryn Glaciser Mr. & Mrs. Scott Zimmerman .................................................................... Michelle Rimatzki, Donna Jones

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 17

Page 18 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Bethany Bethany is a Catholic organization that provides spiritual, social, and educational assistance to Christians who are divorced or separated. For more information, visit the Bethany Web site at www.BethanyofSoutheasternMichigan.org or telephone Carol at 248.390.7771 or Michelle at 313.996.8644.

National Shrine of the Little Flower

Perpetual Mass Enrollment Cards The National Shrine of the Little Flower now has a beautiful six page perpetual Mass card available at the Parish rectory office and the National Shrine gift shop. With this enrollment, the person or persons, living or

deceased, will be remembered in a Mass once a month at the National Shrine on or near the first Friday of each month.

The Masses will be celebrated every month in perpetuity. The suggested offering for the enrollment card and a card suitable to be given to family or individuals is $25 per card.

A Family Perspective

In today’s Gospel Mary Magdalene confesses she “did not know” what happened to Jesus. Every relationship is held together by hope and trust in others, because, like Mary Magdalene, we “just don’t know.” Easter continues whenever we accept the uncertainty

in our relationships and joyfully live the present moment in hope and trust. Alleluia. - Bud Ozar

Vocations “The Lord is risen!” (John 20:1–9) Are you being called to pro-claim the truth of the Lord’s Resurrection as a priest? Contact Fr. Tim Birney, Director of Priestly Vocations at 313.237.5875 or visit the Vocations Web site at www.vocationsdetroit.org.

If you know residents at the facility or you would like to join us for Mass to pray and sing, you are welcome. For more information, contact Sister Noreen 248.541.4122, ext. 411.

Mass at Senior Centers

Walton Wood Assisted Living

13 Mile Rd. near Woodward (next to Shrine Catholic Academy) Monday, April 12, 9:30 am

American House Residence

1900 N. Washington (near Mary St.) Tuesday, April 20, 10 am

Greenfield Nursing and Rehab Center

3030 Greenfield Rd. (1 block N. of Webster) Tuesday, April 27, 10:30 am

www.shrinechurch.com April 4, 2010 Page 19

Parish Office

2100 W. 12 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073-3910

Pastoral Staff

Parish Main Number .......................................................................................... 248.541.4122 Rev. Msgr. William H. Easton, Pastor .................................................................... ext 415 Rev. Joseph Lang, Assoc ...................................................................................... ext 412 Rev. Pawel K. Kaczmarczyk, Assoc ..................................................................... ext 419 Rev. Krzysztof Nowak, Assoc ................................................................................. ext 416 Rev. Mr. Thomas R. Avery, Deacon ..................................................................... ext 422 Christian Service, Sister Noreen Ellison, SC .......................................................... ext 411 Director of Liturgical Music, Mr. Rob Abbott ...................................................... ext 442

Parish Education & Religious Formation Staff

Shrine Catholic High School, 3500 W 13 Mile Rd. R.O. 48073 Principal, Mrs. Gabrielle Erken ..................................................................... 248.549.2925 Shrine Catholic Academy, 3500 W 13 Mile Rd. R.O. 48073 Principal, Mrs. Gabrielle Erken ..................................................................... 248.549.2928 Shrine Catholic Grade School, 1621 Linwood R.O. 48067 Principal, Mrs. Sharon Dixon ......................................................................... 248.541.4622 Director of Recruiting, Mrs. Meg Armstrong .................................................. 248.549.2925 Religious Education Office Coordinator, Renee Cramer ........................................................... 248.541.5133 Youth Minister (9-12 grades), Christine Wist ............................................... 248.541.5133 Director of RCIA and Adult Formation, Mr. John LaCroix ....................... 248.543.6955

Development Staff

Associate Director of Development, Mrs. Laurie Bilkie-Snyder ........................ ext 432 Associate Director of Development, Mr. Matthew York .................................. ext 455

Parish Support Staff

Executive Assistant, Mrs. Anne Knapik ................................................................ ext 413 Parish Secretary/Receptionist, Mrs. Charlene Lewandowski ........................... ext 410 Financial Supervisor, Mr. Jim Skaggs ................................................................... ext 423 Parish Bookkeeper, Mrs. Mary Ellen Wassenberg .............................................. ext 421 Building & Grounds Maintenance, Mr. Barney Tatomir .................................... ext 420 National Shrine Director/Church Tours, Mr. Jack Hoolehan ............................ ext 418 Tuition Manager/Marketing Specialist/Herald Editor, Mrs. Vicki Holtyn ......... ext 448

Office Hours

Monday - Friday ........................................................................ 9 am-5 pm, 6:30 pm-9 pm Saturday ........................................................................................................... 9 am-2:30 pm

Emergencies handled at any time. Please limit other visits or phone calls to the above times.

Church Hours

Monday - Friday .............................................................................................. 5:30 am-5 pm Saturday .................................................................................. 7:30 am-after 6:30 pm Mass Sunday ..................................................................................... 6:30 am-after 6:00 pm Mass

Gift Shop Hours

Monday - Friday ................................................................................................... 1 pm-4 pm Second Saturday of the Month ................................................................ 5:30 pm-6:30 pm Second Sunday of the Month ....................................................................... 9:30 am-2 pm


Sunday ........................................................................ 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30, 6:00 pm Saturday ..................................................................................... 8:30 am, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm Weekday ........................................................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am Holy Day ...................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am, 12:00 noon, 7:30 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

After 6:30 am Mass; Saturdays 3-4 pm and 5:30-6 pm.

Sacrament of Baptism

Sunday at 2 pm. Please contact Charlene Lewandowski in the Parish Office at ext 410.

Sacrament of Marriage

Parish members, please contact Anne Knapik in the Parish Office at ext 413 at least six months in advance.

Spiritual Care for the Sick and Homebound Please notify the Parish Office or Sister Noreen at extension 411 if there is an illness,

hospitalization or need for homebound ministry. We will do our best to provide spiritual

support for our parishioners.

Parish Tours

Docents are on duty from 10 am-4 pm Monday-Saturday except during services. Groups of

10 or more call Jack Hoolehan at 248.541.4122, ext. 418 to schedule a time.

Shrine Herald

Submissions are due Monday by 1 pm. Articles should be emailed to

[email protected] to be considered for publication. For questions and/or comments, please contact the Shrine Herald Editor.

While we urge our readers to consider patronizing our advertisers, we cannot and do not endorse their conduct or performance. For information on advertising in the

Shrine Herald, please call 586.979.4241, ext. 326.

NATIONAL SHRINE of the Little Flower

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions

April 2010 Fundamentalism and Extremism

General: That every tendency to

fundamentalism and extremism may be countered by constant respect, by

tolerance and by dialogue among all believers.

Persecuted Christians

Missionary: That Christians persecuted for

the sake of the Gospel may persevere, sustained by the Holy Spirit, in faithfully

witnessing to the love of God for the entire human race.

Shrine Devotional Groups

Rosary for the Unborn

The Rosary for the Unborn is said every

Sunday at 5 pm in the Adoration Chapel.

Mother of Perpetual Help and Chaplet of Divine Mercy Devotions

Tuesdays at 6:45 pm in the St. Thérèse Chapel.

Love of God

God blesses us abundantly. He is so faithful and continues

to pour His Spirit out on us at the Tuesday night prayer meetings. God encourages us to praise Him. Consider joining us Tuesday evenings at 8 pm in the St. Thérèse Chapel.

League of the Little Flower

Devotions to St. Thérèse are held every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. Please join us on April 14 and 28 at 7 pm in the St. Thérèse Chapel,

as we seek the intercession of St. Thérèse in offering up our petitions to Our Lord. Remembering her words, “I will spend my heaven doing good on earth...I will let fall a shower of roses.”

Holy Hour for Vocations

The Holy Hour for Vocations is held every Wednesday at 7 pm in the Stone Chapel at St. Hugo of the Hills.

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DENNIS PEEL - Parishioner

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(248) 569-4200Parish Member

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