Applied Surface Science 394 (2017) 25–36 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Surface Science jou rn al h om ep age: www.elsevier.com/locate/apsusc Full length article Development of surface functionalized ZnO-doped LiFePO 4 /C composites as alternative cathode material for lithium ion batteries Rakesh Saroha a , Amrish K. Panwar a,, Yogesh Sharma b , Pawan K. Tyagi a , Sudipto Ghosh c a Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi 110042, India b Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, India c Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 27 May 2016 Received in revised form 12 September 2016 Accepted 21 September 2016 Available online 21 September 2016 Keywords: Olivine-cathode ZnO-doping Charge separation Surface force gradient Ragone plot a b s t r a c t Surface modified olivine-type LiFePO 4 /C-ZnO doped samples were synthesized using sol-gel assisted ball-milling route. In this work, the influence of ZnO-doping on the physiochemical, electrochemical and surface properties such as charge separation at solid-liquid interphase, surface force gradient, sur- face/ionic conductivity of pristine LiFePO 4 /C (LFP) has been investigated thoroughly. Synthesized samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. All the synthesized samples were indexed to the orthorhombic phase with Pnma space group. Pristine LiFePO 4 retain its structure for higher ZnO concentrations (i.e. 2.5 and 5.0 wt.% of LFP). Surface topography and surface force gradient measurements by EFM revealed that the kinetics of charge carriers, e /Li + is more in ZnO-doped LFP samples, which may be attributed to diffusion or conduction process of the charges present at the surface. Among all the synthesized samples LFP/C with 2.5 wt.% of ZnO (LFPZ2.5) displays the highest discharge capacity at all C-rates and exhibit excellent rate performance. LFPZ2.5 delivers a specific discharge capacity of 164 (±3) mAh g 1 at 0.1C rate. LFPZ2.5 shows best cycling performance as it provides a discharge capacity of 135 (±3) mAh g 1 at 1C rate and shows almost 95% capacity retention after 50 charge/discharge cycles. Energy density plot shows that LFPZ2.5 offers high energy and power density measured at high discharge rates (5C), proving its usability for hybrid vehicles application. © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. 1. Introduction Intense pressure on non-renewable sources of energy like coal, crude oil, etc. and problems associated with their use like air pollu- tion, greenhouse gasses ejection, global warming has forced the research community to look for their substitute energy sources which prove to be environmental friendly and less health haz- ardous. At present, rechargeable lithium ion battery coupled with renewable energy sources like solar power are playing a vital role in the direction of developing such kind of energy stor- age devices which meet requirements of safety, non-toxic, low cost, high energy and power density to power electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) [1,2]. Olivine-type LiFePO 4 is one such kind of cathode material which proves to be most promising cathode material as far as structure stability, the flat Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.K. Panwar). charge/discharge voltage plateau and excellent rate performance have been concerned. It has undergone extensive research since it was first reported by Padhi et al. in 1997 [3]. It satisfies most of the requirements needed for a cathode material like high the- oretical capacity (170 mAh g 1 ), low cost, structural stability with excellent capacity retention and environmentally benign due to its non-toxicity [4–14]. It possesses a stable voltage plateau at around 3.45 V vs. Li + /Li because of two-phase redox reaction corresponding to the transition metal Fe 2+ / 3+ couple. However, its low electronic conductivity (10 9 –10 11 S/cm) and sluggish lithium ion diffusion kinetics (10 18 cm 2 /s) have restricted its widespread use in auto- motive industry and hybrid vehicles [15–17]. Various ways have been adopted so far to increase the surface/electronic conductivity of pristine LiFePO 4 cathode material which includes carbon coat- ing [18,19] and cation doping at the lithium (M1) or iron (M2) site [20,21]. Apart from this, enhancement in conductivity can be attained by coating/surface modification of LiFePO 4 material with electronically conductive materials like SnO 2 [1], CeO 2 [2], LaPO 4 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.09.105 0169-4332/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Applied Surface Science€¦ · 27 May 2016 Received in revised form 12 4 September 2016 Accepted 21 September 2016 Available online 21 September 2016 Keywords: Olivine-cathode ZnO-doping

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Page 1: Applied Surface Science€¦ · 27 May 2016 Received in revised form 12 4 September 2016 Accepted 21 September 2016 Available online 21 September 2016 Keywords: Olivine-cathode ZnO-doping













Applied Surface Science 394 (2017) 25–36

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Applied Surface Science

jou rn al h om ep age: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /apsusc

ull length article

evelopment of surface functionalized ZnO-doped LiFePO4/Composites as alternative cathode material for lithium ion batteries

akesh Sarohaa, Amrish K. Panwara,∗, Yogesh Sharmab, Pawan K. Tyagia, Sudipto Ghoshc

Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi 110042, IndiaDepartment of Physics, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, IndiaDepartment of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 27 May 2016eceived in revised form2 September 2016ccepted 21 September 2016vailable online 21 September 2016

eywords:livine-cathodenO-dopingharge separationurface force gradient

a b s t r a c t

Surface modified olivine-type LiFePO4/C-ZnO doped samples were synthesized using sol-gel assistedball-milling route. In this work, the influence of ZnO-doping on the physiochemical, electrochemicaland surface properties such as charge separation at solid-liquid interphase, surface force gradient, sur-face/ionic conductivity of pristine LiFePO4/C (LFP) has been investigated thoroughly. Synthesized sampleswere characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, andtransmission electron microscopy. All the synthesized samples were indexed to the orthorhombic phasewith Pnma space group. Pristine LiFePO4 retain its structure for higher ZnO concentrations (i.e. 2.5 and5.0 wt.% of LFP). Surface topography and surface force gradient measurements by EFM revealed that thekinetics of charge carriers, e−/Li+ is more in ZnO-doped LFP samples, which may be attributed to diffusionor conduction process of the charges present at the surface. Among all the synthesized samples LFP/Cwith 2.5 wt.% of ZnO (LFPZ2.5) displays the highest discharge capacity at all C-rates and exhibit excellent


agone plot rate performance. LFPZ2.5 delivers a specific discharge capacity of 164 (±3) mAh g at 0.1C rate. LFPZ2.5shows best cycling performance as it provides a discharge capacity of 135 (±3) mAh g−1 at 1C rate andshows almost 95% capacity retention after 50 charge/discharge cycles. Energy density plot shows thatLFPZ2.5 offers high energy and power density measured at high discharge rates (5C), proving its usabilityfor hybrid vehicles application.

© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.

. Introduction

Intense pressure on non-renewable sources of energy like coal,rude oil, etc. and problems associated with their use like air pollu-ion, greenhouse gasses ejection, global warming has forced theesearch community to look for their substitute energy sourceshich prove to be environmental friendly and less health haz-

rdous. At present, rechargeable lithium ion battery coupled withenewable energy sources like solar power are playing a vitalole in the direction of developing such kind of energy stor-ge devices which meet requirements of safety, non-toxic, lowost, high energy and power density to power electric vehicles

EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) [1,2]. Olivine-type LiFePO4s one such kind of cathode material which proves to be mostromising cathode material as far as structure stability, the flat

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.K. Panwar).

ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.09.105169-4332/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.

charge/discharge voltage plateau and excellent rate performancehave been concerned. It has undergone extensive research sinceit was first reported by Padhi et al. in 1997 [3]. It satisfies mostof the requirements needed for a cathode material like high the-oretical capacity (170 mAh g−1), low cost, structural stability withexcellent capacity retention and environmentally benign due to itsnon-toxicity [4–14]. It possesses a stable voltage plateau at around3.45 V vs. Li+/Li because of two-phase redox reaction correspondingto the transition metal Fe2+/3+ couple. However, its low electronicconductivity (10−9–10−11 S/cm) and sluggish lithium ion diffusionkinetics (∼10−18 cm2/s) have restricted its widespread use in auto-motive industry and hybrid vehicles [15–17]. Various ways havebeen adopted so far to increase the surface/electronic conductivityof pristine LiFePO4 cathode material which includes carbon coat-ing [18,19] and cation doping at the lithium (M1) or iron (M2)

site [20,21]. Apart from this, enhancement in conductivity can beattained by coating/surface modification of LiFePO4 material withelectronically conductive materials like SnO2 [1], CeO2 [2], LaPO4
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2 rface







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9], ZnO [10], CuO [11], FeP [14], Li3PO4 [17], NiO [22], NbC [23],iO2 [24], CePO4 [25], LLTO [26], LTO [27], etc.

As far as coatings/surface modification aspect is concerned, car-on coating by using different carbon source has been widelypplied to improve the conductivity and electrochemical perfor-ance of cathode active material. However, conducting carbon

oatings attenuates tap density of LiFePO4 cathode material andence, degrades energy density [28]. Apart from conducting car-on coating, there are various reports on metal oxides coatingsf LiFePO4 material. Among such metal oxide conductive mate-ials, Zinc oxide (ZnO) proves to be an excellent alternative dueo its easiness of synthesis and widespread application in variousreas. Being a large band gap semiconducting material, it providesood electrical contacts at the surface of the active electrode mate-ial particle and facilitates fast lithium ion/electron transfer. It haslso been reported earlier that introduction of Zn into LiFePO4 lat-ice introduce some kind of “pillar effect” which provides morepace for lithium ion movement and consequently, the conduc-ivity of LiFePO4 has enhanced and so its lithium ion diffusionoefficient [29]. Hu et al. [30] studied ZnO-doped LiFePO4 fabri-ated by hydrothermal method and found that ZnO-doped sampleelivers discharge capacities of 132.3 mAh g−1 and 80 mAh g−1 at.1C and 1C, respectively. Till now there are no literature reportsegarding how surface modification by ZnO-doping enhanced thelectrochemical performance of the pristine LiFePO4.

In this work, the effects of surface functionalization by ZnO-oping on the physicochemical, surface and electrochemicalroperties of the pristine LiFePO4 have been systematically investi-ated. The effects of charge separation phenomenon at the interfacef ZnO doped LiFePO4/C has been discussed. Surface force imagingas been studied by observing the variation of surface electrostatic

orce/potential on the surface of pristine LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/Camples using atomic force microscopy. All the samples were syn-hesized using the sol-gel assisted wet-milling route with sucrose.ll the synthesized samples were examined using XRD, SEM, AFM,EM and FTIR. Rietveld refinement was performed to study theffect of ZnO-doping on the crystal lattice parameters of pristine LFPample. Electrochemical characterization of as-prepared samplesas carried out to study electrochemical properties and lithium

on kinetics.

. Experimental

.1. Material synthesis

Stoichiometric amounts of LiOH·H2O (Sigma-Aldrich, ∼99%),e(NO3)3·9H2O (CDH, 98%) and H9N2O4P (Sigma-Aldrich, ≥99%)ere used as precursors for the synthesis of pristine LiFePO4 and

nO-doped LiFePO4/C samples. Citric acid was used as a chelatinggent. A separate solution of all the precursors in deionized wateras prepared with continuous stirring and then added to citric acid

olution one by one. The pH value of the resulting solution wasaintained between 6 and 7. The ratio of metal ion to the citric

cid was kept 1:1. The resulting solution of citric acid and precur-ors was heated at 70 ◦C at 400 rpm with continuous stirring until

transparent greenish gel was obtained. The gel thus obtained wasecomposed at 350 ◦C for 5 h in a tubular furnace under reducingtmosphere. Decomposition causes removal of organic matter andolatile impurities in the form of gasses according to the followingeaction;

LiOH·H2O + Fe(NO3)3.9H2O + H9N2O4P = LiFePO4

+ 2NH3 + 2CO2 + 16H2O (1)

Science 394 (2017) 25–36

Thus yielded powder was reground together with ZnO andsucrose. Sucrose GR (C12H22O11, MERCK) was used as an additive ofcarbon source and reducing agent as well. The quantity of sucrosewas kept fixed at 10 wt.% of LiFePO4 remains after decompositionwhile the amount of ZnO was varied as 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt.% ofLiFePO4 for different compositions. The sucrose was added onlyto ZnO-treated LFP samples in order to have ZnO-doped LiFePO4/Ccompositions. Finally, LiFePO4, sucrose and ZnO in different wt.%were ball milled for 2 h at 400 rpm in toluene media. The final prod-uct was obtained by heating the mixture at 750 ◦C for 12 h in slightlyreducing atmosphere to assist the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+. The tubefurnace was evacuated for 20 min in advance before heating and theheating rate was kept at 5 ◦C min−1. The finally obtained powderswere abbreviated as LFP, LFPZ1, LFPZ2.5, LFPZ5 corresponding to0.0, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt.% of ZnO nanopowder. ZnO nanopowder wassynthesized by a wet chemical method using Zinc acetate dihydrate((CH3COO)2 Zn·2H2O, Fischer scientific, 98.5%) as a precursor. Zincacetate dihydrate was dissolved in triple distilled water with con-tinuous stirring at 40 ◦C. After few hours of stirring a white powderwas obtained which was subjected to decomposition at 450 ◦C for24 h in order to get ZnO nanopowder.

2.2. Material characterization

Synthesized samples were characterized using RIGAKU makeX-ray diffractometer coupled with CuK�1 radiation (� = 1.540 Å)for quantitative analysis of crystal structure and phase composi-tion of the synthesized samples. The XRD data was collected overan angular range of 10–70◦ with a step size of 0.02◦. Rietveldrefinement was done using ‘X’pert high score plus’ software. Themorphological study was carried out using HITACHI make S-3700Nscanning electron microscope with EDAX attachment working at15 kV. Transmission electron microscopy analysis was done usingFEI make model TWIN TF30 operated at 300 kV by employingcarbon coated copper grids (CF200-Cu). The topography and sur-face force gradient of the synthesized samples were investigatedin detail by atomic force microscopy and surface scanning probemicroscopy techniques. Surface force measurements were per-formed in a non-contact mode at a scan rate of 2 Hz and a biasvoltage of 0.6 V was applied between the sample and the groundtip. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were recordedwith PERKIN ELMER make C91158 spectrometer in the range of1400–400 cm−1 using KBr pellet method. The pristine LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples were mixed with 2.5 wt.% of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA), pressed into circular discs with 10 mm diameter by apply-ing pressure of 7 tons using a hydraulic press and then heated at250 ◦C for 2 h in air to remove PVA. To make electrical contacts,silver (Ag) paste was applied on the both sides of pellets and con-sequently, dried up at 150 ◦C for 1 h in air to remove moisture. Inorder to measure electronic conductivity, a two-point probe setup(AGILENT 4284A) was used. Conductivity measurements were doneat a bias voltage of 1.0 V and the frequency range was kept from20 Hz–1 MHz. The electronic conductivity (�) is calculated by usingfollowing equation;

� = 1R




where, R is the resistance of the sample (�), L and A is thickness(cm) and cross-sectional area (cm2) of the circular disc, respec-tively. Activation energy measurement was carried out at a sourcevoltage of 1.0 V by using KEITHLEY 6517A high resistance electrom-eter. Activation energy (Ea) is calculated using Arrhenius equation;

� = �0exp(−Ea



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R. Saroha et al. / Applied Surface Science 394 (2017) 25–36 27

Table 1Rietveld refinement results for LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples. All distance andlattice parameters units are in Å (10−10 m).

Samples a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) V (Å)3 Rexp Rp �2

LFP 10.308 5.997 4.687 289.736 2.75 3.11 2.55LFPZ1 10.317 6.001 4.688 290.244 2.41 2.88 2.98







Fig. 1. XRD patterns of as-synthesized LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples.

LFPZ2.5 10.313 5.998 4.686 289.863 1.82 2.37 3.91LFPZ5 10.296 6.014 4.696 290.776 1.88 2.84 4.98

here, � is electronic conductivity (S/cm), Ea is activation energyeV), KB is Boltzmann constant (J K−1) and T is temperature (K).

.3. Electrode preparation and electrochemical characterization

For electrochemical studies, electrodes were prepared by dis-ersing active material (LFP or ZnO/C-coated LFP) conductivearbon (Super P) and binder (polyvinylidene difluoride, PVDF)n a weight percentage of 70:15:15 in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinoneNM2P) as a solvent. The resulting mixture was then stirred for0 h and coated on Al foil current collector using the “doctor blade”echnique. The coatings were dried at 80 ◦C in a vacuum oven tovaporate the solvent and then circular electrodes of 19 mm diam-ter were punched and weighed. Then electrodes were dried underacuum at 60 ◦C to remove moisture and finally brought insidehe Mbraun make glove box workstation with O2 and H2O level0.5 ppm. CR2032 coin cells were assembled for electrochemical

esting of the synthesized samples. High purity Li chips were useds both counter and reference electrode. A microporous polypropy-ene sheet (Celgard 2400) was used as a separator while 1 M LiPF6n EC: DMC 1:1 v/v was used as the electrolyte. Cyclic voltamme-ry (CV) experiments were carried out over the potential rangef 2.8–4.2 V vs. Li+/Li. The galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD)erformance test, rate capability at different C-rates and Electro-hemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) using an AC voltage pulsef 5 mV in the frequency range of 10 kHz-10 mHz were performed.ll the electrochemical tests were performed using EZstat-prouVant systems Inc. (U.S.A) cell test system at 298 K.

. Results and discussion

.1. Structural and morphological analysis

The XRD patterns of the as-synthesized cathode material withifferent ZnO amount are shown in Fig. 1. It can be clearly seenrom XRD patterns that all the diffraction peaks are well indexedo orthorhombic phase with Pnma space group of olivine-LFP. Theharp peaks for all the synthesized samples indicate that the sam-les are well crystalline in nature. No extra peak related to carbonas detected, indicating that the carbon present in the samples is

morphetic in nature. Likewise, no additional peaks related to ZnOere observed for the synthesized samples which suggest that Zn

rom ZnO might have gone inside the host lattice and therefore, ZnOct as a dopant. Rietveld refinement was performed for the syn-hesized samples to obtain quantitative structural information ofnO-doping on the crystal lattice structure of LFP using ‘X’pert highcore plus’ software. The observed, calculated and difference XRDatterns of pristine LFP and LFPZ2.5 sample are shown in Fig. 2. Noackground subtraction and data smoothening were done beforeefinement. The starting atomic position coordinates for pristineFP were taken from Yanxuan et al. [31]. The structural refinementesults are summarized in Table 1. The goodness of fitting factor, �2

f the refinement for pristine LFP and LFPZ2.5 is around 2.5% and 4%,espectively, which demonstrates that the results are reliable. It cane observed from Table 1 that with increasing ZnO amount, the unitell parameters, and unit cell volume increases. The increase in cell

Fig. 2. Rietveld refined XRD patterns (a) LFP; (b) LFPZ2.5.

size from 289.736 to 290.776 (Å)3 is mainly due to a slight increasein lattice parameter b and c whereas a decrease slightly (Fig. 3). Theincrease in unit cell size, thus provide more space for lithium ionmovement and consequently better electrochemical properties.

Fig. 4(a)–(e) shows the effect of surface modification by ZnO-

doping on the morphology of all synthesized samples. It can be seenfrom the SEM micrographs that the grains in pristine LFP sample areagglomerated (Fig. 4(a)), dense and possess a nearly spherical mor-
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Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows the TEM/HRTEM/SAED images of pris-

ig. 3. Unit cell parameters a–c for synthesized samples as a function of ZnO con-entration.

hology with average micrometer size range (∼1 �m). Fig. 4(b)–(d)hows micrographs of ZnO-doped LFP/C sample. Grains in ZnO-oped samples are found to be uniformly distributed and smaller inize (∼500 nm). This variation in grain size of pristine LFP and ZnO-

Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of synthesized samples (a)

Science 394 (2017) 25–36

doped LFP/C samples can be explained on the basis of nucleationprocess. The addition of ZnO may enhance the nucleation processwhich could result in grain size refinement and hence, a decreasein grain size is noticed. Also, the small size of grains may be help-ful in the enhancement of the electrochemical properties as grainsize is related to the diffusion time of lithium ion given by the for-mula � = L2/D, where L is characteristic diffusion length, D is thediffusion coefficient for Li-ion, and � is particular time for lithiumion to diffuse through an electrode material. Thus, the decrease inparticle size will significantly enhance electrochemical properties.Therefore, it may be concluded that the concentration of foreigndopant plays a key role in controlling the morphology and grainsize distribution in synthesized samples. Fig. 4(e) shows the SEMmicrograph of synthesized ZnO powder. SEM micrographs revealthat the size of particles in ZnO powder lies between 50 and 60 nmand are also uniformly distributed. Fig. S1(a) and (b) shows EDX pat-tern of the pristine LFP and LFPZ2.5 samples, respectively followedby the elemental mapping. Element mapping clearly indicates thehomogeneous dispersion of Fe, Zn, P, and O.

tine LFP and LFPZ2.5 samples, respectively. In the TEM images,the LFP and LFPZ2.5 particles appear as dark and slightly grayishregions while carbon appeared as transparent. It can be observed

LFP; (b) LFPZ1; (c) LFPZ2.5; (d) LFPZ5; (e) ZnO.

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R. Saroha et al. / Applied Surface Science 394 (2017) 25–36 29

Fig. 5. TEM/HRTEM images of synthesized samples (a) LFP; (b) LFPZ2.5.


Fig. 6. FTIR spectrum of ZnO-doped LFP/C samples from 400 to 1400 cm−1.

Table 2Conductivity and activation energy results of LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples.

Samples RA.C (�) �A·C (S cm−1) Ea (meV)

LFP 39.0 × 106 4.35 × 10−9 694.7LFPZ1 158.7 × 103 5.11 × 10−7 248.0

samples. From Table 2, it can be perceived that ZnO-doped LFP/Csamples show an increase of 103 in electronic conductivity as com-pared to pristine LFP. Among ZnO-doped samples, LFPZ2.5 has the

rom the TEM image of the pristine LFP and LFPZ2.5 samples thathe morphology of the particles is nearly spherical. However, thearticles in LFP sample are denser as compared to the particle inFPZ2.5 as predicted by SEM analysis. Moreover, no carbon coat-ng was observed over the surface of LFP particles as displayed inRTEM image (inset of Fig. 5(a)). SAED patterns of the LFP sam-le (inset of Fig. 5(a)) reveals the crystalline nature of the samples predicted by XRD results. However, the TEM micrographs ofFPZ2.5 clearly shows the presence of carbon network along withnO nanoparticles (indicated by circles) around the cathode activearticle surface. The SAED pattern of the circled ZnO nanoparti-le (shown in the inset of Fig. 5(b)) consist of prominent ringshich are corresponding to (100), (102) and (201) planes of theurtzite structure of synthesized ZnO nanopowder. Scattered dots

een in SAED pattern shows the presence of amorphous carbon.herefore, the active cathode particle along with ZnO nanoparti-les in the sample have been shielded by a network of amorphousarbon around them. Carbon network because of its electrical con-ucting nature not only provides easy diffusion path for electronsut also limits the growth of particles by reducing agglomeration.owever, the absence of any peak related to ZnO in the observedRD patterns indicates that the amount of ZnO in LFP samples isuite low and hence, diffraction peaks do not show any appreciable


LFPZ2.5 40.5 × 103 1.765 × 10−6 227.0LFPZ5 503.5 × 103 1.74 × 10−7 223.9

3.2. FTIR study- cation environment

The effect of ZnO-doping on the vibrational spectrum of the LFPis investigated by FTIR and results are shown in Fig. 6. The peaksof FTIR spectrum located from 463 to 1139 cm−1 may be attributedto the bending and stretching vibration of the tetrahedral (PO4

3−)ion. The tetrahedral unit, PO4

3− ion has its fundamental vibra-tional frequencies at 1082, 515, 980 and 363 cm−1 [16]. Small peakaround 420 cm−1 corresponds to the stretching E2 (LO) mode ofZnO wurtzite structure which indicates that some traces of ZnO arealso present in the synthesized samples [32].

3.3. Electronic and ionic conductivity measurements

The AC electrical resistance measurement results for all thesynthesized samples in the frequency range of 20 Hz–1 MHz areshown in Supporting information (Fig. S2(a)). The intercept at Z’-axis gives the AC resistance of the material. The AC conductivityof pristine LFP sample was calculated to be 10−9 S/cm which is ingood agreement with the previous reports [15–17]. Table 2 showsthe conductivity and activation energy results of as-synthesized

highest conductivity due to its lowest AC resistance (∼41 K�). The

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30 R. Saroha et al. / Applied Surface Science 394 (2017) 25–36





Fig. 7. Topography (left) and surface force

onic conductivity measurement graphs of all the prepared compo-itions are shown in Supporting information (Fig. S2(b)). The slopef the obtained curves gives a direct measurement of the activationnergies, and consequently it determines the lithium ion kinetics.rom Fig. S2(b), it can be seen that ZnO-doped LFP/C samples deliverearly the similar range of activation energy. Here, it is observedhat the activation energy for ZnO-doped samples reduces to ∼36%o pristine LFP which clearly indicates that the ionic conductivityas improved for doped samples. AC resistance and ionic conductiv-

ty measurement collectively disclose that ZnO-doped samples areore conducting than pristine LFP as far as lithium ion and electron

inetics have been concerned. Therefore, ZnO-doped LFP/C sam-les can be considered as more ionic and electronic conductor asompared to pristine LFP, which behaves as an ionic and electronicnsulator. These results clearly indicate that lithium ion kineticsas been enhanced and this must be reflected in electrochemicalerformances.

.4. Surface topography and surface force imaging

Prior to electrochemical measurements of the synthesized sam-les, surface topography, and surface force measurement for the

nt (right) images: (a, b) LFP; (c, d) LFPZ2.5.

LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples has been performed using sur-face scanning probe microscopy. This technique measures localelectric charge distribution on the surface of the specimen andhence, measures the surface force/potential of the material whichcan be correlated to the electrochemical performance of the syn-thesized samples. Fig. 7(a)–(d) shows the topographical image andsurface force gradient imaging of the pristine LFP and optimizedLFPZ2.5 samples. The corresponding topography and surface forceimages were taken at a bias voltage of 0.6 V, applied to the sam-ples before scanning. Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows the topography andsurface force gradient of the pristine LFP sample. Fig. 7(b) revealsless percentage of higher force gradient regions as compared to thelow force gradient region. Higher force gradient regions are gener-ally associated with accumulated charges present at the surface. Itmeans there will be less density of charges and hence, conductivitywill not be high. Moreover, the range of surface force gradient is notvery large which means the volume of electrostatic charge presentat the surface is not high. However, it can be seen clearly from

Fig. 7(d) that a non-uniformity of the surface force gradient is result-ing due to regions of high and low surface force characterized bybright and dark areas respectively on the image. Surface force imagefor LFPZ2.5 sample has nearly equal volume of high as well as low
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Fig. 9. Cyclic Voltammograms of the prepared samples at a scan rate of 0.05 mV s−1.

ig. 8. Schematic illustration of charge transport phenomenon for a solid-liquidnterface of ZnO-doped electrode.

orce gradient regions which span from 200 pN to below −200 pN.t indicates the presence of more volumetric charge density at theurface which is due to the result of fast electrostatic charge trans-ort mechanism across the interface of each grain. These resultslearly indicate that ZnO-doping along with carbon coating pro-ides an easy path for charge diffusion and hence, enhancement inurface/electrical conductivity will result in enhancing rate perfor-ance of the cathode material.Fig. 8 schematically shows the possible charge transport phe-

omenon for a solid-liquid interface where ZnO-doped LFP/Curface interacts with the LiPF6 electrolyte. Every solid surface pos-esses electrostatic charges and thus has surface force/potential.hese electrostatic charges present on the solid surface attract theounter ions of the electrolyte (LiPF6 in this case). This electrostaticnteraction leads to rearrangement of charges on the solid surfacend in the liquid. A layer of charges (e− or Li+) will form near to theolid surface of electrode material which attracted strongly towardshe solid surface. This layer of charge generally contributes forurface/electrical conductivity. ZnO-doping coupled with carbonoating plays a major role in enhancing surface conductivity as ZnOct as a fast lithium ion conductor while carbon will facilitate theinetics of electron. Therefore, the combined effect of ZnO-dopingnd carbon-coating favors not only fast lithium ion and electroninetics over the surface of LFP particle but also prevents directontact of active cathode surface to the electrolyte.

.5. Electrochemical performance

Fig. 9 shows the cyclic voltammetry curves of pristine LFP andnO-doped LFP/C samples measured at a scan rate of 0.05 mV s−1

s. Li+/Li at room temperature. It can be seen from Fig. 9 thatver the potential range of 2.8–4.2 V, the synthesized samples onlyxhibit the characteristic redox peaks of pristine LFP. CV curvesossess peaks at around 3.5 and 3.4 V corresponding to the two-hase transition reaction between Fe3+ (FePO4) and Fe2+ (LiFePO4)s oxidation and reduction, respectively. As no additional peaks inV profiles have been found, the dopant does not participate inhe redox reaction. However, for ZnO-doped samples, it is foundhat the intensity of redox peaks increases monotonically up toFPZ2.5 sample and then decrease for LFPZ5 sample. The LFPZ2.5ample exhibits the highest redox intensity which indicates theastest lithium ion diffusion and hence, enhanced electrode reac-

ion reversibility inside the host lattice. Along with the intensities,edox peaks also becomes broader with an increase in ZnO con-ent which indicates an increase in polarization potential of thelectrode active material. These results confirmed that the ZnO

Fig. 10. 1st charge/discharge curves of LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples at 0.1C-rate (icharge = idischarge).

amount is a dominant factor in the enhancement of the lithium-iondiffusion kinetics and electrochemical performance.

Fig. 10 shows the 1st galvanostatic charge/discharge voltagecomparison curves of all cells at 0.1C rate (1C = 170 mAh g−1) for thepristine LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples in the potential rangeof 2.0–4.4 V vs. Li+/Li at room temperature. It has been found thatthe discharge capacity of pristine LFP has greatly enhanced by ZnO-doping. Among all the synthesized samples LFPZ2.5 shows highestspecific discharge capacity 164 (±3) mAh g−1 (∼96% of theoreticalcapacity 170 mAh g−1) because of its highest electronic conductiv-ity. The discharge capacities of all samples for 0, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt.%of ZnO amount are found to be 87 (±3), 130 (±3), 164 (±3) and123 (±3) mAh g−1, respectively. It can also be noted from Fig. 10that voltage plateau has been lengthened for the samples with ZnOcontent, which may be attributed to enhanced lithium ion kinet-ics and excellent electrochemical reactivity of ZnO-doped LFP/C. Allthe charge/discharge curves consisted of charge/discharge plateausat around 3.5 V and 3.4 V. The potential difference between charge

and discharge plateaus for all the samples is shown in the inset ofFig. 10 and summarized in Table 3. It can be observed that the poten-tial difference (�V) improved effectively with ZnO-doping which
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Fig. 11. Charge/discharge curves of synthesized samples at different C-

Table 3Galvanostatic charge/discharge performance of LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples.

Samples Charge plateau Discharge plateau �V (V)

Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

LFP 3.490 3.388 0.102LFPZ1 3.464 3.389 0.075LFPZ2.5 3.462 3.391 0.071



Fig. 13 shows the dependency of the rate capability on theZnO wt.% amount of the synthesized samples. At the low C-rate,

LFPZ5 3.491 3.373 0.118

onsequently reduces the polarization potential and hence, lithiumon diffusion in doped LFP/C samples has been enhanced. Theseharge/discharge voltage plateau results are well synchronizedith the CV profile and surface force imaging results indicating that

he availability of the more volumetric charge density at the surfacef the cathode active material not only provides fast electrostaticharge transport but also significantly enhance electrochemicalerformances.

Fig. 11(a)–(d) shows the initial charge/discharge curves of allynthesized samples measured at different C-rates of 0.1C–5C in theotential range of 2.0–4.4 V vs. Li+/Li at room temperature. It can be

een from the graphs that among the entire synthesized samples,FPZ2.5 delivers the highest discharge capacity at each rate. AmongnO-doped samples, LFPZ5 delivers the lowest discharge capacity

rates (icharge = idischarge); (a) LFP; (b) LFPZ1; (c) LFPZ2.5; (d) LFPZ5.

due to its high AC resistance and therefore, diminished lithium iondiffusion kinetics.

Fig. 12(a) shows the stepwise electrochemical rate performanceof the surface modified samples for different rates (0.1C–5C) atroom temperature. It can be seen from Fig. 12(a) that LFPZ2.5 showshighest discharge capacity at each C-rate as compared to pristineLFP when the discharge current is increased from 0.1C to 5C. Thedischarge capacities of LFP, LFPZ1, LFPZ2.5 and LFPZ5, are found to87 (±3), 130 (±3), 164 (±3) and 123 (±3) mAh g−1, respectivelyat 0.1C. Among all synthesized samples, LFPZ2.5 shows highestcapacity retention of nearly 56% i.e. 91 (±3) mAh g−1 at 5C-rate.

Fig. 12(b) shows the cycling performance of pristine LFP andZnO-doped LFP/C samples for 1C-rate at room temperature for 50cycles. Table 4 displays the rate capacity retention ratios of all syn-thesized samples compared to 0.1C and 1C. The LFPZ2.5 revealsthe best rate performance and excellent reversibility among all thesamples. It shows an initial discharge capacity 135 (±3) mAh g−1

(∼79% of theoretical capacity) at 1C-rate and has 95% capacityretention even after 50 charge/discharge cycles at same C-rate.It is because of its lowest polarization potential which favors fastlithium ion mobility and electrochemical kinetics.

the doping effect on the electrochemical properties is mainlydue to the differences in electrical conductivities and lithium ion

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Table 4Electrochemical performance of LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples at different C-rates and cycling performance at 1C-rate.

Samples Ra (%) 1C (±3) (mAh g−1)

0.1C (±3) (mAh g−1) 0.1C 0.5C 1C 2C 5C 1st 50th Rb (%)

LFP 87 100.0 46.34 33.71 22.71 17.23 29 28 96.55LFPZ1 130 100.0 78.21 68.99 47.98 42.31 90 83 92.22LFPZ2.5 164 100.0 88.48 82.57 65.95 55.56 135 128 94.81LFPZ5 123 100.0 73.09 63.44 49.97 12.13 78 68 87.17

a Capacity retention ratios of synthesized samples compared to the 0.1C at different C-rate.b Capacity retention ratios of synthesized samples compared to the 1st cycle at 1C.

Fig. 12. Performance of ZnO-doped LFP/C samples: (a) rate performance at differentc1



urrent rates (icharge = idischarge); (b) cycling performance of synthesized samples atC for 50 cycles.

iffusion coefficients. Under high C-rates, the difference in dis-harge capacities is primarily due to increase in polarization. Theseesults reveal that the surface modification of LFP/C samples bynO-doping ensures better electron transfer and reduction in polar-

zation potential.

EIS of fresh cells was performed to analyze the influence of ZnO-oping on the cell impedance. Fig. 14(a) shows the impedance

Fig. 13. Rate capability of the ZnO-doped LFP/C synthesized samples as a functionof ZnO wt.%.

spectra of LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples measured with ACvoltage amplitude of 5 mV. The scanning frequency range was keptat 10 mHz–10 kHz. It is observed that all the curves contain a semi-circle in the high-frequency region along with a straight line in thelow-frequency region. Usually, an intercept at the Z’ axis in thehigh-frequency region corresponds to the ohmic resistance (Rs) ofthe cell, which simply indicates the resistance due to electrolyte andelectrode material. The semicircle in the middle-frequency range ismainly attributed to the electrochemical reactions occurring at theelectrode/electrolyte interface, which indicates the charge trans-fer resistance (Rct) [20,33]. The inclined line in the low-frequencyregion represents the Warburg impedance (Zw), which is associatedwith Li-ion diffusion in the electrode active material. The values oflithium ion diffusion coefficient in the bulk electrode materials canbe calculated using the following equation [4,5,20]:

D = R2T2



where D is Li-ion diffusion coefficient (cm2 s−1), R is gas constant(8.314 J mol−1 K−1), T is absolute temperature (K), A is electrodearea (cm2), n is number of electrons involved in the redox pro-cess (assumed n = 1 in this case), C is the lithium-ion concentration(7.69 × 10−3 mol cm−3), F is the faraday constant (96,486 C mol−1)and �W is the Warburg factor which is related to Z’ by followingequation [5]:

Z’ = Rs + Rct + �W�−0.5 (3)

Based on the above Eq. (3), Warburg impedance coefficient wascalculated and subsequently used in Eq. (2) in order to calculate

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Fig. 14. (a) Impedance spectra of synthesized samples measured at AC amplitudeof 5 mV; (b) relationship plot between Z’ and �−0.5 in low-frequency region.

Table 5Electrode kinetic factors for LFP and ZnO-doped LFP/C samples.

Samples Re (�) Rct (�) �w (� s−0.5) D (cm2 s−1)

LFP 11.88 245.03 77.09 3.80 × 10−14

LFPZ1 12.73 132.71 89.91 2.79 × 10−14



vanostatic charge/discharge and EIS reveals that LFPZ2.5 has the

LFPZ2.5 16.55 65.39 66.98 5.04 × 10−14

LFPZ5 10.65 213.26 463.41 1.05 × 10−15

i-ion diffusion coefficients of the synthesized samples. Fig. 14(b)hows the relationship plot between Z’ and the reciprocal squareoot of angular frequency (�−0.5) in the low-frequency region. Theithium-ion diffusion coefficients (DLi) of the samples calculated bysing Eqs. (2) and (3) are listed in Table 5. From the Table, it is evi-ent that LFPZ2.5 has least charge transfer resistance and highestLi (5.04 × 10−14 cm2/s) among all the prepared samples confirm-

ng the charge/discharge results. These results also indicate thathe Li-ion diffusion coefficient of ZnO-doped LFP/C samples hasnhanced.

In order to have practical applications, the relationship plot

etween power and energy density (so-called “Ragone plot”) isuperior in the evaluation of electrode materials. Fig. 15 shows theagone plot of pristine LFP and LFPZ2.5. It is known that lithium-ionattery electrode materials show an unwanted decrease in energy

Fig. 15. Ragone plot of energy density versus power density.

density with increasing power density, indicating less usefulnessin real-life applications such as EVs and HEVs while working athigh charge/discharge rates [34]. Fig. 15 clearly shows that LFPZ2.5cathode material retains its energy storage capacity. Even at 6.3-min charge/discharge rate (5C rate), LFPZ2.5 cathode gives the highenergy density (∼285 Wh/kg) and power density (∼2105 W/kg)which are well above the standard requirements for the develop-ment of EVs [35], representing as alternative cathode material forcommercial applications.

In order to examine the integrity of the electrode active mate-rial after 50 cycles at 1C rate, ex-situ SEM was performed forthe LFPZ2.5 sample. The same cell has experienced various charg-ing/discharging cycles at different C-rates (0.1–5C) before cyclingtest. The half-cell was dismantled inside the glove-box and theactive material electrode was washed with isopropyl alcohol andthen dried at 50 ◦C for 20 min. Fig. 16 shows the obtained SEMmicrographs of the active electrode before (Fig. 16(b)) and aftercycling (Fig. 16(c)) along with the uncoated (without super P andbinder) active electrode sample (Fig. 16(a)). On comparing Fig. 16(b)and (c), it can be seen that morphology of the active material dis-persed in carbon and PVDF remains unaffected even after manycharging/discharging cycles.

4. Conclusions

A series of ZnO-doped LFP/C samples were successfully syn-thesized using sol-gel assisted ball-milling route. XRD patternsreveal that all the synthesized samples are well crystalline with-out any impurity phase such as LiZnPO4. Morphological analysisby SEM/TEM indicates that synthesized samples have nano-sizednearly spherical shaped particles. Surface properties like topog-raphy and surface force gradient reveals that mobility of chargecarriers i.e. e−/Li+ is more in ZnO-doped LFP/C samples, which ismainly due to diffusion or conduction process at the surface. Theavailability of more local electric charge distribution on the surfaceof the ZnO-doped LFP/C as predicted by surface scanning probemicroscopy results in enhanced electrochemical performance ofthe synthesized samples. Electrochemical results such as CV, gal-

highest specific discharge capacity and superior electrochemicalproperties among all the synthesized samples. LFPZ2.5 shows greatpotential for application in EVs and HEVs because of its high energyand power density even at high discharging rates.

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ple (b)
























Fig. 16. SEM micrograph of LFPZ2.5 (a) uncoated sam


Authors are thankful to SERB, Department of Science and Tech-ology (DST), New Delhi for financial support to carry out thisork under the project FTP/PS/039/2011. Authors also give sincere

hanks to Ms. Anshika Singh for helping in the EFM measurementsith existing AFM facility at Advance Instrumentation Centre, DTU.

ppendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inhe online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.09.05.


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