Application and evaluation of a snowmelt runoff model in the Tamor River basin, Eastern Himalaya using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) data assimilation approach Prajjwal K. Panday, 1 * Christopher A. Williams, 2 Karen E. Frey 2 and Molly E. Brown 3 1 Woods Hole Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA, 02540, USA 2 Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA, 01610, USA 3 Biospheric Sciences, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA Abstract: Previous studies have drawn attention to substantial hydrological changes taking place in mountainous watersheds where hydrology is dominated by cryospheric processes. Modelling is an important tool for understanding these changes but is particularly challenging in mountainous terrain owing to scarcity of ground observations and uncertainty of model parameters across space and time. This study utilizes a Markov Chain Monte Carlo data assimilation approach to examine and evaluate the performance of a conceptual, degree-day snowmelt runoff model applied in the Tamor River basin in the eastern Nepalese Himalaya. The snowmelt runoff model is calibrated using daily streamow from 2002 to 2006 with fairly high accuracy (average NashSutcliffe metric ~0.84, annual volume bias < 3%). The Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach constrains the parameters to which the model is most sensitive (e.g. lapse rate and recession coefcient) and maximizes model t and performance. Model simulated streamow using an interpolated precipitation data set decreases the fractional contribution from rainfall compared with simulations using observed station precipitation. The average snowmelt contribution to total runoff in the Tamor River basin for the 20022006 period is estimated to be 29.7 ± 2.9% (which includes 4.2 ± 0.9% from snowfall that promptly melts), whereas 70.3 ± 2.6% is attributed to contributions from rainfall. On average, the elevation zone in the 40005500 m range contributes the most to basin runoff, averaging 56.9 ± 3.6% of all snowmelt input and 28.9 ± 1.1% of all rainfall input to runoff. Model simulated streamow using an interpolated precipitation data set decreases the fractional contribution from rainfall versus snowmelt compared with simulations using observed station precipitation. Model experiments indicate that the hydrograph itself does not constrain estimates of snowmelt versus rainfall contributions to total outow but that this derives from the degree-day melting model. Lastly, we demonstrate that the data assimilation approach is useful for quantifying and reducing uncertainty related to model parameters and thus provides uncertainty bounds on snowmelt and rainfall contributions in such mountainous watersheds. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article. KEY WORDS snowmelt; hydrology; SRM; APHRODITE; MODIS snow; Himalaya; MCMC; data assimilation Received 11 January 2013; Accepted 6 August 2013 INTRODUCTION Growing evidence indicates that the low-latitude mountain- ous cryosphere is undergoing change owing to recent warming (IPCC, 2007; Yao et al., 2012). Geographic areas where the water cycle is dominated by snowmelt hydrology are expected to be more susceptible to climate change, as it affects the seasonality of runoff (Barnett et al., 2005; Adam et al., 2009). The Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH), regarded as the water towersof Asia, is one such critical region as it nourishes several of the major Asian watersheds through perennial rivers such as the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra (Messerli et al., 2004). Most recent research analyzing tropospheric temperatures from the longest available record of microwave satellite measurements reveals widespread pre-monsoonal and mean annual warming over the HKH region at a rate of 0.21 ± 0.08 °C/decade (Gautam et al., 2010). Regional climate projections by the Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) indicate Central Asia may warm by a median temperature of 3.7°C by the end of the 21st century, with warming over high altitudes across the HKH (Panday et al., in review). There is an increasingly large body of evidence of a glacio- hydrological response along the eastwest transect of the HKH corresponding to the these climatic changes, with glaciers in the Eastern Himalaya exhibiting retreat and negative mass balance and glaciers in the Karakoram and northwestern Himalaya exhibiting a positive mass balance over the last few decades (Bolch et al., 2012; Yao et al., 2012). Such climate-driven responses of mountainous river *Correspondence to: Prajjwal K. Panday, Woods Hole Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA, 02540, USA. E-mail: [email protected] HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Hydrol. Process. (2013) Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10005 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Application and evaluation of a snowmelt runoff model in ... · Application and evaluation of a snowmelt runoff model in the Tamor River basin, Eastern Himalaya using a Markov Chain

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HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSESHydrol. Process. (2013)Published online in Wiley Online Library(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10005

Application and evaluation of a snowmelt runoff model in theTamor River basin, Eastern Himalaya using a Markov Chain

Monte Carlo (MCMC) data assimilation approach

Prajjwal K. Panday,1* Christopher A. Williams,2 Karen E. Frey2 and Molly E. Brown31 Woods Hole Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA, 02540, USA

2 Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA, 01610, USA3 Biospheric Sciences, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA




Previous studies have drawn attention to substantial hydrological changes taking place inmountainous watersheds where hydrology isdominated by cryospheric processes. Modelling is an important tool for understanding these changes but is particularly challenging inmountainous terrain owing to scarcity of ground observations and uncertainty of model parameters across space and time. This studyutilizes aMarkovChainMonte Carlo data assimilation approach to examine and evaluate the performance of a conceptual, degree-daysnowmelt runoff model applied in the Tamor River basin in the eastern Nepalese Himalaya. The snowmelt runoff model is calibratedusing daily streamflow from 2002 to 2006with fairly high accuracy (average Nash–Sutcliffe metric ~0.84, annual volume bias< 3%).TheMarkov ChainMonte Carlo approach constrains the parameters to which the model is most sensitive (e.g. lapse rate and recessioncoefficient) and maximizes model fit and performance. Model simulated streamflow using an interpolated precipitation data setdecreases the fractional contribution from rainfall compared with simulations using observed station precipitation. The averagesnowmelt contribution to total runoff in the TamorRiver basin for the 2002–2006 period is estimated to be 29.7 ± 2.9% (which includes4.2± 0.9% from snowfall that promptly melts), whereas 70.3 ± 2.6% is attributed to contributions from rainfall. On average, theelevation zone in the 4000–5500m range contributes the most to basin runoff, averaging 56.9 ± 3.6% of all snowmelt input and28.9 ± 1.1% of all rainfall input to runoff. Model simulated streamflow using an interpolated precipitation data set decreases thefractional contribution from rainfall versus snowmelt compared with simulations using observed station precipitation. Modelexperiments indicate that the hydrograph itself does not constrain estimates of snowmelt versus rainfall contributions to total outflowbut that this derives from the degree-day melting model. Lastly, we demonstrate that the data assimilation approach is useful forquantifying and reducing uncertainty related to model parameters and thus provides uncertainty bounds on snowmelt and rainfallcontributions in such mountainous watersheds. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article.

KEY WORDS snowmelt; hydrology; SRM; APHRODITE; MODIS snow; Himalaya; MCMC; data assimilation

Received 11 January 2013; Accepted 6 August 2013


Growing evidence indicates that the low-latitude mountain-ous cryosphere is undergoing change owing to recentwarming (IPCC, 2007; Yao et al., 2012). Geographic areaswhere the water cycle is dominated by snowmelt hydrologyare expected to be more susceptible to climate change, as itaffects the seasonality of runoff (Barnett et al., 2005; Adamet al., 2009). The Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH), regardedas the ‘water towers’ of Asia, is one such critical region as itnourishes several of the major Asian watersheds throughperennial rivers such as the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra(Messerli et al., 2004). Most recent research analyzing

orrespondence to: Prajjwal K. Panday, Woods Hole Research Center,Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA, 02540, USA.ail: [email protected]

pyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

tropospheric temperatures from the longest available recordof microwave satellite measurements reveals widespreadpre-monsoonal and mean annual warming over the HKHregion at a rate of 0.21± 0.08 °C/decade (Gautam et al.,2010). Regional climate projections by the Intergovern-mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) indicateCentral Asia may warm by a median temperature of 3.7 °Cby the end of the 21st century, with warming over highaltitudes across the HKH (Panday et al., in review). There isan increasingly large body of evidence of a glacio-hydrological response along the east–west transect of theHKH corresponding to the these climatic changes, withglaciers in the Eastern Himalaya exhibiting retreat andnegative mass balance and glaciers in the Karakoram andnorthwestern Himalaya exhibiting a positive mass balanceover the last few decades (Bolch et al., 2012; Yao et al.,2012). Such climate-driven responses of mountainous river

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hydrology may pose significant challenges for this region.Despite its regional importance and vulnerability to climatechange, there is uncertainty associated with the physicalprocesses that control runoff generation at high altitudes(Bolch et al., 2012; Pellicciotti et al., 2012) and subse-quently with the rates and magnitude of climate changeimpacts on snow cover and snowmelt hydrology.Water resource management and the evaluation of

impacts of climatic change require quantification ofstreamflow variability. Hydrological models provide aframework to investigate these relationships and subse-quently use a scenario approach to evaluate projections ofhydrological variables (Maurer et al., 2009). The assessmentof hydrological impacts of climate change is particularlychallenging in mountainous environments as they constitutecomplex hydrological systems owing to extreme heteroge-neity in vegetation, soils, topography and spatially andtemporally varying snow cover and snowmelt patterns (Gurtzet al., 2005; Panday et al., 2011). Continued efforts inhydrological modelling of snow and glacier melt in the HKHregionmostly through conceptually lumped, semi-distributed(rather than physically based models) have provided baselinepatterns of spatiotemporal patterns of precipitation and runoffat very large scales (Bookhagen and Burbank, 2010;Immerzeel et al., 2010). However, poor accessibility andscarcity of adequate network of hydrometeorological stationsat high altitude regions still remain a major impediment torunoff modelling. As a result, only a few studies haveexplored snowmelt runoff models at the catchment or river-basin scale in this region (Braun et al., 1993; Shrestha et al.,2004; Akhtar et al., 2008; Tahir et al., 2011).Parameterization is usually challenging owing to scarcity

of data in mountainous regions such as the HKH, and asound understanding of the snowmelt hydrology needs to beemphasized prior to assessment of water resources in achanging climate. Several catchment-scale and basin-scalemodelling studies have addressed the glacio-hydrologicalprocesses in the Himalayan region (Konz et al., 2007;Akhtar et al., 2008; Butt and Bilal, 2011; Immerzeel et al.,2011; Tahir et al., 2011). A majority of these studies haveadopted parameter values from the literature withoutrigorous calibration and without quantifying how parameteruncertainty influences modelled results. Transfer of param-eters across space and time in hydrological modelling can beproblematic, particularly in conceptual models of snowmeltwhen parameters either do not have a physical meaning orare not easily measurable (Sun et al., 2012). In order toaddress the issues of parameterization and model uncertain-ty, data assimilation methods are typically applied inhydrology to integrate different datasets, combine modeloutputs with observations, update hydrological models,quantify model uncertainties and sensitivity and/or improvemodel accuracy (Beven and Freer, 2001; Clark et al., 2006).Data assimilation can be viewed as a method to use

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

observations to constrain models with the goal of providingbetter understanding of the underlying processes(McLaughlin et al., 2005). The Bayesian approach inhydrological applications allows to systematically incorpo-rate prior information on model parameters in the dataassimilation framework (Zobitz et al., 2011) and to computeprobability distributions of modelled outputs and character-ize uncertainty in the model, usually through Monte Carlosimulation (Mishra, 2009). This provides a means ofobjectively and quantitatively diagnosing the parametersand processes to which a model is most sensitive and fromwhich one can learn. Few studies have emphasized the needfor parameterization in the Himalayan region and haveperformed extensive calibration (Konz et al., 2007;Immerzeel et al., 2011; Pellicciotti et al., 2012) andvalidation with additional data sets such as glacier massbalances and remotely sensed snow cover. Pellicciotti et al.(2012) also emphasized that an assessment of the internalconsistency of the model is important owing to the problemof multiplicity of parameter sets or equifinality.In addition to parameter uncertainty, sensitivity of

hydrological models to input data such as precipitationalso needs to be evaluated particularly in complextopography and high elevations. Hydrological models inmountainous regions with scarce observations are usuallyforced with precipitation data located at lower altitudes,which can introduce added uncertainty. Satellite-derivedprecipitation estimates and interpolated rain-gauge obser-vations have been used in other studies as inputs to asnowmelt runoff model (SRM) instead of gauged precip-itation. Bookhagen and Burbank (2010) used improvedTropical Rainfall Measuring Mission rainfall estimates tocharacterize the spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall,snowfall and evapotranspiration across the Himalayanregion, whereas Tahir et al. (2011) successfully usedinterpolated daily precipitation data to simulate snowmelthydrology in the Hunza River basin.A thorough assessment of hydrologic processes,

patterns and trends requires minimization of uncertaintiesin modelling and available input data. The objective ofthis study is to examine spatial and temporal variations insnowmelt contributions to runoff in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region and Tamor River basin by using a dataassimilation approach that both combines available inputdata with a degree-day based SRM and estimates modelparameters by using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) technique. Additionally, we investigate andevaluate the performances of the SRM when driven byobserved precipitation as well as interpolated griddedprecipitation data. We demonstrate how a data assimila-tion approach can be coupled with a SRM to investigatethe issues of model parameter sensitivity and uncertaintyand improve performance in a data-scarce basin in theEastern Himalaya.

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Figure 2. Area-elevation curve for the Tamor River basin



Study area

This geographic domain of this study is the upstreamportion of the Tamor River basin in the Eastern Himalayaof Nepal (Figure 1). The Tamor basin covers an area of4274 km2, with an elevation range of 422 to 8505m(Figure 2). The Tamor River, which is one of the majortributaries of the Sapta Koshi River, flows between highpeaks such as Kanchenjunga (8586m) and Everest(8848m) on gorges reaching depths of 2000m. Precip-itation for the region is highly seasonal and concentratedduring the summer monsoon months (June to September)(Figure 3). The upper reaches of the basin are snowcovered and glaciated, contributing melt water tostreamflow.

Hydrometeorological data

Hydrometeorological measurements for the TamorRiver basin in the Eastern Himalaya were acquired fromthe Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal.Daily temperature data at Taplejung station (27.35°N,87.67°E at 1732m elevation) and daily precipitation datameasured at Lungthung station (27.55°N, 87.78°E at1780m elevation) in the Taplejung district were used forthe hydrological modelling (Figure 1). Discharge datameasured daily from 2002–2006 for the Tamor River atMajhitar station (27.15°N, 87.71°E at 533m elevation) wereused for calibration. The Tamor basin was delineated at theMajhitar station using the 90m digital elevation data

Figure 1. Location and topography of the Tamor

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acquired from the Consultative Group on InternationalAgricultural Research –Consortium for Spatial Information.The basin was divided into four zones, and the zonal meanhypsometric elevation (Figure 2) was used as the elevationto which base station temperatures were extrapolated for thecalculation of zonal degree days (Table I).

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)snow cover

Satellite-derived snow cover is the most efficient andreadily available input for snowmelt runoff modelling.Snow cover was derived using the MODIS/Terra Snow

River basin in the eastern Nepalese Himalaya

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Figure 3. Average monthly streamflow (m3/s) and total monthlyprecipitation (mm) from 1996 to 2006 at Majhitar station

Table I. Elevation zone, elevation range, mean elevation andzonal area for the four zones of the Tamor River basin

Elevation zoneElevationrange (m)

Mean elevationof zone (m)

Zonalarea (km2)

1 533–2500m 1685.9 1355.52 2500–4000m 3208.1 1111.33 4000–5500m 4764.3 1297.94 >5500 5988.8 509.2Total basin — — 4273.8


Cover 8-Day L3Global 500mGrid (MOD10A2;Hall et al.,2006) and updated every eight days using a snow depletioncurve. TheMODIS snow cover is based on a snowmappingalgorithm that uses at-satellite reflectance in MODIS bands4 (0.545–0.565μm) and 6 (1.628–1.652μm) to compute theNormalized Snow Difference Index (Hall et al., 2002). Apixel will be mapped as snow if the Normalized SnowDifference Index≥ 0.4 and MODIS band 2 (0.841–0.876 μm) > 11%; however, if the MODIS band 4reflectance is < 10%, the pixel will not be mapped as snoweven if the other criteria are met. The MODIS productdistributed through the National Snow and Ice Data Centrewas acquired for the scene h25v06, covering the studyregion from 2002 to 2006. The MODIS images werereprojected to Universal Transverse Mercator zone 45projection system, and the Tamor River basin area was thenextracted to assess the fraction of snow cover for differentaltitudinal zones. Average snow cover was estimated byinterpolating linearly between the previous and nextavailable cloud free images for days with cloud coverfollowing Tahir et al. (2011). The conventional depletioncurves were derived for each elevation zone using the 8-daysnow cover data, which provide the input to the SRM as thedecimal portion of snow-covered area for each day.

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Asian Precipitation – Highly Resolved ObservationalData Integration towards Evaluation (APHRODITE)precipitation data

Spatially representative gridded precipitation data are alsoused to drive a snowmelt runoff model, as valley stationsmay not be representative for basin precipitation. TheAPHRODITE of the water resources project has compiled adaily gridded precipitation dataset covering 1951–2007period by analyzing rain-gauge observation data across Asia(Yatagai et al., 2009). The APHRODITE data used in thisresearch (APHRO_MA_V1003R1) have a 0.25× 0.25°gridded spatial resolution, which was interpolated frommeteorological stations throughout this region. Whereassatellite data consistently underestimate or overestimate theamount of precipitation, particularly in the monsoon season(Duncan and Biggs, 2012), APHRODITE data have beenshown to provide the best precipitation estimates in mostregions except at high elevations where accuracy of this dataset is limited (Andermann et al., 2011). We used the basin-averaged APHRODITE precipitation as input to the SRMassuming it to be constant across elevation zones. Themodelwas run using APHRODITE precipitation data to determinethe reliability of the dataset for snowmelt runoff modellingin the Tamor River basin.

Snowmelt runoff modelling

Modelling of stream discharge was based on the SRMdeveloped by Martinec et al. (2008). SRM is a conceptual,deterministic, degree-day hydrological model that simulatesand forecasts daily runoff resulting from snowmelt andprecipitation fromhydrometeorological input data. Themodelwas designed for streamflow modelling in basins wheresnowmelt is a major contributor, and more recently, it hasbeen applied for evaluation of impacts of climate change onseasonal snow cover and runoff (Immerzeel et al., 2010).SRM has been applied to basins ranging from 0.76 to917444km2 and across elevation ranges from 0 to 8840m inover 100 basins in 29 different countries (Martinec et al.,2008). This model was chosen in this study to assesssnowmelt hydrology owing to its minimal data requirementsand transferability to a variety of geographic regions. On thebasis of the input of daily temperature, precipitation and snow-covered area values, SRM computes the daily streamflow as

Qnþ1 ¼ ∑½Csznazn Tn þ ΔTznð Þ SznþCrzn PznÞ Az 10000=86400ð Þ 1� knþ1ð Þ

þQn knþ1;


knþ1 ¼ xQyn; (2)

where Q (m3/s) is discharge at day n+1, C is the runoffcoefficient to snowmelt (Csn) and to rain (Crn) for each zone

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(subscript z), a (cm/°C/day) is the degree-day factor,T +ΔT (°C) are the degree days, P (cm) is the precipitationper day, A (km2) is the area of the basin, S is the fractionalsnow cover and k is the discharge recession coefficient. Thedaily average streamflow on day n+1 is computed byaddition of snowmelt and precipitation that contributes torunoff with the discharge on the preceding day. Thesnowmelt of the preceding day is a product of the degree-day factor (a), zonal degree days (T+ΔT) and the snow-covered area percentage (S). The snowmelt runoff coefficient(Cs) and the zonal area (A) are further multiplied with theprevious product to compute the percentage that contributesto runoff. Similarly, the product of the rainfall runoffcoefficient (Cr) and the zonal area (A) determines theprecipitation contribution to runoff. The recession coefficient(k) is also an important parameter as it describes the structureof the falling limb of the hydrograph and correspondinglydetermines the proportion of dailymelt water production thatappears immediately in the runoff. This is obtained withanalysis of historical discharge data based on Equation 2,where parameters x and y are derived by analyzing dischargeon a given day as a function of the value on the previous day.A critical temperature is used to determine whether a

precipitation event is rain or snow over different parts of thebasin. When precipitation is determined to be snow, itscontribution to runoff depends onwhether it falls on a snow-covered or previously snow-free area. Snowfall on snow-covered areas is assumed to become part of the seasonalsnowpack, its depth is not tracked further, and itscontribution to runoff is determined by the snow depletioncurve. Daily snowmelt depth from snow-covered areas isdetermined on the basis of degree days and a factor thatconverts this to mass release, qualitatively representing themaximum potential melt given the energy input. In contrast,snow falling as precipitation over snow-free areas isaccumulated until the next day warm enough to producemelting at which time it is depleted on the basis of thedegree-days approach. During the winter half year(October–March), the model cancels any existing storageof preceding temporal snowfalls when snow cover ismaximum such that snow on previously snow-free areasbecomes part of the seasonal cover. When precipitation isconsidered to be rain during the cold season, rainfall runoffcontributes to total runoff only from the snow-free area, andthe rainfall depth is reduced by the ratio of snow-free area tozonal area. At a later stage during the season, which is set toApril 1, rain falling on snow-covered areas is allowed tofully contribute to runoff such that rain from entire zonalarea is accounted. The SRM approach estimates fractionalcontributions to total discharge from (1) daily snowmeltfrom the snowpack for each elevation, (2) the melt ofprecipitation delivered as snow but to areas described assnow-free at the time of snowfall and (3) zonal rainfall.Contributions of each to total river flow are estimated prior

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to accounting for losses via runoff coefficients, introducingan implicit assumption that fractional contributions to runoffare proportional to the relative abundance of each input.Equation (1) is applied to each zone of the basin, and total

discharge is computed as sum of all zonal discharges. TheSRM structure as applied in this study assumes a time lagbetween the daily temperature cycle and the resultingdischarge cycle of 18 h. The use of this time lag is supportedby the expected relation between lag time and basin size asshown in a SRM intercomparison report by the WorldMeteorological Organization (1986). Although the time lagparameter can be adjusted to improve synchronization ofsimulated and observed peaks of average daily flows,calibration of the recession coefficients provides a similareffect (Martinec et al., 2008). The parameters for runoffcoefficients, lapse rate, critical temperature, recessioncoefficient and degree-day factors reflect characteristics ata basin scale and are determined in this studywith anMCMCdata assimilation bymaximizing the fit between the observedand modelled streamflows. The modelled streamflow isassessed for accuracy using the Nash–Sutcliffe (NS) statisticand the volume difference (Dv), where volume differencedemonstrates bias. (Supplementary information, A)(Martinec et al., 2008).

Model calibration using MCMC optimization

A data assimilation technique known as aMCMC routine(Zobitz et al., 2011) was used to explore the parameterspaces in the SRM. The applicability of Bayesian methodsin hydrological studies has increased owing to their use inparameter estimations and uncertainty assessments (Smithand Marshall, 2008). The MCMC algorithm is one ofseveral data assimilation techniques and uses theMetropolisHastings algorithm (Metropolis et al., 1953), whichiteratively adjusts the model parameters to yield the bestmatch between the observed and modelled streamflow. Theoutput provides a set of accepted parameter values andinformation about the posterior distributions of theparameters consistent with the prior information, modelstructure and observations. Additional details of theMCMCalgorithm used for optimization are described more fully inSupplementary information, B and in Zobitz et al. (2011)and Braswell et al. (2005).Based on the literature and range of parameter values used

in other snowmelt runoff models in the HKH region(Immerzeel et al., 2010; Butt and Bilal, 2011; Tahir et al.,2011), we first specified prior ranges for the parameters.Table II shows the parameterswith the prior ranges thatwereassigned seasonally or annually across different elevationzones. Seasonally varying parameters were optimized forthe snowmelt and monsoon period (June–August) and thesnow accumulation and dry period (September–May).Snowmelt and rainfall runoff coefficients were variedseasonally and by elevations informed by Tahir et al. (2011)

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Table II. Initial parameter ranges used for Markov Chain Monte Carlo data assimilation

ParameterParameter ranges across each elevation zone

Zone 1(533–2500m)

Zone 2(2500–4000m)

Zone 3(4000–5500m)

Zone 4(>5500m)

Snow runoff coefficient June–August 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8September–May 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8

Rainfall runoff coefficient June–August 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8Sep–May 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8

Degree-day factor (cm/°C/day) Annual 0.3–0.6 0.3–0.6 0.5–0.9 0.5–0.9Lapse rate (°C/100m) Annual 0.5–0.7Critical temperature (°C) Annual 0.0–2.0x coefficient Annual 0.9–1.4y coefficient Annual 0.0–0.25

Snowmelt and monsoonal months are June–August, and September–May is the snow accumulation and dry period. Lapse rate, critical temperature and xand y coefficients are not varied across elevation zones.


and were assigned equal prior parameter ranges. Althoughdegree-day factors tend to vary with different seasons,climate and surfaces, under similar conditions they areexpected to increasewith increasing elevation (Hock, 2003).Similar to previous studies (Butt and Bilal, 2011; Tahiret al., 2011), which utilize a degree-day factor that increaseswith elevation, we also increase the parameter rangegradually across elevation zones. The elevation zone greaterthan 5500m, which are glacier and ice covered are assumedto have a higher degree-day factor as the values tend to beconsiderably higher for ice compared with snow (Hock,2003). Parameters such as lapse rate, critical temperatureand x and y coefficients were calibrated annually. Otherstudies using SRM have used a similar variation ofparameters. Although most parameters can potentially varyacross elevations and seasons, increasing parameter setsincrease potential ranges of parameter values and therebyincrease uncertainty (Seibert, 1997). For this study, weimplemented theMCMC technique using three chains, eachof which consisted of 10 000 iterations. The best parametervalues from these chains were used in the final set of 10 000iterations, which is used to determine the parameterdistributions. The range of parameter values was deliber-ately set to be large at first to examine if realistic parametervalues were selected by the MCMC technique. If theposterior parameter distributions were less plausible, theparameter ranges were logically constrained by literaturevalues to be more realistic. The snowmelt and rainfall runoffcoefficients were constrained in the ranges specified inTable II based on Tahir et al. (2011) and Butt and Bilal(2011), degree-day factor ranges were specified on the basisof Hock (2003), and prior ranges for lapse rate and criticaltemperature were specified from Tahir et al. (2011) and Buttand Bilal (2011). The SRM was run via MCMC with priorparameter ranges as specified in Table II for the hydrologicalyears 2002 to 2006.

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Model sensitivity and uncertainty

In addition to model calibration, we also carried outseveral experimental runs. The model was allowed tocalibrate via MCMC by setting the snowmelt runoffcoefficients to zero such that snowmelt contributions wereneglected in the simulation of the hydrograph. Similarly, therainfall runoff coefficients were also set to zero such thatrainfall contributions were excluded in the final simulation ofthe hydrograph. In addition to these experiments, weconducted additional sensitivity and uncertainty analysesvia ensemble streamflow simulations (1000 runs) to identifyparameters that control model performance and uncertaintiesin modelled streamflow and total input contributions.Parameter sensitivity and uncertainty in streamflow in thetime history were analyzed as 5% and 95% confidenceintervals of the ensemble runs. First, we generated anensemble of model runs (‘best ensemble’ hereafter) from theposterior distribution of accepted parameter sets fromMCMCthat represent the most likely set of parameters. Second, thesensitivity to parameters was tested by perturbing thedistribution of a parameter by some amount and computingthe corresponding changes in model output while preservingthe distribution of other parameters. This is performed in thisstudy by randomly drawing from the altered distribution ofeach parameter (e.g. ±10% from the mean value of aparameter from the posterior distribution) to generateensemble runs. This allows quantifying the effects of eachparameter or a combination of parameters on model outputand on total input contributions to streamflow by providinguncertainty bounds on the output statistics. Third, an ensembleof parameter sets was generated by randomly sampling fromthe cumulative distribution curve constructed from theposterior distribution of each parameter. The ensemble modelsimulation uses the full range of parameter variations andcombinations and thereby provides overall uncertainties in thechoice of model parameters generated from MCMC.

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Summary of meteorological parameters

Long term annual temperatures (1970–2006) at theTaplejung station averaged 16.3 °C, whereas average winterand summer temperatures were 10 °C and 21.3 °C,respectively. Mann–Kendall tests indicate significant(p< 0.05) positive trends in both annual maximum andaverage temperatures for the Taplejung station during thisperiod. Average annual precipitation at the Lungthungstation was ~2484mm for the 1996–2006 period. Onaverage, approximately 76% of the precipitation is receivedduring the summer monsoon. The monthly streamflow forthe Tamor River basin at the Majhitar station along with thetotal monthly precipitation at Lungthung station indicates afingerprint of monsoonal precipitation in the EasternHimalaya from June to September (Figure 3). Averagestreamflow measured at the Majhitar station averaged256.2m3/s annually during the same period, whereas themonsoon months had an average streamflow of 573m3/s.Snow cover depletion curves for the Tamor River basinindicate that the highest elevation zone (above 5500m) hada maximum ~85% snow-covered area for the 2002–2006period, dropping to ~73% during summer (Figure 4). Theelevation zone between 4000 and 5550m had an annual




Figure 4. Snow cover depletion curves from theModerate Resolution Imaging STamor River basin from 2002 to 2006 in (a) zone 2, elevation range from 2500–4

range greater t

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maximum snow cover of ~40% with summer zonal snowcoverage falling to ~12%. Elevations up to 4000m had onaverage ~9% annual maximum snow cover.

Model parameterization

When the prior ranges of the parameters were deliberatelyset to be large, the model calibrated well with a good fitbetween the observed and modelled streamflow; however,this also resulted in several modelswith similar performanceand physically implausible coefficients. Logically cons-training the prior parameter ranges provided models withbetter fit and parameters that were physically plausible whenvaried across seasons and elevations. The posteriordistributions of parameters after the MCMC optimizationfor all parameters for the 2002–2003 hydrological years areshown in Figure 5.When themodel was optimized using theMCMC approach, some of the most sensitive parameters(such as x and y coefficients, critical temperature and lapserate) exhibited a narrow, unimodal distribution with theirranges significantly reduced from the initial parameterranges. The x and y coefficients required to compute therecession coefficient were the most sensitive parameters, asthey determined the structure of hydrograph recession andcorresponding proportion of daily melt water that appeared


pectroradiometer 8-daymaximum snow cover 500-m resolution product in the000m, (b) zone 3, elevation range from 4000–5500m and (c) zone 4, elevationhan 5500m.

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Figure 5. Posterior parameter distributions for the 2002–2003 hydrological years as histograms


immediately in the runoff. This shows that the MCMCapproach performs well in constraining the most sensitiveparameters of the model. Once a narrow posteriordistribution is established for the sensitive parametersduring the MCMC approach, changing other parametersdoes not result in a significant increase in modelperformance. Therefore, some of the remaining parameterssuch as snowmelt and rainfall runoff coefficients exhibitedbroad posterior distributions, and large standard deviationswhere good simulations of the observed streamflow wereobtained over broad ranges (Figure 5 and Table III). Theposterior distributions of runoff coefficients for both rainfalland snowmelt are comparable across types of precipitationand all simulated years. These coefficients represent thefraction of liquid water, from either snowmelt or rainfall,

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that contributes to runoff and are expected not to vary asmuch across types of precipitation. Some of the observeddifferences in these coefficients within a single zone couldbe a result of the trade-off among parameters after the mostsensitive parameters have been constrainedwell. Inadequateprecipitation data from higher elevations zones in themountainous regions further hindered our ability toconstrain the runoff coefficients. Parameter estimates tendto be stable across years, though Tcrit showed largevariation, but also had a large spread. Degree-day factorestimates tended to be the highest for elevations greater than4000m (zones 3 and 4), which had the highest fraction ofsnow-covered area. The peaks in posterior distributions forthe degree-day factor correspondingly rise from zone 1 tozone 3 elevation ranges.

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Table III. Mean and standard deviation of parameters from the posterior distribution

ParameterMean and standard deviation of parameter across zones

YearZone 1

(533–2500m)Zone 2

(2500–4000m)Zone 3

(4000–5500m)Zone 4


Cs June–August 2002 0.55 ± 0.15 0.59 ± 0.13 0.72 ± 0.07 0.56 ± 0.132003 0.46 ± 0.13 0.44 ± 0.11 0.47 ± 0.12 0.52 ± 0.152004 0.54 ± 0.14 0.54 ± 0.14 0.68 ± 0.11 0.55 ± 0.142005 0.55 ± 0.14 0.55 ± 0.15 0.69 ± 0.11 0.55 ± 0.15

September–May 2002 0.58 ± 0.14 0.61 ± 0.11 0.59 ± 0.13 0.54 ± 0.152003 0.60 ± 0.14 0.56 ± 0.13 0.71 ± 0.07 0.56 ± 0.152004 0.70 ± 0.09 0.71 ± 0.07 0.67 ± 0.11 0.54 ± 0.142005 0.59 ± 0.14 0.43 ± 0.11 0.40 ± 0.0/8 0.54 ± 0.14

Cr June–August 2002 0.73 ± 0.05 0.74 ± 0.05 0.69 ± 0.09 0.55 ± 0.152003 0.67 ± 0.11 0.56 ± 0.13 0.54 ± 0.15 0.54 ± 0.142004 0.71 ± 0.05 0.68 ± 0.09 0.59 ± 0.14 0.55 ± 0.142005 0.76 ± 0.04 0.74 ± 0.08 0.76 ± 0.05 0.56 ± 0.14

September–May 2002 0.69 ± 0.07 0.68 ± 0.09 0.65 ± 0.10 0.55 ± 0.142003 0.37 ± 0.07 0.43 ± 0.09 0.40 ± 0.08 0.54 ± 0.142004 0.71 ± 0.07 0.70 ± 0.08 0.54 ± 0.14 0.56 ± 0.142005 0.69 ± 0.07 0.70 ± 0.08 0.72 ± 0.07 0.51 ± 0.13

a Annual 2002 0.48 ± 0.08 0.50 ± 0.0 0.61 ± 0.08 0.68 ± 0.1022003 0.42 ± 0.08 0.41 ± 0.08 0.79 ± 0.0 0.69 ± 0.112004 0.53 ± 0.05 0.53 ± 0.06 0.81 ± 0.05 0.70 ± 0.`22005 0.45 ± 0.09 0.44 ± 0.09 0.80 ± 0.08 0.71 ± 0.12

LR Annual 2002 0.64 ± 0.012003 0.51 ± 0.012004 0.68 ± 0.012005 0.54 ± 0.01

Tcrit Annual 2002 1.26 ± 0.282003 1.16 ± 0.492004 1.83 ± 0.132005 0.94 ± 0.62

x coefficient Annual 2002 1.34 ± 0.032003 1.26 ± 0.012004 1.29 ± 0.022005 1.11 ± 0.01

y coefficient Annual 2002 0.08 ± 0.012003 0.06 ± 0.012004 0.07 ± 0.012005 0.03 ± 0.01

Cs, snowmelt runoff coefficient; Cr, rainfall runoff coeficient; a, degree day factor; LR, lapse rate.


The SRM is usually calibrated manually where knownranges of parameter values are maintained while changingother parameters by trial and error. This type of calibrationcan be inefficient in exploring the parameter space andresulted in an average NS statistic of 0.64 and volumedifference of 10% across all simulated years for this study.Model calibration using MCMC optimization had a greateroverall improvement with NS statistic of ~0.84 averagedacross all simulated years. Figure 6 (a, c, e and g) shows themodelled streamflow against observed streamflow using theMCMC approach for four hydrological years (utilizingobserved precipitation at the Lungthung station). The SRMis able to capture the daily streamflow in the annualhydrology of the basin; however, the model underestimateshigh discharge events, particularly during the monsoonal

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months. Across all simulated years, the observed andmodelled streamflow show a linear association with somebias during high discharge periods [Figure 6 (b, d, f and h)].The model simulated streamflows have a higher NS statisticin the years where the summer peak discharge is lowerrelative to other years (Table IV and Figure 6).

Model sensitivity and uncertainty

The results of the experiment runs indicate that with thesnowmelt runoff coefficients (Cs) set to zero, the modeloptimized as well as when Cs values were also includedthrough the MCMC technique. The rainfall runoffcoefficients (Cr) are parameterized to higher values, andthemodel is able to simulate the hydrograph by optimizing xand y coefficients withmodel performance equivalent to that

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Figure 6. Time series and scatter plots of observed and modelled streamflow using observed precipitation at Lungthung station for 2002–2003 (a, b),2003–2004 (c, d), 2004–2005 (e, f) and 2005–2006 (g, h)


with the best estimates of parameters as in Table IV. The firstensemble parameter sets (best ensemble) randomly selectedfrom the posterior distribution output from MCMC did notexhibit any significant variations in model fit and perfor-mance. This is to be expected as the parameter sets are

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accepted by the MCMC approach. Because the mostsensitive parameters have narrow, unimodal distributions,similar model fit and performance is achievedwithin a broaddistribution of other parameters. However, when thedistribution of the most sensitive parameters was altered

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Table IV. Evaluation of snowmelt runoff model performance with Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique and using observedprecipitation at Lungthung station and gridded Asian Precipitation – Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration towards

Evaluation precipitation data


Model efficiency (with observed precipitation) Model efficiency (with APHRODITE precipitation)


Coefficient ofdetermination

Difference ofvolume (Dv %)


Coefficient ofdetermination

Differenceof volume (Dv %)

2002–2003 0.84 0.84 1.9 0.73 0.79 13.12003–2004 0.85 0.85 5.2 0.82 0.87 11.92004–2005 0.80 0.80 2.7 0.78 0.80 5.102005–2006 0.87 0.87 0.7 0.85 0.85 3.12

APHRODITE, Asian Precipitation – Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration towards Evaluation.


slightly from their posterior distributions in the secondensemble parameter sets, there were notable changes in themodel fit of the ensemble runs. Changing the x parameterrandomly within ±5% of its mean value of its posteriordistribution resulted in sizeable changes in model fit andperformance (NS ranges from 0.3–0.8 and Dv ranges from�6% to 12%). Similarly, changing the y parameter alsoresulted in notable changes in model fit and performance(NS ranges from 0.7–0.8 and Dv ranges from �8% to 7%).When the parameter distributions are altered randomly

within ±10% of mean value of the posterior distribution,degree-day factor and critical temperature did not affect themodel fit and total input contributions relative to the bestensemble.When lapse rate was varied within ±10% ofmeanvalue of its distribution, the average total input contributionsof snowmelt were 25.8 ± 4.4%, 4.2 ± 1.9% for precipitationas snow on previously snow-free areas, and 70.0 ± 5.8% forcontributing precipitation across the 2002–2006 period.Figure 7a shows a larger 5th and 95th percentile envelopefor simulated streamflows using lapse rate, indicative of themodel’s sensitivity to this parameter relative to the narrowerenvelope for critical temperature in Figure 7b.

(a) (

Figure 7. Streamflow ensemble simulations (2002–2003) by randomly vadistribution. Black circles are observations and the dark cyan lines depict the

percentiles overlap only

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The final ensemble runs where the parameters arerandomly sampled from the cumulative distribution curvecapture the uncertainty over the full range of parametervariations from the posterior distribution. Figure 8 shows theuncertainty bounds from the ensemble streamflow, whichare large enough during the spring snowmelt period toinclude most of the observations but not large enoughparticularly during the summer monsoon months. The finalensemble streamflow simulations were also used to generateaverage total input contributions of rainfall and snowmeltfor all simulated years and standard errors of thesecontributions (Figure 9). The average proportion ofsnowmelt in the runoff in the Tamor River basin for the2002–2006 period is 29.7 ± 2.9%, which includes4.2 ± 0.9% from new snow onto previously snow-free areas,whereas 70.3 ± 2.6% is attributed to rainfall contributions.The cumulative runoff indicates that most of the snowmeltcontribution occurs between April and August. Althoughthere is interannual variability in the contribution ofsnowmelt runoff, elevation zone 3 (4000–5500m) contrib-utes on average 56.9 ± 3.6% of all snowmelt input and28.9 ± 1.1% of all rainfall contribution to runoff. Elevation


rying the distribution of the parameters by ±10% of its mean posterior5th and 95th percentiles of the ensemble. Where lines for the 5th and 95tha single line is visible

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Figure 8. Streamflow ensemble simulations using observed precipitation at Lungthung station for Tamor River basin for hydrologic years (a) 2002–2003, (b)2003–2004, (c) 2004–2005 and (d) 2005–2006. Black circles are observations and the cyan lines depict the 5th and 95th percentiles from the ensemble

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 9. Cumulative curves of computed daily snowmelt depth, melted precipitation in the form of snow and rainfall depths for the (a) 2002–2003,(b) 2003–2004, (c) 2004–2005 and (d) 2005–2006 hydrological years for the Tamor basin


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zones 1 (533–2500m) and 2 (2500–4000m) contributeon average 67.9 ± 2.7% of the all annual rainfall input tothe basin.

Model results using APHRODITE precipitation

The modelled streamflow obtained using APHRODITEprecipitation data over the hydrological periods and

Figure 10. Time series and scatterplots of observed and modelled streamflowtowards Evaluation precipitation (black) and observed station precipitation (blue)

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calibrated using MCMC captured the observed streamflowfairly well (Figure 10).Modelled streamflowusing observedstation precipitation is also plotted alongside, whichperforms better on the basis of evaluation metrics andsimulation of peak discharges (Table IV). Although the NScoefficient value was ~ 0.80 on average across allsimulations, the model failed to capture peak discharge

using Asian Precipitation – Highly Resolved Observational Data Integrationfor 2002–2003 (a, b), 2003–2004 (c, d), 2004–2005 (e, f) and 2005–2006 (g, h)

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periods contributing to difference in volume (Dv) of onaverage 8.3%. Generally, the modelled hydrology usingbasin-averaged APHRODITE precipitation failed to capturehigh discharge periods across all years when compared tothe simulations using gauged precipitation as input data.Overall, use of the APHRODITE precipitation data yieldedsimilar model skill in simulating the hydrograph butestimated a smaller total contribution from precipitationinput to the basin (more from snowmelt) when comparedwith model simulations using the observed station precip-itation data.


This study provides an application and evaluation of theSRM in a mountainous basin in the eastern NepaleseHimalaya. In this study, the SRMwas coupled to aMCMCdata assimilation approach to examine associated param-eter sensitivities, uncertainties and model performance inthe Tamor River basin for the 2002–2006 period. Amajority of the studies involving snowmelt runoff modelsuse parameter values from existing studies, and therefore,parameter calibration, types of input data and equifinality inparameter sets have not been fully explored (particularly forthe Himalayan region). Additionally, lack of observationaldata is problematic for transfer of parameters across spaceand time and may introduce added uncertainty. Uncertaintyin a model is usually a joint outcome of uncertainties inmodel structure, input data errors and parameter errors,which leads to difficulty in approximating the behaviour of amodel consistently (Vrugt et al., 2005). Although anyparameter optimization technique can only reduce uncer-tainty in the parameters, optimization and data assimilationmethods such as the MCMC may be better for accountingimportant sources of uncertainty.Overall, parameter optimization using MCMC increased

the fit between the observed and modelled streamflows andfurther reduced the volume difference error. This study alsoshowed that prior ranges of parameter values are importantin constraining model performance and decreasing param-eter uncertainty. When the parameter ranges were logicallyconstrained or informed from estimates from previousstudies and then optimized using MCMC, the outputparameters value ranges were more relevant and physicallyplausible. Model evaluation through additional experimentruns indicate that despite overall good performance of SRM,there might be lack of confidence in model structure insimulating physical realism of some of the processes. Forinstance, the model was able to reproduce the hydrographwell even when snowmelt runoff contributions wereexcluded from simulations. As the contributing rainfall tothe Tamor basin is high, relative to the snow component,model parameters were able to compensate for the absence

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of snowmelt contributions and simulate the annualhydrograph with relatively high fit and performance. Thistest identifies an important model structural uncertainty thatis not currently reflected in the reported uncertainty onforecasts and the associated snowmelt contribution. It alsoidentifies that the hydrograph does not constrain estimates ofthe fractional contributions of total outflow coming fromsnowmelt versus rainfall. Instead, the model’s estimates ofthe snowmelt contribution derive mainly from volumeconsiderations based on the snow-covered area, the degree-day model of melt and rainfall depths. This lends importantnew insight into the practical outcomes of SRM applicationthat may not have been given full attention in pastapplications for similar purposes. This partly reflects alimitation of a conceptual lumped model such as the SRM.However, there are some clear advantages to using only afew parameters for modelling, particularly when there issuch a lack of observations and strong seasonal variation inthe nature of parameters across a topographically challeng-ing environment. When more complex physically basedhydrological models are applied to such environments,calibration can be further challenged owing to the largenumber of parameters involved. Furthermore, it is not clearthat such an improvement in mechanistic realism wouldtranslate into improved model skill in matching thehydrograph or in representing volume contributions to totalbasin surface water outflow.The posterior distribution output from MCMC indicates

that the coupled approach was successful in constraining theranges of sensitive parameters in the model. Modelsensitivity using ensemble runs indicated that the xcoefficient, y coefficient and lapse rate are the most sensitiveparameters in the model. The recession coefficient (k), whichis a function of x and y coefficients, is important as itrepresents an inertia or memory in streamflow and alsocontrols the amount of the dailymelt water that appears in therunoff, whereas lapse rate is important in lapsing the zonaltemperature to compute daily zonal snowmelt depth. Thenarrow, unimodal distributions of these parameters providean indication of the degree to which these parameters wereconstrained by the MCMC approach. Parameters that arewell constrained tend to have small standard deviations withwell-defined unimodal distributions, whereas poorlyconstrained parameters exhibit flat distributions with largestandard deviations (Braswell et al., 2005). Once thesensitive parameters are constrained to a narrow distribution,other parameters that are not as sensitive provide a similarmodel fit and performance resulting in broad posteriorranges. A study by Seibert (1997) also found that only few ofthe parameters were well defined when the HydrologiskaByråns Vattenbalansavdelning model, a conceptual degree-day model, was parameterized over central Sweden. This isalso suggestive of trade-offs among parameters leading tobroader posterior distributions where different parameter

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sets may be acceptable in reproducing the observedhydrology within a basin.The overall model parameter uncertainty was character-

ized as standard errors in the total input contributions anduncertainty in time history of streamflow as 5% and 95%confidence intervals (Figure 8). Because the uncertaintybounds are not large enough to include all of theobservations, parameter uncertainty alone cannot explainthe total error in the model. If the bounds were large enough,parameter variability alone could account for overalluncertainty by compensating other sources of error intro-duced by model structure and input data (Blasone et al.,2008). As most of the observations outside of theuncertainty bounds are during the summer months, theunaccounted uncertainty could arise from uncertainty ininput precipitation data.On the basis of the evaluation metrics, use of APHRO-

DITE gridded precipitation product provided comparableskill relative to the discharge modelled using observedstation observations. APHRODITE data have been shownto be effective in simulating and forecasting dischargesusing a snowmelt model in other high-altitude ranges suchas the Karakoram region (Tahir et al., 2011). The resultsindicate that the total rainfall contributions to runoff is lowerwhen APHRODITE is used for calibrating the model. Thisis consistent with past studies that indicated underestimatedtotal annual precipitation and high discharges whenAPHRODITE was used in snowmelt runoff modelling inthe Hunza River basin (Tahir et al., 2011). Nonetheless, thefindings from our study using APHRODITE indicate thatthese data can be important inputs for precipitation in basinslacking ground observations. We also find, however, thatuncertainties in the available input data such as precipitationare equally as important as uncertainty introduced by modelparameters. Model parameters calibrated using an inputprecipitation that either underestimates or overestimatesactual precipitation will compensate for such error whenmatching the hydrograph (Pellicciotti et al., 2012) but maystill alter conclusions about fractional contributions fromsnowmelt and rain.This study shows a total snowmelt contribution to be

29.7 ± 2.9% of annual discharge averaged across the2002–2006 hydrological years for the Tamor basin.Bookhagen and Burbank (2010) showed that EasternHimalayan catchments draining into the Bay of Bengalreceived ~80% of their annual rainfall during monsoon andless than 20% from snowmelt. For comparison, snowmeltcontributions to annual runoff in the Satluj basin(22 275 km2) in the western Himalayan region has beenestimated to be up to ~59%, with the summer contributionsaveraging ~75% for the late 1980s period (Singh and Jain,2003). Another studymodelling snow and glacial melt in theDudh Kosi River basin (3712 km2) estimated total meltcontributions to be 34% (Nepal et al., 2013). This study also

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found the 4000–5500m elevation range to be the mostimportant with regard to its snowmelt contributions toannual runoff. Biggs and Whitaker (2012) also introducedthe concept of critical zone using the example of MercedRiver basin, California, which can be important inanticipating the impacts of regional climate change on thetiming and volume of runoff events.A logical incremental improvement on this work would

be to incorporate the present and future role of glaciers inthe runoff. Previous studies in the Himalayan region (e.g.Tahir et al., 2011) have used the SRM to include glaciermelt by calibrating the model using a higher degree-dayfactor for the higher elevations. Although this SRM studydoes not explicitly incorporate glaciated regions, they arepartly taken into account through the use of snow depletioncurves. The decline of snow cover depletion curves levelsout during the later portion of the snowmelt season, therebyindicating the presence of permanent snow or glaciers (e.g.zone 4). Model modifications would involve incorporationof glacier-covered areas at the highest elevations andcalibration of model for parameters such as degree-dayfactor that are different for snow and ice. Additional inputdata such as estimates of snow cover data, calibrationagainst multiple variables such as inclusion of glacier massbalances orfixing knownparameters fromfield observationsare usually the options to further narrow the posteriordistributions and better constrain these parameters that varyseasonally across elevations (Boudhar et al., 2009;Pellicciotti et al., 2012). Given the limited availability ofdata and the parsimoniousness of this snowmelt runoffmodel, obtaining values through field observations or fixingparameters based on values reported from previous shortfield campaigns are potential options to improve the model.


This study has shown that a snowmelt runoff model basedon degree-day factors has skill in simulating dailystreamflow in a mountainous environment with limitedcoverage of hydrometeorological measurements. Couplingthe SRM with an MCMC method provided an improved fitto observed streamflows but still failed to capture peakdischarge during the summer monsoon months. This islikely due in part to the lack of precipitation data coveragethroughout the basin but could also result from modelstructural errors. Model performance in simulating thehydrograph is strongly sensitive to recession coefficientsand the lapse rate, but exhibited little sensitivity to runoffcoefficients, the critical temperature that determines thephase of precipitation (snow or rain) and the degree-dayfactor that estimates melt depth from degree days.Correspondingly, the MCMC approach to parameterdetermination yielded narrow distributions only for those

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parameters to which the model-estimated hydrograph issensitive. The study provides a useful guide for how toconstrain parameters, provide uncertainty bounds in snow-melt contributions to runoff, analyze effects of inputprecipitation and examine model uncertainty in Himalayanbasins. The Himalayan terrain, meteorological conditionsand lack of ground-based observations continue to challengesnowmelt runoff and hydrologicmodelling in the region. Bytesting results with two alternative precipitation datasets, wenoted how both the available input data and the parametersets introduce uncertainties, and methods to thoroughlycharacterize and minimize these uncertainties is important.The need for further hydrological research on snow andglacial melt and, moreover, strengthening of hydrometeo-rological observation network for the HKH region shouldnot be overlooked. Overall, this study shows that acombination of known parameter ranges along with aniterative model-data fusion technique such as the MCMCcan provide a calibration and optimization method toexplore the parameter space efficiently, obtain reliableparameter estimates and quantify uncertainty in modelresults and associated inferences.


This research was funded in part by a NASA Earth andSpace Science Fellowship (Grant No. NNX10AO65H).We would like to thank the Department of Hydrology andMeteorology, Government of Nepal for providinghydrometeorological data used in this study. We thankDr. Trent Biggs and one anonymous reviewer for theirconstructive comments.


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