visit us at www.dealstandrews.org.uk The Lantern The Parish Magazine of S. Andrew’s, Deal APRIL, 2012

April 2012

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The monthly magazine of the parish church of St. Andrew's, Deal, Kent

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Page 1: April 2012

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TheLanternThe Parish Magazine of S. Andrew’s, Deal

APRIL, 2012

Page 2: April 2012

Who’s Who in the Parish

Parish Priest:

The parish is in an interregnum

Honorary Assistant Clergy:

Father Ian Shackleton SSC 01304 379773 Father Roger Marsh SSC 01304 362851


Peter Gibson 01304 380860Waveney Brooks 01304 367961

PCC Officers

PCC Secretary: Ali RobertsonPCC Treasurer: Mike CareyElectoral Roll: Bryan Evans

Director of Music: Tim Woodhead

Lantern editor: Peter Gibson

The Parish Office:

S. Andrew’s Church, West Street, Deal CT14 6DY

(01304) 381131 - Email: [email protected]

The Parish Office is not manned full-time but mail and telephone messages are checked every day.

The Parish of S. Andrew, North Deal is in the Diocese of Canterbury in the Church of England.

Page 3: April 2012


The Lantern

Need a Venue either for your Special Occasionor for your Regular Activity?

Thought about S. Andrew's Church Hall?

It has a small kitchen, lavatories (including disa-bled and baby-station facilities), cinema system

and paved area.

Hire charge is £7.50 per hour.

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Advertise in The Lantern.

Nearly 2500 households reached.


For more information contact Kate Rushbrook at [email protected]

Page 4: April 2012

In Church each week at S. Andrew’s

Matins is said at 8 am on Saturdays; otherwise at 9 am. on weekdays. Evensong is said at 6 pm.

Sunday 8.00 am Low Mass (Book of Common Prayer)10.00 am Parish Mass (Common Worship)6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction (BCP)

Monday 10.00 am Low Mass

Tuesday 9.30 am Low Mass

Wednesday 10.00 am Low Mass

Thursday 12.00 noon Low Mass

Friday 6.30 pm Low Mass (a priest is normally available

before and after the service for spiritual counsel)

Saturday 8.30 am Low Mass

On Festivals and Holy Days, service times may vary - please see our Notice Board or website or website

Holy Baptism, Weddings and Funerals

Please contact Father Ian Shackleton on 01304 379773 for inquiries about any of these services.Baptisms are usually on the second Sunday in each month.

Front cover: Noli me tangere. The risen Christ with Mary Magdalene in the

garden. From a window in Chartres Cathedral.

Page 5: April 2012

Father Ian writes ......Most people are familiar with the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's 'Messiah'. hallelujah is a variant of Alleluia which latter form it is seen in most liturgical texts. It is a composite Hebrew word which means literally 'Praise ye Yah (the Lord)'. Studiously avoided throughout the relatively muted worship of Lent and Holy Week, the word re-emerges resoundingly at Easter.

A couple of decades ago the declaration 'We are the Easter people and Allelu-ia is our song' enjoyed a popular currency within some church circles. And while the whole spectrum of Christian theology and experience can never be encapsulated in one catchphrase such as this, it reminds us that without the Resurrection of Christ as a central tenet, the whole exercise is worthless. S. Paul puts it succinctly: 'If Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain'.

To get a grip on Easter and the Resurrection it helps to cast our minds back to Christmas and that the Babe whose birth we celebrated then was equally di-vine and human. He was and is both God and man. Lent, Passiontide and ho-ly Week concentrate on the indignities he underwent; the vociferous insults of the cynical and contemptuous crowd as they bayed for His blood; the crown of thorns, the nails and the Cross. So we must remember in the words of the Blessed John Henry Newman, 'that He to whom these things were done ... was Almighty God.'

On the Cross, Christ meekly accepted the worst that our human nature could do in its cynical rejection of God's love. In his resistance of all temptations to the contrary, He accepted that death, and therein lay his victory. Wickedness had exhausted its potential. From that moment it was helpless so that with every reason that day, when man's revolt against God's love was rendered ulti-mately helpless, has since been known as Good Friday.

Then as now, Christ's Resurrection on the third day, as the news got around, received a mixed reaction. Then as now, human nature, inclined to cynicism in the face of realities beyond the reach of its five senses, was incredulous. So at first were the dispirited and despairing disciples when Mary Magdalene brought the news of the empty tomb, with the grave clothes lying there but the Lord gone and the great stone blocking the entrance to the tomb rolled back.

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But as the days passed their sorrow turned to joy as the living Jesus was seen by them on different occasions and in different places. These were not self-delusive 'sightings' as some have subsequently suggested but real, concrete encounters in which He walked with talked and ate with them.

They understood the reality, if not all the ramifications. They were trans-formed from frightened men in hiding 'for fear of the Jews' into men on a mission; fearless in proclaiming the Gospel, the 'Good News'. They became the nucleus of the Church which, despite its imperfections and sometimes wretched failures, has continued for two thousand years to be the Body of Christ in this world. its sacraments remain the channel of God's love; its fel-lowship abounds with a mutual love which extends outwards to all who seek it.

The Resurrection of Christ is real and objective. Many have sought to explain it away or to 'interpret' it as merely a subjective experience. In the end though, you can't 'explain' or 'interpret' something which hasn't happened.

At Easter the Universal Church sings her Alleluias. So at S. Andrew's - and we would love to have you among us.

Mums and Toddlers

at St. Andrew’severy Wednesday

(during school term-time)

9.30 to 11.30 am

Page 7: April 2012

Saint Ælfheah (Alphege) Feast Day 19th April.

April 19th 2012 will mark the millennium of the violent death of �lfheah, Archbish-op of Canterbury.

Purportedly born in Weston on the outskirts of Bath, �lfheah became a monk early in life. He first entered the monastery of Deerhurst but then moved to Bath, where he became an anchorite. He was noted for his piety and austerity, and rose to become abbot of Bath Abbey. Probably due to the influence of Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury (959–988), �lfheah was elected Bishop of Winchester in 984, and was consecrated on 19 October that year. While bishop he was largely responsible for the construction of a large organ in the cathedral, audible from over a mile (1600 m) away and said to require more than 24 men to operate.

Following a Viking raid in 994, a peace treaty was agreed with one of the raiders, Olaf Tryggvason. Olaf converted to Christianity and undertook never to raid or fight the English again. �lfheah may have played a part in the treaty negotiations, and it is certain that he confirmed Olaf in his new faith.

In 1006 �lfheah succeeded �lfric as Archbishop of Canterbury.

In 1011 the Danes again raided England, and from 8–29 September they laid siege to Canterbury. Aided by the treachery of �lfmaer (abbot of St Augustine's), whose life �lfheah had once saved, the raiders succeeded in sacking the city. �lfheah was tak-en prisoner and held captive for seven months. Canterbury Cathedral was plundered and burned by the Danes following �lfheah's capture.

�lfheah refused to allow a ransom to be paid for his freedom, and as a result was killed on 19 April 1012 at Greenwich (then in Kent, now part of London), reputedly on the site of St Alfege's Church. The account of �lfheah's death appears in the An-glo-Saxon Chronicle:

... the raiding-army became much stirred up against the bishop, because he did not want to offer them any money, and forbade that anything might be granted in return for him. Also they were very drunk, because there was wine brought from the south. Then they seized the bishop, led him to their council chamber on the Saturday in the octave of Easter, and then pelted him there with bones and the heads of cattle; and one of them struck him on the head with the butt of an axe, so that with the blow he sank down and his holy blood fell on the earth, and sent forth his holy soul to God's kingdom.

Continued overleaf

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�lfheah was the first Archbishop of Canterbury to die a violent death. A report tells that �lfheah was first buried in St Paul's Cathedral. In 1023 his body was moved by King Cnut (Canute) to Canterbury. Pope Gregory VII canonized �lfheah in 1078, with a feast day on 19 April. Thomas Becket is said to have commended his life into �lfheah's care shortly before his own martyrdom, the second but not the last Archbishop of Canterbury to die violently.



In the Church’s introduction to the season of Lent we are invited to observe the forty days “by self- examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy word.” A simple way of observing the last of these disciplines is by sharing in a Lectio Divina, a meditation on a reading from Ho-ly Scripture. I was introduced to this format when visiting another school. A group of school chaplains was led in this devotion by a sixth former. Lectio Divina has become part of that school’s life and voluntary groups of pupils and staff gather at lunch time or in the evening in houses or wherever to spend about fifteen minutes in reflection on a passage of scripture.

How the group is organized varies. The leadership usually rotates around the group and the passage is often chosen and introduced by the leader. The structure is simple and appears opposite. Everything is begun and done in the Holy Name. Reflection is followed by a simple threefold confession. The Word is read by a member of the group and is then meditated on in silence. This is followed by the sharing of ideas and impressions formed from the reading. There is no definite time for this and the dura-tion will depend upon people’s commitments. Insights gleaned from the meditating on scripture lead to extemporary prayers which are concluded with the saying of the Lord’s Prayer. The sharing of the Peace brings the Lectio to an end.

I have started a weekly Lectio in the school where I am currently chaplain. A small group of pupils and staff meets in Chapel after lunch on a Tuesday for fifteen minutes. It seems to provide a brief oasis of reflection in the midst of a hectic commu-nity whether you are a pupil, a secretary or teacher. The venue can be anywhere. A group can be any mixture. You can do this exercise on your own, in your own home. It does not have to be in Lent!

Fr. Roger

Page 9: April 2012


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AmenTo prepare ourselves for this lectio let us call to mind our sins:

A moment of silenceLeader: You were sent to heal the contrite:

Lord have mercyLord have mercyYou came to call sinners:

Christ have mercyChrist have mercy

You plead for us at the right hand of the Father:Lord have mercyLord have mercy

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to ev-erlasting life. Amen

The reading of the Word of GodReflection in SilenceSharing our thoughts

IntercessionsOur Father

The Sign of Peace.

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Page 11: April 2012

What’s On in April

Friday 30th MarchTalk : Pre-Fab Kid given by Gregory Holyoake at 7.00pm

Sunday 1st April Palm Sunday 10.00am Union Street Car Park - Blessing and Distribution of Palms, Procession followed by Parish Mass

Tuesday 3rd AprilChrism Mass at Canterbury Cathedral - 12 noon

Maundy Thursday 5th AprilMass of The Lord’s Supper - 7.00pm

Good Friday 6th AprilChildren’s Liturgy followed by Hot Cross Bubs - 10.30amThe Stations of the Cross - 1.00pmThe Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion - 2.00pm

Holy Saturday 7th AprilPaschal Vigil and First Mass of Easter - 8.00pm

Easter Day 8th AprilLow Mass - 8.00pmSolemn Parish Mass - 10.00amEvensong and Benediction - 6.00pm

Monday 9th AprilAntiques Fair - Church Hall - 9.00am to 2.00pm

Saturday 21st AprilConcert by Deal Parochial School Choir 7.00pm

Friday 27th AprilTalk: King Edward II given by Dr Rosemary Horrox at2.30pm. Entrance �7.50 (includes tea)7.30pm Deal Festival Concert - The Caliband. Tickets �12

Saturday 28th AprilCell of Our Lady of Walsingham: Low Mass,and the HolyRosary 11.30am followed by the Blessing of the Sea at 2.00pm

Page 12: April 2012

Lent Quiet Day

The parish Quiet Day took place on Saturday, March 3rd, when Fr Anthony Moore, chaplain of St Catherine's College, Cambridge, came to conduct the day to help us concentrate our thoughts on our keeping of Lent. As Fr Ian was unwell the day start-ed with Fr Robert Jordan taking Morning Prayer. This was followed by Low Mass, celebrated by Fr Anthony who, after a brief period for reflection, gave his first ad-dress. He based it on a passage from S. John's Gospel chapter3 - following the story of Nicodemus, who was told that he should be 'born anew'. This led to the thought that during Lent we should be 'squeezed, moulded, broken, and squeezed a bit more.' A quiet time followed, when people were free to sit and read anywhere in the church - or get themselves a cup of coffee, wander or just sit quietly.

At 12 noon the Angelus was said, followed by the midday office of Sext. After this a poverty lunch was served in the hall - homemade soup, bread and cheese - eaten in silence while Fr Anthony read to us from the book of Ecclesiastes (including the well-known passage: For everything there is a season...). The afternoon office of None followed in the church, followed by Fr Anthony's second address. This time he took another passage from S. John's gospel - ' ...as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wil-derness.' More quiet time for contemplation followed, and the day ended with Even-song and Benediction, celebrated by Fr Jordan.

As the day ended, we all gathered in the hall for 'tea and chat'. Tongues were loos-ened, and everyone was able to express how much they had benefitted from sharing in such an oasis of quiet in our busy lives.

We are very grateful to Fr Anthony for making the journey from Cambridge to be with us.

Waveney Brooks

Poverty LunchHaving enjoyed a wonderful Quiet Day at S. Andrew's on 3rd March, I feel duty bound to praise the Poverty Lunch that was enjoyed by all who attended.

But I ask myself, 'Poverty by whose standards?'

Our nourishing lunch, consisting of Leek and Potato Soup, served with French bread and a smidgin of cheese if desired, and washed down with fresh water, would have been a meal fit for a king in many parts of the world where famine prevails.

Pat Thomsett Jones

Page 13: April 2012

Graces (continued from the March issue)

It is sadly the case that not everyone has enough to eat. There are others who depend on a very repetitive diet. While God is not to blame for these deficiencies it is clearly very difficult to offer him enthusiastic thanks in such situations.

Some people have more than enough to eat but their greed leads them to be picky, and unable to suppress their disappointment when presented by 'second class' fare. Others are aware of the plight of the less well-off but see this as a confirmation that they have deserved and enjoy God's special favour.

The graces below reflect all of the above and more. They are taken from a small book entitled Prayers and Graces, a little book of extraordinary piety.* It was published in 1944 so perhaps it is not surprising that the emphasis is on spartan fare and a dissatis-faction with prevailing circumstances.

The first example is attributed to Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver's Travels and Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.

For rabbits young and rabbits old,For rabbits hot and rabbits cold,For rabbits tender, rabbits tough,

We thank Thee, Lord; we've had enough.

The next is by that prolific author, Anon.

O lord, Who made these loaves and fishes,Look down upon these two poor dishesAnd though they be exceeding small,Make them enough, we pray, for all:For if they should our stomachs fill,Heav'n will have wrought a miracle.

The editor of the little book, A M Laing, penned the following:


Upon this scanty meal, O Lord,Bestow a blessing in accord:

Pour Thy grace in measure small,Lest it more than cover all.

Continued overleaf.

Page 14: April 2012

Bless the tiny piece of ham:Bless the lonely dab of jam:

Bless the sparsely-buttered toast,Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Next is the example of a greedy clergyman who, when asked to say grace, would look anxiously to see if there were champagne glasses on the table. If there were he would begin: 'O most bountiful Jehovah...' , but if he saw only red wine glasses, he would pray: 'We are not worthy, O Lord, of these, the least of Thy mercies...'

In the next grace Robert Burn satirizes the self-satisfaction of a Calvinist Scotsman who is full of pride in knowing that he and his kind are among the Elect.

Some hae meat+, and canna eat,And some wad eat that want# it;But we hae meat, an' we can eat,

And sae the Lord be thankit.

We will end with an example by R L Gales that shows true gratitude to the Al-mighty, which should be what all genuine graces attempt.


Praise to God who giveth meat+Convenient unto all who eat:

Praise for tea and buttered toast,Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

*Collected by Allan M Laing with illustrations by Mervyn Peake and published by Victor Gollancz.

+ meat means food in general; # want means lack.

Page 15: April 2012

Easter Quiz for all ages

1. What is traditionally eaten in the UK on Shrove Tuesday?2. Mardi Gras or carnival takes place around the World on Shrove Tues-

day. What does Mardi Gras literally translate to in English?3. What is the first day of Lent called?4. Christians fast during the forty days of Lent? What does fast mean?5. Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday commemorates the

Last Supper, but which Jewish festival took place at the same time as the Last Supper?

6. Which of Jesus' disciples betrayed him?7. Where did the arrest of Jesus take place?8. What was the name of the Roman governor who tried Jesus?9. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ. What is meant by resurrec-

tion?10. Who was the first person to speak to Jesus after he had risen from the

dead? Answers on page18

Start the week on a happy note!Come and have fun and keep fit.

Make new friends while learning easy dance steps. For anyone age 60 and over or who loves to dance to music of the Sixties!

In St. Andrew's Church Hall, West Street

Monday mornings – 10:30-11:30am – starting 16th AprilPrice: �4 per session or �15 for a block of 4 classes.

For more information/ bookings, contact Els Van Hoof on01304-449 705 / 07513-43 88 01 or [email protected]

limited places available on a first come, first served basis!

Page 16: April 2012

Customs around Easter Time.Palm Crosses are handed out on Palm Sunday by churches all over the world to commemorate the story of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As the story of Jesus travelling on a donkey into Jerusalem is recalled, the use of the Palm Cross is a symbol of the Palm Branches laid across the road to by the gathered crowd.

This year Palm Sunday is on April 1st. Folk from S. Andrew's and from Trinity Church will gather together at 10.00am in the Union Street car park to join in the ceremony of blessing the palm crosses; some years we are able to find a donkey to lead the procession back to our churches. This year, who knows? Why not join us?

Hot Cross Buns were an eighteenth century development from the special loaf baked on Good Friday during the middle ages. The loaf was marked with a cross, wrapped in a cloth and stored carefully until the following Good Friday. It was believed that it would not go mouldy and would protect those in the house against misfortune.

The first recorded use of the term "hot cross bun" was not until 1733; it is believed that buns marked with a cross were eaten by Saxons in honour of the goddess Eostre(the cross is thought to have symbolised the four quarters of the moon); "Eostre" is probably the origin of the name "Easter". Others claim that the Greeks marked cakes with a cross, much earlier

There will be delicious fresh buns on offer at S. Andrew's at 10.30am on Good Friday this year after the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Do come along.

Easter Eggs are seen by followers of Christianity as a symbol of the Resurrection. An egg, while seemingly lifeless, contains new life sealed within it.. Apart from the traditional hunt at Easter time for chocolate eggs, real eggs feature in a number of customs. In many countries a real egg is hard-boiled and the shell is decorated; they are exchanged as gifts. The Czar’s court in 19th century Russia exchanged eggs made from gold and encrusted in jewels.

In the North of England, at Eastertime, a traditional game is played where hard boiled pace eggs are distributed and each player hits the other player's egg with their own. This is known as "egg tapping", "egg dumping" or "egg jarping". The winner is the holder of the last intact egg. The losers get to eat their eggs. The annual egg jarping world championship is held every year over Easter in Peterlee Cricket Club .

Egg rolling is also a traditional Easter egg game played with eggs at Easter. In the United Kingdom, Germany, and other countries; children traditionally rolled eggs down hillsides at Easter.

The Editor

Page 17: April 2012


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Page 18: April 2012

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Page 19: April 2012
Page 20: April 2012

. .

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Bingo on Sunday night from 7pm.

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Page 21: April 2012

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Friday 27th April at 7.30 pmat St Andrew’s Church

THE CALIBANDThe Caliband performs works by Men-delssohn, Shostakovich and Purcell, along with solo Bach performed by Matthew Sharp (’cello).The Caliband is a new string ensemble for East Kent. It mixes students and leading UK professionals. It interprets other people’s music with fierce imagination, writes its own and performs like there’s no tomorrow.

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Page 22: April 2012


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Disjecta membra - oddments from East Sussex

1. This evening at 7pm there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the church. Bring a blanket and prepare to sin.

2. The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.

3. Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet on Thursday at 7pm. Please use the back door.

4. Weight Watchers will meet at 7pm at the URC Church. Please use large double door at side.

5. A Bean Supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the hall. Music will follow.

6. Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24th in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their schooldays.

7. Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

Page 23: April 2012

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Page 24: April 2012