Appendix E - Economic Appraisal Report 15 December 2017 Warrington Borough Council

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Appendix E - Economic Appraisal Report

15 December 2017

Warrington Borough Council

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Mott MacDonald

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Warrington Borough Council Warrington Borough Council Appendix E - Economic

Appraisal Report

15 December 2017

Mott MacDonald Limited. Registered in England and Wales no. 1243967. Registered office: Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, United Kingdom

Warrington Borough Council

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Issue and revision record


Date Originator Checker Approver Description

S2.0 25/10/17 Mark Smith

George Wells

Tony Millward

Tony Millward

Issued for client review

S2.1 2/11/17 George Wells

Mark Smith Tony Millward

Issued for WBC Exec Board

S2.2 15/12/17 George Wells

Mark Smith Tony Millward

Issued for Department for Transport submission

Document reference: WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E

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Executive summary 1

1 Study Overview 4

1.1 Introduction 4

1.2 Report Structure 4

2 Summary of the Scheme 5

2.1 The Preferred Option 5

3 Scope of the Appraisal 1

3.1 Scope of Appraisal 1

3.2 Transport Modelling Framework 2

3.2.1 Overview 2

3.2.2 Travel Demand Data 2

3.2.3 Assignment models 2

3.2.4 Assignment Model Time Periods 3

3.2.5 Demand Model 3

3.2.6 Model Validation 3

4 Economic Assessment Approach 4

4.1 Transport Economic Appraisal 4

4.1.1 Overview 4

4.1.2 Modelling and Appraisal Assumptions 4

4.1.3 Do Minimum Assumptions 5

4.1.4 Do Something Network 6

4.1.8 Annualisation 7

4.1.9 Representation of Tolls on Mersey Gateway Crossing 7

4.1.10 Extracting Trip and Cost Matrices from the Forecast Traffic Models 8

4.1.11 Scheme Costs 8

4.2 Swing Bridge Delays 10

4.2.1 Introduction 10

4.2.2 Approach 11

4.3 Safety 11

4.3.1 introduction 11

4.3.2 Approach 11

4.6.1 Introduction 16

4.6.2 Approach 16

4.7 Network Reliability 16

4.7.1 Introduction 16

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4.7.2 Approach 17

4.8 Wider Impacts 17

4.8.1 Introduction 17

4.8.2 Approach 18

4.9 Assessment of Dependent Development 18

5 Economic Appraisal Results 22

5.1 Transport Economic Appraisal 22

5.1.1 Transport Economic Efficiency 22

5.1.2 Public Accounts 24

5.2 Swing Bridge Delays 24

5.3 Safety 24

5.7 Network Reliability 26

5.7.1 Impacts 26

5.8 Wider Impacts 27

5.10 Assessment of Dependent Development 27

7 Value for Money Statement 1

7.1 Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits 1

Appendices 3

A. TUBA – v1.9.7 Economics Input File 4

B. TUBA Scheme Input File Core Scenario (60 year toll appraisal) 15

C. TUBA Output File Core Scenario (60 year toll appraisal) 33

D. Technical Review of TUBA Warnings 57

D.1 Overview 58

D.2 Review of TUBA Warnings 58

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Executive summary

The economic appraisal of the Warrington Western Link (WWL) has been carried out in line with

Department for Transport guidance included in Web TAG. The economic appraisal assesses the

key benefits and impacts of the scheme: weighing the benefits against the costs to indicate

whether it is Value for Money (VfM). A wide spectrum of impacts is considered in a detailed

appraisal, including various impacts on the economy, the environment and social welfare. The

following impacts have been assessed for the Warrington Western Link scheme:

• Traveller benefits in terms of time, vehicle operating costs and tolls

• Traveller benefits associated with delay at Manchester Ship Canal swing bridge

• Safety benefits in terms of accident savings

• The benefits of “unlocking” development land that is currently inaccessible.

• Changes in noise, air quality and greenhouse gases.

• Journey time reliability benefits

• The wider impacts to the economy of improving the transport network

• The costs required to deliver the scheme

The Warrington Multi Modal Transport Model (WMMTM) has been used to assess the WWL. The

WMMTM provides traffic forecasts and changes in network performance to allow the assessment

of the above impacts to be quantified and monetised.

The WMMTM includes three elements: a highway traffic model; a public transport model; and a

variable demand model. The local highway SATURN model provides a detailed representation of

the highway network in Warrington and the surrounding strategic highway network. The highway

reflects changes in delay at junctions and on links and the impacts these delays have on routing

through the network. It has been calibrated and validated to a 2016 base year level in accordance

with the Department for Transport’s Transport Analysis Guidance (TAG). The public transport

model includes the bus and rail network for the same geographical area.

The variable demand model reflects the impacts of changes in transport costs in the future on

travel. This includes trip frequency, i.e. how often people travel, modal split i.e. the choice

between public transport and car, and destination choice - where people chose to travel to. It

takes information form the highway and public transport model. The whole modelling framework

has been calibrated and validated to a 2016 base year level in accordance with TAG to reflect

observed travel behaviour.

Future year networks and trip matrices have been developed for two forecast years, 2026,

representative of a scheme opening year, and 2036 which aligns with the local plan horizon year.

Forecasts have included future year transport schemes and land-use proposals that are listed in

the development uncertainty log. Only those transport schemes and developments that are likely

to happen, identified as “more than likely” according to TAG, have been included.

The transport economic appraisal has been undertaken using the TUBA program (Transport

Users Benefit Appraisal) together with trip and cost matrices from the transport model.

The traffic model and TUBA has been used to assess the delay associated with the opening of

the swing bridges on the Manchester Ship Canal and the reduction in delay that would occur with

the WWL in place. This assessment is based on the length of time the swing bridges are open

and the frequency of openings per annum.

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Safety benefits in terms of cost of accident savings have been calculated using the DfT’s software

COBALT. This program utilises modelled traffic flows with and without the scheme and

information on road standards and junction types.

The impact of unlocking development sites which currently have no transport accessibility have

been assessed in line with TAG guidance. This relates to development land at Arpley Meadows

that would be unlocked by the WWL. This assessment accounts for the increase in the value of

the land unlocked by the scheme and the marginal change in costs that traffic relating to the

development would impose on other traffic.

The noise and air quality appraisal has been undertaken in accordance with TAG using outputs

from the traffic model. The greenhouse gases appraisal has been undertaken using outputs from


The calculation of the BCR value is given in Table 1. This assessment includes:

▪ Traveller benefits in terms of time, vehicle operating costs and tolls:

▪ Traveller benefits associated with delay at Manchester Ship Canal swing bridge

▪ Safety benefits in terms of accident savings

▪ The benefits of “unlocking” development land that is currently inaccessible.

▪ Changes in noise, air quality and greenhouse gases.

The cost of the proposed WWL scheme is estimated to be £245.66m, excluding optimism bias

(2017 prices). The total cost of the scheme with inclusion of optimism bias (uplift of 15%), is

estimated to be £282.51m (2017 factor prices).

The monetised economic benefits (based on transport modelling outcomes) show that the

scheme produces an initial Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.90 from Present Value of Benefits of

£350m (2010 prices, discounted to 2010) and a cost to public accounts of £184m (2010 prices,

discounted to 2010). According to DfT guidance and criteria the BCR of 1.90 yields Medium

Value for Money.

Table 1: Standard Benefit to Cost Appraisal Summary (£000s, 2010 prices)

Appraisal Benefit £000s

Transport User Benefits £340,668

Swing bridge Delay £24,220

Greenhouse Gases £3,977

Air Quality £217

Noise -£19,062

Accidents £278

Present Value of Benefits (PVB)


Present Value of Costs (PVC) £183,892

Net Present Value (NPV) £166,406

Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.90

All entries are present values discounted to 2010, in 2010 prices

Additional benefits of the scheme have been calculated. These relate to transport reliability

benefit and wider impacts. These benefits are included in an adjusted economic assessment as

the realisation of these benefits is less certain.

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Journey time reliability has been assessed using a methodology based on guidelines set out in

TAG for urban roads.

Wider impacts is the term given to some of the other economic impacts of transport that are

additional to transport user benefits. These include agglomeration, output change in imperfectly

competitive markets and tax revenues arising from labour market impacts. Wider impacts have

been assessed using the DfT WITA program.

The adjusted BCR considering reliability and wider impacts is shown in Table 2. This shows that

the scheme produces an adjusted BCR of 2.24 from Present Value of Benefits of £412m (2010

prices, discounted to 2010). According to DfT guidance and criteria the BCR of 2.24 reflects High

Value for Money.

Table 2: Adjusted Benefit to Cost Appraisal Summary (£000s, 2010 prices)

Appraisal Benefit £000s

Transport User Benefits £340,668

swing bridge Delay £24,220

Greenhouse Gases £3,977

Air Quality £217

Noise -£19,062

Accidents £278

Wider Impacts £41,776

Reliability £19,705

Present Value of Benefits (PVB) £411,779

Present Value of Costs (PVC) £183,892

Net Present Value (NPV) £227,887

Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) 2.24

All entries are present values discounted to 2010, in 2010 prices

A number of sensitivity tests have been carried out around the preferred option. The purpose of

the sensitivity tests is to understand if the intervention being proposed is still value for money

given alterative cost assumptions, whether alternative scheme standards would provide better

value for money or be more effective in addressing congestion, and whether the preferred option

is still value for money and effective in addressing congestion under alternative demand


● Sensitivity around scheme costs indicate that the scheme remains medium value for money if

the P80 scheme costs are used, and just drops into low value for money if a 44% optimism

bias Is used instead of the 15% adopted.

● Sensitivity tests around scheme design demonstrated that the design standard of the preferred

scheme is better value for money than both lower and higher standard options.

● Sensitivity around alternative demand scenarios indicated that the scheme provides low value

for money in a low growth scenario, but high value for money in a high growth scenario,

compared to medium value for money in the core scenario.

● Including Centre Park Link in the Do Something rather than Do Minimum produces a higher

level of benefits, a slightly higher BCR but same value for money category as the preferred


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1 Study Overview

1.1 Introduction

Warrington Borough Council (WBC) are promoting a transport scheme to improve linkages

between the A56 Chester Road and A57 Liverpool Road / Sankey Way corridors, known as the

Western Link (WL). This report presents the economic case for the preferred route option known

as the Red Route. Full details of the preferred scheme design are presented in Section 2.1.

The economic case assesses options to identify all their impacts, and the resulting value for

money, to fulfil Treasury’s requirements for appraisal and demonstrating value for money in the

use of taxpayers’ money the economic case identifies what economic, environmental, social and

distribution impacts the scheme is expected to have.

The economic case forms part of the Stage 2 Outline Business Case submission to the

Department for Transport for funding.

This report presents the economic case for the scheme and focuses on the monetised impacts of

the scheme. The report sets out to provide:

● An assessment of the economic benefits of the WL capturing economic, environmental, social

and distribution impacts of the scheme.

● An assessment of the scheme Value for Money (VfM) based on outputs from the Warrington

Multi Modal Transport Model (WMMTM) and the latest available scheme costs following

current guidance on Value for Money.

The report describes the methodology used to produce the transport economic appraisal the

calculation of accidents benefits, journey time reliability benefits and wider economic benefits.

Furthermore, this report describes the methodologies used to complete the appraisals of noise,

air quality and greenhouse gases.

1.2 Report Structure

This report contains the following sections after the current introductory section:

● Section 1 presents a description of the scheme

● Section 2 discusses the scope of the appraisal and provides an overview of the Warrington

Multi Modal Transport model

● Section 3 provides details of the methodology used to complete the appraisal of all the

different impacts of the scheme

● Section 4 presents the overall economic appraisal of the scheme pulling together the appraisal

of the different scheme impacts

● Section 5 presents the results of a number of sensitivity tests that have been carried out

● Section 6 demonstrates the Value for money of the scheme

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2 Summary of the Scheme

2.1 The Preferred Option

The preferred option for the Western Link is the Red Route. The Red Route connects the A57

Sankey Way at Cromwell Avenue to the A56 Chester Road at Lower Walton just south of the

crossing with the Manchester Ship Canal. The route is 3.17 kilometres long and is built to 40

miles per hour single carriageway standard. There is an intermediate junction to serve future

development at Arpley Meadows.

The junction between the scheme and Sankey Way is a signalised junction, with the east to west

movement on Sankey Way grade separated. From Sankey Way, the route travels south through

Sankey Valley Park, crossing over St Helens Canal. The route continues south over Old Liverpool

Road, Fiddlers Ferry Line railway line and Sankey Brook, keeping to the west of the electrical grid

site. It then proceeds south-east parallel to Forrest Way crossing over the River Mersey on a new

bridge. The route continues south-east through Arpley Meadows and crosses underneath the

West Coast Main Line and Walton Viaduct. It then proceeds south along the eastern edge of

Morley Common, crosses the Manchester Ship Canal, and then connects to Chester Road (A56)

with a new 3-arm signalised junction. The alignment of the route is shown in Figure 1.

The preferred option also includes improvements to a number of off line junctions that are

impacted by the main scheme. These improvements relate to physical changes or adjustment to

traffic signal timings. In some instances, the change on traffic flows as a result of the scheme

provides opportunities to reallocate priorities at traffic signal junctions. The location of off link

junctions is shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 1: Alignment of Preferred Option

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Figure 2: Off Line Junction Improvements and Traffic Signal Optimisation

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3 Scope of the Appraisal

3.1 Scope of Appraisal

The economic appraisal has been carried out in line with Department for Transport guidance to

produce robust Value for Money (VfM) assessments for the Western Link scheme.

The economic appraisal encompasses a range of impacts of the scheme including economic,

environmental, and social impacts. The economic appraisal captures a series of established

benefits including transport economic benefits, safety, air quality which fall into the Core VfM


● Transport economic benefits (WebTAG A1). The transport economic appraisal has been

undertaken using the TUBA program, which carries out an economic appraisal in

accordance with published DfT guidance. This is based on trip and cost matrices from

WMMTM and travel cost changes implied by the proposed schemes. The calculation of

transport economic benefits included an assessment of the saving relating to swing bridge


● Safety (WebTAG A4-1) An analysis of the impacts of accidents and their costs as part of the

economic appraisal has been undertaken. COBALT (COst and Benefit to Accidents – Light

Touch), which was developed by the DfT in 2013 (version 2013.02), has been used to

undertake the economic appraisal of accidents by assessing the safety aspects of the road

schemes using detailed inputs. The assessment is based on a comparison of accidents by

severity and associated costs across the network in the with and without scheme forecasts,

using details of link and junction characteristics, relevant accident data, and forecast traffic


● Air Quality (WebTAG Unit A3) - The air quality appraisal has been undertaken in

accordance with TAG Unit A3 Chapter 3. Net Present Values (NPVs) have been calculated

for both local and regional changes in air quality. The NPV of these changes have been

calculated using the ‘Local Air Quality Workbook’ and ‘Air Quality Valuation Workbook’

provide as part of TAG Unit A3.

● Noise (WebTAG Unit A3) An appraisal of the noise impact of the route has been

undertaken in accordance with TAG Unit A3 (December 2015), which considers impacts

from road, rail and air traffic in terms of annoyance, sleep disturbance and health impacts, in

turn based upon Defra guidance, for which there are dose-response relationships.

● Greenhouse gases (WebTAG Unit A3) An appraisal of the change in greenhouse gas

emissions has been carried out based on outputs from the TUBA program.

An adjusted Value for Money statement has been prepared taking into account evolving

impacts, which include reliability and wider impacts.

● Journey reliability benefits (WebTAG A1-1). The estimate of journey time reliability

benefits is made to satisfy the ‘Reliable journeys’ sub-objectives within the ‘Economy’ section

of scheme appraisal. The calculations assume that the model area is dominated by urban

regions and therefore uses the urban journey time reliability calculations that are set out in

the TAG unit.

● An appraisal of Wider Impacts (WebTAG A2-1) has been carried out using DfTs WITA

program. This appraisal only captures impacts that are not already included in the

conventional transport user benefit calculations from TUBA. These include agglomeration;

increased/decreased output in imperfectly competitive markets; and labour market impacts.

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In addition to the above appraisals an assessment of the benefits of dependent development

has been carried out in line with WebTAG A2-3.

Note delays during construction and maintenance have not been calculated. During

construction there would be limited impacts as most of the scheme is off-line from the existing

highway network. There would be impacts at either end of the scheme where it ties into the A56

and A57. At present detailed construction sequencing and traffic management during

construction have not been developed to allow an assessment of delays, these would be

developed to minimise disruption. Not calculating delays during future year maintenance is

considered a conservative assumption as the Western Link provides an alternative route during

maintenance of the wider road network.

3.2 Transport Modelling Framework

3.2.1 Overview

The main transport modelling platform used to feed the appraisal is the Warrington Multi Model

Transport model WMMTM. The WMMTM is comprised of a highway model, public transport

model and a variable demand model. The model has recently been developed based on up to

date information on travel patterns and has been calibrated and validated to 2016 observed

traffic conditions.

3.2.2 Travel Demand Data

A comprehensive data collection exercise was carried out to provide up to date information on

travel demand (both patterns and volumes) and network performance for both highway and

public transport. This data enables the model to represent an average June 2016 weekday.

The data collection included the following survey elements:

● Highways:

– Automatic Traffic Counts (ATC); Manual Classified Counts (MCC) and Junction Turning

Counts (JTC);

– Roadside Interviews (RSI);

– Specialised Goods Vehicle Counts and Freight Operator Surveys;

– Parking supply and occupancy surveys.

● Public Transport Surveys:

– Bus passenger origin destination surveys and counts

– Rail passenger origin destination surveys

● Demand

– Mobile phone OD data.

3.2.3 Assignment models

The model includes a highway network developed in SATURN software. Key characteristics of

the model include:

● Full junction simulation within modelled study area;

● Includes ‘blocking back’ from upstream junctions; and

● Reflects reallocation of carriageway space to other modes.

The public transport model has been developed in EMME software. Key characteristics of the

model include:

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● Detailed representation of bus service within to / from borough;

● Representation of rail services through the borough; and

● Consideration of capacity to represent crowding constraints.

3.2.4 Assignment Model Time Periods

The assignment model represents the following time periods:

● Morning modelled period to be an average hour over the period 07:45 to 09:15;

● Evening modelled period to be an average hour representation of 16:30 to 18:00; and

● Inter peak period to be an average hour representation of 10:00 to 16:00.

3.2.5 Demand Model

A demand model has been developed in EMME software. The key characteristics of the model


● Mode choice - includes car, bus, rail, park and ride and active travel;

● Reflects parking constraints within town centre.

The demand model includes the following choice processes:

● Trip frequency: the adjustment of total trip-making up or down;

● Mode and macro-time period choice: a choice between modes of highway, bus and rail; and

● Attraction choice (trip distribution): a choice of where to travel to.

Each of these models will be applied based on changes in ‘generalised cost’ (which includes

both monetary costs and travel times) by mode, time period and movement.

3.2.6 Model Validation

The WMMTM has been calibrated and validated to meet WebTAG validation criteria. Details of

the model development and validation are proved in the Local Model Development Report.

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4 Economic Assessment Approach

4.1 Transport Economic Appraisal

4.1.1 Overview

The transport economic appraisal has been undertaken using the TUBA (Transport Users

Benefit Appraisal) program which carries out an economic appraisal in accordance with

published DfT guidance.

The appraisal is based on matrices of trips and costs (time, distance and charges where

present) extracted from the WMMTM. From these, TUBA calculates the time user benefits, fuel

vehicle operating costs (VOC), non-fuel VOC and charges. Scheme costs and their profiles are

input to the assessment and both benefits and costs are discounted to the present value year

(2010). TUBA produces results for various degrees of disaggregation and summarises the

outputs. Assumptions for the economic appraisal including economic parameters and

annualisation factors that form inputs to the TUBA economic appraisal process are discussed


4.1.2 Modelling and Appraisal Assumptions

In order to arrive at the economic benefits, a number of modelling and assessment assumptions

have been adopted. WebTAG assessment forms the basis of the approach with specific

assumptions and to reflect available local modelling data and the scheme impacts. Future Forecasts Years

Traffic forecasts have been developed for two future years:

● First Forecast Year – 2026

● Second Forecast Year - 2036

These forecast years represent mid-point and full development phases in respect of the known

planned increases in housing and employment numbers; estimated at 10 and 20 years into the

future. Traffic Growth

Traffic growth between the 2016 base year and future forecast years has been estimated using

a combination of future developments and future growth from the National Trip End Model.

A Do Minimum scenario is required as a reference upon which to assess the economic effects

of the proposed scheme intervention. An uncertainty log has been used to identify schemes

and developments for inclusion in the Do Minimum scenario. the Do Minimum includes all

developments and schemes classified as "Near certain" or "More than likely": Traffic relating to

new development identified in the uncertainty log has been represented in the model explicitly,

and overall growth has been applied based on growth forecast from the National Trip End Model

(NTEM) included in TEMPRO 7.2. There is an overall constraint on trip numbers at the

Warrington district area level to match the growth forecast in version 7.2 of National Trip End

Model Forecasts (NTEM). This method of producing forecast trip matrices is in accordance with

DfT guidance on forecasting and uncertainty, as set out in WebTAG M4.

Full details of the creation of the forecast demand matrices for 2026 and 2036 are contained in

the Forecasting Report.

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4.1.3 Do Minimum Assumptions

The highway schemes included in the Do Minimum network are shown in Table 1

Table 1: Transport schemes included in Future Year Transport Model

Reference Scheme Name Uncertainty Level

Year Opening

in 2026 model

in 2036 model

1 M62 Junction 8 Near Certain 2018 Y Y

3 Centre Park Link Near Certain 2019 Y Y

4 Warrington West Station Near Certain 2019 Y Y

5 Warrington East Phase 2 Near Certain 2018 - 2021


6 Omega Local Highway Schemes Near Certain 2018 -2021


19 Omega Zone 3- 6 Junction Improvements Near Certain 10 years Y Y

22 Motorway to Motorway Smart - Croft Interchange

Near Certain 2017 Y Y

23 Smart Motorway M62 J10 - J12 Near Certain 2018 Y Y

24 Smart Motorway M6 J21A - J26 Near Certain 2020 Y Y

Mersey Gateway Near Certain 2017 Y Y

All the Do Minimum schemes above are expected to be implemented by 2026, so the resultant

2026 and 2036 SATURN Do Minimum networks are identical.

Housing development to be included in the uncertain log were identified from the Strategic

Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and uncertainty identified by status of the

planning process. Housing developments included in the model are shown in Table 2 and

employment development included in the model presented in Table 3.

Table 2: Housing Development included in Future Year Transport Model

Site Ref.

Site Name Uncertainty


Year Opening

Total Unit


2026 units

2036 units

308 Land at Appleton Cross More Than Likely

2026 370 370 370

1090 Beers Building Co More Than Likely

2026 158 158 158

1108 Edwards Cheshire Near Certain 2023 76 76 76

1178 Cardinal Newman High School Near Certain 2027 110 110 110

1412 Land At Dawson House, Near Certain 2023 147 147 147

1516 Land off Stretton Rd / Arley Rd, Appleton Thorn

Near Certain 2022 79 79 79

1646 Grappenhall Heys - Remainder More Than Likely

2028 400 352 400

1650 Land at Pewterspear Green Near Certain 2023 180 180 180

1715 Spectra Building & Drivetime golf range More Than Likely

2030 512 357 512

1803 Land to North of Birchwood Way More Than Likely

2031 101 0 101

2134 Lingley Mere Business Park Near Certain 2025 275 275 275

2135 Omega Near Certain 2030 1100 828 1100

2466 Warrington Central Trading Estate More Than Likely

2028 137 122 137

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Site Ref.

Site Name Uncertainty


Year Opening

Total Unit


2026 units

2036 units

2583 Disused Railway Line (Parcel 2) More Than Likely

2027 144 144 144

2584 Disused Railway Line (Parcel 3) More Than Likely

2025 87 87 87

2672 Land south of Wilson Patten Street (inc former Mr Smiths)

More Than Likely

2031 300 82 300

2673 New Town House More Than Likely

2027 110 110 110

2682 Land bounded by Winwick Road, Orford Lane and Bluecoat Street

More Than Likely

2031 80 0 80

2908 Former Bayleaf PH Near Certain 2021 93 93 93

Source: Warrington SHLAA

Table 3: Employment Development included in Future Year Transport Model

Site Ref. Site Name Uncertainty level

Sub Lane Use

Year Opening

Total GFA

Total GFA 2026

Total GFA 2036

EDNA001 Stanley Street Near Certain B1 2025 1677 1677 1677

EDNA002 Plot R Centre Park Near Certain B1a 2020 2007 2007 2007

EDNA003 910 Centre Park Near Certain B1 2020 604 604 604

EDNA007 Gemini 16 Near Certain


EDNA008 Land off Bewsey Road

Near Certain B1c/B8 2026 580 580 580

EDNA009 Gemini 8 Near Certain


EDNA010 Novelis UK Near Certain B2 2020 3012 3012 3012

EDNA011 The Quadrant Birchwood

Near Certain B2/B8 2032 12225 12225 12225

EDNA012 Birchwood Park Redev

Near Certain B1/B2/B8 2020 72089 72089 72089

EDNA013 Benson Road Near Certain B1a 2020 2400 2400 2400

EDNA014 Lingley Mere Ph 1 Rem

Near Certain B1 2020 8808 8808 8808

EDNA015 Lingley Mere Ph 3 Near Certain B1/B2/B8 2020 15850 15850 15850

EDNA004 Omega 1 (4L) Near Certain


EDNA005 Omega 1&2 Near Certain B1/B2/B8 2027 242391



EDNA006 Omega 7 Rem Near Certain B2/B8 2020 78682 78682 78682

Two sites at Arpley Meadows were identified as “reasonably foreseeable” as there is currently

no transport access to the sites, they have not been included on the model. The Western Link

would potentially unlock these schemes; therefore, they have been considered in an

assessment of dependent development which is discussed in Section 4.9.

4.1.4 Do Something Network

The Do Something scenario represents the proposed scheme as included in section 2.1. The

Do Something network builds on the Do Minimum network.

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4.1.5 Assessment Period

The Western Link scheme will impact on both local and strategic traffic movements. On this

basis, the WebTAG recommended assessment period of 60 years has been adopted.

4.1.6 Modelled Years

For economic appraisal ac scheme opening year of 2023 has been assumed. The economic

assessment has been based on 2026 and 2036 traffic modelling where data is readily available

from the WMMTM. These results are then interpolated and extrapolated accordingly (in the

modelling and appraisal tools) to obtain economic benefits for all other years, which are then

discounted to 2010.

4.1.7 Modelled Time Periods

The traffic modelling has been undertaken for the following weekday time periods:

● AM peak (average hour over the period 07:45 to 09:15);

● PM peak (average hour representation of 16:30 to 18:00); and

● Inter peak period (an average hour representation of 10:00 to 16:00).

● Off peak period (an average hour representation of 19:00 to 07:00)

For assessment, time period factors are used to convert the model outputs to be representative

of annual totals (see Section 4.1.8).

4.1.8 Annualisation

Annualisation factors convert benefits calculated for each model time period into totals for the

full year. Annualisation factors have been calculated from reference to 2016 observed count

data collected for the development of the WMMTM. The factors are shown in Table 4, and

represent the conversion of hourly benefits by time period to an annualised total.

The annualisation for this appraisal includes weekday and weekend time periods.

Table 4: Annualisation Factors

Time Period Hour to Period Factor

TUBA Factors

Annualisation Hours

AM 2.821 253 714

IP 6.000 253 1518

PM 2.857 253 723

OP 12.000 253 3036

Weekend IP 4.000 52 416

Weekend OP 11.000 52 1144



The annualisation factors do not represent the full year, covering only 7550 hours of the 8760

hours of the year. The annualised hours cover all weekdays plus weekends that have a flow

similar to a weekday interpeak or weekday average off peak hour.

4.1.9 Representation of Tolls on Mersey Gateway Crossing

Tolls are included on the Mersey Gateway crossing in the WMMTM for both future modelled

years. The current concession for Mersey Gateway ends in 2044, and it assumed for appraisal

purposes that tolls will no longer be in place at the end of the concession period. The Do

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Something scenario has an impact on traffic flow using the Mersey Gateway crossing, with

some transfer from Mersey Gateway to the Western Link. For the purposes of appraisal, it is

assumed that the tolls will continue on the Mersey Gateway crossing beyond 2044, until there is

no loss net revenue to the concessionaire with the Western Link in place. The extension to the

period when tolls are applied has been calculated by looking at the difference in total revenue

between the Do Minimum and Do Something up to 2044, and determining how much longer the

toll will need to be retained to match the total revenue without the Western Link in place. This

indicates that tolls will need to be retained for approximately 12 months beyond 2044.

To ensure that the appraisal can take account of the removal of tolls on the Mersey Gateway,

the Do Minimum and Do Something version of the WMMTM has been run for 2036 for scenarios

with and without tolls. TUBA has then been run for two scenarios:

● scenario 1 – Mersey Gateway tolls in 2026 and 2036

● scenario 2 – Mersey Gateway tolls in 2026, no tolls in 2036

For appraisal, costs and benefits between the opening year and 2045 have been obtained from

scenario 1 – reflecting tolls on the Mersey Gateway. Costs and benefits beyond 2045 have

been taken from the scenario 2, reflecting the removal of tolls from Mersey Gateway.

4.1.10 Extracting Trip and Cost Matrices from the Forecast Traffic Models

Trip matrices for each time period and assignment user class have been extracted from the

forecast traffic models. The assignment user classes consist of commuting, employers’

business and other car trips plus LGVs and HGVs with both LGV/HGV assumed to be

employers’ business trips. Trip, time and distance matrices (in units of [veh], [hours] and [Km]

respectively) for each of the five user classes and for each time period have been extracted

from the forecast traffic models.

4.1.11 Scheme Costs

Scheme costs included in the economic appraisal are based on the cost estimates developed

for the Financial case. To satisfy the principles of cost benefit analysis a number of adjustments

are made to these costs, including an adjustment so that only the real cost changes are

measured (ie excluding the general rate of inflation as measured by the GDP deflator) and the

application of optimism bias. This means that the costs presented below will be different to

those included in the Financial case.

Scheme costs have been prepared for the preferred scheme based on the preliminary design.

These costs have been adjusted for use in the economic appraisal in line with TAG A1-2. Costs

include risk (risks determined through a risk workshop with key stakeholders) and have been

adjusted for real cost inflation and optimism bias as appropriate for a scheme at preliminary

design stage. Any additional maintenance or renewal costs which may be required have also

been captured.

Table 5 presents a summary of scheme costs by calendar year (2017 prices). The scheme

investment cost covering the preparation and construction period from 2018 to 2023 is

estimated to be £203.61m. Note for the economic appraisal all funding costs for the scheme

were allocated to central government and all maintenance costs were allocated to local

government. This is different to the financial case which has the correct allocation. The

allocation of costs to central or local government does not impact on the net costs or overall

value for money of the scheme.

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The investment and operating cost covering the remainder of the appraisal period from 2024 to

2082 is valued at around £42.05m. This is equivalent to 21% of the preparation and

construction scheme cost. This estimate is comprised of maintenance costs to a value of

£5.12m (~12%); and operating costs to a value of £36.95m (~88%). These costs are deemed to

be a robust estimate for the current assessment.

The scheme is to be funded by central government to an estimated value of £203.59m; and

local government to an estimated value of £42.07m. The local government funding covers

maintenance and operating costs for the 60-year appraisal period.

The total cost of the scheme, excluding optimism bias (15%), is estimated to be £245.66m

(2017 factor prices). These scheme costs have been prepared in accordance with TAG unit 1.2,

and have accounted for the inclusion of ‘real cost’ increases, and an assessment of quantified


The total scheme cost of £245.66m for the economic appraisal has accounted for the removal of

GDP background cost inflation which has reduced the total costs from £254.81m.

Table 5: Scheme Cost Summary (2017 Prices) (£000s)

Calendar Year Central Government Local Government Total

2018 £40,411 £0 £40,411

2019 £15,065 £0 £15,065

2020 £44,098 £0 £44,098

2021 £33,551 £0 £33,551

2022 £34,681 £0 £34,681

2023 £35,785 £23 £35,808

Sub-Total £203,591 £23 £203,614

2024 to 2082 - £42,047 £42,047

Total £203,591 £42,070 £245,661

Source: <Insert Notes or Source>

The final element of cost to be included for the TUBA economic appraisal is the representation

of optimism bias (Stage 2 – Conditional Approval 15%).

Table 6, which presents a summary of the scheme costs with and without optimism bias

included. The costs have been split into investment and operating costs.

The investment and operating costs with the inclusion of optimism bias (15%) is estimated to be

£234.13m and £48.38m, respectively; and sums to an accumulative total cost of £282.51m

(2017 factor prices). These are the costs that have been input into TUBA.

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Table 6: Preparation of Scheme Costs for TUBA Input (2017 Prices) (£000s)

Scheme Cost (excluding Optimism bias) Scheme Cost (Including Optimism Bias)

2017 Prices (Factor) 2017 Prices (Factor) ***TUBA Entry Costs***

Calendar Year Investment Operating Total Investment Operating Total

Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost

2018 £40,411 £0 £40,411 £46,473 £0 £46,473

2019 £15,065 £0 £15,065 £17,325 £0 £17,325

2020 £44,098 £0 £44,098 £50,712 £0 £50,712

2021 £33,551 £0 £33,551 £38,584 £0 £38,584

2022 £34,681 £0 £34,681 £39,883 £0 £39,883

2023 £35,785 £23 £35,808 £41,153 £26 £41,179

Sub-Total £203,591 £23 £203,614 £234,130 £26 £234,156

2024 to 2082 - £42,047 £42,047 - £48,354 £48,354

Total £203,591 £42,070 £245,661 £234,130 £48,380 £282,510

TUBA converts the scheme costs to 2010 present year values. The scheme costs (2017 prices)’

are deflated to 2010 prices from using a GDP deflator value for 2017 of 111.721 (100/111.72).

These costs are then discounted to a 2010 base from application of a discount rate of 3.5%2 for

the first 30 years of the appraisal; and then for subsequent years a rate of 3.0% has been

applied (e.g. 1/(1.035^Years from base year).

The 2010 factor costs are then converted to market prices from application of the indirect

taxation factor of 1.190. This produces a 2010 present value year cost of £183.89m. This cost is

consistent with the TUBA output scheme costs.

4.2 Swing Bridge Delays

4.2.1 Introduction

The Manchester Ship Canal passes through Warrington. There are only four highway crossings

of the ship canal in Warrington. Three of them have swing bridges across the canal, the other is

a high level bridge of limited capacity and with a weight restriction because of its condition.

When a ship passes along the Manchester Ship Canal through Warrington, all of the swing

bridges on the roads across the ship canal open and vehicular traffic can no longer cross the

canal. This causes significant traffic disruption, as all of the bridges open up at roughly the same

time and remain open for over 10 minutes effectively severing north and south Warrington. Most

vehicular traffic waits for the swing bridges to reopen as drivers know that all of the swing

bridges will be open and there is so much congestion on the network that it is not worth seeking

an alternative route.

The times of bridge openings depends on the level of shipping and the time of the tides and

ship traffic takes priority over road traffic. The swing bridges currently open approximately 500

times per annum and are forecast to increase in the future (although no figures on this increase

are currently available).

1 ‘Annual Parameters‘ worksheet, TAG Data Book, July 2017, DfT

2 A1.1.1 worksheet – Green Book Discount Rates, TAG Data Book, July 2017, DfT

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The level of delay will change with the Western Link in place as the level of traffic using the

existing swing bridges will reduce. An assessment has been carried out to understand the level

of benefits associated with this change in delay.

4.2.2 Approach

An assessment of the level of delay associated with swing bridge opening has been carried out

using the WMMTM. The swing bridge openings have been coded into the traffic model as a

delay of 12 minutes at all swing bridge crossings (A5060, A49 and A50). A traffic assignment

has then been carried out, assigning traffic to the “paths” from the assignments without swing

bridge delay included. This is based on the assumption that traffic does not reroute when the

swing bridges open as they know all swing bridges will be open and then network will be grid


These model runs have been carried out for the Do Minimum and Do Something scenarios, and

all time periods and modelled years. TUBA has then been run to calculate the level of delay

associated with swing bridge openings in a Do Minimum and Do Something scenario. These

delays have been annualised based on the number of observed swing bridge openings by time

period. These are shown in Table 7. For the purposes of the appraisal it is assumed that there

is no change in the number of swing bridge openings in future years

The benefits attributed to the Western Link is the change in swing bridge delays between the Do

Minimum and Do Something scenarios.

Table 7: Observed Number of Bridge Openings

Time Period Annual Openings

AM Period 68

IP Period 206

PM Period 68

OP Period 122

Total 464

4.3 Safety

4.3.1 introduction

As part of the economic appraisal for the Western Link, an analysis of the impact on accidents

was carried out. WebTAG unit A4.1 discusses the social impact of accidents and their related

economic effect. That is, how the casualty and accident estimates can be combined to yield a

monetary estimate of the accident-related costs and benefits.

4.3.2 Approach

COBALT (Cost and Benefit to Accidents – Light Touch) was used to perform this analysis in

accordance with WebTAG. COBALT is a specialist spreadsheet tool created for the DfT to

provide an assessment of the accident impact, breaking it down into accideint severity and their

associated costs in both With and Without-Scheme forecasts, based on details of link and

junction characteristics, accident data and forecast traffic volumes.

COBALT is capable of being run either using a combined link/junction accident model or by

evaluating link and junction accidents separately. For the Western Link, it has been run in

separate mode, where link and junction accidents are calculated separately.

COBALT requires three sets of information as an input:

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● Details of the highway network included in the assessment, including characteristics of each

road link and junction.

● Details of traffic flows on the network for the base year and future forecast years both with

and without the Western Link, for each link and junction in the COBALT network.

● Information on accident rates and economic parameters.

The accident analysis is based on a cordon covering the main extent of changes in traffic with

the Western Link in place. All links and junctions within this area were included in the accident

analysis, together with the major links that crossed the cordon. The location of the cordon is

shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3: Geographical Extent of Accident Analysis

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Each link included in the COBALT network has been allocated a unique reference number. Links

attributes have been defined, including link distances, speed limits, and link types and each link

has been given an appropriate accident classification.

Junctions were differentiated by similar features, including speed limit, number of arms, and type

(priority, signalled, roundabout, etc.). COBALT requires all roundabouts to be represented by a

singular node. However, as the coding of the roundabouts within the SATURN network have

been exploded with nodes representing each approach and separate links for circulation links, the

COBALT coding has had to be manipulated. In COBALT, each roundabout has been represented

by a singular node across all scheme options with all junction and link classifications changed


Data was extracted from the WMMTM for the modelled base year and future years of 2026

(Opening Year) and 2036 (Design Year) for input into the COBALT. Link traffic flows were coded

in the data files as two-way AADT flows for both assessment years. The conversion from model

period (AM, Inter-Peak, PM and Off-Peak) to AADT uses calculated factors as discussed in the

Traffic Forecasting Report.

The assessment has utilised default accident rates. The default accident rates are those

presented in the COBALT 2016.1 WebTAG Parameter file made available from DfT. Accident

costs by severity were obtained from the WebTAG databook.

4.4 Air Quality

4.4.1 Introduction

The air quality appraisal has been undertaken in accordance with TAG Unit A3 Chapter 3. Net

Present Values (NPVs) have been calculated for both local and regional changes in air quality.

The NPV of these changes have been calculated using the ‘Local Air Quality Workbook’ and ‘Air

Quality Valuation Workbook’ provide as part of TAG Unit A3 by DfT and are based on analysis by

the Interdepartmental Group on Costs and Benefits. Monetary values for NOx emissions have a

unit of £’s per tonne; therefore, the change in NPV caused by NOx is based on the regional air

quality assessment. Monetary values for PM10 have a unit of £’s per household per 1µg/m3;

therefore, the change in NPV caused by PM10 is based on the local air quality assessment. The

assessment is based on the traffic flows extracted from Warrington Multimodal Transport Model.

4.4.2 Approach

In order to derive the NPVs, calculations have been undertaken for any roads in the traffic model

that meet the DMRB local and regional air quality screening criteria. For the local air quality

screening criteria, such roads comprise:

● road alignment changes by 5m or more,

● daily traffic flow change by 1000 AADT or more,

● Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV but also known as HGVs)) flows change by 200 AADT or more,

● daily average speeds change by 10kmph or more or

● peak hour speed change by 20kmph or more.

For the regional air quality screening criteria, such roads comprise:

● a 10% or more change in AADT or HDVs or

● a change in daily average speeds by 10kmph or more.

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A review of traffic data for the base year, opening year and design year ‘with’ and ‘without

Scheme’ scenarios has been undertaken. Changes in air quality have been appraised using the

DfT’s TAG Unit A3 Chapter 3.

4.5 Noise

4.5.1 Introduction

An appraisal of the noise impact of the route has been undertaken in accordance with TAG Unit

A3 (December 2015), which considers impacts from road, rail and air traffic in terms of

annoyance, sleep disturbance and health impacts, in turn based upon Defra guidance, for which

there are dose-response relationships. A 1dB increase in noise level is the minimum considered

in WebTAG. Fundamental to the WebTAG approach is guidance within the Volume 11 of the

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), Section 3, Part 7, Noise and Vibration.

As part of the WebTAG output, the Net Present Values (NPV) for the following are calculated:

● Sleep disturbance;

● Amenity;

● Acute myocardial infarction (AMI);

● Stroke; and,

● Dementia.

In order to derive this monetary value detailed calculations for daytime and night-time noise levels

are required for the Do-Minimum and Do-Scheme scenario, for both Opening and Design Years.

WebTAG acknowledges that “for road-based schemes, conversion between different noise

measures is considered sufficiently robust for the effects of night time noise on sleep”, albeit with

provisos for localised variations in traffic

Calculations have been undertaken across the road network using forecast traffic flows, and a

quantitative appraisal undertaken using WebTAG worksheets.

4.5.2 Approach

In order to derive NPVs, calculated values for each house within the respective study areas require

independent entries in the WebTAG spreadsheet for ‘with’ and ‘without’ scheme in both Opening

and Design Years. Study areas used in the calculations are consistent with the DMRB approach,

which in broad terms are determined by minimum changes of 1dB in a comparison between ‘with’

and without’ scheme scenarios in the Opening Year, or the equivalent in the Design Year of 3dB.

DMRB defines the study area as being 600m from any roads identified as above within a 1km

‘calculation area’ surrounding bypasses or new routes.

There is further provision for extending the study area to 50m either side of roads identified above

but outside the calculation area. For this appraisal, the latter have not been included owing to the

DMRB requirement that the Basic Noise Level only is calculated, which is considered too coarse

for WebTAG purposes as the final value is dependent on both noise level and noise change.

Thus, the study areas for each option vary according to geographical location and roads with 1dB

changes. Impacts from all Options will reduce with distance, and there is greater weighting applied

within the methodology to properties experiencing the highest noise changes.

Owing to the preliminary stage of design, mitigation in the form of additional bunds or barriers has

not been incorporated into the appraisal. It is considered that this gives a more realistic reflection

of overall benefits and dis-benefits and results in a more equitable comparison between Options.

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No baseline noise surveys have been undertaken. It is assumed that road traffic noise is

dominant within the study areas.

4.6 Greenhouse Gases

4.6.1 Introduction

WebTAG Unit A3 Environmental Impact Appraisal outlined the need to determine the impacts of

proposed transport schemes on greenhouse gas emissions - whether they are increased or

decreased –The monetary value of the impacts of proposed transport schemes on greenhouse

gas emissions should also be calculated.

When carrying out monetary valuation, it is important to distinguish between the emissions from

those sectors that are included within the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) – the ‘traded

sector’ - and those that are not – the ‘non-traded sector’. The traded sector covers emissions

from power and heat generation; energy-intensive industry and, since 2012, aviation. Emissions

arising from electricity consumption in transport are in the traded sector. The non-traded sector

covers all other greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions from other types of transport fuel,

including petrol, diesel and gas oil, are in the non-traded sector.

4.6.2 Approach

For road and multi-modal schemes using the TUBA program, the net present value of the change

in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from road-based fuel consumption that is in the

non-traded sector will be presented as an automatic output of the program in the DfT’s standard

base year prices and values for the whole appraisal period. The non-traded carbon dioxide values

for the DfT’s standard base year and the annual growth rate are programmed as default into the

TUBA software. The TUBA program also outputs the NPV based on the upper and lower

estimates of the carbon dioxide values.

For the Western Link scheme, the emission has been calculated using the TUBA program. The

assumptions used to extrapolate and interpolate modelled estimates of the change in emissions

across the whole appraisal period are consistent with those used for other economic benefits

(e.g. changes in vehicle operating costs).

The annualisation factors used in TUBA are presented in Table 4. Note that these do not

represent the full year, covering only 7550 hours of the 8760 hours of the year. The annualised

hours cover all weekdays plus weekends that have a flow similar to a weekday interpeak or

weekday average off peak hour. The hours not presented are low flows hours in weekends where

flows are much lower than the available time period models. This will lead to a slight

underestimate of the impacts of the scheme on greenhouse gas emissions.

4.7 Network Reliability

4.7.1 Introduction

The term reliability refers to variation in journey times that individuals are unable to predict

(journey time variability, or JTV). Such variation could come from recurring congestion at the

same period each day (day-to-day variability, or DTDV) or from non-recurring events, such as

incidents. It excludes predictable variation relating to varying levels of demand by time of day, day

of week, and seasonal effects which travellers are assumed to be aware.

Different methods to estimate reliability impacts have been developed for private vehicle trips on

inter urban motorways and dual carriageways, urban roads, and other roads. In urban areas

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alternative routes are more readily available than on motorways and there are many ways for

drivers to divert away from incidents which reduce capacity on a particular route. This affects the

relative importance of incident and DTDV effects.

4.7.2 Approach

WebTAG A1.3 section 6.3 provides the process for calculating reliability. As the model area is

dominated by urban regions the urban journey time reliability calculations have been applied.

The measure of travel time variability is the standard deviation of travel time, and reliability

benefits are calculated based on the change in standard deviation of travel time with a transport

scheme in place. For urban networks, a relationship between the change in standard deviation in

travel time has been developed, this is a mathematical function based on the change in travel

time with and without the scheme in place and travel distance. For a particular origin-destination

movement, a reduction in travel time with the scheme in place will reduce the standard deviation

of travel time. The standard deviation in journey time is worked out using the following formula:

∆𝜎𝑦 = 0.0018(𝑡𝑦22.02 − 𝑡𝑦1



● Δσy is the change in standard deviation of journey time from zone A to Zone B (seconds)

● ty1 and ty2 are the journey times from Zone A to Zone B before and after the scheme

● dy is the average distance between Zone A to Zone B

To calculate the reliability benefits of a scheme the change in the standard deviation in travel time

is calculated for each origin-destination movement by time period, user class and modelled year.

This is then monetised based on standard values of time, taking into account the level of demand

and the reliability ratio (the ratio of the Value of Standard deviation of travel time to the Value of

travel time). The recommended value for the reliability ratio for all journey purposes by car, is 0.4.

For each modelled year, monetised benefits are summed up across the whole network and

annualised. Benefits are then calculated for a 60-year appraisal period. Benefits for non-

modelled years are calculated by interpolating between modelled years. Finally, benefits for each

modelled year are discounted back to 2010 and summed to provide an overall benefit.

For the Western Link, demand matrices and journey time skims have been extracted for each

modelled year, time period and journey purposes. The change in standard deviation in journey

times between the Do minimum and Do something has then been calculated. These changes

has then been monetised using standard Values of Time included in WebTAG and a reliability

ratio of 0.4 applied. Benefits have then been calculated for the 60-year appraisal period,

discounted back to 2010 and summed to provide an overall benefit.

4.8 Wider Impacts

4.8.1 Introduction

Wider impacts capture the impacts that aren’t included in the user benefit calculations from

TUBA. The following wider economic benefits are considered:

● - Agglomeration

● - Output change in imperfectly competitive markets

● - Tax revenues arising from labour market impacts

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4.8.2 Approach

Wider impacts in transport appraisal (WITA) software has been developed by DfT to calculate the

wider impacts. Data derives from two main sources the wide impacts dataset (contains relevant

economic data and parameters for analysis) and the transport model.

Economic data includes information on local GDP per worker, sectoral and total employment

forecasts, average workplace based earnings and index of productivity per worker. All of this

information is obtained from the wider impact dataset available from the DfT. Parameter values

for use in the analysis are obtained from WebTAG.

Costs and demand data was required from the WMMTM, this is provided by user class for both

the Do minimum and Do Something scenarios.

To run WITA both transport model inputs and socio-economic data needs to be presented in a

common geographical zoning system. The traffic model zones were combined into 32 WITA

zones, that corresponded to 380 LAD zones. In general, the model zones were combined in and

around Warrington, and the local authority districts were combined in the external areas.

WITA impacts are calculated for the two modelled year, annualised using the same annualisation

factors as adopted for TUBA and then interpolated between modelled years in the same way as

other benefits.

4.9 Assessment of Dependent Development

4.10 Introduction

Dependent development refers to new development that is dependent on the provision of a

transport scheme and for which, with the new development but in the absence of the transport

scheme, the existing transport network would not provide a reasonable level of service to existing

and/or new users. This has the implication that the development would not be delivered in the

absence of the transport scheme. WebTAG Unit A2-3 provides guidance on assessing the

economic benefits generated by transport in the context of dependent development.

Two land parcels have been identified in the SHLAA as potential development sites. However, at

present neither of the two sites has highway access. Details of the sites are shown in Table 8 and

the location of the sites in Figure 4. The Western Link would potentially provide highway access

to each site and open them up for development. The Preferred option only provides access to the

most western parcel, therefore an assessment of the benefits of the dependent development has

focussed on this site.

Table 8: Potential Dependent Development Sites

Site Ref.

Site Name Uncertainty


Year Opening

Total Units

2026 units

2036 units

1541 Arpley Meadows (mid parcel immediately abutting the west coast mainline)

2032 646 0 412

1633 Arpley Meadows (most western parcel) 2032 1105 0 412

Source: Warrington SHLAA #

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Figure 4: Location of Arpley Meadows Development Sites

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4.11 Approach

4.11.1 Overview

There are a number of steps in the assessment of dependent development, these are:

● Step 1: Determine the quantity of new housing that should be regarded as dependent on a

transport scheme;

● Step 2: Identify the minimum transport scheme required to restore a reasonable level of


● Step 3: Assess the transport user benefits of the transport scheme in isolation (that is, in the

absence of the dependent housing development);

● Step 4: Assess the benefits of the dependent housing development assuming the transport

scheme is provided.

4.11.2 Step 1 and Step 2

In the case of Arpley Meadows there is currently no access to the site, so the whole of the site is

considered dependent. The assessment therefore only considered step 3 and step 4.

4.11.3 Step 3

This step comprises a conventional transport user benefit assessment, requiring two transport

model runs:

● without the dependent new housing and without any form of transport scheme; and

● without the dependent new housing but with the transport scheme.

Both model runs must be carried out assuming that dependent new housing is not present, this is

a conventional transport appraisal of the scheme as reported in Section Error! Reference

source not found..

4.11.4 Step 4: Assess the benefits of the dependent development

The benefits of the dependent development have been calculated using a two-step process:

● Estimating the ‘planning gain’ from the dependent new development; and

● Subtracting the net external costs.

The ‘planning gain’ consists of the uplift in land values arising from the development. This looks

This has been calculated using the DfT spreadsheet ‘tag-workbook-valuing-housing-impacts.xlsx’.

The land values have been taken from those provided in this spreadsheet which are sourced from

the ‘VOA Property Market Report 2011’using the North West values as the most suitable for this


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Table 9: Planning Gain

item Source

Existing Land Use Value Calculation

Net Developable Site Area (Ha) 22.095

£ per Ha Agriculture £11,362 Value Office Agency PMR 2011

£000s Total Site Area £251 Value Office Agency PMR 2011

Residential Land Value Calculation

Net Developable Site Area (Ha) 22.095

£ per Ha Residential £1,425 Value Office Agency PMR 2011

£000s Total Site Area £31,485 Value Office Agency PMR 2011

Planning Gain (£000) £31,234

The net external costs are the costs imposed by development related traffic on existing user of

the highway network. They are calculated based on outputs from the WMMTM for two scenarios:

● without the new development but with the transport scheme

● with the new development and with the transport scheme.

The net external costs are then estimated using the formulation defined in WebTAG A2-3

Appendix C.

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5 Economic Appraisal Results

5.1 Transport Economic Appraisal

5.1.1 Transport Economic Efficiency

The completed Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE) table is presented in Table 10. The

transport modelling has shown that the Western Link produces reductions in delay and journey

time for traffic. The TEE table reflects this and shows that the transport interventions when

assessed in isolation result in benefits for all road users. The appraisal shows that the scheme

would generate £201.06m of consumer user benefits and £146.66m of business user benefits.

The total Present Value of Transport Economic Efficiency Benefits is £347.72m (2010 prices,

discounted to 2010).

Reference should also be made to Appendix A to Appendix D which provide copies of supporting

TUBA input and output files for the Core Scenario appraisal (60 year toll appraisal), and a review

of TUBA warnings.

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Table 10: Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE) – Benefits (£000s)

Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE)

Consumer – Commuting user benefits All Modes

Travel time 63,932

Vehicle operating costs 8,499

User charges 3,613

During Construction & Maintenance 0


Consumer - Other user benefits All Modes

Travel time 113,856

Vehicle operating costs 7,580

User charges 3,575

During Construction & Maintenance 0


Business All Modes

Travel time 124,046

Vehicle operating costs 12,022

User charges 10,593

During Construction & Maintenance 0

Subtotal 146,662

Private sector provider impacts

Revenue 0

Operating costs 0

Investment costs 0

Grant/subsidy 0

Subtotal 0

Other business impacts

Developer contributions 0



Present Value of Transport Economic Efficiency Benefits (TEE)


Notes: All monetary values are expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010

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5.1.2 Public Accounts

The total impact on public accounts is estimated to be £216.39m of which £173.72m is a cost to

central government and £42.68m is a cost to local government. The impact on indirect tax

revenues to central government is estimated to be £6.59m. Reference should be made to Table


Table 11: Summary of Public Accounts – Cost (£000s)

Public Accounts (PA)

Local Government Funding All Modes

Revenue 0

Operating Costs 10,175

Investment Costs 0

Developer and Other Contributions 0

Grant/Subsidy Payments 0


Central Government Funding All Modes

Revenue 0

Operating costs 0

Investment costs 173,717

Developer and Other Contributions 0

Grant/Subsidy Payments 0

NET IMPACT 173,717

TOTAL Present Value of Costs (PVC) 183,892

Notes: All monetary values are expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

5.2 Swing Bridge Delays

The results of the assessment of swing bridge delays is presented in Table 12. This indicates

that the Western Link contributes to a reduction in delay during swing bridge openings of £24.2m

(2010 prices, discounted to 2010).

Table 12: Swing Bridge Benefits

Swing bridge Delay Benefit Calculation

NPV £000s

Do Minimum Swing bridge delay impact -£141,729

DS Something Swing bridge delay impact -£117,509

Swing bridge Delay Benefit £24,220

Notes: All monetary values are expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

5.3 Safety

Table 13 presents the results of the appraisal in terms of the change in accidents by severity and

the change in benefits.

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Table 13: Change in Accidents and Accident Benefits

Results summary

Economic Accident Casualty

Fatal Serious Slight

Total Without-Scheme Accident Costs

163,405.40 4,382.20 20.1 352.2 5,759.30

Total With-Scheme Accident Costs

163,126.50 4,377.20 19.9 354.4 5,760.90

Total Accident Benefits Saved by Scheme

278.9 5.1 0.2 -2.2 -1.6

All monetary values are in thousands of pounds expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

Air Quality


Table 14 presents the results of the local assessment for PM10. The Red Route is predicted to

have a net beneficial effect for PM10 in the Opening Year (2026) and Forecast Design Year


Table 14: Quantitative Results for Change in Air Quality

Assessment results Opening Year (2026) Forecast Design Year (2036)

Red Route Red Route

Net total route assessment score for PM10 (from local assessment)

((difference between 'with scheme' and 'without scheme' scenarios)

-175 -91.7

Table 15 presents the results of the regional assessment for NOx. The Red Route is predicted to

cause a net increase in regional NOx emissions in the Opening Year and Forecast Year.

Table 15: Regional Air Quality Emissions as a Result of the Red Route

Red Route

NOx emissions in tonnes per year

Areas not exceeding limit value

Without Scheme Opening Year 163

Forecast Year 154.7

With Scheme Opening Year 164.6

Forecast Year 157.2

Change in emissions Opening Year 1.6

Forecast Year 2.5

Areas exceeding limit value

With/without Scheme and change in emissions in Opening Year and Forecast Year


Table 16 presents the NPVs derived from changes in regional NOx emissions and local PM10

concentrations. The Red Route has a positive overall NPV which represents a net benefit in air

quality when considering both local and regional effects. The positive value is attributed to an

improvement in local PM10 emissions that outweighs the increase in regional NOx emissions.

Table 16: Predicted Air Quality Impacts (£s)

Overall Assessment Scores Option C

Present value of change in NOx emissions (£): -£73, 203

Present value of change in PM10 concentrations (£): £290, 240

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Overall Assessment Scores Option C

Total value of change in air quality (£): £217, 037

5.5 Noise

In arriving at assessment scores, noise decreases and increases are summed in WebTAG using

recognised dose-response relationships which relate annoyance to noise level, and with the latest

revision, using relationships between noise levels and health effects. Since traffic noise is a

function of traffic volume (other aspects being equal), overall impacts for each Option are a result

of traffic increases and decreases across the area, coupled with density of housing.

The results of the WebTAG appraisal can be found in Table 17 below.

Appraisal results are reported as changes in Net Present Values (NPV). Negative values indicate

overall dis-benefits, whilst positive values indicate benefits.

Table 17: Noise WebTAG Results

Option Overall Assessment Score

Red Route 60: G, R (II) -£19,061,769

Net Present Values are negative, which indicate overall disbenefits which are a direct reflection of

introduction of new highway and changes in traffic flow and speed on the existing local road


5.6 Greenhouse Gases

The results of the appraisal of greenhouse gases is presented in can be found in Table 18 below.

This shows a small overall benefit.

Table 18: Impact on Greenhouse Gases

Year Do Minimum (Tons)

Do Something (Tons)

Do Minimum Cost (£)

Do Something Cost (£)





2026 4633050 4631242 181462 181391 -1808 71

2036 4790432 4788883 219673 219602 -1549 71

ALL 285734353 285639590 12995079 12990785 -94763 4294

All monetary values are in thousands of pounds expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

5.7 Network Reliability

5.7.1 Impacts

The total reliability benefit for the 60-year appraisal period is presented in Table 19.

Table 19: Journey Time Reliability

Item Benefit

2026 JTV Benefits (£ in 2010 prices): 792,109

2036 JTV Benefits (£ in 2010 prices): 633,020

Total JTV Benefits (£ in 2010 prices): 19,691,696

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All monetary values are in thousands of pounds expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

5.8 Wider Impacts

5.9 Impacts

The WITA results showed the transport scheme will have, in general, a positive wider impact, due

to the much-increased labour supply over the whole appraisal period. The full breakdown is

presented in Table 20.

Table 20: Summary of Wider Impacts

Impact Year 2026

Year 2036 Full Appraisal Period

Agglomeration - manufacturing -1 -2 -90

Agglomeration - construction -4 -2 -113

Agglomeration - consumer services -6 -6 -299

Agglomeration - producer services -18 -11 -584

Agglomeration - Total -29 -22 -1,086

Labour supply impact 399 1346 41,945

Increased output in imperfectly competitive market


The move to more/less productive jobs 0 0 0

Total 370 1324 41,776

Notes: WITA results for the Appraisal Period: 2024 to 2080. All monetary values are in thousands of pounds expressed in

2010 prices discounted to 2010.

5.10 Assessment of Dependent Development

The results of the dependent development assessment are shown in Table 21.

Table 21: Benefits of Dependant Development

Item Value

Hectarage of Dependent Development 22.095

Net Social Value (£,000) 31,234

Transport External Costs (£,000) tbc

Total (£,000) 31,234

All monetary values are in thousands of pounds expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

As transport is one of a range of infrastructure items (water, electricity and so on) required to

facilitate development.it is not appropriate to attribute all of the benefits of the dependent housing

to the transport scheme in isolation.

Therefore, a qualitative assessment score is reported depending upon the estimated value of the

benefits of the dependent development unlocked by the transport scheme. For the Western Link

the score is Moderate beneficial.

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6 Sensitivity Tests

6.1 Introduction

A number of sensitivity tests have been carried out around the preferred option. The purpose of

the sensitivity tests is to understand if the intervention being proposed is still value for money

given alterative cost assumptions, whether alternative scheme standards would provide better

value for money or be more effective in addressing congestion, and whether the preferred option

is still value for money and effective in addressing congestion under alternative demand

scenarios. The sensitivity tests can be grouped into the following categories:

● Sensitivity around scheme costs for the preferred scheme – investigating the impact of

different levels of optimism bias and risk allowance

● Sensitivity around scheme design - looking at alternative design standards for the route.

● Sensitivity around alternative demand scenarios – looking at the impact of Centre Park Link

and low and high growth demand scenarios.

● Sensitivity around alternative supply scenarios – looking at the impact of Centre Park Link.

The results of each of these assessments is presented below.

The appraisal of all sensitivity tests assumes:

● Mersey Gateway tolls are present for the whole of the appraisal period.

● Assume that any change in toll revenue compared to the Do Minimum is a cost to local


All sensitivity tests are compared against a version of the Core Scenario which includes these

same assumptions.

6.2 Sensitivity to Scheme Costs

Two sensitivity tests have been carried out to assess the sensitivity of the scheme to different

assumptions surrounding scheme costs. These relate to:

● The level of optimism bias

● The treatment of risk

6.2.1 Optimism Bias

WebTAG A1-2 presents guidance on determine the appropriate level of optimism bias to apply to

scheme costs. This is dependent on the nature of the scheme and its status in the scheme

development process. The preferred scheme has been assessed based on the guidance included

in WebTAG A1-2, which results in optimism bias of 15% being applied, commensurate with a

local authority scheme at outline business case stage.

It is important to examine the impact of a range of other possible levels of optimism bias on the

cost estimates reported in the TEE and PA tables. To address this a sensitivity has been carried

out assuming an optimism bias level of 44%, which is the appropriate level for a local authority

scheme at strategic outline business case stage. The scheme costs with an optimism bias of 44%

are shown in Table 22.

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6.2.2 Treatment of Risk

Risk in this context refers to identifiable factors that may impact on scheme costs, leading to over-

or under-spends. Such risks have been identified and quantified in a Quantified Risk Assessment

(QRA) to produce a risk-adjusted cost estimate. The risk adjusted costs used in the economic

appraisal are the P(mean) costs, in line with guidance.


For the purpose of this sensitivity test the P80 costs have been used. The P80 cost estimate

represents an 80% likelihood that the project will be delivered within budget. The scheme costs

based on a P80 estimate are shown in Table 22.

Table 22: Scheme Costs for Cost Sensitivity Tests

Preparation of Scheme Costs for TUBA Input (2017 Prices) (£000s)

Scheme Cost (Including Optimism Bias)

2017 Prices (Factor) ***TUBA Entry Costs***

Calendar Year Core Scenario Sensitivity Test 4 Sensitivity Test 5

Stage 1 Optimism Bias (44%) QRA - P80

2018 £46,473 £58,192 £46,733

2019 £17,325 £21,693 £18,066

2020 £50,712 £63,501 £53,221

2021 £38,584 £48,314 £40,652

2022 £39,883 £49,940 £42,025

2023 £41,179 £51,564 £43,395

2024 - - -

Sub-Total £234,156 £293,204 £244,091

Year to 2082 £48,354 £60,547 £48,354

Total £282,510 £353,752 £292,445

6.3 Scheme Design

Two alternative scheme designs have been assessed to determine if a similar outcome and value

for money could be achieved with different design standards. The following options were looked


● A lower cost option where only a partial scheme is built.

● A dual carriageway option, which recognises that the preferred option is close to capacity.

Both of the alternative scheme options have been run through the WMMTM.

6.3.1 Lower Cost Option

The lower cost alternative to the preferred scheme is the partial build out option. With this option

the southern section of the route from the Arpley Meadow junction is exactly the same standard

and alignment as the preferred option including the crossing of the West Coast Main Line, Walton

Viaduct and Manchester Ship Canal, and the connection to Chester Road (A56). North of the

Arpley Meadows junction the route terminates prior to the crossing of the River Mersey and then

connects to the existing Forest Way Bridge. The option does not include the new crossing of the

River Mersey or the new route from this point to the A57 Liverpool Road. The scheme alignment

for this option is shown in Figure 5.

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6.3.2 Dual Carriageway

The Western Link is designed as a single carriageway road. The modelling of the route in the

2036 forecast year predicts that the flows are close to the capacity of a single carriageway road.

This sensitivity test models the route as a dual carriageway to understand the benefits of

providing additional capacity. This options also includes a grade-separated roundabout at the

junction with the A57. The scheme alignment for this option is shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 5: Partial Build Out Option

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Figure 6: Dual Carriageway Option

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6.3.3 Costs for Alternative Scheme Standards

Scheme costs for the dual carriageway and partial build out options are shown in Table 23.

Scheme costs including risk and optimism bias, scheme costs for the preferred options are

included in the table for comparison purposes.

Table 23: Scheme Costs for Alternative Scheme Options

Preparation of Scheme Costs for TUBA Input (2017 Prices) (£000s)

Scheme Cost (Including Optimism Bias)

2017 Prices (Factor) ***TUBA Entry Costs***

Calendar Year Core Scenario Sensitivity Test 1 Sensitivity Test 2

Dual Carriageway Partial Build Out

2018 £46,473 £78,972 £34,191

2019 £17,325 £27,595 £9,277

2020 £50,712 £74,031 £27,200

2021 £38,584 £55,294 £20,509

2022 £39,883 £57,097 £21,206

2023 £41,179 £58,900 £21,909

2024 - £52,783 -

Sub-Total £234,156 £404,671 £134,292

Year to 2082 £48,354 £73,477 £27,092

Total £282,510 £478,149 £161,384

6.4 Demand Sensitivity Tests

Sensitivity tests have been carried out for alternative growth scenarios reflecting high and low

growth. There is no guarantee that the outturn growth will match the core scenario assumptions,

therefore there is a need to understand under high demand assumptions, is the intervention still

effective in reducing congestion, and under low demand assumptions, whether the intervention is

still economically viable. These high and low growth forecasts have been assessed using the


6.4.1 High Growth Scenario

WebTAG unit M4 provides guidance on the definition of the high growth scenario. A high growth

scenario has been calculated in line with this guidance. Some additional developments have

been explicitly included in this scenario. These developments are those identified as most likely

to come forward with the Western Link in place and were identified during the study of wider

economic impacts. Total growth remains constrained to the overall high growth forecasts.

Details of the developments explicitly included in the high growth scenario are presented in Table

24 and Table 25 and shown in Figure 7.

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Figure 7: Location of Development Sites included in High Growth Sensitivity Test

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Table 24: Additional Employment sites included in High Growth Scenario

Site reference Site size (ha) Proposed land use

K11 6.01 B1/B2/B8

K13 2.37 B1/B2/B8

K14 1.44 Retail

K15 1.10 Retail

K17 4.88 B1/B2/B8

Source: WBC

Table 25: Additional housing sites included in High Growth Scenario

Site name/reference Site size (ha) Number of homes

K5 13.75 526

K8 6.12 275

K19 0.59 27

K20 0.78 35

Total 20.46 863

Source: WBC

6.4.2 Low Growth Scenario

WebTAG unit M4 also provides guidance on the definition of the low growth scenario. Low

growth demand has been calculated in line with this guidance. In the low growth scenario there is

potential to excluding some of the less likely sources of growth that were included in the core

scenario. No specific sites were excluded in the low growth scenario.

6.5 Supply Sensitivity Test - Centre Park Link

Both the Western Link and Centre Park Link are part of a programme of works for Warrington

Waterfront. A further sensitivity test has been carried out to understand how the programme

(both the Western Link and Centre Park Link) performs against a scenario neither scheme

implemented. For this sensitivity test Centre Park Link was excluded from the Do Minimum but

included in the Do Something along with the Western Link.

6.5.1 Costs for combined Western Link / Centre Park Link

Scheme costs for a combined Western Link / Centre Park Link scheme are included in Table 26.

Scheme costs including risk and optimism bias, scheme costs for the preferred options are

included in the table for comparison purposes.

Table 26: Scheme Costs for Western Link / Centre Park Link

Preparation of Scheme Costs for TUBA Input (2017 Prices) (£000s)

Scheme Cost (Including Optimism Bias)

2017 Prices (Factor) ***TUBA Entry Costs***

Calendar Year Core Scenario Sensitivity Test 3

Centre Park Link

2018 £46,473 £59,772

2019 £17,325 £24,342

2020 £50,712 £52,604

2021 £38,584 £38,584

2022 £39,883 £39,883

2023 £41,179 £41,182

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Preparation of Scheme Costs for TUBA Input (2017 Prices) (£000s)

2024 - -

Sub-Total £234,156 £256,366

Year to 2082 £48,354 £52,203

Total £282,510 £308,569

6.6 Results

The results for all of the sensitivity tests are presented below. Table 27 includes the transport

economic efficiency of each option, Table 28 presents the impact on public accounts and Table

29 presents the analysis of monetised costs and benefits.

● Sensitivity around scheme costs indicate that the scheme remains medium value for money if

the P80 scheme costs are used, and just drops into low value for money if a 44% optimism

bias Is used instead of the 15% adopted.

● Sensitivity tests around scheme design demonstrated that the design standard of the preferred

scheme is better value for money than both lower and higher standard options.

● Sensitivity around alternative demand scenarios indicated that the scheme provides low value

for money in a low growth scenario, but high value for money in a high growth scenario,

compared to medium value for money in the core scenario.

● Including Centre Park Link in the Do Something rather than Do Minimum produces a higher

level of benefits, a slightly higher BCR but same value for money category as the preferred


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Table 27: Sensitivity Tests – Transport Economic Efficiency Table (TEE)

Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE)

Core Scenario Core Scenario for comparison with

sensitivity tests (1)

Sensitivity Test 1 Dual

Carriage - way

Sensitivity Test 2 Partial

Build Out

Sensitivity Test 3 Centre

Park Link

Sensitivity Test 4 Stage 1

Optimism Bias (44%)

Sensitivity Test 5


Sensitivity Test 6 Low


Sensitivity Test 7 High


Consumer – Commuting user benefits

All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes

Travel time 63,932 64,782 65,409 4,667 81,770 64,782 64,782 50,947 105,903

Vehicle operating costs 8,499 8,899 8,831 3,048 11,379 8,899 8,899 6,826 11,907

User charges 3,613 6,562 6,687 3,952 8,368 6,562 6,562 5,909 7,787

During Construction & Maintenance

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


76,045 80,242 80,927 11,667 101,517 80,242 80,242 63,681 125,598

Consumer - Other user benefits All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes

Travel time 113,856 125,937 129,582 23,125 157,029 125,937 125,937 98,150 191,237

Vehicle operating costs 7,580 7,371 6,831 2,470 10,471 7,371 7,371 5,911 10,659

User charges 3,575 6,082 6,610 3,917 8,546 6,082 6,082 4,419 6,710

During Construction & Maintenance

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


125,010 139,391 143,023 29,512 176,046 139,391 139,391 108,480 208,607

Business All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes

Travel time 124,046 130,963 132,940 24,975 159,099 130,963 130,963 91,083 197,612

Vehicle operating costs 12,022 12,598 12,354 3,794 14,805 12,598 12,598 10,514 14,615

User charges 10,593 19,160 20,500 11,835 24,682 19,160 19,160 17,102 22,963

During Construction & Maintenance

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal 146,662 162,720 165,794 40,605 198,586 162,720 162,720 118,699 235,189

Private sector provider impacts

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Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE)

Core Scenario Core Scenario for comparison with

sensitivity tests (1)

Sensitivity Test 1 Dual

Carriage - way

Sensitivity Test 2 Partial

Build Out

Sensitivity Test 3 Centre

Park Link

Sensitivity Test 4 Stage 1

Optimism Bias (44%)

Sensitivity Test 5


Sensitivity Test 6 Low


Sensitivity Test 7 High


Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Operating costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Investment costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grant/subsidy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other business impacts

Developer contributions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NET BUSINESS IMPACT 146,662 162,720 165,794 40,605 198,586 162,720 162,720 118,699 235,189


Present Value of Transport Economic Efficiency Benefits (TEE)

347,716 382,353 389,744 81,784 476,149 382,353 382,353 290,860 569,394

(1) The appraisal of all sensitivity tests assumes:

• Mersey Gateway tolls are present for the whole of the appraisal period.

• Assume that any change in toll revenue compared to the Do Minimum is a cost to local government.

All sensitivity tests are compared against a version of the Core Scenario which includes these same assumptions.

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Table 28: Sensitivity Tests – Public Accounts Table (PA)

Public Accounts (PA) Core Scenario Core Scenario for comparison with sensitivity

tests (1)

Sensitivity Test 1 Dual

Carriage - way

Sensitivity Test 2 Partial

Build Out

Sensitivity Test 3 Centre

Park Link

Sensitivity Test 4 Stage 1

Optimism Bias (44%)

Sensitivity Test 5


Sensitivity Test 6 Low


Sensitivity Test 7 High


Local Government Funding All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes

Revenue 0 32,502 34,624 19,160 42,111 32,502 32,502 27,966 38,001

Operating Costs 10,175 10,175 15,523 5,682 10,984 12,741 10,175 10,175 10,175

Investment Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Developer and Other Contributions

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grant/Subsidy Payments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NET IMPACT 10,175 42,677 50,147 24,843 53,095 45,243 42,677 38,141 48,176

Central Government Funding All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes All Modes

Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Operating costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Investment costs 173,717 173,717 296,722 100,265 191,386 217,524 180,929 173,717 173,717

Developer and Other Contributions

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grant/Subsidy Payments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NET IMPACT 173,717 173,717 296,722 100,265 191,386 217,524 180,929 173,717 173,717

TOTAL Present Value of Costs (PVC)

183,892 216,393 346,868 125,108 244,482 262,767 223,605 211,857 221,892

(1) The appraisal of all sensitivity tests assumes:

• Mersey Gateway tolls are present for the whole of the appraisal period.

• Assume that any change in toll revenue compared to the Do Minimum is a cost to local government.

All sensitivity tests are compared against a version of the Core Scenario which includes these same assumptions.

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Table 29: Sensitivity Tests – Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits Table (AMCB)

Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits

Core Scenario Core Scenario for comparison with

sensitivity tests (1)

Sensitivity Test 1 Dual

Carriage - way

Sensitivity Test 2 Partial

Build Out

Sensitivity Test 3 Centre

Park Link

Sensitivity Test 4 Stage 1

Optimism Bias (44%)

Sensitivity Test 5


Sensitivity Test 6 Low


Sensitivity Test 7 High


Swing Bridge Delay - - - - - - - - -

Noise - - - - - - - - -

Local Air Quality - - - - - - - - -

Greenhouse Gases 3,977 4,295 4,313 947 5,417 4,295 4,295 3,618 5,999

Journey Quality - - - - - - - - -

Physical Activity - - - - - - - - -

Accidents - - - - - - - - -

Economic Efficiency: Consumer Users (Commuting)

76,045 80,242 80,927 11,667 101,517 80,242 80,242 63,681 125,598

Economic Efficiency: Consumer Users (Other)

125,010 139,391 143,023 29,512 176,046 139,391 139,391 108,480 208,607

Economic Efficiency: Business Users and Providers

146,662 162,720 165,794 40,605 198,586 162,720 162,720 118,699 235,189

Wider Public Finances (Indirect Taxation Revenues)

-7,049 -6,591 -6,411 -679 -8,147 -6,591 -6,591 -5,117 -9,230

Present Value of Benefits (see notes) (PVB)

344,645 380,057 387,646 82,052 473,419 380,057 380,057 289,361 566,163

Broad Transport Budget 183,892 -6,591 -6,411 -679 -8,147 -6,591 -6,591 -5,117 -9,230

Present Value of Costs (see notes) (PVC)

183,892 216,393 346,868 125,108 244,482 262,767 223,605 211,857 221,892


Net Present Value (NPV) 160,753 163,664 40,778 -43,056 228,937 117,290 156,452 77,504 344,271

Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.87 1.76 1.12 0.66 1.94 1.45 1.70 1.37 2.55

(1) The appraisal of all sensitivity tests assumes:

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• Mersey Gateway tolls are present for the whole of the appraisal period.

• Assume that any change in toll revenue compared to the Do Minimum is a cost to local government.

All sensitivity tests are compared against a version of the Core Scenario which includes these same assumptions.

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7 Value for Money Statement

7.1 Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits

Table 30 presents an Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits. The monetised economic

benefits (based on transport modelling outcomes) show that the scheme produces an initial

Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.78 from Present Value of Benefits of £385.71m (2010 prices,

discounted to 2010) and a cost to public accounts of £216.39m (2010 prices, discounted to

2010). According to DfT guidance and criteria the BCR of 1.78 yields Medium Value for Money.

Additional benefits of the scheme have been calculated. These relate to transport reliability

benefit and wider impacts. These benefits are included in an adjusted economic assessment as

the realisation of these benefits is less certain.

Journey time reliability has been assessed using a methodology based on guidelines set out in

TAG for urban roads.

Wider impacts is the term given to some of the other economic impacts of transport that are

additional to transport user benefits. These include agglomeration, output change in imperfectly

competitive markets and tax revenues arising from labour market impacts. Wider impacts have

been assessed using the DfT WITA program.

Table 30: Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits – Accidents included (£000s)

Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits

Swing Bridge Delay 24,220

Noise -19,062

Local Air Quality 217

Greenhouse Gases 3,977

Journey Quality

Physical Activity

Accidents £278

Economic Efficiency: Consumer Users (Commuting) 76,045

Economic Efficiency: Consumer Users (Other) 125,010

Economic Efficiency: Business Users and Providers 146,662

Wider Public Finances (Indirect Taxation Revenues) -7,049

Present Value of Benefits (see notes) (PVB) 350,298

Broad Transport Budget 183,892

Present Value of Costs (see notes) (PVC) 183,892


Net Present Value (NPV) 166,406

Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.90

Notes: All monetary values are expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010 * From COBALT, **From QUADRO,

***TAG Unit A3 Chapter 2,**** TAG Unit A3 Chapter 3,***** TAG Unit A3 Chapter 4

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The adjusted BCR considering reliability and wider impacts is shown in Table 31 This shows

that the scheme produces an adjusted BCR of 2.07 from Present Value of Benefits of £447.19m

(2010 prices, discounted to 2010). According to DfT guidance and criteria the BCR of 2.07

reflects High Value for Money.

Table 31: Adjusted Benefit to Cost Appraisal Summary

Adjusted Benefit to Cost Appraisal

Wider Impacts Transport Appraisal 41,776

Reliability 19,705

Present Value of Benefits (see notes) (PVB) 411,779

Present Value of Costs (see notes) (PVC) 183,892

Net Present Value (NPV) 227,887

Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) 2.24

Notes: All monetary values are expressed in 2010 prices discounted to 2010.

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A. TUBA – v1.9.7 Economics Input File 4

B. TUBA Scheme Input File Core Scenario (60 year toll appraisal) 15

C. TUBA Output File Core Scenario (60 year toll appraisal) 33

D. Technical Review of TUBA Warnings 57

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A. TUBA – v1.9.7 Economics Input File

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******************************************************************************************************************************************* Economics v1.9.7 file details (WebTAG December 2015 & Data Book July 2016) TUBA ECONOMIC PARAMETERS FILE (22/08/2016) Version 1.9.7 Final Release ******************************************************************************************************************************************* PARAMETERS TUBA_version 1.9.7 the current version of TUBA base_year 2010 defines base year for economic parameters pres_val_year 2010 present value year for discounting GDP_base 100.00 value of GDP in base year ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A1.3.1 av_ind_tax 19.0 %average final indirect tax rate ** TAG reference: TAG Data Book, Table A3.4 (for non-traded), hidden worksheet ‘GHG’ (for traded) nt_carbdxvalues 26.60 79.80 53.20 base year non-traded carbon dioxide values in £/tonne(low high central) t_carbdxvalues 11.80 11.80 11.80 base year traded carbon dioxide values in £/tonne(low high central) ******************************************************************************************************************************************* MODES *No. Description 1 Road 2 Bus 3 Rail VEHICLE_TYPE/SUBMODE *No. Mode New_mode P&R Type Description 1 1 N N per Car 2 1 N N per LGV Personal 3 1 N N fre LGV Freight 4 1 N N fre OGV1 5 1 N N fre OGV2 6 2 N N per Bus 7 3 N N per Light Rail 8 3 N N per Heavy rail PERSON_TYPE *No. Type(D/P) Description 1 D Driver 2 P Passenger PURPOSE *No. Type(B/C/O) Description 1 B Business 2 C Commuting 3 O Other FUEL_TYPE *No. Sector Name (sector: 1=untraded, sector 2=traded sector) 1 1 Petrol 2 1 Diesel 3 2 Electric TIME_PERIODS *No. Description Comments 1 AM peak (7-10 weekdays) 2 PM peak (4-7 weekdays) 3 Inter-peak (10-4 weekdays) 4 Off-peak (7-7 weekdays) 5 WeekendIP (10-4weekend) 6 WeekendOP (7-7weekend) BREAKPOINTS *Description Breakpoint1 Breakpoint2 Breakpoint3... Distance 1.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 TimeSaving -5.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 5.0 CHARGES *No. Sector Description 1 pri PT fares (private operators) 2 loc PT fares (LA operated) 3 loc LA tolls 4 cen National tolls 5 pri Private tolls 6 loc LA on-street parking 7 loc LA off-street parking 8 pri Private parking DISCOUNT_RATE ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.1.1 ** %change p.a. *Start_yr End_yr Rate 1 30 3.50 31 75 3.00 76 80 2.50 VALUE_OF_TIME ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.1 ** pence per hour (in 2010 base year values and prices) *Vtype/submode Person_type VOT_purpose1 VOT_purpose2 VOT_purpose3 ..

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1 1 2274 681 604 1 2 1725 681 604 2 1 1024 681 604 2 2 1024 681 604 3 1 1024 0 0 3 2 1024 0 0 4 1 1206 0 0 4 2 1206 0 0 5 1 1206 0 0 5 2 1206 0 0 6 1 1232 0 0 6 2 1397 681 604 7 1 0 0 0 7 2 2208 681 604 8 1 0 0 0 8 2 2686 681 604 VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.2 ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr VOT_Gr_purpose1 VOT_Gr_purpose2 VOT_Gr_purpose3 .. 2011 2011 0.666 0.666 0.666 2012 2012 0.645 0.645 0.645 2013 2013 1.274 1.274 1.274 2014 2014 2.287 2.287 2.287 2015 2015 1.439 1.439 1.439 2016 2016 1.261 1.261 1.261 2017 2017 1.492 1.492 1.492 2018 2018 1.398 1.398 1.398 2019 2019 1.427 1.427 1.427 2020 2020 1.445 1.445 1.445 2021 2021 1.757 1.757 1.757 2022 2022 1.769 1.769 1.769 2023 2023 1.782 1.782 1.782 2024 2024 1.895 1.895 1.895 2025 2025 1.911 1.911 1.911 2026 2026 1.927 1.927 1.927 2027 2027 1.943 1.943 1.943 2028 2028 1.960 1.960 1.960 2029 2029 1.977 1.977 1.977 2030 2030 1.993 1.993 1.993 2031 2031 2.009 2.009 2.009 2032 2032 2.024 2.024 2.024 2033 2033 2.038 2.038 2.038 2034 2034 2.150 2.150 2.150 2035 2035 2.061 2.061 2.061 2036 2036 2.071 2.071 2.071 2037 2037 2.079 2.079 2.079 2038 2038 2.092 2.092 2.092 2039 2039 2.092 2.092 2.092 2040 2040 2.092 2.092 2.092 2041 2041 2.092 2.092 2.092 2042 2042 2.111 2.111 2.111 2043 2043 2.111 2.111 2.111 2044 2044 2.111 2.111 2.111 2045 2045 2.111 2.111 2.111 2046 2046 2.210 2.210 2.210 2047 2047 2.138 2.138 2.138 2048 2048 2.138 2.138 2.138 2049 2049 2.138 2.138 2.138 2050 2050 2.138 2.138 2.138 2051 2051 2.038 2.038 2.038 2052 2052 2.070 2.070 2.070 2053 2053 2.070 2.070 2.070 2054 2054 2.070 2.070 2.070 2055 2055 2.070 2.070 2.070 2056 2056 2.070 2.070 2.070 2057 2057 2.094 2.094 2.094 2058 2058 2.194 2.194 2.194 2059 2059 2.194 2.194 2.194 2060 2060 2.294 2.294 2.294 2061 2061 2.294 2.294 2.294 2062 2062 2.300 2.300 2.300 2063 2063 2.297 2.297 2.297 2064 2064 2.197 2.197 2.197 2065 2065 2.197 2.197 2.197 2066 2066 2.197 2.197 2.197 2067 2067 2.184 2.184 2.184 2068 2068 2.184 2.184 2.184 2069 2069 2.184 2.184 2.184 2070 2070 2.184 2.184 2.184 2071 2071 2.184 2.184 2.184 2072 2072 2.168 2.168 2.168 2073 2073 2.168 2.168 2.168 2074 2074 2.168 2.168 2.168 2075 2075 2.168 2.168 2.168 2076 2076 2.168 2.168 2.168 2077 2077 2.165 2.165 2.165 2078 2078 2.165 2.165 2.165 2079 2079 2.165 2.165 2.165 2080 2080 2.165 2.165 2.165 2081 2081 2.165 2.165 2.165 2082 2082 2.174 2.174 2.174 2083 2083 2.174 2.174 2.174

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2084 2084 2.174 2.174 2.174 2085 2085 2.174 2.174 2.174 2086 2086 2.174 2.174 2.174 2087 2087 2.180 2.180 2.180 2088 2088 2.184 2.184 2.184 2089 2089 2.184 2.184 2.184 2090 2090 2.184 2.184 2.184 2091 2091 2.184 2.184 2.184 2092 2092 2.184 2.184 2.184 2093 2093 2.185 2.185 2.185 2094 2094 2.185 2.185 2.185 2095 2095 2.185 2.185 2.185 2096 2096 2.185 2.185 2.185 2097 2097 2.185 2.185 2.185 2098 2098 2.185 2.185 2.185 2099 2099 2.185 2.185 2.185 2100 2100 2.185 2.185 2.185 AV_IND_TAX_CHANGES ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Growth 2011 2050 0.00 CHARGE_TAX_RATES ** %base year tax rates *Charge Final Intermediate 1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 5 17.5 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 7 17.5 0.0 8 17.5 0.0 CHARGE_TAX_RATES_CHANGES ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Charge Final Intermediate 2011 2011 1 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 2 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 3 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 4 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 5 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 6 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 7 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 8 14.286 0.000 2012 2100 1 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 2 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 3 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 4 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 5 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 6 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 7 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 8 0.000 0.000 FUEL_COST ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.7 ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 3.3 (CO2e values) ** (In 2010 base year values and prices) *Type Resource(p/unit) Duty(p/unit) VAT(%) CO2_grammes/unit (unit=litre for fuel types 1 & 2; unit=KWH for electric) 1 42.46 57.05 17.50 2230.00 2 44.20 57.05 17.50 2562.00 3 11.52 0.00 5.00 372.00 FUEL_COST_CHANGES ** Source: TAG Data Book -Table A 1.3.7 (Derived) & Table A 3.3 CO2(Derived) ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Fuel_type Resource Duty VAT CO2_Den_Change 2011 2011 1 22.135 -0.371 14.286 -0.844 2012 2012 1 1.993 -2.094 0.000 -0.023 2013 2013 1 -3.436 -1.739 0.000 -0.438 2014 2014 1 -11.683 -1.616 0.000 -0.537 2015 2015 1 -29.942 -1.088 0.000 0.000 2016 2016 1 7.906 -0.886 0.000 0.000 2017 2017 1 2.976 -0.080 0.000 -1.352 2018 2018 1 2.030 0.674 0.000 -1.370 2019 2019 1 2.076 1.048 0.000 -1.389 2020 2020 1 6.755 0.708 0.000 -1.409 2021 2021 1 6.327 0.782 0.000 0.000 2022 2022 1 5.951 0.716 0.000 0.000 2023 2023 1 5.617 0.684 0.000 0.000 2024 2024 1 5.318 0.684 0.000 0.000 2025 2025 1 5.049 0.684 0.000 0.000 2026 2026 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2027 2027 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2028 2028 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2029 2029 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2030 2030 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2031 2031 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2032 2032 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2033 2033 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2034 2034 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2035 2035 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000

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2036 2036 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2037 2037 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2038 2038 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2039 2039 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2040 2040 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2041 2041 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2042 2042 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2043 2043 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2044 2044 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2045 2045 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2046 2046 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2047 2047 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2048 2048 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2049 2049 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2050 2050 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2051 2051 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2052 2052 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2053 2053 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2054 2054 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2055 2055 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2056 2056 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2057 2057 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2058 2058 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2059 2059 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2060 2060 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2061 2061 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2062 2062 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2063 2063 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2064 2064 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2065 2065 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2066 2066 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2067 2067 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2068 2068 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2069 2069 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2070 2070 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2071 2071 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2072 2072 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2073 2073 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2074 2074 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2075 2075 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2076 2076 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2077 2077 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2078 2078 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2079 2079 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2080 2080 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2081 2081 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2082 2082 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2083 2083 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2084 2084 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2085 2085 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2086 2086 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2087 2087 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2088 2088 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2089 2089 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2090 2090 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2091 2091 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2092 2092 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2093 2093 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2094 2094 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2095 2095 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2096 2096 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2097 2097 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2098 2098 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2099 2099 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2100 2100 1 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 2 26.824 -0.371 14.286 0.188 2012 2012 2 3.200 -2.094 0.000 1.643 2013 2013 2 -3.674 -1.739 0.000 -0.436 2014 2014 2 -11.258 -1.616 0.000 0.153 2015 2015 2 -30.275 -1.088 0.000 0.004 2016 2016 2 8.319 -0.886 0.000 0.004 2017 2017 2 3.120 -0.080 0.000 -1.744 2018 2018 2 2.125 0.674 0.000 -1.775 2019 2019 2 2.171 1.048 0.000 -1.807 2020 2020 2 7.058 0.708 0.000 -1.841 2021 2021 2 6.593 0.782 0.000 0.000 2022 2022 2 6.185 0.716 0.000 0.000 2023 2023 2 5.825 0.684 0.000 0.000 2024 2024 2 5.504 0.684 0.000 0.000 2025 2025 2 5.217 0.684 0.000 0.000 2026 2026 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2027 2027 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2028 2028 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2029 2029 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2030 2030 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2031 2031 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2032 2032 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2033 2033 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2034 2034 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2035 2035 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2036 2036 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2037 2037 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2038 2038 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000

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2039 2039 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2040 2040 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2041 2041 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2042 2042 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2043 2043 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2044 2044 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2045 2045 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2046 2046 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2047 2047 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2048 2048 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2049 2049 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2050 2050 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2051 2051 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2052 2052 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2053 2053 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2054 2054 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2055 2055 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2056 2056 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2057 2057 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2058 2058 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2059 2059 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2060 2060 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2061 2061 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2062 2062 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2063 2063 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2064 2064 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2065 2065 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2066 2066 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2067 2067 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2068 2068 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2069 2069 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2070 2070 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2071 2071 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2072 2072 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2073 2073 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2074 2074 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2075 2075 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2076 2076 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2077 2077 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2078 2078 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2079 2079 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2080 2080 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2081 2081 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2082 2082 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2083 2083 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2084 2084 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2085 2085 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2086 2086 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2087 2087 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2088 2088 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2089 2089 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2090 2090 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2091 2091 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2092 2092 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2093 2093 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2094 2094 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2095 2095 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2096 2096 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2097 2097 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2098 2098 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2099 2099 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2100 2100 2 0.000 0.684 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 3 4.949 0.000 0.000 -1.886 2012 2012 3 4.015 0.000 0.000 -2.027 2013 2013 3 5.453 0.000 0.000 -2.181 2014 2014 3 3.881 0.000 0.000 -2.351 2015 2015 3 -5.823 0.000 0.000 -2.538 2016 2016 3 3.167 0.000 0.000 -2.745 2017 2017 3 6.709 0.000 0.000 -2.976 2018 2018 3 4.604 0.000 0.000 -3.234 2019 2019 3 2.960 0.000 0.000 -3.524 2020 2020 3 1.908 0.000 0.000 -3.851 2021 2021 3 0.521 0.000 0.000 -4.223 2022 2022 3 2.126 0.000 0.000 -4.648 2023 2023 3 -0.644 0.000 0.000 -5.140 2024 2024 3 2.548 0.000 0.000 -5.712 2025 2025 3 4.487 0.000 0.000 -6.388 2026 2026 3 0.010 0.000 0.000 -7.194 2027 2027 3 2.370 0.000 0.000 -8.173 2028 2028 3 -1.485 0.000 0.000 -9.384 2029 2029 3 -1.581 0.000 0.000 -10.918 2030 2030 3 0.325 0.000 0.000 -12.922 2031 2031 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2032 2032 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2033 2033 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2034 2034 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2035 2035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2036 2036 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2037 2037 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2038 2038 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2039 2039 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2040 2040 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.853 2041 2041 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -11.069

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2042 2042 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.847 2043 2043 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -11.100 2044 2044 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -11.599 2045 2045 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.504 2046 2046 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8.949 2047 2047 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -7.426 2048 2048 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.119 2049 2049 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -9.464 2050 2050 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.899 2051 2100 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CARBDX_VALUE_CHANGES ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 3.4 (Non-traded) and hidden worksheet ‘GHG’ (Traded), Derived *Start_yr End_yr Rel(%)_NT_Lw Abs(t)_NT_Lw Rel(%)_Tr_Lw Abs(t)_Tr_Lw Rel(%)_NT_Hi Abs(t)_NT_Hi Rel(%)_Tr_Hi Abs(t)_Tr_Hi Rel(%)_NT_Ce Abs(t)_NT_Ce Rel(%)_Tr_Ce Abs(t)_Tr_Ce 2011 2011 1.50000 0.00000 -10.53900 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -10.53900 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -10.53900 0.00000 2012 2012 1.50000 0.00000 -44.42400 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -44.42400 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -44.42400 0.00000 2013 2013 1.50000 0.00000 -38.03700 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -38.03700 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -38.03700 0.00000 2014 2014 1.50000 0.00000 21.31600 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 21.31600 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 21.31600 0.00000 2015 2015 1.50000 0.00000 -99.99800 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 332.68900 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 23.62700 0.00000 2016 2016 1.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 12.54100 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -0.49600 0.00000 2017 2017 1.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 12.87000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 -0.30800 0.00000 2018 2018 1.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 13.06800 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 3.80000 0.00000 2019 2019 1.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 14.01000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 3.80000 0.00000 2020 2020 1.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 14.64500 0.00000 1.50000 0.00000 3.80000 0.00000 2021 2021 1.66700 0.00000 3601450.18200 0.00000 1.66700 0.00000 20.15300 0.00000 1.66700 0.00000 109.04900 0.00000 2022 2022 1.63900 0.00000 100.00000 0.00000 1.63900 0.00000 16.77200 0.00000 1.63900 0.00000 52.16400 0.00000 2023 2023 1.61300 0.00000 50.00000 0.00000 1.61300 0.00000 14.36300 0.00000 1.61300 0.00000 34.28200 0.00000 2024 2024 1.58700 0.00000 33.33300 0.00000 1.58700 0.00000 12.55900 0.00000 1.58700 0.00000 25.53000 0.00000 2025 2025 1.56300 0.00000 25.00000 0.00000 1.56300 0.00000 11.15800 0.00000 1.56300 0.00000 20.33800 0.00000 2026 2026 1.53800 0.00000 20.00000 0.00000 1.53800 0.00000 10.03800 0.00000 1.53800 0.00000 16.90000 0.00000 2027 2027 1.51500 0.00000 16.66700 0.00000 1.51500 0.00000 9.12200 0.00000 1.51500 0.00000 14.45700 0.00000 2028 2028 1.49300 0.00000 14.28600 0.00000 1.49300 0.00000 8.36000 0.00000 1.49300 0.00000 12.63100 0.00000 2029 2029 1.47100 0.00000 12.50000 0.00000 1.47100 0.00000 7.71500 0.00000 1.47100 0.00000 11.21500 0.00000 2030 2030 1.44900 0.00000 11.11100 0.00000 1.44900 0.00000 7.16200 0.00000 1.44900 0.00000 10.08400 0.00000 2031 2031 9.28600 0.00000 9.28600 0.00000 9.28600 0.00000 9.28600 0.00000 9.28600 0.00000 9.28600 0.00000 2032 2032 8.49700 0.00000 8.49700 0.00000 8.49700 0.00000 8.49700 0.00000 8.49700 0.00000 8.49700 0.00000 2033 2033 7.83100 0.00000 7.83100 0.00000 7.83100 0.00000 7.83100 0.00000 7.83100 0.00000 7.83100 0.00000 2034 2034 7.26300 0.00000 7.26300 0.00000 7.26300 0.00000 7.26300 0.00000 7.26300 0.00000 7.26300 0.00000 2035 2035 6.77100 0.00000 6.77100 0.00000 6.77100 0.00000 6.77100 0.00000 6.77100 0.00000 6.77100 0.00000 2036 2036 6.34100 0.00000 6.34100 0.00000 6.34100 0.00000 6.34100 0.00000 6.34100 0.00000 6.34100 0.00000 2037 2037 5.96300 0.00000 5.96300 0.00000 5.96300 0.00000 5.96300 0.00000 5.96300 0.00000 5.96300 0.00000 2038 2038 5.62800 0.00000 5.62800 0.00000 5.62800 0.00000 5.62800 0.00000 5.62800 0.00000 5.62800 0.00000 2039 2039 5.32800 0.00000 5.32800 0.00000 5.32800 0.00000 5.32800 0.00000 5.32800 0.00000 5.32800 0.00000 2040 2040 5.05800 0.00000 5.05800 0.00000 5.05800 0.00000 5.05800 0.00000 5.05800 0.00000 5.05800 0.00000 2041 2041 4.81500 0.00000 4.81500 0.00000 4.81500 0.00000 4.81500 0.00000 4.81500 0.00000 4.81500 0.00000 2042 2042 4.59400 0.00000 4.59400 0.00000 4.59400 0.00000 4.59400 0.00000 4.59400 0.00000 4.59400 0.00000 2043 2043 4.39200 0.00000 4.39200 0.00000 4.39200 0.00000 4.39200 0.00000 4.39200 0.00000 4.39200 0.00000 2044 2044 4.20700 0.00000 4.20700 0.00000 4.20700 0.00000 4.20700 0.00000 4.20700 0.00000 4.20700 0.00000 2045 2045 4.03700 0.00000 4.03700 0.00000 4.03700 0.00000 4.03700 0.00000 4.03700 0.00000 4.03700 0.00000 2046 2046 3.88100 0.00000 3.88100 0.00000 3.88100 0.00000 3.88100 0.00000 3.88100 0.00000 3.88100 0.00000 2047 2047 3.73600 0.00000 3.73600 0.00000 3.73600 0.00000 3.73600 0.00000 3.73600 0.00000 3.73600 0.00000 2048 2048 3.60100 0.00000 3.60100 0.00000 3.60100 0.00000 3.60100 0.00000 3.60100 0.00000 3.60100 0.00000 2049 2049 3.47600 0.00000 3.47600 0.00000 3.47600 0.00000 3.47600 0.00000 3.47600 0.00000 3.47600 0.00000

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2050 2050 3.35900 0.00000 3.35900 0.00000 3.35900 0.00000 3.35900 0.00000 3.35900 0.00000 3.35900 0.00000 2051 2051 2.50100 0.00000 2.50100 0.00000 3.88200 0.00000 3.88200 0.00000 3.53600 0.00000 3.53600 0.00000 2052 2052 2.26500 0.00000 2.26500 0.00000 3.65200 0.00000 3.65200 0.00000 3.30900 0.00000 3.30900 0.00000 2053 2053 2.16500 0.00000 2.16500 0.00000 3.56000 0.00000 3.56000 0.00000 3.21800 0.00000 3.21800 0.00000 2054 2054 2.05600 0.00000 2.05600 0.00000 3.46000 0.00000 3.46000 0.00000 3.11900 0.00000 3.11900 0.00000 2055 2055 1.85600 0.00000 1.85600 0.00000 3.26700 0.00000 3.26700 0.00000 2.92800 0.00000 2.92800 0.00000 2056 2056 1.77900 0.00000 1.77900 0.00000 3.19900 0.00000 3.19900 0.00000 2.86200 0.00000 2.86200 0.00000 2057 2057 1.58900 0.00000 1.58900 0.00000 3.01700 0.00000 3.01700 0.00000 2.68100 0.00000 2.68100 0.00000 2058 2058 1.44600 0.00000 1.44600 0.00000 2.88300 0.00000 2.88300 0.00000 2.54900 0.00000 2.54900 0.00000 2059 2059 1.33000 0.00000 1.33000 0.00000 2.77700 0.00000 2.77700 0.00000 2.44400 0.00000 2.44400 0.00000 2060 2060 1.20100 0.00000 1.20100 0.00000 2.65700 0.00000 2.65700 0.00000 2.32600 0.00000 2.32600 0.00000 2061 2061 0.67300 0.00000 0.67300 0.00000 2.13200 0.00000 2.13200 0.00000 1.80400 0.00000 1.80400 0.00000 2062 2062 0.61800 0.00000 0.61800 0.00000 2.08800 0.00000 2.08800 0.00000 1.76100 0.00000 1.76100 0.00000 2063 2063 0.40100 0.00000 0.40100 0.00000 1.88100 0.00000 1.88100 0.00000 1.55500 0.00000 1.55500 0.00000 2064 2064 0.28300 0.00000 0.28300 0.00000 1.77400 0.00000 1.77400 0.00000 1.44900 0.00000 1.44900 0.00000 2065 2065 0.07900 0.00000 0.07900 0.00000 1.57900 0.00000 1.57900 0.00000 1.25700 0.00000 1.25700 0.00000 2066 2066 0.03300 0.00000 0.03300 0.00000 1.54500 0.00000 1.54500 0.00000 1.22400 0.00000 1.22400 0.00000 2067 2067 -0.19300 0.00000 -0.19300 0.00000 1.32900 0.00000 1.32900 0.00000 1.00900 0.00000 1.00900 0.00000 2068 2068 -0.30200 0.00000 -0.30200 0.00000 1.23200 0.00000 1.23200 0.00000 0.91400 0.00000 0.91400 0.00000 2069 2069 -0.46100 0.00000 -0.46100 0.00000 1.08500 0.00000 1.08500 0.00000 0.76800 0.00000 0.76800 0.00000 2070 2070 -0.58500 0.00000 -0.58500 0.00000 0.97300 0.00000 0.97300 0.00000 0.65700 0.00000 0.65700 0.00000 2071 2071 -0.60900 0.00000 -0.60900 0.00000 0.96300 0.00000 0.96300 0.00000 0.64900 0.00000 0.64900 0.00000 2072 2072 -0.73800 0.00000 -0.73800 0.00000 0.84700 0.00000 0.84700 0.00000 0.53400 0.00000 0.53400 0.00000 2073 2073 -0.83700 0.00000 -0.83700 0.00000 0.76300 0.00000 0.76300 0.00000 0.45100 0.00000 0.45100 0.00000 2074 2074 -1.03300 0.00000 -1.03300 0.00000 0.58000 0.00000 0.58000 0.00000 0.26900 0.00000 0.26900 0.00000 2075 2075 -1.03700 0.00000 -1.03700 0.00000 0.59200 0.00000 0.59200 0.00000 0.28200 0.00000 0.28200 0.00000 2076 2076 -1.31000 0.00000 -1.31000 0.00000 0.33200 0.00000 0.33200 0.00000 0.02400 0.00000 0.02400 0.00000 2077 2077 -1.31600 0.00000 -1.31600 0.00000 0.34300 0.00000 0.34300 0.00000 0.03600 0.00000 0.03600 0.00000 2078 2078 -1.49300 0.00000 -1.49300 0.00000 0.18100 0.00000 0.18100 0.00000 -0.12500 0.00000 -0.12500 0.00000 2079 2079 -1.57100 0.00000 -1.57100 0.00000 0.12000 0.00000 0.12000 0.00000 -0.18500 0.00000 -0.18500 0.00000 2080 2080 -1.76900 0.00000 -1.76900 0.00000 -0.06300 0.00000 -0.06300 0.00000 -0.36500 0.00000 -0.36500 0.00000 2081 2081 -1.47800 0.00000 -1.47800 0.00000 0.25200 0.00000 0.25200 0.00000 -0.05100 0.00000 -0.05100 0.00000 2082 2082 -1.67200 0.00000 -1.67200 0.00000 0.07500 0.00000 0.07500 0.00000 -0.22600 0.00000 -0.22600 0.00000 2083 2083 -1.76900 0.00000 -1.76900 0.00000 -0.00200 0.00000 -0.00200 0.00000 -0.30300 0.00000 -0.30300 0.00000 2084 2084 -1.85400 0.00000 -1.85400 0.00000 -0.06800 0.00000 -0.06800 0.00000 -0.36700 0.00000 -0.36700 0.00000 2085 2085 -1.83400 0.00000 -1.83400 0.00000 -0.02600 0.00000 -0.02600 0.00000 -0.32400 0.00000 -0.32400 0.00000 2086 2086 -2.05000 0.00000 -2.05000 0.00000 -0.22200 0.00000 -0.22200 0.00000 -0.51900 0.00000 -0.51900 0.00000 2087 2087 -2.15400 0.00000 -2.15400 0.00000 -0.30500 0.00000 -0.30500 0.00000 -0.60100 0.00000 -0.60100 0.00000 2088 2088 -2.19800 0.00000 -2.19800 0.00000 -0.32600 0.00000 -0.32600 0.00000 -0.62100 0.00000 -0.62100 0.00000 2089 2089 -2.32100 0.00000 -2.32100 0.00000 -0.42600 0.00000 -0.42600 0.00000 -0.72000 0.00000 -0.72000 0.00000 2090 2090 -2.35900 0.00000 -2.35900 0.00000 -0.43900 0.00000 -0.43900 0.00000 -0.73200 0.00000 -0.73200 0.00000 2091 2091 -2.27900 0.00000 -2.27900 0.00000 -0.33100 0.00000 -0.33100 0.00000 -0.62300 0.00000 -0.62300 0.00000 2092 2092 -2.32800 0.00000 -2.32800 0.00000 -0.35300 0.00000 -0.35300 0.00000 -0.64400 0.00000 -0.64400 0.00000 2093 2093 -2.52100 0.00000 -2.52100 0.00000 -0.52000 0.00000 -0.52000 0.00000 -0.81000 0.00000 -0.81000 0.00000 2094 2094 -2.57700 0.00000 -2.57700 0.00000 -0.54800 0.00000 -0.54800 0.00000 -0.83700 0.00000 -0.83700 0.00000 2095 2095 -2.64900 0.00000 -2.64900 0.00000 -0.59100 0.00000 -0.59100 0.00000 -0.87900 0.00000 -0.87900 0.00000 2096 2096 -2.71200 0.00000 -2.71200 0.00000 -0.62300 0.00000 -0.62300 0.00000 -0.91000 0.00000 -0.91000 0.00000

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

2097 2097 -2.71500 0.00000 -2.71500 0.00000 -0.59300 0.00000 -0.59300 0.00000 -0.88000 0.00000 -0.88000 0.00000 2098 2098 -2.91500 0.00000 -2.91500 0.00000 -0.76300 0.00000 -0.76300 0.00000 -1.04800 0.00000 -1.04800 0.00000 2099 2099 -2.86500 0.00000 -2.86500 0.00000 -0.67600 0.00000 -0.67600 0.00000 -0.96000 0.00000 -0.96000 0.00000 2100 2100 -3.01100 0.00000 -3.01100 0.00000 -0.78800 0.00000 -0.78800 0.00000 -1.07100 0.00000 -1.07100 0.00000 FLEET ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.9 ** For 2010 base year proportions *Veh_type %Petrol %Diesel %Electric 1 59.2687 40.7259 0.0054 2 5.8615 94.1385 0.0000 3 5.8615 94.1385 0.0000 4 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 5 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 6 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 7 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 8 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 FLEET_CHANGES ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.9 (derived) ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Veh_type %Change_Petrol %Change_Diesel %Change_Electric 2011 2011 1 -3.8096 5.4771 502.5398 2012 2012 1 -3.9661 5.1876 100.0000 2013 2013 1 -4.1299 4.9317 50.0000 2014 2014 1 -4.3078 4.6999 33.3333 2015 2015 1 -4.5017 4.4890 25.0000 2016 2016 1 -1.7769 1.3348 97.7885 2017 2017 1 -1.8090 1.3172 49.4409 2018 2018 1 -1.8424 1.3001 33.0839 2019 2019 1 -1.8769 1.2834 24.8594 2020 2020 1 -1.9128 1.2671 19.9099 2021 2021 1 0.3233 -0.8263 32.7936 2022 2022 1 0.3222 -0.8332 24.6952 2023 2023 1 0.3212 -0.8402 19.8044 2024 2024 1 0.3202 -0.8473 16.5306 2025 2025 1 0.3192 -0.8545 14.1856 2026 2026 1 0.0206 -1.0600 21.7548 2027 2027 1 0.0206 -1.0714 17.8677 2028 2028 1 0.0205 -1.0830 15.1591 2029 2029 1 0.0205 -1.0949 13.1636 2030 2030 1 0.0205 -1.1070 11.6324 2011 2011 2 -7.5786 0.4719 0.0000 2012 2012 2 -8.2000 0.4697 0.0000 2013 2013 2 -8.9325 0.4675 0.0000 2014 2014 2 -9.8087 0.4653 0.0000 2015 2015 2 -10.8754 0.4631 0.0000 2016 2016 2 -9.6341 0.3640 0.0000 2017 2017 2 -10.6612 0.3627 0.0000 2018 2018 2 -11.9334 0.3613 0.0000 2019 2019 2 -13.5504 0.3600 0.0000 2020 2020 2 -15.6744 0.3587 0.0000 2021 2021 2 -8.9794 0.1727 0.0000 2022 2022 2 -9.8652 0.1724 0.0000 2023 2023 2 -10.9450 0.1721 0.0000 2024 2024 2 -12.2901 0.1718 0.0000 2025 2025 2 -14.0123 0.1715 0.0000 2026 2026 2 -4.8880 0.0514 0.0000 2027 2027 2 -5.1392 0.0513 0.0000 2028 2028 2 -5.4176 0.0513 0.0000 2029 2029 2 -5.7279 0.0513 0.0000 2030 2030 2 -6.0760 0.0512 0.0000 2011 2011 3 -7.5786 0.4719 0.0000 2012 2012 3 -8.2000 0.4697 0.0000 2013 2013 3 -8.9325 0.4675 0.0000 2014 2014 3 -9.8087 0.4653 0.0000 2015 2015 3 -10.8754 0.4631 0.0000 2016 2016 3 -9.6341 0.3640 0.0000 2017 2017 3 -10.6612 0.3627 0.0000 2018 2018 3 -11.9334 0.3613 0.0000 2019 2019 3 -13.5504 0.3600 0.0000 2020 2020 3 -15.6744 0.3587 0.0000 2021 2021 3 -8.9794 0.1727 0.0000 2022 2022 3 -9.8652 0.1724 0.0000 2023 2023 3 -10.9450 0.1721 0.0000 2024 2024 3 -12.2901 0.1718 0.0000 2025 2025 3 -14.0123 0.1715 0.0000 2026 2026 3 -4.8880 0.0514 0.0000 2027 2027 3 -5.1392 0.0513 0.0000 2028 2028 3 -5.4176 0.0513 0.0000 2029 2029 3 -5.7279 0.0513 0.0000 2030 2030 3 -6.0760 0.0512 0.0000 FUEL_CONSUMPTION ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.8 ** For 2010 base year ** Fuel consumption (l/km) = (a_fuel+b_fuel*V+c_fuel*V^2+d_fuel*v^3)/v where v is speed in km/h *Veh_type Fuel_type a_Fuel b_Fuel c_Fuel d_Fuel Cut-off_speed(km/h) 1 1 1.119322393 0.044004770 -8.13834E-05 2.44908E-06 140

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1 2 0.492145560 0.062181967 -5.90984E-04 4.64689E-06 140 1 3 0.000000000 0.125642360 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 140 2 1 1.950832769 0.034527979 6.79868E-05 3.71490E-06 140 2 2 1.396883496 0.033477400 -2.29978E-04 7.67320E-06 140 3 1 1.950832769 0.034527979 6.79868E-05 3.71490E-06 140 3 2 1.396883496 0.033477400 -2.29978E-04 7.67320E-06 140 4 2 1.812903362 0.326784428 -4.94783E-03 4.25842E-05 96 5 2 2.893291507 0.603481017 -8.63693E-03 6.51028E-05 96 6 2 5.980054953 0.245278327 -3.06499E-03 3.06148E-05 96 FUEL_EFFICIENCY ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.10 ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Veh_type Fuel_type Change 2011 2015 1 1 1.81 2011 2015 1 2 2.23 2011 2015 1 3 -0.10 2011 2015 2 1 0.11 2011 2015 2 2 2.71 2011 2015 3 1 0.11 2011 2015 3 2 2.71 2016 2020 1 1 3.32 2016 2020 1 2 2.22 2016 2020 1 3 0.02 2016 2020 2 1 2.35 2016 2020 2 2 2.35 2016 2020 3 1 2.35 2016 2020 3 2 2.35 2021 2025 1 1 3.16 2021 2025 1 2 2.02 2021 2025 1 3 0.12 2021 2025 2 1 2.85 2021 2025 2 2 1.65 2021 2025 3 1 2.85 2021 2025 3 2 1.65 2026 2030 1 1 1.56 2026 2030 1 2 1.19 2026 2030 1 3 0.00 2026 2030 2 1 2.40 2026 2030 2 2 0.74 2026 2030 3 1 2.40 2026 2030 3 2 0.74 2031 2035 1 1 0.57 2031 2035 1 2 0.52 2031 2035 1 3 -0.08 2031 2035 2 1 0.54 2031 2035 2 2 0.22 2031 2035 3 1 0.54 2031 2035 3 2 0.22 2036 2100 1 1 0.00 2036 2100 1 2 0.00 2036 2100 1 3 0.00 2036 2100 2 1 0.00 2036 2100 2 2 0.00 2036 2100 3 1 0.00 2036 2100 3 2 0.00 NON_FUEL_VOC ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.15 ** For 2010 base year *Veh_type Fuel_type a_Nonfuel_wrk b_Nonfuel_wrk a_Nonfuel_nw b_Nonfuel_nw 1 1 4.966 135.946 3.846 0.000 1 2 4.966 135.946 3.846 0.000 1 3 1.157 135.946 1.157 0.000 2 1 7.213 47.113 7.213 0.000 2 2 7.213 47.113 7.213 0.000 3 1 7.213 47.113 7.213 0.000 3 2 7.213 47.113 7.213 0.000 4 2 6.714 263.817 0.000 0.000 5 2 13.061 508.525 0.000 0.000 6 2 30.461 694.547 0.000 0.000 NON_FUEL_VOC_CHANGES ** Source: TAG Unit A1.3 para 5.1.17 ** Note: Table A1.3.15 shows changes by average car (taking into account changes in FLEET mix) ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Veh_type Growth 2011 2100 1 0.000 2011 2100 2 0.000 2011 2100 3 0.000 2011 2100 4 0.000 2011 2100 5 0.000 2011 2100 6 0.000 2011 2100 7 0.000 2011 2100 8 0.000 NON_FUEL_TAX_RATES ** For 2010 base year ** percentage *Submode Final Intermediate 1 17.5 0.0 2 17.5 0.0 3 17.5 0.0 4 17.5 0.0

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5 17.5 0.0 6 17.5 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 NON_FUEL_TAX_RATES_CHANGES ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Submode Final Intermediate 2011 2011 1 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 2 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 3 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 4 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 5 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 6 14.286 0.000 2011 2011 7 0.000 0.000 2011 2011 8 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 1 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 2 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 3 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 4 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 5 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 6 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 7 0.000 0.000 2012 2100 8 0.000 0.000 DEFAULT_PURPOSE_SPLIT ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.4 ** For 2010 base year *Vtype/submode Purpose Period1 Period2 Period3 Period4 Period5 Period6 1 1 18.10 13.00 19.90 12.30 3.20 3.20 1 2 46.00 40.80 11.40 36.20 8.50 8.50 1 3 35.90 46.20 68.70 51.50 88.30 88.30 2 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 3 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 4 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 5 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 1 3.90 3.90 2.00 5.70 1.50 1.50 6 2 30.00 36.60 11.10 38.10 6.40 6.40 6 3 66.10 59.50 86.90 56.20 92.10 92.10 7 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 2.30 0.40 0.40 7 2 82.40 75.70 8.50 28.90 23.30 23.30 7 3 15.70 22.50 91.30 68.80 76.30 76.30 8 1 14.10 16.40 22.40 23.20 6.30 6.30 8 2 51.90 55.90 10.20 53.10 4.30 4.30 8 3 34.00 27.70 67.40 23.70 89.40 89.40 DEFAULT_PERSON_FACTORS ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.3 ** For 2010 base year *Vtype/submode Purpose Person_type FactorPer1 FactorPer2 FactorPer3 FactorPer4 FactorPer5 FactorPer6 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1 2 0.22 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.27 0.27 1 2 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 2 2 0.15 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.13 1 3 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 3 2 0.66 0.78 0.73 0.73 0.92 0.92 2 2 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 2 2 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.03 1.03 2 3 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 3 2 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.03 1.03 3 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3 1 2 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.26 0.26 4 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEFAULT_PERSON_FACTORS_CHANGE ** Source: TAG Data Book - Table A 1.3.3 ** %change per annum from 2010 base year *Start_yr End_yr Submode Purpose Person_type ChangePer1 ChangePer2 ChangePer3 ChangePer4 ChangePer5 ChangePer6 2011 2036 1 1 2 -0.48 -0.62 -0.40 -0.50 -0.48 -0.48 2011 2036 1 2 2 -0.67 -0.53 -0.65 -0.47 -0.52 -0.52 2011 2036 1 3 2 -0.67 -0.53 -0.65 -0.47 -0.52 -0.52 PREPARATION&SUPERVISION ** Source: DMRB Volume 13, section The Preparation of Cost Data ** total preparation (by stage & mode) and supervision costs as % of land and construction costs *Mode Prep:SI Prep:PC Prep:PR Prep:OP Prep:WC Super 1 12.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 2.0 5.0 2 12.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 2.0 5.0 3 12.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 2.0 5.0

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B. TUBA Scheme Input File Core Scenario

(60 year toll appraisal)

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SCHEME SPECIFIC PARAMETERS PARAMETERS TUBA_version 1.9.7 run_name WWLR RED Route do_min_name DM do_som_name DS first_yr 2024 horizon_yr 2083 modelled_yrs 2026 2036 detail Yes current_yr 2017 print_warn 25 P&R_car_speed 65.0 zones_as_sectors No TIME_SLICES *no. duration(min) annualisation period description 1 60 714 1 AM Peak Period 0700-1000 weekdays 2 60 1518 3 Interpeak Period 1000-1600 weekdays 3 60 723 2 PM Peak Period 1600-1900 weekdays 4 60 3036 4 OP Peak Period 0700-7900 weekdays 5 60 416 5 Weekend InterPeak Period 1000-1900 6 60 1144 6 Weekend OffPeak Period 1900-0700 SCHEMES_DM *Mode 1st Construction year Opening_yr Stage DO_MIN_COSTS *Type Mode Funding Cost Price GDP DO_MIN_PROFILE *Year Mode %Const %Land %Prep %Super %Maint %Op %Grant %Dev DO_MIN_DELAY_COSTS *Year Mode Business Commuting Other Freight SCHEMES_DS *Mode 1st Construction year Opening_yr Stage 1 2020 2024 PC DO_SOM_COSTS *Type Mode Funding Cost Price GDP C 1 cen 171818 F 111.72 L 1 cen 24380 F 111.72 P 1 cen 26617 F 111.72 S 1 cen 11314 F 111.72 M 1 loc 5890 F 111.72 O 1 loc 42490 F 111.72 DO_SOM_PROFILE *Year Mode %Const %Land %Prep %Super %Maint %Op %Grant %Dev 2018 1 2.615 100.000 66.120 0.000 0.000 0.000 2019 1 7.459 0.000 16.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 2020 1 25.245 0.000 16.940 25.000 0.000 0.000 2021 1 20.810 0.000 0.000 25.000 0.000 0.000 2022 1 21.566 0.000 0.000 25.000 0.000 0.000 2023 1 22.305 0.000 0.000 25.000 0.000 0.062 2024 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.096

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2025 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.068 2026 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.104 2027 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.222 2028 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.111 2029 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.078 2030 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.119 2031 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.083 2032 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.689 1.103 2033 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.088 2034 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.134 2035 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.093 2036 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.142 2037 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.318 2038 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.150 2039 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.104 2040 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.157 2041 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.109 2042 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18.266 12.600 2043 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.114 2044 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.173 2045 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.119 2046 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180 2047 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.381 2048 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.188 2049 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.130 2050 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.196 2051 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.135 2052 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.987 8.689 2053 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.140 2054 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.211 2055 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.145 2056 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.218 2057 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.460 2058 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.226 2059 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.156 2060 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.234 2061 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.161 2062 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.732 20.125 2063 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.166 2064 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.249 2065 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.171 2066 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.257 2067 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.146 2068 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.264 2069 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.182 2070 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.272 2071 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.187 2072 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 13.938 7.769 2073 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.192 2074 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.287 2075 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.197 2076 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.295 2077 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.619 2078 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.303 2079 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.208 2080 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.310 2081 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.213 2082 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 13.388 33.391 DO_SOM_DELAY_COSTS *Year Mode Business Commuting Other Freight BENEFIT_CHANGE

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*% change p.a. *Start_yr End_yr Submode ChangePer1 ChangePer2 ChangePer3 ChangePer4 ChangePer5 USER_CLASSES *no. Veh/submode purpose person_type 1 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 3 0 4 3 1 0 5 4 1 0 6 1 2 0 7 1 1 0 8 1 3 0 9 5 1 0 INPUT_MATRICES *no. userclasses timeslice type format scenario year factor filename 1 1 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand1.DAT 2 2 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand2.DAT 3 3 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand3.DAT 4 4 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand4.DAT 5 5 1 V 2 0 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand5.DAT 6 9 1 V 2 0 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand5.DAT 7 6 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand6.DAT 8 7 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand7.DAT 9 8 1 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMAM_M1Demand8.DAT 10 1 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist1.DAT 11 2 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist2.DAT 12 3 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist3.DAT 13 4 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist4.DAT 14 5 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist5.DAT 15 9 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist5.DAT 16 6 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist6.DAT 17 7 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist7.DAT 18 8 1 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Dist8.DAT 19 1 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time1.DAT 20 2 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time2.DAT 21 3 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time3.DAT 22 4 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time4.DAT 23 5 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time5.DAT 24 9 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time5.DAT 25 6 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time6.DAT 26 7 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time7.DAT 27 8 1 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Time8.DAT 28 1 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll1.DAT 29 2 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll2.DAT 30 3 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll3.DAT 31 4 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll4.DAT 32 5 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll5.DAT 33 9 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll5.DAT 34 6 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll6.DAT 35 7 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll7.DAT 36 8 1 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMAM_Toll8.DAT 37 1 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand1.DAT 38 2 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand2.DAT 39 3 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand3.DAT 40 4 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand4.DAT 41 5 1 V 2 1 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand5.DAT 42 9 1 V 2 1 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand5.DAT 43 6 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand6.DAT 44 7 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand7.DAT 45 8 1 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSAM_M1Demand8.DAT 46 1 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist1.DAT 47 2 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist2.DAT

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48 3 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist3.DAT 49 4 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist4.DAT 50 5 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist5.DAT 51 9 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist5.DAT 52 6 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist6.DAT 53 7 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist7.DAT 54 8 1 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Dist8.DAT 55 1 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time1.DAT 56 2 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time2.DAT 57 3 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time3.DAT 58 4 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time4.DAT 59 5 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time5.DAT 60 9 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time5.DAT 61 6 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time6.DAT 62 7 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time7.DAT 63 8 1 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Time8.DAT 64 1 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll1.DAT 65 2 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll2.DAT 66 3 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll3.DAT 67 4 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll4.DAT 68 5 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll5.DAT 69 9 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll5.DAT 70 6 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll6.DAT 71 7 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll7.DAT 72 8 1 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSAM_Toll8.DAT 73 1 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand1.DAT 74 2 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand2.DAT 75 3 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand3.DAT 76 4 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand4.DAT 77 5 2 V 2 0 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand5.DAT 78 9 2 V 2 0 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand5.DAT 79 6 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand6.DAT 80 7 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand7.DAT 81 8 2 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMIP_M1Demand8.DAT 82 1 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist1.DAT 83 2 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist2.DAT 84 3 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist3.DAT 85 4 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist4.DAT 86 5 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist5.DAT 87 9 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist5.DAT 88 6 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist6.DAT 89 7 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist7.DAT 90 8 2 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Dist8.DAT 91 1 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time1.DAT 92 2 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time2.DAT 93 3 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time3.DAT 94 4 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time4.DAT 95 5 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time5.DAT 96 9 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time5.DAT 97 6 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time6.DAT 98 7 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time7.DAT 99 8 2 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Time8.DAT 100 1 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll1.DAT 101 2 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll2.DAT 102 3 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll3.DAT 103 4 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll4.DAT 104 5 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll5.DAT 105 9 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll5.DAT 106 6 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll6.DAT 107 7 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll7.DAT 108 8 2 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMIP_Toll8.DAT 109 1 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand1.DAT 110 2 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand2.DAT 111 3 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand3.DAT

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112 4 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand4.DAT 113 5 2 V 2 1 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand5.DAT 114 9 2 V 2 1 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand5.DAT 115 6 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand6.DAT 116 7 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand7.DAT 117 8 2 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSIP_M1Demand8.DAT 118 1 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist1.DAT 119 2 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist2.DAT 120 3 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist3.DAT 121 4 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist4.DAT 122 5 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist5.DAT 123 9 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist5.DAT 124 6 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist6.DAT 125 7 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist7.DAT 126 8 2 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Dist8.DAT 127 1 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time1.DAT 128 2 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time2.DAT 129 3 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time3.DAT 130 4 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time4.DAT 131 5 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time5.DAT 132 9 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time5.DAT 133 6 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time6.DAT 134 7 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time7.DAT 135 8 2 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Time8.DAT 136 1 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll1.DAT 137 2 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll2.DAT 138 3 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll3.DAT 139 4 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll4.DAT 140 5 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll5.DAT 141 9 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll5.DAT 142 6 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll6.DAT 143 7 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll7.DAT 144 8 2 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSIP_Toll8.DAT 145 1 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand1.DAT 146 2 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand2.DAT 147 3 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand3.DAT 148 4 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand4.DAT 149 5 3 V 2 0 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand5.DAT 150 9 3 V 2 0 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand5.DAT 151 6 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand6.DAT 152 7 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand7.DAT 153 8 3 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMPM_M1Demand8.DAT 154 1 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist1.DAT 155 2 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist2.DAT 156 3 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist3.DAT 157 4 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist4.DAT 158 5 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist5.DAT 159 9 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist5.DAT 160 6 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist6.DAT 161 7 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist7.DAT 162 8 3 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Dist8.DAT 163 1 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time1.DAT 164 2 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time2.DAT 165 3 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time3.DAT 166 4 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time4.DAT 167 5 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time5.DAT 168 9 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time5.DAT 169 6 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time6.DAT 170 7 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time7.DAT 171 8 3 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Time8.DAT 172 1 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll1.DAT 173 2 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll2.DAT 174 3 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll3.DAT 175 4 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll4.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

176 5 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll5.DAT 177 9 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll5.DAT 178 6 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll6.DAT 179 7 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll7.DAT 180 8 3 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMPM_Toll8.DAT 181 1 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand1.DAT 182 2 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand2.DAT 183 3 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand3.DAT 184 4 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand4.DAT 185 5 3 V 2 1 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand5.DAT 186 9 3 V 2 1 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand5.DAT 187 6 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand6.DAT 188 7 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand7.DAT 189 8 3 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSPM_M1Demand8.DAT 190 1 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist1.DAT 191 2 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist2.DAT 192 3 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist3.DAT 193 4 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist4.DAT 194 5 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist5.DAT 195 9 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist5.DAT 196 6 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist6.DAT 197 7 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist7.DAT 198 8 3 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Dist8.DAT 199 1 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time1.DAT 200 2 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time2.DAT 201 3 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time3.DAT 202 4 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time4.DAT 203 5 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time5.DAT 204 9 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time5.DAT 205 6 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time6.DAT 206 7 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time7.DAT 207 8 3 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Time8.DAT 208 1 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll1.DAT 209 2 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll2.DAT 210 3 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll3.DAT 211 4 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll4.DAT 212 5 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll5.DAT 213 9 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll5.DAT 214 6 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll6.DAT 215 7 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll7.DAT 216 8 3 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSPM_Toll8.DAT 217 1 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand1.DAT 218 2 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand2.DAT 219 3 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand3.DAT 220 4 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand4.DAT 221 5 1 V 2 0 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand5.DAT 222 9 1 V 2 0 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand5.DAT 223 6 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand6.DAT 224 7 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand7.DAT 225 8 1 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMAM_M1Demand8.DAT 226 1 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist1.DAT 227 2 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist2.DAT 228 3 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist3.DAT 229 4 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist4.DAT 230 5 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist5.DAT 231 9 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist5.DAT 232 6 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist6.DAT 233 7 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist7.DAT 234 8 1 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Dist8.DAT 235 1 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time1.DAT 236 2 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time2.DAT 237 3 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time3.DAT 238 4 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time4.DAT 239 5 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time5.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

240 9 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time5.DAT 241 6 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time6.DAT 242 7 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time7.DAT 243 8 1 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Time8.DAT 244 1 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll1.DAT 245 2 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll2.DAT 246 3 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll3.DAT 247 4 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll4.DAT 248 5 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll5.DAT 249 9 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll5.DAT 250 6 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll6.DAT 251 7 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll7.DAT 252 8 1 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMAM_Toll8.DAT 253 1 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand1.DAT 254 2 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand2.DAT 255 3 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand3.DAT 256 4 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand4.DAT 257 5 1 V 2 1 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand5.DAT 258 9 1 V 2 1 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand5.DAT 259 6 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand6.DAT 260 7 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand7.DAT 261 8 1 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSAM_M1Demand8.DAT 262 1 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist1.DAT 263 2 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist2.DAT 264 3 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist3.DAT 265 4 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist4.DAT 266 5 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist5.DAT 267 9 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist5.DAT 268 6 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist6.DAT 269 7 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist7.DAT 270 8 1 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Dist8.DAT 271 1 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time1.DAT 272 2 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time2.DAT 273 3 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time3.DAT 274 4 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time4.DAT 275 5 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time5.DAT 276 9 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time5.DAT 277 6 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time6.DAT 278 7 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time7.DAT 279 8 1 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Time8.DAT 280 1 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll1.DAT 281 2 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll2.DAT 282 3 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll3.DAT 283 4 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll4.DAT 284 5 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll5.DAT 285 9 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll5.DAT 286 6 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll6.DAT 287 7 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll7.DAT 288 8 1 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSAM_Toll8.DAT 289 1 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand1.DAT 290 2 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand2.DAT 291 3 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand3.DAT 292 4 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand4.DAT 293 5 2 V 2 0 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand5.DAT 294 9 2 V 2 0 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand5.DAT 295 6 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand6.DAT 296 7 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand7.DAT 297 8 2 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMIP_M1Demand8.DAT 298 1 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist1.DAT 299 2 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist2.DAT 300 3 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist3.DAT 301 4 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist4.DAT 302 5 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist5.DAT 303 9 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist5.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

304 6 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist6.DAT 305 7 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist7.DAT 306 8 2 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Dist8.DAT 307 1 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time1.DAT 308 2 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time2.DAT 309 3 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time3.DAT 310 4 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time4.DAT 311 5 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time5.DAT 312 9 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time5.DAT 313 6 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time6.DAT 314 7 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time7.DAT 315 8 2 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Time8.DAT 316 1 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll1.DAT 317 2 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll2.DAT 318 3 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll3.DAT 319 4 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll4.DAT 320 5 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll5.DAT 321 9 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll5.DAT 322 6 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll6.DAT 323 7 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll7.DAT 324 8 2 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMIP_Toll8.DAT 325 1 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand1.DAT 326 2 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand2.DAT 327 3 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand3.DAT 328 4 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand4.DAT 329 5 2 V 2 1 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand5.DAT 330 9 2 V 2 1 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand5.DAT 331 6 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand6.DAT 332 7 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand7.DAT 333 8 2 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSIP_M1Demand8.DAT 334 1 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist1.DAT 335 2 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist2.DAT 336 3 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist3.DAT 337 4 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist4.DAT 338 5 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist5.DAT 339 9 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist5.DAT 340 6 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist6.DAT 341 7 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist7.DAT 342 8 2 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Dist8.DAT 343 1 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time1.DAT 344 2 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time2.DAT 345 3 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time3.DAT 346 4 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time4.DAT 347 5 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time5.DAT 348 9 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time5.DAT 349 6 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time6.DAT 350 7 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time7.DAT 351 8 2 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Time8.DAT 352 1 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll1.DAT 353 2 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll2.DAT 354 3 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll3.DAT 355 4 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll4.DAT 356 5 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll5.DAT 357 9 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll5.DAT 358 6 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll6.DAT 359 7 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll7.DAT 360 8 2 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSIP_Toll8.DAT 361 1 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand1.DAT 362 2 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand2.DAT 363 3 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand3.DAT 364 4 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand4.DAT 365 5 3 V 2 0 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand5.DAT 366 9 3 V 2 0 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand5.DAT 367 6 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand6.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

368 7 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand7.DAT 369 8 3 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMPM_M1Demand8.DAT 370 1 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist1.DAT 371 2 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist2.DAT 372 3 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist3.DAT 373 4 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist4.DAT 374 5 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist5.DAT 375 9 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist5.DAT 376 6 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist6.DAT 377 7 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist7.DAT 378 8 3 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Dist8.DAT 379 1 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time1.DAT 380 2 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time2.DAT 381 3 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time3.DAT 382 4 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time4.DAT 383 5 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time5.DAT 384 9 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time5.DAT 385 6 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time6.DAT 386 7 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time7.DAT 387 8 3 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Time8.DAT 388 1 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll1.DAT 389 2 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll2.DAT 390 3 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll3.DAT 391 4 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll4.DAT 392 5 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll5.DAT 393 9 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll5.DAT 394 6 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll6.DAT 395 7 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll7.DAT 396 8 3 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMPM_Toll8.DAT 397 1 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand1.DAT 398 2 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand2.DAT 399 3 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand3.DAT 400 4 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand4.DAT 401 5 3 V 2 1 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand5.DAT 402 9 3 V 2 1 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand5.DAT 403 6 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand6.DAT 404 7 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand7.DAT 405 8 3 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSPM_M1Demand8.DAT 406 1 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist1.DAT 407 2 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist2.DAT 408 3 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist3.DAT 409 4 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist4.DAT 410 5 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist5.DAT 411 9 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist5.DAT 412 6 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist6.DAT 413 7 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist7.DAT 414 8 3 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Dist8.DAT 415 1 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time1.DAT 416 2 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time2.DAT 417 3 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time3.DAT 418 4 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time4.DAT 419 5 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time5.DAT 420 9 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time5.DAT 421 6 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time6.DAT 422 7 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time7.DAT 423 8 3 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Time8.DAT 424 1 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll1.DAT 425 2 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll2.DAT 426 3 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll3.DAT 427 4 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll4.DAT 428 5 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll5.DAT 429 9 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll5.DAT 430 6 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll6.DAT 431 7 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll7.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

432 8 3 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSPM_Toll8.DAT 433 1 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand1.DAT 434 2 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand2.DAT 435 3 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand3.DAT 436 4 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand4.DAT 437 5 4 V 2 0 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand5.DAT 438 9 4 V 2 0 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand5.DAT 439 6 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand6.DAT 440 7 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand7.DAT 441 8 4 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMOP_M1Demand8.DAT 442 1 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist1.DAT 443 2 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist2.DAT 444 3 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist3.DAT 445 4 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist4.DAT 446 5 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist5.DAT 447 9 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist5.DAT 448 6 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist6.DAT 449 7 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist7.DAT 450 8 4 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Dist8.DAT 451 1 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time1.DAT 452 2 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time2.DAT 453 3 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time3.DAT 454 4 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time4.DAT 455 5 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time5.DAT 456 9 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time5.DAT 457 6 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time6.DAT 458 7 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time7.DAT 459 8 4 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Time8.DAT 460 1 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll1.DAT 461 2 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll2.DAT 462 3 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll3.DAT 463 4 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll4.DAT 464 5 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll5.DAT 465 9 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll5.DAT 466 6 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll6.DAT 467 7 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll7.DAT 468 8 4 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMOP_Toll8.DAT 469 1 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand1.DAT 470 2 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand2.DAT 471 3 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand3.DAT 472 4 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand4.DAT 473 5 4 V 2 1 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand5.DAT 474 9 4 V 2 1 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand5.DAT 475 6 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand6.DAT 476 7 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand7.DAT 477 8 4 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSOP_M1Demand8.DAT 478 1 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist1.DAT 479 2 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist2.DAT 480 3 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist3.DAT 481 4 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist4.DAT 482 5 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist5.DAT 483 9 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist5.DAT 484 6 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist6.DAT 485 7 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist7.DAT 486 8 4 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Dist8.DAT 487 1 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time1.DAT 488 2 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time2.DAT 489 3 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time3.DAT 490 4 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time4.DAT 491 5 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time5.DAT 492 9 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time5.DAT 493 6 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time6.DAT 494 7 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time7.DAT 495 8 4 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Time8.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

496 1 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll1.DAT 497 2 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll2.DAT 498 3 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll3.DAT 499 4 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll4.DAT 500 5 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll5.DAT 501 9 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll5.DAT 502 6 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll6.DAT 503 7 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll7.DAT 504 8 4 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSOP_Toll8.DAT 505 1 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand1.DAT 506 2 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand2.DAT 507 3 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand3.DAT 508 4 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand4.DAT 509 5 4 V 2 0 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand5.DAT 510 9 4 V 2 0 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand5.DAT 511 6 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand6.DAT 512 7 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand7.DAT 513 8 4 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMOP_M1Demand8.DAT 514 1 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist1.DAT 515 2 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist2.DAT 516 3 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist3.DAT 517 4 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist4.DAT 518 5 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist5.DAT 519 9 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist5.DAT 520 6 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist6.DAT 521 7 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist7.DAT 522 8 4 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Dist8.DAT 523 1 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time1.DAT 524 2 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time2.DAT 525 3 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time3.DAT 526 4 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time4.DAT 527 5 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time5.DAT 528 9 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time5.DAT 529 6 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time6.DAT 530 7 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time7.DAT 531 8 4 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Time8.DAT 532 1 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll1.DAT 533 2 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll2.DAT 534 3 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll3.DAT 535 4 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll4.DAT 536 5 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll5.DAT 537 9 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll5.DAT 538 6 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll6.DAT 539 7 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll7.DAT 540 8 4 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMOP_Toll8.DAT 541 1 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand1.DAT 542 2 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand2.DAT 543 3 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand3.DAT 544 4 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand4.DAT 545 5 4 V 2 1 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand5.DAT 546 9 4 V 2 1 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand5.DAT 547 6 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand6.DAT 548 7 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand7.DAT 549 8 4 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSOP_M1Demand8.DAT 550 1 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist1.DAT 551 2 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist2.DAT 552 3 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist3.DAT 553 4 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist4.DAT 554 5 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist5.DAT 555 9 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist5.DAT 556 6 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist6.DAT 557 7 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist7.DAT 558 8 4 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Dist8.DAT 559 1 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time1.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

560 2 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time2.DAT 561 3 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time3.DAT 562 4 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time4.DAT 563 5 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time5.DAT 564 9 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time5.DAT 565 6 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time6.DAT 566 7 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time7.DAT 567 8 4 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Time8.DAT 568 1 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll1.DAT 569 2 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll2.DAT 570 3 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll3.DAT 571 4 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll4.DAT 572 5 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll5.DAT 573 9 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll5.DAT 574 6 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll6.DAT 575 7 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll7.DAT 576 8 4 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSOP_Toll8.DAT 577 1 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand1.DAT 578 2 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand2.DAT 579 3 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand3.DAT 580 4 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand4.DAT 581 5 5 V 2 0 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 582 9 5 V 2 0 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 583 6 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand6.DAT 584 7 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand7.DAT 585 8 5 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEIP_M1Demand8.DAT 586 1 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist1.DAT 587 2 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist2.DAT 588 3 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist3.DAT 589 4 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist4.DAT 590 5 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist5.DAT 591 9 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist5.DAT 592 6 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist6.DAT 593 7 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist7.DAT 594 8 5 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Dist8.DAT 595 1 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time1.DAT 596 2 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time2.DAT 597 3 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time3.DAT 598 4 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time4.DAT 599 5 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time5.DAT 600 9 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time5.DAT 601 6 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time6.DAT 602 7 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time7.DAT 603 8 5 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Time8.DAT 604 1 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll1.DAT 605 2 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll2.DAT 606 3 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll3.DAT 607 4 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll4.DAT 608 5 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll5.DAT 609 9 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll5.DAT 610 6 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll6.DAT 611 7 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll7.DAT 612 8 5 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEIP_Toll8.DAT 613 1 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand1.DAT 614 2 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand2.DAT 615 3 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand3.DAT 616 4 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand4.DAT 617 5 5 V 2 1 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 618 9 5 V 2 1 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 619 6 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand6.DAT 620 7 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand7.DAT 621 8 5 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEIP_M1Demand8.DAT 622 1 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist1.DAT 623 2 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist2.DAT

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WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000-Appendix E | 15 December 2017 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b1092/Shared Documents/06 - Business Case/Documents/OBC/E- Economic Appraisal Report/WL-MMD-07-XX-RP-U-1000- Appendix E1 Economic Appraisal report-DfTsubmission.docx

624 3 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist3.DAT 625 4 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist4.DAT 626 5 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist5.DAT 627 9 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist5.DAT 628 6 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist6.DAT 629 7 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist7.DAT 630 8 5 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Dist8.DAT 631 1 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time1.DAT 632 2 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time2.DAT 633 3 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time3.DAT 634 4 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time4.DAT 635 5 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time5.DAT 636 9 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time5.DAT 637 6 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time6.DAT 638 7 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time7.DAT 639 8 5 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Time8.DAT 640 1 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll1.DAT 641 2 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll2.DAT 642 3 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll3.DAT 643 4 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll4.DAT 644 5 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll5.DAT 645 9 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll5.DAT 646 6 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll6.DAT 647 7 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll7.DAT 648 8 5 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEIP_Toll8.DAT 649 1 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand1.DAT 650 2 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand2.DAT 651 3 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand3.DAT 652 4 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand4.DAT 653 5 5 V 2 0 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 654 9 5 V 2 0 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 655 6 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand6.DAT 656 7 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand7.DAT 657 8 5 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEIP_M1Demand8.DAT 658 1 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist1.DAT 659 2 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist2.DAT 660 3 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist3.DAT 661 4 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist4.DAT 662 5 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist5.DAT 663 9 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist5.DAT 664 6 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist6.DAT 665 7 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist7.DAT 666 8 5 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Dist8.DAT 667 1 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time1.DAT 668 2 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time2.DAT 669 3 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time3.DAT 670 4 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time4.DAT 671 5 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time5.DAT 672 9 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time5.DAT 673 6 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time6.DAT 674 7 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time7.DAT 675 8 5 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Time8.DAT 676 1 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll1.DAT 677 2 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll2.DAT 678 3 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll3.DAT 679 4 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll4.DAT 680 5 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll5.DAT 681 9 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll5.DAT 682 6 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll6.DAT 683 7 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll7.DAT 684 8 5 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEIP_Toll8.DAT 685 1 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand1.DAT 686 2 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand2.DAT 687 3 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand3.DAT

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688 4 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand4.DAT 689 5 5 V 2 1 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 690 9 5 V 2 1 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand5.DAT 691 6 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand6.DAT 692 7 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand7.DAT 693 8 5 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEIP_M1Demand8.DAT 694 1 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist1.DAT 695 2 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist2.DAT 696 3 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist3.DAT 697 4 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist4.DAT 698 5 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist5.DAT 699 9 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist5.DAT 700 6 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist6.DAT 701 7 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist7.DAT 702 8 5 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Dist8.DAT 703 1 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time1.DAT 704 2 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time2.DAT 705 3 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time3.DAT 706 4 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time4.DAT 707 5 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time5.DAT 708 9 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time5.DAT 709 6 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time6.DAT 710 7 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time7.DAT 711 8 5 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Time8.DAT 712 1 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll1.DAT 713 2 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll2.DAT 714 3 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll3.DAT 715 4 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll4.DAT 716 5 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll5.DAT 717 9 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll5.DAT 718 6 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll6.DAT 719 7 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll7.DAT 720 8 5 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEIP_Toll8.DAT 721 1 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand1.DAT 722 2 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand2.DAT 723 3 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand3.DAT 724 4 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand4.DAT 725 5 6 V 2 0 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 726 9 6 V 2 0 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 727 6 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand6.DAT 728 7 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand7.DAT 729 8 6 V 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DMWEOP_M1Demand8.DAT 730 1 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist1.DAT 731 2 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist2.DAT 732 3 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist3.DAT 733 4 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist4.DAT 734 5 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist5.DAT 735 9 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist5.DAT 736 6 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist6.DAT 737 7 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist7.DAT 738 8 6 D 2 0 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Dist8.DAT 739 1 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time1.DAT 740 2 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time2.DAT 741 3 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time3.DAT 742 4 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time4.DAT 743 5 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time5.DAT 744 9 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time5.DAT 745 6 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time6.DAT 746 7 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time7.DAT 747 8 6 T 2 0 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Time8.DAT 748 1 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll1.DAT 749 2 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll2.DAT 750 3 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll3.DAT 751 4 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll4.DAT

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752 5 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll5.DAT 753 9 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll5.DAT 754 6 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll6.DAT 755 7 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll7.DAT 756 8 6 C3 2 0 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DMWEOP_Toll8.DAT 757 1 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand1.DAT 758 2 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand2.DAT 759 3 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand3.DAT 760 4 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand4.DAT 761 5 6 V 2 1 2026 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 762 9 6 V 2 1 2026 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 763 6 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand6.DAT 764 7 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand7.DAT 765 8 6 V 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_26DSWEOP_M1Demand8.DAT 766 1 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist1.DAT 767 2 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist2.DAT 768 3 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist3.DAT 769 4 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist4.DAT 770 5 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist5.DAT 771 9 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist5.DAT 772 6 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist6.DAT 773 7 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist7.DAT 774 8 6 D 2 1 2026 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Dist8.DAT 775 1 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time1.DAT 776 2 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time2.DAT 777 3 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time3.DAT 778 4 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time4.DAT 779 5 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time5.DAT 780 9 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time5.DAT 781 6 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time6.DAT 782 7 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time7.DAT 783 8 6 T 2 1 2026 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Time8.DAT 784 1 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll1.DAT 785 2 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll2.DAT 786 3 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll3.DAT 787 4 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll4.DAT 788 5 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll5.DAT 789 9 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll5.DAT 790 6 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll6.DAT 791 7 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll7.DAT 792 8 6 C3 2 1 2026 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_26DSWEOP_Toll8.DAT 793 1 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand1.DAT 794 2 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand2.DAT 795 3 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand3.DAT 796 4 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand4.DAT 797 5 6 V 2 0 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 798 9 6 V 2 0 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 799 6 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand6.DAT 800 7 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand7.DAT 801 8 6 V 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DMWEOP_M1Demand8.DAT 802 1 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist1.DAT 803 2 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist2.DAT 804 3 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist3.DAT 805 4 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist4.DAT 806 5 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist5.DAT 807 9 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist5.DAT 808 6 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist6.DAT 809 7 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist7.DAT 810 8 6 D 2 0 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Dist8.DAT 811 1 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time1.DAT 812 2 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time2.DAT 813 3 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time3.DAT 814 4 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time4.DAT 815 5 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time5.DAT

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816 9 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time5.DAT 817 6 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time6.DAT 818 7 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time7.DAT 819 8 6 T 2 0 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Time8.DAT 820 1 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll1.DAT 821 2 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll2.DAT 822 3 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll3.DAT 823 4 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll4.DAT 824 5 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll5.DAT 825 9 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll5.DAT 826 6 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll6.DAT 827 7 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll7.DAT 828 8 6 C3 2 0 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DMWEOP_Toll8.DAT 829 1 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand1.DAT 830 2 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand2.DAT 831 3 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand3.DAT 832 4 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand4.DAT 833 5 6 V 2 1 2036 0.2256 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 834 9 6 V 2 1 2036 0.1744 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand5.DAT 835 6 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand6.DAT 836 7 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand7.DAT 837 8 6 V 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\HwyAssignment_36DSWEOP_M1Demand8.DAT 838 1 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist1.DAT 839 2 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist2.DAT 840 3 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist3.DAT 841 4 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist4.DAT 842 5 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist5.DAT 843 9 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist5.DAT 844 6 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist6.DAT 845 7 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist7.DAT 846 8 6 D 2 1 2036 0.001 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Dist8.DAT 847 1 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time1.DAT 848 2 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time2.DAT 849 3 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time3.DAT 850 4 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time4.DAT 851 5 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time5.DAT 852 9 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time5.DAT 853 6 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time6.DAT 854 7 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time7.DAT 855 8 6 T 2 1 2036 0.00028 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Time8.DAT 856 1 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll1.DAT 857 2 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll2.DAT 858 3 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll3.DAT 859 4 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll4.DAT 860 5 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll5.DAT 861 9 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll5.DAT 862 6 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll6.DAT 863 7 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll7.DAT 864 8 6 C3 2 1 2036 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\SKIMS\VDM_CORE3_171013\Highway_36DSWEOP_Toll8.DAT SECTORS *mode Sector_file_name 1 E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\WWLR_Sectors_RevB.dat

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C. TUBA Output File Core Scenario (60 year

toll appraisal)

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Transport User Benefit Appraisal TUBA (64-BIT) 1.9.7(1xB) Program run on Fri Oct 13, 2017 at 15:57:06 ERRORS AND WARNINGS Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2084 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2085 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2086 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2087 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2088 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2089 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2090 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2091 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2092 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2093 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2094 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2095 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2096 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2097 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2098 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2099 is ignored Warning: Table VALUE_OF_TIME_GROWTH: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2100 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2084 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2085 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2086 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2087 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2088 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2089 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2090 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2091 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2092 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2093 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2094 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2095 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2096 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2097 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2098 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2099 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2100 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2084 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2085 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2086 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2087 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2088 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2089 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2090 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2091 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2092 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2093 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2094 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2095 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2096 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2097 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2098 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2099 is ignored Warning: Table FUEL_COST_CHANGES: data defined from horizon year 2083 to year 2100 is ignored 210764 Warnings found

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Warning (73 serious): Ratio of DM to DS travel time lower than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_time DS_time Ratio DM_trips DS_trips 8092 8024 3 Car Other All 2036 0.029 0.150 0.194 0.005 0.005 8092 8024 3 Car Business All 2036 0.029 0.150 0.194 0.000 0.000 8092 8024 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.029 0.150 0.194 0.001 0.001 8092 8024 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.029 0.150 0.194 0.001 0.001 8279 8024 3 Car Other All 2036 0.037 0.158 0.235 0.001 0.001 8279 8024 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.037 0.158 0.235 0.000 0.000 8279 8024 3 Car Business All 2036 0.037 0.158 0.235 0.000 0.000 8279 8024 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.037 0.158 0.235 0.001 0.001 8124 8123 1 Car Business All 2036 0.018 0.073 0.247 0.001 0.001 8124 8123 1 Car Other All 2036 0.018 0.073 0.247 0.017 0.018 8124 8123 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.018 0.073 0.247 0.040 0.044 8277 8024 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.045 0.166 0.273 0.001 0.001 8277 8024 3 Car Other All 2036 0.045 0.166 0.273 0.008 0.008 8277 8024 3 Car Business All 2036 0.045 0.166 0.273 0.003 0.003 8092 8023 3 Car Other All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.319 0.301 8092 8023 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.064 0.060 8092 8026 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.024 0.023 8092 8026 3 Car Business All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.013 0.012 8092 8026 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.009 0.009 8092 8023 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.014 0.014 8092 8026 3 Car Other All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.339 0.321 8092 8023 3 Car Business All 2036 0.046 0.166 0.274 0.011 0.010 8092 8002 3 Car Other All 2036 0.047 0.167 0.278 0.032 0.032 8092 8002 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.047 0.167 0.278 0.005 0.005 8092 8002 3 Car Business All 2036 0.047 0.167 0.278 0.002 0.002 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 4698 of this type. Warning (504 serious): Ratio of DM to DS travel time higher than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_time DS_time Ratio DM_trips DS_trips 8522 8348 3 Car Other All 2036 0.247 0.045 5.482 0.001 0.002 8522 8348 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.247 0.045 5.482 0.013 0.026 8522 8348 3 Car Business All 2036 0.247 0.045 5.482 0.000 0.000 8522 8096 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.247 0.045 5.482 0.022 0.044 8522 8096 3 Car Other All 2036 0.247 0.045 5.482 0.001 0.002 8522 8096 3 Car Commuting All 2026 0.239 0.045 5.354 0.022 0.044 8522 8348 3 Car Commuting All 2026 0.239 0.045 5.354 0.013 0.025 8522 8096 3 Car Other All 2026 0.239 0.045 5.354 0.001 0.002 8522 8348 3 Car Other All 2026 0.239 0.045 5.354 0.001 0.002 8522 8348 3 Car Business All 2026 0.239 0.045 5.353 0.000 0.000 8522 8561 3 Car Other All 2036 0.219 0.044 4.956 0.001 0.001 8522 8559 3 Car Other All 2036 0.219 0.044 4.956 0.007 0.015 8522 8559 3 Car Business All 2036 0.219 0.044 4.956 0.001 0.002 8522 8561 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.219 0.044 4.956 0.011 0.019 8522 8559 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.219 0.044 4.956 0.026 0.045 8522 8559 3 Car Commuting All 2026 0.211 0.043 4.886 0.026 0.045 8522 8561 3 Car Commuting All 2026 0.211 0.043 4.886 0.011 0.019 8522 8561 3 Car Other All 2026 0.211 0.043 4.886 0.001 0.001 8522 8559 3 Car Other All 2026 0.211 0.043 4.886 0.007 0.015 8522 8559 3 Car Business All 2026 0.211 0.043 4.886 0.001 0.002 8522 8096 1 Car Other All 2026 0.202 0.046 4.405 0.000 0.000 8522 8348 1 Car Other All 2026 0.202 0.046 4.405 0.000 0.000 8522 8096 1 Car Commuting All 2026 0.202 0.046 4.405 0.001 0.002 8522 8348 1 Car Commuting All 2026 0.202 0.046 4.405 0.001 0.001 8522 8348 1 Car Business All 2026 0.202 0.046 4.405 0.000 0.000 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 104805 of this type. Warning (1 serious): Ratio of DM to DS travel distance lower than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_dist DS_dist Ratio DM_trips DS_trips 8354 8353 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.355 1.114 0.318 0.000 0.000 8276 8075 2 Car Other All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.196 0.163

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8276 8075 5 Car Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.008 0.007 8276 8075 2 Car Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.008 0.007 8276 8075 2 Car Commuting All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.087 0.076 8276 8075 5 Car Other All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.196 0.163 8276 8075 5 LGV Freight Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.003 0.003 8276 8075 2 LGV Freight Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.003 0.003 8276 8075 5 Car Commuting All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.087 0.076 8276 8075 4 LGV Freight Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.001 0.001 8276 8075 6 LGV Freight Business All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.001 0.001 8276 8075 4 Car Business All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.002 0.001 8276 8075 4 Car Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.001 0.001 8276 8075 6 Car Commuting All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.012 0.010 8276 8075 4 Car Other All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.039 0.029 8276 8075 4 Car Commuting All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.012 0.010 8276 8075 4 LGV Freight Business All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.001 0.001 8276 8075 6 Car Business All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.002 0.001 8276 8075 4 Car Other All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.038 0.029 8276 8075 6 Car Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.001 0.001 8276 8075 6 Car Other All 2026 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.038 0.029 8276 8075 6 Car Other All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.039 0.029 8276 8075 6 Car Commuting All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.012 0.010 8276 8075 4 Car Commuting All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.012 0.010 8276 8075 6 LGV Freight Business All 2036 1.034 2.983 0.347 0.001 0.001 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 6551 of this type. Warning (77870 serious): Ratio of DM to DS travel distance higher than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_dist DS_dist Ratio DM_trips DS_trips 8212 8397 3 Car Commuting All 2026 1.744 0.437 3.987 0.005 0.005 8212 8397 3 Car Business All 2026 1.744 0.437 3.987 0.005 0.005 8212 8397 3 Car Other All 2026 1.744 0.437 3.987 0.118 0.118 8212 8397 3 LGV Freight Business All 2026 1.739 0.437 3.976 0.009 0.009 8231 8232 3 Car Other All 2026 1.352 0.372 3.636 0.001 0.001 8231 8232 3 Car Commuting All 2026 1.352 0.372 3.636 0.000 0.000 8231 8232 1 Car Other All 2036 1.347 0.383 3.520 0.000 0.000 8255 8263 1 LGV Freight Business All 2036 1.994 0.606 3.290 2.044 2.044 8397 8309 1 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.536 0.172 3.116 0.001 0.001 8397 8309 1 Car Other All 2036 0.536 0.172 3.114 0.001 0.001 8397 8309 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.536 0.172 3.114 0.000 0.000 8397 8309 3 LGV Freight Business All 2026 0.535 0.172 3.110 0.002 0.002 8397 8309 3 Car Business All 2026 0.536 0.172 3.107 0.000 0.000 8397 8309 3 Car Commuting All 2026 0.536 0.173 3.102 0.000 0.000 8397 8309 3 Car Other All 2026 0.536 0.173 3.102 0.001 0.001 8309 8312 3 LGV Freight Business All 2026 0.312 0.112 2.776 0.006 0.006 8309 8312 1 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.312 0.112 2.775 0.008 0.008 8309 8312 3 Car Other All 2026 0.312 0.112 2.775 0.000 0.000 8321 8325 3 Car Commuting All 2026 3.662 1.415 2.587 0.413 0.416 8317 8325 3 Car Commuting All 2026 3.662 1.415 2.587 0.100 0.100 8321 8325 3 Car Other All 2026 3.655 1.415 2.582 0.029 0.029 8317 8325 3 Car Other All 2026 3.655 1.415 2.582 0.174 0.173 8173 8065 4 Car Commuting All 2036 23.306 9.119 2.556 0.001 0.001 8173 8065 6 Car Commuting All 2036 23.306 9.119 2.556 0.001 0.001 8321 8325 3 Car Business All 2036 3.661 1.436 2.549 0.002 0.002 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 77870 of this type. Warning: DM speeds less than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_dist DM_time Speed DM_trips 8092 8024 1 OGV1 Business All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Other All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.002 8092 8024 1 Car Business All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000 8092 8024 1 OGV2 Business All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Other All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000 8092 8024 1 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.001 8092 8024 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000

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8092 8024 1 Car Business All 2036 0.051 0.078 0.658 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Commuting All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.001 8092 8024 1 OGV2 Business All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Business All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Commuting All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.000 8092 8024 1 OGV1 Business All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Other All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.002 8092 8024 1 Car Other All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.000 8092 8024 1 Car Business All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.000 8092 8024 1 LGV Freight Business All 2026 0.051 0.063 0.815 0.001 8310 8318 1 Car Other All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.000 8310 8318 1 Car Other All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.000 8310 8318 1 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.073 8310 8318 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.000 8310 8318 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.000 8310 8318 1 Car Business All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.000 8310 8318 1 OGV1 Business All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.820 0.000 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 1483 of this type. Warning: DM speeds greater than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_dist DM_time Speed DM_trips 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.582 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 6 LGV Freight Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.001 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 4 LGV Freight Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.001 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.497 0.000 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 6896 of this type. Warning: DS speeds less than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DS_dist DS_time Speed DS_trips 8092 8024 3 OGV2 Business All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.341 0.000 8092 8024 3 OGV1 Business All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.341 0.000 8092 8024 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.341 0.001 8092 8024 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.343 0.001 8092 8024 3 Car Other All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.343 0.005 8092 8024 3 Car Business All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.343 0.000 8092 8024 3 Car Business All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.343 0.000 8092 8024 3 Car Other All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.343 0.000 8092 8024 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.051 0.150 0.343 0.000 8092 8025 3 OGV2 Business All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.587 0.000 8092 8025 3 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.587 0.003 8092 8025 3 OGV1 Business All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.587 0.000 8092 8025 3 Car Business All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.590 0.001 8092 8025 3 Car Business All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.590 0.000

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8092 8025 3 Car Other All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.590 0.014 8092 8025 3 Car Other All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.590 0.000 8092 8025 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.591 0.000 8092 8025 3 Car Commuting All 2036 0.090 0.153 0.591 0.003 8310 8318 1 Car Other All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.000 8310 8318 1 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.073 8310 8318 1 Car Business All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.000 8310 8318 1 Car Other All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.000 8310 8318 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.000 8310 8318 1 Car Commuting All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.000 8310 8318 1 OGV2 Business All 2036 0.024 0.029 0.819 0.000 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 1499 of this type. Warning: DS speeds greater than limit for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DS_dist DS_time Speed DS_trips 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2026 77.440 0.632 122.588 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Commuting All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 4 LGV Freight Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.001 8621 8207 6 LGV Freight Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.001 8621 8207 4 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 6 Car Business All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 8621 8207 4 Car Other All 2036 77.440 0.632 122.505 0.000 Displayed 25 warnings of a total of 6906 of this type. Serious Warning: Possible introduction of new mode one of DM and DS time is zero, but not both, for the following: Origin Destination Time_slice Veh_type Purpose Person_type Year DM_time DS_time 8032 8028 3 LGV Freight Business All 2026 0.000 0.000 8032 8028 4 LGV Freight Business All 2026 0.000 0.000 8032 8028 4 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.000 0.000 8032 8028 6 LGV Freight Business All 2026 0.000 0.000 8032 8028 6 LGV Freight Business All 2036 0.000 0.000 Displayed 5 warnings. TUBA ECONOMICS FILE DIFFERENCES TIME_PERIODS - (used) *no. description comments 1 AM peak (7-10 weekdays) 2 PM peak (4-7 weekdays) 3 Inter-peak (10-4 weekdays) 4 Off-peak (7-7 weekdays) 5 WeekendIP (10-4weekend) 6 WeekendOP (7-7weekend) TIME_PERIODS - (std) *no. description comments

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1 AM peak (7-10 weekdays) 2 PM peak (4-7 weekdays) 3 Inter-peak (10-4 weekdays) 4 Off-peak (7-7 weekdays) 5 Weekend (weekend) DEFAULT_PURPOSE_SPLIT - (used) *Vtype/submode purpose Period1 Period2 Period3 Period4 Period5 1 1 18.1 13.0 19.9 12.3 3.2 3.2 1 2 46.0 40.8 11.4 36.2 8.5 8.5 1 3 35.9 46.2 68.7 51.5 88.3 88.3 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 1 3.9 3.9 2.0 5.7 1.5 1.5 6 2 30.0 36.6 11.1 38.1 6.4 6.4 6 3 66.1 59.5 86.9 56.2 92.1 92.1 7 1 1.9 1.8 0.2 2.3 0.4 0.4 7 2 82.4 75.7 8.5 28.9 23.3 23.3 7 3 15.7 22.5 91.3 68.8 76.3 76.3 8 1 14.1 16.4 22.4 23.2 6.3 6.3 8 2 51.9 55.9 10.2 53.1 4.3 4.3 8 3 34.0 27.7 67.4 23.7 89.4 89.4 DEFAULT_PURPOSE_SPLIT - (std) *Vtype/submode purpose Period1 Period2 Period3 Period4 Period5 1 1 18.1 13.0 19.9 12.3 3.2 1 2 46.0 40.8 11.4 36.2 8.5 1 3 35.9 46.2 68.7 51.5 88.3 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 1 3.9 3.9 2.0 5.7 1.5 6 2 30.0 36.6 11.1 38.1 6.4 6 3 66.1 59.5 86.9 56.2 92.1 7 1 1.9 1.8 0.2 2.3 0.4 7 2 82.4 75.7 8.5 28.9 23.3 7 3 15.7 22.5 91.3 68.8 76.3 8 1 14.1 16.4 22.4 23.2 6.3 8 2 51.9 55.9 10.2 53.1 4.3 8 3 34.0 27.7 67.4 23.7 89.4 DEFAULT_PERSON_FACTORS - (used) *Vtype/submode purpose person_type FactorPer1 FactorPer2.. 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1 2 0.22 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.27 0.27

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1 2 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 2 2 0.15 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.13 1 3 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 3 2 0.66 0.78 0.73 0.73 0.92 0.92 2 2 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 2 2 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.03 1.03 2 3 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 3 2 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.03 1.03 3 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3 1 2 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.26 0.26 4 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEFAULT_PERSON_FACTORS - (std) *Vtype/submode purpose person_type FactorPer1 FactorPer2.. 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1 2 0.22 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.27 1 2 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 2 2 0.15 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.13 1 3 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 3 2 0.66 0.78 0.73 0.73 0.92 2 2 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 2 2 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.03 2 3 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 3 2 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.03 3 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3 1 2 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.26 4 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEFAULT_PERSON_FACTORS_CHANGE - (used) *% change p.a. *Start_yr End_yr Submode Purpose Person_type ChangePer1 ChangePer2 ChangePer3 ChangePer4 ChangePer5 2011 2036 1 1 2 -0.48 -0.62 -0.40 -0.50 -0.48 -0.48 2011 2036 1 2 2 -0.67 -0.53 -0.65 -0.47 -0.52 -0.52 2011 2036 1 3 2 -0.67 -0.53 -0.65 -0.47 -0.52 -0.52 DEFAULT_PERSON_FACTORS_CHANGE - (std) *% change p.a. *Start_yr End_yr Submode Purpose Person_type ChangePer1 ChangePer2 ChangePer3 ChangePer4 ChangePer5 2011 2036 1 1 2 -0.48 -0.62 -0.40 -0.50 -0.48 2011 2036 1 2 2 -0.67 -0.53 -0.65 -0.47 -0.52 2011 2036 1 3 2 -0.67 -0.53 -0.65 -0.47 -0.52 INPUT_SUMMARY Run name WWLR RED Route DM scheme DM DS scheme DS Economic parameter file E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF\economics_1_9_7.txt Scheme parameter file E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF.txt First year of scheme costs 2017 First Appraisal Year 2024 Last Appraisal Year 2083 Modelled years 2026 2036 Time period Total hours AM peak 714 PM peak 723 Inter-peak 1518 Off-peak 3036 WeekendIP 416 WeekendOP 1144

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Total 7551 Note: All monetary values are in 2010 market prices. All monetary values discounted to 2010 unless otherwise stated. DM_SCHEME_COSTS Do minimum scheme costs. Undiscounted £000s Mode Year Prep. Superv. Constr. Land Maint. Oper. Grant/Sub. Dev._Cont Road 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2028 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2031 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2035 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2039 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2041 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2042 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2044 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2045 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2046 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2047 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2048 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2049 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2052 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2054 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2055 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2057 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2058 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2060 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2062 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2063 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2064 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2066 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2069 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2071 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2072 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Road 2073 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2074 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2075 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2076 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2077 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2078 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2081 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2082 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DS_SCHEME_COSTS Do something scheme costs. Undiscounted £000s Mode Year Prep. Superv. Constr. Land Maint. Oper. Grant/Sub. Dev._Cont Road 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2018 18746 0 4786 25969 0 0 0 0 Road 2019 4803 0 13651 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2020 4803 3013 46202 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2021 0 3013 38085 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2022 0 3013 39469 0 0 0 0 0 Road 2023 0 3013 40821 0 0 28 0 0 Road 2024 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 Road 2025 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 Road 2026 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 Road 2027 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 Road 2028 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 Road 2029 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 Road 2030 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 Road 2031 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 Road 2032 0 0 0 0 1486 499 0 0 Road 2033 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 Road 2034 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 Road 2035 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 Road 2036 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0 Road 2037 0 0 0 0 0 1049 0 0 Road 2038 0 0 0 0 0 68 0 0 Road 2039 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 Road 2040 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 Road 2041 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 Road 2042 0 0 0 0 1146 5703 0 0 Road 2043 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 Road 2044 0 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 Road 2045 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 Road 2046 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 Road 2047 0 0 0 0 0 172 0 0 Road 2048 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 Road 2049 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 Road 2050 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 Road 2051 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 Road 2052 0 0 0 0 1003 3933 0 0 Road 2053 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 Road 2054 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 Road 2055 0 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 Road 2056 0 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 Road 2057 0 0 0 0 0 208 0 0 Road 2058 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 Road 2059 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 Road 2060 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 0 Road 2061 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 Road 2062 0 0 0 0 924 9108 0 0 Road 2063 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 Road 2064 0 0 0 0 0 113 0 0 Road 2065 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 Road 2066 0 0 0 0 0 116 0 0

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Road 2067 0 0 0 0 0 1876 0 0 Road 2068 0 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 Road 2069 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 Road 2070 0 0 0 0 0 123 0 0 Road 2071 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 Road 2072 0 0 0 0 874 3516 0 0 Road 2073 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0 Road 2074 0 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 Road 2075 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 Road 2076 0 0 0 0 0 134 0 0 Road 2077 0 0 0 0 0 280 0 0 Road 2078 0 0 0 0 0 137 0 0 Road 2079 0 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 Road 2080 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 Road 2081 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 Road 2082 0 0 0 0 840 15112 0 0 PRESENT_VALUE_COSTS Scheme investment and operating costs (i.e. excluding grant/subsidy, developer contributions and delays) and differences. £000s. Mode Year DM_scheme_costs DS_scheme_costs Difference Road 2017 0 0 0 Road 2018 0 37591 37591 Road 2019 0 13540 13540 Road 2020 0 38294 38294 Road 2021 0 28150 28150 Road 2022 0 28114 28114 Road 2023 0 28046 28046 Road 2024 0 27 27 Road 2025 0 18 18 Road 2026 0 27 27 Road 2027 0 56 56 Road 2028 0 27 27 Road 2029 0 18 18 Road 2030 0 27 27 Road 2031 0 18 18 Road 2032 0 931 931 Road 2033 0 18 18 Road 2034 0 27 27 Road 2035 0 18 18 Road 2036 0 26 26 Road 2037 0 414 414 Road 2038 0 26 26 Road 2039 0 17 17 Road 2040 0 25 25 Road 2041 0 17 17 Road 2042 0 2278 2278 Road 2043 0 17 17 Road 2044 0 24 24 Road 2045 0 16 16 Road 2046 0 24 24 Road 2047 0 49 49 Road 2048 0 23 23 Road 2049 0 16 16 Road 2050 0 23 23 Road 2051 0 15 15 Road 2052 0 1198 1198 Road 2053 0 15 15 Road 2054 0 22 22 Road 2055 0 15 15 Road 2056 0 21 21 Road 2057 0 44 44 Road 2058 0 21 21 Road 2059 0 14 14 Road 2060 0 20 20

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Road 2061 0 14 14 Road 2062 0 1812 1812 Road 2063 0 13 13 Road 2064 0 19 19 Road 2065 0 13 13 Road 2066 0 19 19 Road 2067 0 292 292 Road 2068 0 18 18 Road 2069 0 12 12 Road 2070 0 18 18 Road 2071 0 12 12 Road 2072 0 590 590 Road 2073 0 11 11 Road 2074 0 16 16 Road 2075 0 11 11 Road 2076 0 16 16 Road 2077 0 32 32 Road 2078 0 15 15 Road 2079 0 10 10 Road 2080 0 15 15 Road 2081 0 10 10 Road 2082 0 1595 1595 Road Total 0 183891 183891 TRIP_MATRIX_TOTALS Annualised total trip numbers(thousands) Submode Year Time period DO MIN DO SOM Car 2026 AM peak 104490 104594 Car 2026 PM peak 114295 114492 Car 2026 Inter-peak 159412 159476 Car 2026 Off-peak 130256 130212 Car 2026 WeekendIP 43686 43704 Car 2026 WeekendOP 49082 49065 Car 2026 All 601220 601543 Car 2036 AM peak 111251 111269 Car 2036 PM peak 122210 122567 Car 2036 Inter-peak 171508 171622 Car 2036 Off-peak 141065 140988 Car 2036 WeekendIP 47001 47032 Car 2036 WeekendOP 53155 53126 Car 2036 All 646189 646604 LGV Freight 2026 AM peak 15342 15342 LGV Freight 2026 PM peak 14184 14184 LGV Freight 2026 Inter-peak 25094 25094 LGV Freight 2026 Off-peak 14461 14451 LGV Freight 2026 WeekendIP 6877 6877 LGV Freight 2026 WeekendOP 5449 5445 LGV Freight 2026 All 81407 81394 LGV Freight 2036 AM peak 18241 18241 LGV Freight 2036 PM peak 16864 16864 LGV Freight 2036 Inter-peak 29837 29837 LGV Freight 2036 Off-peak 17217 17204 LGV Freight 2036 WeekendIP 8177 8177 LGV Freight 2036 WeekendOP 6488 6483 LGV Freight 2036 All 96824 96806 OGV1 2026 AM peak 1613 1613 OGV1 2026 PM peak 1145 1145 OGV1 2026 Inter-peak 3264 3264 OGV1 2026 Off-peak 1186 1185 OGV1 2026 WeekendIP 894 894 OGV1 2026 WeekendOP 447 447 OGV1 2026 All 8549 8547 OGV1 2036 AM peak 1704 1704 OGV1 2036 PM peak 1209 1209

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OGV1 2036 Inter-peak 3448 3448 OGV1 2036 Off-peak 1259 1258 OGV1 2036 WeekendIP 945 945 OGV1 2036 WeekendOP 474 474 OGV1 2036 All 9040 9039 OGV2 2026 AM peak 1247 1247 OGV2 2026 PM peak 885 885 OGV2 2026 Inter-peak 2523 2523 OGV2 2026 Off-peak 917 916 OGV2 2026 WeekendIP 691 691 OGV2 2026 WeekendOP 346 345 OGV2 2026 All 6609 6607 OGV2 2036 AM peak 1318 1318 OGV2 2036 PM peak 935 935 OGV2 2036 Inter-peak 2666 2666 OGV2 2036 Off-peak 973 972 OGV2 2036 WeekendIP 731 731 OGV2 2036 WeekendOP 367 366 OGV2 2036 All 6989 6987 All 2026 AM peak 122691 122796 All 2026 PM peak 130508 130705 All 2026 Inter-peak 190293 190357 All 2026 Off-peak 146820 146765 All 2026 WeekendIP 52149 52166 All 2026 WeekendOP 55323 55303 All 2026 All 697785 698092 All 2036 AM peak 132514 132532 All 2036 PM peak 141218 141576 All 2036 Inter-peak 207458 207572 All 2036 Off-peak 160514 160422 All 2036 WeekendIP 56853 56884 All 2036 WeekendOP 60484 60449 All 2036 All 759042 759436 DM&DS_USER_COSTS Total value of user costs, DM and DS. £000s. Mode Year DMtot_time DMtot_charge DMtot_fuel DMtot_nonfuel DStot_time DStot_charge DStot_fuel DStot_nonfuel Road 2026 5459711 22641 1560393 1421591 5453951 21762 1559787 1421186 Road 2036 5233235 19218 1192040 1128280 5228887 18417 1191658 1127959 FUEL_CONSUMPTION Total fuel consumption, DM and DS. kilounits. Do minimum Do something Submode Year Petrol Diesel Electric Petrol Diesel Electric Car 2026 659316 655627 131962 659059 655387 131936 Car 2036 670750 649144 253123 670534 648950 253076 LGV Freight 2026 2882 248547 0 2880 248477 0 LGV Freight 2036 2409 284807 0 2408 284697 0 OGV1 2026 0 194954 0 0 194863 0 OGV1 2036 0 206296 0 0 206237 0 OGV2 2026 0 248555 0 0 248431 0 OGV2 2036 0 263084 0 0 262993 0 All 2026 662197 1347684 131962 661939 1347158 131936 All 2036 673160 1403331 253123 672942 1402877 253076 Car Total 40087865 38878418 14493396 40074608 38866458 14490720 LGV Freight Total 146640 16794163 0 146570 16787893 0 OGV1 Total 0 12289297 0 0 12285525 0 OGV2 Total 0 15671739 0 0 15665989 0 All Total 40234505 83633617 14493396 40221178 83605866 14490720 CO2_EMISSIONS_UNTRADED Emissions (tonnes) cost (£000s, low) cost (£000s, central) cost (£000s, high) Submode Year DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase Car 2026 2952114 2951001 -1113 57813 57791 -22 115625 115581 -44 173438 173372 -65

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Car 2036 2960101 2959183 -917 67870 67849 -21 135740 135698 -42 203610 203547 -63 LGV Freight 2026 607519 607349 -171 11897 11894 -3 23795 23788 -7 35692 35682 -10 LGV Freight 2036 694300 694032 -268 15919 15913 -6 31838 31826 -12 47757 47739 -18 OGV1 2026 471844 471622 -222 9240 9236 -4 18481 18472 -9 27721 27708 -13 OGV1 2036 499294 499152 -142 11448 11445 -3 22896 22889 -6 34344 34334 -10 OGV2 2026 601573 601271 -302 11781 11775 -6 23562 23550 -12 35343 35325 -18 OGV2 2036 636737 636516 -221 14599 14594 -5 29199 29188 -10 43798 43783 -15 All 2024 4687292 4685396 -1896 95351 95313 -39 190703 190626 -77 286054 285939 -116 All 2025 4643123 4641278 -1845 92685 92648 -37 185370 185297 -74 278056 277945 -110 All 2026 4633050 4631242 -1807 90731 90696 -35 181462 181391 -71 272193 272087 -106 All 2027 4622507 4620737 -1770 88788 88754 -34 177577 177509 -68 266365 266263 -102 All 2028 4611515 4609781 -1734 86860 86827 -33 173719 173654 -65 260579 260481 -98 All 2029 4600092 4598394 -1698 84946 84915 -31 169892 169829 -63 254838 254744 -94 All 2030 4588258 4586596 -1662 83048 83018 -30 166097 166037 -60 249145 249055 -90 All 2031 4619753 4618111 -1642 88293 88262 -31 176586 176523 -63 264879 264785 -94 All 2032 4650950 4649328 -1622 93181 93148 -33 186362 186297 -65 279543 279445 -98 All 2033 4681851 4680248 -1602 97725 97692 -33 195450 195383 -67 293175 293075 -100 All 2034 4712458 4710875 -1583 101940 101906 -34 203880 203812 -68 305821 305718 -103 All 2035 4742774 4741211 -1563 105838 105804 -35 211677 211607 -70 317515 317411 -105 All 2036 4790432 4788883 -1549 109836 109801 -36 219673 219602 -71 329509 329402 -107 All 2037 4790432 4788883 -1549 112450 112414 -36 224900 224827 -73 337350 337241 -109 All 2038 4790432 4788883 -1549 114762 114725 -37 229524 229450 -74 344286 344175 -111 All 2039 4790432 4788883 -1549 116789 116751 -38 233578 233502 -76 350367 350254 -113 All 2040 4790432 4788883 -1549 118547 118509 -38 237094 237017 -77 355641 355526 -115 All 2041 4790432 4788883 -1549 120053 120014 -39 240106 240029 -78 360160 360043 -116 All 2042 4790432 4788883 -1549 121322 121283 -39 242644 242566 -78 363967 363849 -118 All 2043 4790432 4788883 -1549 122368 122328 -40 244736 244656 -79 367103 366985 -119 All 2044 4790432 4788883 -1549 123204 123164 -40 246407 246328 -80 369611 369492 -119 All 2045 4790432 4788883 -1549 123843 123803 -40 247686 247606 -80 371529 371409 -120 All 2046 4790432 4788883 -1549 124299 124259 -40 248598 248517 -80 372896 372776 -121 All 2047 4790432 4788883 -1549 125187 125146 -40 250374 250293 -81 375561 375440 -121 All 2048 4790432 4788883 -1549 125917 125877 -41 251835 251753 -81 377752 377630 -122 All 2049 4790432 4788883 -1549 126499 126458 -41 252999 252917 -82 379498 379375 -123 All 2050 4790432 4788883 -1549 126940 126899 -41 253881 253798 -82 380821 380698 -123 All 2051 4790432 4788883 -1549 126325 126284 -41 255202 255119 -83 384082 383958 -124 All 2052 4790432 4788883 -1549 125424 125383 -41 255967 255885 -83 386513 386388 -125 All 2053 4790432 4788883 -1549 124407 124367 -40 256509 256426 -83 388615 388489 -126 All 2054 4790432 4788883 -1549 123267 123227 -40 256805 256722 -83 390350 390224 -126 All 2055 4790432 4788883 -1549 121898 121858 -39 256626 256543 -83 391362 391236 -127 All 2056 4790432 4788883 -1549 120453 120414 -39 256282 256199 -83 392118 391991 -127 All 2057 4790432 4788883 -1549 118803 118764 -38 255488 255406 -83 392183 392056 -127 All 2058 4790432 4788883 -1549 117010 116972 -38 254370 254287 -82 391737 391611 -127 All 2059 4790432 4788883 -1549 115113 115076 -37 252997 252915 -82 390889 390763 -126 All 2060 4790432 4788883 -1549 113103 113066 -37 251341 251260 -81 389588 389462 -126 All 2061 4790432 4788883 -1549 110547 110512 -36 248423 248342 -80 386305 386180 -125 All 2062 4790432 4788883 -1549 107991 107956 -35 245434 245355 -79 382884 382760 -124 All 2063 4790432 4788883 -1549 105266 105232 -34 241991 241913 -78 378724 378602 -122 All 2064 4790432 4788883 -1549 102489 102456 -33 238347 238270 -77 374217 374096 -121 All 2065 4790432 4788883 -1549 99583 99550 -32 234314 234238 -76 369054 368934 -119 All 2066 4790432 4788883 -1549 96714 96683 -31 230274 230199 -74 363840 363723 -118 All 2067 4790432 4788883 -1549 93716 93686 -30 225822 225749 -73 357938 357822 -116 All 2068 4790432 4788883 -1549 90712 90682 -29 221249 221177 -72 351794 351680 -114 All 2069 4790432 4788883 -1549 87663 87635 -28 216454 216385 -70 345253 345142 -112 All 2070 4790432 4788883 -1549 84612 84585 -27 211531 211462 -68 338459 338349 -109 All 2071 4790432 4788883 -1549 81648 81621 -26 206702 206636 -67 331765 331658 -107 All 2072 4790432 4788883 -1549 78684 78659 -25 201754 201688 -65 324830 324725 -105 All 2073 4790432 4788883 -1549 75753 75729 -24 196761 196697 -64 317776 317673 -103 All 2074 4790432 4788883 -1549 72787 72764 -24 191544 191482 -62 310309 310209 -100 All 2075 4790432 4788883 -1549 69934 69912 -23 186489 186429 -60 303055 302957 -98 All 2076 4790432 4788883 -1549 67008 66986 -22 181101 181042 -59 295205 295109 -95 All 2077 4790432 4788883 -1549 64200 64179 -21 175889 175833 -57 287590 287497 -93 All 2078 4790432 4788883 -1549 61400 61380 -20 170553 170498 -55 279719 279628 -90 All 2079 4790432 4788883 -1549 58675 58656 -19 165279 165226 -53 271897 271809 -88 All 2080 4790432 4788883 -1549 55958 55940 -18 159879 159828 -52 263812 263726 -85

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All 2081 4790432 4788883 -1549 53525 53508 -17 155144 155093 -50 256773 256690 -83 All 2082 4790432 4788883 -1549 51097 51081 -17 150284 150236 -49 249481 249401 -81 All 2083 4790432 4788883 -1549 48732 48716 -16 145465 145418 -47 242210 242132 -78 Car Total 177110679 177054281 -56399 3684868 3683697 -1172 8051475 8048920 -2554 12418256 12414319 -3937 LGV Freight Total 40950203 40934881 -15321 852717 852397 -320 1865337 1864635 -701 2877998 2876915 -1083 OGV1 Total 29743511 29734383 -9128 618975 618786 -189 1352942 1352531 -411 2086938 2086306 -633 OGV2 Total 37929959 37916045 -13915 789340 789051 -289 1725326 1724698 -628 2661350 2660382 -968 All Total 285734353 285639590 -94763 5945900 5943931 -1969 12995079 12990785 -4295 20044543 20037923 -6620 CO2_EMISSIONS_TRADED Emissions (tonnes) cost (£000s, low) cost (£000s, central) cost (£000s, high) Submode Year DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase Car 2026 26404 26399 -5 291 291 -0 695 695 -0 1205 1205 -0 Car 2036 18745 18741 -3 380 380 -0 859 859 -0 1289 1289 -0 LGV Freight 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All 2024 21387 21383 -4 168 168 -0 429 428 -0 855 855 -0 All 2025 23100 23096 -4 219 219 -0 538 538 -0 992 991 -0 All 2026 26404 26399 -5 291 291 -0 695 695 -0 1205 1205 -0 All 2027 28905 28899 -5 359 359 -0 841 841 -0 1391 1391 -0 All 2028 30503 30497 -6 418 418 -0 966 966 -0 1537 1536 -0 All 2029 31093 31087 -6 463 463 -0 1058 1058 -0 1630 1630 -0 All 2030 30558 30553 -6 489 488 -0 1106 1106 -0 1659 1659 -0 All 2031 28180 28174 -5 476 476 -0 1077 1077 -0 1615 1615 -0 All 2032 25983 25978 -5 460 460 -0 1041 1041 -0 1561 1561 -0 All 2033 23955 23951 -4 442 442 -0 1000 1000 -0 1500 1499 -0 All 2034 22083 22079 -4 422 422 -0 955 955 -0 1433 1432 -0 All 2035 20355 20351 -4 401 401 -0 908 908 -0 1362 1362 -0 All 2036 18745 18741 -3 380 380 -0 859 859 -0 1289 1289 -0 All 2037 17085 17082 -3 354 354 -0 802 802 -0 1203 1203 -0 All 2038 15573 15570 -3 330 329 -0 746 746 -0 1119 1119 -0 All 2039 14194 14192 -3 306 306 -0 692 692 -0 1038 1038 -0 All 2040 12938 12935 -2 283 283 -0 640 640 -0 960 960 -0 All 2041 11505 11503 -2 255 255 -0 577 576 -0 865 865 -0 All 2042 11408 11406 -2 255 255 -0 578 578 -0 866 866 -0 All 2043 10142 10140 -2 229 229 -0 518 518 -0 777 777 -0 All 2044 8965 8964 -2 204 204 -0 461 461 -0 692 691 -0 All 2045 9100 9099 -2 208 208 -0 470 470 -0 706 705 -0 All 2046 8286 8284 -2 190 190 -0 430 430 -0 645 645 -0 All 2047 7671 7669 -1 177 177 -0 401 401 -0 601 601 -0 All 2048 7756 7755 -1 180 180 -0 408 408 -0 611 611 -0 All 2049 7022 7021 -1 164 164 -0 371 371 -0 556 556 -0 All 2050 6959 6958 -1 163 163 -0 369 369 -0 553 553 -0 All 2051 6959 6958 -1 162 162 -0 371 371 -0 558 558 -0 All 2052 6959 6958 -1 161 161 -0 372 372 -0 561 561 -0 All 2053 6959 6958 -1 160 160 -0 373 372 -0 564 564 -0 All 2054 6959 6958 -1 158 158 -0 373 373 -0 567 567 -0 All 2055 6959 6958 -1 156 156 -0 373 373 -0 568 568 -0 All 2056 6959 6958 -1 155 155 -0 372 372 -0 569 569 -0 All 2057 6959 6958 -1 152 152 -0 371 371 -0 570 569 -0 All 2058 6959 6958 -1 150 150 -0 369 369 -0 569 569 -0 All 2059 6959 6958 -1 148 148 -0 367 367 -0 568 568 -0 All 2060 6959 6958 -1 145 145 -0 365 365 -0 566 566 -0 All 2061 6959 6958 -1 142 142 -0 361 361 -0 561 561 -0 All 2062 6959 6958 -1 139 139 -0 356 356 -0 556 556 -0 All 2063 6959 6958 -1 135 135 -0 351 351 -0 550 550 -0 All 2064 6959 6958 -1 132 131 -0 346 346 -0 543 543 -0 All 2065 6959 6958 -1 128 128 -0 340 340 -0 536 536 -0 All 2066 6959 6958 -1 124 124 -0 334 334 -0 528 528 -0 All 2067 6959 6958 -1 120 120 -0 328 328 -0 520 520 -0

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All 2068 6959 6958 -1 116 116 -0 321 321 -0 511 511 -0 All 2069 6959 6958 -1 112 112 -0 314 314 -0 501 501 -0 All 2070 6959 6958 -1 109 109 -0 307 307 -0 492 491 -0 All 2071 6959 6958 -1 105 105 -0 300 300 -0 482 482 -0 All 2072 6959 6958 -1 101 101 -0 293 293 -0 472 472 -0 All 2073 6959 6958 -1 97 97 -0 286 286 -0 461 461 -0 All 2074 6959 6958 -1 93 93 -0 278 278 -0 451 451 -0 All 2075 6959 6958 -1 90 90 -0 271 271 -0 440 440 -0 All 2076 6959 6958 -1 86 86 -0 263 263 -0 429 429 -0 All 2077 6959 6958 -1 82 82 -0 255 255 -0 418 418 -0 All 2078 6959 6958 -1 79 79 -0 248 248 -0 406 406 -0 All 2079 6959 6958 -1 75 75 -0 240 240 -0 395 395 -0 All 2080 6959 6958 -1 72 72 -0 232 232 -0 383 383 -0 All 2081 6959 6958 -1 69 69 -0 225 225 -0 373 373 -0 All 2082 6959 6958 -1 66 66 -0 218 218 -0 362 362 -0 All 2083 6959 6958 -1 63 63 -0 211 211 -0 352 352 -0 Car Total 709509 709377 -132 12163 12160 -2 29320 29315 -5 45602 45593 -8 LGV Freight Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Total 709509 709377 -132 12163 12160 -2 29320 29315 -5 45602 45593 -8 CO2_EMISSIONS_BY_TIME_PERIOD_UNTRADED Emissions (tonnes) cost (£000s, low) cost (£000s, central) cost (£000s, high) Submode Year DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase AM peak 2026 795224 794974 -250 15573 15568 -5 31146 31137 -10 46720 46705 -15 AM peak 2036 817549 817179 -370 18745 18736 -8 37490 37473 -17 56235 56209 -25 PM peak 2026 822598 822501 -97 16109 16107 -2 32219 32215 -4 48328 48322 -6 PM peak 2036 844659 844798 139 19367 19370 3 38733 38739 6 58100 58109 10 Inter-peak 2026 1402284 1401850 -434 27462 27453 -9 54923 54906 -17 82385 82359 -26 Inter-peak 2036 1454555 1454234 -322 33350 33343 -7 66701 66686 -15 100051 100029 -22 Off-peak 2026 892391 891732 -659 17476 17463 -13 34952 34926 -26 52428 52390 -39 Off-peak 2036 926093 925433 -659 21234 21219 -15 42467 42437 -30 63701 63656 -45 WeekendIP 2026 384289 384170 -119 7526 7523 -2 15051 15047 -5 22577 22570 -7 WeekendIP 2036 398613 398525 -88 9140 9137 -2 18279 18275 -4 27419 27412 -6 WeekendOP 2026 336263 336015 -248 6585 6580 -5 13170 13161 -10 19756 19741 -15 WeekendOP 2036 348962 348714 -248 8001 7995 -6 16002 15991 -11 24003 23986 -17 AM peak Total 48801673 48780410 -21263 1015476 1015032 -443 2219241 2218268 -972 3423054 3421553 -1501 PM peak Total 50417159 50423686 6527 1049097 1049235 138 2292726 2293034 308 3536406 3536884 478 Inter-peak Total 86736199 86716081 -20118 1804937 1804519 -417 3944871 3943962 -909 6084891 6083491 -1401 Off-peak Total 55207058 55167550 -39508 1148855 1148033 -822 2510997 2509202 -1796 3873195 3870425 -2769 WeekendIP Total 23769604 23764090 -5514 494634 494519 -114 1081071 1080822 -249 1667533 1667149 -384 WeekendOP Total 20802659 20787772 -14887 432902 432592 -310 946173 945496 -677 1459465 1458421 -1044 NOTE: The cost of any EU Allowances (EUAs) purchased to cover traded emissions (i.e. emissions from sectors covered by the EU Emissions Trading System) will be reflected in the purchase price of traded sector goods (such as electricity). Since the purchase price is used in the costs, considered in transport appraisal, the cost of the relevant EUAs will be included in the cost benefit analysis, "internalising" the costs of emissions from traded sectors. The CO2 EMISSIONS BY TIME PERIOD TRADED reported in the table below are therefore provided for information purposes only - they are not included in the Economic Efficiency of the Transport System (TEE) table. For further information, please refer to TAG Unit A-3 para. 4.1.5 and 4.2.9 CO2_EMISSIONS_BY_TIME_PERIOD_TRADED Emissions (tonnes) cost (£000s, low) cost (£000s, central) cost (£000s, high) Submode Year DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase DM DS Increase AM peak 2026 4358 4357 -0 48 48 -0 115 115 -0 199 199 -0 AM peak 2036 3058 3057 -1 62 62 -0 140 140 -0 210 210 -0 PM peak 2026 5195 5196 1 57 57 0 137 137 0 237 237 0 PM peak 2036 3677 3679 2 74 74 0 169 169 0 253 253 0 Inter-peak 2026 7349 7347 -2 81 81 -0 193 193 -0 335 335 -0 Inter-peak 2036 5233 5232 -0 106 106 -0 240 240 -0 360 360 -0 Off-peak 2026 5439 5436 -3 60 60 -0 143 143 -0 248 248 -0 Off-peak 2036 3881 3878 -2 79 79 -0 178 178 -0 267 267 -0 WeekendIP 2026 2014 2013 -1 22 22 -0 53 53 -0 92 92 -0 WeekendIP 2036 1434 1434 -0 29 29 -0 66 66 -0 99 99 -0

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WeekendOP 2026 2049 2048 -1 23 23 -0 54 54 -0 94 93 -0 WeekendOP 2036 1462 1461 -1 30 30 -0 67 67 -0 101 100 -0 AM peak Total 116128 116094 -34 1989 1988 -1 4795 4793 -2 7458 7456 -2 PM peak Total 139303 139356 53 2387 2388 1 5755 5758 2 8952 8955 4 Inter-peak Total 197894 197867 -27 3393 3393 -0 8180 8179 -1 12722 12720 -2 Off-peak Total 146682 146597 -84 2515 2514 -1 6064 6060 -4 9431 9425 -5 WeekendIP Total 54232 54224 -7 930 930 -0 2242 2241 -0 3486 3486 -0 WeekendOP Total 55271 55240 -32 948 947 -1 2285 2284 -1 3554 3552 -2 MODE User benefits and changes in revenues by mode, all years. £000s. Mode Year User User_Charges Vehicle_Operating_Cost Operator_Rev Indirect Time LA_tolls Fuel Non_fuel LA_tolls Taxes Road 2024 8015 915 693 390 -948 -280 Road 2025 7840 913 674 377 -944 -262 Road 2026 7669 910 644 365 -940 -246 Road 2027 7504 906 615 353 -934 -231 Road 2028 7343 902 588 341 -928 -217 Road 2029 7187 897 562 330 -921 -204 Road 2030 7035 891 537 319 -914 -191 Road 2031 6887 884 518 309 -906 -181 Road 2032 6743 877 500 299 -898 -172 Road 2033 6603 870 483 289 -889 -163 Road 2034 6472 861 466 280 -880 -154 Road 2035 6339 853 449 271 -870 -146 Road 2036 6209 844 436 262 -860 -139 Road 2037 6123 815 422 253 -831 -136 Road 2038 6040 788 410 245 -803 -132 Road 2039 5958 761 397 236 -776 -129 Road 2040 5877 735 385 228 -750 -126 Road 2041 5797 711 373 221 -724 -123 Road 2042 5719 687 362 213 -700 -120 Road 2043 5642 663 351 206 -676 -117 Road 2044 5567 641 340 199 -653 -114 Road 2045 5492 619 330 192 -631 -111 Road 2046 5423 598 320 186 -610 -108 Road 2047 5378 581 312 180 -592 -106 Road 2048 5333 564 304 175 -575 -104 Road 2049 5288 548 296 170 -558 -102 Road 2050 5244 532 289 165 -542 -100 Road 2051 5195 516 281 160 -526 -98 Road 2052 5148 501 274 156 -511 -96 Road 2053 5102 486 267 151 -496 -94 Road 2054 5056 472 260 147 -481 -92 Road 2055 5010 459 254 142 -467 -90 Road 2056 4965 445 247 138 -454 -89 Road 2057 4921 432 241 134 -440 -87 Road 2058 4883 420 235 130 -428 -85 Road 2059 4844 407 229 126 -415 -83 Road 2060 4811 396 223 123 -403 -82 Road 2061 4778 384 217 119 -391 -80 Road 2062 4746 373 212 116 -380 -78 Road 2063 4713 362 206 112 -369 -77 Road 2064 4677 351 201 109 -358 -75 Road 2065 4640 341 196 106 -348 -74 Road 2066 4604 331 191 103 -338 -72 Road 2067 4568 322 186 100 -328 -71 Road 2068 4531 312 182 97 -318 -69 Road 2069 4495 303 177 94 -309 -68 Road 2070 4460 294 172 91 -300 -66 Road 2071 4424 286 168 89 -291 -65 Road 2072 4389 277 164 86 -283 -64 Road 2073 4353 269 160 84 -274 -62 Road 2074 4318 262 156 81 -267 -61

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Road 2075 4283 254 152 79 -259 -60 Road 2076 4249 246 148 76 -251 -59 Road 2077 4214 239 144 74 -244 -57 Road 2078 4180 232 141 72 -237 -56 Road 2079 4146 226 137 70 -230 -55 Road 2080 4113 219 134 68 -223 -54 Road 2081 4079 213 130 66 -217 -53 Road 2082 4046 206 127 64 -210 -52 Road 2083 4014 200 124 62 -204 -51 Road Total 321681 31804 18390 10479 -32502 -6591 SUBMODE User benefits and changes in revenues by submode/vehicle type, modelled years and total. £000s. Submode Year User User_Charges Vehicle_Operating_Cost Operator_Rev Indirect Time LA_tolls Fuel Non_fuel LA_tolls Taxes Car 2026 6627 493 505 252 -521 -135 Car 2036 5237 440 352 173 -456 -62 LGV Freight 2026 902 151 42 59 -152 -27 LGV Freight 2036 843 135 49 56 -136 -33 OGV1 2026 79 150 39 21 -150 -35 OGV1 2036 72 151 11 13 -151 -17 OGV2 2026 61 116 57 32 -116 -48 OGV2 2036 56 117 24 20 -117 -27 All 2026 7669 910 644 365 -940 -246 All 2036 6209 844 436 262 -860 -139 Car Total 272540 16729 14729 7019 -17413 -3239 LGV Freight Total 42623 5137 1848 2094 -5151 -1276 OGV1 Total 3676 5605 635 548 -5605 -831 OGV2 Total 2842 4333 1177 818 -4333 -1245 All Total 321681 31804 18390 10478 -32502 -6591 PERSON_TYPES User benefits and changes in revenues by person type, modelled years and total. £000s. Person_type Year User User_Charges Vehicle_Operating_Cost Operator_Rev Indirect Time LA_tolls Fuel Non_fuel LA_tolls Taxes All 2026 7669 910 644 365 -940 -246 All 2036 6209 844 436 262 -860 -139 All Total 321681 31804 18390 10478 -32502 -6591 PURPOSE User benefits and changes in revenues by trip purpose, modelled years and total. £000s. Purpose Year User User_Charges Vehicle_Operating_Cost Operator_Rev Indirect Time LA_tolls Fuel Non_fuel LA_tolls Taxes Business 2026 2933 573 192 232 -565 -140 Business 2036 2562 502 127 184 -489 -108 Commuting 2026 1636 185 225 68 -206 -44 Commuting 2036 1234 175 157 61 -193 -22 Other 2026 3100 152 227 64 -169 -62 Other 2036 2413 167 151 17 -178 -9 Business Total 130963 19160 5403 7195 -18714 -4606 Commuting Total 64782 6562 6587 2312 -7245 -1131 Other Total 125937 6082 6400 972 -6544 -853 PERIOD User benefits and changes in revenues by time period, modelled years and total. £000s. Period Year User User_Charges Vehicle_Operating_Cost Operator_Rev Indirect Time LA_tolls Fuel Non_fuel LA_tolls Taxes AM peak 2026 1468 163 131 39 -170 -32 AM peak 2036 1513 154 86 67 -160 -37 PM peak 2026 2524 187 160 24 -197 1 PM peak 2036 1029 183 92 -25 -184 38 Inter-peak 2026 2195 284 143 136 -287 -63 Inter-peak 2036 2227 267 120 78 -268 -31 Off-peak 2026 599 143 125 94 -151 -98

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Off-peak 2036 563 121 76 88 -126 -73 WeekendIP 2026 642 78 39 37 -79 -17 WeekendIP 2036 652 73 33 21 -74 -8 WeekendOP 2026 241 54 47 35 -57 -37 WeekendOP 2036 225 45 29 33 -48 -28 AM peak Total 75342 5794 3665 2282 -6011 -1503 PM peak Total 62845 6816 4051 -564 -6933 1198 Inter-peak Total 111152 10049 4798 3310 -10089 -1502 Off-peak Total 28422 4642 3313 3300 -4870 -3176 WeekendIP Total 32535 2754 1315 907 -2765 -411 WeekendOP Total 11385 1749 1248 1244 -1835 -1197 NON MONETISED TIME BENEFITS BY TIME SAVING Time benefits (thousands of person hrs) by size of time saving Vehicle type Purpose Year < -5 mins -5 to -2 mins -2 to 0 mins 0 to 2 mins 2 to 5 mins > 5 mins Car Business 2026 -2 -6 -20 77 20 29 Car Business 2036 -4 -8 -32 86 23 30 Car Business Total -219 -449 -1809 5098 1375 1774 Car Commuting 2026 -8 -10 -57 205 92 106 Car Commuting 2036 -10 -27 -103 219 96 111 Car Commuting Total -606 -1512 -5834 13037 5727 6608 Car Other 2026 -20 -18 -122 465 177 217 Car Other 2036 -53 -47 -187 489 205 222 Car Other Total -2922 -2609 -10719 29143 12068 13277 LGV Freight Business 2026 -8 -8 -21 89 21 28 LGV Freight Business 2036 -9 -13 -40 114 27 30 LGV Freight Business Total -535 -720 -2265 6651 1567 1766 LGV Freight Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Business 2026 -5 -1 -1 7 2 6 OGV1 Business 2036 -3 -2 -3 8 3 5 OGV1 Business Total -178 -112 -141 455 162 288 OGV1 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Business 2026 -4 -1 -1 5 2 4 OGV2 Business 2036 -2 -2 -2 6 2 4 OGV2 Business Total -137 -86 -109 351 125 222 OGV2 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONETISED TIME BENEFITS BY TIME SAVING Time benefits (£000s) by size of time saving Vehicle type Purpose Year < -5 mins -5 to -2 mins -2 to 0 mins 0 to 2 mins 2 to 5 mins > 5 mins Car Business 2026 -39 -121 -379 1483 388 559 Car Business 2036 -65 -127 -527 1430 387 492 Car Business Total -3052 -6308 -25256 71930 19376 25130 Car Commuting 2026 -41 -52 -286 1024 459 531 Car Commuting 2036 -45 -119 -447 949 416 480 Car Commuting Total -2218 -5433 -21141 48058 21129 24385 Car Other 2026 -90 -81 -540 2064 785 961 Car Other 2036 -203 -182 -719 1878 787 853 Car Other Total -9315 -8318 -34609 95355 39338 43485

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LGV Freight Business 2026 -68 -71 -189 797 186 247 LGV Freight Business 2036 -71 -98 -312 884 209 230 LGV Freight Business Total -3512 -4685 -14665 43574 10264 11647 LGV Freight Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Business 2026 -49 -12 -14 72 23 60 OGV1 Business 2036 -25 -18 -23 70 25 43 OGV1 Business Total -1423 -855 -1078 3524 1247 2261 OGV1 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Business 2026 -38 -10 -11 55 18 46 OGV2 Business 2036 -19 -14 -18 54 20 33 OGV2 Business Total -1100 -661 -834 2724 964 1748 OGV2 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BENEFITS BY TIME SAVING Total benefits (£000s) by size of time saving Vehicle type Purpose Year < -5 mins -5 to -2 mins -2 to 0 mins 0 to 2 mins 2 to 5 mins > 5 mins Car Business 2026 -15 -32 -298 1560 406 598 Car Business 2036 -65 -71 -466 1502 407 522 Car Business Total -2889 -3981 -22812 74658 20102 26305 Car Commuting 2026 24 51 41 1130 421 448 Car Commuting 2036 -20 -20 -185 1029 400 424 Car Commuting Total -1008 -1737 -10870 51282 20416 22158 Car Other 2026 -13 3 -57 2170 646 794 Car Other 2036 -169 -104 -304 1921 678 725 Car Other Total -7723 -5412 -18636 97499 35127 38534 LGV Freight Business 2026 12 40 -124 793 183 250 LGV Freight Business 2036 -30 16 -235 892 209 233 LGV Freight Business Total -1706 -453 -11853 43731 10241 11743 LGV Freight Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Business 2026 58 41 6 82 21 82 OGV1 Business 2036 27 43 10 91 22 54 OGV1 Business Total 935 1350 69 4197 1136 2779 OGV1 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Business 2026 44 27 2 85 21 87 OGV2 Business 2036 19 29 5 87 21 56 OGV2 Business Total 631 891 -60 3927 1038 2744 OGV2 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

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OGV2 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 NON MONETISED TIME BENEFITS BY DISTANCE Time benefits (thousands of person hrs) by distance Vehicle type Purpose Year < 1 kms 1 to 5 kms 5 to 10 kms 10 to 15 kms 15 to 20 kms 20 to 50 kms 50 to 100 kms >100 kms Car Business 2026 0 7 24 13 11 23 12 9 Car Business 2036 0 3 23 12 9 25 13 11 Car Business Total 2 229 1369 719 566 1462 791 632 Car Commuting 2026 1 58 119 50 24 56 13 5 Car Commuting 2036 1 38 119 42 21 47 12 4 Car Commuting Total 44 2462 7160 2562 1313 2907 711 262 Car Other 2026 1 131 257 82 54 113 26 34 Car Other 2036 0 68 264 74 53 107 28 33 Car Other Total 29 4589 15768 4528 3199 6450 1665 2010 LGV Freight Business 2026 0 15 28 15 13 16 9 5 LGV Freight Business 2036 0 14 35 17 15 16 9 4 LGV Freight Business Total 19 851 2035 979 888 941 512 239 LGV Freight Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Business 2026 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 OGV1 Business 2036 0 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 OGV1 Business Total 0 6 36 54 39 150 103 85 OGV1 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Business 2026 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 OGV2 Business 2036 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 OGV2 Business Total 0 5 27 42 30 116 79 66 OGV2 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONETISED TIME BENEFITS BY DISTANCE Time benefits (£000s) by distance Vehicle type Purpose Year < 1 kms 1 to 5 kms 5 to 10 kms 10 to 15 kms 15 to 20 kms 20 to 50 kms 50 to 100 kms >100 kms Car Business 2026 1 136 462 251 204 442 222 173 Car Business 2036 0 55 376 196 154 408 223 178 Car Business Total 24 3364 19450 10228 8065 20667 11137 8888 Car Commuting 2026 4 291 595 250 122 282 67 26 Car Commuting 2036 3 167 517 180 93 205 50 18 Car Commuting Total 161 9284 26461 9546 4880 10831 2643 976 Car Other 2026 4 583 1142 365 238 502 115 152 Car Other 2036 2 262 1013 286 205 410 108 128 Car Other Total 98 15556 51646 14910 10491 21198 5441 6597 LGV Freight Business 2026 2 135 250 133 118 145 78 41 LGV Freight Business 2036 2 109 270 128 117 121 66 30 LGV Freight Business Total 122 5644 13346 6451 5842 6234 3391 1594 LGV Freight Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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LGV Freight Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Business 2026 0 2 5 10 7 25 19 12 OGV1 Business 2036 0 1 6 8 6 23 15 13 OGV1 Business Total 1 50 275 424 302 1168 803 654 OGV1 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Business 2026 0 1 4 7 5 19 15 9 OGV2 Business 2036 0 1 4 6 5 18 12 10 OGV2 Business Total 1 39 212 328 234 903 621 505 OGV2 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BENEFITS BY DISTANCE Total benefits (£000s) by distance Vehicle type Purpose Year < 1 kms 1 to 5 kms 5 to 10 kms 10 to 15 kms 15 to 20 kms 20 to 50 kms 50 to 100 kms >100 kms Car Business 2026 1 141 487 283 235 597 276 197 Car Business 2036 0 55 392 218 176 526 263 198 Car Business Total 25 3406 20126 11118 8963 25362 12745 9639 Car Commuting 2026 4 317 591 258 155 586 116 88 Car Commuting 2036 3 179 514 182 116 459 106 68 Car Commuting Total 173 9856 26383 9684 5814 20732 4695 2905 Car Other 2026 5 623 1100 396 244 650 187 340 Car Other 2036 2 277 975 307 210 539 163 274 Car Other Total 126 16277 50287 15789 10724 26253 7635 12299 LGV Freight Business 2026 2 146 271 170 150 298 80 38 LGV Freight Business 2036 3 115 286 155 150 257 72 45 LGV Freight Business Total 128 5920 14000 7518 7073 11454 3579 2031 LGV Freight Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGV Freight Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Business 2026 0 2 10 38 15 132 45 47 OGV1 Business 2036 0 1 9 31 14 111 44 37 OGV1 Business Total 1 65 428 1317 594 4604 1830 1625 OGV1 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV1 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Business 2026 0 2 9 32 14 116 44 49 OGV2 Business 2036 0 1 8 26 12 96 39 34 OGV2 Business Total 1 60 377 1089 531 3977 1626 1509 OGV2 Commuting 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Commuting Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other 2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OGV2 Other Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SENSITIVITY Total user benefits as a percentage of total DM user costs Modelled Years Mode 2026 2036

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Road 0.11% 0.10% Economy:Economic Efficiency of the Transport System(TEE) Consumer - Commuting user benefits All Modes Road Travel Time 64782 64782 Vehicle operating costs 8899 8899 User charges 6562 6562 During Construction & Maintenance 0 0 NET CONSUMER - COMMUTING BENEFITS 80242 80242 Consumer - Other user benefits All Modes Road Travel Time 125937 125937 Vehicle operating costs 7371 7371 User charges 6082 6082 During Construction & Maintenance 0 0 NET CONSUMER - OTHER BENEFITS 139391 139391 Business All Modes Road Personal Road Freight Bus Personal Bus Freight Travel Time 130963 81821 49141 Vehicle operating costs 12598 5477 7120 User charges 19160 4085 15075 During Construction & Maintenance 0 0 0 Subtotal 162720 91383 71337 Private Sector Provider Impacts Revenue 0 0 Operating costs 0 0 Investment costs 0 0 Grant/subsidy 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 Other business Impacts Developer contributions 0 0 NET BUSINESS IMPACT 162720 TOTAL Present Value of Transport Economic Efficiency Benefits (TEE) 382353 Note: Benefits appear as positive numbers, while costs appear as negative numbers. Note: All entries are present values discounted to 2010, in 2010 prices Public Accounts Local Government Funding ALL MODES Road Revenue 32502 32502 Operating Costs 10175 10175 Investment Costs 0 0 Developer Contributions 0 0 Grant/Subsidy Payments 0 0 NET IMPACT 42677 42677 Central Government Funding: Transport ALL MODES Road Revenue 0 0 Operating costs 0 0 Investment costs 173717 173717 Developer Contributions 0 0 Grant/Subsidy Payments 0 0 NET IMPACT 173717 173717 Central Government Funding: Non-Transport Indirect Tax Revenues 6591 6591

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TOTALS Broad Transport Budget 216393 216393 Wider Public Finances 6591 6591 Note: Costs appear as positive numbers, while revenues and developer contributions appear as negative numbers. Note: All entries are present values discounted to 2010, in 2010 prices Analysis of Monetised Costs and Benefits Greenhouse Gases 4295 Economic Efficiency: Consumer Users (Commuting) 80242 Economic Efficiency: Consumer Users (Other) 139391 Economic Efficiency: Business Users and Providers 162720 Wider Public Finances (Indirect Taxation Revenues) -6591 Present Value of Benefits (PVB) 380057 Broad Transport Budget 216393 Present Value of Costs (PVC) 216393 OVERALL IMPACTS Net Present Value (NPV) 163664 Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.756 Note: This table includes costs and benefits which are regularly or occasionally presented in monetised form in transport appraisals, together with some where monetisation is in prospect. There may also be other significant costs and benefits, some of which cannot be presented in monetised form. Where this is the case, the analysis presented above does NOT provide a good measure of value for money and should not be used as the sole basis for decisions. TUBA Run Information - calculations completed File Summary - Scheme File : E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF.txt - Economic File : E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF\economics_1_9_7.txt - Output File : E:\382900 WarringtonWLR_Modelling\04 Techincal\07-TUBA\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF\WWLR_VDM_CORE3_Mask1_REDGS_RevF.out Elapsed time : 0hrs 26mins 42sec

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D. Technical Review of TUBA Warnings

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D.1 Overview

This technical note identifies the serious warnings that have been output from TUBA in relation

to the economic appraisal for the Warrington Western Link Road Scheme (WWLR).

This discussion of serious warnings is associated with TUBA output file name:


This Core Scenario (60 year toll) appraisal calculated a Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR) value of

1.76 over a 60 year evaluation period. This BCR is based on TUBA outputs only and does not

include other benefit and cost elements that complete the Standard BCR appraisal for WWLR.

D.2 Review of TUBA Warnings

In total, the TUBA run identified 210,164 warnings, of which 78,453 (37%) have been classified

as serious warnings. A summary of the TUBA warnings is presented in Table 32.

A review of the serious warnings has been carried out by undertaking a comparison of with and

without scheme assignment route paths for a selection of origin to destination pairs. This has

been completed for each of one of the listed TUBA warning message types.

Based on the selection of analysis completed, it can be stated that the identified changes

between with and without scheme scenarios can be justified with supporting evidence; and that

the serious warnings do not have a material impact on the outcome of the scheme appraisal.

Table 32: Summary of TUBA Warnings

Warning Message Type Warnings Serious Warnings Total Warnings

Errors and Warnings 51 0 51

Ratio of DM to DS travel time lower than limit 4625 73 4698

Ratio of DM to DS travel time higher than limit 104301 504 104805

Ratio of DM to DS travel distance lower than limit 6550 1 6551

Ratio of DM to DS travel distance higher than limit 0 77870 77870

DM speeds less than limit 1483 0 1483

DM speeds greater than limit 6896 0 6896

DS speeds less than limit 1499 0 1499

DS speeds greater than limit 6906 0 6906

DM and DS time 0 5 5

Total 132311 78453 210764


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