Creating Custom Fixtures Application Note © 2004-21 Pharos Architectural Controls Limited All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice Revision 17-11-21 1/30 pharoscontrols.com Introduction There are two types of custom fixture available within Designer: Alias Fixtures Custom Fixtures The difference between these is that an Alias fixture is a copy of a fixture within your fixture library which you can rename and change the size of, whereas a Custom Fixture is a brand new fixture personality within the library. Alias Fixtures An alias fixture can be used if you have a fixture for which there is a similar fixture personality (e.g. Generic RGB LED 8 Bit), but you want a specific name, shape and/or size for the fixture. To create an Alias fixture: 1. Select the similar fixture in the fixture library. 2. Right click on the fixture. 3. Select Create Fixture Alias. 4. In the Fixture Alias Creator (right) set the New Model Name, size and Shape. 5. Click OK. 6. Your new fixtuer Alias will be available under Custom. Custom Fixture A custom fixture is required if you want to change the properties of a fixture, or create a fixture with additional channels. A custom fixture is created by inserting all the required information into a .txt file, this can be created using any text editor software capable of saving to this format. See "Saving a Custom Fixture" on page 5 for more details on where to place a created custom fixture file for Designer to add it to the fixture library. Below is an example of a custom fixture personality for a Generic LED - RGB 8 bit fixture: fixture = LED - RGB 8 bit manuid = 0 modelid = 5 class = led shape = square dimensions = 24x24 patchgroup = fixture parameter = Cyan default = 255 crossfade = linear type = ltp8bit range = 255, 0, % parameter = Magenta default = 255 crossfade = linear type = ltp8bit range = 255, 0, %

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Creating Custom Fixtures

Application Note

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IntroductionThere are two types of custom fixture available within Designer:

• Alias Fixtures • Custom Fixtures

The difference between these is that an Alias fixture is a copy of a fixture within your fixture library which you can rename and change the size of, whereas a Custom Fixture is a brand new fixture personality within the library.

Alias FixturesAn alias fixture can be used if you have a fixture for which there is a similar fixture personality (e.g. Generic RGB LED 8 Bit), but you want a specific name, shape and/or size for the fixture.To create an Alias fixture:

1. Select the similar fixture in the fixture library.2. Right click on the fixture.3. Select Create Fixture Alias.4. In the Fixture Alias Creator (right) set the New Model Name,

size and Shape.5. Click OK.6. Your new fixtuer Alias will be available under Custom.

Custom FixtureA custom fixture is required if you want to change the properties of a fixture, or create a fixture with additional channels. A custom fixture is created by inserting all the required information into a .txt file, this can be created using any text editor software capable of saving to this format. See "Saving a Custom Fixture" on page 5 for more details on where to place a created custom fixture file for Designer to add it to the fixture library.Below is an example of a custom fixture personality for a Generic LED - RGB 8 bit fixture:

fixture = LED - RGB 8 bitmanuid = 0modelid = 5class = ledshape = squaredimensions = 24x24

patchgroup = fixture

parameter = Cyandefault = 255crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 255, 0, %

parameter = Magentadefault = 255crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 255, 0, %

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parameter = Yellowdefault = 255crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 255, 0, %

There are three main sections within any created custom fixture personality: • Fixture Header • Patchgroups • Channel Definitions

Fixture HeaderThe fixture header contain all the information that relates to the fixture as a whole.

fixture = LED - RGB 8 bitmanuid = 0modelid = 5class = ledshape = squaredimensions = 24x24

Each line contains a property name and its value, separated by an equals sign (=).

fixture Required The name of the fixture (as displayed in the Designer fixture library)

manuid Required For a custom fixture without a manufacturer use value 100. To find the Manufacturer ID for any given manufacturer drag a fixture from that manufacturer onto the layout within Designer and it will be displayed within the Fixture Properties in prentheses (manuid).

modelid Required A unique modelid (within the manufacturer).modeid Optional The mode identifier for single fixtures with multiple modes, this

can be a value from 0 to 63 i.e 64 modes possible.class Required The class of the fixture. This will determine how the fixture is

displayed on the layout (accessory, controller, conventional, dali, led, media, mirror, spot, wash).

shape Optional (only used if class = led) The shape of an LED fixture (circle or square).dimensions Required The size of the fixture on the plan (in px).

NOTE: Custom Fixtures, created using a manuid = 100 value, do not require a unique modelid to be defined. For such fixtures we recommend using modelid = 10 though any value below 999 will work.

PatchgroupsA fixture personality requires 1 patchgroup to be defined before any channel definitions, but can have as many as needed within a given personality. A patchgroup is a separate section of the fixture that can be patched independently, e.g. a fixture containing multiple strings of LED nodes, or where the intensity of a fixture is controlled separately to the rest of the parameters.A patchgroup is defined by inserting the below line before any channel definitions:

patchgroup = fixture note the fixture name can be descriptive and contain spaces if required.

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If using a single patchgroup then it can be simply left as the default: patchgroup = fixtureA custom fixture personality with multiple patchgroups would have the following structure:

<Fixture Header>

patchgroup = Colour

<colour channel definitions>

patchgroup = Position

<position channel definitions>

patchgroup = Content

<content channel definitions>

As shown in the image above, for any given patchgroup its name will be displayed within the Patch mode of Designer. If the fixture name (Wookie400RGB in the above example) is dragged on then all patchgroups will be dragged together, if the patchgroups are individually dragged they can be separately assigned as shown.If only a single (defaults) patchgroup is used then the patchgroup name will not be displayed.

Channel DefinitionsA channel definition contains all the information required to allow a single channel to work. Although a channel definition doesn’t include a channel number, Designer will increment this for each new channel definition, so the channels should be added in the order that they need to be within the fixture.

parameter = Intensitydefault = 0crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 0, 255, %

parameter The main function of the channel. This should be one of the functions defined in the Functions List on page 6. A unique function name must be used for each channel within an element, this is why the Functions List offers many numerical iterations of any function.

default The default level for the channel, this is what the channel will be set to if no Timelines or Scenes are controlling the fixture (0-255 or 0-65535)

crossfade The crossfade path for the channel (linear or snap)type The type of channel (htp8bit or htp16bit). Sets whether the channel is an 8 bit (0-255) or 16 bit (0-

65535) channelrange See below

Range DeclarationsA range declaration defines a DMX range or value which can be selected within Designer, and assigns a label to it.Syntax:

range = int, label


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range = int1, int2, label

NOTE: If multiple ranges are defined for a single parameter they must have different labels otherwise the ranges will be merged.If a single value is set, then selecting the range in Designer will set the DMX output to that specific value. Setting two values will allow the user to select any value in that range.

int, int1, int2 = 0-255 for 8 bit channels, 0-65535 for 16 bit.int1 may be more or less than int2, but cannot be the same.

The label is displayed within Designer on the button which is used to set the value.If the label is set to %, then no label will appear.

Special ConsiderationsRGB ChannelsDesigner uses a CMY colour mixing engine internally, and as such RGB channels must be defined as their inverse colour with an inverted range:


parameter = Cyandefault = 255crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 255, 0, %


parameter = Magentadefault = 255crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 255, 0, %


parameter = Yellowdefault = 255crossfade = lineartype = ltp8bitrange = 255, 0, %

Multi Element FixturesIf you have a multi-element fixture (e.g. a series of RGB LED Nodes), the fixture personality can be configured to create those nodes for you.Syntax:

element = label

<Channel Definitions>

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elementcount = value

The label will be displayed as the name of the element within the fixture browser of Designer.The value of elementcount is the number of repetitions of the element within the fixture.

You will require an additional line in the fixture header:geometry = intXxintY (i.e. 10x12)intX and intY are the number of elements the fixture has in the X and Y directions.

NOTE: Within each element all parameter definitions must use unique function names, however these can be repeated on any subsequent element meaning element 1 and element 2 can both have a parameter = Intensity channel without creating problems. Thus making it safe to copy paste channel definitions for identical elements within a fixture.

CommentsAny line within a personality can be commented out using double forward slashes:

// This would be a comment

Unused ChannelsIf a channel in a personality is unused, it can be added to the personality to ensure the DMX footprint and channel numbering is correct without actually controlling anything.constant = intConstant defines this as a non-controllable channel, and int is the value to set this constant channel to, generally 0.

Inverting ChannelsSometimes it will be necessary to invert channels e.g. when a colour channel is full on at DMX 0 and off at DMX 255. To do this, the range values can be swapped (range = 255, 0, % becomes range = 0, 255, %).If the virtual intensity also needs inverting then the line “invert_intensity = ” can be added.

HSI FixturesAny fixture using HSI needs to use a Brightness channel instead of an Intensity channel to define the intensity value of a colour. Doing this will enable the colour picker for the fixture within the Designer interface.

Saving a Custom FixtureWhen you create a Custom Fixture manually, you will need to save it to the following location:Windows: C:\Users\[user_name]\Documents\Pharos Controls\Designer 2\FixturesMac OS X: /Users/[user_name]/Documents/Pharos Controls/Designer 2/Fixtures

The file should be saved as a *.txt file with any name of your choice.

Further AssistanceShould you require any further assistance, please send the following to your Dealer:The name and mode of the fixture that is requiredA user manual, including full DMX personalityThe date you require the fixture personality.

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Functions ListThis section covers the currently available functions as parameters for Channel Definitions, see "As shown in the image above, for any given patchgroup its name will be displayed within the Patch mode of Designer. If the fixture name (Wookie400RGB in the above example) is dragged on then all patchgroups will be dragged together, if the patchgroups are individually dragged they can be separately assigned as shown." on page 3 for more information on defining parameters. Parameters must defined as one of the below functions otherwise the fixture profile will not be recognised by Designer. All available functions are defined within the:functions.txt file located in:C:\Users\[user_name]\Documents\Pharos Controls\Designer 2\Fixtures

IMPORTANT: the functions.txt file MUST NOT be edited or moved, if it is it will break the Designer fixture library, please refer to the below list as reference for available functions for defining parameters.

Each parameter function falls into one of 7 categories: • Intensity. • Colour. • Colour adjustments. • Position.

• Beam shape. • Beam image. • Control.

These function categories are specified within the functions.txt by a letter following the format:function name = category specifier

The below parameter function lists have been sorted according to their respective categories as these also determine where controls for each of a fixture's parameters will appear within Designer.Within the Scene Mode tab, after creating a scene and upon selecting a fixture, the Scene Properties panel (pictured to the right) will show 4 tabs: Colour, Position, Beam, and Control. Each function category will allocate a created parameter in the fixture profile to a specific Scene Property tab following the below sorting criteria:Colour tab includes parameters made from:

• Intensity functions. • Colour functions. • Colour adjustments functions.

Position tab includes parameters made from: • Position functions.

Beam tab includes parameters made from: • Beam shape functions. • Beam image functions.

Control tab includes parameters made from: • Control functions.

Intensity FunctionsIntensity functions have the category specifier i in the functions.txt and are accessible, for fixtures possessing these capabilities, from the Colour tab under Intensity within the Scenes Mode - Scene Properties panel.Background Intensity

Background Shutter Strobe

Background Shutter Strobe 2

Base Level

Base Level 2

Base Level 3

Base Level 4

Dimmer Curve

Dimmer Curve 2

Dimmer Mechanism

Dimmer Mechanism 10

Dimmer Mechanism 11

Dimmer Mechanism 12

Dimmer Mechanism 13

Dimmer Mechanism 14

Dimmer Mechanism 15

Dimmer Mechanism 16

Dimmer Mechanism 17

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Dimmer Mechanism 18

Dimmer Mechanism 19

Dimmer Mechanism 2

Dimmer Mechanism 20

Dimmer Mechanism 21

Dimmer Mechanism 22

Dimmer Mechanism 23

Dimmer Mechanism 24

Dimmer Mechanism 25

Dimmer Mechanism 26

Dimmer Mechanism 27

Dimmer Mechanism 28

Dimmer Mechanism 29

Dimmer Mechanism 3

Dimmer Mechanism 30

Dimmer Mechanism 31

Dimmer Mechanism 32

Dimmer Mechanism 33

Dimmer Mechanism 34

Dimmer Mechanism 35

Dimmer Mechanism 36

Dimmer Mechanism 37

Dimmer Mechanism 38

Dimmer Mechanism 39

Dimmer Mechanism 4

Dimmer Mechanism 40

Dimmer Mechanism 41

Dimmer Mechanism 42

Dimmer Mechanism 43

Dimmer Mechanism 44

Dimmer Mechanism 45

Dimmer Mechanism 46

Dimmer Mechanism 47

Dimmer Mechanism 48

Dimmer Mechanism 49

Dimmer Mechanism 5

Dimmer Mechanism 50

Dimmer Mechanism 51

Dimmer Mechanism 52

Dimmer Mechanism 53

Dimmer Mechanism 54

Dimmer Mechanism 55

Dimmer Mechanism 56

Dimmer Mechanism 57

Dimmer Mechanism 58

Dimmer Mechanism 59

Dimmer Mechanism 6

Dimmer Mechanism 60

Dimmer Mechanism 61

Dimmer Mechanism 62

Dimmer Mechanism 63

Dimmer Mechanism 64

Dimmer Mechanism 65

Dimmer Mechanism 66

Dimmer Mechanism 67

Dimmer Mechanism 68

Dimmer Mechanism 69

Dimmer Mechanism 7

Dimmer Mechanism 70

Dimmer Mechanism 71

Dimmer Mechanism 72

Dimmer Mechanism 73

Dimmer Mechanism 74

Dimmer Mechanism 75

Dimmer Mechanism 76

Dimmer Mechanism 77

Dimmer Mechanism 78

Dimmer Mechanism 8

Dimmer Mechanism 9


Duration 10

Duration 11

Duration 12

Duration 13

Duration 14

Duration 15

Duration 16

Duration 17

Duration 18

Duration 19

Duration 2

Duration 20

Duration 21

Duration 22

Duration 23

Duration 24

Duration 25

Duration 26

Duration 3

Duration 4

Duration 5

Duration 6

Duration 7

Duration 8

Duration 9

Foreground Intensity

Foreground Shutter Strobe

Foreground Shutter Strobe 2


Intensity 2

Intensity 3

Intensity Adjust

Intensity Adjust 10

Intensity Adjust 11

Intensity Adjust 12

Intensity Adjust 13

Intensity Adjust 14

Intensity Adjust 15

Intensity Adjust 16

Intensity Adjust 17

Intensity Adjust 18

Intensity Adjust 19

Intensity Adjust 2

Intensity Adjust 20

Intensity Adjust 21

Intensity Adjust 22

Intensity Adjust 23

Intensity Adjust 24

Intensity Adjust 25

Intensity Adjust 26

Intensity Adjust 27

Intensity Adjust 28

Intensity Adjust 29

Intensity Adjust 3

Intensity Adjust 30

Intensity Adjust 31

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Intensity Adjust 32

Intensity Adjust 33

Intensity Adjust 34

Intensity Adjust 35

Intensity Adjust 36

Intensity Adjust 37

Intensity Adjust 38

Intensity Adjust 39

Intensity Adjust 4

Intensity Adjust 40

Intensity Adjust 41

Intensity Adjust 42

Intensity Adjust 43

Intensity Adjust 44

Intensity Adjust 45

Intensity Adjust 46

Intensity Adjust 47

Intensity Adjust 48

Intensity Adjust 49

Intensity Adjust 5

Intensity Adjust 6

Intensity Adjust 7

Intensity Adjust 8

Intensity Adjust 9

Intensity Macro Crossfade Rate

Intensity Macro Rate

Intensity Macros

Intensity Macros 2

Intensity Macros 3

Intensity Mode

Intensity Mode 2

Intensity Mode 3

Intensity Mode 4

Intensity Mode 5

Intensity Mode 6

Intensity Mode 7

Intensity Mode 8

LED Engine Effect Crossfade Speed

LED Engine Effect Level

LED Engine Effect Rate

LED Engine Effect Step Time

LED Engine Effects

LFO Frequency

LFO Random Depth

LFO Triangle Depth

LFO Triangle Depth 2

LFO Triangle Depth 3

LFO Triangle Depth 4

Master Intensity

Master Intensity 2

Master Intensity 3

Master Shutter Strobe

Max Intensity

Min Intensity



Strobe 10

Strobe 11

Strobe 12

Strobe 13

Strobe 14

Strobe 15

Strobe 16

Strobe 17

Strobe 18

Strobe 19

Strobe 2

Strobe 20

Strobe 21

Strobe 22

Strobe 23

Strobe 24

Strobe 25

Strobe 26

Strobe 3

Strobe 4

Strobe 5

Strobe 6

Strobe 7

Strobe 8

Strobe 9

Strobe Delay

Strobe Duty Cycle

Strobe Effect Rate

Strobe Fan

Strobe Intensity

Strobe Intensity 2

Strobe Mechanism

Strobe Mode

Strobe Mode 2

Strobe Sync

Colour FunctionsColour functions have the category parameter c in the functions.txt and are accessible, for fixtures possessing these capabilities, from the Colour tab under Colour within the Scenes Mode.

Amber 10Amber 11Amber 12Amber 2Amber 3Amber 4Amber 5Amber 6

Amber 7Amber 8Amber 9Amber AdjustAmber AllBackground BlueBackground Colour MixBackground Colour Mix 2

Background GreenBackground RedBackground WhiteBlue AdjustBlue Adjust 2Blue Adjust 3Blue AllBlue All 2

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Blue MasterBlue MaximumBrightness 10Brightness 100Brightness 101Brightness 102Brightness 103Brightness 104Brightness 105Brightness 106Brightness 107Brightness 108Brightness 109Brightness 11Brightness 110Brightness 111Brightness 112Brightness 113Brightness 114Brightness 115Brightness 116Brightness 117Brightness 118Brightness 119Brightness 12Brightness 120Brightness 121Brightness 122Brightness 123Brightness 124Brightness 125Brightness 126Brightness 127Brightness 128Brightness 129Brightness 13Brightness 130Brightness 131Brightness 132Brightness 133Brightness 134Brightness 135Brightness 136Brightness 137Brightness 138Brightness 139Brightness 14Brightness 140Brightness 141Brightness 142Brightness 143Brightness 144Brightness 145Brightness 146

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Brightness 244Brightness 245Brightness 246Brightness 247Brightness 248Brightness 249Brightness 25Brightness 250Brightness 251Brightness 252Brightness 253Brightness 254Brightness 255Brightness 256Brightness 257Brightness 258Brightness 259Brightness 26Brightness 260Brightness 261Brightness 262Brightness 263Brightness 264Brightness 265Brightness 266Brightness 267Brightness 268Brightness 269Brightness 27Brightness 270Brightness 271Brightness 272Brightness 273Brightness 274Brightness 275Brightness 276Brightness 277Brightness 278Brightness 279Brightness 28Brightness 280Brightness 281Brightness 282Brightness 283Brightness 284Brightness 285Brightness 286Brightness 287Brightness 288Brightness 289Brightness 29Brightness 290Brightness 291Brightness 292

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Brightness 390Brightness 391Brightness 392Brightness 393Brightness 394Brightness 395Brightness 396Brightness 397Brightness 398Brightness 399Brightness 4Brightness 40Brightness 400Brightness 401Brightness 402Brightness 403Brightness 404Brightness 405Brightness 406Brightness 407Brightness 408Brightness 409Brightness 41Brightness 410Brightness 411Brightness 412Brightness 413Brightness 414Brightness 415Brightness 416Brightness 417Brightness 418Brightness 419Brightness 42Brightness 420Brightness 421Brightness 422Brightness 423Brightness 424Brightness 425Brightness 426Brightness 427Brightness 428Brightness 429Brightness 43Brightness 430Brightness 431Brightness 432Brightness 433Brightness 434Brightness 435Brightness 436Brightness 437Brightness 438

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Brightness 536Brightness 537Brightness 538Brightness 539Brightness 54Brightness 540Brightness 541Brightness 542Brightness 543Brightness 544Brightness 545Brightness 546Brightness 547Brightness 548Brightness 549Brightness 55Brightness 550Brightness 551Brightness 552Brightness 553Brightness 554Brightness 555Brightness 556Brightness 557Brightness 558Brightness 559Brightness 56Brightness 560Brightness 561Brightness 562Brightness 563Brightness 564Brightness 565Brightness 566Brightness 567Brightness 568Brightness 569Brightness 57Brightness 570Brightness 571Brightness 572Brightness 573Brightness 574Brightness 575Brightness 576Brightness 577Brightness 578Brightness 579Brightness 58Brightness 580Brightness 581Brightness 582Brightness 583Brightness 584

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Brightness 633Brightness 634Brightness 635Brightness 636Brightness 637Brightness 638Brightness 639Brightness 64Brightness 640Brightness 641Brightness 642Brightness 643Brightness 644Brightness 645Brightness 646Brightness 647Brightness 648Brightness 649Brightness 65Brightness 650Brightness 651Brightness 652Brightness 653Brightness 654Brightness 655Brightness 656Brightness 657Brightness 658Brightness 659Brightness 66Brightness 660Brightness 661Brightness 662Brightness 663Brightness 664Brightness 665Brightness 666Brightness 667Brightness 668Brightness 669Brightness 67Brightness 670Brightness 671Brightness 672Brightness 673Brightness 674Brightness 675Brightness 676Brightness 677Brightness 678Brightness 679Brightness 68Brightness 680Brightness 681

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Brightness 682Brightness 683Brightness 684Brightness 685Brightness 686Brightness 687Brightness 688Brightness 689Brightness 69Brightness 690Brightness 691Brightness 692Brightness 693Brightness 694Brightness 695Brightness 696Brightness 697Brightness 698Brightness 699Brightness 7Brightness 70Brightness 700Brightness 701Brightness 702Brightness 703Brightness 704Brightness 705Brightness 706Brightness 707Brightness 708Brightness 709Brightness 71Brightness 710Brightness 711Brightness 712Brightness 713Brightness 714Brightness 715Brightness 716Brightness 717Brightness 718Brightness 719Brightness 72Brightness 720Brightness 721Brightness 722Brightness 723Brightness 724Brightness 725Brightness 726Brightness 727Brightness 728Brightness 729Brightness 73

Brightness 730Brightness 731Brightness 732Brightness 733Brightness 734Brightness 735Brightness 736Brightness 737Brightness 738Brightness 739Brightness 74Brightness 740Brightness 741Brightness 742Brightness 743Brightness 744Brightness 745Brightness 746Brightness 747Brightness 748Brightness 749Brightness 75Brightness 750Brightness 751Brightness 752Brightness 753Brightness 754Brightness 755Brightness 756Brightness 757Brightness 758Brightness 759Brightness 76Brightness 760Brightness 761Brightness 762Brightness 763Brightness 764Brightness 765Brightness 766Brightness 767Brightness 768Brightness 769Brightness 77Brightness 770Brightness 771Brightness 772Brightness 773Brightness 774Brightness 775Brightness 776Brightness 777Brightness 778Brightness 779

Brightness 78Brightness 780Brightness 781Brightness 782Brightness 783Brightness 784Brightness 785Brightness 786Brightness 787Brightness 788Brightness 789Brightness 79Brightness 790Brightness 791Brightness 792Brightness 793Brightness 794Brightness 795Brightness 796Brightness 797Brightness 798Brightness 799Brightness 8Brightness 80Brightness 800Brightness 801Brightness 802Brightness 803Brightness 804Brightness 805Brightness 806Brightness 807Brightness 808Brightness 809Brightness 81Brightness 810Brightness 811Brightness 812Brightness 813Brightness 814Brightness 815Brightness 816Brightness 817Brightness 818Brightness 819Brightness 82Brightness 820Brightness 821Brightness 822Brightness 823Brightness 824Brightness 825Brightness 826Brightness 827

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Brightness 828Brightness 829Brightness 83Brightness 830Brightness 831Brightness 832Brightness 833Brightness 834Brightness 835Brightness 836Brightness 837Brightness 838Brightness 839Brightness 84Brightness 840Brightness 841Brightness 842Brightness 843Brightness 844Brightness 845Brightness 846Brightness 847Brightness 848Brightness 849Brightness 85Brightness 850Brightness 851Brightness 852Brightness 853Brightness 854Brightness 855Brightness 856Brightness 857Brightness 858Brightness 859Brightness 86Brightness 860Brightness 861Brightness 862Brightness 863Brightness 864Brightness 865Brightness 866Brightness 867Brightness 868Brightness 869Brightness 87Brightness 870Brightness 871Brightness 872Brightness 873Brightness 874Brightness 875Brightness 876

Brightness 877Brightness 878Brightness 879Brightness 88Brightness 880Brightness 881Brightness 882Brightness 883Brightness 884Brightness 885Brightness 886Brightness 887Brightness 888Brightness 889Brightness 89Brightness 890Brightness 891Brightness 892Brightness 893Brightness 894Brightness 895Brightness 896Brightness 897Brightness 898Brightness 899Brightness 9Brightness 90Brightness 900Brightness 901Brightness 902Brightness 903Brightness 904Brightness 905Brightness 906Brightness 907Brightness 908Brightness 909Brightness 91Brightness 910Brightness 911Brightness 912Brightness 913Brightness 914Brightness 915Brightness 916Brightness 917Brightness 918Brightness 919Brightness 92Brightness 920Brightness 921Brightness 922Brightness 923Brightness 924

Brightness 925Brightness 926Brightness 927Brightness 928Brightness 929Brightness 93Brightness 930Brightness 931Brightness 932Brightness 933Brightness 934Brightness 935Brightness 936Brightness 937Brightness 94Brightness 95Brightness 96Brightness 97Brightness 98Brightness 99CCTChaseChase 2Chase CrossfadeChase Crossfade 2Chase LevelChase Level 2Chase RateChase Rate 2CIE XCIE X 10CIE X 11CIE X 12CIE X 13CIE X 14CIE X 15CIE X 16CIE X 17CIE X 18CIE X 19CIE X 2CIE X 20CIE X 21CIE X 22CIE X 23CIE X 3CIE X 4CIE X 5CIE X 6CIE X 7CIE X 8CIE X 9CIE YCIE Y 10

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CIE Y 11CIE Y 12CIE Y 13CIE Y 14CIE Y 15CIE Y 16CIE Y 17CIE Y 18CIE Y 19CIE Y 2CIE Y 20CIE Y 21CIE Y 22CIE Y 23CIE Y 3CIE Y 4CIE Y 5CIE Y 6CIE Y 7CIE Y 8CIE Y 9ColourColour 2Colour 3Colour 4Colour 5Colour 6Colour 7Colour CrossfadeColour Crossfade 2Colour Crossfade TypeColour Macro Fade TimeColour Macro PauseColour Macro RateColour MacrosColour Macros 2Colour Macros 3Colour Macros 4Colour Macros 5Colour Macros 6Colour Macros 7Colour MixColour Mix 10Colour Mix 11Colour Mix 12Colour Mix 13Colour Mix 14Colour Mix 15Colour Mix 16Colour Mix 17Colour Mix 18Colour Mix 19Colour Mix 2Colour Mix 20

Colour Mix 21Colour Mix 22Colour Mix 23Colour Mix 24Colour Mix 25Colour Mix 3Colour Mix 4Colour Mix 5Colour Mix 6Colour Mix 7Colour Mix 8Colour Mix 9Colour Mix BlinkColour Mix Crossfade RateColour Mix Crossfade Rate 2Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 3Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 4Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 5Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 6Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 7Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 8Colour Mix Crossfade Rate 9Colour Mix FanColour Mix Macro Duty CycleColour Mix Macro Fade TimeColour Mix Macro Fade Time 2Colour Mix Macro RateColour Mix Macro Rate 2Colour Mix Macro StartColour Mix Macro Step TimeColour Mix Macro Step Time 2Colour Mix ModeColour Mix Mode 2Colour Mix PositionColour Mix Position 2Colour Mix RangeColour Mix StepColour ModeColour Mode 2Colour Mode 3Colour OffsetColour PresetColour Select BlinkColour TemperatureColour Temperature 10Colour Temperature 11Colour Temperature 12Colour Temperature 13Colour Temperature 14Colour Temperature 15Colour Temperature 16Colour Temperature 17Colour Temperature 18Colour Temperature 19

Colour Temperature 2Colour Temperature 20Colour Temperature 21Colour Temperature 22Colour Temperature 23Colour Temperature 24Colour Temperature 3Colour Temperature 4Colour Temperature 5Colour Temperature 6Colour Temperature 7Colour Temperature 8Colour Temperature 9Colour Temperature AdjustColour WheelsCongo BlueCool White 2Cool White 3Cool White 4Cool White 5Cool White 6Cool White 7Cool White 8Cool White AdjustCRICTBCTCCTOCyanCyan AdjustCyan ModeCyan SaturationDeep BlueFilter Colour ModeForeground BlueForeground Colour MixForeground Colour Mix 2Foreground GreenForeground RedForeground WhiteGelGel 2Gel 3Gel 4Gel ManufacturerGel Manufacturer 2Gel RangeGel Range 2Green AdjustGreen Adjust 2Green Adjust 3Green AllGreen All 2Green Cyan

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Green Cyan AdjustGreen MasterGreen MaximumHue 2Hue AdjustHue Adjust 2Hue Adjust 3IndigoIndigo AdjustIndigo AllInternal Media FrameLight GreenLimeLime AdjustMagentaMagenta ModeMagenta SaturationMedium WhiteMint GreenMint Green AdjustOrangeOrange AdjustPinkPurpleRed AdjustRed Adjust 2Red Adjust 3Red AllRed All 2Red MasterRed MaximumRed OrangeRed Orange AdjustRed ShiftRoyal BlueSaturation 2Saturation AdjustSaturation Adjust 2Saturation Adjust 3Shutter Strobe BlueShutter Strobe Blue 2Shutter Strobe GreenShutter Strobe Green 2Shutter Strobe RedShutter Strobe Red 2Shutter Strobe WhiteShutter Strobe White 2SourceSource 2Source TypeSource Type 2Strobe Colour AmberStrobe Colour BlueStrobe Colour Blue 2

Strobe Colour GreenStrobe Colour Green 2Strobe Colour ModeStrobe Colour RedStrobe Colour Red 2Strobe Colour WhiteStrobe Duration BlueStrobe Duration Blue 2Strobe Duration GreenStrobe Duration Green 2Strobe Duration RedStrobe Duration Red 2Strobe Duration WhiteStrobe Duration White 2TintTint 10Tint 11Tint 12Tint 13Tint 14Tint 15Tint 16Tint 17Tint 18Tint 19Tint 2Tint 20Tint 21Tint 22Tint 23Tint 24Tint 3Tint 4Tint 5Tint 6Tint 7Tint 8Tint 9UVUV 10UV 11UV 12UV 2UV 3UV 4UV 5UV 6UV 7UV 8UV 9Warm White 10Warm White 11Warm White 12Warm White 13

Warm White 2Warm White 3Warm White 4Warm White 5Warm White 6Warm White 7Warm White 8Warm White 9Warm White AdjustWhite 10White 11White 12White 13White 14White 15White 16White 17White 18White 19White 2White 20White 21White 22White 23White 24White 25White 26White 27White 28White 29White 3White 30White 31White 32White 33White 34White 35White 36White 37White 38White 39White 4White 40White 41White 42White 43White 44White 45White 46White 47White 48White 49White 5White 50

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White 51White 52White 53White 54White 55White 56White 57White 58White 59White 6White 60White 61White 62

White 63White 64White 65White 66White 67White 68White 69White 7White 70White 71White 72White 73White 74

White 75White 8White 9White AdjustWhite Adjust 2White Adjust 3White AllWhite All 2White MasterWhite Point SetYellowYellow Mode

Colour AdjustmentColour adjustment functions have the category parameter a in the functions.txt and are accessible for fixtures possessing these capabilities from the Colour tab within the Scenes Mode.AmberBrightnessCool WhiteHueHue Table 0

Hue Table 1Hue Table 2Hue Table 3Hue Table 4Hue Table 5

Hue Table 6SaturationWarm WhiteWhite

Position FunctionsPosition functions have the category parameter p in the functions.txt and are accessible, for fixtures possessing these capabilities, from the Position tab within the Scenes Mode.Dark Zone

Effect Head

Effect Head 2

Global Pan

Global Tilt

Infinite tilt

Mirror Drum

Mirror Drum 2

Mirror Drum 3

Mirror Drum 4


Pan 2

Pan 3

Pan 4

Pan 5

Pan 6

Pan 7

Pan Mode

Pan Offset

Pan Offset 2

Pan Offset Amplitude

Pan Speed


Position Blink

Position Macro Crossfade Rate

Position Macro Rate

Position Macro Size

Position Macro Start

Position Macros

Position Mode

Position Source Crossfader

Target Height


Tilt 10

Tilt 11

Tilt 12

Tilt 13

Tilt 14

Tilt 15

Tilt 16

Tilt 2

Tilt 3

Tilt 4

Tilt 5

Tilt 6

Tilt 7

Tilt 8

Tilt 9

Tilt Mode

Tilt Mode 2

Tilt Offset

Tilt Offset Amplitude

Tilt Speed

Tracking Mode

Tracking Object

Tracking Offset X

Tracking Offset Y

Tracking Offset Z

Tracking Speed

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Beam Shape FunctionsBeam shape functions have the category parameter s in the functions.txt and are accessible, for fixtures possessing these capabilities, from the Beam tab under Beam Shape within the Scenes Mode.Barndoor

Barndoor 2

Barndoor 3

Barndoor 4

Barndoor Macro Rate

Barndoor Macros

Barndoors Assembly


Beamshaper 2

Beamshaper 3

Beamshaper 4

Beamshaper Mode

Compound Lens Index Rotate

Compound Lens Mode


Edge 2

Edge 3

Edge 4

Edge Colour Correction

Edge Mode

Effect <>

Effect <> 2

Effect <> 3

Effect Macro Direction

Effect Macro Fade Time

Effect Macro Position

Effect Macro Position 2

Effect Macro Rate

Effect Macro Rate 10

Effect Macro Rate 11

Effect Macro Rate 12

Effect Macro Rate 13

Effect Macro Rate 14

Effect Macro Rate 15

Effect Macro Rate 16

Effect Macro Rate 17

Effect Macro Rate 18

Effect Macro Rate 19

Effect Macro Rate 2

Effect Macro Rate 20

Effect Macro Rate 21

Effect Macro Rate 3

Effect Macro Rate 4

Effect Macro Rate 5

Effect Macro Rate 6

Effect Macro Rate 7

Effect Macro Rate 8

Effect Macro Rate 9

Effect Macro Repeat

Effect Macro Size

Effect Macro Size 2

Effect Macro Start

Effect Macro Syncronisation

Effect Macro Syncronisation 2

Effect Macro Time

Effect Macros

Effect Macros 10

Effect Macros 11

Effect Macros 12

Effect Macros 13

Effect Macros 14

Effect Macros 15

Effect Macros 16

Effect Macros 17

Effect Macros 18

Effect Macros 19

Effect Macros 2

Effect Macros 20

Effect Macros 21

Effect Macros 3

Effect Macros 4

Effect Macros 5

Effect Macros 6

Effect Macros 7

Effect Macros 8

Effect Macros 9

Effect Motor

Effect Motor 2

Effect Wheel Position

Effect Wheel Position 2


Focus 2

Focus 3

Focus Adjust

Focus Distance

Focus Mode

Frame a

Frame a 2

Frame a 3

Frame a 4

Frame a 5

Frame a 6

Frame a 7

Frame Angle

Frame Angle 2

Frame Angle 3

Frame Angle 4

Frame Assembly

Frame b

Frame b 2

Frame b 3

Frame b 4

Frame b 5

Frame b 6

Frame b 7

Frame In

Frame In 2

Frame In 3

Frame In 4

Frame Macro Rate

Frame Macro Size

Frame Macro Time

Frame Macros



Frost 2

Frost Mode

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Fx <> Mode

Fx <> Mode 2

Fx 2

Fx 3

Fx Mode

Fx Offset

Heavy Frost


Iris 2

Iris Mode

Light Frost

Medium Frost

Parabolic Mirror

Parabolic Mirror 2


Scrim Index Rotate



Zoom 2

Zoom 3

Zoom 4

Zoom 5

Zoom All

Zoom Bypass

Zoom Mode

Zoom Mode 2

Beam Image FunctionsBeam image functions have the category parameter b in the functions.txt and are accessible for fixtures possessing these capabilities from the Beam tab under Beam Image within the Scenes Mode.Alignment Pattern


Anchor X

Anchor Y

Anchor Z


Animation <>

Animation <> 2

Animation <> Mode

Animation <> Mode 2

Animation 2

Animation Incline

Animation Incline 2

Animation Offset

Aspect Mode

Aspect Ratio

Assign Channel To Layer

Assign Channel To Layer 2

Assign Channel To Layer 3


Attack 2

Attack 3

Attack 4

Audio Auto Gain

Audio Balance

Audio Sync

Audio Volume

Auto Fade

Background Colour

Background Colour Alpha

Background Colour Blue

Background Colour Green

Background Colour Red

Background Colour Red 2

Background Level

Banner Angle

Banner Angle 2

Banner Angle 3

Banner Angle 4

Banner Assembly

Banner In

Banner In 2

Banner In 3

Banner In 4

Beam Macro Rate

Beam Macros

Beat Detect

Black Level

Black Level Adjust

Black Output



Blend Timing

Blue Contrast

Blue Gain

Blue Gamma

Blue Highlight

Blue Highlight 2

Blue Highlight 3

Blue Shadow

Blue Shadow 2

Blue Shadow 3


Blur Area

Blur Radius

Blur Type


Brightness Contrast Reset




Camera Exposure

Camera Focus

Camera Gain

Camera Image Colour

Camera Image Horizontal Flip

Camera IR Image

Camera Iris

Camera Shutter

Camera Zoom

Chromatics Mode


Clip Control

Clip Control 2

Clip Directory

Clip Directory 2

Clip Directory 3

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Clip Directory Offset

Clip Mode

Clip Offset

Clip Select

Clip Select 10

Clip Select 11

Clip Select 12

Clip Select 2

Clip Select 3

Clip Select 4

Clip Select 5

Clip Select 6

Clip Select 7

Clip Select 8

Clip Select 9

Clip Trigger

Clip Trigger 2

Clip Trigger 3


Cluster 10

Cluster 11

Cluster 12

Cluster 2

Cluster 3

Cluster 4

Cluster 5

Cluster 6

Cluster 7

Cluster 8

Cluster 9

Collage Array Configuration

Collage Blend

Collage Cell

Collage Type

ColorWave Speed

ColorWave Type

Colour Adjust Mode

Colour Averaging

Colour Effect

Colour Effect Level

Colour Effect Parameter

Colour Effect Parameter 10

Colour Effect Parameter 11

Colour Effect Parameter 12

Colour Effect Parameter 13

Colour Effect Parameter 14

Colour Effect Parameter 15

Colour Effect Parameter 16

Colour Effect Parameter 17

Colour Effect Parameter 18

Colour Effect Parameter 19

Colour Effect Parameter 2

Colour Effect Parameter 20

Colour Effect Parameter 3

Colour Effect Parameter 4

Colour Effect Parameter 5

Colour Effect Parameter 6

Colour Effect Parameter 7

Colour Effect Parameter 8

Colour Effect Parameter 9

Colour Effect Parameter Blue

Colour Effect Parameter Green

Colour Effect Parameter Red

Colour Effect Parameter White

Colour Effect Rate

Colour Space


Continuous Loop Speed


Contrast 10

Contrast 11

Contrast 12

Contrast 2

Contrast 3

Contrast 4

Contrast 5

Contrast 6

Contrast 7

Contrast 8

Contrast 9

Copy Mode

Crop Bottom

Crop Bottom 10

Crop Bottom 11

Crop Bottom 12

Crop Bottom 2

Crop Bottom 3

Crop Bottom 4

Crop Bottom 5

Crop Bottom 6

Crop Bottom 7

Crop Bottom 8

Crop Bottom 9

Crop Edge

Crop Edge 2

Crop Left

Crop Left 10

Crop Left 11

Crop Left 12

Crop Left 2

Crop Left 3

Crop Left 4

Crop Left 5

Crop Left 6

Crop Left 7

Crop Left 8

Crop Left 9

Crop Right

Crop Right 10

Crop Right 11

Crop Right 12

Crop Right 2

Crop Right 3

Crop Right 4

Crop Right 5

Crop Right 6

Crop Right 7

Crop Right 8

Crop Right 9

Crop Top

Crop Top 10

Crop Top 11

Crop Top 12

Crop Top 2

Crop Top 3

Crop Top 4

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Crop Top 5

Crop Top 6

Crop Top 7

Crop Top 8

Crop Top 9

Crop X

Crop X 2

Crop X 3

Crop X 4

Crop Y

Crop Y 2

Crop Y 3

Crop Y 4



Crossfader Time

Crossfader Time 2

Crossfader Type

Crossfader Type 2


Cue 2

Cue 3

Cue Advance

Cue Advance Period

Cue Blur


Dashboard Dial

Dashboard Dial 2

Dashboard Dial 3

Dashboard Dial 4

Dashboard Dial 5

Dashboard Dial 6

Dashboard Dial 7

Dashboard Dial 8


Deck A Bank

Deck A Cell Trigger

Deck A Cell Trigger 10

Deck A Cell Trigger 11

Deck A Cell Trigger 12

Deck A Cell Trigger 13

Deck A Cell Trigger 14

Deck A Cell Trigger 15

Deck A Cell Trigger 16

Deck A Cell Trigger 17

Deck A Cell Trigger 18

Deck A Cell Trigger 19

Deck A Cell Trigger 2

Deck A Cell Trigger 20

Deck A Cell Trigger 21

Deck A Cell Trigger 22

Deck A Cell Trigger 23

Deck A Cell Trigger 24

Deck A Cell Trigger 25

Deck A Cell Trigger 26

Deck A Cell Trigger 27

Deck A Cell Trigger 28

Deck A Cell Trigger 29

Deck A Cell Trigger 3

Deck A Cell Trigger 30

Deck A Cell Trigger 31

Deck A Cell Trigger 32

Deck A Cell Trigger 33

Deck A Cell Trigger 34

Deck A Cell Trigger 35

Deck A Cell Trigger 36

Deck A Cell Trigger 4

Deck A Cell Trigger 5

Deck A Cell Trigger 6

Deck A Cell Trigger 7

Deck A Cell Trigger 8

Deck A Cell Trigger 9

Deck B Bank

Deck B Cell Trigger

Deck B Cell Trigger 10

Deck B Cell Trigger 11

Deck B Cell Trigger 12

Deck B Cell Trigger 13

Deck B Cell Trigger 14

Deck B Cell Trigger 15

Deck B Cell Trigger 16

Deck B Cell Trigger 17

Deck B Cell Trigger 18

Deck B Cell Trigger 19

Deck B Cell Trigger 2

Deck B Cell Trigger 20

Deck B Cell Trigger 21

Deck B Cell Trigger 22

Deck B Cell Trigger 23

Deck B Cell Trigger 24

Deck B Cell Trigger 25

Deck B Cell Trigger 26

Deck B Cell Trigger 27

Deck B Cell Trigger 28

Deck B Cell Trigger 29

Deck B Cell Trigger 3

Deck B Cell Trigger 30

Deck B Cell Trigger 31

Deck B Cell Trigger 32

Deck B Cell Trigger 33

Deck B Cell Trigger 34

Deck B Cell Trigger 35

Deck B Cell Trigger 36

Deck B Cell Trigger 4

Deck B Cell Trigger 5

Deck B Cell Trigger 6

Deck B Cell Trigger 7

Deck B Cell Trigger 8

Deck B Cell Trigger 9

DeInterlace Mode

Depth of Field Radius

Depth of Field X

Depth of Field Y

Digital Iris

Digital Iris Effect

Digital Iris Shutter Strobe

Display Position

Distortion Type

DMX In Level

Drawing Mode

Drawing Mode 2

Edge Blend

Edge Blend 2

Edge Blend 3

Edge Blend 4

Edge Blend Curve

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Edge Blend Curve 2

Edge Blend Curve 3

Edge Blend Curve 4

Edge Blend Horizontal

Edge Blend Marker

Edge Blend Marker 2

Edge Blend Marker 3

Edge Blend Marker 4

Edge Blend Marker Width

Edge Blend Marker Width 2

Edge Blend Marker Width 3

Edge Blend Marker Width 4

Edge Blend Mode

Edge Blend Mode 2

Edge Blend Profile

Edge Blend Profile 2

Edge Blend Profile 3

Edge Blend Profile 4

Edge Blend Vertical


Effect 1 Parameter

Effect 1 Parameter 10

Effect 1 Parameter 11

Effect 1 Parameter 12

Effect 1 Parameter 13

Effect 1 Parameter 14

Effect 1 Parameter 15

Effect 1 Parameter 16

Effect 1 Parameter 2

Effect 1 Parameter 3

Effect 1 Parameter 4

Effect 1 Parameter 5

Effect 1 Parameter 6

Effect 1 Parameter 7

Effect 1 Parameter 8

Effect 1 Parameter 9

Effect 2

Effect 2 Parameter

Effect 2 Parameter 10

Effect 2 Parameter 11

Effect 2 Parameter 12

Effect 2 Parameter 13

Effect 2 Parameter 14

Effect 2 Parameter 15

Effect 2 Parameter 16

Effect 2 Parameter 2

Effect 2 Parameter 3

Effect 2 Parameter 4

Effect 2 Parameter 5

Effect 2 Parameter 6

Effect 2 Parameter 7

Effect 2 Parameter 8

Effect 2 Parameter 9

Effect 3

Effect 3 Parameter

Effect 3 Parameter 2

Effect 3 Parameter 3

Effect 3 Parameter 4

Effect 3 Parameter 5

Effect 3 Parameter 6

Effect 3 Parameter 7

Effect 3 Parameter 8

Effect 3 Parameter 9

Effect 4

Effect 4 Parameter

Effect 4 Parameter 2

Effect 4 Parameter 3

Effect 4 Parameter 4

Effect 5

Effect 5 Parameter

Effect 5 Parameter 2

Effect 5 Parameter 3

Effect Directory

Effect Directory 2

Effect Directory 3

Effect Disable

Effect Enable

Effect Level

Effect Level 2

Effect Level 3

Effect Next

Effect Parameter

Effect Parameter 10

Effect Parameter 11

Effect Parameter 12

Effect Parameter 13

Effect Parameter 14

Effect Parameter 15

Effect Parameter 16

Effect Parameter 17

Effect Parameter 18

Effect Parameter 19

Effect Parameter 2

Effect Parameter 20

Effect Parameter 3

Effect Parameter 4

Effect Parameter 5

Effect Parameter 6

Effect Parameter 7

Effect Parameter 8

Effect Parameter 9

Effect Parameter Clear

Effect Parameter Clear 2

Effect Parameter Clear 3

Effect Previous

Effect Rate

Effect Rate 2

Effect Start Offset

Effect Toggle

Effect Trigger

Envelope Fade In

Envelope Fade Out

Envelope Sustain

Fade Colour Blue

Fade Colour Green

Fade Colour Red

Fade Colour White

Far Plane

Field Of View



Frame Scale

Framing a

Framing a 2

Framing a 3

Framing a 4

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Framing Assembly

Framing b

Framing b 2

Framing b 3

Framing b 4

Framing Shape

Framing X

Framing X 2

Framing X 3

Framing X 4

Framing Y

Framing Y 2

Framing Y 3

Framing Y 4


Front/Rear Projection



Generator Parameter

Generator Parameter 2

Generator Parameter 3

Generator Parameter 4

Generator Parameter 5

Generator Parameter 6

Generator Parameter 7

Generator Parameter 8

Generator Parameter 9

Geometry Mode


Gobo <>

Gobo <> 2

Gobo <> 3

Gobo <> 4

Gobo <> Mode

Gobo <> Mode 2

Gobo 2

Gobo 3

Gobo Forward

Gobo Forward 2

Gobo Mode

Gobo Mode 2

Gobo Mode 3

Gobo Offset

Gobo Offset 2

Gobo Offset Amplitude

Gobo Reverse

Gobo Reverse 2

Gobo Wheels

Green Contrast

Green Gain

Green Gamma

Green Highlight

Green Highlight 2

Green Highlight 3

Green Shadow

Green Shadow 2

Green Shadow 3

Halftone Colour Removal

Halftone Gray Components

Halftone Sharpness


Image Adjust Blue

Image Adjust Blue 10

Image Adjust Blue 11

Image Adjust Blue 12

Image Adjust Blue 2

Image Adjust Blue 3

Image Adjust Blue 4

Image Adjust Blue 5

Image Adjust Blue 6

Image Adjust Blue 7

Image Adjust Blue 8

Image Adjust Blue 9

Image Adjust Blue High

Image Adjust Blue Low

Image Adjust Blue Medium

Image Adjust Brightness

Image Adjust Contrast

Image Adjust Cyan

Image Adjust Green

Image Adjust Green 10

Image Adjust Green 11

Image Adjust Green 12

Image Adjust Green 2

Image Adjust Green 3

Image Adjust Green 4

Image Adjust Green 5

Image Adjust Green 6

Image Adjust Green 7

Image Adjust Green 8

Image Adjust Green 9

Image Adjust Green High

Image Adjust Green Low

Image Adjust Green Medium

Image Adjust Hue

Image Adjust Lightness

Image Adjust Magenta

Image Adjust Red

Image Adjust Red 10

Image Adjust Red 11

Image Adjust Red 12

Image Adjust Red 2

Image Adjust Red 3

Image Adjust Red 4

Image Adjust Red 5

Image Adjust Red 6

Image Adjust Red 7

Image Adjust Red 8

Image Adjust Red 9

Image Adjust Red High

Image Adjust Red Low

Image Adjust Red Medium

Image Adjust Saturation

Image Adjust White

Image Adjust Yellow

Image Ambience

Image Colour Invert

Image Colour Shift

Image Control

Image Control 2

Image Control 3

Image Edge

Image Edge 2

Image Edge 3

Image Edge 4

Image Edge Curve

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Image Movement Speed

Image Position X

Image Position Y

Image Remap

Image Rotation Z

Image Saturation

Image Select

Image Select 2

In Point

In Point 10

In Point 11

In Point 12

In Point 2

In Point 3

In Point 4

In Point 5

In Point 6

In Point 7

In Point 8

In Point 9

In Point MSB

Input Audio Level


Kaleidoscope Speed

Kaleidoscope Type

Key Mode

Key Source Layer

Key Source Mix


Keystone 2

Keystone 3

Keystone 4

Keystone Angle

Keystone Angle 2

Keystone Angle 3

Keystone Angle 4

Keystone Angle X

Keystone Angle Y

Keystone Blend

Keystone Horizontal

Keystone In

Keystone In 2

Keystone In 3

Keystone In 4

Keystone Mode

Keystone Position

Keystone Position 2

Keystone Position 3

Keystone Position 4

Keystone Position X

Keystone Position Y

Keystone Rotate

Keystone Vertical

Keystone X

Keystone X 2

Keystone X 3

Keystone X 4

Keystone X Linearity

Keystone X Ratio

Keystone Y

Keystone Y 2

Keystone Y 3

Keystone Y 4

Keystone Y Linearity

Keystone Y Ratio


Layer 2

Layer Blend Mode

Layer Command

Layer Effect

Layer Effect 2

Layer Effect 3

Layer Effect 4

Layer Effect Parameter

Layer Effect Parameter 2

Layer Effect Parameter 3

Layer Effect Parameter 4

Layer Effect Parameter 5

Layer Effect Parameter 6

Layer Input

Layer Input 2

Layer Input 3

Layer Input 4

Layer Input Directory

Layer Input Directory 2

Layer Input Directory 3

Layer Input Directory 4

Layer Input Type

Layer Mode

Layer Mode 10

Layer Mode 11

Layer Mode 12

Layer Mode 13

Layer Mode 14

Layer Mode 15

Layer Mode 16

Layer Mode 17

Layer Mode 18

Layer Mode 19

Layer Mode 2

Layer Mode 20

Layer Mode 21

Layer Mode 22

Layer Mode 23

Layer Mode 24

Layer Mode 25

Layer Mode 26

Layer Mode 27

Layer Mode 28

Layer Mode 29

Layer Mode 3

Layer Mode 30

Layer Mode 31

Layer Mode 32

Layer Mode 4

Layer Mode 5

Layer Mode 6

Layer Mode 7

Layer Mode 8

Layer Mode 9

Lens Shift Index Z

Lens Shift Offset X

Lens Shift Offset Y

Lens Throw Ratio


Loop In Point

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Loop In Point MSB

Loop Out Point

Loop Out Point MSB

Loop Start


Mask Aspect Ratio

Mask Blur

Mask Centre

Mask Level

Mask Page

Mask Rotate

Mask Size

Mask X Position

Mask Y Position

Media Level

Media Level 2

Media Preset

Media Preset Bank

Media Server Input

Media Server Input Directory

Media Server Input Group

MediaServer Audio Level

MediaServer Level


Mix Full A

Mix Full B

Mix Mode

Mixer Mode

Move Down

Move Up

Near Plane

Noise Effect

Notch Effect

Notch File

Notch Parameter

Notch Parameter 10

Notch Parameter 2

Notch Parameter 3

Notch Parameter 4

Notch Parameter 5

Notch Parameter 6

Notch Parameter 7

Notch Parameter 8

Notch Parameter 9

Object Directory

Object File

Object Transition Speed

Object Transition Type

On Screen Display


Opacity 2

Opacity 3

Out Point

Out Point 10

Out Point 11

Out Point 12

Out Point 2

Out Point 3

Out Point 4

Out Point 5

Out Point 6

Out Point 7

Out Point 8

Out Point 9

Out Point MSB

Output Colour

Output Command

Output Index/Rotation

Output Level

Output Preset

Output Preset 2

Output Select

Output Shift X

Output Shift Y

Output Strobe

Output Zoom


Overlay Level


Page 2

Pattern Control

Pattern Selection

Pattern Size

Pause On Dark

Perspective Offset X

Perspective Offset Y

Picasso Animate Mode

Pivot Rotation X

Pivot Rotation Y

Pivot Rotation Z

Pivot Scale X

Pivot Scale Y

Pivot Scale Z

Pixel Map Level

Pixel Map Mode

Pixel Mask

Pixel Mask 2

Pixel Mask 3

Pixel Mask 4

Pixel Mask 5

Pixel Mask 6

Pixel Mask 7

Pixel Mask 8

Pixel Mask 9

Pixel Mask Crossfade Time

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 10

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 11

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 12

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 13

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 14

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 15

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 16

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 17

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 18

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 19

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 2

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 3

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Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 4

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 5

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 6

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 7

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 8

Pixel Mask Effect Parameter 9

Pixel Mask Effect Start

Pixel Mask Effect Step Time

Pixel Mask Effect Step Time 2

Pixel Mask Effect Time

Pixel Mask Effect Time 2

Pixel Mask Index Rotate

Pixel Mask Mode

Pixel Mask Mode 2

Pixel Mask Step Time

Pixel Mask Transparency

Pixel Mode

Pixel Mode Parameter

Pixel Mode Parameter 2

Pixel Mode Parameter 3


Pixelmap Mode

Play Mode

Play Mode 10

Play Mode 11

Play Mode 12

Play Mode 2

Play Mode 3

Play Mode 4

Play Mode 5

Play Mode 6

Play Mode 7

Play Mode 8

Play Mode 9

Playback Direction

Playback Manual

Playback Manual 2

Playback Mode

Playback Mode 10

Playback Mode 11

Playback Mode 12

Playback Mode 2

Playback Mode 3

Playback Mode 4

Playback Mode 5

Playback Mode 6

Playback Mode 7

Playback Mode 8

Playback Mode 9

Playback Pause

Playback Pause 2

Playback Play Loop

Playback Play Loop 2

Playback Play Once

Playback Play Once 2

Playback Play Once Freeze

Playback Play Once Freeze 2

Playback Random

Playback Random 2

Playback Sequential

Playback Sequential 2

Playback Speed

Playback Speed 10

Playback Speed 11

Playback Speed 12

Playback Speed 2

Playback Speed 3

Playback Speed 4

Playback Speed 5

Playback Speed 6

Playback Speed 7

Playback Speed 8

Playback Speed 9

Playback Speed Mode

Playback Stop

Playback Stop 2



Plugin Rate


Position 2

Position Offset X

Position Offset X 2

Position Offset Y

Posterise Colours

Posterise Gamma


Preset Mode

Projector Channel

Projector Fade In

Projector Fade Out

Projector Focus

Projector Input

Projector Input 2

Projector Intensity

Projector Iris

Projector Keypad

Projector Keypad 2

Projector Lens Mode

Projector Lens Shift

Projector Lens Shift Horizontal

Projector Lens Shift Vertical

Projector Mode

Projector Shutter Strobe

Projector Zoom

Red Contrast

Red Gain

Red Gamma

Red Highlight

Red Highlight 2

Red Highlight 3

Red Shadow

Red Shadow 2

Red Shadow 3

Reflector Speed


Relay Layer

Render Mode



Rewind On Dark

RGB Level

Ripple Speed

Ripple Type

Rotate Mode

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Rotate Mode X

Rotate Mode Y

Rotate Mode Z

Rotate Offset X

Rotate Offset Y

Rotate Offset Z

Rotate X

Rotate X 2

Rotate Y

Rotate Y 2

Rotate Z

Rotate Z 10

Rotate Z 11

Rotate Z 12

Rotate Z 2

Rotate Z 3

Rotate Z 4

Rotate Z 5

Rotate Z 6

Rotate Z 7

Rotate Z 8

Rotate Z 9


Scale 10

Scale 11

Scale 12

Scale 2

Scale 3

Scale 4

Scale 5

Scale 6

Scale 7

Scale 8

Scale 9


Scratch Effect

Screen 1 Edge

Screen 1 Edge 2

Screen 1 Edge 3

Screen 1 Edge 4

Screen 1 Height

Screen 1 Width

Screen 2 Edge

Screen 2 Edge 2

Screen 2 Edge 3

Screen 2 Edge 4

Screen 3 Edge

Screen 3 Edge 2

Screen 3 Edge 3

Screen 3 Edge 4

Screen 4 Edge

Screen 4 Edge 2

Screen 4 Edge 3

Screen 4 Edge 4

Screen 5 Edge

Screen 5 Edge 2

Screen 5 Edge 3

Screen 5 Edge 4

Screen 6 Edge

Screen 6 Edge 2

Screen 6 Edge 3

Screen 6 Edge 4

Screen Mode

Screen Mode 2

Screen Mode 3

Screen Mode 4

Script Amplitude

Script Rate

Sepia Effect


Shape Enable


Shutter Damping



Stars Speed

Strobe BPM

Strobe Reset

Strobe Toggle

Sync Mode

Sync Offset

Sync Output

Sync Source



Target Position X

Target Position Y

Target Position Z

Test Pattern



Texture Directory

Texture Transition Speed

Texture Transition Type


Tiling Columns

Tiling Grid Size

Tiling Mode

Tiling Rows


Timecode Flywheel

Timecode Offset

Timecode Offset Frames

Timecode Offset Frames 2

Timecode Offset Hours

Timecode Offset Hours 2

Timecode Offset MilliSeconds

Timecode Offset Minutes

Timecode Offset Minutes 2

Timecode Offset Seconds

Timecode Offset Seconds 2

Timecode Source

Timecode Sync


Timeline Position

Timeline Position 2

Timeline Position 3

Toon Mode

Trails Duration


Transition Colour Blue

Transition Colour Green

Transition Colour Red

Transition Colour White

Transition Mode

Transition Page

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Transition Speed

Transition Speed 2

Transition Type



Trigger 2

Trigger 3

Trigger Column

Video Level

Video Map

Video Map 2

Video Map Enable

Video Map Mixer

Video Map Mixer Mode

Video Map Mixer Morph Mode

Video Source

Video Source 10

Video Source 11

Video Source 12

Video Source 13

Video Source 14

Video Source 15

Video Source 16

Video Source 2

Video Source 3

Video Source 4

Video Source 5

Video Source 6

Video Source 7

Video Source 8

Video Source 9

Viewpoint Mode

Viewpoint Pan

Viewpoint Roll

Viewpoint Tilt

Viewpoint Zoom


Viewport 2

Vignette Effect

Vignette Radius

Visual Mode

Visual Mode Parameter

Visual Mode Parameter 2


Warp 2

Warp Mix

Warp Mode

White Balance

Wipe Blur

X Position

X Position 10

X Position 11

X Position 12

X Position 2

X Position 3

X Position 4

X Position 5

X Position 6

X Position 7

X Position 8

X Position 9

X Spin

X Zoom

X Zoom 2

Y Position

Y Position 10

Y Position 11

Y Position 12

Y Position 2

Y Position 3

Y Position 4

Y Position 5

Y Position 6

Y Position 7

Y Position 8

Y Position 9

Y Spin

Y Zoom

Y Zoom 2

Z Position

Z Position 2

Z Spin

Z Zoom

Control FunctionsControl functions have the category parameter l in the functions.txt and are accessible, for fixtures possessing these capabilities, from the Control tab within the Scenes Mode.Audio Sensitivity


Blower 2

Blue Laser

Blue Laser Intensity

Colour Wheel Reset

Connected Load

Connected Load 2

Connected Load 3

Connected Load 4

Connected Load 5

Connected Load 6


Control 2

Control Range

Control Range 10

Control Range 11

Control Range 12

Control Range 13

Control Range 14

Control Range 15

Control Range 16

Control Range 2

Control Range 3

Control Range 4

Control Range 5

Control Range 6

Control Range 7

Control Range 8

Control Range 9

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Control Signal

Disable Enable



Fans Mode

Fixture Display

Fixture Enable

Fixture ID

Fixture Mode

Fixture Sleep


Flame 2

Flame 3

Flame 4

Flame 5

Focus Reset


Fog 2

Fx Reset

Gobo Wheel Shortcut Mode

Gobo Wheel Shortcut Mode 2

Green Laser

Green Laser 2

Green Laser Intensity

Group ID




Kabuki Drop

Kabuki Drop 2

Kabuki Drop 3

Kabuki Drop 4

Kabuki Drop 5

Kabuki Drop 6

Lamp Control

Lamp Control 2

Lamp Mode

Lamp Power

Lamp Rotate


laser 10

laser 2

laser 3

laser 4

laser 5

laser 6

laser 7

laser 8

laser 9

Laser Colour

Laser Intensity

Laser Wiggle Amplitude

LED strip program

LED strip speed

Line Type

Line Type 2

Low Smoke Generator


Macro 10

Macro 11

Macro 12

Macro 13

Macro 14

Macro 15

Macro 16

Macro 17

Macro 18

Macro 19

Macro 2

Macro 20

Macro 21

Macro 3

Macro 4

Macro 5

Macro 6

Macro 7

Macro 8

Macro 9

Macro Pause

Macro Pause 2

Macro Position

Macro Position 2

Macro Rate

Macro Rate 2

Macro Rate 3

Macro Rate 4

Macro Size

Macro Size 2

Macro Size 3

Macro Size 4

Mirror Ball


Mode 2

Mode 3

Mode Rate

Mode Transition Speed

NDI Enable

NDI Frame Rate

NDI Refresh Source List

NDI Source

Number Select

Number Select 2

Number Select 3

Optical Mode

Position Limits

Position Optimisation Mode

Position Reset


Puff Duration

Puff Interval

Purple Laser

PWM Frequency

PWM Frequency 2

PWM Frequency Adjust

RDM Control

Red Laser

Red Laser 2

Red Laser Intensity

Reflector Adjust

Safe Fire

Scan Rate

Scan Rate 2




Spout Source

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Timer Reset

Timer Start

Timer Stop

Transmitter Mode

Visible Points

Wave Amplitude

Wave Amplitude 2

Wave Angle

Wave Angle 2

Wave Rate

Wave Rate 2


Zoom Reset