arXiv:1109.3102v1 [cs.IT] 14 Sep 2011 Approximation of Löwdin Orthogonalization to a Spectrally Efficient Orthogonal Overlapping PPM Design for UWB Impulse Radio Philipp Walk a , Peter Jung b a TU-München, Chair for Theoretical Informationtechnology, Arcsistrasse 21, 80290 München b TU-Berlin, Chair for Information Theory and Theoretical Informationtechnology, Einsteinufer 25, 10587 Berlin Abstract In this paper we consider the design of spectrally efficient time-limited pulses for ultra-wideband (UWB) systems using an overlapping pulse position modulation scheme. For this we investigate an orthogonalization method, which was developed in 1950 by Löwdin [1, 2]. Our objective is to obtain a set of N orthogonal (Löwdin) pulses, which remain time-limited and spectrally efficient for UWB systems, from a set of N equidistant translates of a time-limited optimal spectral designed UWB pulse. We derive an approximate Löwdin orthogonalization (ALO) by using circulant approximations for the Gram matrix to obtain a practical filter implementation as a tapped-delay-line [7]. We show that the centered ALO and Löwdin pulses converge pointwise to the same square-root Nyquist pulse as N tends to infinity. The set of translates of the square-root Nyquist pulse forms an orthonormal basis for the shift-invariant-space generated by the initial spectral optimal pulse. The ALO transformation provides a closed-form approximation of the Löwdin transformation, which can be implemented in an analog fashion without the need of analog to digital conversions. Furthermore, we investigate the interplay between the optimization and the orthogonalization procedure by using methods from the theory of shift-invariant-spaces. Finally we relate our results to wavelet and frame theory. Keywords: Löwdin Transformation, Shift-invariant spaces, PPM UWB transmission, FIR filter design, canonical tight frame 1. Introduction We consider in this work high data rate transmission in the ultra wideband (UWB) regime. To prevent disturbance of existing systems, e.g. GPS and UMTS, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released [5] a very low power spectral density (PSD) mask for ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. To ensure that sufficiently high signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) is maintained in the frequency band F = [0, 14]GHz, as required by the FCC, the pulses have to be designed for a high efficient frequency utilisation. This utilisation can be expressed by the pulses normalized effective signal power (NESP) [6]. Several pulse shaping methods for pulse amplitude and pulse position modulation (PAM and PPM) were developed in the last decade based on a FIR prefiltering of a fixed basic pulse. Due to the high Email addresses: [email protected] (Philipp Walk), [email protected] (Peter Jung) 1 Some of the results of this paper were previously announced, without proofs, at the conferences [3, 4]. Preprint submitted to Elsevier September 15, 2011

Approximation of L wdin Orthogonalization to a Spectrally ...mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1084022/767508.pdf · power spectral density (PSD) mask for ultra-wideband ... The coding of an

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Approximation of Löwdin Orthogonalization to a SpectrallyEfficientOrthogonal Overlapping PPM Design for UWB Impulse Radio

Philipp Walka, Peter Jungb

aTU-München, Chair for Theoretical Informationtechnology, Arcsistrasse 21, 80290 MünchenbTU-Berlin, Chair for Information Theory and Theoretical Informationtechnology, Einsteinufer 25, 10587 Berlin


In this paper we consider the design of spectrally efficient time-limited pulses for ultra-wideband (UWB) systems

using an overlapping pulse position modulation scheme. Forthis we investigate an orthogonalization method, which

was developed in 1950 by Löwdin [1, 2]. Our objective is to obtain a set ofN orthogonal (Löwdin) pulses, which

remain time-limited and spectrally efficient for UWB systems, from a set ofN equidistant translates of a time-limited

optimal spectral designed UWB pulse. We derive an approximate Löwdin orthogonalization (ALO) by using circulant

approximations for the Gram matrix to obtain a practical filter implementationas a tapped-delay-line [7]. We show

that the centered ALO and Löwdin pulses converge pointwise to the same square-root Nyquist pulse asN tends to

infinity. The set of translates of the square-root Nyquist pulse forms an orthonormal basis for the shift-invariant-space

generated by the initial spectral optimal pulse. The ALO transformation provides a closed-form approximation of

the Löwdin transformation, which can be implemented in an analog fashion without the need of analog to digital

conversions. Furthermore, we investigate the interplay between the optimization and the orthogonalization procedure

by using methods from the theory of shift-invariant-spaces. Finally we relate our results to wavelet and frame theory.

Keywords: Löwdin Transformation, Shift-invariant spaces, PPM UWB transmission, FIR filter design, canonical

tight frame

1. Introduction

We consider in this work high data rate transmission in the ultra wideband (UWB) regime. To prevent disturbance

of existing systems, e.g. GPS and UMTS, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released [5] a very low

power spectral density (PSD) mask for ultra-wideband (UWB)systems. To ensure that sufficiently high signal-to-

noise ratio (SNR) is maintained in the frequency bandF = [0, 14]GHz, as required by the FCC, the pulses have

to be designed for a high efficient frequency utilisation. This utilisation can be expressed by the pulses normalized

effective signal power (NESP) [6]. Several pulse shaping methods for pulse amplitude and pulse position modulation

(PAM and PPM) were developed in the last decade based on a FIR prefiltering of a fixed basic pulse. Due to the high

Email addresses:[email protected] (Philipp Walk),[email protected] (Peter Jung)1Some of the results of this paper were previously announced,without proofs, at the conferences [3, 4].

Preprint submitted to Elsevier September 15, 2011

sampling rates in UWB this FIR filtering is realized by a tapped delay line [9]. A SNR optimization under the FCC

mask constraints then reduces to a FIR filter optimization [6–9].

Since the SNR is limited, the amount of signals can be increased to achieve higher data rates or to enable multi-user

capabilities. For coherent and synchronized transmissionover memoryless AWGN channels, an increased numberN

of mutually orthogonal UWB signals inside the same time slot, known asN-ary orthogonal signal design, improves

the BER performance overEb/N0 and hence the achievable rate of the system [10, Ch.4].

Combining spectral shaping and orthogonalization is an inherently difficult problem being neither linear nor con-

vex. Therefore most methods approach this problemsequentially, e.g. combining spectral optimization with a

GRAM-SCHMIDT construction [9, 11, 12]. This usually results in an unacceptable loss in the NESP value of the

pulses [13, 14]. Moreover these orthogonal pulses are different in shape and therefore not useful for PPM. Further-

more, a big challenge in UWB impulse radio (UWB-IR) implementation are high rate sampling operations. Therefore,

an analog transmission scheme is desirable [14–16] to avoidhigh sampling rates in AD/DA conversion [15].

Usually, PPM is referred to an orthogonal (non-overlapping) pulse modulation scheme. To achieve higher data

rates in PPM, pulse overlapping was already investigated inoptical communication [17] and called OPPM. An ap-

plication to UWB was studied for the binary case with a Gaussian monocycle [18]. To the authors’ knowledge,

no orthogonal overlapping PPM (OOPPM) signaling has been considered based on strictly time-limited pulses. In

this work we propose a new analog pulse shape design for UWB-IR to enable an almost OOPPM signaling which

approximate the OOPPM scheme up to a desired accuracy.

In our approach, we first design a time-limited spectral optimized pulsep and perform afterwards a Löwdin

orthogonalization of the set of 2M+1 integer translates{p(·−k)}Mk=−M, which span the function spaceVM(p). This

orthogonalization method provides an implementable and stable approximationp◦,M to a normalizedsquare-root

Nyquist pulse p◦ (all integer translates are mutually orthonormal) . Using theFourier transformationfor p given by

p(ν) =∫

Rp(t)e−i2πtνdt for everyν ∈ R, the square-root Nyquist pulsep◦ can be expressed in the frequency-domain

p◦(ν) =p(ν)


k |p(ν − k)|2(1)

for ν almost everywhere, which is known as theorthogonalization trick[19].

Usually in digital signal processing, see Fig. 1, the time-continuous signals (pulses) inL2 are sampled by an analog

to digital (AD) operation (either in time or frequency) to obtain time-discrete signals inC2M+1. Then a discretization

of the orthogonalization in (1) yields a finite digital transformationDM to construct a discrete signal in the frequency

domain which has again to be transformed by a DA operation to obtain finally an approximation of the square-root

Nyquist pulse [20].

Instead of using such an AD/DA conversion to operate in a discrete domain (depictured in Fig. 1 by the digital box),

we use thedemocratic Löwdin orthogonalization2 BM (in the analog box), found by Per-Olov Löwdin in [1, 2],

2In fact, the Löwdin orthogonalization and the orthogonalization trick are both orthonormalizations, but for historical reasons we will refer them






Figure 1: Analog and discrete approximation methods in timeand frequency domains

where all 2M + 1 linear independent pulse translates are involved simultaneously by a linear combination to generate

a set of time-limited mutual orthonormal pulses. Hence the Löwdin orthogonalization is order independent. The

Löwdin pulses constitute then an orthonormal basis for the spanVM(p) of the initial basis{p(· − k)}Mk=−M. Moreover,

as we will show in our main Theorem 2, the Löwdin orthogonalizationBM is a stable approximation method to the

construction in (1) and operates completely in the analog domain. Note, that a discretization of (1) generates neither

shift-orthonormal pulses nor a set of mutual orthonormal pulses. The important property of the Löwdin method is its

minimal summed energy distortion to the initial basis. It turns out that all orthonormal pulses maintain the spectral

efficiency ”quite well”.

As M tends to infinity the Löwdin orthogonalizationB = B∞ applied to the initial pulsep delivers the square-root

Nyquist pulsep◦, which allows a real-time OOPPM system with only one single matched filter at the receiver. Since

the Löwdin transformBM is hard to compute and to control we introduce an approximateLöwdin orthogonalization

(ALO) BM and investigate its stability and convergence properties.It turns out that for fixedM the transformations

BM andBM are both implementable by a FIR filter bank (realised as a tapped delay line) like the spectral optimization

in [9]. We call BM p andBM p approximate square-root Nyquistpulses, since we observed that even for finiteM our

analog approximation yields time–limited pulses with almost shift–orthogonal character since the sample values of

the autocorrelation are below a measurable magnitude for the correlator. Hence such a construction of approximate

square-root Nyquist pulses seems to be promising for an OOPPM system.

The structure of this paper is as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the signal model and motivate our spectrally

efficientN-ary orthogonal overlapping PPM design for UWB systems. Section 3 presents the state of the art in FCC

optimal pulse shaping for UWB-IR based on PPM or PAM transmission by FIR prefiltering of Gaussian monocycles

which is a necessary prerequisite for our design. To developour approximation and convergence results in Section 4

we introduce the theory of shift–invariant spaces in Section 4.1 and in Section 4.2 the Löwdin orthogonalization for

a set ofN translates to provide aN-ary orthogonal overlapping transmission. Our main resultis given in Section 4.3,

where we consider the stability of the Löwdin orthogonalization BM (for M increasing to infinity) and develop for

as orthogonalization methods.


this a simplified approximation methodBM, called ALO. In Section 5 we study certain properties of our filter design

and investigate the combination of both approaches. Furthermore, in Section 5.1 we develop a connection between

our result and the canonical tight frame construction. Finally in Section 6, we demonstrate that the ALO and Löwdin

transforms yields for sufficiently large filter orders compactly supported approximate square-root Nyquist pulses,

which can be used for OOPPM having high spectral efficiency inthe FCC region. Moreover, the Löwdin pulses

provides also a spectrally efficient (2M + 1)-ary orthogonal pulse shape modulation (PSM) [21].

2. Signal Model

In this work we will consider finite energy pulsesp, i.e. the setL2 :={

p : R → C∣∣∣ ‖p‖L2 < ∞


of square-

integrable functions with norm‖·‖L2 :=√〈·, ·〉 induced by the inner product3

〈p, q〉 :=∫


p(t)q(t)dt. (2)

To control signal power in time or frequency locally we need pulses inL∞ :={

p : R→ C∣∣∣ ‖p‖∞ < ∞


which are

essentially bounded, i.e. functions with a finiteL∞-norm, given as

‖p‖∞ := ess supt∈R

{|p(t)|} , (3)

where theessential supremumis defined as the smallest upper bound for|p(t)| except on a set of measure zero. If the

pulse is continuous than this implies boundedness everywhere. UWB-IR technology uses ultra short pulses, i.e. strictly

time-limited pulses with support contained in a finite interval X ⊂ R. We call suchL2- functionscompactly supported

in X and denote its closed span by the subspaceL2(X). The coding of an information sequence{dn} = {dn}n∈Z is

realized by pulse modulation techniques [12, 22] of a fixed normalized basic pulsep ∈ L2([0,Tp]) with durationTp.

A relevant issue in the UWB-IR framework and in our paper is the spectral shape of the pulse. In this section we

will therefore summarize the derivation of spectral densities for common UWB modulation schemes such as PAM

[7], PPM [6, 23–26] and combinations of both [27] to justify our spectral shaping in the next section. Antipodal

PAM andN-ary PPM are linear modulation schemes which map each data symbol dn to a pulse (symbol)sdn(t) with

the same power spectrumE |p(ν)|2. If we fix the energyE of the transmitted symbols and the pulse repetition time

(symbol duration)Ts, we will show now for certain discrete random processes ( e.g. i.i.d. processes [3]) that the

power spectrum density (PSD) of the transmitted signals is given by

Su(ν) =E |p(ν)|2

Ts. (4)

Hence an optimization of the pulse power spectrum to the FCC maskSF (ν) over the bandF in Section 3 increases the

transmit power. To be more precise, PPM produces discrete spectral lines, induced by the periodic pulse repetition,

3The bar denotes the closure for sets and the complex conjugation for vectors or functions.


the use of uniformly distributed pseudo-random time hopping (TH) codescn ∈ [0,Nc] was suggested to reduce this

effect and to enable multi-user capabilities [23–25, 28, 29]:

u(t) =∞∑


√Ep(t − nTf − cnTc − d⌊n/Nf ⌋T). (5)

In [28] this is called framed TH by a random sequence, since the coding is repeated in each frameNf times with

a clock rate of 1/T f . HenceNf T f = Ts is the symbol duration for transmitting one out ofN symbol waveforms

representing the encoded information symboldn ∈ {0, . . . ,N − 1}. To prevent ISI and collision with other users, the

maximal PPM shiftT and TH shiftTc have to fulfill NT ≤ Tc and NcTc ≤ T f . To ensure mutual orthogonality

of all symbols one requiresT > Tp. The PSD for independent discrete i.i.d. processes{cn}, {dn} follows from the

Wiener-Khintchine Theorem [28, 30] to [6, (5)], [27, 31].

Su(ν) =E |p(ν)|2

T f






T f




ν− kT f




∣∣∣ =






sin(πνT N)sin(πνT)


andδ is the Dirac distribution. (7)

However, a more effective and simple reduction method without the use of frame repetition (Nf = 1) or random

TH (Nc = 1) has been proposed in [27, 31]. Here antipodal PAM withan ∈ {−1, 1} is combined withN-ary PPM

modulation, forNT ≤ Ts

u(t) =√E


anp(t − nTs− dnT). (8)

The PSD for such i.i.d. processes is well known [22, Sec.4.3]:

Su(ν) =E |p(ν)|2






−∣∣∣∣E [a] · E




∣∣∣∣E [a] · E








ν − nTs

) ]

, (9)

since we haveGβ(ν) = E [a]E[


in (7). For an i.i.d. process{an} with expectationE [a] = 0 and variance




= 1 the PSD reduces to (4). Hence the effective radiation poweris essentially determined by the pulse shape

times the energyE per symbol durationTs and should be bounded pointwise onF below the FCC maskSF

Su(ν) = E |p(ν)|2Ts

≤ SF(ν) for all ν ∈ F. (10)

The optimal receiver forN-ary orthogonal PPM in a memoryless AWGN channel with noise power densityN0 is the

coherent correlation receiver. The uncoded bit rateRb and average symbol error probabilityPs is given as [10, 4.1.4]

Rb =logN

Tsand Ps(E) ≤ (N − 1) erfc


, (11)

where erfc is the complementary error function. Hence, a performance gain for fixedTs is achieved by increasingN



Increasing N. Usually non–overlapping pulses are necessary in PPM to guarantee orthogonality of the set{p(· −nT)} := {p(· − nT)}n∈Z of pulse translates, i.e.T > Tp. For fixedTp this limits the number of pulsesN in [0,Ts]

and hence the rateRb. In this work we will design an orthogonal overlapping PPM (OOPPM) system by keeping

all overlapping translates mutually orthogonal. But such square-root Nyquist pulses are in general not time–limited,

i.e. not compactly supported. In fact, we will show that for aparticular class of compactly supported pulses a

non-overlapping of the translates is necessary to obtain strict shift-orthogonality. However, we derive overlapping

compactly supported pulses approximating the square-rootNyquist pulse in (1) and characterize the convergence.

These approximations to the square-root Nyquist pulse allow a realizableN-ary OPPM implementation based on FIR

filtering of time–limited analog pulses.

IncreasingE. The maximization ofE with respect to the FCC mask was already studied in [6, 7] where a FIR pre-

filtering is used to shape the pulse such that its radiated power spectrum efficiently exploits and strictly respect the

FCC mask. Note that the FCC regulation in (10) is a local constraint and does not force a strict band-limited design,

however fast frequency decay outside the intervalF is desirable for a hardware realization.

Our combined approach now relies on the construction of two prefiltering operations to shape a fixed initial pulse.

The first filter shapes the pulse to optimally exploit the FCC mask and the second filter generates an approximation to

the square-root Nyquist pulse. The filter operations can be described assemi–discrete convolutionsof pulsesp∈ L2

with sequencesc ∈ ℓ2 := {a | ‖a‖2ℓ2=∑

n |an|2<∞}

p ∗′T c :=∑

n∈Zcnp(· − nT), (12)

at clock rate 1/T. If we restrict ourselves to FIR filters of orderL the impulse response becomes a sequencec ∈ ℓ2(L)

which can be regarded as a vectors inCL. Hence we refer forc ∈ CL to FIR filters and forc ∈ ℓ2 to IIR filters.

3. FCC Optimization of a Single Pulse

The first prefilter operation generates an optimized FCC pulse p. To generate a time-limited real-valued pulse

we consider a real-valued initial input pulseq ∈ L2([−Tq/2,Tq/2]) and a real-valued (causal) FIR filterg ∈ RL. A

common UWB pulse is the truncated Gaussian monocycleq [6, 7, 32], see also Section 6. The prefilter operation is


p(t) = (q ∗′T0g)(t) =



gkq(t − kT0) (13)

which results in a maximal duration (support length)Tp = (L − 1)T0 + Tq of p.

To maximize the PSD according to (10) we have to shape the initial pulse by the filterg to exploit efficiently the

FCC maskSF in the passbandFp ⊂ F, i.e. to maximize the ratio of the pulse power inFp and the maximal power


allowed by the FCC

η(p) :=∫


|p(ν)|2dν/ ∫


SF (ν)dν. (14)

This is known as the direct maximization of the NESP valueη(p), see [9]. Here we already included the constantsEandTs in the basic pulsep. If we fix the initial pulseq, the clock rate 1/T0 and the filter orderL, we get the following

optimization problem


q ∗′T0g)

s.t.∀ν ∈ F : |g(ν)|2 · |q(ν)|2 ≤ SF (ν),


whereg denotes the 1/T0 periodic Fourier series ofg, which is defined for an arbitrary sequencec ∈ ℓ2 as

c(ν) =∞∑

n=−∞cne−2πiνnT0. (16)

Sinceg ∈ ℓ2(L) the sum in (16) becomes finite forg. Liu and Wan [33] studied the non-convex optimization problem

(15) with non-linear constraints numerically with fmincon, a MATLAB program. The disadvantage of this approach

lies in the trap of a local optimum, which can only be overcomeby an intelligent choice of the start parameters.

Alternatively (15) can be reformulated in a convex form by using the Fourier series of the autocorrelationrg,n :=∑

k gkgk−n of the filterg [34]. Sincerg,n = rg,−n (real-valued symmetric sequence) we write

rg(ν) :=L−1∑


rg,nφn(ν) = |g(ν)|2 (17)

on the frequency band [− 12T0, 1

2T0] by using the basisφ := {1, 2 cos(2πνT0), 2 cos(2πν2T0), . . . } and get|p(ν)|2 =

rg(ν) · |q(ν)|2. Due to the symmetry ofφn andSF we can restrict the constraints in (15) toF = [0, 12T0

] and obtain the

following semi–infinite linear problem:




rg,ncn such that 0≤ rg(ν) ≤ M(ν) for all ν∈[





with M(ν) :=SF (ν)

|q(ν)|2and cn :=


|q(ν)|2 φn(ν)dν. (19)

Since the FCC mask is piecewise constant, we separateM(ν) into five sectionsMi(ν) [35] and get the inequalities

∀i = 1, . . . , 5 : rg(ν) ≤ Mi(ν) for ν ∈ [αi , βi ] (20)

with β1 = 1.61, β2 = 1.99, β3 = 3.1, β4 = 10.6, β5 = 14 andα1 = α2 = α3 = α4 = 0, α5 = β4 in GHz, see Fig. 2.

The necessary lower bound forrg reads

rg(ν) ≥ 0 for ν ∈[




= [0, 14]GHz. (21)


To formulate the constraints in (19) forrg as a positive bounded cone inRL we approximateMi(ν) by trigonometric

polynomials4 Γi(ν) :=∑

n γi,nφn(ν) of orderL in theL2-norm [35]. The semi-infinite linear constraints in (20) describe

a compact convex set [34, (40),(41)]. To see this, let us introduce the following lower bound cones forθ ∈ [0, 12T0


Klow(θ) =

rg ∈ RL




rg,nφn(ν) ≥ 0, ν ∈[




. (22)

For θ = 0 the positive coneK0 = Klow(0) defines the lower bound in (21) if we setT0 =1

28GHz. To formulate the

non-constant upper bounds, one can use the approximation functionsΓi(ν) [35] given in the same basisφ as |g(ν)|2.

For eachi ∈ {1, . . . , 5} the bounds in (20) are then equivalent to



(γi,n − rg,n)φn(ν) ≥ 0 for ν ∈ [αi , βi ]. (23)

For the upper bounds, we just have to setρi,n := γi,n − rg,n for eachi = 1, . . . , 5 andn ≥ 1, which leads to the upper

bound cones

Kup(θi) ={

rg ∈ RL∣∣∣∣∣



ρi,nφn(ν) ≥ 0, ν ∈[

θi ,1


] }

, (24)

Kup(θi) ={

rg ∈ RL∣∣∣∣∣



ρi,nφn(ν) ≥ 0, ν ∈ [0, θi ]}

. (25)

The five upper bound conesKi are then

∀i = 1, . . . , 4 : Ki := Kup(βi) and K5 := Kup(α5). (26)

Since the autocorrelation has to fulfill all these constraints, it has to be an element of the intersection. After this

approximation5 we get from (15) the problem


i Ki



rg,ncn. (27)

This is now a convex optimization problem of a linear functional over a convex set. By thepositive real lemma[34],

these cone constraints can be equivalently described by semi-positive-definite matrix equalities, s.t. the problem (27)

is numerically solvable with theMATLAB toolbox SeDuMi [8, 36]. The filter is obtained by a spectral factorization of

rg. Obviouslyg is not uniquely determined.

Note that this optimization problem can also be seen as the maximization of a localL2-norm, given as the NESP value,

under the constraints of localL∞-norms.

4 Since the FCC mask divided by the Gaussian power spectrum is monotone increasing from 0 to 10.6GHz we can letΓ1, . . . , Γ4 overlap.5 TheΓi are approximations to the FCC mask with a certain error. Also, T0 is now fixed via the frequency rangeF. If one wants to reduceT0,

one has to reformulate the cones, henceγi and extend the frequency band constraints. IncreasingT0 above 1/28GHz is not possible, if one wants

to respect the whole mask.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

x 109










PSD Basic pu lse q

FCC mask

Figure 2: Fourier-approximationsΓLi ofM for L = 25.

4. Orthogonalization of Pulse Translates

In [7, 14] a sequential pulse optimization was introduced, which produces mutually orthogonal pulsesp◦m =

q ∗′T0gm, i.e. 〈p◦m, p◦n〉 = δnm. Here each pulsep◦m is generated by a different FIR filtergm ∈ RL, which depends on the

previously generated pulsesp◦1, . . . , p◦m−1 and produces pulses inL2([−Tq/2, (L−1)T0+Tq/2]). This approach is similar

to the Gram-Schmidt construction in that it is order-dependent, since the first pulsep◦1 can be optimally designed to

the FCC mask without an orthogonalization constraint. We will now present a new order–independent method to

generate from a fixed initial pulsep a set of orthogonal pulses{p◦m}. Therefore we introduce a new time–shiftT > 0,

namely the PPM shift in (5), to generate a set ofN = 2M + 1 translates{p(· −mT)}Mm=−M, i.e. M shifts in each time

direction. The orthogonal pulses are then obtained by linear combinations of the translates of the initial pulsep. For a

stable embedding of the finite construction we restrict the initial pulses to the setL2Tp

:= L2([−Tp/2,Tp/2]) of centered

pulses with finite durationTp. To study the convergence we need to introduce the concept ofregular shift–invariant


4.1. Shift–Invariant Spaces and Riesz-Bases

To simplify notation we scale the time axis so thatT = 1. Let us now consider the setS0(p) := span{p(·−n)} of all

finite linear combinations of{p(· − n)}, which is certainly a subset ofL2. TheL2-closure ofS0(p) is ashift–invariant

closed subspaceS(p) := S0(p) ⊂ L2, i.e. for eachf ∈ S(p) also{ f (· −n)} ⊂ S(p). SinceS(p) is generated by a single

functionp we call it aprincipal shift–invariant(PSI) space andp thegeneratorfor S(p). In fact,S(p) is the smallest

PSI closed subspace ofL2 generated byp. Of course not every closed PSI space is of this form [37]. In this work we

are interested in spaces which are closed under semi-discrete convolutions (12) withℓ2 sequences, i.e. the space

V(p) :={

p ∗′ c∣∣∣ c ∈ ℓ2




endowed with theL2- norm. Note thatV(p) is in general not a subspace or even a closed subspace ofL2 [37, 38]. But

to guarantee stability of our filter designV(p) has to be closed, i.e. has to be a Hilbert subspace. More precisely, the

translates ofp have to form aRiesz basis.

Definition 1. LetH be a Hilbert space.{en} ⊂ H is a Riesz basis forspan{en} if and only if there are constants

0 < A ≤ B < ∞, s.t.







H≤ B‖c‖2

ℓ2for all c ∈ ℓ2. (29)

In this casespan{en} becomes a Hilbert-subspace ofH . For SI spaces inL2= H we get the following result.

Proposition 1 (Prop.1 in [39]). Let p∈ L2(R).

Then V(p) is a closed shift–invariant subspace of L2 if and only if


∥∥∥p ∗′ c



L2 ≤ B‖c‖2ℓ2

for all c ∈ ℓ2 (30)

holds for fixed constants0 < A ≤ B < ∞. Moreover,{p(· − n)} is a Riesz-basis for V(p).

If the generatorp fulfills (30), thenV(p) = S(p) by [40] and we callp a stable generatorandV(p) a regular

PSI space[37]. An orthonormal generator(square-root Nyquist pulse, shift-orthonormal pulse) p◦ for V(p) is a

generator with〈p◦(· − n), p◦(· −m)〉 = δmn for all n,m∈ Z [11? ]. Benedetto and Li [41] showed that the stability and

orthogonality of a generatorp ∈ L2 can be described by the absolute [0, 1]-integrable periodic functionΦp ∈ L1([0, 1])

of p defined forν almost everywhere (a.e.) as

Φp(ν) :=∑


|p(ν + k)|2 . (31)

They could show the following characterization [41, 42].

Theorem 1 (Th. 7.2.3 in [42]). A function p∈ L2 is a stable generator for V(p) if and only if there exists0 < A ≤

B < ∞ such that

A ≤Φp(ν) ≤ B for ν a.e. (32)

and is an orthonormal generator for V(p) if and only if

Φp(ν) = 1 for ν a.e.. (33)

Proof. For a proof see Th. 7.2.3. (ii) and (iii) in [42]. In our special case we haveB = 1. Note, that the Riesz sequence

and orthonormal sequence are bases for their closed span, meaning that in our caseS(p) = V(p).

Due to this characterization in frequency there is a simple “orthogonalization trick” for a stable generator given

in (1), which was found by Meyer, Mallat, Daubechies and others [43],[42, Prop. 7.3.9]. Unfortunately, this does


not provide an “a priori” construction in the time domain anddoes not lead to a support control of the orthonormal

generator in time, as necessary for UWB-IR.

Contrary to an approximation in the frequency-domain we approach an approximation in time-domain via the

Löwdin transformation. We will show that in the limit the Löwdin transformation for shift–sequences is in fact

given in frequency by the orthogonalization trick (1). By using finite section methods we establish an approximation

method in terms of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to allow an easy computation. Furthermore, we show that the

Löwdin construction for stable generators is unique and optimal in theL2-distance among all orthonormal generators

and corresponds to the canonical construction of so called tight frames (given later).

4.2. Löwdin Orthogonalization for Finite Dimensions

Since the Löwdin transformation is originally defined for a finite set of linearly independent elements in a Hilbert

spaceH , we will use thefinite section methodto derive a stable approximation to the infinite case. For this we consider

for any M ∈ N the symmetric orthogonal projectionPM from ℓ2 to ℓ2M = {c ∈ ℓ2| suppc⊂ {−M, . . . ,M}} defined for

c ∈ ℓ2 by PMc := cM= (0, . . . , 0, c−M, . . . , cM, 0, . . . , 0). Then the finite sectionGM of the infinite dimensional Gram

matrixG of p ∈ L2, given by

[G]nm := 〈p(· −m), p(· − n)〉 for n,m∈ Z, (34)

can be defined asGM := PMGPM, see [44, Prop. 5.1.5]. Ifp satisfies (29) and if we restrict the semi-discrete

convolutionp ∗′ c to ℓ2M, we obtain a 2M + 1 dimensional Hilbert subspaceVM(p) of V(p) = H . Then the unique

linear operationBM, which generates from{p(· − m)}Mm=−M anorthonormal basis(ONB) {p◦,Mm }Mm=−M for VM(p) and

simultaneously minimizes



∥∥∥BM p(· −m) − p(· −m)



L2 (35)

is given by the (symmetric) Löwdin transformation [1, 2, 45,46] and can be represented in matrix form as

p◦,Mm := BM p(· −m) =M∑


[G− 1

2M ]mnp(· − n) for all m ∈ {−M, . . . ,M}, (36)

where we call eachp◦,Mm a Löwdin orthogonal (LO) pulseor Löwdin pulse.

HereG− 1

2M denotes the (canonical) inverse square-root (restricted to ℓ2M) of GM. Note thatG

− 12

M is not equal to

PMG−12 PM. Since the sum in (36) is finite, the definition of the Löwdin pulses is also pointwise well-defined. In the

next section, we will see that this is a priori not true for theinfinite case. If we identify the correspondingm’th row

of the inverse square-root ofGM with vectorsbMm = ([G

− 12

M ]m−M , . . . , [G− 1

2M ]m+M) we can describe (36) by a FIR filter

bank as

p◦,Mm = p ∗′ bMm , m ∈ {−M, . . . ,M}. (37)


Unfortunately, none of these Löwdin pulses is a shift-orthonormal pulse, which would be necessary for an OOPPM

transmission. In the next section we will thus show that the Löwdin orthogonalization converges forM to infinity to

an IIR filter b given as the centered row ofG−12 . This IIR filter generates then a shift-orthonormal pulse, namely the

square-root Nyquist pulse defined in (1). Hence the Löwdin orthogonalization (36) provides an approximation to our

OOPPM design. In the following we will investigate its stability, i.e. its convergence property.

4.3. Stability and Approximation

In this section we investigate the limit of the Löwdin orthogonalization in (36) for translates (time-shifts) of the

optimized pulsep with time durationTp < ∞ where we further assume thatp is a bounded stable generator. If we set

K := ⌊Tp⌋ then certainlyp ∈ L2K . In this case the auto–correlation ofp

rp(t) := (p ∗ p−)(t) =∫


p(τ)p(τ − t)dτ, (38)

with the time reversalp−(t) := p(−t) is a compactly supported bounded function on [−K,K]. Due to the Poisson

summation formula we can representΦp almost everywhere by the Fourier series (16) (T0 = 1) of the samples{rp(n)}

Φp(ν) =∞∑





[G]n0e−2πinν, (39)

which is the symbol of the Toeplitz matrixG, since we have from (34) and (38) thatrp(n−m) = [G]nm. Moreover the

symbol is continuous since the sum is finite due to the compactness ofrp.

On the other hand the initial pulsep is a Wiener function6 [44, Def. 6.1.1] so thatΦp defines a continuous

function and condition (32) holds pointwise [47, Prop.1]. Since both sides in (39) are identical a.e. they are identical

everywhere by continuity (see also [44, p.105]). Thus, the spectrum ofG is continuous, strictly positive and bounded

by the Riesz bounds. Hence the inverse square-roots ofG andGM exists s.t. for anyM ∈ N (by Cauchy’s interlace

theorem, [48, Th. 9.19])

A1M ≤ GM ≤ B1M and1B

1M ≤ G−1M ≤


1M, (40)

where1M denotes the identity onℓ2M. Now we can approximate the Gram matrix by STRANG’s circulant precon-

ditioner [49], s.t. the diagonalization is given by a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [50]. To get a continuous

formulation of the approximated Löwdin pulses we use the ZAK transform [51], given for a continuous functionf as

(Z f )(t, ν) :=∑

n∈Zf (t − n)e2πinν for t, ν ∈ R. (41)

Our main result is the following theorem.

6 Wiener functions are locally bounded inL∞ and globally inℓ1.


Theorem 2. Let K ∈ N and p∈ L2K be a continuous stable generator for V(p). Then we can approximate the limit set

of the Löwdin pulses{p◦m} by a sequence of finite function sets{p◦,Mm }Mm=−M, which are approximate Löwdin orthogonal

(ALO). The functionsp◦,Mm are given pointwise for M≥ K and m∈ {−M, . . . ,M} by the Zak transform as

p◦,Mm (t) :=




e−2πiml2M+1 (Zp)(t, l

2M+1 )√(Zrp)(0, l

2M+1 )|t|≤M− K


0 else

, (42)

such that for each m∈ Z

p◦m(t) = limM→∞

p◦,Mm (t) (43)

converges pointwise on compact sets. The limit in(43)can be stated as

ˆp◦(ν) = p(ν) ·(

Φp(ν))− 1

2 (44)

for ν ∈ R in the frequency-domain. Hence the Löwdin generatorp◦ := p◦0 is an orthonormal generator for V(p).

Proof. The proof consists of two parts. In the first part we derive an straightforward finite construction in the time

domain to obtain time-limited pulses (42) being approximations to the Löwdin pulses. Using Strang’s circulant

preconditioner the ALO pulses can be easily derived in termsof DFTs. In the second part we will then show that

this finite construction is indeed a stable approximation tothe square-root Nyquist pulse. Here we need pointwise

convergence, i.e. convergence inℓ∞ (the set of bounded sequences). Finally, to establish the shift-orthogonality we

use properties of the Zak transform.

Since the inverse square-root of aN × N Toeplitz matrix is hard to compute, we approximate for anyM ≥ K the

Gram matrixGM by using Strang’s circulant preconditionerGM [49, 52]. Moreover, the Gram matrix is hermitian

and banded such that we can define the elements of the first row by [53, (4.19)] as

[GM]0n :=

rp(n) n ∈ {0, . . . ,K}

rp(N − n) n ∈ {N − K, . . . ,N − 1}

0 else

. (45)

Here we abbreviateN := 2M + 1. The crucial property of Strang’s preconditionerGM is the fact that the eigenvalues

λl(GM) are sample values of the symbolΦp in (31). This special property is in general not valid for other circulant

preconditioners [52]. To see this, we derive the eigenvalues by [53, Theorem 7] as

λMl := λl(GM) =



rp(n)e−2πin lN +



rp(N − n)e−2πin lN for l ∈ {0, . . . , 2M} (46)

by inserting the first row ofGM given in (45). If we set in the second sumn′ = n− N we get from (39)

λMl =



rp(n)e−2πil nN = Φp


l2M + 1


. (47)


Sincep is compactly supported the symbolΦp is continuous and the second equality in (47) holds pointwise. More-

over, the Riesz bounds (32) ofp guarantee thatGM is strictly positive and invertible for anyM. Now we are able to

define the ALO pulses in matrix notation by setting7 in pM(t) := {p(t−n)}Mn=−M = (p(t+M), . . . , p(t−M))T for anyt ∈ R

p◦,M(t) := G− 1

2M pM(t) = FMD

− 12

M F∗MpM(t), (48)

since the circulant matrixGM = FMDMF∗M can be written by the unitaryN × N DFT matrixFM, with

[FM]nm :=1√

Ne−2πi nm

N with n,m∈{0, . . . , 2M} (49)

and the diagonal matrixDM of the eigenvalues ofGM.

Let us start in (48) from the right by applying the IDFT matrixF∗M, then we get for anykth component with

k ∈ {0, . . . , 2M}

[F∗MpM(t)]k =1√


( M∑


e2πi· nN k · p(t + M − n) +



e2πi· nN k · p(t + M − n)








e2πi· j+MN k · p(t − j). (51)

Next we multiply with the components [D− 1

2M ]kl = δkl/

λMl of the inverse square-root of the diagonal matrixDM


D− 1

2M F∗MpM(t)








e2πi j+MN k · p(t − j)





e2πi j+MN l · p(t − j)√


. (52)

In the last step we evaluate the DFT atm ∈ {0, . . . , 2M}

p◦,Mm−M(t) = [p◦,M(t)]m =1N



e−2πim· lN




p(t − j)e2πil j+MN




e−2πil m−MN

∑Mj=−M p(t − j)e2πil · j


(Zrp)(0, lN )

. (53)

where we used the Zak transform (41) ofrp to express the eigenvaluesλMl . In the next step we extend the DFT sum

of the numerator in (53) to an infinite sum. This is possible sincep(· − k) always has the same support lengthK for

eachk ∈ Z. Thus, for all|t| > M − K2 the non-zero sample values are shifted in the kern ofPM; hencepM(t) = 0. On

the other hand for|t| ≤ M − K2 any shift| j| > M results inp(t − j) = 0. If we also set for eachM the indexk := m−M

in (53) then the continuous ALO pulses can be written as

p◦,Mk (t) =


l e−2πil kN

(Zp)(t, lN )√

(Zrp)(0, lN )|t| ≤ M− K


0 else. (54)

7By slight abuse of our notation we understand in this sectionany matrix as anN×N matrix andpM(t), p◦,M(t) asN-dim. vectors for anyt ∈ R.


This defines for eachk the operationBMk by p◦,Mk = BM

k p. For eacht ∈ R the term (Zp)(t,ν)√(Z r)(0,ν)

is a continuous function

in ν since the Zak transforms are finite sums of continuous functions and the nominator vanishes nowhere. This is

guaranteed by the positivity and continuity ofΦp due to (40). Hence the ALO pulses are continuous as well.

The second part of the proof shows the convergence of our finite construction to a square-root Nyquist pulse.

Therefore we use thefinite section methodfor the Gram matrix. Gray showed [53, Lemma 7] that

∥∥∥GM −GM


w→ 0 (55)

asM → ∞ in the weak norm‖A‖2w := 1/N∑

j λ2j (A) implying weak convergence of the operators. SinceGM is strictly

positive for eachM ∈ N we get by [54]∥∥∥∥∥G− 1

2M −G

− 12



w→ 0. (56)

Unfortunately this does not provides a strong convergence,which is necessary to state convergence inℓ2

G− 1

2M PMc→ G−

12 c for anyc ∈ ℓ2. (57)

However, from [55]finite strong convergencecan be ensured, i.e. convergence of (57) for allc ∈ ℓ2M′ for each

M′ ∈ N. But for anyt ∈ R there exists anM′ sufficiently large, due to the compact support property ofp, such

thatc = p(t) := {p(t − n)} ∈ ℓ2M′ . This is in fact sufficient, since it implies pointwise convergence inℓ∞M′ of (57), i.e.

component-wise convergence for eacht ∈ R. Let us take for eacht ∈ R the numberM′ ∈ N such that max{|t| ,K} ≤ M′.

Then we can define the limit of thekth component as

p◦k(t) := limM→∞

p◦,Mk (t). (58)

If we define∆ν = 12M+1 andνl = l∆ν we can write for (58) by inserting (54)


p◦,Mk (t) = limM→∞



e−2πikνl (Zp)(t, νl)√

(Zrp)(0, νl)∆ν. (59)

Using the quasi-periodicity [51, (2.18),(2.19)] of the Zaktransform fork ∈ Z we have for anyt, ν ∈ R

(Zp(· − k))(t, ν) = (Zp)(t − k, ν) = e−2πiνk(Zp)(t, ν). (60)

We can express the partial sum on the right hand side of (59) inthe limit as a Riemann integral for eacht ∈ R

p◦k(t) := limM→∞

p◦,Mk (t) =∫ 1


(Zp(· − k))(t, ν)√

(Zrp)(0, ν)dν. (61)

This shows thatBMk p converge pointwise forM → ∞ to Bkp = B0p(· − k) = p◦k for eachk. The sequence{p◦k} is

then generated by shifts of the centered pulse ˜p◦ := p◦0 since the shift operation commutes withB := B0. This in turn

commutes with the Zak transformation, i.e. for allt ∈ R we have

(Bp)(t−k) =∫

(Zp)(t−k, ν)√

(Zrp)(0, ν)dν =

∫(Zp(·−k))(t, ν)√

(Zrp)(0, ν)dν (62)

= (Bp(·−k))(t). (63)


From (61) it is now easy to show that ˜p◦ is an orthonormal generator. We write the left hand side of (61) in the Zak

domain, by applying the Zak transformation8 to p◦

(Z p◦)(t, ν) =(Zp)(t, ν)

(Zrp)(0, ν). (64)

If we multiple (64) by the exponential and integrate over thetime we yield for everyν ∈ R∫ 1

0e−2πiνt(Z p◦)(t, ν)dt =

∫ 1


e−2πiνt · (Zp)(t, ν)√

Zrp(0, ν)dt. (65)

SinceΦp = (Zrp)(0, ·) is time-independent we get the “orthogonalization trick”(1) by using in (65) the inversion

formula [51, (2.30)] of the Zak transform

ˆp◦(ν) =p(ν) ·(

Φp(ν))− 1

2= p◦(ν). (66)

Again, this is also defined pointwise since the right hand side is continuous inν. It can now be easily verified that ˜p◦

fulfills the shift-orthonormal condition (33), which showsthat p◦ is an orthonormal generator forV(p).

Remark. Note, that relation (60) induces a time-shift. To apply this to the ALO pulses in (54) the time domain has to

be restricted further. Hence the ALO pulses do not have global shift character for finiteM ∈ N, but locally, i.e. p◦,Mk

shifted back to the center matches ˜p◦,M for t ∈ [−M + K2 + |k| ,M −

K2 − |k|]:

p◦,Mk (t + k) =1N


e−2πi lN k

∑Mn=−M p(t + k− n)e2πi l

N n




∑Mn=−M p(t + k− n)e2πi l

N (n−k)





∑M−kn′=−M−k p(t − n′)e2πi l

N n′


. (68)

Sincep(t + M + |k|) = 0 andp(t − M − |k|) = 0 for |k| < M and|t| ≤ M − K2 − |k|, we end up with

p◦,Mk (t + k) =1N


∑Mn=−M p(t − n)e2πi l

N n


= p◦,M(t). (69)

For all |k| < M the ALO pulses have the same shape in the window|t| ≤ M− K2 − |k| if we shift them back to the origin.

Moreover, the ALO pulses are all continuous on the real line,since they are a finite sum of continuous functions

by definition (48). Hence each ALO pulse goes continuously tozero at the support boundaries. So far it is not clear

whenever ˜p◦ is continuous or not. Nevertheless its spectrumˆp◦ is continuous and so we can state ˜p◦ = p◦ almost

everywhere. Hence the orthogonalization trick defines the square-root Nyquist pulsep◦ only in anL2 sense.

8A similar result is also known in the context of Gabor frames,see also [44, 8.3].


5. Discussion of the Analysis

In this section we will discuss now the properties of our OOPPM design for UWB, i.e. the optimization and

orthogonalization, which can be completely described by anIIR filtering process. First we will relate the Löwdin

orthogonalization to the canonical tight frame construction. Afterwards we will show in Section 5.2 that the Löwdin

transform yields the orthogonal generator with the minimalL2-difference to the initial optimized pulse. This is the

same optimality property as for canonical tight frames [20]. But such an energy optimality does not guarantee FCC

compliance. So we will discuss in Section 5.3 the influence ofa perfect orthogonalization to the FCC optimization.

Finally, we will discuss the implementation of a perfect orthogonalization by FIR filtering.

5.1. Relation Between Tight Frames and ONBs

Any Riesz basis{pk} for a Hilbert spaceH is also aexact frameforH with the frame operatorS defined by

S : H → H , f 7→ S f =∑


〈 f , pk〉H pk, (70)

where the frame bounds are given by the Riesz bounds 0<A ≤ B<∞ of {pk} [42, Th. 5.4.1, 6.1.1], i.e.

A‖ f ‖2H≤ 〈S f, f 〉H ≤ B‖ f ‖2

Hfor any f ∈ H . (71)

Here〈·, ·〉H denotes the inner product inH and‖·‖H the induced norm. SinceS is bounded and invertible, i.e. the

inverse operator exists and is bounded [42], we can write each f ∈ H as

f = S S−1 f =∑


〈S−1 f , pk〉H pk. (72)

In this case the Löwdin orthonormalization corresponds to thecanonical tight frame construction.

Lemma 1. Let the sequence{pk} be a Riesz basis for the Hilbert spaceH := span{pk} andG its Gram matrix. Then

the canonical tight frame{p◦k} is given for each k∈ Z by:

p◦k := S−12 pk =


[G−12 ]kl pl (73)

in an L2-sense.9

Proof. See Appendix A.

If we now setpn := p(· − n) ∈ L2 the Riesz-basis is generated by shifts of a stable generatorandH = V(p)

becomes a principal shift-invariant (PSI) space,

which is a separable Hilbert subspace ofL2 as discussed in Section 4.1. The canonical tight frame construction

then generates a shift-orthonormal basis, i.e. an orthonormal generator. The reason is that shift-invariant frames and

9 This statement was already given without further explanation by Y. Meyer in [43] equation (3.3). Note that Y. Meyer used condition (3.1) and

(3.2) in [43] which are equivalent to the Riesz basis condition.


Riesz bases are the same in regular shift-invariant spaces [56, Th.2.4]. So any frame becomes a Riesz basis (exact

frame) and any tight frame an ONB (exact tight frame). Hence for regular PSI spaces there exists no redundancy for

frames. This generalize the Löwdin transform for generating a square-root Nyquist pulse to any stable generatorp.

From Meyer [43] we know that (73) can be written in frequency domain as the orthogonalization trick. Therefore

the limit of the Löwdin transformationB = B: V(p)→ V(p)

f 7→ B f =∫ 1


(Z f )(·, ν)√

Zrp)(0, ν)dν (74)

equals the inverse square-root of the frame operator in (73).

5.2. Optimality of the Löwdin Orthogonalization

Janssen and Strohmer have shown in [20] that the canonical tight-frame construction of Gabor frames forL2 is

via Ron-Shen duality equivalent to an ONB construction on the adjoint time-frequency lattice. Furthermore they have

shown that among all tight Gabor frames, the canonical construction yields this particular generator with minimal

L2-distance to the original one. However, for SI spaces this optimality of the Löwdin orthogonalization has to be

proved otherwise. To prove this we use the structure of regular PSI spaces.

Theorem 3. The unique orthonormal generator with the minimal L2 distance to the normalized stable generator

p ∈ L2 for V(p) is given by the Löwdin generator p◦.

Proof. See Appendix B.

Nevertheless, We have to rescale the orthonormal generatorp◦ to respect the FCC mask, see Section 6. For this

the maximal difference of the power spectrum10 of the (normalized) optimal designed pulse and the orthonormalized

pulse is of interest, i.e.

∥∥∥|p|2 − |p◦|2


L∞= ess sup



Φp(ν) − 1


∣∣∣∣∣∣· |p(ν)|2



Φp − 1



L∞· ‖p‖2L∞ . (75)

This shows again that thisL∞ distortion is also determined by the spectral properties ofthe optimal designed pulsep

and its Riesz bounds. Unfortunately it is very hard to control the optimization and orthogonalization filter simultane-

ously as will be shown in the next section.

5.3. Interdependence of Orthogonalization and Optimization

The causal FIR operation in (13) of a fixed initial pulseq of odd orderL with clock rate 1/T0 can be also written

in the time-symmetric form as a real semi-discrete convolution

p = q ∗′T0g for g ∈ ℓ2L−1

2(R). (76)

10In fact theL∞-distance of the FCC maskSF and|p◦ |2 in F is relevant, assumed|p◦ |2 is bounded bySF .


In this section we investigate the interdependence of the IIR filter b and the FIR filterg, i.e. the interdependence of

the orthogonalization filter in Section 4.2 and the FCC optimization filter in Section 3 for different clock rates. So far

we have first optimized spectrally and afterwards performedthe orthonormalization. In this order for a chosenq, the

orthogonalization filterb depends ong, hence we writeb = bg. Moreover the clock rates of the filters differ, hence

we stick the time-shifts as index in the semi-discrete convolutions. For theT-shift-orthogonal pulse we get then

pT,◦= (q ∗′T0

g) ∗′T bg. (77)

Let us setT = ∆T0 andTq = NqT0 for Nq ∈ N,∆ > 0. Since the filter clock rate ofg is fixed to 1/T0 to ensure

full FCC–range control, the variation is expressed in∆. To get rid ofT0 we scale the timet to t′ = t/T0 such that

the time–shift ofg is T′0 = 1. We observe the following effects: 1) If1∆∈ N thenp∆,◦ = q∆,◦. 2) If ∆ ∈ N then the

distortion bybg is limited periodically to the interval [− 12∆ ,

12∆ ]. 3) If q is already 1-shift-orthogonal and∆ ∈ N then

bg can be omitted and instead adding an extra condition ong to be a∆-shift orthogonal-filter, i.e.rg(k∆) = δk0, which

ensures∆-shift orthogonality of the outputp. To see point 1), let us first orthogonalizeq by bq and ask for the filter

g∆,g which preserves the∆-orthogonalization in the presence ofg. Hence we aim at

p∆,◦ = p ∗′∆

bg = q∆,◦ ∗′ g∆,g. (78)

But from (44) we know howbg acts in the frequency-domain:





∣∣∣p(ν− k



∣∣∣q∆,◦(ν) · ˆg

∆,g(ν)∣∣∣2. (79)

Since|p(ν)|2= |g(ν) · q(ν)|2 and 1∆∈N we get by the1

∆-periodicity of |g|2

∣∣∣q∆,◦(ν) · ˆg


|g(ν)|2 · |q(ν)|21∆|g(ν)|2 ·∑k

∣∣∣q(ν − k




∣∣∣q(ν − k



∣∣∣2. (80)

Hence we get ˜g∆,g(k) = δk0, which shows 1). The price of the orthogonalization is the loss of a frequency control,

since the frequency property is now completely given by the basic pulseq and time-shift∆. In Fig. 10 the effect is

plotted for∆ ∈ [1, 2] andL = 25. For small∆ the distortion is increase by the orthogonalization. This also shows that

a perfect orthogonalization and optimization with the sameclock rates is not possible.

In 2) a perfect orthogonalization does not completely undo the optimization, sinceT = ∆ > T0 = 1. For∆ = 2 we

can describe the filter by using the addition theorem in|g(ν + 1/2)|2 = rg(ν + 1/2) = 2rg,0 − rg(ν) by




ν − k2



= rg(ν)





ν +2k2



+rg(ν+ 1






ν +2k+1




︸ ︷︷ ︸



= rg(ν)[

Φq(ν) +


rg(ν)− 1





which results in the filter power spectrum (79)

∣∣∣ ˆg2,g(ν)





rg(ν)− 1





. (82)


But since we fixed∆ = 2 andq we can calculateΦq,Φ′q and q∆,◦. This provides a separation of the filter power

spectrumrg(ν) = |g(ν)|2 and the orthogonalization. Unfortunately, this does not yield linear constraints forrg.

Finally, note that the time-shifts and hence the filter clockrates have to be chosen such that an overlap of the basic

pulse occurs. Otherwise a frequency shaping is not possible.

Case 3) assumes already a shift-orthogonality. We only haveto ensure that the spectral optimization filterg

preserves the orthogonality. This results in an extra orthogonality constrain for the filterg, which can be easily

incorporated in the SDP problem of Section 3, see Davidson et. al in [? ].

Summarizing, the discussion above shows that joint optimization and orthogonalization is a complicated problem

and only in specific situations a closed-form solution seemsto be possible.

5.4. Compactly Supported Orthogonal Generators

For PPM transmission a time-limited shift-orthogonal pulse is necessary to guarantee an ISI free modulation in a

finite time. Such a PPM pulse is a compactly supported orthogonal (CSO) generator. In PPM this is simply realized

by avoiding the overlap of translates.

To apply our OOPPM design it is hence necessary to guarantee acompact support of the Löwdin generatorp◦

given in Theorem 2. In this section we will therefore investigate the support properties of orthogonal generators. The

existence of a CSO generator (with overlap) was already shown by Daubechies in [19]. Unfortunately, she could not

derive a closed-form for such an CSO generator. Moreover, toobtain a realizable construction of a CSO generator

this construction has to be performed in a finite time. So our Löwdin construction should be obtained by a FIR filter.

PSI spaces of compactly supported (CS) generators, were characterized in detail by de Boor et al. in [37] and

called local PSI spaces. If the generator is also stable, as in Theorem 2, then there exists a sequencec ∈ ℓ2 such

that p ∗′ c is an CSO generator. Moreover, any CSO generator is of this form. To investigate compactness, de Boor

et.al. introduced the concept oflinear independentshifts for CS generators. The linear independence propertyof a

CS generatorp is equivalent by [37, Res. 2.24] to

{(L p)(z− n)}n∈Z , 0 for all z ∈ C (83)

where (L p) denotes the Laplace transform ofp. This means (L p) do not have periodic zero points. Note that this

definition of independence is stronger than finitely independence, see definition in [37]. If we additionally demand

linear independence ofp in our Theorem 2, then this CS generator is unique up to shiftsand scalar multiplies.

Furthermore, a negative result is shown in [37], which excludes the existence of a CSO generator ifp itself is not

already orthogonal. But ifp is already orthogonal, thenp is unique up to shifts and scalar multiplies and then the

Löwdin construction becomes a scaled identity (normalizing of p). The statement is the following:

Theorem 4 (Th. 2.29 in [37]). Let p ∈ L2 be a linear independent generator forS(p) which is not orthogonal, then

there does not exists a compactly supported orthogonal generator p◦ for S(p), i.e. there exists no filterb ∈ ℓ2 such

that p◦ = p ∗′ b.


If p is a linear independent generator which is not orthogonal, then the Löwdin generatorp◦ has not compact

support. We extend this together with the existence and uniqueness of a linear independent generator for a local PSI


Corrolary 1. Let p∈ L2 be compactly supported. If there exists a compactly supported orthogonal generator p◦ for

S(p), then it is unique.

Proof. Any CSO generatorp◦ ∈ L2 is a linear independent generator by [37, Prop. 2.25(c)]. Since the linear indepen-

dent generator is unique by [37, Th. 2.28(b)], the CSO generator is as well.

Remark. In any case there exists an orthogonal generator for a localPSI space. For a stable CS generatorp our

Theorem 2 gives an explicit construction and approximationfor an orthogonal generator by an IIR filtering ofp. If

the Löwdin generator is not CS, it is the unique orthogonal generator with the minimalL2-distance to the original

stable CS generator by Theorem 3. So far it is not clear whether there exists a IIR filterc ∈ ℓ2 which generates a CSO

generator from a stable CS generator or not. What we can say isthat if the inverse square-root of the Gram matrix is

banded, then the rows corresponds to FIR filters which produce CSO generators, since the semi-discrete convolution

reduces to a finite linear combination of CS generators. So this is a sufficient condition for the Löwdin generator to

be CSO, but not a necessary one.

6. Application in UWB Impulse Radio Systems

Here we give some exemplary applications of our filter designs developed in Section 3 and Section 4 for UWB-IR.

FIR filter realized by a distributed transversal filter.The FIR filter is completely realized in an analog fashion. It

consists of time-delay lines and multiplication of the input with the filter constants. Note also that these filter values

are real-valued. An application in UWB radios was already considered in [57].

Transmitter and receiver designs.Our channel model is an AWGN channel, i.e. the received signal r(t) is the trans-

mitted UWB signalu(t) given in (8) by adding white Gaussian noise. For simplicityof the discussion we omitted the

time-hopping sequence{cn} in (5). We propose now threeN − ary waveform modulations for our pulse design. Since

our proposed modulations are linear and performed in the baseband, the signals (pulses) are real-valued.11

(a) A pulse shape modulation (PSM) with the Löwdin pulses{pT,◦,Mm }Mm=−M, which corresponds to aN-ary orthogonal

waveform modulation. Then’th messagem is transmitted as the signalu(t) =√E anpT,◦,M

m (t−nTs) = ansm(t−nTs).

The receiver is realized byN correlators using the Löwdin pulses as templates. From the correlators outputlm the

absolute value is taken due to the random amplitude flip byan, see Fig. 3.

11Note that our proposed pulse design can be also used for a complex modulations (carrier based modulation), e.g. for OFDM or FSK.


Figure 3: Optimal Receiver forN-ary orthogonal modulation with scaled Löwdin pulsessm :=√EnpT,◦,M

m .

Choose largest

Figure 4: Matched filter receiver for an ALO and LO-OPPM scheme.

(b) The centered ALO and LO pulse ˜pT,◦,M := pT,◦,M0 resp. pT,◦,M := pT,◦,M

0 for an OPPM design are in fact a

non-orthogonal modulation scheme with a matched filter at the receiver, see Fig. 4. Then’th messagem is

then transmitted asu(t) =√E anpT,◦,M(t − nTs − mT) in the ALO-OPPM design. The matched filter output

y(t) =∫ nTs+Ts/2

−∞ r(τ)pT,◦,M(τ − t)dτ is sampled for then’th message aty(nTs+mT). (for LO-OPPM usepT,◦,M)

(c) The limiting OOPPM design with the Löwdin pulsep◦ is not practically feasible, since we have to use an IIR filter.

Hence we only refer to this setup as the theoretical limit. The transmitted signal would beu(t) =√E anpT,◦(t −

nTs − mT) with the matched filterh(t) = pT,◦(t). Note that the receiver in Fig. 4 also has to integrate over the

whole time due to the unlimited support, which would producean infinity delay in the decoding process.

Scaling with respect to the FCC mask.The operationsBM andBM generate pulses which are normalized in energy

but do not respect anymore the FCC mask. So we have to find for themth pulse its maximal scaling factorαm > 0 s.t.

∣∣∣αm · p◦,Mm (ν)

∣∣∣2 ≤ SF (ν) (84)

is still valid for anyν ∈ F. This problem is solved by

α∗m =






− 12








. (85)


For the scaled Löwdin pulses we can easily obtain the following upper bound for the NESP value (14)

η(α∗mp◦,Mm ) =































where we denoted withEFp =

FpSF the allowed energy of the FCC mask in the passbandFp. Thus, the maximization

of the symbol energyE under the FCC mask is the maximization ofα∗m in (85), i.e. a maximization of theL∞-norm

in the frequency domain.

Remark. We want to emphasize at this section, that the FCC spectral optimization is rather an optimization of the

power in an allowable mask given by the FCC, than an optimization of the spectral efficiency of the signal. Although

the PSWF’s have the best energy concentration in [−W,W] among all time-limited finite energy signals [15], they are

not achieving the best possible nesp value [9]. The reason is, that spectral efficiency with respect to UWB is to utilize

as much power from the UWB window, framed by the FCC maskSF , as possible. So the price of power utilization in

[−W,W] under the UWB peak power limitSF , is a loss of energy concentration and hence a loss of spectral efficiency

compared to the PSWF’s.

6.1. Performance of the Proposed Designs

For a given transmission design, consisting of a modulationscheme and a receiver, the average bit error probability

Pe overEb/N0 is usually considered as the performance criterion. We consider real-valued signals in the baseband with

finite symbol durationTs. The optimal receiver for a non-orthogonalN-ary waveform transmission is the correlation

receiver withM correlators, see Fig. 3 with maximum likelihood decision.

N-ary orthogonal PSM for scheme(a) above. The average (symbol) error probability forN-ary orthogonal pulses

with equal energyE can be upper bounded by [58]

Pe ≤ (N − 1) erfc



Note, that this error probability is the same as for an orthogonal PPM modulation (11). To obtain equal energy symbols

and FCC compliance we have to scale each Löwdin pulse with√E = α∗ = minm{α∗m}.

N-ary overlapping PPM for scheme(b) above. Here we can substitute theN correlations by one matched filter

h = pT,◦,M resp. h = pT,◦,M and obtain the statistics|lm| by sampling the output. The average error probability per

symbolPe given exactly in [58, Prob. 4.2.11] for equal energy signalsand can be computed numerically. The energy

is given by√E = α∗ = α∗0 and

E = α∗0 calculated in (85) forpT,◦,M resp.pT,◦,M. Upper bounds obtained in [59] can

be used for the ALO resp. LO average error probability

Pe ≤12





(1− ρ1 j)

and Pe ≤






(1− ρ1 j)



−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6

x 10−10










de in G


optim a l p , L=25

optim a l p , L=1

tim e in s

Figure 5: Optimal pulsep for L=25 and basic pulseq = p for L=1 in time-domain in generic units (GU).

with ρ1 j = ErpT,◦,M ( jT ) and ρ1 j = ErpT,◦,M ( jT ), since the symbols are given bysj =√EpT,◦,M(· − jT ) resp. sj =

EpT,◦,M(· − jT ) for j = 1, . . . ,N. The error probabilities depend on the pulse energy and on the decay of the sampled

auto-correlation defined in (38).

6.2. Simulation Results

The most common basic pulse for an UWB-IR transmission is theGaussian monocycle:q(t) ≃ t · exp (−t2/σ2)

whereσ is chosen such that the maximum of|q( f )|2 is reached at the center frequencyfc = 6.85GHz of the passband

[4]. Since we need compact support and continuity for our construction, we maskq with a unit triangle windowΛ

instead of a simple truncation. Also any other continuous window function which goes continuously to zero (e.g. the

Hann window) can be used, as long as the lower Riesz boundA > 0 can be ensured, see Theorem 2. We have used an

algorithm in [3] to computeA andB numerically. Note that for any continuous compactly supported function we have

a finite upper Riesz boundB, see [60, Th.2.1]. The width (window length) is chosen toTq = TΛ = NqT0 ≈ 0.21428ns,

such that at least 99.99% of the energy ofq is contained in the window [−Tq/2,Tq/2], see Fig. 5. We express all

time instants as integer multiples ofT0. Also, in Fig. 5 we plot the optimal pulse obtained by a FIR filter of order

L = 25 which results in a time-durationTp = 30T0 = 5Tq of p. In our simulation we chooseTq := 6T0 = NqT0

andL = 25 as the filter order of the FCC-optimization. Hence, the optimized pulses have a total time duration of

Tp = (L − 1)T0 + Tq = 30T0 = NpT0.

The Riesz condition (32) has been already verified in [3] for this particular setup. Theorem 2 uses the normaliza-

tion T′ = 1. Translating between different support lengthsT′p = K is done by settingt := t′Tp/K. Now the support

of p(t′) is [−K/2,K/2] with fixed T′ = 1. To obtain good shift-orthogonality, we have to chooseM > K. This we

control with an integer multiplem= 2, i.e. M = mK = 2K. The support lengthTs of all the LO (ALO) pulses is then


given as

TpT,◦,M = (N − 1)T + Tp = (2mK)Tp/K + NpT0

= TpT,◦,M = (2m+ 1)NpT0 = 150T0.


Now the time slot [−TpT,◦,M/2,TpT,◦,M/2] exactly containsN mutually orthogonal pulses{pT,◦,Mm }, i.e. N orthogonal

symbols with symbol durationTs = TpT,◦,M having all the same energy and respecting strictly the FCC mask. This is

a N-ary orthogonal signal design, which requires high complexity at receiver and transmitter, since we need a filter

bank ofN different filters.

Our proposal goes one step further. If we only consider one filter, which generates at the output the centered Löwdin

orthonormal pulsepT,◦,M, we can use this as a approximated square-root Nyquist pulsewith a PPM shift ofT = Tp/K

to enableN-ary OPPM transmission by obtaining almost orthogonality.

Advantages of the proposed design are: a low complexity at transmitter and receiver, a combining ofg andb

into a single filter operating with clock rate 1/T0 andq as input ifT = Tp/(T0K) ∈ N , a signal processing ”On

the fly” and finally a much higher bit rate compared to a binary-PPM. The only precondition for all this, is a perfect

synchronisation between transmitter and receiver. In fact, we have to sample equidistantly at rate of 1/T. The output

of the matched filterh(−t) = pT,◦,M(t) is given by

y(t) =∫ ∞

−∞r(τ)pT,◦,M(τ − t)dτ (90)

and recovers themth symbol. The statisticlm = y(mT) is the correlation of the received signal with the symbolsm,

see Fig. 4. Note that the shifts have support in the window [−1.5TpT,◦,M , 1.5TpT,◦,M ], but are almost orthogonal outside

the symbol window [−TpT,◦,M/2,TpT,◦,M/2] due to the compactness and approximate shift-orthogonalcharacter of the

Löwdin pulsepT,◦,M.

In Fig. 6 the centered orthogonal pulses forT = 5T0 = 5Tq/6 match almost everywhere the original masked

Gaussian monocycle, since the translates are almost non-overlapping, hence they are already almost orthogonal. For

T = T0 = Tq/6 the overlap results in a distortion of the centered orthogonal pulses, where the ALO pulses have high

energy concentration at the boundary (circulant extensionof the Gram Matrix).

In Fig. 7 the pulse shapes in time for the centered Löwdin orthogonal pulses are plotted. The ALO pulses are

matching the LO pulses forT > 2T0 almost perfectly such that we did not plot them, since the resolution of the plot is

to small to see any mismatch. Only for the critical shiftT = T0 a visible distortion is obtained at the boundary. In the

next Fig. 8 we plotted therefore the ALO and LO pulse forT = 1.5T0 to show that the ALO pulses indeed converge

very fast to the LO pulse ifT ≫ T0. The reason is that for small time shifts ofp the Riesz bounds and so the clustering

behaviour ofGM andG− 1

2M decreases. Hence the approximation quality ofG

− 12

M with G− 1

2M decreases, which results in

a shape difference.

To study the shift-orthogonal character of the ALO and LO pulses for variousT, we have plotted the auto-

correlations in Fig. 9. As can be seen, the samplesrpT,◦,M (mT) = ρ1m ≈ δm0, i.e. they vanish at almost each sam-


−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6

x 10−10








time in sec

LO: K=2,N=9, T=3T0

LO: K=6,N=25, T=T0

ALO: K=6,N=25, T=T0

Figure 6: ALO and LO pulses for Gaussian monocycle in time,L = 1 andM = 2K.

−2 .5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 10−9











tim e in sec

LO : K=2,N=9, T=15T0

LO : K=6,N=25, T=5T0

LO : K=10,N=41, T=3T0

LO : K=30,N=121, T=T0

ALO : K=30,N=121, T=T0

Figure 7: Orthogonal pulsespT,◦,M with L = 25,M = 2K and variousT = Tp/K.


−2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 10−9











tim e in sec

LO: K=20, N=81, T=1.5T0

ALO: K=20, N=81, T=1.5T 0

Figure 8: Centered ALO and LO pulse forT = 1.5T0 with L = 25,M = 2K = 40.

−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6

x 10−10











time in sec


alized cross−correlation

LO: K=2, T=15T0

LO: K=6, T=5T0

LO: K=10, T=3T0

LO: K=30, T=T0


optimal, T=Tp=30T


Figure 9: Auto-correlation of pulses forL = 25,T = Tp/K.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

x 109








frequency in Hz



A LO :K=2, M=4, T=15T0

ALO :K=6, M=12,

ALO :K=10, M=20, T=3T0

ALO :K=12, M=24, T=2.5T0

ALO :K=20, M=40, T=1.5T0

ALO :K=30, M=60, T=T0

LO : K=30, M=60,

op tim a l FCC pu lse p

FCC mask

LO : K=12,N=49, T=2.5T0

, K=6, N=25, T=T0basic q°



Figure 10: PSD of pulses forL = 25,T = Tp/K.

ple point except in the origin. The NESP performance for various values ofT is shown in Fig. 10. Approaching

T = T0 cancels the FIR prefilter optimization ofg, i.e. the spectrum becomes flat. Finally, in Fig. 11 the gain of our

orthogonalization strategy can be seen. In both cases, theN-ary OOPPM design transmit at an uncoded bit rate of

Rb(K) =log(N)


log(4K + 1)150T0

. (91)

Fig. 11 shows the NESP valueη over the transmit rateRb for L = 25 andm= 2. DecreasingT = Tp/K results in more

overlap, which increases the number of symbolsN in Ts and henceRb, but only slightly decreasesη, see Fig. 10,11.

Summarizing, a triplication of the transmit rate from 0.18Gbit/s to 0.6Gbit/s is possible without loosing much

signal powerE/Ts . Let us note the fact that the transmit bit data rate is an uncoded rate and is not an achievable rate.

For an analysis of achievable data rates by deriving the mutual information of the system see the work of Ramirez et.

al in [16] and Güney et. al in [62]. Obviously, the unshaped Gaussian monocycle then yields the highest transmit rate,

since (91) behaves logarithmically in the numberN of symbols, as seen in Fig. 11. But this has practically zero SNR

when respecting the FCC regulation and results in a high error rate (87),(88). On the other hand, a longer symbol

duration, allows in (4) a higher energyE and hence a lower error rate in (11).

Hence, the decreasing of the transmit rate due to the increased symbol duration used for FCC optimal filtering of

the masked Gaussian monocycle can be more than compensated by the proposed OOPPM technique.


0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 1.2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .80


0 .2

0 .3

0 .4

0 .5

0 .6

0 .7

0 .8

Rbin Gb it/s

ALO pu lse

LO pu lse

Gaussian Monocycle q

Binary-PPM with GM q

FCC Optimal pulse p

Figure 11: Orthogonalization results of the fixed FCC optimized pulsep for L = 25 in Ts = 150T0 over variousT resulting in various transmit


7. Conclusion

We have proposed a new pulse design method for UWB-IR which provides high spectral efficiency under FCC

constraints and allowing aN-ary OPPM transmission with finite transmission and receiving time by keeping almost

orthogonality. In fact, the correlation parameters can be keep below the noise level by using small time-shiftsT < Tp.

As a result, this provides much higher data rates as comparedto BPSK or BPPM. Furthermore, our pulse design

provides a N-ary orthogonal PSM transmission by getting a lower bit error rate at the price of a higher complexity.

Simultaneous orthogonalization and spectral frequency shaping is a challenging and hard problem. We believe that

for certain shifts being integer multiples ofT0, a numerical solver might be helpfully to directly solve thecombined

problem as discusses in Section 5.3.

We highlight the broad application of the OOPPM design, not only being limited to UWB systems but rather

applicable to a pulse shaped communication system under a local frequency constraint in general.


Thanks to Holger Boche for helpful discussions. This work was partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge-

meinschaft (DFG) grants Bo 1734/13-1, WI 1044/25-1 (UKoLoS) and JU 2795/1-1.


Appendix A.

Proof of Lemma 1.Let a, b ∈ R with a+ b = −1. ThenSa andSb, defined by the spectral theorem, are also positive

and self-adjoint onH . Moreover for eachf we have the following unique representationf =∑

k ckpk with c ∈ l2(Z)

due to the Riesz basis property. Forf = pl in (72) we get

pl =


〈S−1pl , pk〉H =∑


〈Sapl ,Sbpk〉H pk (A.1)

sinceSapl ,Sbpk ∈ H there exist unique sequencescl , dk s.t. Sapl =∑

α clαpα,Sbpk =∑

β dkβpβ. Hence we get

pl =






pk (A.2)




clαdkβ〈pα, pβ〉H pk (A.3)




[C] lα[G]αβ[D∗]βkpk =


[CGD∗] lk pk (A.4)

whereclα anddβk are the coefficients of the biinfinite matricesC resp.D. Since for eachl ∈ Z we have∑

k δlk pk = pl

and{[CGD∗] lk}, {δlk} ∈ ℓ2, we get 0=∑

k([CGD∗] lk − δlk)pk for eachl ∈ Z. So by [42, Th.6.1.1(vii)] we can conclude

that [CGD∗] lk = δlk for all l, k ∈ Z and get

CGD∗ = 1⇔ G = C−1(D∗)−1⇔ G−1= D∗C. (A.5)

ObviouslyD andC are not an unique decomposition ofS−1, sincea andb are not. Ifa = b = − 12, we haveD∗ = C∗

and henceG−12 = C = D. This establishes (73) in anL2-sense.

Appendix B.

Proof of Theorem 3.Let us first note thatV(p) is a regular SI space sincep is a stable generator. This has as con-

sequence that frames are Riesz bases forV(p) [61, Th. 2.2.7 (e)]. So any elementf ∈ V(p) = p ∗′ c is uniquely

determined by anℓ2 sequencec. By the Riesz–Fischer Theorem this sequencec defines by its Fourier series a unique

L2([0, 1])-functionτ = c. Hence, the Fourier transform of anyf ∈ V(p) is represented uniquely byτ as f = τp,

see also [37, Th.2.10(d)]. On the other handf is an orthonormal generator if and only ifΦ f = 1 a.e.. By using the

periodicity ofτ we get

Φ f =


|p(· − k)|2 |τ(· − k)|2 (B.1)

= |τ|2∑


|p(· − k)|2 = |τ|2 · Φp = 1. (B.2)

Thus, we have|τ| = 1/√

Φp almost everywhere. Let us set ˜τ := 1/√

Φp a.e. and a complex periodic phase function

φ := eiα(·) : R → {z ∈ C | |z| = 1} with α : R → [0, 2π] 1-periodic and measurable. Then any functionτ ∈ L2([0, 1])

which satisfy (B.2) a.e. is given byτ = τ · φ a.e.. TheL2-distance is then given by


‖p− f ‖2L2 =

∥∥∥p− f



L2 = ‖p− τp‖2L2 = ‖p‖2L2 + ‖τp‖2L2 −∫


τ |p|2 −∫


τ |p|2 (B.3)

= 2−∫


(τ + τ) |p|2 = 2− 2∫


cos(α) |p|2Φp− 1

2 (B.4)

≥ 2− 2∫


|p|2Φp− 1

2 = 2(

1− 〈p, p◦〉H)

. (B.5)

Since|p|2 is positive andΦp is bounded and strictly positive a.e. the distance is minimized if and only ifα(ν) = 0

a.e. inR, i.e. if we have equality in (B.5). Henceφ = 1 a.e. and so ˜τ = τ a.e., which corresponds hence to the unique

orthonormal Löwdin generatorf = p◦ with anL2-distance top given in (B.5).

Remark. Note, that in fact the phase functionφ has no influence on the power spectrum|p◦φ|2 = |φτp|2= |τp|2 = |p◦|2 .



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