White Paper hp://wso2.com Version 1.1 (January 02, 2014) Applicaon Services Governance: Automate IT Best Pracces and Enforce Effecve and Safe Applicaon Service Delivery

Application Services Governance: Automate IT Best ... - WSO2 · White Paper Effective Governance Application Services Governance is a mechanism to achieve business agility, build

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http://wso2.com Version 1.1 (January 02, 2014)

Application Services Governance: Automate IT Best

Practices and Enforce Effective and Safe Application Service Delivery

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Table of Contents

Effective Governance....................................................................................................................................................................................

Enforcing Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Best Practices with Policy Management..............................................................................

Design-Time Policy Management and Enforcement....................................................................................................................................

Run-time Policy Management......................................................................................................................................................................

Security Policy Management and Enforcement............................................................................................................................................

Developer Access Provisioning Policies.........................................................................................................................................................

Service, API, and Application Lifecycle Management Policies......................................................................................................................

Forging Safe, Rapid Iterations with Governance Activities............................................................................................................................

Establishing Collaborative Governance to Make the Right Path the Easy Path............................................................................................

Governance Portals......................................................................................................................................................................................

Flexible Governance Lifecycle Definitions....................................................................................................................................................

Analyzing Compliance and Delivery Improvement.......................................................................................................................................

WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform.........................................................................................................................................

The WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform..................................................................................................................................

Governance Overview per Product..............................................................................................................................................................

WSO2 Governance Registry..........................................................................................................................................................................

WSO2 API Manager.......................................................................................................................................................................................

WSO2 Identity Server...................................................................................................................................................................................

WSO2 Complex Event Processor..................................................................................................................................................................

WSO2 Business Process Server.....................................................................................................................................................................

WSO2 App Factory........................................................................................................................................................................................

Platform Foundation and Futures.................................................................................................................................................................

Governance Platform Call To Action.............................................................................................................................................................

Promoting services with API Management..................................................................................................................................................

Accelerate Agility with DevOps PaaS............................................................................................................................................................


























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Effective GovernanceApplication Services Governance is a mechanism to achieve business agility, build a responsive IT organization, and optimize IT effectiveness. Effective governance automates IT best practices, improves service levels, and facilitates safe, rapid iterations. Governance facilitates safe and rapid change by mitigating risks and reducing uncertainty when teams evolve IT systems. When enhancing governance effectiveness, successful teams smartly remixes IT skills, tooling, and processes; development and operation teams adopt agile processes, introduce automation tooling, and streamline collaboration.

Application Services Governance spans services, APIs, and applications. Don’t fall into governance gaps! Effective governance initiatives unify SOA governance, API governance, application governance, security governance, development governance, and infrastructure governance into a comprehensive and interconnected DevOps perspective.

Effective governance roadmaps contain four main concentration areas:

1. Enforcing Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Best Practices with Policy Management2. Establishing Collaborative Governance to Make The Right Path the Easy Path3. Forging Safe, Rapid Iterations with Governance Activities4. Analyzing Compliance and Delivery Improvement

Enforcing Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Best Practices with Policy ManagementGovernance codifies best practices, automates enforcement, and increases Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance. When building a more responsive IT team, considering managing and enforcing policies across a broad range of categories including:

• Design-Time • Run-Time • Security • Developer Access • Service, API, and Application Lifecycle

Design-Time Policy Management and Enforcement

Design-time policy management and enforcement will ensure development teams correctly build the right service, API, or application at the right time.

An effective Application Service Governance Platform ensures:

• Teams re-use rather than re-code IT assets• The platform effectively versions service and APIs (e.g.: version numbering policies, policies for

creating/approving new versions, revisions and restoration policies)• Services follow lifecycle promotion policies via checklist/policy enforcement• Developers use a common naming convention for artifacts• Services follow enterprise standards (e.g.: schema standards, namespace naming conventions and

interoperability validation across services)


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• The team is building interoperable services by conforming services to WS-I compliance profiles

Basic Profile (BP)

Simple SOAP Binding Profile (SSBP)

Attachments Profile (AP)

Basic Security Profile (BSP)

• Project teams publish their services in the repository• Services are validated against WSDL and XML Schema interface definition standards

Choose a highly flexible platform, where your team may add new policies, policy validations, and approval workflow. For example, you may choose to configure the platform to validate that a minimum level of encryption, trust, or audit is applied to all service interactions before service publication or promotion.

Run-time Policy ManagementAn effective Application Service Governance platform increases run-time system reliability, availability, performance, and security. Run-time policy concerns include:

• Service Level Agreement Monitoring and Reporting• Billing and Metering Policies• Entitlement and Authorization• Infrastructure Provisioning• Service Mediation

Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring and reporting must span traditional on-premise, in-the-Cloud, and hybrid Cloud deployments. Maintaining service levels across a complex, dynamic environment will require:

• Tenant, application, and individual subscriber rate limiting• Service-aware and tenant-aware load balancing policies • Private tenant partitions to reduce ‘noisy neighbor’ impact• Trigger notifications based on service usage thresholds

CIOs, CFOs, and business application owners are increasingly questioning application service investment and commensurate return. By integrating billing and metering policies, a governance platform can demonstrate Return on Investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by generating show-back and charge-back reports. Applications services can be metered, rate limited, and throttled to ensure scarce IT resources are properly monetized and allocated.

In today’s hyper-connected business environment, privacy and security cannot be an afterthought or bolt-on features. An effective governance platform deeply embeds entitlement and authorization policy enforcement points that limit who can access which service, API, application, or resource for what purpose (via attribute based access control or role based access control).Efficient infrastructure allocation and use requires infrastructure-provisioning governance that enforces auto-scale limits, restricts administration activity, and applies quotas.

Dynamic business environments require a zero coding approach to apply service mediation policy/


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rule authoring and configuration. Service mediation policies can flexibly automate message routing, transformation, and recovery actions.

Security Policy Management and Enforcement

Simple web applications and complex distributed solutions require holistic security policy management and enforcement. Security policies may apply to services, APIs, applications, or resources. The Application Services Governance platform should integrate third-party security policy enforcement systems, federate with diverse security policy decision points, and interface with numerous security policy information points.

Beyond basic authorization and authentication, an effective governance platform supports API subscription approval policies and API token expiration policies. Role-based access control (RBAC) and fine-grained entitlement based access control policies may be associated with users, services, and APIs. Attribute or Claim based access control may be available via XACML, WS-Trust, or OpenID.

Platform support for open Web protocols and popular enterprise protocols (including OAuth, SAML2, WS-Trust STS, Kerberos, and Active Directory) significantly influence Success.

Developer Access Provisioning PoliciesEfficiently scale team collaboration by embedding access policies and provisioning policies into the development ecosystem environment. Policies may include developer subscription, usage limits, and access. The platform may capture developer information and trigger approval workflow during developer self-service. The platform may focus team member contributions by applying roles to developer community members, restricting team-member governance activities, and tailoring user interfaces. For example, team leaders may assign individuals with a ‘creator’, ‘publisher’, ‘subscriber’, ‘developer’, ‘quality assurance’, and/or ‘operations roles’.

Service, API, and Application Lifecycle Management PoliciesEffective Application Service Governance platforms enable teams to govern and manage transitions, gates, and versioning across all lifecycle phases (e.g. design, implementation, testing, re-use, run-time operations and maintenance, deprecation, and retirement) and activities.

Government teams commonly establish lifecycle management policies that include versioning schemes, promotion approval authority, and checklist conditions that must be validated between transitions. Teams may define custom gates, checklist items, and promotion/demotion rules to govern and manage the service, API, and application lifecycle processes. Administrators may define and extend lifecycle stages, stage transition policies, and approval policies (supports multiple approvers) controlling stage transitions. During demotion, the platform may capture the context behind the action and trigger workflow to rectify any open issues.


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Forging Safe, Rapid Iterations with Governance ActivitiesRapid, iterative development requires coordinating multiple activities, and safe delivery requires each activity to be validated. Effective Application Service Governance platforms enable teams to collaboratively govern and manage lifecycle transitions, gates, and versioning across all lifecycle phases (e.g. design, implementation, testing, re-use, run-time operations and maintenance, deprecation, and retirement) and activities.

API governance activities and service governance activities must be synchronized and unified. WSO2 API Manager provides a straightforward set of lifecycle stages (e.g., created, published, deprecated, retired, blocked) that may be customized by the development team. WSO2 Governance Registry facilitates service metadata management and governance in design, implementation, test, and run-time operations. Figure 1 below depicts the two lifecycle views.

Figure 1: API and Service Activity Lifecycle Views

Effective governance platforms unify the two lifecycle views, and help manage dependencies, versioning, policies, and change impact across the coupled assets.

Application governance activity stages span inception, development, quality assurance, production deployment, production management, maintenance, and retirement. Figure 2 illustrates activities governed by WSO2 App Factory.


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Figure 2: Project implementation activities governed by WSO2 App Factory

Establishing Collaborative Governance to Make the Right Path the Easy Path Collaborative governance brings team members together on a project, and makes best practices easy to follow. Collaborative governance relies on contextualized portals and flexible governance lifecycle definitions.

Governance PortalsGovernance portals accelerate team collaboration and productivity by contextually personalizing the governance experience to fit the project, individual’s role, lifecycle phases, and required activities. The governance portal view should extend across applications, APIs, services, data, processes, and infrastructure. The governance portal may be contextualized based on the type of asset, team member’s role, lifecycle stage, and attribute context.An API publisher developer portal best fits the needs of API creators and API publishers who are defining, documenting, and publishing APIs. The user experience also enables API creators and publishers to monitor, manage, and analyze API usage. The API store developer portal delivers a user experience tailored for API consumers. API developers who are consuming APIs can find, explore, subscribe and evaluate APIs.


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API portals govern and manage the following:

• API developers (i.e. API creator, API publisher, API consumer)• API definition and meta-data• API service tiers• API lifecycle• API applications• API access tokens• API subscriptions• API documentation

API and service governance portals facilitate the following governance activities:

• Role-based access to API Store for API consumers• Browse and discover APIs by provider, tags or name. Graphical API discovery experience similar to Android Marketplace or Apple App Store.• Developer community self-registration and self-subscribe to APIs. Self-support to define application artifact that bundles API subscriptions and access rights Self-service API subscriptions on per-application basis. Self-service enrollment in API service tier based on expected usage levels.• Self-service access to API documentation and API development kits for easy evaluation and API

consumption. Self-support access to forum for discussing API usage issues (Available soon in future version). Self-support evaluation via client interface to Try APIs Self-support to submit API comments and rate APIs.• Self-service management of public and private APIs for API Creators and API Publishers Manage subscriptions at a per-developer level. Manage user account including password reset.

A service development portal is tuned to facilitate service meta-data and lifecycle management for service creators. Service and integration developers who are consuming services can find and explore services using a fit-for-purpose service store application.

An application governance portal guides team member activities when building applications and services. The application governance portal overlays build management governance, test governance (i.e. unit, integration, performance), implementation lifecycle governance, and deployment governance.

The portal governs and manages the following:

• Service implementation project• Application implementation project• Source code (i.e. branching, tagging)• Project builds• Project requirements• Test logs• Development lifecycle (i.e. promotion, demotion, approval checklists) • Project users and roles (i.e. developer, tester, DevOps)


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Application governance portals facilitate the following governance activities:

• Self-service team member registration• Self-service provisioning of application development workspaces (i.e. build, source code

management, requirements management, and defect tracking).• Automated, continuous build and test• Self-service source code tree branching and tagging. • Self-service promotion and demotion • Automated deployment into run-time cloud• Automated Cloud infrastructure scaling

Flexible Governance Lifecycle DefinitionsA single path will not work for all teams and projects. To make the right path the appropriate, easy path, governance lifecycles must be custom tailored. An effective Application Services Governance platform will base governance activity lifecycle definitions on a robust workflow execution engine. The environment should be completely flexible, and easily extensible in Java, script languages, or BPEL.

The default WSO2 governance lifecycle model is based on the W3C standard State Chart XML (SCXML), which is an XML model of a state machine. Each lifecycle stage is defined as a state and transitions between these are defined as actions that users can take. Each transition has a set of “checklist” pre-conditions that can be tested, together with role-based security to ensure that only the correct role can “check” an item off. In addition, code can be used to calculate checkbox states or form preconditions. Code can be triggered on transition as well. SCXML has a graphical view, which will become part of the tooling around lifecycles.

The result is that the governance teams can quickly and easily create effective lifecycle policies. The WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform presents fit-for-purpose governance environment (WSO2 Governance Registry for services, WSO2 API Manager for APIs, or WSO2 App Factory for applications) offering users a simple-to-use UI that allows users to promote or demote assets in the lifecycle. The SCXML model also supports “branching lifecycles” where assets can go down different paths (e.g. passing external services through an extra security assessment).

Lifecycle stage transitions may trigger run-time enforcement actions. For example, changing an API stage to ‘Deprecated’ will prevent future subscriptions. Changing an API stage to ‘Blocked’ will deny API calls. In WSO2 App Factory, changing service implementation stage will automatically deploy or un-deploy service implementation artifacts from run-time cloud environments (i.e. Dev, Test, Production).

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Analyzing Compliance and Delivery Improvement Effective Application Services Governance platforms provide analytics supporting the assessment of IT business value. The platform should capture service tier subscription information, collects usage statistics, present productivity metrics, and integrate with billing and payment systems.

For example, WSO2 API Manager manages and governs API subscriptions and API promotion meta-data. API promotion meta-data includes keyword tags used to categorize APIs, developer documentation used to help developers evaluate APIs. WSO2 API Manager enforces design-time checkpoints to ensure adequate documentation and promotion meta-data is defined before API publication. WSO2 API Manager subscription and usage reports help teams understand API adoption (by version, by API) and usage (by version, by API). By understanding API adoption and usage, API business owners and API architects can intelligently invest future development resources, properly plan API infrastructure scale, and rationalize the API portfolio.

To gauge team productivity and efficiency, the Application Services Governance platform should illustrate answers to the following questions:

• Is anyone using the standard application platform?• How efficient is the application portfolio?• Are my team members properly allocated?• What is the IT time to value? • How long does it take to deliver a project?• How quickly can the team release a new version?• Are processes streamlined and repetitive tasks automated?

WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform Application Service Governance best practices can optimize IT effectiveness and responsiveness. WSO2 views Application Services Governance as a necessary step towards achieving business agility. A governance platform can optimizes IT effectiveness by guiding teams through a streamlined, iterative development process. By integrating software promotion best practices, test automation, continuous integration, and issue tracking, a governance platform raises software quality while reducing delivery timeframes.

The WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform products include:

• WSO2 Governance Registry 4.5.3• WSO2 API Manager 1.4.0• WSO2 Identity Server 4.5.0• WSO2 Business Process Server 3.0.0• WSO2 Complex Event Processor 2.1.0• WSO2 Business Activity Monitor 2.3.0 • WSO2 App Factory 1.0.0


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• WSO2 ESB 4.7.0 (configured as a gateway serving as a policy enforcement points)• WSO2 Developer Studio 3.1.0

WSO2’s strategy is to deliver a cloud-native, complete, and composable Application Services Governance Platform. WSO2 Application Services Governance Platform products span the following capability areas:

Policy Enforcement

• WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus• WSO2 API Manager• WSO2 App Factory

The WSO2 ESB (and all WSO2 products) serve as well-integrated policy enforcement points that may delegate policy decisions to external decision points or internally cache and process policy assertions.

Policy Information Point for Application Services Governance

• WSO2 Governance Registry• WSO2 API Manager• WSO2 App Factory

Policy Decisions

• WSO2 Identity Server• WSO2 API Manager• WSO2 Business Process Server• WSO2 Complex Event Processor• WSO2 App Factory

Developer Portal and Repository

• WSO2 API Manager• WSO2 App Factory• Governance Registry

Governance Dashboards

• WSO2 Business Activity Monitor• Embedded dashboards in WSO2 API Manager, WSO2 Governance Registry, and WSO2 App Factory

Service Composition

• WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus• WSO2 API Manager• WSO2 App Factory

All products are offered as on-premise software or cloud services.


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WSO2’s strategy is to deliver a cloud-native, complete, and composable Application Services Governance Platform. WSO2 Application Services Governance Platform products span the following capability areas:

Governance Overview per ProductWSO2 Governance RegistryThe WSO2 Governance Registry provides the right level of structure straight out of the box to support SOA Governance, configuration governance, development process governance, design and run-time governance, lifecycle management, and team collaboration. The WSO2 Governance Registry helps you fully understand the state and scope of your SOA portfolio by communicating and managing the lifecycle of your services, and by identifying and highlighting the dependencies between services and consumers.

The WSO2 Governance Registry serves as a policy store for any type of runtime policies including security policies, lifecycle management workflow policies, API policies, service description, service contracts, service consumption, service usage, service lifecycle management, service level agreements (SLAs) and XACML authorization policies. The WSO2 stack has built-in support for a number of standards, including WS-Policy, XACML 3.0 and SCXML.

WSO2 API ManagerThe WSO2 API Manager delivers an application service governance experience tuned for self-service, on-demand access, and safe API usage. API governance management encompasses service level policies, usage policies, version policies, subscription policies, and access control policies.

WSO2 API Manager is a complete solution for publishing APIs, creating and managing a developer community and for scalable API traffic routing. It leverages proven, production-ready, integration, security and governance components from the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus, WSO2 Identity Server, WSO2 Governance Registry, and WSO2 Business Activity Monitor. WSO2 API Manager provides a graphical experience similar to Android Marketplace or Apple App Store, sophisticated API lifecycle governance, and extensive scalability.

WSO2 API Manager teams commonly manage and govern API run-time interactions according to specified API service tier policies (e.g. rate limits), subscriptions, and access policies. In an ESB or API gateway serving as a policy enforcement point, specific service subscribers can be rate limited, traffic can be throttled, malicious messages discarded. Additional run-time policy mitigation is possible, and in fact, any flow can be defined (e.g., log, send back a fault to the client, start diagnostic process, send event to management components, or fire off a BPEL workflow process with human activity interactions). Cloud controllers adjust topology and traffic to rectify service level policy breaches. For example, start a new elastic instance to handle more load.


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WSO2 Identity Server

WSO2 Identity Server enables enterprise architects and developers to improve customer experience by reducing identity provisioning time, guaranteeing secure online interactions, and delivering a reduced single sign-on environment. The WSO2 Identity Server decreases identity management and entitlement management administration burden by including role base access control (RBAC) convention, fine-grained policy based access control, and SSO bridging. The WSO2 Identity Server serves as a policy decision point and policy manager for sophisticated security policies encoded in XACML.

WSO2 Complex Event Processor

WSO2 Complex Event Processor can be configured as a policy decision point, which uses time-based policy pattern matching to evaluate run-time service, message, REST resource, and event traffic.

WSO2 Complex Event Processor offers a powerful and extensible query language for temporal event stream processing. It addresses SOA and EDA demands for immediate insight into changing conditions by enabling developers and architects to easily create queries and the analysis of real-time event streams to drive real-time business decisions based on time-based events. Typical actions include:

• Filter events by conditions.• Join event streams and create new streams.• Execute temporal queries using various windows.• Detect and respond to various event patterns and sequences.

WSO2 Business Process Server

WSO2 Business Process Server is a general-purpose workflow engine used by WSO2 Application Service Governance Platform products to execute governance workflow, present task lists, and manage approvals. The WSO2 Business Process Server enables developers to easily deploy business processes written using the WS-BPEL standard, and also serves as the business process management and hosting environment for your SOA. Powered by the Apache Orchestration Director Engine (ODE) BPEL engine, the WSO2 Business Process Server provides a complete Web-based graphical console to deploy, manage and view processes

WSO2 App Factory

WSO2 App Factory provides service, API, and application implementation project-level governance and management. WSO2 App Factory automatically executes application service (service or API) integration tests, compliance tests, and performance tests. Teams may assess test results before promoting service implementations.

WSO2 App Factory governs and manages application lifecycle policies, infrastructure access policies, and application versioning policies. WSO2 App Factory solves first-mile issues when developing and testing services.


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Platform Foundation and Futures

WSO2 Private PaaS and WSO2 Carbon middleware components (i.e. WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer) deliver sophisticated run-time policy enforcement for tenant partitioning, service level management, application provisioning, tenant access, and resource management.

The WSO2 ESB (and all WSO2 products) serve as well-integrated policy enforcement points that may delegate policy decisions to external decision points or internally cache and process policy assertions.

The functional components will evolve to further demonstrate self-service, automated governance, and an intuitive user experience. The platform is being extended to further support DevOps governance best practices, governed asset discovery and subscription portals (e.g. Enterprise Store) and declarative, policy-based infrastructure scaling.

Governance Platform Call To ActionApplication Services Governance is a mechanism to achieve business agility, build a responsive IT organization, and optimize IT effectiveness. Effective governance automates IT best practices, improves service levels, and facilitates safe, rapid iterations. Successful teams smartly remixes IT skills, tooling, and processes; development and operation teams adopt agile processes, introduce automation tooling, and streamline collaboration.

Application Services Governance spans services, APIs, and applications. Don’t fall into governance gaps! Effective governance initiatives unify SOA governance, API governance, application governance, security governance, development governance, and infrastructure governance into a comprehensive and interconnected DevOps perspective.

Effective governance roadmaps contain four main concentration areas:

1. Enforcing Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Best Practices with Policy Management2. Establishing Collaborative Governance to Make The Right Path the Easy Path3. Forging Safe, Rapid Iterations with Governance Activities4. Analyzing Compliance and Delivery Improvement

An on-ramp to effective governance may include initiatives to promote services with API Management and accelerate agility with DevOps PaaS.

Promoting services with API ManagementIn today’s connected business world, API and SOA are the business. How do we deliver the technology the business wants and accelerate business agility? An effective approach must address human collaboration stumbling blocks.


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API management is a strategic component within your Service Oriented Architecture initiative. Service Oriented Architecture initiative success requires creating loosely coupled consumer-provider connections, enforcing a separation of concerns between consumer and provider, and exposing a set of re-usable, shared services, and gaining service consumer adoption.

Many development teams publish services, yet struggle to create a service architecture that is widely shared, re-used, and adopted across internal development teams. Instead of creating consistent service architecture and demonstrating service re-use, teams inadvertently produce Just a Bunch of Web Services (JBOWS) or Just a Bunch of REST Services (JBORS). A single application often consumes a service, and a spaghetti web of One-to-One connections exists between service provider endpoints and consumers. Many teams find a SOA or REST focus may not improve IT agility, but result in simply swapping out IT toolsets, message formats, and protocols.

SOA Governance is often promoted as a mechanism to enforce best practices, guide teams towards developing service architecture, and realize IT agility. SOA Governance focuses teams towards documenting service interfaces, managing the service lifecycle, and enforcing approval gates. Teams often incorporate service portfolio review processes into approval gates, and the teams successfully limit redundant service proliferation. Applying a service governance process to the service lifecycle may ensure teams properly test, document, and secure services. As most SOA governance tooling does not support consumer roles and views, interface with run-time monitoring, or define monetization rules, SOA governance programs often fall far short of encouraging consumer adoption, tracking service consumption, and illustrating business value.

By publishing managed APIs, establishing API manager and publisher roles, extending the governance registry, facilitating API management practices (e.g self-service key management, self-service provisioning, service tier management, and usage visualization),and offering APIs through developer portal, organizations can overcome collaboration, trust, and adoption hurdles while enhancing SOA success.

Accelerate Agility with DevOps PaaSWhen operation team members use traditional point tools (i.e. Puppet, Chef, Jenkins, and Selenium) to achieve DevOps benefits, the teams spend a considerable amount of time and effort creating agile workflow, effective governance, seamless activity transitions, and on-demand self-service access. WSO2 App Factory delivers a configurable DevOps PaaS that can be readily adopted by teams without extensive implementation effort. WSO2 App Factory presents a simplified and unified user experience to complex development tools, processes, and team hand-offs. By integrating software promotion best practices, test automation, continuous integration, and issue tracking, WSO2 App Factory raises software quality while reducing delivery timeframes.

Without a framework to guide agile, iterative process execution, teams manually track task handoffs and project transition states. Often, the team does not have a clear view into development velocity, quality, and resource allocation.

By linking development activities (e.g. code commit, builds, test execution) to a governance process, teams reduce dwell time (time spent waiting for others) and can proactively plan their activity.


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About WSO2WSO2 is the only company that provides a completely integrated enterprise application platform for enabling a business to build and connect APIs, applications, Web services, iPaaS, PaaS, software as a service and legacy connections without having to write code; using big data and mobile; and fostering reuse through a social enterprise store. Only with WSO2 can enterprises use a family of governed secure solutions built on the same code base to extend their ecosystems across the cloud and on mobile devices to employees, customers and partners in anyway they like. Hundreds of leading enterprise customers across every sector—health, financial, retail, logistics, manufacturing, travel, technology, telecom and more—in every region of the world rely on WSO2’s award-winning, 100% open source platform for their mission-critical applications. To learn more, visit http://wso2.com or check out the WSO2 community on the WSO2 Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and FriendFeed..

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