SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Christ is Risen! Dear People and Friends of Saint Josephs, Truly He is Risen! This is the news, the Good News, the women received upon arriving at the tomb: "Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.They had been impelled to go to the tomb for love of their Lord. They loved the Lord so much. Love impelled them; love would not be denied. Yet, Easter demonstrates that it is Gods Love that is ALL-POWERFUL, that Gods love gives Life. The Truth of Easter proclaims that Gods love is ALL-POWERFUL, that not even death can diminish it. A tomb seems so final and hopeless; yet the empty tomb in the Gospel proclaims, instead, Gods victory for us. Tombs normally are such sad places, signifying the end of relationships. Yet this tomb, the empty tomb, proclaims a great joy. But why? The empty tomb is empty, be- cause it could not restrain or hold in the LORD. In Christ Crucified and Risen, the power of the Paschal Mystery reveals where we are to find our joy. In Christ s Resurrection, the mere resumption of bodily functions--breathing lungs, a beating heart and blood flowing through veins—is not the primary rea- son for the joy. When we grieve the death of a loved one, we know that their stopped heart means that no more can we enjoy that persons friendship, presence and love. With death, the relationship changes drastically, to some it seems as though it has ended. The impact on the relationship is what causes the grief, for the happiness and fulfillment of human beings are found in our rela- tionships of love. On Ash Wednesday, February 14th this year, we began our Lenten journey prompted by the question, Will you be my . . . Intentional Disciple?” Like Valentines Day that focuses on love, Intentional Disciples permit the love of the LORD to invite, grasp and renew them in their relationship with God. Sin and selfishness rob us of that life and friendship with God; they entomb us in ourselves. But Christs Paschal Mystery rolls back the stone of our pride and alienation from God to breathe new life in us. We see that most clearly in our newest baptized and confirmed members—Elizabeth Motich, Brandon Harsh, and Kayla Shorter. Congratulations as they join our Catholic Community striving to become Intentional Disciples! Jesus Christs resurrection declares that no longer does death and its accompanying grief need to be our harsh master, nor that we are consigned to be slaves of sin and selfishness. Instead, the Living One, the Risen One frees us to be his Beloved Dis- ciples. United to Christ Crucified and Risen in Baptism, we are now freed to love fully and forever as Gods beloved children. As we go forward from the joy of this Easter Sunday, may we accept and live the Risen LORDs invitation to Be My Intentional Disciples and share the Risen Lord with others! In the Glory of the Resurrection, Fr. Allan F. Wolfe SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH On Cabbage Hill 440 St. Joseph Street Lancaster, PA 17603-5298 Fr. Allan F. Wolfe, Pastor Fr. Sebastian Thekkedath, Parochial Vicar Fr. Deogratias Rwegasira, Priest in Residence Deacon Martin Light Mr. Scott Fuir, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Carmen Cruz, Pastoral Visitor Ms. Donna DAgostino, Parish Office Manager Mrs. Dorothea Parrish, Director of Music/Organist Mr. Armando Torres, Religious Education Ms. Mary Ellen Gardner, Volunteer Coordinator Mrs. Judy Bechtel, Administrative Assistant GUESTS AND VISITORS: We warmly welcome those who are worshipping with us this weekend at St. Joseph s. We pray that every grace and spiritual blessing will be yours. SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday Evening 5:00pm SUNDAY: 8:00am, 10:30am & 1:30pm (Extraordinary Form) WEEKDAY LITURGY: 6:30am Monday – Friday 8:15am Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday HOLYDAY MASSES: Vigil – 6:00pm HOLYDAY: 6:30am, 8:15am, 7:00pm & Noon (Extraordinary Form) SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 – 4:30pm And ½ hour before Sunday Masses. Anytime by request. RECTORY: 397-6921 WEBSITE: www.stjosephslanc.com Your Parish Elementary School: RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL 392-3083 Kindergarten to 8th Grade LANCASTER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 509-0315

April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lordstjosephslanc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/04013207.pdfMrs. Carmen Cruz, Pastoral Visitor Ms. Donna D’Agostino, Parish

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Page 1: April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lordstjosephslanc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/04013207.pdfMrs. Carmen Cruz, Pastoral Visitor Ms. Donna D’Agostino, Parish



Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Christ is Risen! Dear People and Friends of Saint Joseph’s,

Truly He is Risen! This is the news, the Good News, the women received upon arriving at the tomb:

"Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”

They had been impelled to go to the tomb for love of their Lord. They loved the Lord so much. Love impelled them; love would not be denied. Yet, Easter demonstrates that it is God’s Love that is ALL-POWERFUL, that God’s love gives Life.

The Truth of Easter proclaims that God’s love is ALL-POWERFUL, that not even death can diminish it. A tomb seems so final and hopeless; yet the empty tomb in the Gospel proclaims, instead, God’s victory for us. Tombs normally are such sad places, signifying the end of relationships. Yet this tomb, the empty tomb, proclaims a great joy. But why? The empty tomb is empty, be-cause it could not restrain or hold in the LORD.

In Christ Crucified and Risen, the power of the Paschal Mystery reveals where we are to find our joy. In Christ’s Resurrection, the mere resumption of bodily functions--breathing lungs, a beating heart and blood flowing through veins—is not the primary rea-son for the joy. When we grieve the death of a loved one, we know that their stopped heart means that no more can we enjoy that person’s friendship, presence and love. With death, the relationship changes drastically, to some it seems as though it has ended. The impact on the relationship is what causes the grief, for the happiness and fulfillment of human beings are found in our rela-tionships of love.

On Ash Wednesday, February 14th this year, we began our Lenten journey prompted by the question, “Will you be my . . . Intentional Disciple?” Like Valentine’s Day that focuses on love, Intentional Disciples permit the love of the LORD to invite, grasp and renew them in their relationship with God. Sin and selfishness rob us of that life and friendship with God; they entomb us in ourselves. But Christ’s Paschal Mystery rolls back the stone of our pride and alienation from God to breathe new life in us. We see that most clearly in our newest baptized and confirmed members—Elizabeth Motich, Brandon Harsh, and Kayla Shorter. Congratulations as they join our Catholic Community striving to become Intentional Disciples!

Jesus Christ’s resurrection declares that no longer does death and its accompanying grief need to be our harsh master, nor that we are consigned to be slaves of sin and selfishness. Instead, the Living One, the Risen One frees us to be his Beloved Dis-ciples. United to Christ Crucified and Risen in Baptism, we are now freed to love fully and forever as God’s beloved children.

As we go forward from the joy of this Easter Sunday, may we accept and live the Risen LORD’s invitation to Be My Intentional Disciples and share the Risen Lord with others!

In the Glory of the Resurrection,

Fr. Allan F. Wolfe


440 St. Joseph Street Lancaster, PA 17603-5298

Fr. Allan F. Wolfe, Pastor Fr. Sebastian Thekkedath, Parochial Vicar

Fr. Deogratias Rwegasira, Priest in Residence Deacon Martin Light

Mr. Scott Fuir, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Carmen Cruz, Pastoral Visitor

Ms. Donna D’Agostino, Parish Office Manager Mrs. Dorothea Parrish, Director of Music/Organist

Mr. Armando Torres, Religious Education Ms. Mary Ellen Gardner, Volunteer Coordinator

Mrs. Judy Bechtel, Administrative Assistant

GUESTS AND VISITORS: We warmly welcome those who are worshipping with us this weekend at St. Joseph ’s. We pray that every grace and spiritual blessing will be yours.

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday Evening 5:00pm SUNDAY: 8:00am, 10:30am & 1:30pm (Extraordinary Form) WEEKDAY LITURGY: 6:30am Monday – Friday 8:15am Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday HOLYDAY MASSES: Vigil – 6:00pm HOLYDAY: 6:30am, 8:15am, 7:00pm & Noon (Extraordinary Form)

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 – 4:30pm And ½ hour before Sunday Masses. Anytime by request.

RECTORY: 397-6921 WEBSITE: www.stjosephslanc.com Your Parish Elementary School: RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL 392-3083 Kindergarten to 8th Grade


Page 2: April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lordstjosephslanc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/04013207.pdfMrs. Carmen Cruz, Pastoral Visitor Ms. Donna D’Agostino, Parish




April 8, 2018 Second Sunday of Easter– Divine Mercy

First Reading: Acts 4:32-35 Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6

Gospel: John 20:19-31


Divine Mercy Sunday—Low Sunday Epistle - From the First Letter of

Blessed John the Apostle, 5. 4-10. Gospel - Continuation of the holy Gospel according to

St. John, 20. 19-31. To receive announcements, please go to

LancasterLatinMass.com and click on "Newsletter Signup" on the homepage.

Saturday, March 31 - Holy Saturday

4:00 pm Confessions

8:00 pm Mass - Easter Vigil - Newly Baptized & Confirmed

Sunday, April 1 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

8:00 am Mass - Parishioners, Friends & Benefactors

10:30 am Mass - Parishioners, Friends & Benefactors

1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - Intention of Fr. Pang

Tcheou (Fr. Pang Tcheou) Monday, April 2 6:30 am Mass - Melanie Fitzgerald (Rose Youtz)

7:00 pm RCIA - Education Building

7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Scout Room

Tuesday, April 3

6:30 am Mass - Pius W. Schreiner (Mary, Marie & Helen Schreiner)

8:00 am Morning Prayer

8:15 am Mass - Willis H. Rice (Ken & Pat Wenzel)

6:30 pm Cub Scouts - Scout Room

7:00 pm Liturgy - St. Francis Room

7:00 pm Tree of Life Quilters - Good Shepherd Room

Wednesday, April 4 6:30 am Mass - Gertrude Gardner (Mary Ellen & Margaret


7:00 pm Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible course - GSR, SFR, Tipitina’s, St. Joseph Club

Thursday, April 5

6:30 am Mass - Intention of Vonnie Kirchner & Family (Robyn Kirchner)

8:00 am Morning Prayer

8:15 am Mass - Bobby Jenkins (The Fritz Family)

7:00 pm Parish Council - Good Shepherd Room

Friday, April 6 6:30 am Mass - John A. Reisinger (John & Bobbie Reisinger)

7:30 pm Mass - First Friday - Intention of Tony Wang (Bill & Rose Braungard)

Saturday, April 7

8:15 am Mass - C. Herman Kirchner Jr. (Arlene, Carol, Shirley & Judy)

2:00 pm Wedding

4:00 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass - Colin Miller (Mary Lou Heinley & Liz Eshbach)

Sunday, April 8 - Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy 8:00 am Mass - Mary E. Schreiner (Mary, Marie & Helen


9:15 am CCD - Education Building

9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing

10:30 am Mass - People of the Parish

1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - Intention of James Hennis (The Wongs)

3:00 pm Holy Hour & Benediction in Honor of Divine Mercy - Church

“The greatest love story of all time is con-tained in a tiny white Host.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Consider becoming an adorer or a substitute. You can choose the time that would work best for you.

Call 717-397-6921 to schedule your hour.

Open Hours Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm, Thursday 11:00pm-12:00am

Saturday 2:00-3:00pm

Please continue to pray the Novena of Divine Mercy to

prepare yourself for Divine Mercy Sunday on April 8.

Perpetual Adoration resumes TODAY at 3:00pm.

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS: Rev. Mr. Benjamin Dunkelberger, Matthew Cannon, Joseph Creavy, Derick De-Camp, Bradley Fischer, Joseph Gonzalez, and Richard Groff.

ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED: Parents please encourage your children (ages 9 and up) to accept this important ministry in service to Christ. Please call Rick Albright at 717-471-2731 to schedule training.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Those who are ill: Bill Braungard, Robert Carr, Ave Eckman, Bud Engle, Eva King, Tony Wang, and those in nursing homes; those presently or recently in the hospital; and those listed in our Book of the Sick.

DEATH: Please pray for the repose of the souls of Carol Bender, sister of Tom McCarty, Thomas Witmer and Rose Reisinger. May their souls rest in glory with the Lord.

FLOWERS FOR THE CHURCH: Main altar (2 vases) or the Blessed Mother or Saint Joseph side altars can be ordered to celebrate a happy occasion, in thanksgiving, for a special intention or to remember a loved one who has died. The cost per vase is $40.00. Call Judy at the rectory, 717-397-6921 to make arrangements.

DIVINE MERCY: Next Sunday, The Second Sunday of Easter, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus told St. Faustina that this Feast of Mercy would be a very special day when “all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened”. A Holy Hour & Benediction will be held at 3:00pm. Plan to attend!

The 2018 Pascal Candle

Given in Loving Memory of my Husband Joseph G. Rudy By Janet M. Rudy

Page 3: April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lordstjosephslanc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/04013207.pdfMrs. Carmen Cruz, Pastoral Visitor Ms. Donna D’Agostino, Parish




As we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, we feel blessed for the priests, parishioners, families and bene-factors who support our school with their contributions and prayers. We wish you all that God’s goodness can bring in this season of rebirth and renewal. Happy Easter!

Winner’s Choice Designer Bag Bingo is April 8, 2:00pm in the cafeteria. Doors open at noon. Early bird special at 1:45pm Includes 20 games, 3 specials, raf-fles, prizes and 50/50. Handbags are Dooney & Bourke, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Coach. Tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Contact [email protected], 717-392-3083, 717-464-9302.

School Mass this week, Thursday, April 5, will be led by the teachers.

We invite your family to become part of the Resurrec-

tion family! Family of Faith – Let Our Light Shine.


SPRING MUSICAL: "Crazy For You" is a romantic comedy musical and is this year's Lancaster Catholic High School's Musical. "Crazy For You" will be hitting the Old Main Auditorium stage on April 26-28 at 7:30pm and April 29 at 2:00pm. Tickets are $17 for reserved seating, $15 for adult and $7 for students. Please contact Tony Brill at 717-509-0310 for more information.

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The Harrisburg Dioce-san Council of Catholic Women is offering a $1,000 schol-arship to a Catholic Senior Girl for her freshman year at an accredited college, university, or trade school. Applicants must meet all conditions established by the Scholarship committee. Anyone interested in applying should contact Joyce Scott, Scholarship Chair, 717-737-0927 or email to: [email protected]. The application deadline is May 1, 2018.

SCOUT MASS followed by a reception for all of the Scouts of our Diocese and their families will be celebrated on April 22, at 2:00pm at Good Shepherd Parish, 3435 Trindle Road, Camp Hill,. PA. Scouts who have completed any of the Catholic religious awards in the past year will be recognized for their accomplishments, but all Scouting fam-ilies are encouraged to attend. The deadline to pre-order the commemorative patch and register is April 13. For more information or to register go to https://www.hbgdiocese.org/youth-and-young adults/catholic-scouting.

MEN’S STEAK NIGHT: Next week, tickets go on sale for The Annual Men’s Steak Night being held on Friday April 20 in the Msgr. Smith Social Hall. The evening starts at 5:30pm social hour followed by dinner. If steak isn’t your preference,

salmon will be available. Tickets are $15.

CARING KITCHEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We at St. Joseph Church want to support mem-bers of our church family by taking them a meal in times of need (serious illness, surgery, hos-

pitalization, new baby etc.) If you are able to be a part of this ministry please contact Suzanne Torres at 717-288-2018.

CHAPEL HOUSECLEANING: on Tuesday April 17 and Wednesday, April 18. We start about 8:00am until ?. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Please call the recto-ry if you can help. Thanks!

10-WEEK CLUB TICKETS St. Joseph Catholic Club 10-Week Club Party to be held on Saturday, May 12. Proceeds go to our Youth Baseball & Softball programs. Top prize of $2,000! For tickets, call Joe Hoenninger (717) 575-2596 or Joe Legenstein-Certified Carpet (717) 394-3731. Information is also on our website at stjosephcatholicclub.com. The Win-ning ticket for WEEK #4 is 57.

WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS: St. Joseph's Women's Club would like to THANK those who supported our group by pur-chasing soup and baked goods as well as those who gave a donation. We would also like to thank those who donated ma-terials and baked goods which made our annual soup sale possible. The Women’s Club will meet on April 12 and 26 at 6:30pm.

DO YOU KNOW A CAREGIVER? The Advocates for Peo-ple with Disabilities and Saint Anne’s Retirement Community will be hosting the Sixth Annual Prayer and Care Day on April 7 at Saint Anne’s Retirement Community. We provide an op-portunity for men and women caregivers to refresh body, mind and spirit through prayer and fellowship. To register: call 717-285-6539. or register by email at [email protected] Registration is limited to 100 guests.

50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: Were you married in 1968? In honor if your 50th Wedding Anni-versary, there will be a special Mass and reception on

Sunday, July 8, 2018 at 2:00pm at Good Shepherd Parish in Camp Hill. To receive an invitation, please contact the parish office.

NEW LANCASTER CATHOLIC SCHOOLHOUSE CHAP-TER: You are invited to learn about this local effort for homeschooling on April 9, 6:30pm meet & greet and 7:00pm meeting start. Location: St Leo the Great (Weber Activities Center). Questions call or text Lisa at 856-630-3634 or email [email protected]. Schoolhouse is a structured weekly meeting for homeschoolers. The mission is to lay a foundation for learning in elementary age children and provide additional opportunities for older children. Through a struc-tured rigorous program of academics and fine arts enrichment, our children will be guided in both knowledge and character building in a positive, catholic classroom environment.

Volunteers Needed Annual Spring Clean-up Saturday, April 28, 2017

Rain date: May 5 Interior/Exterior

Continental Breakfast 7:30am Clean-up starts 8:00am

Signup sheets will be posted by the Reconciliation Rooms or e-mail [email protected]

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Thank you to our Bulletin Sponsor of the Week

Darrenkamps Food Markets

www. DARRENKAMPS.COM for store locations

You can read the bulletin online at our parish website: www.stjosephslanc.com


Don’t forget to purchase your gift cards weekly at church or online at our website. Did you know St. Joseph Church earns 3%-16% on all gift cards sold, providing extra income for our church? Raising money at no cost to you is easy with gift cards.

Thank you for your continued support!


A Way of Life at Saint Joseph’s

Renewal at Saint Joseph’s through Intentional Discipleship

Intentional Discipleship requires a deliberate decision to pursue a deeper conversion (relationship) with Christ through worship, pray-er, service, giving, studying, and discerning. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the process of conversion and repent-ance was described by Jesus in the parable of the prodigal son, the center of which is the merciful father. The parable reveals the new life — pure, worthy and joyful — of anyone who returns to God and to his family, the Church. Only the heart of Christ who knows the depths of the Father’s love could reveal to us the abyss of his mercy in so simple and beautiful way.

Please consider pursuing God’s love and mercy by participating in one or more of the following:

Daily Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation — Experience the gifts of conversion and the healing power of the Sacra-ments of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist. Please con-sider attending daily Mass and frequently participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Become a Perpetual Adorer — No other sacrament (except the Holy Eucharistic) has greater healing power; through it sins

are purged away, virtues are increased, and the soul is en-riched with an abundance of every spiritual gift.

St. Thomas Aquinas

Sign up for 1 hour a week as a perpetual adorer or a substitute in our Adoration Chapel. Open 24 hours a day, except when Mass is celebrated. To sign up please call the Rectory and ask for Mary Ellen Gardner. Legion of Mary — The Legion is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church, serves the Church and their neighbors. Interested in joining or learning more about the Legion of Mary? Please contact Joanne Bauer at 717-393-7346.

In Pew Collection $6,053.33

Electronic Giving 2,595.00

Online Giving 705.00

Budget 3/25/2018 $11,800.00

Actual $9,353.33

Difference ($2,446.67)

Vigils 224.51

Memorials–Restoration Fund 590.00

Easter 435.00


March 25, 2018 5:00 pm Mass 165 8:00 am Mass 127 10:30 am Mass 245

Nursery 6 1:30 pm Mass 125 Total Attendance 668

Seven children offered their time, talent and treasure to God on March 25th totaling $6.86

which goes to the Missionary Childhood Association.


Date Sales Profit

March 25, 2018 $ 3,615.00 $ 194.83

CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS: Catholic Daughters Court Queen of Peace #1023 of Lancaster (founded by KofC Council #867) meets the third Sunday of the month at St. Philip the Apostle Church Parish Activity Center (PAC) from 1:00-3:00pm. All Catholic women ages 18 and up are invited to come and see what we are about – spirituality and service to church and community!

Our April events are - Wednesday, April 4, 5:00-8:00pm – Friendly’s Family Fun Night, Centerville Restaurant.

Sunday, April 15, 1:00-3:00pm – Meeting/Book Club at St. Philips’s PAC - In His Eyes: Becoming the Woman God

Made You to Be - Bring your bible.

INTERFAITH SHELTER GOLF CLASSIC: The 16th annual Catholic Charities Interfaith Shelter Golf Classic will take place on Monday, May 14 at Colonial Country Club in Harris-burg. The day includes a registration gift, a boxed lunch, practice area and putting green, 18 holes of golf (scramble format) with cart, and a buffet dinner after golf. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Interfaith Shelter for Homeless Fam-ilies. Registration is $100 per player. For more information or sponsorships, visit www.cchbg.org or contact Christopher Meehan, Catholic Charities Director of Development, at [email protected] or 717-657-4804.

The Parish Office will be closed for Easter on Monday April 2. The office will re-open on Tuesday April 3, 2018.