01 EXISTENCE OF GOD Is there a room for him?


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01EXISTENCE OF GODIs there a room for him?

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THE BIG BANGScientists are

convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.

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The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that?

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ATHEIST VS THEISTWithout God, there is

no objective basis for morality. So in response to the atheist, a theist may ask:“How can the atheist formulate an argument against the existence of God when God is required as an objective basis for the formulation of the argument in the first place?” �

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02TRUE RELIGIONMeaning & purpose

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JAMES 1:26-27“If anyone thinks

he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

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RELIGIONReligion is derived from the two Latin words “re” and “ligare” which means “to reconnect”.A true religion has the ff. positive roles:• Source of hope and optimism.• Boosts self-esteem• Provides protection from existential threats.• Promotes healing of well-being.• Encourages charity and altruism.• Food for the soul.

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speaking, any evil or suffering experienced in life is the exception and not the rule. There is an ancient wisdom that states, “Out of the snake’s poison comes the antidote”. How �else can one appreciate goodness without having experienced hardship to use as a comparator? 

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believes that evil exists, but not gratuitous or pure evil as this is based on human subjectivity. The proponent of the problem of evil faces a dilemma as God is required as a rational basis for objective good and evil. Without God these terms are relative as there is no conceptual anchor, (apart from God Himself) which overcomes the issue of human subjectivity.

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EVIL & SUFFERINGSo it could be

argued that:• If God did not

exist, then objective moral values would not exist

• Evil exists.

A number of responses to the perceived problem of evil have been discussed herein. Ultimately the absence of any evil or suffering would point towards absolute perfection “ but this is something which is reserved for God alone. Life on earth cannot ever be a flawless paradise ““ this state can only be earned by those who pass the test of this worldly existence. 

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responses to the perceived problem of evil have been discussed herein. Ultimately the absence of any evil or suffering would point towards absolute perfection, “But this is something which is reserved for God alone. Life on earth cannot ever be a flawless paradise.“ This state can only be earned by those who pass the test of this worldly existence.