April 09 College Crowd Magazine

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College Crowd Magazine is distributed by JM Publishing and based out of Oklahoma. Check out our website at college-crowd.com

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Just the fact that you picked up this issue makes me smile. About a year ago, I was telling somebody about working on writing a fashion page for College Crowd magazine, and the person’s response was, “What magazine? What fashion page?”

Now, people come up asking about the new issue, “Who made the cover? What’s hot and trendy in fashion? Where’s the next party, or who is the music band of the month?”

It’s exiting! As the magazine grows thicker, we have more room to express the different things we’re passionate about. When I was a little girl, people always said to me, “Olya, come down from the clouds. Take your rose-colored glasses off. Come back to reality.”

But the sky has always been my limit. Tell me I can’t do some-thing and I’ll prove you wrong. Believe in yourself, and follow your dreams. Raise the bar high—these are the things I strive for.

We have a crazy-talented College Crowd crew that work well and have fun together. I am so proud of every one of them. It’s an honor to be a part of this amazing journey: to write, to tell a story, to share and to help others.

I will keep bringing you my latest fashion updates, and you keep flipping through the pages. No matter how scary the financial climate, I hope this month’s fashion forecast inspires you to stay fabulous and never give up. Olya



























“Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake whole relationships.” Sharon Stone

“My girlfriend always laughs during sex---no matter what she’s reading.” Steve Jobs (Founder: Apple Computers)

“Hockey is a sport for white men. Bas-ketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.” Tiger Woods

“Capital punishment turns the state into a murderer. But imprisonmentturns the state into a gay dungeon-master.” Rev. Jesse Jackson

“My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.” Jack Nicholson

“Ah, yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet” Robin Williams


The Energy DetectiveThe Energy Detective (TED) allows you to measure and evaluate the energy costs of appliances, computers and gadgets, and helps to lower electric bills and conserve energy. TED works in real time and shows you how much money you’re spending. Turn off your television and other devices to see how much en-ergy can be saved, or measure the energy savings when using fluorescent bulbs.Price: $150

Piano HandsNow, you can wear a piano with Piano Hands. This is possibly one of the stranger gadgets out there. These gloves plug into a speaker, and each finger corresponds to a particular note. This gadget also features drums, organ, guitar and even the trumpet.Price: $70

IKEA Solar Powered LightsThe IKEA Solar Powered Lights are perfect for lighting porches or walkways for back-yard barbeques. These attractive lights ab-sorb energy from the sun during the day and illuminate your backyard or garden at night. Free energy is always a good thing, and these IKEA lights can last up to four times longer than conventional bulbs.Price: $8Price: $70

DIY Neon Sign KitCreate custom neaon signs with DIY Neon Sign Kit. Buy the letters you need, and change them up for parties or small businesses. It’s also a great way to decorate your dorm or apartment with something creative and different. The best part is the price—cheap!Price: $3 - $20

ON uRecord Vinyl & Cassette RipperTurn your old vinyl records and cassettes into MP3 or audio files for your computer. Now, you can preserve the past and don’t have to worry about losing your favorite tracks. Keep your vinyl locked up and safe, and listen to those oldies—or send some tracks to your friends—over the Internet.Price: $50


Being named College Crowd magazine’s first Co-Ed of The Year is amazing in itself, but I was also ecstatic about winning a free trip to Vegas. I was able to take two people along, and there were no better candidates to take than two of my closest friends—Lizzie Jones and Kandace Stroup!

We were given airfare and a room at the very popular Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, and we couldn’t have had a better time!

College Crowd treated us like princesses and really took care of us. We received VIP tables and treat-ment just about everywhere we went, including the elaborate hotel and casinos during the day and the hottest dance clubs at night.

So they say whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? Well… I guess I could share one story. Because it was a girls’ weekend, we decided that we had to go to see the Chippendales! After the show the guys came out to talk to us, and they told us that they would comp our tickets to their next show. When we went, we were seated front and center!

To our surprise, the show was enter-taining beyond what they’re simply known for! Because we too are danc-ers, we gave the guys a lot of credit for their skills onstage. It was intense! Af-terward, the guys invited us to go Salsa dancing! Why not, right? We danced the night away at Club Fuego, and even learned some dancing skills from our new Vegas Chip-pendales friends!

Who else can say that? Honestly, they probably pinpoint a new group of girls every weekend; who knows? The trip to Vegas was a blast. Thank you College Crowd for taking such great care of us, and thanks to everyone who voted online. Whoever receives the title next year is sure to have a very memorable and exciting vacation.

Now, from experi-ence, I can say that winners of College Crowd’s trips to Vegas definitely hit the jackpot.

Are you tired of your hair easily drying out or going flat? Have you ever had your hair colored and it seemed that it only took weeks for your color to fade? College Crowd sat down with hairstylist Mika Webb of Hello Gorgeous Salon in Stillwater to find out what causes these problems and how to pre-vent them.

C.C.: What are some of the common problems you see people having with their hair?Mika: I see breakage, thinning hair and outgrowth from color.

C.C.: What are some of the remedies for these problems?Mika: There are a lot of products out there. Products like Anti-snap, to help with breakage. For dry hair, good hydrating shampoos like Biolage. I am a firm believer in using a good quality hair care product line.

C.C.: If I color my hair, what is the best thing that I can do to keep the color from washing out?Mika: Use a professional hair care line of products for colored hair. Most people pay a lot of money to get their hair done and then use discount store brands of hair care products that strip the color right away. You need to keep a good color seal.

C.C.: What products do you recommend?Mika: Any professional hair care product. Biolage is my favorite. Places like Wal-green’s and some drug stores sell professional hair care products, but they are not guaranteed unless they are sold from a professional hair care salon.

C.C.: How long should a person wait between hair colorings?Mika: Most people wait four to six weeks—that is the average. Depending on whether you have really blonde hair or dark roots, you may have to do it sooner than if you have dark hair and just do highlights. Otherwise, you can go eight weeks. Usually, if you let your color go past eight weeks, than you will have roots showing because of hair growth.

C.C.: Are there any hair colors that can actually damage your hair?Mika: No, hair color is not bad for your hair as long as you are not pulling it through the ends. That is the main thing a lot of hair-stylists do is pull blonde color through the ends and it makes it damaging. As long as you are putting it on new hair growth, it is not going to damage your hair.

C.C.: What are some of the current popular hairstyles?Mika: Right now, a lot of the short bobs and a lot of a-line haircuts—like the Victoria Beckham haircut—for a while everybody was get-ting that cut.

Editor-Ashley Grinols

Last month, I wrote about the signs that tell you when a person is “not that into you,” but things may get a little more complicated if the person is hot and cold. This may be a sure sign that he is actually very into you—but for the completely wrong reasons. If you are curious if you are on a dead-end road that will only end in the bedroom, here are some signs that you should look for.

If you receive texts but never a phone call, the person may be shy, but this is also a sign that there is no intention for a real relationship.

If he never compliments anything but your physical appear-ance, he may not be focused on anything more than your body. Find some-one who wants all of you.

If there is no talk of a committed relationship, the chances are that the person doesn’t have the intention of one with you.

It may seem like the two of you are just extremely physically attracted to each other, but if you are always immediately jumping in the sack when you see each other, things may never change. Think of the saying, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” Yeah, it is a little cheesy, but it rings true.

Now, you argue that he comes over to take you out for dinner, but you end up in bed before you get out the door. So, he has good intentions…right? Maybe, but you are probably on your way to a relationship built solely on sex.

If you want to be stubborn and say that you don’t mind a relation-ship built on sex, you might be completely honest. However, eventu-ally someone in the friends-with-benefits relationship will begin to have stronger feelings for the other. In the end, this will only lead to heartache and a broken friendship.

The relationships you have are completely your choice. If you are being used, don’t blame the person using you for bad intentions. You are smart enough to end it. If you aren’t happy, do so, and find happiness elsewhere.

This is my first College Crowd column, and I am very excited to offer my services. My column focuses on useful tips that apply to YOU, the college student. This period of your life makes or breaks you when it comes to fitness. Many stu-dents start packing on the weight their freshman year with late nights spent studying and eating pizza, weekends filled with beer drinking, as well as the end of high school athlet-ics. The infamous “freshman fifteen” is ever present and hard to get rid of.

Here are some helpful hints in keeping fitand/or getting back to it.

1. Limit cheating on your diet: Eat well during the week, keep your starches down in the eve-nings and eat vegetables that are more fibrous at night.

Limit “cheat foods” to once or twice per week. Yes, this in-cludes drinking alcohol.

2. Start a weight-training program. Athletes may notice that they lose weight when they stop work-ing out. Six months to a year later, they gain it back and have more fat. At first, they lose because of muscle loss. Then, they start losing their resting metabolism.

Lifting weights is the best way to raise your resting metabolism. Lifting weights not only burns calories, but it also builds your metabolism 24/7.

One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories a day. Four pounds of muscle raises your metabolism 200 calories per day at rest, which equals 73,000 calories per year! There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. So, 73,000 calories equal 20.8 pounds!

3. Start a cardiovascular/aerobic fitness program: The term “aero-bic” means “with oxygen.” A fire requires oxygen to burn, and the body needs it to burn fat. You can begin by running, walking, bik-ing, taking aerobics classes or using a stair stepper or elliptical. Mix these up to give your mind and body a variety.

Work out a minimum of three days a week for 30 minutes.

4. Plan your workouts and meals just like your classes: The number one excuse for not sticking to a plan is lack of time. You must schedule in time to work out. You might have to get up early to do your cardiovascular workout and lift weights later in the day. You can-not simply wait until you “feel like it.” You must make yourself do it.

Good Luck!(Brian Attebery is a Certified Trainer with a B.S. in Health & Sport Sciences from O.U. He owns Results Fitness and Nutrition Center, L.L.C. in Edmond. www.resultsfitnessusa.com

Brian AtteberyContributing Writer & Certified Trainer


Aries(March 21- April 19)This is a period of self reflection for you so don’t be surprised if you’re not as bubbly as usual. You have excellent communication skills however you might want to discuss the deeper and more philosophical aspects of life rather than party or venture too far from home. Don’t feel bad about this as it gives you a chance to collect your energies and recharge your batteries.

Taurus (April 20- May 20)Friendships are strong this month but you may also be bothered by the fact that someone owes you money or a favor and you’re not quite sure how to lean on them. This could be more pronounced after the 7th when you’ll become quite concerned about this situation. You will need to call a spade a spade and stop worrying about other people’s feelings. It may be time to look after No. 1.

Gemini (May 21- May 20)It’s time to make a change in your home life and this could be the month when that may happen. You are balancing the old with the new, the possibilities of where you could be and what’s in store for you. Af-ter the 15th there may be an opportunity to rein-vestigate the issue of moving house or possibly even purchasing something at this stage of your life.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)Don’t be afraid to protest especially where you believe moral integrity is in question. You need to be rigorous in your analysis of someone’s behavior just now and by removing this so-called mental and emotional trash from your life you’ll feel immediate sunshine in your life. The period of the 10th to the 14th is rather enlight-ening but also spells some good times for you.

Leo (July 23-August 23)An event that you considered trivial could actually blow up into chaos. This might have something to do with burning the candle at both ends, staggering into sunrise at a party or get-together that could cloud your judgment. Don’t let morality get twisted as this could be the cause of your problems. A journey later in the month will be mentally clarifying.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)Propaganda, rumors you hear on the grapevine, stabs in the back and other stories that concern your ego may cause you to be more lenient in your attitudes and thus could cause you to lower your conscience “bar”. You must be careful to not let deviate from your principles even though it may be difficult in the process. Disputes with lovers are on the cards after the 27th but Saturn will make sure that your cool approach will keep a lid on things.

Libra (September 24- October 22)You are greedy for love and affection and this could cause all manner of problems from your partner or spouse. Try to reciprocate love and remember that others need affection and demonstrativeness as much as you.

A sharing of chores and other responsibilities is a key factor and should also be spotlighted this month, particularly between the 14th and 17th. Get your home affairs in order at this time.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)Your life may appear to be an unacceptable saga par-ticularly in your working life. You need to employ the element of humor again to help you get through this rather harrowing period. Friends may disappear and you could feel unsupported, especially from the 6th till the 10th. Stand on your own two feet, laugh a little more and of course there’s no harm in edu-cating yourself to develop your skill sets. That can’t hurt your employment prospects.

SagittariusYou have to make a heroic entrance this month if you’re going to retrieve the shattered pieces of a project or workplace situation. Your lectures may be rather abrasive to the ears of others but you have to trust that what you have to say is the way forward. Others will feel handicapped by your in-sights but you have to stir the inspiration and energy in those around you to get things done. Exert pow-er between the 21st and the 24th if family members are trying to twist you around their little finger.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)If you’re feeling tired you need more protein in your diet, in order to rejuvenate yourself to handle the circumstances in your life. Have the desire but not perhaps the drive to achieve your objectives in the short term? This all has to do with diet, exercise and a positive mental attitude. You can make headway in these matters in the first week of the month if you put your mind to it. Don’t be afraid to commit to an exercise regime even if it’s going to bite into your savings.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)Follow the advice of the Captain this month as the treasure trove is the end result of tethering yourself to someone in the know. You need a comprehensive framework to hatch your ideas - and this involves teamwork with those who may not always be your best and favorite choice. But going it alone will be shaky and complicated. Speak less and listen to the advice others offer. A breakthrough in communica-tion around the 4th sets the trend for a positive month.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)Be careful that Paradise isn’t a little overpriced this month Pisces. You’re overoptimistic and perhaps a little gullible when someone is doing a sales job on you. You need to be firm in your responses and ask the appropriate questions and this is particularly relevant to any sort of holiday, travel or big-ticket item that is going to cost you dearly if you make a wrong move. The period of the 8th to the 15th could see you spending more than you earn. Tighten your belt.

Although Civilization 4 was re-leased in 2005, it is still worth talk-ing about—especially if you enjoy city-building video games. This new installment of the franchise brings a whole new perspective on creating an empire. After choos-ing your leader from a plethora of historical characters—from Gandhi to President Lincoln—you go on to build an empire as you see fit. You can control all the aspects of forg-ing an empire: economy, politics, religion and culture. You decide which cities will focus on scientific or monetary pursuits, and which cities should invest in building mil-itary development.

As the game progresses, you are given choices about what innova-tions you can research, which start from the bottom up. You might begin with researching archery or metallurgy, but toward the end of

the game, you may find your civi-lization manufacturing tanks. The order in which you research inven-tions also determines the outcome of the game and how your empire progresses over the millennia, which makes Civilization 4 a very intricate game that is different ev-ery time you play it.

The game also offers numerous historical facts about the civiliza-tions you play. It’s great for stu-dents of all ages because it pro-motes effortless learning while providing a fun and rewarding game to play. Civilization 4 of-fers inventive graphics, amiable characters and an extensive replay value that is well worth the price.

Rates: 8Rating: 9 out of 10

Robert ColeContributing Writer



Mini-floralsDelicate, dainty and dramatic ruffles are a must. Sweet lady-like prints are back in bloom. You can find this trendy dress at Lush.

UtilitarianGet a strong fashion promotion with uniform details like zips, pockets, cargo belts and loose-fitted silhouettes. Look striking in this linen jumper from Envy Collections.

Boyfriend jeansThis hot trend is continuing into the spring. Distressed Dylan & George jeans and layered tanks from fabulous Envy Collections are sexy and comfort-able. These can be stylishly worn in the day or night.


Tribal Add an exotic and mul-ticultural feel with bold colors, patterns, animal prints, beadwork, big bangles. Try something with embroidery like this bright yellow dress from Lush.

Full-skirtA full, silky skirt paired with a body-hugging tank creates an ulti-mate feminine silhouette.

Ocean colorsOcean-blue and green colors are everywhere this season. No mat-ter what skin tone you have, the

aquatic hues are so flattering. A strapless day-to-night dress from Lush boutique is sweet and sexy.



The rest of the PGA let out a collective groan in February as Tiger Woods returned to the course.Its window to steal the spotlight and the championships from the best player in the world had closed.

Woods underwent reconstructive surgery on his left knee in June to repair a torn anterior cruci-ate ligament.He returned in time to defend his title in the Accenture Match Play Championship, but South Africa’s Tim Clark knocked him out in the second round.

Woods’ return to stroke play started with the CA Championship at Doral, where he simply blended in with the rest of the field. Based on Woods’ first two appearances since his return, it’s clear he has some rust to knock off, as would any other player recovering from a torn ACL.

It’s clear that he’s human after all, if only for several weeks.

Woods’ presence did not leave with his injury—as he easily dominated the World Golf Rankings even in his absence—but he also gave several younger players a chance to excel. Rising stars—such as OU’s Anthony Kim and OSU’s Hunter Mahan—led the Woods-less U.S. to victory at the 2008 Ryder Cup.

Geoff Ogilvy is enjoying his spot atop the 2009 FedEx Cup standings.

Other players are showing the golf world as it pre-pares for the Masters in April that the future of golf for the post-Tiger era is in good hands.

They better enjoy it while it lasts.



Brandon FinkhouseApril 3, 1987

University of Oklahoma

Major: Health and Exercise Science

Favorite movies: The Dark Knight, The Departed, You Me and Dupree, Top Gun

Favorite music: Anything besides heavy metal screaming music.

Favorite TV shows: The Office, Home Improvement, Nitro Circus, Man vs Wild

Favorite books: Bible, Dante’s Inferno, Canterbury Tales, Wild at Heart

Favorite Food: Steak, Chinese food, Mexican food


Tisha MarieJune 20, 1985

OU Graduate School

Major: Public Relations

Favorite movies: Boomerang, Step Brothers,Eagle Eye

Favorite music: Sammy Davis Jr.John Legend, Lil Wayne

Favorite TV shows: Vh1: Everything-For The Love Of Ray J/ Rock Of Love/I Love

Money-Mtv- Making The Band (Kisses Willie!)/ The Hills/ The City-E!-

Keeping Up With The Kardashians

CNN: Nancy Grace

Favorite Hobbies: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Favorite Food: tilapia, lobster, crab legs, loaded baked potatoes, brocolli


Brandy MorrisContributing Writer

This year, the NFL Draft begins April 25 at 3 p.m. and wraps up April 26. The Radio City Music Hall will be buzzing. The Draft is expected to go seven rounds. The Detroit Lions have the first-round draft pick followed by the St. Louis Rams.

Twenty-five players from the Big 12 conference are entered in the draft. Oklahoma has five players, Texas Tech has four, Oklahoma State has two, Texas A & M has one, and Missouri, Texas and Nebraska each has three.

Where will your favorite Big 12 player end up? Tune in April 25-26 to see! The NFL channel, CBS Sports and ESPN will air the draft.

Check out my sports blog at www.College-Crowd.com for the list of players, and post your predictions!


Benjamin “DJ Boom” HuckabeeDJ Boom creates a high-energy party with funky-fresh mash-ups and beats that make the dance floor go BOOM. With more than 10 years of ex-perience as a DJ, he knows how to thrash it up on the turntables. DJ Boom rocked the mic from coast-to-coast and spun at after-parties for some of Hip-Hop’s elite. The Detroit native brings his set to OKC’s hot-test nightclubs. Come out and party with this scratchaholic six nights a week!

Mon.-Venu (Mash-Up-Mondays)Tues.-SkkybarWed.-SkkybarThurs.- Skkyybar (Girls Night Out)Fri. & Sat.-Skkybar 26

Hollywood stars are con-stantly in the limelight. Sure, we’ve

heard all the news about Brad and Angeli-na’s plans for another kid, and blah, blah, blah.

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I’ve heard this 20 times in the last week. Come on, tell me something I don’t know!”

Well, this is our attempt to do just that.Did you know that Brad Pitt chipped his tooth in the filming of the action flick Fight Club? Yes, it’s true. Pitt did not have the tooth fixed until after the filming because it contributed to his character.

Christian Bale lost his voice three times in the making of the movie Batman Begins due to alter-ing it into Batman’s low pitched growl.

Speaking of Batman, The Dark Night grossed more than all 38 of director Woody Allen’s theatrical pieces combined.

Tom Hanks was not the original actor cast as Forrest Gump. In fact, Dave Chappelle, Ice Cube, John Travolta, and Chevy Chase all declined playing the role that made Hanks an icon in the 90s.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art displayed a painting of Jennifer Aniston’s when she was 11 years old.

Rachel McAdams once competed as a figure skater during childhood.

Sandra Bullock’s mother sang opera, and Bull-ock was a cheerleader in high school.

Halle Berry nearly choked on a fig during the filming of a love scene in Die Another Day, but Pierce Bronson saved her.

By Kaylea BrooksStaff Writer

Really? “I didn’t know that…”





Americans spend more than $2 billion each year on sleep aids. Sleep is supposed to be a natural process. What’s going on? Many issues get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Stress, financial difficulties and problems at home or work can keep a person from fall-ing to sleep. We endlessly review the problems confronting us, and create more anxiety while minutes and hours tick away.

Eating late at night-particularly fat-filled foods-may also interfere with a person’s ability to fall asleep and sleep restfully. Late night meals engage all of the resources of your digestive system, which causes your body to do a lot of work when it’s supposed to be resting. Also, a lot of the food eaten late at night is stored as fat, creating additional problems.

Not getting enough exercise also contributes to a lack of sleep. When you’re doing vigor-ous physical work, your body needs to recover. Sleep allows your body to repair and rebuild.

Regardless of one’s worries, vigorous exercise makes a physical demand on your body that puts you right to sleep.

If you’re not exercising regularly, the strong physiologic need for a deep rest is missing, and you’ll likely be tossing and turning the night away.

If your mattress is old, soft, lumpy or too firm, it may be disturbing your sleep. A mat-tress that is too firm can also cause prob-lems. A good mattress is supportive and comfortable. It “gives” in all the right places and provides a balanced, springy platform for a restful sleep.

Chiropractic care can also help. Gentle chi-ropractic treatment ensures that all of your body’s systems are communicating correctly.You get a good night’s sleep when your body shuts down as it’s supposed to.

A great way to establish the habit of a restful night is to quietly talk to yourself before falling asleep. In essence you’re talking directly to your subconscious mind, and

the instructions you give your subconscious can go far toward en-

suring a good night’s sleep and a success-ful following day.

Many leaders in the field of human peak per-formance encourage positive self-talk, includ-ing Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz who championed positive self-talk in his world-famous book, Psycho-Cybernetics.

You can say things like:• “I sleep through the night. ”

• “I sleep deeply and well. ”

• “I wake up relaxed, refreshed, restored, re-newed, revived. ”

• “I will have a great day tomorrow. I’ll meet and speak with the right people. Everything goes my way. ”

• “I am healthy and well. ”

•Give thanks for your family, friends, job or career.

You’ll notice, after a few nights of prac-ticing this, you’re falling asleep faster, and your days are becoming easier and more enjoyable. Things are flowing your way. It’s quite remarkable.



Only By The Night, the fourth and most recent record from Kings of Leon, finds an American band at their best yet--actually garnering significant success in America. After several years of pumping out club anthems and packing out arenas across the UK, these kings have fi-nally brought their kingdom home.

I’m sure these N a s h v i l l e -based rockers don’t mind be-ing welcomed in their own country after much time in the “cold des-ert.”

Although at times it can be dark or an-themic, Only By The Night is nothing

short of sexy. The album’s Grammy-winning first single, “Sex On Fire,” is a self-explanatory little ditty that leaves just enough to the imagina-tion. Not what you’d expect from children of a traveling, tent-revival preacher—or maybe it is?

For the aficionado weaned on the Kings’ earlier records, Only By The Night may not be what you’re ex-pecting. The opiated sound and more polished production are a far cry from the sweaty, raw honesty of Aha Shake Heartbreak—but don’t

let this scare you away so soon. After a shoulder surgery sus-tained by front man Caleb Fol-lowill, many of the new songs were born from a painkiller-in-duced haze. This “heightened” state he writes from makes for a deeply feel-able record that explores places sobriety just doesn’t go. Furthermore, it makes for great nighttime driv-ing music for restless college students.

Don’t waste your time waiting for MTV to put the new “Use Somebody” video on the air 24/7, seize the day and go buy this record now. Before long, Kings Of Leon will be so popular it won’t be cool to like them any-more. Besides, they quit playing music on MTV years ago.

Songs to listen to:“Use Somebody,”Only By The Night, 2008“Cold Desert,” Only By The Night, 2008“On Call,” Because Of The Times, 2007“The Bucket,”Aha Shake Heartbreak, 2004








amenities subject to change | see office for details



Try to learn as much about the company as possible before your interview so that you will be more prepared for questions that may arise.

Your physical appearance is also an important factor when interviewing for a job. Show the interviewer that you are taking the opportunity for the job seriously by dressing ap-propriately for the position.

Ladies, remember to have your nails well-manicured. Make sure your nail polish isn’t chipped and don’t wear

a nail color that is distracting. Also, keep your jewelry and makeup moderate.

Self-confidence is key when it comes to interviewing. You are selling yourself to the employer. Be yourself, but be pro-fessional. Focus on your strong points and let the interviewer know what qualifies you for the opportunity and sets you apart from the other applicants.

Don’t obsess or worry about the interview. Practice interviewing with a friend or someone you re-

spect. This will help you to feel more com-fortable when it comes time for the real thing. When you first walk into the interview, smile confidently and look the inter-viewer in the eyes. Remember to give a firm handshake and maintain eye con-tact throughout the interview.

Stay self-assured, confident and polite. Give direct and honest answers to the questions, and don’t ramble! Just relax! If you have done your research, the in-terview should go smoothly. Remem-

ber, this is just a conversation be-tween two people who are trying

to learn more about each other. Before you leave, remember to thank the interviewer for their time. It is also a good idea to send a thank you letter to the employer following the inter-view.

You have sent in your resume and cover letter and have been called to schedule an interview for your dream job. This can be very nerve racking. But don’t worry—almost everyone gets pre-interview jitters. Take some time to prepare, and you will go into your interview feeling much more at ease.



1. SMIRNOFF® MELON. A TASTE OF SWEET SIMPLICITY.Crafted with all-natural flavor, this drink is blended with an inspired fusion of fresh, juicy melons. Perfectly ripened cantaloupe mingles with cool, suc-culent honeydew to deliver sweet, luscious perfection. SMIRNOFF® “YOU’RE SO MONEY”1.5 oz SMIRNOFF MELON FLAVORED VODKA.25 oz Melon Flavored Liqueur.5 oz Sour MixSplash of Lemon-Lime Soda

2.SMIRNOFF® POMEGRANATE. SUPER FRUIT. SUPER COCKTAILS.Infused with an all-natural blend of pomegranate, citrus, apples and honey.For a final touch, just a hint of the delicate Chinese Osmanthus floweris added. Perfectly complementary and utterly irresistible, the crisp,bright flavors come together to create deliciously unexpected cocktailswith a modern edge.

SMIRNOFF® “THE 9 SEEDS”1.25 oz SMIRNOFF POMEGRANATE FLAVORED VODKA.25 oz Raspberry Flavored Liqueur.5 oz Sour MixShake, strain and top with ginger ale


3. JEREMIAH WEED SOUTHERN STYLE SWEET TEAMr. Jeremiah Weed, the original Southern Gentleman, proudly brings you his Southern Style Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka. Born of a long Southern distilling tradition, he utilizes only the highest quality ingredients for a taste second to none.

Michael PhellpsWeed & WaterorJeremiah’s Bullfrog2oz Weed Sweet Tea2.5oz Lemonade.25oz Lime Juice.5oz Melon Liquor

4.RUMPLE MINZE FLAVORSLime & BerryStill with the invigorating taste of Rumple Minze but with an added bonus, Berry and Lime

Take as a Shot

5. JOSE CUERVO ESPECIAL SILVERBringing the quality, reputation and profitability of the #1-selling tequila to the fast-growing silver tequila segment.•Jose Cuervo® is launching Jose Cuervo Especial® Silver, leveraging the quality and heritage of Jose Cuervo® to create an incredibly smooth new silver tequila that has tested at or above parity with significantly higher-priced silver tequilas.³

Take as a shot or enjoy in a Margarita!