CHROMTECH GmbH Buchwiese 3 D-65510 Idstein, Germany +49-6126-1686 www.chromtech.de 04/2003 Application Note SP301e Determination of Amitraz in Honey with SPDE – GC-MS/MS Method of the Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Sigmaringen (Hedingerstraße 2/1, 72488 Sigmaringen), H. Hahn, A. Nothhelfer und S. Preuß 1. Introduction: Amitraz is a wideley used non-systemic acaricide against mites on fruit trees because of its exeptio- nal miticidal activity towards mites of pears, ap- ples, and citrus fruits. In the apiculture amitraz is used against the honey bee parasitic mite, Varroa jacobsoni. The tolerance for amitraz residues in food in Ger- many is define in the „Rückstandshöchstmengen- verordnung“. The permitted level for amitraz in ho- ney is 200 μg/kg. Honey is regularly tested for amitraz within the scope of the „Nationalen Rückstandskontrollplan“. For this the relative costly analytical determination according to § 35 LMBG (1) was applied up to now. Here the indirect gaschromatographic determinati- on takes place after alkaline hydrolysis of amitraz and subsequent isolation of the reaction product 2,4-Dimethylaniline (Fig. 1) through Clevenger dis- tillation. This elborate analysis method is vastly improved by combination of the automated SPDE-Method (eg. Fig. 2) with mass-selective detection in MS/MS- mode (SPDE-GC/MS/MS). In the following a me- thod is described, which reduces the determination of amitraz at a fraction of the previously required analysis time. 4-Chloro-2-methylaniline is used as internal stan- dard. Qualification was based on matrix-calibration with spiked honey samples, eg. honey samples without remains are spiked with amitraz. Thus, the recovery figures will include both the physical recovery of the analyte plus any matrix suppression or enhancement on the ion signal within the surce of the mass spectrometer. TM Amitraz (1,5-Di(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3-methyl-1,3,5- triazapenta-1,4-diene) Synonyms: Ovasyn; Mitac; Baam; Triazid; Taktic; 1,5-Di(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3-methyl-1,3,5- triazapenta-1,4-diene; Formamidine, N-methyl-N'- 2,4-xylyl-N-(N-2,4-xylylformimidoyl)-; Methyl- bis(2,4-xylyliminomethyl)amine Molecular formula: C19H23N3 CAS-No.: 33089-61-1 Molecular weight: 293,41 g/mol NH 2 2,4-Dimethylaniline Molecular formula: C8H11N CAS-No.: 95-68-1 Molecular weight: 121,18 g/mol Fig. 1: Chemical data of Amitraz and the reaction product 2,4-Dimethylanilin

Application Note SP301e - Chromtech

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Page 1: Application Note SP301e - Chromtech

CHROMTECH GmbH • Buchwiese 3 • D-65510 Idstein, Germany • +49-6126-1686 • www.chromtech.de • 04/2003

Application Note SP301e

Determination of Amitraz in Honey with SPDE – GC-MS/MS

Method of the Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Sigmaringen (Hedingerstraße 2/1,72488 Sigmaringen), H. Hahn, A. Nothhelfer und S. Preuß

1. Introduction:

Amitraz is a wideley used non-systemic acaricideagainst mites on fruit trees because of its exeptio-nal miticidal activity towards mites of pears, ap-ples, and citrus fruits. In the apiculture amitraz isused against the honey bee parasitic mite, Varroajacobsoni.

The tolerance for amitraz residues in food in Ger-many is define in the „Rückstandshöchstmengen-verordnung“. The permitted level for amitraz in ho-ney is 200 µg/kg.

Honey is regularly tested for amitraz within thescope of the „Nationalen Rückstandskontrollplan“.For this the relative costly analytical determinationaccording to § 35 LMBG (1) was applied up to now.Here the indirect gaschromatographic determinati-on takes place after alkaline hydrolysis of amitrazand subsequent isolation of the reaction product2,4-Dimethylaniline (Fig. 1) through Clevenger dis-tillation.

This elborate analysis method is vastly improved bycombination of the automated SPDE-Method (eg.Fig. 2) with mass-selective detection in MS/MS-mode (SPDE-GC/MS/MS). In the following a me-thod is described, which reduces the determinationof amitraz at a fraction of the previously requiredanalysis time.

4-Chloro-2-methylaniline is used as internal stan-dard. Qualification was based on matrix-calibrationwith spiked honey samples, eg. honey sampleswithout remains are spiked with amitraz.

Thus, the recovery figures will include both thephysical recovery of the analyte plus any matrixsuppression or enhancement on the ion signalwithin the surce of the mass spectrometer.


Amitraz(1,5-Di(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3-methyl-1,3,5-triazapenta-1,4-diene)Synonyms: Ovasyn; Mitac; Baam; Triazid; Taktic;1,5-Di(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3-methyl-1,3,5-triazapenta-1,4-diene; Formamidine, N-methyl-N'-2,4-xylyl-N-(N-2,4-xylylformimidoyl)-; Methyl-bis(2,4-xylyliminomethyl)amine

Molecular formula: C19H23N3

CAS-No.: 33089-61-1Molecular weight: 293,41 g/mol



Molecular formula: C8H11NCAS-No.: 95-68-1Molecular weight: 121,18 g/mol

Fig. 1: Chemical data of Amitraz and the reactionproduct 2,4-Dimethylanilin

Page 2: Application Note SP301e - Chromtech

CHROMTECH GmbH • Buchwiese 3 • D-65510 Idstein, Germany • +49-6126-1686 • www.chromtech.de • 04/2003

2. Materials and reagents• Amitraz, from Promochem (C 102300)• 4-Chloro-2-methylaniline as internal stan-

dard (ISTD) from Aldrich (C5,110-5)• sodium hydroxide solution: 5 % (v/v)

3. Solutions

Stock solutions• Amitraz: 500 mg/L solution in aceton.

Spiking Solutions:

1:50 solutions prepared from stock solution inaceton resulting in concentration of 10 mg/L.


Ascending volumes of the amitraz spiking solutionas well as the internal standard solution (10mg/mL) were added to honey samples (2 g) withoutremains prior to extraction:

Sample Blankmatrix




- - 20 40 60 100 200


- - 0,2 0,4 0,6 1 2

Conc. OfAmitraz insample,µg/kg

- 100 200 300 500 1000

ISTD spi-king solu-tion, µl

60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Conc. OfISTD,µg/kg

300 300 300 300 300 300 300

Samples and stock solutions were stored in a free-zer (less than -20°C).

4. Instrumentation

20 ml Headspace vials

Steel vial caps with silicone/PTFE-septa.

SPDE-System from Chromtech GmbH in combina-tion with the CTC autosampler (enrichment on in-ner-coated syringe needle, Figure 2).

5. Sample preparation

2.00 g honey are weighted in 20 mL Headspacevials. Afterwards 5 mL of 5% (v/v) sodium hydrox-ide solution are added.

The crimp-capped vials are conditioned at 95 °C for1 hour in a thermoblock. After cooling down the re-sulting reaction product 2,4-Dimethylanilin is beinganalysed with SPDE-GC/MS/MS.

6. Instrumental conditions

Following instruments and settings are proved:

Instruments: GC: Thermo-Finnigan Trace 2000MS/MS (Iontrap): Thermo-Finnigan Polaris QAutosampler: CTC-Combipal with ChromtechSPDE option (special 2.5 ml Headspace syringewith inner-coated needle (80 mm ID x 50 µmPDMS (Code Nr.: SPDE-1-50-80)

GC-Column: DB-1701 / 45 m / 0,32 mm i.D. / 1 µm

Flow: 1.2 ml/min Helium

Oven program: 50 °C – 1.5 min hold - 20 °C/min –120 °C - 0 min hold – 15 °/min – 200 °C – 0 minhold 10 °C/min – 270 °C - 10 min hold

Temperatures: Injector: 250°C; Interface: 270 °C

Fig. 2 Principle of the automatic SPDE extraction.Sample enrichment on the needle coating via pumpingwith the gastight headspace syringe inside of thesample vial.

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CHROMTECH GmbH • Buchwiese 3 • D-65510 Idstein, Germany • +49-6126-1686 • www.chromtech.de • 04/2003


Pre Incubation Time (sec): 40Needle Flush time (sec): 10Syringe Temp (°C) 40Incubation Temp (°C): 40Agitator Speed (rpm): 500Agitator On Time (sec): 10Agitator Off Time (sec): 2Sample Penetration (mm): 35Extraction Strokes (Anzahl der Hübe) 25Extraktion volume per stroke (µl) 2000Desorption Gas Volume (µl): 750Injector Penetration (mm): 50Desorption Flow Speed (µl/sec): 50Pre Desorprion Time (sec): 15GC-Runtime (min): 30Needle conditioning temperature (°C) 260Needle conditioning time (min) 3

MS/MS - parameters:

Electron ionisation: (+EI),

Electron energy: 70 eV

CID voltage: 1,2 V

q-value: 0,45

Group 1 (2,4-Dimethylaniline): RT 10.0 –13.2 min,Precursor: m/z 120.5 ± 1, m/e, product ion scan:m/z 60-110

Group 2 (4-Chloro-2-methylaniline): RT 13.2-17.0min, Precursor: m/z 106 ± 0.7, product ion scan:m/z 53-107

7. Results and Discussion

Quantitation takes part by means of internal stan-dard method. For the creation of the calibrationcurve area ratios of 2,4-Dimethylaniline und 4-Chloro-2-methylaniline are spread against the con-centrations of amitraz.

Amitraz concentrations of the samples are calcu-lated from area ratios and the regression parame-ters.

The calculated concentration is already related tothe net weight of 2 g honey. Yet it has to be calcu-lated to the weighted sample.

CA calib x 2Residue concentration (µg/kg) amitraz=________


(calculated as „Total amount of amitraz and all re-lated metabolites, wich contain a 2,4-Dimethyl-aniline functional group, collective calculated asamitraz“)

CA calib = Concentration of amitraz in µg/kg (calculated via calibration curve)

Tare = weighted sample in g

8. Validation

Based on determination of spiked samples acalculated LOD (limit of detection, according to theprocedure of the DFG) of 140 µg/kg amitraz and alimit of quantitation (LOQ) of 200 µg/kg honey wasdetermined. The recovery is about 87% to 99%. Amass spectrometrical identification is possibledown to a concentration of 15 µg/kg amitraz (S/N5:1). So a screening approach could be easilyestablished. For legal reasons all concentrations inthe range of 200 µg/kg honey have to be confirmedaccording to the procedure of § 35-LMBG (1).

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CHROMTECH GmbH • Buchwiese 3 • D-65510 Idstein, Germany • +49-6126-1686 • www.chromtech.de • 04/2003

9. Chromatograms and Spectra

10. Literature

(1) Amtliche Sammlung von Untersuchungsver-fahren nach § 35 LMBG L 00.00-58:Gaschromatographische Bestimmung vonAmitraz und Vinclozolin sowie ihren 2,4-Dimethylanilin bzw. 3,5-Dichloranilin enthalten-den Metaboliten in Lebensmitteln, Stand Juli2000, Beuth-Verlag.

We thank the Chemisches und Veterinäruntersu-chungsamt Sigmaringen (H. Hahn, A. Nothhelferund S. Preuß) for the data and for the setup of thisSPDE-application.

S:\users\...\data\2002\070\P_1927 03.12.2002 12:55:23 Honig #2-2640-1 mit Zusatz 100 µg/kg (20 µl)

RT: 11,65 - 14,96

11,8 12,0 12,2 12,4 12,6 12,8 13,0 13,2 13,4 13,6 13,8 14,0 14,2 14,4 14,6 14,8Time (min)














e A




11,71 12,3111,97 12,03 12,37 12,75 12,89 13,1612,9614,34

14,7614,0213,66 14,47 14,6014,0913,4513,27 14,7813,94

NL: 5,27E3m/z= 105,5-106,5 F: + c SRM ms2 120,50@1,20 [ 60,00-110,00] MS P_1927

NL: 1,57E4m/z= 76,5-77,5 F: + c SRM ms2 106,00@1,20 [ 53,00-107,00] MS P_1927

55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110m/z













e A




91,177,192,265,1 103,180,2 94,266,2 89,1 107,163,061,3 85,581,2 99,772,3



106,289,280,2 102,298,267,263,2 76,174,161,156,1 83,070,0 96,488,054,1 107,290,2

P_1927#348-358 RT: 12,21-12,27 AV: 11 SB: 58 11,98-12,15 , 12,38-12,57 NL: 2,70E3 F: + c SRM ms2 120,50@1,20 [ 60,00-110,00]

P_1927#684-696 RT: 14,31-14,38 AV: 13 SB: 45 14,13-14,24 , 14,46-14,62 NL: 7,89E3 F: + c SRM ms2 106,00@1,20 [ 53,00-107,00]


4-Chlor-2-Methylanilin (ISTD)


4-Chlor-2-Methylanilin (ISTD)