. Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World April 2015 Volume 6, Issue 4 Published Monthly Dyer United Methodist Church 2016 Church Street Dyer, IN 46311 219.865.8947 www.dyerumc.org ReNeGaDe mIsSiOn aNd sErViCe Thank you to everyone who has parcipated in our mission opportunies during Lent. There has been such a posive Ministry that we will connue to offer those opportunies. If you feel led to announcements for upcoming opportunies. The speaker at the Bishop's Youth Rally challenged us to consider how we could be radically normal in our walk with Jesus. Could we be... Radically generous? Radically forgiving? Radically kind? Radically _______? How would you fill in that blank? W e had 20 AWESOME youth and adults from Dyer UMC who attended the Bishop’s Youth Rally in Indianapolis on Saturday, March 14! Join us at Dyer United Methodist Church April 2: Maundy Thursday at 7PM A ‘Last Supper’ Tenebrae and Communion Service April 3: Good Friday at 7:00PM Cantata Service: Who Is This King? April 5: Easter Sunday Sonrise Service at 7:00AM Easter Sunday Worship Service at 9:00AM More information Regarding our Holy Week on Page 3

April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter

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Catch up on all that's happening & coming up at Dyer United Methodist Church, Dyer, Indiana. www.dyerumc.org 219-865-8947

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Page 1: April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter



Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

April 2015 Volume 6, Issue 4 Published Monthly

Dyer United Methodist Church 2016 Church Street

Dyer, IN 46311 219.865.8947


ReNeGaDe mIsSiOn aNd sErViCe

Thank you to everyone who has par�cipated in our

mission opportuni�es during Lent. �!

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There has been such a posi�ve �


Ministry that we will con�nue to offer

those opportuni�es. If you feel led to

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announcements for upcoming opportuni�es.�

The speaker at the Bishop's Youth Rally

challenged us to consider how we could be

radically normal in our walk with Jesus.

Could we be... Radically generous? Radically

forgiving? Radically kind? Radically _______?

How would you fill in that blank?

W e had 20 AWESOME

youth and adults from

Dyer UMC who attended the

Bishop’s Youth Rally in Indianapolis

on Saturday, March 14!

Join us at Dyer United Methodist Church

April 2: Maundy Thursday at 7PM A ‘Last Supper’ Tenebrae and Communion Service

April 3: Good Friday at 7:00PM Cantata Service: Who Is This King?

April 5: Easter Sunday Sonrise Service at 7:00AM Easter Sunday Worship Service at 9:00AM

More information Regarding our Holy Week on Page 3

Page 2: April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter

Look what happened last month

Couples Ministry The Couples Ministry started last June as an opportunity for

couples to fellowship and establish integral Christian

relationships. This is an opportunity to serve Christ and each

other with the goal to strengthen our relationships and

provide support for each other. We have enjoyed getting better

acquainted through fun, social activities. We welcome all couples to join us! To date we

have enjoyed dinner and a sunset at the beach, a pasta dinner night and game night and a Mexican Fiesta at

Tequila#s in Dyer. We have more activities planned and look forward to more couples joining in on the fun!

Our next Couples Night is Friday, March 27th at

7:00PM at the church. We will be hosting an Appetizer

and Game Night. Bring your favorite appetizer to share

and your favorite game. If child care is needed please let

us know when you RSVP.

Come and join us for an evening of fun and fellowship!

RSVP to Carl & Lorrie Lisek at (219)765-4776 or Bob & Nancy Forsythe at (219)322-5532.

Pics from our Mid-week Missions Youth Group. The kids made posters to show their love and support for teenagers in the Logansport juvenile detention center. They also worked on thank you cards for some of our teachers.

Community Breakfast! Our next Community

Breakfast is Monday, April 20!

Hope to see you there!

These men are living and loving like the Rebel Jesus!

They headed to the streets of Chicago to feed the homeless as part of our church's Renegade Missions.

Dakota Wesleyan University Highlanders and Wesleyan Bells

Spring Concert Tour

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Page 3

Sunday, April 5


Come celebrate Easter with your Dyer United Methodist Church Family!

Breakfast includes egg casseroles, fruit, pastries and juice, along with Tom Lane’s AMAZING Biscuits and Gravy. Tickets are $6.00 per person/$22.00 max per family, and will be sold dur-ing the next TWO Sundays at church. You can also reserve your tickets by coming to the church office.

Also: The Easter Breakfast Prep Group will be meeting on Saturday April 4, 2015 at church at 8:00AM to begin preparing for Sunday’s Breakfast! All interested individuals & RENEGADES are invited!

On March 8, we hosted a free concert by the Dakota Wesleyan University Highlanders choral ensemble and the Wesleyan Bells hand-bell choir on their Spring Tour.

They filled the church with beautiful and often delightfully surprising music. Check out their awesome rendition of "Stairway to Heaven" on our YouTube page. Thanks to everyone who helped make the students and leaders feel welcome by providing after-concert snacks and overnight accommodations. A special shout out to Melissa Cornet for coordinating the food and the host families.

April 2: Maundy Thursday at 7PM

A ‘Last Supper’ Tenebrae & Communion Service

This is a service to commemorate Jesus' last supper

with his disciples before his arrest. We will combine

the Communion service with the Tenebrae to tell the

story of that last night. The word "tenebrae" means

darkness. The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian service that makes use of gradually diminishing light

through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize

the events of that week from the triumphant Palm

Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.

Join us Good Friday for a performance of the Easter Cantata "Who Is This King?" The cantata tells the Easter story with dramatic readings and songs, and asks the question, "Who is This King?" Those who witnessed the life and ministry of Jesus were consistently mixed in their verdicts about who he was. Confusion surrounded even Christ's most devoted followers in his final days when he was rejected and crucified. As a Good Friday event, this performance ends with a heart-wrenching "to be continued..."

April 3: Good Friday at 7PM

~ April 5 ~ Easter Sunday Sonrise Service at 7:00AM

Easter Sunday Worship Service at 9:00AM

2015 Holy Week Worship Experiences

Page 4: April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter


Youth Group News

Schedule for the Month of APRIL

April 1st — Special Mid-week Mission (see below for info)

April 5th — Easter (SONRISE SERVICE 7AM)—No Youth Group

April 8th — All Sons & Daughters concert in Chicago (no Mid-week mission)

April 12th — Youth Group 2-4PM

April 18th — NWI Food Bank (NO midweek mission April 15th)

April 19th — Youth Group 2-4PM

April 20th — Camp Prices increase by $30!!!!

April 26th — Youth Group 2-4PM For more information

contact Josh:

[email protected]



Twitter: @joshruttledge

Instagram: @jruttledge

We have combined the normal meeting dates for all ages back to Sunday afternoons from 2-4PM

We will continue to do mid-week service-oriented events with Church of Four Seasons.



Mid-week Missions

We are meeting on a weekly basis at The Ark from 6-7PM. for a time of mission & service to our community. We will take part in various mission and service activities, and each week

is something different.

April 1st:

Night Ministry @ South Shore We will be serving food from a bus to about 100

homeless people that night. We can only take 4 youth and 2 adults, so please let me know if you are committed to serving.

The space is EXTREMELY limited. We will leave from Dyer UMC by 6:30PM. on April 1st

and return later that evening.

April 18th: NWI Food Bank We are taking part in the NWI Food Bank’s packing day on April 18th from

9:00-noon. We will carpool from Church of Four Seasons to the food bank. We will leave by 8:30AM and return by 1:00PM. Contact Josh for more info, and to get

signed up. There are forms that need to be turned in, in advance of this activity.

We are taking a trip to the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago on Wednesday, April 8th to take part in the Night of Worship & Conversation. The show starts at 7:30PM, so we will be leaving from COFS by 6PM. The Cost is $15 a person. Due to the fact that we won’t be back until LATE on a weeknight, we are going to limit it to only High School

students. We are in need of adults to drive to and from this event as well. Contact Josh for more info, and to get on the list to go. We will be buying the tickets ahead of time, so please have the money turned in to Josh by Easter Sunday, April 5th.

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What if I can’t make it to the time goal? Something is always better than nothing! And everyone has to start somewhere. Even if you've been sedentary for years, today is the day you can begin to make healthy changes in your life. If you don't think you'll make it for 30 or 40 minutes, set a reachable goal for today. You can work up toward your overall goal by increasing your time as you get stronger. Don't let all-or-nothing thinking rob you of doing what you can every day.

Here are some easy ways to incorporate physical activity in your life:

Get out the leash and walk your dog. It’s a great activity for both man and man’s best friend. Your heart, and your pooch will thank you!

Take your child for a brisk walk. It’s an excellent way to get some one-on-one time. Spice up your routine by exploring new neighborhoods or turning your walk into a scavenger hunt.

Mall walk. Are you sweating (or shivering) at the idea of walking outside? Take a brisk stroll around your local mall instead. Window shop, people watch and give your heart a workout in a climate-controlled environment.

Join a team. Pick an activity you love and round up some friends. Team sports can be fun and keep you motivated and accountable.

Walk and talk. Even if you’re glued to your phone for work calls, you don’t have to be glued to your seat. Make it a habit to talk and walk.

Tune into fitness during TV time. Reject your inner couch potato. Walk, jog in place or use the treadmill at the gym while you watch your favorite 30-minute show.

Park and walk. How many times have you circled the parking lot to find “the” spot? Spare yourself the stress and gain more energy by parking far away and walking farther to your destination.

Take the stairs. The elevator may go up — but it doesn’t make your heart rate climb. Take the stairs instead. You may huff and puff at first, but over time, your body will thank you.

Dance! Do it in a ballroom, at a club or even in your living room. You’ll burn calories and gain a new hobby.

Skip the cake, say goodbye to pie and take a walk after dinner. You’ll get a reward that’s sweeter than dessert: more family time.

For more information visit: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/FitnessBasics/American-Heart-Association-Recommendations-for-Physical-Activity-in-Adults_UCM_307976_Article.jsp

A pril is a great month to start thinking about and incorporating regular exercise in your routine if you

haven’t already. Why exercise? Here are some of the benefits of regular exercise:

• Improves your chances of living longer and living healthier.

• Helps protect you from developing heart disease and stroke or its precursors, high blood pressure and undesirable blood lipid patterns.

• Helps protect you from developing certain cancers, including colon and breast cancer, and possibly lung and endometrial (uterine lining) cancer.

• Helps prevent type 2 diabetes (what was once called adult-onset diabetes) and metabolic syndrome (a constellation of risk factors that increases the chances of developing heart disease and diabetes.)

• Helps prevent the insidious loss of bone known as osteoporosis.

• Reduces the risk of falling and improves cognitive function among older adults.

• Relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety and improves mood.

• Prevents weight gain, promotes weight loss (when combined with a lower-calorie diet), and helps keep weight off after weight loss.

• Improves heart-lung and muscle fitness. • Improves sleep.

Being physically active is important to prevent heart disease and stroke, the nation’s No. 1 and No. 5 killers. To improve overall cardiovascular health, we suggest at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise (or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity). Thirty minutes a day, five times a week is an easy goal to remember. You will also experience benefits even if you divide your time into two or three segments of 10 to 15 minutes per day.

Physical activity is anything that makes you move your body and burn calories.

This includes things like climbing stairs or playing sports. Aerobic exercises benefit your heart, and include walking, jogging, swimming or biking. Strength and stretching exercises are best for overall stamina and flexibility.

The simplest, positive change you can make to effectively

improve your heart health is to start walking. It's

enjoyable, free, easy, social and great exercise. A walking

program is flexible and boasts high success rates because

people can stick with it. It's easy for walking to become a

regular and satisfying part of life.

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Page 6: April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter


Upcoming Events

Sign up for email event reminders at www.dyerumc.org. Go to the calendar page.

At Your Service Pastor Jim Clark .................................... .�[email protected]

Office Administrator Diane Sinish�������.��...��[email protected]

Music Director Juanita Jarecki�������.��[email protected]

Nursery Coordinator/Custodian Angie VanDeursen���..��[email protected]

In Our Prayers Eileen Beil Gloria Johnson Travis Beil Jackie Mauch Shirley Cearing Desmond Ramirez Linda Crowder Wynter Rose Melba Fixter Jackie Smith Donna Glittenberg Lorraine Warmelink Amy Hoch Our Service Members 2105 Confirmation Class

If you have a prayer need that you would like to add to the prayer chain, please call the church office, Cathy Millard at 219.365.3954 or send an email to Roseann Piercy at [email protected].

Free Community Breakfast

Dyer UMC 2016 Church Street

Monday, April 20, 8:30-10:30AM

Hope to see you there!

Foodies Marketcafé (formerly the Subway GO Group)

Thursdays @ 11:30AM (corner of Hart St & US 30)

Buffalo Wild Wings (Young Adults 18-30ish)

Wednesday Nights @ 7PM (Rt. 41 in Schererville)

If you are interested in starting a GO Group or have questions, call the office at 219.865.8947.


“Being a church that leaves the building.”

The GO Groups meet to pray, study the Bible and discuss ways we can be in service to our community.

Thank you!

June 15-19


VBS Sunday

June 21, 2015






Desmond Ramirez is improving and the drain is working to remove the excess fluid. Tonya has now been allowed to hold Desmond for short periods of time. Tonya and her

husband, Joe want the congregation to know that they greatly appreciate the support and prayers for Desmond and the family. Please continue to pray for God’s healing of Desmond.

Confirmation Sunday is May 31, 2015

Congratulations to the following Confirmands who will be confirmed on May 31, 2015

Cayla Costello Brenna Sealy Anna Delahunty Joule Tazbir Franklin Frohock Emily Vavercan Samantha Meyer Tyler Wojciechowski Harmony Wojciechowski

Visit our YouTube Page Ever wonder where all the videos from the Pasta Dinner live? Or the videos from concerts we've hosted? We have a YouTube Channel now. We've also just begun posting the audio track from the Sunday morning messages there as well.

Check us out! https://www.youtube.com/user/DyerUMC8947/

Page 7: April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter

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Page 8: April 2015 Dyer United Methodist Newsletter

Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2 Mailing Address Line 3 Mailing Address Line 4

Weekly Service Times

Sundays 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Fellowship Time

10:30 a.m. Sunday School (All ages)

Prayer Gathering 7:15 a.m. Sunday Mornings

www.dyerumc.org 219-865-8947

April/May 2015 Meetings

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors 2016 Church Street Dyer, IN 46311

N.O.A.H Tuesday, April 7 6:30PM

Trustees Tuesday, April 7 7:00PM

Mission’s Team Monday, April 13 7:00PM

Staff-Parish Monday, April 20 7:00PM

Children’s Ministries Monday, April 20 7:00PM

DUMC Staff Tuesday, April 21 10.00AM

Finance Team Tuesday, April 28 6:00PM

Ad Council Tuesday, April 28 7:00PM

Worship Team Monday, May 4 7:00PM

Join us for Youth Group at the ARK Sundays: 2-4PM & Wednesdays: 6-7PM.

13501 109th Ave, Dyer, IN

Junior High (6th-8th) & Senior High (9th-12th)