Vaccinate For Life Vaccinate For Life Implications of Preventable Childhood Implications of Preventable Childhood Infectious Diseases on Children and Infectious Diseases on Children and Society Society

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Vaccinate For LifeVaccinate For LifeImplications of Preventable Childhood Implications of Preventable Childhood Infectious Diseases on Children and SocietyInfectious Diseases on Children and Society

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Target Audience:

• Parents of babies and young children;• The general community;

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Messages• To expose the real risks of failure to vaccinate

children.• To increase the knowledge of parents and society

concerning the safety of vaccines.• To reduce the disease load, health complications, and

death of children and infants.• To improve prenatal and postnatal care.• To discredit those who claim that vaccines cause

diseases, including Autism.

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Anti-Vaccine Crusaders• While it may be fine to listen to reality television personalities or talk show hosts, it

is another thing entirely to base your medical decisions their opinions for several reasons:– The approach to vaccine safety is based on emotional appeal, not fact;– The anecdotal stories are based on a complete misunderstanding on infectious

diseases;– These crusaders completely ignore the numerous studies that have proven

there is no ling between vaccines and Autism;– The only study these anti-vaccine organizers can cite has been discredited, and

retracted by the authors as unscientific and misleading.– These ant-vaccine crusaders have created a number of myths surrounding vaccines.

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The Myths of Vaccines:

• Childhood diseases are a thing of the past.– Children continue to suffer deformity and death in the United

States from preventable diseases.• Vaccines are unnecessary.

– Children who are under vaccinated are at great risk for contracting these same diseases from peers and family members.

• Kids will catch the diseases anyway.– Children who are under vaccinated are at significant risk of becoming


• Childhood illnesses build immunity.– Childhood infections can lead to deformities, weakened

immune systems, and death.

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The Myths of Vaccines:• Nobody dies of these illnesses anymore.

– Childhood vaccinations saves 33,000 lives, prevents 14 million cases of disease, reduces direct health care costs by $9.9 billion, and saves $33.4 billion in indirect costs.

• Vaccines cause Autism.– Despite the numerous studies conducted by many, many health and medical

organizations, along with independent research, NO connection has ever been found between vaccine use and autism.

• Childhood diseases are natural. – Natural infection may lead to pneumonia from chickenpox, mental retardation from Hemophilic influenza,

pneumonia from pneumococcus, birth defects from rubella, liver cancer from hepatitis B virus, or death from measles.

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The Facts of Childhood Disease• Without immunizations your child is at risk for catching a

vaccine-preventable disease. • These diseases are dangerous and can be fatal.• Websites by popular entertainers try to convince parents of

the dangers of vaccines. • All studies done by health organizations world wide have

found NO support for these claims.• No actual science is used in these anti-vaccine web sites.• The implications of not vaccinating children can be tragic.

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Pertussis: Vaccine 1920’s.• Extremely dangerous disease for infants. • Over 295,000 Deaths from Pertussis Annually.• Not easily treated.• Can result in permanent brain damage or death. • In 2010, widespread death of infants in several states from Pertussis


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Rubella: Vaccine 1969• Rubella is very contagious.• Rubella can cause congenital rubella syndrome in the unborn, resulting in

severe brain involvement.• Rubella can cause Cardiac, Cerebral, Ophthalmic and Auditory defects.• In pregnant women, Rubella may results in spontaneous abortion.

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Measles: Vaccine 1963

• Measles is a highly contagious disease.• Complications range from Diarrhea to Pneumonia, Ear Infection to Acute

Encephalitis, and in some cases, death.• Measles can also cause corneal ulceration leading to corneal scarring and


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Varicella: Vaccine 1995

• Varicella is highly contagious.• Varicella infection in pregnant women may result in severe complications

for the fetus, including damage to brain and eyes• Varicella causes over 10,000 hospitalizations annually, resulting in nearly

200 deaths in the United States alone.

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Diphtheria: Vaccine 1914• Diphtheria is a serious disease.• Fatality In children under five years and adults over 40 years may be as

high as 20%.• May lead to heart arrhythmia and heart failure.• Prior to Vaccines, 200,000 cases in the US annually, resulting in over

15,000 deaths.

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Meningococcal Disease: Vaccine 1992• Meningococcal disease causes life-threatening meningitis and sepsis.• Infection from Meningococcal disease can result in severe illness, death,

and disability.• 40,000 deaths annually in the United• States

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Protecting the vulnerable• Children depend on parents to take the steps to endure their health and

safety. While is is tragic, autism and other mental disorder of childhood are not the result of vaccines. In fact, as evidence has well established, not vaccinating children creates a very dangerous situation, for both the child and the community.

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