April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER Holy Trinity Council # 11789 & Assembly #3097 Serving the Church and Community May 2019 There will no Men’s Breakfast or Parish Dinner this month due to the move of the church this month into the Social Hall. We will resume these in June, using Voltin Hall and classrooms 8 & 10. Grand Knight: John Guerrero 621-1944 Deputy Grand Knight: Roberto Dela Pena 981-2592 Recorder: John McGannon 692-3723 Financial Secretary: Bill Dewey 692-0782 Treasurer: Ronald Wilde 907-227-1587 Chancellor: Jack Seaman 267-4871 Faithful Navigator: John Guerrero 479-4091 Faithful Comptroller: John McGannon 692-3723 Faithful Captain: James Berry 360-830-5224 Faithful Scribe: James Kellogg 425-530-0823 Thank you, Roberto, for fiing in for our Grand Knight! Welcome Back, John! Grand Knight’s Corner 1 Grand Knight Next Council Mtg: Tuesday, May 7, 6:30, Rm 12. Assembly Mtg follows. Late Breaking News! The Kitsap Great Give was this past Tuesday the 23rd, and Holy Trinity Parish had a surprisingly impressive day we finished in FIRST PLACE with donations of $74,065 and that will now get an added boost from the event sponsors! There was even a very dramatic last- minute donation of $ 10,000 from an Anonymous donor. Thank you to a" who participated … (It’s Happening!)

April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: [email protected], or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

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Page 1: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019

KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER Holy Trinity Council # 11789 & Assembly #3097

Serving the Church and Community

May 2019

There will noMen’s Breakfast or

Parish Dinnerthis month due to

the move of the churchthis month into the

Social Hall.We will resume these

in June,using Voltin Hall and

classrooms 8 & 10.

Grand Knight: John Guerrero 621-1944 Deputy Grand Knight: Roberto Dela Pena 981-2592 Recorder: John McGannon 692-3723 Financial Secretary: Bill Dewey 692-0782 Treasurer: Ronald Wilde 907-227-1587 Chancellor: Jack Seaman 267-4871

Faithful Navigator: John Guerrero 479-4091 Faithful Comptroller: John McGannon 692-3723 Faithful Captain: James Berry 360-830-5224 Faithful Scribe: James Kellogg 425-530-0823

Thank you, Roberto, for filling in for our Grand Knight!Welcome Back, John!



Grand Knight

Next Council Mtg:

Tuesday, May 7, 6:30, Rm 12.

Assembly Mtg follows.

Late Breaking News!

The Kitsap Great Give was this past Tuesday the 23rd, and Holy Trinity Parish had a surprisingly impressive day — we finished in FIRST PLACE with donations of $74,065 — and that will now get an added boost from the event sponsors! There was even a very dramatic last-minute donation of $10,000 from an Anonymous donor. Thank you to a" who participated …

(It’s Happening!)

Page 2: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:

No Men’s Breakfast this month due to church remodel work. Sat, May 4: Communal Rosary @ 4:30 PM, in the Church. Mon, May 6—Fri, May 10: Move church pews, etc. into the Social Hall. See Info Below. Tue, May 7: Council Meeting @ 6:30 PM, Rm. 12. Assembly meeting follows.

Sat/Sun, May 11/12: First Masses in Social Hall as temporary church! Fri—Sun, May 17—19: State Convention in Bellevue, WA. Sat, May 18th: Tootsie Roll Drive at Silverdale Safeway, 9AM - 5PM. See Info Below. Sat, May 25th: Tootsie Roll Drive at East Bremerton Safeway, 9AM - 5PM. Thurs, May 30 — Sat, Jun 8: RESCHEDULED Novena and Consecration to the Holy Family. See Info Below.


Looking Forward: What’s on the Agenda?

* We will get the slate for new Officers as well as take nominations for Office!

It’s Happening!

Our remodel is, in essence, begun. The first big event is establishing the Social Hall as our temporary church for about a year. Several Knights (Bill Dewey, Bob Ramirez, Jack Seaman, George Harding and Tom Nealon, among others), have been actively involved with ongoing projects as part of the remodel, recently including the Room 10/12 work and the extensive work in Voltin Hall. Many Thanks to those who have helped. Now, however, the work load will increase significantly as the parish works various jobs concurrent with the major renovations being done by the Contractor. First & foremost, we will be transitioning from the church to the Social Hall the week of May 6—10. There is a considerable amount of work involved with this and volunteers are needed. Gary Graff is the parish Project Volunteer Coordinator and can be contacted for further information at 360-377-0964 or [email protected]. OR, please contact Bill Dewey, Bob Ramirez or George Harding for further information as well.So-o-o-o … after many years of extensive planning and prayerful consideration, after several years of focused fundraising, guess what? (It’s Happening!)

Church Remodel Plan Forward• Mon April 22—Fri May 3: Wall built between church and Social Hall by Contractor.• Mon May 6— Fri May 10: We move into social hall for Mass ~ Volunteers needed.• Sat/Sun, May 11/12: First Masses in Social Hall.

Page 3: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019

Consecration to the Holy FamilyDeacon John and George Harding have taken the lead in organizing a Consecration to the Holy Family, with a novena from Thursday, May 30th—Friday, June 7th, with the Consecration the next day, Saturday, June, 8th, at the 5PM Mass. Please consider participating in this novena and consecration whose purpose is to consecrate families to the Holy Family and to devote themselves to the ideal model of familial love set by Jesus, Mary and Joseph. (See the Flyer below.)

We’ll be doing a Tootsie Roll Drive at the Safeway in Silverdale on May 18th, and at the Bremerton Safeway (on McWilliams Rd.) on May 25th. Sign-Ups are going slow—please try to support this worthy cause with a 2-hour shift on one of these Saturdays.

POC: Mark Alcamo, 377-3023, [email protected].


Page 4: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019

Looking Back: The Month in Review

Part of our Award Winning Cook & Serve Crew (le$-to-right):Vince Cruz, Dan Collins, Alpha Cooper, Art Edquid, Mike Flanery, and Zether Harris.

Le$: The heart & head of our

Master Chefs: Zether & Jaime.

Right: Ticket Masters: Mary Cruz and

Bill Dewey.

Our Master of Ceremonies:Roberto DelaPena

Le$:Raffle Winner of Waterford Crystal (or similar),

our ownKaren Thompson! 4

Our April Parish Dinner didn’t get the attendance we were hoping for, but those that were there had a nice lasagna dinner and enjoyed good fellowship.

Our Last Dinner in the Social Ha" until a$er the remodel!

Page 5: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

George Harding, Bill Dewey & Bob Ramirez at work … and they take note of the Olympic Mountain name inspired by the Knights of Columbus — “The Brothers.”

“Now where was itI left my coffee cup?”

Voltin Hall work COMPLETE!

The Voltin Hall team poured the concrete ramps last week, Bob Ramirez

donated some nice pavers,

and the work on Voltin Hall

has been announced


After several months work, a considerable complete remodel of Voltin Hall is now done — just in time to become a significant benefit during our church remodel! Led by Bill Dewey, the team included Knights Bob Ramirez, George Harding, Jack Seaman, Tom Nealon, Dan Collins and John McGannon, as well as fellow parishioners Henry Altenburg, Fred Zderic, George Ballance, Larry Dahlhauser, John Real and Ray Smith. (Of course, John Guerrero rushed back from Guam just in time to help with the finishing touches!) The only significant work left (for a later date) is the exterior painting.

Many Thanks to you all who helped!


Page 6: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019

Ruffles & Flourishes: Awards & Recognitions

Rose & John Guerrero receive Family of the Month Award for October 20128. (They flew back from Guam

as soon as they were notified of the honor.(And Welcome Back to your REAL Home!)

Roberto & Sol DelaPena receive Family of the Month Award for March 2019 from … is that John Guerrero?

… What brought him home &om Guam?

Roberto DelaPena receives Knight of the Month Award for February, 2019.

Presented by John Guerrero and George Harding.

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

- 1 Samuel 16:7

Don Thompson receives Knight of the Month Award for January 2019.


Page 7: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019

Page 8: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019T.K.’s Reflections

Thomas K. LaBombard



“The Lord … will bless those who fear the Lord, small and great alike.” -Psalms 115:13, NABRE

In the original Hebrew, the name Caleb (kālēv) means “dog.” Alright, it also means “faithful.” It has always intrigued me that in the Hebrew language, they associate dogs with being faithful. So much so that it is literally what they call them. Anyway, Caleb was an amazing man of God. His parents did well giving their son such a name. He was someone we can all emulate.We first notice Caleb in The Book of Numbers when Moses sent twelve scouts into Canaan to reconnoiter the land. When they returned, only two out of the twelve scouts, Joshua and Caleb, were encouraging Moses to take the land. The others were scared, “We cannot attack these people; they are too strong for us” (Numbers 13:31). Caleb though, commented, “We ought to go up and seize the land, for we certainly can do so” (Numbers 13:30). He had the itch and he wanted to scratch it.Why were the other ten scouts fearful to attack Canaan? Giants! The Anakim, a race of giants, happened to live there. The Bible reads that they were descendants of the Nephilim, the offspring of angels and women. The ten scouts said, “We felt like mere grasshoppers, and so we must have seemed to them” (Numbers 13:33). Yet, Caleb wanted to get it on. He knew that God would guide and provide. Unfortunately, God punished the Israelites for their fear and lack of faith to attack by having them wander the wilderness until all who feared to enter the land passed away. Ultimately, Joshua and Caleb were the only two of the twelve scouts who entered into the Promised Land.As we read The Book of Joshua we see that Joshua leads the Israelites in taking over the Promised Land as God commanded. At the end of the campaign(s) Caleb approaches Joshua and states (Joshua 14: 6-12):

You know what the Lord said to the man of God, Moses, about you and me … on that occasion Moses swore this oath ‘The land where you have set foot shall become your heritage and that of your descendants forever, because you have been completely loyal to the Lord, my God.’ … Now that I am eighty-five years old, I am still as strong today as I was the day Moses sent me forth with no less vigor, whether for war or for ordinary tasks…Give me, therefore, this mountain region which the Lord promised me that day, as you yourself heard.

Wow! Eighty-five years old, and just as strong and determined as he was when he was forty. Well, Joshua gave the mountain region of Hebron to Caleb just as requested (Joshua 14: 13). Hebron just happened to be the home of the Anakim; the very giants the Israelites were scared of 45 years earlier. The very ones that Caleb knew they could –would– defeat with God’s help. Caleb defeated them just as he said he would, and after he defeated them, “The land enjoyed peace” (Joshua 14: 15). Israel was done. The land now belonged to them.Hebron was significant for more than just being home of the Anakim though. It is where Abraham and Sarah were buried (Genesis 49:31). Roughly 855 years prior, God promised Abraham this land (Genesis 15:18-21), and now, with Caleb defeating the giants, the promise was fulfilled.Caleb knew and believed God’s promise. He knew and believed that God would give the Israelites the strength to defeat Canaan. He did not question God’s plan for his own life. He embraced it. Jeremiah 29: 11-13 reads:

Page 9: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if

April 25, 2019

Tempus Fugit, Momento Mori – Vivat Jesus!

For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart.

So many times I have failed to trust in God when it would have most benefited me. It is not something I enjoy admitting. Still, I pray daily that, just as Caleb, I hold onto God’s promise of guiding me down the path he has planned for me. I also pray that it is so with you.

Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: [email protected], or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if you’d like to submit something. Thanks for reading . . .


Ascension Sunday 2019 is May 30th: “And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:9-11).

Happy Birthday, Deacon Henry!

May Birthday Knights!

5th Nathan Wernke13th Michael Ha"oran14th Nelson De Juan14th James Berry15th John McGannon21st Henry Miner22nd T Frank Flores27th JosephPalme29th Wil&ed Cena

Page 10: April 25, 2019 KNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER · Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: alcamos@comcast.net, or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if


The purpose of this novena and Consecration is to strengthen families to devote themselves to the ideal model of familial love set by Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

concluding with the Consecration to the Holy Family.

Deacon John will be leading us in the novena and Consecration to the Holy Family as follows:

• The novena (nine-day prayer/service) will be held daily at 6:30PM from: Thursday, May 30th - Friday, June 7th, in the chapel (by the church office).

• Each novena prayer will be followed by social time in classrooms 8 & 10 (with parishioners providing light snacks and refreshments).

• A different family will lead the novena prayer each evening. Participating families are asked to attend as many of the daily novena prayer/services as they are able to.

• The Consecration will be held the day following the novena, on Saturday, June, 8th, at the 5PM Mass.

We will answer questions and have sign-ups after all Masseson the weekends of May 11/12, May 18/19, and May 25/26

— with the first novena prayer the following Thursday, May 30th.

Points of Contact: Deacon John at 425-412-0055 or [email protected], or George Harding at 360-824-0336 or [email protected]