APPENDIX I FORM-1 (I) Basic Information # Item Details 1. Name of the Project Proposed “Fomra Lights” – A Residential Development 2. S. No. in the schedule 8 (a) 3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/number of wells to be drilled. Total Plot Area: 20114.17 sq .m Total Built Up Area: 33287. 2 sq. m. 4. New/Expansion/Modernization New 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. NA. Since it is a new project. 6. Category of Project i.e., ‘A’ or ‘B’ B2 7. Does it attract general condition? If yes, please specify. No 8. Does it attract specific condition? If Yes, please specify. No 9. Location Plot/Survey/Khasra No. 552/2D1, 552/2G, 560/5C, 772/3A 1, 772/3C, 772/3B, 772/3D, 772/32, 773/1, 773/2, 773/3, 775/1A 1B, 774/2A , 774/ 2B, Village Kuthambakkam Tehsil Poonamalle District Thiruvallur State Tamil Nadu 10. Nearest Railway Station/Airport along with distance in kms. Railway Station: Pattabiraman Railway station – 9 K.m Airport : Chennai Airport 15 K.m 11. Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters along with distance in kms. Chennai 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal addresses with telephone Office of Ponamallee Panchayat Union, Poonamallee, Chennai- 600 056

APPENDIX I FORM-1environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...APPENDIX I FORM-1 (I) Basic Information # Item Details 1. Name of the Project Proposed “Fomra Lights” – A

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(I) Basic Information

# Item Details1. Name of the Project Proposed “Fomra Lights” – A Residential

Development2. S. No. in the schedule 8 (a)3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage tobe handled/command area/leasearea/number of wells to be drilled.Total Plot Area: 20114.17 sq .mTotal Built Up Area: 33287. 2 sq. m.

4. New/Expansion/Modernization New5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. NA. Since it is a new project.6. Category of Project i.e., ‘A’ or ‘B’ B 27. Does it attract general condition? If yes,please specify. No8. Does it attract specific condition? If Yes,please specify. No9. LocationPlot/Survey/Khasra No. 552/2D1, 552/2G, 560/5C, 772/3A 1,772/3C, 772/3B, 772/3D, 772/32, 773/1,773/2, 773/3, 775/1A 1B, 774/2A , 774/2B,Village KuthambakkamTehsil PoonamalleDistrict ThiruvallurState Tamil Nadu10. Nearest Railway Station/Airport along withdistance in kms. Railway Station: Pattabiraman Railwaystation – 9 K.mAirport : Chennai Airport 15 K.m11. Nearest Town, City, District Headquartersalong with distance in kms. Chennai

12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad,Municipal Corporation, Local body(complete postal addresses with telephoneOffice of Ponamallee Panchayat Union,Poonamallee,Chennai- 600 056

# Item Detailsnos. to be given) Phone - 2627200613. Name of Applicant FOMRA HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCUTRUEPRIVATE LIMITED14. Registered Address No.18 AA Block,3rd street, Anna Nagar,Chennai- 600 040.15. Address for correspondence:Name Mr. SHARAD FOMRADesignation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Authorised SignatoryAddress FOMRA HOUSING ANDINFRASTRUCUTRUE PRIVATE LIMITED#18, AA Block, 3rd Street, Anna Nagar,Pin Code Chennai-600040E – mail [email protected] No. 044-43527000Fax. No. -16. Details of Alternate Sites examined, if any.Location of these sites should be shown ona topo sheetNo alternative sites examined

17. Interlinked Projects No18. Whether separate application of interlinkedproject has been submitted? No19. If yes, date of submission Not Applicable20. If no, reason Not Applicable21. Whether the proposal involvesapproval/clearance under: if yes, details ofthe same and their status to be given.(a) The Forest (Conservation) Act,1980?(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972?(c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991?

Not Applicable

22. Whether there is any GovernmentOrder/Policy relevant/relating to the site? No23. Forest Land involved (hectares) None

# Item Details24. Whether there is any litigation pendingagainst the product and/or land in whichthe project is propose to set up?(a) Name of the Court(b) Case. No.(c) Orders/Directions of the court, if anyand its relevance with the proposedproject.


(II) Activity

1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which

will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water

bodies, etc.)







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data1.1 Permanent or temporarychange in land use, landcover or topographyincluding increase inintensity of land use(with respect to localland use plan)

N o The survey number 552 falls in the Mixed ResidentialZone and all other Survey Nos. fall in PrimaryResidential Zone as classified by CMDA.The CMDA land use Map No. MP-II/CMA (VP)159/2008 is enclosed in Annexure- 1.

1.2 Clearance of existingland, vegetation andbuilding?No The site is a barren land.

1.3 Creation of new landuses No As classified by CMDA, the proposed site is forResidential development.1.4 Pre-constructioninvestigations e.g. borehouses, soil testing?Yes The bore hole testing report is enclosed in


1.5 Construction works? Yes At present, there is no construction activity at thesite. However, the proposed project is construction







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information dataof Residential units of built up area of 33287.2 sq. m1.6 Demolition Works? No Not Required1.7 Temporary sites used forconstruction works orhousing of constructionworkers?No Laborers will be hired from the nearby areas. Hencethere will not be any labor camp

1.8 Above ground buildings,structures or earthworksincluding linearstructures, cut and fill orexcavations

Yes Approximately around 6500 cu.m of soil would beexcavated for foundations. The excavated earth willbe used for back filling, soft landscaping, roadformation and top soil will be stacked separately andused for green belt development.1.9 Underground worksincluding mining ortunneling?No Not Applicable.

1.10 Reclamation works? No Not Applicable1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable1.13 Production andmanufacturing Process? No Not Applicable1.14 Facilities for storage ofgoods or materials? Yes Temporary storage will be done at the project siteduring the construction phase.Separate raw material handling yard will be made asper requirement. Cement will be separately storedunder covered bags. Sand will be stacked neatlyunder tarpaulin cover. Bricks and steel will be laid inopen.The raw material handling yard will be locatedwithin the project site and separated by enclosures.







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data1.15 Facilities for treatment ordisposal of solid waste orliquid effluents?Yes Solid WasteAbout 1731 Kg / day of solid wastes are likely to begenerated due to the proposed project.

Waste Quantity





Treatment method

Organic 767 Bins Treated in OrganicWaste converter andused as manureSTPSludge 25Inorganic 939 Bins Sold to authorisedrecyclersAs per CPCB Norms, 0.65 kg /dayLiquid EffluentTotal Quantity of water required during operationphase is 392 KLD. Fresh water demand is 255 KLD.

Phase Population Quantityof waterrequiredSewage/Effluentgenerated

TreatmentmethodConstruction 150 7 KLD 6 KLD Septictanks withsoak pitsOperation 3424 +812 461.5KLD 415 KLD STP of450capacity

Source: Panchayat SupplyAfter treatment, total treated water quantity is395KLD. Treated water will be reused for ToiletFlushing (154 KLD), Gardening (16 KLD) & Excesswater disposal 225 KLD. Water Balance is enclosedin Annexure- 3. Application for water supply toground water is in process.1.16 Facilities for long term No No long-term housing facilities proposed as most of







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information datahousing of operationalworkers? the skilled/unskilled manpower required for theconstruction /operation activities will be hired fromthe surrounding villages.1.17 New road, rail or seatraffic duringconstruction ofoperation?No The existing 13 m wide Padur Road is to be widenedto 18 m. This will be the approach road to the site.

1.18 New road, rail, airwaterborne or othertransport infrastructureincluding new or alteredroutes and stations,ports, airports etc.?

No The existing 13 m wide Padur Road is to be widenedto 18 m. This will be the approach road to the site.

1.19 Closure or diversion ofexisting transport routesor infrastructure leadingto changes in trafficmovements?

No There will not be any closure or diversion of existingtransportation routes

1.20 New or divertedtransmission lines orpipelines?No Not envisaged

1.21 Impoundment, damming,culverting, realignmentor other changes to thehydrology ofwatercourses oraquifers?

No Not applicable

1.22 Stream crossings? Yes There is a channel running west – east directionoutside the northern boundary wall of the site. TheNOC from PWD in this regard is enclosed inAnnexure-4







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data1.23 Abstraction or transfersof water from ground orsurface waters?No Fresh water demand will be met from ground water.

1.24 Changes in water bodiesor the land surfaceaffecting drainage or run-offNo There will not be any change in the drainage patternor nearby water bodies.

1.25 Transport of personnelor materials forconstruction, operationor decommissioning?Yes The existing Padur road will be utilized for thetransportation of material and personnel duringconstruction and operation phase.

1.26 Long-term dismantlingor decommissioning orrestoration works?No Not Applicable

1.27 Ongoing activity duringdecommissioning whichcould have an impact onthe environment?No Not Applicable

1.28 Influx of people to anarea in eithertemporarily orpermanently?Yes Influx of the people in both phases will betemporarily.

Construction phaseAround 150 people will be engaged for the activitytemporarily.Operation phaseSince the proposed project is a residentialdevelopment there will be permanent influx of 3424people.1.29 Introduction of alienspecies? No Not envisaged

1.30 Loss of native species orgenetic diversity? No Not envisaged







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data1.31 Any other actions? No -2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of Project (such as land,

water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in

short supply).







Details thereof (with approximate

quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with

source of information data2.1 Land speciallyundeveloped oragricultural land (ha)No Not applicable. Proposed project is located innon agricultural land.

2.2 Water (expected source &competing users) unit KLD Yes The total water requirement will be 387 KLDSource Quantity Source Competing

UsersFresh waterrequirement 307 KLD Groundwater NilTreated wastewater for toiletflushing, andgardening

170 KLD Recyclingof wastewaterNil

2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not applicable2.4 Construction material –stone, aggregates, and/soil(expected source-MT) Yes Construction materials required:Sl.




Quantity Unit

1. Cement Blocks 436500 Nos2. Steel 1600 MTMaterials will be sourced from Local suppliers.

2.5 Forests and timber(source-MT) No Doors used will be flush doors or paneldoors/laminated timbers. Aluminium windowswill be used.2.6 Energy includingelectricity and fuels(source, competing users)Unit: fuel (MT), energy(MW)

Yes Power requirement.Details Capacity SourcePowerRequirement 5000 kVA TNEBPower BackUp 2 x 250 kVA DG sets

2.7 Any other naturalresources (use appropriatestandard units)No Not applicable

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which

could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual

or perceived risks to human health







Details thereof (with approximate

quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with

source of information data3.1 Use of substances ormaterials, which arehazardous (as per MSIHCrules) to human health or theenvironment (flora, fauna,and water supplies)

No This is a residential building and no storage ofhazardous chemicals (as per MSIHC rules), apartfrom spent oil. Suitable management practicewill be adopted for the same.Approximately 0.3 KL/day of HSD (low sulphurvariety) will be used per day and 2100 ltr (1week storage capacity) will be stored in HDPEDrums for DG sets. However, the quantity storedwill be below the threshold limit specified by theMSIHC rules.*DG operation- 5hrs/day

3.2 Changes in occurrence ofdisease or affect diseasevectors (e.g. insect or waterborne diseases)No Suitable drainage and waste managementmeasures will be adopted in both constructionand operational phase, which will restrictstagnation of water or accumulation of waste.This will effectively restrict the reproductionand growth of disease vectors.3.3 Affect the welfare of peoplee.g. by changing livingconditions?No Not envisaged

3.4 Vulnerable groups of peoplewho could be affected by theproject e.g. hospital patients,children, the elderly etc.,No Not envisaged

3.5 Any other causes No -4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning






Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data4.1 Spoil, overburden ormine wastes No Not envisaged4.2 Municipal waste(domestic and orcommercial wastes)

Yes Solid WasteAbout 1731 Kg / day of solid wastes are likely to begenerated due to the proposed project.Waste Quantity




Treatment method

Organic 767 Bins Treated in OrganicWaste converter andused as manureSTPSludge 25Inorganic 939 Bins Sold to authorisedrecyclersAs per CPCB Norms, 0.65 kg /day

4.3 Hazardous wastes (asper hazardous wastemanagement rules)Yes Spent oil of from DG sets will be carefully stored inHDPE drums in isolated covered facility. This spent oilwill be sold to vendors authorized by TNPCB/ MoEFfor treatment of same. Suitable care will be taken sothat spills / leaks of spent oil from storage could beavoided.* DG Operation: 5 Hrs/Day4.4 Other industrialprocess wastes No Not Applicable.

4.5 Surplus product No Not Applicable4.6 Sewage sludge or othersludge from effluenttreatmentYes Sewage sludge generated from STP 25 Kg will be usedas manure.

4.7 Construction ordemolition wastes Yes Construction waste generated will be limited to theconstruction phase and project site. These will bereused for backfilling after manual segregation.Unusable and excess construction debris will bedisposed at designated places in tune with the localnorms.4.8 Redundant machineryor equipment No Not Applicable4.9 Contaminated soils orother materials No Not Applicable

4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not Applicable4.11 Other solid wastes No Not Applicable5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (kg/hr)




ist Confirmation

Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data5.1 Emissions fromcombustion of fossilfuels from stationaryor mobile sourcesYes During operation phase, DG sets 2 x 250 kVAcapacity provided for power back up will generateair pollutants like SOX, NOx.

2 Nos. Of DG stack with an adequate height




ist Confirmation

Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information datashall be provided for safe emission of the fluegases. DG will be operated only during power failure While using DG unnecessary load will beeliminated to reduce the emission ofpollutantsS.No DGCapacity Required Stack Ht(m) ProposedStack Ht (m)1 2 x250kVA 15 + 3.16= 18.16 19 m (2 Nos)

Construction Equipment’s



Quantity Operatin



ayConcrete mix plant 2 10Crane mobile* 1 5Dozer* 1 5Truck 2 5Compactors* 1 3Pavers* 1 5*Intermittent useThe increase in vehicular density duringconstruction is not expected to be significant. Thus,no major impacts are anticipated on this account.5.2 Emission fromproduction processes No There is no production as the proposed project isresidential.5.3 Emissions frommaterials handlingincluding storage orYes This will be restricted to the construction phase andconstruction site only. However, the generation ofsuch emission will be very minimum.




ist Confirmation

Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information datatransport5.4 Emissions fromconstructionactivities includingplant and equipmentYes The fugitive emission will be restricted during themixing of aggregates. This will be restricted to theconstruction phase and to the construction site only.It will be minimized by sprinkling water.5.5 Dust or odours fromhandling of materialsincludingconstructionmaterials, sewageand waste

Yes Dust is likely to be generated during construction,this will be minimized by water sprinkling andtarpaulin cover will be provided over stored rawmaterial to reduce dust emission.On site sanitation facilities will be provided forconstruction workers during construction.5.6 Emissions fromincineration of waste No No inceneration of waste.5.7 Emissions fromburning of waste inopen air (e.g. slashmaterials,construction debris)

No Open burning of biomass / other material will beprohibited.

5.8 Emissions from anyother sources No Not Applicable

6. Generation of Noise and vibration, and emissions of Light and heat







Details thereof (with approximate quantities/

rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data6.1 From operation ofequipment e.g. engines,ventilation plant,crushersYes The machinery which will be used for constructionwill be of highest standard of reputed make and willadhere to international standard. Henceinsignificant impacts due to construction machineryare envisaged. Source of noise in the operationalphase will be DG sets and vehicular sources only.The DG sets will be in operation during powerfailure only. Moreover, the DG room shall beacoustically enclosed.6.2 From industrial orsimilar processes No Not Applicable

6.3 From construction ordemolition Yes It has been estimated that during this period theaverage noise level resulting from constructionactivities and traffic movement in the adjacent roadwill be around 80-85 dB (A) during peak hours.During the process workers shall be provided withprotective gears.6.4 From blasting or piling No No blasting or mechanized piling will be done inconstruction phase.6.5 From construction oroperational traffic Yes Negligible noise will be generated from vehicularmovement in the construction and operationalphase.6.6 From lighting or coolingsystems No Not Applicable6.7 From any other sources No Not Applicable

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground

or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal wasters or the sea





Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities/ rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data7.1 From handling, storage, use orspillage of hazardous materials No Spent oil will be handled with utmostcare, spent oil will be stored in HDPEdrums stationed over concrete platformsand will be directly transferred to vendorsauthorized to handle such hazardousmaterial.7.2 From discharge of sewage orother effluents to water or theland (expected mode and place ofdischarge)No The wastewater generated from thehouses will be treated in STP and thetreated water will be utilized forlandscaping and flushing purpose.7.3 By deposition of pollutantsemitted to air into the land orinto waterNo Proper air pollution control measures willbe taken care by providing adequate stackheight and parking facility to avoiddeposition of pollutant into nearby landand water.7.4 From any other sources No Not envisaged.7.5 Is there a risk of long term buildup of pollutants in theenvironment from these sources?No Not envisaged.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the project, which could affect

human health or the environment





Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities/ rates, wherever

possible) with source of

information data8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etcfrom storage, handling, use orproduction of hazardous substancesNo Not envisaged. 2100 Liter of HSD(low sulphur variety) will be storedin HDPE Drums for DG sets (1 weekstorage capacity)8.2 From any other causes No -8.3 Could the project be affected bynatural disasters causingenvironmental damage (e.g. floods,earthquakes, landslides, could burstetc)?

No The project falls under seismic zone-III according to the Indian StandardSeismic Zoning Map. Howeversuitable seismic coefficients inhorizontal and vertical directionswill be adopted while designing thestructures.9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which

could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with

other existing or planned activities in the locality.







Details thereof (with approximate

quantities/ rates, wherever

possible) with source of

information data9.1 Lead to development of supporting,utilities, ancillary development ordevelopment stimulated by theproject which could have impact onthe environment e.g.:Supporting infrastructure (roads,power supply, waste or waste water



Supporting and ancillary developmentwill not cause any consequences.

Internal Roads, Rainwater Harvesting,STP etc will be provided.







Details thereof (with approximate

quantities/ rates, wherever

possible) with source of

information datatreatment, etc)Housing developmentExtractive industriesSupply industriesOtherYesNoNo

9.2 Lead to after use of the site, whichcould have an impact on theenvironmentNo Not applicable

9.3 Set a precedent for laterdevelopments Yes This may allow commercial &residential developments near thearea.9.4 Have cumulative effects due toproximity to other existing or plannedprojects with similar effectsNo No effect on any planned project inthe locality.

(III) Environmental Sensitivity



Areas Name / Identity Aerial distance (with 15-km) Proposed

project location boundary1 Areasprotectedunderinternationalconventions,national orlocallegislation fortheirecological,landscape,cultural or

No No



Areas Name / Identity Aerial distance (with 15-km) Proposed

project location boundaryother relatedvalue2 Areas whichare importantor sensitive ofecologicalreasons –wetlands,water coursesor other waterbodies, coastalzone,biospheres,mountains,forests

Chembarambakkam lakeThirunindravur lakeThandurai lakeVilinjiyambakkam lake2.47Km8Km8.59Km9Km

3 Areas used byprotected,important orsensitivespecies of floraor fauna forbreeding,nesting,foraging,resting, overwintering,migration

No No

4 Inland, coastal,marine orundergroundwaters5 State, national No No



Areas Name / Identity Aerial distance (with 15-km) Proposed

project location boundaryboundaries6 Routes orfacilities usedby the publicfor access torecreation orother tourist,pilgrim areas

NH 4Queens land amusementpark0.57Km7.6km

7 Defenseinstallations No -8 Denselypopulated orbuilt-up area

ThirumazhisaiPoonamalleeChembarambakkam2.7Km7.2Km0.88Km9 Areasoccupied bysensitive manmade landuses (hospitals,

schools, places

of worship,





Places Dist.



Site Km

Schools & Colleges1 Savitha engineeringcollege 2.93Km2 Rajyalakshmi institute oftechnology 0.66Km3 Shri Jayendra saraswathieducational institute 3.7KmReligious Places1 St. Francis Xavier Church 7.1Km2 Prasanna vinayagartemple 2.7Km

3 Ahle sunnath masjid 8Km



Areas Name / Identity Aerial distance (with 15-km) Proposed

project location boundary

Hospitals1 Saveetha hospital 2.7Km10 Areascontainingimportant,high quality orscarceresources(ground water









Chembarambakkam lakeThirunindravur lakeThandurai lakeVilinjiyambakkam lake2.47Km8Km8.59Km9Km

11 Areas alreadysubjected topollution orenvironmentaldamage. (those

where existing



standards are


No No

12 Areassusceptible tonatural hazardwhich couldcause the

No This area is generally plain not prone to anynatural disasters. The area under study fallsin Zone-III, according to the IndianStandard Seismic Zoning Map. Suitableseismic coefficients in horizontal and



Areas Name / Identity Aerial distance (with 15-km) Proposed

project location boundaryproject topresentenvironmentalproblems(earthquakes,




flooding or

extreme or




vertical directions respectively, have to beadopted while designing the structures.

(IV) Proposed Terms of ReferenceNot Applicable