Appendix A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix Let us consider a hermitian operator ˆ A. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of the operator ˆ A are given by the equation ˆ A |i = a i |i . (A.1) We will assume that the states |i are normalized i |i = 1. (A.2) From the condition ˆ A = ( ˆ A) follows that a i = a i and that states belonging to different eigenvalues are orthogonal i |i = 0, a i = a i . (A.3) Further the states |i form a full system. Thus we have i |i i |= 1. (A.4) From (A.1) and (A.4) we easily find ˆ A = i |i a i i |. (A.5) Let |α be another normalized and orthogonal full system of states: α |α= δ α α . (A.6) © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 S. Bilenky, Introduction to the Physics of Massive and Mixed Neutrinos, Lecture Notes in Physics 947, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74802-3 253

Appendix A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix978-3-319-74802-3/1.pdf · Appendix A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix Let us consider a hermitian operator Aˆ.Eigenstates and eigenvalues

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Page 1: Appendix A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix978-3-319-74802-3/1.pdf · Appendix A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix Let us consider a hermitian operator Aˆ.Eigenstates and eigenvalues

Appendix ADiagonalization of a Complex Matrix

Let us consider a hermitian operator A. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of the operatorA are given by the equation

A |i〉 = ai |i〉 . (A.1)

We will assume that the states |i〉 are normalized

〈i|i〉 = 1. (A.2)

From the condition A = (A)† follows that ai = a∗i and that states belonging to

different eigenvalues are orthogonal

〈i ′|i〉 = 0, ai′ �= ai. (A.3)

Further the states |i〉 form a full system. Thus we have


|i〉〈i| = 1. (A.4)

From (A.1) and (A.4) we easily find

A =∑


|i〉 ai 〈i|. (A.5)

Let |α〉 be another normalized and orthogonal full system of states:

〈α′|α〉 = δα′α. (A.6)

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018S. Bilenky, Introduction to the Physics of Massive and Mixed Neutrinos,Lecture Notes in Physics 947, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74802-3


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254 A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix

From (A.5) we have

〈α′|A|α〉 =∑


〈α′|i〉 ai 〈i|α〉. (A.7)

Further, taking into account that

〈i|α〉 = 〈α|i〉∗ (A.8)

we can rewrite the relation (A.7) in the following matrix form

A = U a U†, (A.9)

where A is the matrix with the matrix elements 〈α′|A|α〉, ai′i = ai δi′i and

Uαi = 〈α|i〉. (A.10)

It is easy to see that U is an unitary matrix. In fact, we have


〈α|i〉〈i|α′〉 =∑


UαiU†iα′ = (U U†)αα′ = δαα′. (A.11)

From (A.1) we find the following equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions ofthe matrix A

α′Aαα′ ui

α′ = ai uiα, (A.12)

where 〈α|i〉 = uiα . Equation (A.13) has nonzero solution if the condition

Det(A − a) = 0 (A.13)

is satisfied. This equation determines the eigenvalues of the matrix A.The result (A.9) is very well known from quantum mechanics: hermitian matrix

can be bring to the diagonal form with the help of a unitary transformation. In orderto present in the standard form mass terms of leptons and quarks, generated by theSM Higgs mechanism, and also the Dirac neutrino mass term we need to bring to thediagonal form arbitrary complex matrix. We will present here a simple method ofthe diagonalization of a general, complex n × n matrix M . It is obvious that M M†

is a hermitian matrix. In fact, we have (M M†)† = M M†. Thus the matrix M M†

can be presented in the form

M M† = U m2 U†. (A.14)

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A Diagonalization of a Complex Matrix 255

Here U is a unitary matrix and m2ik = m2

i δik , where m2i is the eigenvalue of the

matrix M M†. The eigenvalues m2i and the matrix U can be found from the solution

of the equation

α′(M M†)αα′ χi

α′ = m2i χ i

α. (A.15)

We have Uαi = χiα. It is easy to see that m2

i > 0. In fact, we have

m2i = (χi)†M M†χi =




α′)∗Mα′α|2 > 0. (A.16)

The matrix M can always be presented in the form

M = U m V †, (A.17)

where mi = +√

m2i and1

V † = m−1 U† M. (A.18)

We will show now that the matrix V is an unitary matrix. From (A.18) we find

V = M† U m−1. (A.19)

Further from (A.18), (A.19) and (A.14) we have

V † V = m−1 U† M M† U m−1 = m−1 U† U m2 U† U m−1 = 1. (A.20)

Thus, we have shown that a complex n × n nonsingular matrix M can bediagonalized by the bi-unitary transformation (A.17) and presented the way howmatrices U , m and V can be found.

1We assumed that all eigenvalues of the matrix M M† are different from zero. Thus, the diagonalmatrix m−1 does exists.

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Appendix BDiagonalization of a ComplexSymmetrical Matrix

In the case of the Majorana and the Dirac and Majorana mass terms mixing matricesare symmetric. We will consider in this Appendix the diagonalization of a general,n × n complex, symmetric matrix

M = MT . (B.1)

We have shown in Appendix A that any complex matrix M can be presented in theform

M = V1 m V†2 , (B.2)

where V1,2 are unitary matrices and mik = mi δik, mi > 0. From (B.2) it followsthat

MT = V† T2 m V T

1 . (B.3)

From (B.2) and (B.3) we have

M M† = V1 m2 V†1 , MT MT † = V

† T2 m2 V T

2 . (B.4)

Taking into account that M is a symmetrical matrix, from (B.4) we find

V1 m2 V†1 = V

† T2 m2 V T

2 . (B.5)

From this relation it follows that

V T2 V1 m2 = m2 V T

2 V1 , (B.6)

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018S. Bilenky, Introduction to the Physics of Massive and Mixed Neutrinos,Lecture Notes in Physics 947, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74802-3


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258 B Diagonalization of a Complex Symmetrical Matrix

i.e. that the commutator of the matrix V T2 V1 and the diagonal matrix m2 is equal

to zero. We assume that mi �= mk for all i �= k. From (B.6) it follows in this casethat V T

2 V1 is a diagonal matrix. Further, taking into account that V T2 V1 is a unitary

matrix we conclude that

V T2 V1 = S(α) , (B.7)


Sik(α) = ei αi δik . (B.8)

From (B.7) it follows that the matrices V2 and V1 are connected by the followingrelation

V†2 = S∗(α) V T

1 . (B.9)

Finally from (B.2) and (B.9) we find

M = U m UT , (B.10)

where U = V1 (S∗(α))1/2 = V1 S∗(α2 ) is a unitary matrix. Thus, we have proved

that a complex, symmetrical n × n matrix can be diagonalized with the help of oneunitary matrix.

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Appendix CDiagonalization of a Real Symmetrical2× 2 Matrix

In the simplest case of two neutrinos in matter we need to diagonalize the effectiveHamiltonian which (after subtracting the trace of H ) has the form

H =(−a b

b a

), (C.1)

where a and b are real quantities. For the eigenfunctions and the eigenvalues of thematrix H we have the following equation

H ui = Ei ui . (C.2)

The eigenvalues Ei can be found from the equation

Det(H − E) = 0 . (C.3)

Obviously we find

E1,2 = ∓√

a2 + b2 . (C.4)

Further, we have

H = O E OT , (C.5)

where O is a real orthogonal 2 × 2 matrix which has the following general form

O =(

cos θ sin θ

− sin θ cos θ

). (C.6)

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018S. Bilenky, Introduction to the Physics of Massive and Mixed Neutrinos,Lecture Notes in Physics 947, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74802-3


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260 C Diagonalization of a Real Symmetrical 2 × 2 Matrix

From (C.4)–(C.6) we find the following equations for the angle θ

a =√

a2 + b2 cos 2θ, b =√

a2 + b2 sin 2θ . (C.7)

From these relations we find

tan 2 θ = b

a, cos 2 θ = a√

a2 + b2. (C.8)

From these relations follow that if diagonal element of the Hamiltonian vanishes(a = 0) in this case

θ = π/4 ( maximal mixing) (C.9)

and E2 − E1 reaches the minimum. Notice that a = 0 is the condition for the MSWresonance in matter.

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CP invariance in the lepton sectorCP parity of the Majorana neutrino, 93Dirac neutrinos, 93Majorana neutrinos, 94

3×3 mixing matrixthree Euler rotations, 94

3×3 mixing matrixproduct of three Euler rotation matrices, 96standard parametrization, 96

A4 symmetrygroup generators, 99irreducible representations, 99vacuum alignments, 100

Adiabatic neutrino transitions in matter, 137

Brout-Englert-Higgsmassive Higgs field, massive vector field,

46mechanism of mass generation, 45unitary gauge, 46

Cabibboangle, 31current, 31

Chadwickcontinuous β-spectrum, 11discovery of neutron, 13

Charmed quarkGIM current, 32

Glashow, Illiopulos and Maiani, 32Cosmology

bounds on∑

i mi from CMB data, 238Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

radiation, 237effective number of neutrinos from CMB

data, 238total energy density, 223value of cosmological parameters, 238Big Bang nucleosynthesis, 229cosmic deceleration parameter, 218cosmological principle, 209dark energy, 215effective number of degrees of freedom of

ultra-relativistic particles, 223Einstein equation, 213energy-momentum tensor, 214equation of state, 219Friedman equations, 214Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, 210Harrison-Zeldovich power spectrum, 234Hubble law, 213Hubble parameter, 213interaction rate , 225large scale structure of the Universe, 233neutrino decoupling , 226number density of all flavor neutrinos, 228number of neutrino types, 233primordial abundances of the light

elements, 232scale factor, 213solutions of the Friedman equation, 220upper bound on the sum of neutrino masses

from LSS data, 234

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018S. Bilenky, Introduction to the Physics of Massive and Mixed Neutrinos,Lecture Notes in Physics 947, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74802-3


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274 Index

Diagonalization of a complex n × n matrix,254

Diagonalization of a complex symmetricalmatrix, 257

Diagonalization of a real symmetrical 2 × 2matrix, 259

Dirac and Majorana mass termgeneral expression, 72diagonalization, 73mixing, 74sterile fields, 74

Dirac mass term, 68diagonalization, 68Dirac field of neutrinos and antineutrinos,

69Dirac neutrino mixing, 69general expression, 68

Effective LagrangianMajorana neutrino masses, 83neutrino masses, 82scale of a new physics, 83Weinberg Lagrangian, 82Yukawa interaction of lepton-Higgs pairs

with heavy Majorana leptons, 84Effective Majorana mass

hierarchy of neutrino masses, 161inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses, 162quasi-degenerate neutrino mass spectrum,

163quasi-degenerate neutrino masses, 162

Ellis and Woostercalorimetric β-decay experiment, 11

Fermianalogy with electrodynamics, 13dimension of the Fermi constant, 14Fermi constant GF , 14, 22four-fermion interaction, 14selection rule, 14

Fermi constant in the theory with W boson, 24Feynman and Gell-Mann

current× current Hamiltonian, 22diagonal terms of the the current × current

Hamiltonian, 23nondiagonal terms of the current × current

Hamiltonian, 23weak charged current, 22

Gamov-Teller selection rule, 14Gell-Mann-Nishijima relation, 40, 50

General four-fermion Hamiltonian of theβ-decay, 15

Global SU(2) transformationconserved isotopic spin, 37conserved isovector current, 37

Goldstone boson, 44

Higgsminimum of the potential, 42potential, 42

Higgs Bosondiscovery at LHC, 35

Hypothesis of μ − e universalityKlein, 22Pontecorvo, 22Puppi, 22Tiomno and Wheeler, 22

Intermediate vector W -boson, 24

KamLAND reactor neutrino experiment, 194

Lee and Yangβ-decay Hamiltonian, 17nonconservation of parity, 15

leptogenesisbarion-antibarion asymmetry, 242CP asymmetry, 245out of equilibrium condition, 245Saharov conditions, 243sphaleron transitions, 243

Lepton number, 26Davis et al. experiment, 27electron and muon lepton numbers, 29

Long-baseline accelerator neutrinoexperiments

K2K experiment, 202MINOS experiment, 202NOvA experiment, 206T2K experiment, 204

Majorana mass term, 69diagonalization, 70general expression, 70Majorana field, 71Majorana neutrino, 72Majorana neutrino mixing, 72mixing matrix is symmetrical, 70

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Index 275

Mixingmixing of u,s,b fields, 33of quark fields, 32

Neutrinodiscovery of muon neutrino, 27Fermi and Perrin method of mass

measurement, 18neutrino discovery, Reines and Cowan

experiment, 25Neutrino helicity

Goldhaber et al. experiment, 20Neutrino mass ordering, 117Neutrino mass spectrum

inverted ordering, 161normal ordering, 160

Neutrino mass term for two fieldsdiagonalization, 75general expression, 75mixing angle, 76neutrino mixing, 76

Neutrino mass term for two neutrino fieldsneutrino masses, 76

Neutrino masseseffective neutrino mass, 171KATRIN experiment, 172Mainz experiment, 172masses of muon and tau neutrinos, 169tritium β-spectrum, 170Troitsk experiment, 172

Neutrino mixing matrix, 90number of angles, 90number of Dirac phases, 91number of Majorana phases, 91

Neutrino oscillations in vacuumCP asymmetry, 118νe → νe survival probability, 121νμ → νμ survival probability, 124νl → νl′ transition probability, 107νμ → νe appearance probability, 122Heisenberg uncertainty relation, 105Nobel Prize to T. Kajita and A. McDonald,

103amplitude of νl → νl′ transition, 107evolution of flavor states, 107flavor neutrino and antineutrino states, 106general expression for neutrino and

antineutrino transition probability,112

general expression for transitions intoactive and sterile states, 125

Jarlskog invariant, 122

neutrino oscillations in leadingapproximation, 119

oscillation length, 115relations which follow from CPT , CP , T

invariance, 108standard expression for νl → νl′ transition

probability, 111sterile neutrino, 3+1 scheme, 126three-neutrino transition probability for IO,

118three-neutrino transition probability for

NO, 117time-energy uncertainty relation, 106transition probabilities have the same form

for Majorana and Dirac neutrinos ,109

two-neutrino case, 114Neutrinoless double β-decay

Gamov-Teller matrix element, 158nuclear matrix elements, 163approximate matrix element, 156closure approximation, 155effective Majorana mass, 160experiments on the search for 0νββ-decay,

165Fermi matrix element, 158half-life of the decay, 159impulse approximation for the hadronic

charged current, 156long-wave approximation, 155matrix element, 151matrix element of the decay, 151neutrino potential, 158nuclear matrix element, 157probability of the decay, 158the effective Majorana mass, 156

Parity nonconservationWu at al. experiment, 16

Paulihypothesis of neutrino, 12letter, 12

Pontecorvoidea of the Brookhaven experiment, 27

Propagation of neutrino in matteradiabatic transition of solar neutrinos, 144MSW resonance condition, 142propagation of solar neutrinos in the case

of two-neutrino mixing, 141effective potential, 131evolution equation in the adiabatic

approximation, 139

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276 Index

general expression for two-neutrinoνe-survival probability, 146

low-energy and high-energy transitionregion, 145

parameter of adiabaticity, 140three-neutrino νμ → νe transition

probability in the case of a constantdensity, 137

transition probability for a constant density,134

transition probability in the adiabaticapproximation, 139

two-neutrino transition probabilities in thecase of a constant density, 136

Wolfenstein evolution, 131

Reactor neutrino experiments on themeasurement of θ13

CHOOZ experiment, 196Daya Bay experiment, 197Double Chooz experiment, 200RENO experiment, 199

Seesaw mechanismleft-handed Majorana matrix, 87mass matrix in three-neutrino case, 86

Seesaw mechanismtwo-neutrino case, 86

SM generation of neutrino massesmass term, 80neutrino masses, 80Yukawa coupling, 81Yukawa Lagrangian, 79

Solar neutrino experimentsBorexino experiment, 187GALLEX-GNO experiment, 181Homestake experiment, 180Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande

experiments, 182SAGE experiment, 182SNO experiment, 185

Solar neutrinosluminosity relation, 178pp cycle, 177

Standard ModelLe, Lμ, Lτ conservation, 62SUL(2) invariant interaction, 48SUL(2) quark and lepton doublets, 47SUL × UY (1) invariant Lagrangian, 51Zα and Aα fields, 54neutrino and charged leptons neutral

current, 62

vacuum expectation value of the Higgsfield, 63

basic principles, 47Cabibbo -Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM)

mixing, 59charged current, 48charged current interaction, 55diagonalization of quark mass terms, 57electromagnetic interaction, 55flavor neutrino field, 62Higgs doublet, 52Higgs doublet; unitary gauge, 53Higgs doublet; vacuum value, 53Higgs potential, 52hypercurrent of leptons and quarks, 51lepton neutral current, 62leptonic charged current, 61mass term of W , Z and Higgs fields, 54mass term of the charged leptons, 61mass terms of quarks, 57masses of W , Z and Higgs particles, 54masses of the W and Z bosons, 64neutral current, 55neutral current interaction, 55quark and lepton isovector currents, 48quark charged current, 58quark mixing, 59relation between the masses of the W and

Z bosons, 63unification constraint, 55weak (Weinberg) angle θW , 54Yukawa interaction of lepton and Higgs

fields, 60Yukawa interaction of quark and Higgs

fields, 56Strange particles

ΔQ = ΔS rule, 30| ΔS |= 1 rule, 29

Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrinoexperiment, 189

Supernova neutrinos, 239

Three quarksGell-Mann and Zweig idea of quarks, 30quantum numbers, 30

Tri-bimaximal matrix, 98Two-component neutrino

helicity, 19theory, 18

V-A HamiltonianFeynman-Gell-Mann, 21

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Index 277

Marshak-Sudarshan, 21

Weil equations, 18

Yang-MillsSU(2) local gauge transformation, 37

charged vector field, 40gauge vector field, 38interaction Lagrangian, 40invariance, 37massless vector field, 41minimal interaction, 41neutral vector field, 41stress tensor, 39