Ministry of Higher Education And Scientfic Research University of Al-Qadisiyah College of Education Department of English Process Adjuncts in English: A Linguistic Study Set by : Ibtihal Aqeel and Asma'a Majeed Supervised by: Lect .Nidhal Jalil Hamzah April 2018

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Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientfic Research

University of Al-Qadisiyah

College of Education

Department of English

Process Adjuncts in English:

A Linguistic Study

Set by : Ibtihal Aqeel and Asma'a Majeed

Supervised by: Lect .Nidhal Jalil Hamzah

April 2018

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ال ي لييييييي ال يييييييخي ييييييي ل الليي ااييييييي الي ال السيييييييمخ )إن فييييييي اليييييييييي الليييه ييين السيييمخ يييخ يييرا فييي الماييير بميييخ س يييأ ال ييييخ ييين ال ييي

ييييخ بيييي في ييييخ يييين يييي ابيييي ييييرس يييي ب ييييخ فييحييييييخ بييييه اليقيل ن م س لسيخل لق الي الساخب الم سخر بين السمخ (الر سيخح

ظيم ال ل ق الله ال ص


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OurF family,

Our supervisor: Lect. Nidhal Jalil, and

Dear friends, with respect.


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Acknowledgements I owe an immense debt of gratitude to my supervisor Lect. Nadhil Jalil for her sound advice and carful guidance contributed to the completion of this paper . Thanks to our family for their help and love. Also, I would like to express my heart felt gratitude and appreciation to all friends for their encouragement and help.


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This study sheds light on process adjuncts in English. Process adjuncts are those adverbials that are used to identify the manner of doing an action, the means by which something is performed and the instrument with which the action might be expressed. It is divided into two chapters. The first chapter, which is entitled 'An overview of Adjuncts, concentrates on the definitions of adjuncts in English as well as their classification. The second chapter focuses upon process adjuncts with reference to defintions, semantic types and syntax. Finally ,the conclusions sum up the findings of the study .


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Chapter One: Adjuncts in English 1 1.1 An Overview of Adjuncts in English 1 1.2 Classification of Adjuncts 4 1.2.1 viewpoint Adjuncts 4 1.2.2 Focusing Adjuncts 5 1.2.3 Intensifier Adjuncts 6 1.2.4 Subject Adjuncts 7 1.2.5 Place Adjuncts 8 1.2.6 Time Adjuncts 9 1.2.7 Process Adjuncts 10 Chapter Two: Process Adjuncts 2.1 Process Adjuncts: Definitions and Semantic Types 11 2.2 The Syntax of Process Adjuncts 12 2.2.1 Manner Process Adjuncts 13 2.2.2 Agent Process Adjuncts 14 2.2.3 Means Process Adjuncts 15 2.2.4 Instument Process Adjuncts 16 Conclusions 18 Bibliography 19


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Chapter One: Adjuncts in English

1.1 An Overview of Adjuncts

Quirk et al( 1985:440) point out that there are four grammatical functions of adverbs in English which are: adjuncts, disjuncts, and conjuncts. Adjuncts and Subjuncts are relatively integrated within the structure of the clause, i.e. they are not separated from the rest of the sentence as in:

1. Slowly she walked back home.

2. He spoke to me about it briefly.

3. We haven’t yet finished.

4. Would you kindly wait for me.

By contrast, disjuncts and conjuncts have a more peripheral relation in the sentence. Semantically, disjuncts express an evaluation of what is being said either with respect to the form of the communication or to its meaning. One identifies disjuncts with the speaker's authority for, or comment on, the accompanying clause:

5. Frankly , I'm tired.

6. Fortunately , no one complained.

Conjuncts express the speaker's assessment of the relation between two linguistic units, eg:

7. She has bought a big house, so she must have a lot of money. We have complained several times about the noise, and yet he does nothing about it. All our friends are going to Paris this summer.

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8. We, however, are going to London. (Lenker, 2010:34).

Biber et al (1999:164) maintain that since one can utter ‘Ralph kissed his mother’ without any need to add an adjunct, it follows that in each of the following the adjunct is optional:

9. Ralph kissed his mother on the cheek.

10. Ralph kissed his mother on the platform.

This is a characteristic of the sentence adjunct, showing its relatively ‘peripheral’ relationship to the rest of the sentence as compared with the relatively ‘central’ relationship of the predication adjunct in (9).But the difference does not necessarily find, as In (9) and (10), in the adjuncts themselves. The same phrase can be used as either predication or sentence adjunct, according as it pinpoints new information in the predication or provides general background information for the sentence as a whole:

11. (I looked everywhere for it and eventually) I found the

letter in the kitchen.

12. (I had totally forgotten about the matter, but then, almost by chance(,) I found the letter(,) in the kitchen.

The contexts supplied show that the adjunct in [11] is prcdicutional while that in [12] is sentential. The parenthesized comma further suggests the relatively peripheral relation of the adjunct, which might occupy a separate tone unit in speech:

13. ...but then, in the kitchen, almost by chance, I found the letter (Ibid:166).

In many cases, it is convenient to see predication

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adjuncts as ’object-related and as sentence adjuncts as ‘subject-related’. Thus, in example(14), the adjunct would normally be interpreted as relating to the date of the disaster:

14. We foresaw a disaster in June.

By contrast, the adjunct in the following seems naturally to relate to the subject and therefore to the time of the foreseeing:

15. In June, we foresaw a disaster. (Biber et al, 1999:164)

An adjunct is an optional, or structurally dispensable, part of a sentence, clause, or phrase that, if removed or discarded, will not otherwise affect the remainder of the sentence. A more detailed definition of the adjunct emphasizes its attribute as a modifying form, word, or phrase that depends on another form, word, or phrase, being an element of clause structure with adverbial function ( Lyons,1968:334).

Similarly, Crystal(2003: 11) sustainss that an adjunct is a term used in grammatical theory referring to an optional element in a sentence. This indicates that adjuncts are syntactically omissible. So, dropping an adjunct will not result in ungrammaticality.

Adjuncts are words and phrases, like adverbs and adverb phrases, which are not completely central to the meaning of the clause; predicate contrasts with adjunct, although with some unfortunate inconsistency. For some grammarians, adjuncts are not a part of the predicate, so that for them a clause consists of subject and predicate. For others, perhaps the majority, adjuncts are a part of the predicate, so that the clause consists of just two parts, subject, and predicate, with the predicate in turn containing, amongst other things, any adjuncts (Hurford,1994:8).

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1.2 Classification Of Adjuncts The researchers adopt the classification held by Quirk et al (1972: 210) who classify adjuncts into seven classes; and these classes are essentially semantic. This means that adjuncts can be categorized in terms of the functional meaning that they contribute to the phrase, clause, or sentence in which they appear. They are as follows:

1.2.1 Viewpoint Adjuncts Viewpoint adjuncts are relatively infrequent in the core corpus and half of them occur in academic writting. Viewpoint adjuncts may be said to be on the borderline between disjuncts and adjuncts(Hasselgard ,2010 :255 ). One can almost reformulate viewpoint adjuncts in two ways, the first way of deriving these adjuncts is by adding the suffix –ly to an adjective as in: 16- He felt morally responsible for the accident. The second way of forming these adverbs is by adding the suffix -wise to nouns:

17- I need you turn that clockwise please. (Quirk et al, 1985 :568) Alexander (1988 :104) states that one can use viewpoint adjuncts by some circumstances in expression and also in writing. For example, (I'm sure): clearly, definitely, honestly; and (I'm goning to be brief): anyhow, briefly: 18-You're clearly upset about something . 19- Well , anyhow we are goning to end it .

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The positon of viewpoint adjuncts can be usually at the beginning of the clause before the subject or other main elements in the clause: 20-Frankly ,I think he is a liar. (Quirk et al , 1972 :211)

1.2.2 Focusing Adjuncts Focusing adjuncts refer to the idea that what is being communicated is limited to the focused part . One can divide focusing adjuncts into two groups . The first group includes 'limiters' that which are in return subdivided into two types which are 'exclusives' and 'particularzers'. Exclusives are limited only to the concentrated part such as: 'alone, just, only, merely, simply'. While particularzers are limited to the part which is essentially concentrated, e.g mostly, chiefly and mainly: 21-There is simply no one like her here . 22-Mostly, she goes to the letures. (Ibid) The second group involves additive adverbs which illustrate that one part of the clause or item is being added to another. Typically, additive adverbs can be additional to something else according to the meaning of the clause . Additives include' also , either , even , and nor': 23- My father won't give me the money .He won't even lend it to me (Biber et al , 2002 :211 ). The normal position of focusing adjuncts in relation to both groups , limiters and additives , is in the middle of the sentence once the element focused is the subject or operator verb : 24- He hadn't done any homework , neither had he brought any of his books to class. (Quirk et al ,1985 : 605 )

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Most focusing adjuncts can shift their position in the clause like 'even, only, simply and just'. The shift is according to the focused part : 25- Even I understood Grammar lectures. 26- I even understood Grammar lectures. (Alexander, 1988 :102 )

1.2.3 Intensifier Adjuncts Quirk et al (1972 :214 ) Illustrate that intensifiers are adjuncts which refer to the intensity scale which may has a high or a low effect . They do not refer to a high point in intensity .They can be subclassifed into three semantic classes : emphasizers ,amplifires , and downtoners: 27- Ican perfectly see why you are anxious about it . With emphasizers, there is an extent of adjuncts concerned with expressing the semantice role of modality: 28- I honestly don,t know what he says. (Quirk et al, 1985 :583 ) Amplifiers refer to a high intensity. Some of the amplifiers modify gradable adjectives such as' more, very, so , and extremely': 29-The doctor was very good . Other amplifiers may refer to the end point such as 'totally, absolutely, completly and quite': 30- They absolutely refuse to listen to the problem .

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Downtoners, in general, are adverbs that have a lower effect on the element which is modifed such as 'less, slightly, somewhat , rather and quite': 31- We know them slightly .(Biber et al , 1999 :210 ) The most common positions of amplifiers are mid and end positions. When the amplifiers are in the form of noun phrases and prepositional phrases, they are restricted to end position. while in positive declarative clauses, mid position is favoured for both boosters and maximizers: 32 -He completely denied it . 33-They attacked him violently .(Quirk et al ,1985 :595 )

1.2.4 Subject Ajuncts

Quirk et al (1985: 572 ) sustain that subject adjuncts can be defined as a sense of the element in the clause structure or even a constituent of the words or condition of the words achieving an item: 34- He kindly offered me to walk .

Subject adjuncts can shift from one position to another. One may move them from the end to the begining or middle of sentence: 35- Marry greeted the stranger casually. 36- Casually, Mary greeted the stranger. These adjuncts can be subdivided into two classes which are general and volitional. General classes apear to be open while volitional can appear before negation. Volitional subject adjunct differ from other classes in these points. First, they express the subject's intention or willingness. Second, they can often occur with intensive verbs. Third, they can more easily appear before clause negation:

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37- Resentfully, the workers have stood by their superiors. 38- Intentionally ,she didn't write to him about it. (Quirk et al, 1985: 572 )

1.2.5 Place Adjuncts A place adjunct is an adverbial that may be in the form of an adverb, prepositional phrase or clause. A place adverb is considered as one of the adverbs that functions as a place adverbial answering the question 'where'. These adjuncts include: here, there, up, outside, and forward '(Leech , 2006: 86 ). Adverbials of place include certain subcategories which are distance, direction and position. Distance adverbials are usually used to answer the question 'How far?. They have both description of distance specific and general: 39- I had to go along way to reach to school. 40- Awoman who fell 50 feet down a cliff was rescued. Direction adverbials are used to describe the pathway inorder to be an answer the questions 'Where?, 'from where?' and 'in what direction?'. Some of these adjuncts describe the sentence in general while others describe direction in relation to the first or initial item :. 41-They were goning southwards, advancing kullen lighthouse . 42- She used to walk to the school . Position adverbials represent the answer of the question 'Where ?' They refer to location :. 43- The diffcult lesson will be discussed further in section 3. ( Biber et al ,2002 :362-3 )

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Place adjuncts are normally positioned at the end of sentence , but when two or more adjuncts are clustereded at end position ,they are orderd as follows : distance – direction – position : 44- She walked a few steps(distance) towards(direction) him in the darkened room(position). Adjuncts of position can be more easily moved to intitial position: 45- On the chair , there was a beautiful girl . With the verb to be, it is very common for 'there' and 'here' to be positioned initially with subject – verb inversion unless the subject is a prounoun: 46-Here is the book. (Greenbaum and Quirk, 1990 : 166-7)

1.2.6 Time Adjuncts

Leech (2006: 112) Illustrates that time adjuncts represent one type of adverbials which add information according to the time of the action such as 'now, recently and since: 47- Last Friday we went to the park. In some cases, a verb lacks other complementations, they are easily predicational: 48-He is arriving this mourning .(Quirk et al ,1985 : 526 ) Time adverbials include three semantic subclasses according to their meaning. Time when adjuncts, time duration and frequency. Time when adjuncts have two types: First, time adverbials which denote a point or period of time as in: 49- He lived in london last year.

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Second, time adverbials also denote a point of time but also imply from which time that action is measured as in: 50-Recently they had an accident. (Quirk et al ,1985: 526) Time duration adjuncts indicate the length of time or event .They normally have end –position : 51-He will be in london for the summer . Frequency adjuncts have two subgroups either definite frequency adverbials which usually have end-position : 52- She go to Japan twice a year on business . Or indefinite frequency adverbs which normally have middle position: 53-They don't normally go to bed before midnight. (Ibid)

1.2.7 Process Adjuncts Biber et al (1999:777) define Process adjuncts as those adverbials that cover a large extent of semantic roles. These adjuncts will be explained in details in the next chapter because they are the main concern of this study.

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Chapter Two Process Adjuncts

2.1 Process Adjuncts: Definitions and Semantic Types Process adjuncts are the adverbials that define the process as determined by the verb. They do not occur with stative verbs, but they occur with dynamic verbs. Process adjuncts prefer a postion at the end of the sentence: 54-He treated his brother badly . Process adjuncts are adjuncts which are ordinarily considered as predicational when they are fronted. The adverbial can be concerned tends to refer to the subject – oriented subject, they are corresponding to realization 'How ? 'In what way?: 55-Obligingly ,she answered to the listeners' questions.(Biber et al, 1999: 777) Quirk et al (1985 :556) state that process adjuncts express the following semantic types which are manner, means, instrument, and agent. The first type is manner process adjuncts which are adverbs that are concidered as the most common and important type of process adjuncts. These adjuncts describe how something is done. They are derived from adjectives which typically end with –ly such as: 'carfully, slowly , hungrily , unconsciously'. Manner adjuncts can be preceded by the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives ' more' and ' most' such as 'more slowly, most carefully. Some of manner adverbs are considered as irregular like ' well, good, better, best'. The second type is means process adjuncts. These adjuncts are showing the means by which the activity or state was accomplished.

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The third type is instrument process adjuncts. These adjuncts identify the instrument which is used in doing the action (Hasselgard, 2010 :26 ). Here, Leech and Svartvik (2003: 156) add that instrument process adjuncts are always used with the preposition' with'. The fourth type is agent process adjuncts which are those agentive adverbials that identify the agent of an action and they are used with passive constructions (Biber et al, 1999: 778 ). Hasselgard (2010 :29) points out that agent adjuncts are considered as the most frequent type of process adjuncts. There are ,however ,good reasons for regarding agents as a category seprate from process adjuncts. They belong to a specific grammatical construction and offer an alternative way of expressing a participant which would have been realized as a grammatical subject in an agnate active clause.

2.2 The Syntax of Process Adjuncts In general, all the four types of process adjuncts can be manifested through the use of a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, an adverb phrase, or a clause. Process adjuncts can be contrasted with one another in alternative interrogation and negation and can come within the scope of predication proforms or predication ellipsis . Normally ,when manner adjuncts are realized by adverbs they can not be the focus of a cleft sentence ,but their acceptability is increased if they are modified or if the focal clause is interrogative or negative .While means ,instrument and agent adjuncts readily become the focus of a cleft sentence ,even as realized by single adverbs (Quirk et al ,1985: 561-2 ). In this section, every semantic type of process adjuncts will be explained in terms of syntactic realizations and position.

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2.2.1 Manner Process Adjuncts Manner adjuncts are adverbs of process which can be realized by the form of noun phrase and they usually constitute prepositional phrases. The noun phrase is considerd as the phrase that has a deleted preposition as in: 56- I would like to send this letter email .[ by email] Also, these adjuncts can be in the form of adverb phrases as in : 57- she danced (very ) beautifully . The forms of manner adjuncts show some sort of comparison as distinct either from a direct reference to manner or from mode of action : 58- She tries to cook food as British do. Manner adjuncts are used to specify something ,what way the action is performed and how the action takes place : 59- How did he write the story ? 60- He wrote it hurriedly . (Quirk et al ,1985 :556 ) As far as position , manner adverbs sometimes occur after the verb: 61- He spoke confidently . When there is an object in the sentence ,manner adjuncts come after the object : 62- They speak British well .

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These adjuncts do not occur between the verb and its object. If the sentence contains a preposition + object, the position of the adjunct is either after the object or before the preposition: 63- He looked at me suspiciously. Or He looked suspiciously at me .( Thomson and Martinet ,1986 :52 ) These adverbs usually come at the end of the sentence. But if the adverb ends in –ly, they can occur in mid position when the adverbs are not the main focus of the sentence: 64- We have suddenly decided to sell the house . P Adverbs might occur with passive verbs ,commonly taking mid –position as in: 65- The driver has been seriously ininjured. (Swan, 2005: 24 )

2.2.2 Agent Process Adjunct Leech (2006 :10 ) shows two diffrent terms related to agent process adjunct. The first term is an agent which is a noun phrase (or sometimes a noun clause ) followed by a passive construction and corresponding to the subject of an active clause. The agent typically refers to the doer of an action signalled by the verb. But in some passive constructions, the agent is not a 'doer', i.e. does not identify the performer of an action. The second term isan agent which is also used semantically to indicate the 'doer' of an action as contrasted with the 'doee': 66- The police rescued several children . The agentive adjuncts cannot be expressed by 'with + NP', when they are accompanying the passive while instrument adjuncts can often be expressed by 'with +NP' or 'by +NP'. There are three forms elicting agent adjuncts.

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Eiether by using the form 'who/what + active; by using 'who(m)/what + passive + by'; or by using 'whom/what + passive': 67-A: Who called her ? B: He seems to have been called her mother . Agent adjuncts can readily become the focus of a cleft sentence even if they are realized by single adverbs: 68- It was surgically that he treated the patient. (Quirk et al ,1985 :559 _60 ) Additionally ,agent process adjuncts are also used in a noun phrase following a passive +by: 69- I'm influenced by all kinds of things .(Biber et al ,2002 :455 ) Biber et al (Ibid: 168) illustrate that passive voice is useful, it reduces the importance of the agent noun phrase by putting it in a ' by –phrase' or not mentioning it at all. In an active voice clause, the agent is the subject of the clause. As far as position is concerned, process adjuncts are usually placed at the end of the sentence since they usually recieve the information focus. There is no other position is likely if the process adjunct is obligatory for the verb: 70- It was heard by millions .

2.2.3 Means Proces Adjuncts Means are adverbs of process adjuncts which are ordinary predicational. When fronted, the adverbial interested tends to become a subject –oriented subjunct no longer exchange to exploration. Means adverbail can be described by activity or state that is a ccomplished:

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71- The use, as the country of origin for the uranium, had orginally insisted that shipments be made by air. (Quirk et al , 1985 :559 ) Leech and Svartvik (2003 :559 ) sustain that means adjuncts can be realized by prepositional phrases which are introduced by the preposition 'by': 72-I usually go to work by bus . Also ,one can use means adjunct intonationally : 73-He decided to treat the patient surgically . Means adjunct are generally drawn out by how – question: 74- A- How are you flying to Europe ? B- (By) British airways. (Quirk et al ,1985 :559 ) Adjuncts of means, however, can be sentence adjunct. Particularly when their allusion is definite rather than generic and when there is adequate optional complentation in the clause: 75-He chopped the parsley with kife .[predication] (Quirk et al ,1985 :556 ) Leech and Svartvik (2003: 75) show that oftentimes when the performer is not mentioned, means adjuncts take the position of the subject : 76- They brought the supplies by train . 77- A train brought the supplies .

2.2.4 Insrument Process Adjuncts Downing and Locke (2006: 155) illustrate that instruments are devices or means generally inert use by a

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supervising agent to perform the process. It is powerfully connected with the preposition 'with' : 78-Write with a pen. With some verbs, the idea of instrument is united into the process itself. In this way, instruments can be used as relevant process : 79- He elbowed his way though the crowd (by using his elbows ) Instrument adjuncts can be in the form of prepositional phrase introduced by with occurring at the end of the sentence: 80-He caught the ball with his left hand . Also, the verb is used with the object to convey the idea of instrument: 81-He always open the letter with a knife . 82-He always uses a kife to open his letter. (Leech and Svartvik , 2003 :75 ) Instrument adjuncts are generally drawn out by the questions 'How' or 'What ': 83-How shall we prop the door open ? 84-What shall we prop the door open with ?(Quirk et al, 1985 :559 )

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Conclusions An adjunct is an element which is a part of a clause or a sentence in which it modifies the verb. Adjuncts can be classified into seven semantic classes which are viewpoint, focusing, intensifier, subject, place, time and process adjuncts. Process adjuncts are those adverbials that define the process as accomplished by the verb. Semantically, they are of four types. First, manner adjucts deal with the way an action is performed. They can be realized by adverbs, prepositional phrases or noun phrases with a deleted preposition. These adjuncts occur at the end of the sentence. But in passive construction, they occur in mid-position. Second, agent adjuncts are considered as the most common type which specify the doer of the action as denoted by the verb phrase. They are realized by prepositional phrases that start with the preposition 'by' in passive sentences where the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the preposition. As far as position is concerned, they occur at the end of the sentence. Third, means ajuncts are those adjuncts that show the means used in accomplishing the action. They are manifested through the use of prepositional phrases that start with the preposition 'by' taking a position at the end of the sentence in which they occur. Fourth, instrument adjuncts refer to the instruments that are used in doing an action. They take the form of a prepositional phrase starting with th preposition 'with' and occurring at the end of the sentence.

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