" .. , , ___ . _. . . ., ..- - -.- - " " 4. Q& JSC -' 03600 ' . .. APOLLO/SKYLAB ASTP AND SHUTTLE --ORBITER MAJOR END ITEMS MARCH 1978 F I NAL REPORT LYNDON B. JOHN§QN SPACE CENTER Houston, Te- PREPARED BY BW3/MC3

APOLLO/SKYLAB - klabs.orgklabs.org/history/history_docs/mit_docs/1690.pdf · Apollo 16 Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered. shipped to the Smithsonian

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" .. , , _ _ _ . _. . . ., ..- - -.- -""

4. Q& JSC - ' 03600 '

. . .





MARCH 1978




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'i; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . __"___ .......... ..... - .. . . . . . 'I

. I

._ L_-

:. (3 Program Operat ions Of f ice L. NASA Johnson Space Center

- Houston, Texas 77058


.. -


Nat iona l Air and Space Museum Smi t h s o n i a n I n s t i t u t i o n -.

A t t n : F. C, Durant, I11 A&I, 2163

9 t h S t r e e t and Je f fe rson D r i ve Washington, DC 20560


Rockwell -DOWJ~J-

B, B. Bolger, Dept. 077, FC23 C . F. Hughes, Dept. 695-300, SC60 N. C. Dundas, Dept. 026, 5883 D. R. Ryati, FC64 b. L. Samsal, Dept. 014, -FC23

Rockwell -KSC

R. W . Py le L. R. P a r r o t t

NASA Headquarters LFC-l8/W. J . 0 I Donne1 1 M-l/M. L. McNickle MTE-3/J. H , VonPuttkamer MHS"I/P, V . Dunfee



ALOl / H . Stri c k l and

NASA- KSC PA-VIC/P. A. Fagnant


Effect ive date: January 31, 1971! Major End I telns


NASA-JSC - AP5/C. A . Biqgs BT/J. J . Shannon BC27/W. E. Wr ight BTZ/bJ. C. F a r r i e s BW3/A. L. Brady ( 6 ) LA12/T. E. O 'B r ian t EC/H. L. Stutesman ES/D. ti. Greenshields FE2/S. Faber FE3/K. I . Mansf ie ld JF3jJ . Pr iode JF3/J. P. Ol i va res JF3/F. C. Morford JF34/D. Rodriguez LA2/0. G. Mor r i s MA/A. Cohen MR/W. B. Wi lson MR24/G. B. Anderson MT/A. Hobokan PA/G. S . Lunney PH/L. G. Wi l l iams RE/K. R . Haynes WC2/F. T. Burns WC2/W. B. Karp f WC2/J. G. OeLeonardis WSK/A. E . Morse WT3/Z. K. Eubanks

,a : .'

The F o u n d a t i o n I n s t i t u t e Attn: Gary C. Hudson 85 East Gerdnium Avenue S t . Paul , Minnesota 551 17

NOTE: Requests f o r d e l e t i o n s o r changes t o t h e DOCUMENT should be d i r e c t e d t o BW3/A C.-Chance o r S. R . Weathersby, telephone (713) 483-5326 o r 483-2658.

Requests f o r d e l e t i o n s , s u b s t i t u t i o n s , or changes 1.0 t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n l i s t s h o u l d b e d i r e c t e d t o WB/Jeanie Walker, telephone (713) 483-5834.

Page 3: APOLLO/SKYLAB - klabs.orgklabs.org/history/history_docs/mit_docs/1690.pdf · Apollo 16 Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered. shipped to the Smithsonian

1 I

1 i

I i I


.)i i

I i ! I

. .

" -

- . -

,Page 1



The purpose of t h i s document is t o r e f l e c t t h e l a s t known status of selected end items, It is hoped that it will im- prove the u t i l i za t ion of the hardware and reduce new procure- ments and fabrications by using available assets. It also serves as a thumbnail his tor ical reference as well as a quick progress report of items s t i l l i n production, scheduled fo r movement, or of current tests.

Responsible personnel o r custodians are cited, where known, because these individuals-are the most l ike ly ,ones t o know the current condikion, planned usage, configuration, and the avai labi l i ty . f o r other ut i l izat ion, fo r each end item tracked. This document is not necessarily an accountability instrument but serves as a location indicator of se lec t assets. Anyone finding changes 0.r corrections that should be made t o t h i s document should informally report the information to the Orbiter bgiBtiCs Office hC3/BW31, NASA J Q ~ ~ S Q S $pBce Center Center, Houston, Texas 77058,. telephone area code -(13-483- '

2657, Copies of documents moving any of the end items cited herein should be f'urnished t o t h e above address for proper tracking of the item.

___. NOTE: This is the last update of the major end items s ta tus report. This office w i l l continue t o control flown hardware.

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Page 2

Rockwell Inbernational Corporation-Downey

Mr. C . Hughes, Mail Code ~ ~ 6 0 , Dept. 695-400 telephone 508-594-2239 Mr. B. B. Bolger, Mail Code CB54, Dept . 077, telephone 213-922-3400 Mr. W. B. Wilson, Mail Code, MR, NASA-SSFRO, telephone 213-922-3358


Mr. R. D. McCafferty, FE, Bldg. 30, Room 202211, x5238 Mr. A. C Chapman, Es64, Bldg 49, x2517 Mr. J. A. Wood, Ep2, Bldg. 16, x4571 Mr. C. A . Biggs, Ap5, Bldg. 2, x4241 Mr. T. E. O'Briant, LA14,Bldg. 4, X2738 lvIr + A. E. Lightsey, 338, Bldg: -16, Room 271, x2237 Mr. R. W . Bricker, ES6, x3166 Mr. V. C. Harmnersley, m63, B1dg.i 35, Room 216, x2415 Mr. S, Faber, FE, Bldg.. 30 Room 2014 , x5238 Mr. K. Mansfield, FE3, Bldg. 30, Room 2020B, x 4626 Mr J. W. Griff in, EE6, Bldg b 14, Room 113, x2189 Mr. W. K. Williams, FE2, Bldg . 30, Room 2 0 2 6 ~ , x3981 Mr. R. N. Stucky, 1~36, Bldg. 13, Room 124, x3251 Mr. D. 0. Billingsly, EI2, Bldg. 32, Room 205, x4226 Mr. 0. F. Prude, FE2, Bldg . 30, Room 2028B, x5104



Mr. A . E. Morse, WSK, x7870


Mr. J . Levinson, Mail Code ~ ~ 0 3 , :x3-4579 Mr. R. Ise, mil Code GAO1, x0844


Mr. K. R. Haynes, RE, x5137

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ALT at DF'RC Conversion t o f l i g h t vehicle l a te r

F i r s t DDT&E Orbital F l igh t s

NASA vehic le



Being fabr ica ted a t Downey

c I

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BLOCK I1 ,CSM Page 4



CM 2s-2 or

(CM 100) 3Ms1


3Rc-2 (SM 100)

CSM 3s-2 (CM 014) (SM 105) ,



b o Shock Tests. -


Chermal vac. tests, retain for Pyro Shock Pests.

4coustic Vibration. J-Series .

Acoustic Vibration. Skylab.

Mockup CM used fo r Skylab f l i gh t crew interface training.

CM simulator used for Skylab f l i gh t crew training a d familiar: zation.

SM (SM 100) used for ground t e s t purposes and time l i fe studies

Static Test. J-Series.

Static Test. Skylab.

- lransferred t o Smithsonian. Was on LisFlay a t KSC during NASA Bicenten- t i a l Exhibit. On loan t o Russia for LSTP display.

;me as 2TV-1.

iee 3 - 2 .

bnverted back t o CSM 105. :See CSM LOT).

- "


Structure only, no' systems' ,equipmend installed. - !J?ransferred t o Smith- sonian as an ar t i fac t . See SivI 012.

Transferred from WSTF t o Smithsmian dn display a t ISHF, Alamagordo, NM.

See CSM 3s-2.

CM 014 Downey/SD. See CSM 014. See CSM 105AV for SMl.O5. CN 014 scrappe

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CSM 102

CSM 103

CSM 104

CSM 105 AV

CSM 106

CSM 107

cm 108

uTILIzlA!rIav -

A S - ~ O ~ / S L A #5 :-

Not a f l i g h t space- craft. SM 102 ALE24 ve r i f i ca t ion t e s t s .


AS 504 - Mission D. SLA,. LM-3.

Acoustic/Vibration - Skylab. Not a f l igh t spacecraft.

. .

Extended l i f e t e s t s planned use - RCM - verif icat ion CCA 3604B.

Planned use - Smithsonian.

SA-507 SUI #15 SM-6.

CSM 1o;L launched as Apollo 7. Only CM 101 recovered. Transferred tothe Smtthsonian. Presently a t National Museum of Science and Techno ow, bt;tawa, Ont . Canada, u n t i l gj79.

CM 102 located scrapped, Downey/SD. 3M 102 on display at JSC with "Littlc Joe". Transferred t o Smithsonian Ins t i tu t ion , May 1977.

CSM lo3 was launched as Apollo 8. Only CM 103 was recovered and it has been t r ans fe r r ed t o t he Smith- sonian Insti tution. On loan t o Chicago Museum of Science & Indus t ry CSM 104 launched as Apollo 9. Only CM 104 recovered 3/13/69. Transfer- ired t o t h e Smithsonian (HOU 497) . Presently a t Michigan Science Centel Jackson, Michigan, u n t i l 3/79.

Displayed at Paris A i r Sbw. Transferred t o t h e Smithsonian. P& of . ..I ASIT - display at NASM.

CSM 106 launched 88 Apollo 10. Only CM 106 recovered e 5/18/69. Trans- f e r r ed t o Smithsonian. 6n dispqey a1

Science Museum, hndopl,agland, - P 4 ' '

. .

CSM 107 launched 7/16/69 as Apoilo 1 Only CM lo7 was recovered. Complete tour of 50 s t a t e s and received by the Smithsonian durin June 1971. On displ in Nat ional Air & Space aseum, %shington, D. C . CSM io8 launched as Apollo 12. Only CM 108 recovered. Transferred to Smithsonian during July 1971.. A t Langley Research Center after returr from Paris A i r Show.

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. . .,. BLOCK 11 CSM

CSM 109

CSM 110

CSM 1ll

CSM 112

CSM 113

CSM 114

CSM 115

CSM 1 1 5 ~


SA-508 SLA #16 m-7.

SA-509 Mission H-3 SLA #17 L"8.

SA-514- SLA #18

SA-510 Wssion J-1

Extended lunar exploration. Engineer- ing support vehicle.

SLA #1g "10.

SA-5ll Mission 5-2

Extended lunm exploration.

SLA #20 "11.

AS-512 Mission 5-3

Extended lunar exploration.

SLA #21 "12.

bunched as Apollo 13. Only CMIlO9 recovered. Transferred' to t h e Smith- sonian as an a r t i f a c t , Now on dis- play at KSC Visitor Center.

CSM 110 launched as Apollo 11t on 1/31/71. OnLy CM 110 recovered. Cransferred t o Smithsonian, May 1977. >n display at Rockwell/SD, Downey, CA

Launched on . S T P mission. ..Only CMl3.1 recovered. Returned i n August 1975 to Rockwell-Downey for post-flight test . Transferred t o Smithsonian -- on display at KSCI CSM 112 launched as Apollo 15 on f 7/26/71. Only CM 112 recovered. rransferred to Smithsonian on 7/22/74 Presently a t U .S. A i r Force Museum, Jrilfht-P tterson A i r Force Base, Ohio u n t i l 12978. CSM 113 launched as Apollo 16 on 4/16/72. O n l y CM 113 recovered Transferred t o Smithsonian i n Novem- ber 1973. Presently a t Alabama. Space snd Rocket Center u n t i l 12/78.

CSM 114 launched as Apollo 17 on 12/6/72. Only CM 114 recovgred,, . ... Traneferred t o Smithsonian :, Retained at JSC for $public dis2la.y.

Transferred t o Smithsonian. CSM at CA. Will move

CSM 115A s tored in Bldg. 247, Rockwel /SD, Downey, CA. Transferred t o t h e Smithsonian display location unknown as of 1/78 (possibly Japan).

Spares Vehicle.

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hmed F l igh t - 35 6 - launch vehicle 316 4

Manned Fl ight - SLA 23 - launch vehicle 207

Iaunch vehicle As- 513 - Unmanned launc



C I:


CSM 116 assigned Skylab-2; f o r "a 28- day mission. Launched 5/25/73, Only CH 116 recovered on 6/22/73. 'Pransferred to Smithsonian i n Novem ber 1.973, Presently a t the Naval Aviation Museum, Pensacola, Florida u n t i l 12/78.

CSM 1x7 assigned Slrylab-3 f o r a 59-day mission. hunched on 7/28/7 CM, 117. recovered on 9/25/73, Trancjferred'. to: Wthsonian. On

Ugple~r at Ames . - Resewch Center,.

-. . . . .. , .

Workshop launched ,5/14/73. Skylab-1 i e a 2-stage Gaturn V launch vehicle, a p&load shroud (PS) ' Saturn V Workshop (SWS) which in- c'ludes a s-IVB stage mdi f i ed as an orb i te r workshop ( WS) Airlock M u l e (AM), Multiple Docking Adapt- e r (MDA) , Apollo Telegcop Bxmt (ATM), ana Instrument Unit ( IU) Not e0 be recovered.

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L" 3







z" 10


4pollo 5'

Wthsonian display ( l e t t e r , PP8-G/39"71-

4/21/72 directed GAC t o transfer "a6 is " t o Smithsonian)

BC32-LL91, dated

Ap0ll.0 11.

A p ~ l l o 12.

Ap0110 13'


Mission 5-2, Apollo 16

Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered.

shipped t o t h e Smithsonian 4/28/71-. n display at Nationai Air and Space iuseum (NASM) , Washington, D. C.

Launched 3/4/69 with Apollo 9. Not recovered.

hunched 5/18/69 with Apollo 10, Not recovered.


fiaunched 7/16/69 with Apollo 11. Not re covered.


hunched 11/14/69 with Apollo 12. Not recovered.

hunched 4/11/70 with Apollo 13. Not recovered

hunched 1/31/71 with Apollo 14. Not r e covered.

Accountabili ty kanaferred to the Srnithsonian on 12/x)/73. On loan t o Ksc far display.

huhched 4/16/72 with Apollo 16. Not recovered.

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1" -

- I I


m u #4


t -



Dynamic Test BP-27.

Structural Test Acoustic Facility.

CSM oog/~s-201.

CSM Oll/AS-202.

CSM 116ILaunch vehicle 208.


Assigned t o f a c i l i t y ver i f icat ion vehicle a t KSC.

CSM 017/AS-501

CSM 020/AS-502

On display at the Alabama Space and Rocket Center. In s tack w i t h BF-27 SM 016 and LES BP-27 (BP-16). Also referred to as BP-27 SLA.

8/21/68 cannibalized. Scrapped a t JSC. - -.

Launched. Not r e covered.

kunched . Not r e covered.

Launched. Not recovered.

Assigned t o CSM 116 and Skylab-2. Launched 6/25/73. Not recovered

Launched 1/22/68 as Apollo 5 . Not re covered . SLA 7A was shipped from Misaissippi Tes t Fac i l i ty to KSC to re lease SLA 10 for f l igh t vehic le .

Launched. Not recovered.

Launched. Not recovered.

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SLA #1lA

SLA #la

SILL # m

SLA #14


SLA #16

s;LA #17

SLA #18

SLA. #19

s a #20

UT1LIzAT1m "


Converted -to flight s ta tus

CSM 103/AS-503 I2CA-B Apollo 8.

CSM 104/AS-504 L6uI-3 Mission D.

CSM 108/AS-507 m-6.

CSM llO/AS-509 IM-8.

CSM lll/ ASTP.

CSM ll2/AS-5lO IN-10.

CSM 113/As-511 L"11 J-2 Mssion.

Page 11


x a t e d at KSC. .. .


. .

Launched. Not recovered.

hunched 3/4/69 as Apollo 9. Not recovered.

Launched 5/18/69 as-Apollo 10 Not recovered. "

Launched 7/16/69 as Apollo 11. Not recovered.

Iaunched ll/14/69 as Apollo 12. Not recovered.

hunched 4/11/70 as Apollo 13. Not recovered.

Launched 1/31/71 as Apollo 14. Not r e covered.

Launched. 7/15/75 as ASW. Not recovered,

Launched 7/26/71 as Apollo 15. Not recovered.

Launched 4/16/72 as Apollo 16. Not recovered.

Page 13: APOLLO/SKYLAB - klabs.orgklabs.org/history/history_docs/mit_docs/1690.pdf · Apollo 16 Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered. shipped to the Smithsonian

E :LA #22

SLA #27

SIA #28

:SM llg/launch vehicle rog

Skylab-3 - CSM 117 Launch vehicle 207.

. 1

5kylab-4 - CSM 118 Launch vehicle 208.

Spacecraft L&l adapte: Wufactwce not com- plete and placed i n storage unassembled.

Cancelled as cost reduction.


Launched 12/6/72 as Apollo 17. Not recovered. "-

In display at JSC.

hunched 7/28/73 as Skylab-3. recovered

Lunched 11/10/73 as Skylab-4. xovered .




Shipped t o K;sC for storage.

Imated a t KSC. Excellent c0nditj.c i n panel. sections.

Was not manufactured.

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Cm 001 -

cm 002

CSM 004 CM 004B CM 004A

CSM 006 CM 006 SM 006

CSM 007 CM 0 0 7 ~ SM 0 0 7 ~


Propulsion Test.

~ a r d Enpact (BK I) s t o r w e CM .002B w a s used f o r water impact tests

Structural Tests Storage Unified hatch. mod. Sta-tic and thermal t e s t l e t t e r JT4-50742 dated 3/5/71 directed Rockwell-Downey t o process regular pro- perty disposal pro- cedure s .

House spacecraf't ELS Proof Test Dynamic Test (BP-27)

Manned Uprighting Tests

%e .13


CSM 001 on d%play WSTF, stripped. Ken Haynes responsible.


Transferred to. the Smithsonian, HOU 450. On loan t o Elk Grove Park Distr ic t , E lk Grove, I l l i n o i s ,

SM 004 - Scrapped at Downey 6/66. CM 004 - Modified t o CM 004-B. CM 010 - Modified t o CM 004A. CM 004A - Transferred to Smithsoniar

7/11/69 (redesignated BP-27 CM 004B - Was disposed of as excess

by GSA and was donated t o an educational insti tutior Was offered to Smithsoniar as an a r t i f ac t bu t was declined. c I

CM 006 - Refused by the Smithsonian Transferred t o JSC Propert: Disposal Office .- 8074023 for d i sposd purposes.

SM 006 - Reassigned as SM 010 at

U S 006 - Reassigned t o B-14, and WFC. '

again t o BP-23A and launched 6/27/65. Not recovered

CM OO7A - Located a t JSC. T. E. O'Briant controls. On lo t ad jacent to Bldg. 259. Offered' t o . the"Smiths0nian 4-76

TM OO7A - Shipped to MSFC the week of 5/7/73 - 5 / ~ / 7 3 for display purposes.

I.*W -s*n

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~ "_"~""""._l.- . . . . .. _.."."_"""".I. " -. .,

. * . BMCK 1 CSM


_ _ ~ ~

SM 008

CN 008A

CSM 009

CSM 010 (BP-27)


CSM 012

SM used as a %lab wirier. Was u t i l i - zed' in the POGO t e s t project.

. . . .. CM was " u t i l i z e d i n tht PCGO tes t p ro jec t .

~amch CM 009

to CM 0 0 9 ~ . Recovered - m d i f Ted

Thermal Test (CM O O U ) MSFC stack of: CM BP-27/SM31O/SLA 1/ LIES

kbdified fo r land i m p a 6 A ; ' t e s t s .

SM 012 had a temporm designation of 3RC-1 for UP.


" -

ieclined by t h e Smithsonian, 8/73. - icrapped at RockweY.l/$D, Downey, CA v77

Scrapped - r e f . NASA l e t t e r : JFbSO742, dated 3/5/71.

SM, SLA, and U S not recovered. CM 009 updated t o CM. OO9B after recovery. CM OOgB declared excess t o Apollo Program and was declined by Smithsonian as an a r t i f a c t . CM 009B transferred permanently t o ' the UniversiSr of Nebraska. .I c

W3edesignated as CM 004A. On display a t the Alabama Space and Rocket Center.

SM; SLA, and U S consumed in launch 8/25/66. Not recovered, CM 011 txpdeLted t o CM. Q U A . aPter . recovery. CM OllA was extensively damaged during land impact t e s t s . Trans- f e r r e d t o t h e Smithsonian fo r dis- play a t Oklahoma City University.

CM damaged by f i r e on launch pa<; in s torage a t Langley Research Centc LIES at KSC. SM scrapped a t Rockwellr .SD, Downey, CA, 5/27.

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'i.. 8

. . . . . . . . . ". " . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


CSM 014

SM 015

m 015

u s 016

CSM 017

CSM 020

BP- 1

BP- 2

. Page 15



Integrated S-hructural Test W/25-2 C M - ~ A C I P S t a t i c Cert. Test.



Integrated S-hructural Test W/25-2 C M - ~ A C I P S t a t i c


SM 014 launched with CSM 02a. NoZ; recovered. J,ES 01b at KSC. as par t of BP-30. CM was declined by the Smithsonian and was scrapped, 5/77 at Rockwell/SD.

Swing A r m Tests. I Part of BP-30. mcated at KSC.


CSM Test -Vibration. -

Dyna11~1c Tests,

AS-501-Saturn V Vehicle development. 'Launched 11/67.

AS-502 SM-9 - Saturn V vehicle development hunched 4/68.


Water impact tests.

Transferred t o property disposal of f icer a t Jsc i n May 1971.


Transferred t o Smithsonian for permanent display a t MSFC with BP-27. F

SM 017 damaged by explosion. - scrapped. L;Es 017 launched. Not recovered. CM Ol7A preaently a t North Carolina Museum of Life and Science.

SM Ox) launched w i t h CM 017. Not recovered. LES OX) launched with AS-502. Not recovered. CM 020 transferred to Smithsonian, On ais- play a t Fernbank Service Center, Atlanta, Georgia *

Disposed of as scrap a t JSC during Novelriber 1971.

Flota t ion tes t s Disposed of as scrap by JSC prop- storage e erw disposalofficer during Nov.,71* I

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.. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . .

I . . ~



1 . - - --




BP- 6






BP- 19A

U T I r n T I O N

Parachute t e s t s .

AerLal drop t e s t vehicle .

Sat I Dyanmic Test.

bunch Env. SA-6

k t t e r JT4- 50799 dated 3/26/71 di rec t - ed Rockwell t o ais- pose of BP-14 CSM through regular prop- er ty disposal pro- cedures. BP-14 CSM - consists of CM 14, SM 3, U S 14, SLA adapters.

Launch, Fnv. SA-'7. Micro Meteroid SA-9.

Testing VKlP recovefy antenna.

Destroyed. -


Updated t o BP-6C CM. ,Declined by the Smithsonian as an a r t i f a c t . Scrapped a t RockweU/SD, 5/77.

BP-9A - Micro Meteroid - SA-10 launched. Not recovered.

hunched. Not wcovered . BP-14 was offered to the Smithsonial as an a r t i f ac t bu t was declined.

CM disposed of as excess by GSA, SOL , t o Kdrlar, Inc., Tuoson, AZ. SM was scrapped at Downey.

Launched. Not recovered.

hunched. Not recovered.

&ansferred t o Smithsonian during April 1972 for display by IDS Angeles County. Handling equipment

Hl.4-9076, S/N 1; also transferred H14-9001, S/N '7; HL4-086, S/N 1;

With BP-lgA.

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. . _


BP-22 CSM -


BP-25 CM





BP- 30

BP- 1101 A


Display only.

Display on&.

Water recovery a t tenuat ion tes t ( M )

Micro Meteroid SA-8.

Dynamic t e s t (CM) (Excess - t r ans fe r t o the Smithsonian) m i n e gimbal tes t ( SE

Impact t e s t (BK I) Impact tes t (BK 11).

ilater uprighting tests

Swing arm t e s t .


Dec%azed excess t o the Apollo Program Declined by Smithsonian as an-&ti- fact. Lmated a t JSC adjacent t o Bldg . 14 parking l o t . C . A. Biggs i s responsible. To be used for dis- play purposes only.

Transferred t o t h e Smithsonian f o r display at MSFC.

Transferred t o Smithsonian i n March 1975. On d isp lay a t the Fort Worth vIuseum of Transportation.

Launched. Not recovered.

BP-27 CWSM OlO/r ;Es 16 /SLA 1 stack w a s t ransfer red to the Smithsonian on 2/lO/7O for display a t M P C . BP- p 27 SM disposed of by JSC during June 1971.

Disposed of as scrap by the propertly disposal officer during Nov. 1971.

Transferred t o .the Smithsonian 5/19/?'' On display at Metcor Crater, AZ.

!l!ransfcrred .to Sml.thsonlan, 3/27/75 , on display at Fort Worth,Museum of Transportation.

Offered t o the Smithsonian 10/74 - declined. Transferred to disabled American veterans of Wheatridge, Colorado, for permanent display.

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Page 18

..___, .... -__.___ i . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

B O I I X R P m I


. BP-1102%

BP- 1150

BP- I201




B P - D 5


BP- 120 7


Used for- crew egress trainiflg .


Apollo Cormnand Module.

Ap'oLUo Command Module.

Apollo Cornmandl Module.

ApoUo C o d " L e .

Apollo Command Module.

Apollo Cormnand 'Module

Apollo Commard Module.

Pransferred t o t h e Smithsonian 5/77;' h loan t o Louisville, KY, Museum >f Natural Science and History, Louis- r i l l e , KY. Transferred to the Smithsonian during 1971. Transferred to MSFC fo r dis,pla;v ?urpos es .

Pransferred t o Smithsonian. On loan t o ISHF, NM 9/77.

Jsed by t o Patrick AFB Fi re Dept. for abort training.. TrqnsPerred t o the SnitPurontan 11/76, On d isp lay a t Brevard Camunity College, Cocoa, FL. Salvaged.

c ,

With Carrier Task Force 140 a t Rota, Spain.. ,.,Used i n retrieval t e s t a t pea. Offered to t he Smithsonian, 9/7:

Eransferred t o Smithsonian 9/77. On loan to ISHF, NM.

Located a t Woodbridge, Ehgland . Offered t o the Smithsonian, 4/76.

Used a t Patr ick AFB, Trarlsferred t o the Smithsonian 11/76. On display a t Earth-Space.Slience Center, Howey-in the am118'. . FL .


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BP- 1213








Apollo Comaand Module.

Apollo Command Module.

Apollo Command Module.

ApolLo Command Module.

Apollo Command Module.

Apollo Command Module.

Apollo Command k d u l e .

Apollo Cormnand Module.

Apollo Command Module.

Apollo Command Module.

Apollo Command Module.


Fransferred t o NASM, Smithsonian. b loan t o Cherokee S t r i p Museum, b i d , OK,

Located a t 55th ARRS, Elgin..AF'G, FL. leclined by the Smithsonian.

Located ' a t Kadena , Okinawa , Japan.



WiTh Carrier Task Force 130, a t Yokoska, Japan.



located a t Ford Island, Hawaii.

dith UM! Coronada, California. IecPined by the Smithsonian.


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Apollo Command Module< ."

Apollo Commrd Module

Apollo Command lbdule

Apollo Command MGodule

Apollo Command Module

ApoUo Comaand Module

Apollo Comnand Module

Apollo Comaan3 Module


. .










With Carrier Task Force 140, Norfolk, VA. Transferred t o the--Smithsonian, 7/75, On loan t o NAS, Norfold, VA.

h c a t e d a t Ford Island, Hawaii.


Used by ARRS, Lajes, Azores. De- clined 'by the Satueonian. Salvaged, 4/76

Donated t o Harris County Boys Home on NASA Road 1.

Located with Carrier Task Force 130, Honolulu. Offered t o t h e Smithsoniar 4/76,

Salvaged ..

Transferred t o Smithsonian 11/76 On loan to Grand Rapid, MI.

Salvaged b

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!P- 1250c



BF-K .

polla' Canrmand Module.

pol10 Command Module.


ipollo Command Module For Heavy-lift; Heli- Zopter "raining


iTacuum Chasiber Test.

x a t e b a t Ford Island, Hawaii. Undel he control of T. E. 0 'Rriant . 2tlined ly the Smithaonian, 8/75,

Located at KSC (HOU 711)

Lth the 55th ARRS, Bermuda,

Scrapped a t Rockwell/SD, 5/77.

Transferred t o the .Smithsonian, on loan t o MSFC f o r display.

h a t e d a t KSC. I!. E. O'Briant I

:ontrols; Being excessed. Declined' by the Smithsonian.

Located on patio (outside Hi-bay) XI j acen t t o Bldg . 13. R.. Stuckey Ls responsible. Chamber is being usec for flammability ard radiant heat t e s t i n g i n s u p p r t of general reseam and technology and Shuttle programs.

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, . . ( . . . . . . . . . ........ " "- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. _I""" "" L

. -... .



M-1 - LM

M-2 - CM -



M-4 - IM

M-5 - CM

M-5 -

M-6 - LM



Cabin Interior Studies

IM, Ascent and Descent Stage - f o r SUI and Fac i l iw ve r i f i ca t ion

T254 dated 7/24/72 TWX .BTT-G/87-72-BC32-

Partial SM and par t i a l S - N adapter for interface studies.

Descent engine com- parrtaent studies.

For cabin exterior equipment (design control).

IM Mockup f o r Equip- ment Ins ta l la t ion Evaluation.

Scrapped .

Converted t o BC-E below.

Located a t SFC. Offered t o Smithsonit& as a r t i f a c t . Smithsonian declined. Transferred t o B5FC from KSC via barge for dis- play purposes. <

Disposed of as excess January 1967.

Offered t o t h e Smithsonian and ,

declined. Disposed of as excess a t GAC-Bethpage, NY.

Converted t o LM JSC 12.

Excessed 3/8/77.

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MOCKUH . . .






CM, Airlock, a d Docking incomplete. Deleted in Apr i l 1962

CM, SM, S- IV Adapter and U S f o r Handling and Transportation.

CM, SM, S-IV Adapter and LES for Randling ard Transportation.

CM mckup used for inter ior l ight ing studies

CSM, SIV, SLA, and L;ES t o assess system interface e Plan t o use "18 SM i n AI;E51.


t t h 90 degree SLA section. !J?rans- ferred to the-Smithsonian.


CSM - par t of M-11 as launch veri- f icat ion vehicle . Imated a t KSC. LES destroyed i n L.J. launch. SLA disposed of as excess. M-9 C M . declined by Smithsonian . - Disposed O f as excess. SM located at MSFC.

Declarred excess t o the Apollo pro- , gram. Declined by Smithsonian. To be disposed of through JSC Property Disposal Office. I;Es located at KSC. CM located KSC, i n stack with M-9 SM. ' Transferred t o t h e Smithsonian. . .-

Scrapped a t Rockwell/SD, 5/77.

"1.8 CM modified t o JSC-1 mockup. I

l$z18 SLA located a t KSC. "18 8M : scraped , Rockwell/SD, DowneY, 5/77 LES disposed o f ' at Downey .

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.......... Mom



M- 24


- CM fo r Cabin In-terior and Exterior arrange- ments (see JSC-2, Page 24)

CM, SM, and IES f o r Umbilical Tests (IES 015 at MSFC)

CM t o provide spares fo r AAP CM 100. Resin due t o be disposed of 8s excessr -

SM Mockup used as a ianufactur ing simulator

CM - Lnwer equipment bey. No planned use.

Converted to JSC-2,

CTYq SM, and LES on d i sp lay a t the Alabama Space and Rocket Center.

Scrapped at Rockwell/SD-Downey .

Bcrapped a t Rockwell/SD-Downey . r ,

5/11/70 RockweU/SD-Downey recom- mended disposal. Dispoeed of by DD54.3 No. 0-082~-3, 3/14/71.

Disposed of as excess per C. Hughes, Rockwell/SD-Downey . J 5 C l e t t e r JT4-50805 dated 4/19/T1, states t h a t JSC contractin officer authorized disposal 11/14768, on PC68-4257.

Page 24

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M - 2 7 ~ -

M-27B (JSC-07)

M- 28





JSC-09 (&)


&&up empfioxed for f l i g h t crew- trdning i n docking procedures

lbckup employed fo r f l i g h t crew training in tunnel t ransfer procedures

Converted from CM-B. Planned use is ASTI?,

Ingress-Egress Trainer Converted from "2.

1-G Traher

CM 1-G Trainer

CM mockup used for Zero d t ra ining of the f l igh t

, .

c r e w *

1-G 6r.M Bay,

Page 25


b c a t e d a t JSC, bldg. 29 , Comparable t o ASTP f l i gh t module. V. C, 'Hammersley i s responsible

Located a t JSC, bldg. 5 Compa.rabl -bo f l i g h t module a V, C . Hammersly. fs responsible, .

Transferred t o the Smithsonian. On display at Clark County (WA) Histori- cal Museum.

slocatid a t Kennedy €@ace Center, Bldg. M7-355. Planned use as t ra iner for emergency egress training i n Skylab and ASTP programs.

* 5

Located Bldg. 5 as par t of JSC v i s i t o r program. Transferred t o nlithsonian and loaned t o JSC.

Transferred t o the Smithsonian. On loan t o Hutchinson Planetorium, Hutchinson, KS.

. .

Located i n Bldg 419 laydown yard. To. excess 2/24/76.

Located Bldg. 38, JSC. v. c. Hammersley is responsible. , .

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, . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Jsc-11 IM


JSC-13 (S ta t i c Rover)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Mockup - Water Immr. -

Zero G Trainer - Fartial CM and I;M (EVA Trail)

Zero G Trainer Wckup W I F aMi SIM Bay.

IM Mockup 1-G !trainer

Zero Q KC-135 &ckup.

Zero G KC-135 bbdsup.

IM in@;ress/egress t r a ine r s 0 4 .

submitted to PA0 as

. . . .


~ - . . -

!L'ransferred' t o Smithsonian, on dis- play at Alabama Space and Rocket __ Center ,

Salvaged 3/74

Declined by Smithsonian on 8/16/72. Turned i n 89 excess property.

!transferred t o Smithsonian.

Transferred t o t h e Smithsonian.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .

Transferred t o t h e Smithsonian for display at XSC.

Wooden hckup used i n W D ' . Severely deteriorated by weather and r o t , Disposed of as scrap i n

'. June 1973.

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. _ _ . , . . . ~ . .-. .._.__ . . ...~ .. .

MOCXIJR?l . . .

SC-16 LM



- "





LPT Mockup t r a ine r (1-G)

Used f o r Apollo 16 & 17 *

IM ingress/egress t r a ine r and 043.

Skylab Orbital Work Station bckup, 1-G Atmosphere used for Flight Crew lkaining.

Orbital Work Station- Crew quarters - Neutral Buoyancy.

Skylab Airlock Module

used f o r f l i g h t crew M~ckup 1-G '


Airlock Module Mockup f o r Slrylab B use.

Page 27

Shipped to KSC. Used for Apollo 16 and 17. Configured t o LM 32. 2rane

; fe r red to the Smithsonian i n Januar3 1974 - HOU 461. On disDlay a t t h e N, C , Mxse1m o f Ltfe tznd Science, Dunham, N . C . "

SaJvaged 10/7/74.

Located a t JSC., Bldg. 5 as part of the JSC v i s i t o r program, Compar- ,'able t o f l i gh t module. Transferred; t o Smithsonian 11/76

Salvaged 4/74.

Located at JSC Bldg. 5,as part of JSC v i s i t o r program. Comparable t o f l i gh t module. Ineludes a support stand t o assemble. the"AM, ATM, and DA i n one unit. '&ansferred t o Smithaoniw 11/76. , . .

Transferred from MSFC t o the Alabama Space and Rocket Center.

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I !

..... "

page 28








JSC- 34

Skylab Multiple Dock- ing Adapter, 1 4 Atmosphere used for f l i g h t crew training.

Slgrlab Multiple Dock- ing Adapter, 0-G Atmosphere used for f l i g h t crew training.

Skylab APOUo Tele- scope Wunt Mockup 1-0. Atmosphere used f o r f l i g h t mew training.

Am Mockup

Skylab Apollo Tele- scope &bunt Wckup 0-G A b s p h e r e used fo r f l i gh t crew training . Skylab Deployment Assenibly Mockup 1-G A h s p h e r e used for f l i g h t crew training.


h c a t e d a t JSC , Bldg. 5, as part of: the JSC --vis i tor program. Comparable t o flight module. Transferred t o the Smithsonian and loaned t o JSC.

-Located a t JSC, Bldg. 5 , as part of the JSC v i s i to r program. Comparable t o f;light module.. JSC Tag #88538. Transferred t o the Smithsonian and loaned t o J S C .

Located at' SSC, Bldg. 38. Compmable t o f l i g h t module. V. C. Hamersley is responsible

ftocated at JSC, Bldg. 5 as par t of :

the JSC v i s i to r program. Comparable t o fligh-b module. ,Tradsferred t o Smithsonian and loaned to JSC.

Transferred from MSFC t o t h e Alabama Space and Rocket Center.

Located a t JSC, Bldg. 38. Coxparable t o f l i g h t m d u l e . V. C. Hammeraley is responsible .

Located a t JSC, Bldg. 5. Comparable t o f l i g h t module. V. C. Hamersley is responsible

. .

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. .

. . MocKups


JSC- 35 ( 344


JSC 37

JSC 38






Om - Dome Mockup

Apollo/Sopz Docking Module 1 'g" trainer

Apollo/Gayuz Docking Module 1 "g" t ra iner ( l i g h t weight). Soyuz Orbiter m u l e 1 "g" ~ c k u p .

CM I n t e r n Evalua- t i on Systems Simula- tors.

CM Internal Evdua- tion Pexta Simulator

CSM Mockup "X B!l"j'-N/78-71-BC22- ~115 e

Heavyweight Propul- s ion System Pest Fixture.

SPS Engine Develop- ment Heavyweight Propulsion'Fixture.

SFS Engine Develop- ment Heavyweight Propulsion Fixture

Sun lhterf erence Evaluation

transferred from MSFC t o the Alabama (pace and Rocket Center.

On display at JSC auditorium, Bldg.

Turned into excess - Awaiting disposition.

Transferred t o the Smithsonian, on loan t o ASRC.

Transferred t o the Smithsonian, l O / 7

. .. Scrapped a t Rockwell/SD-Downey.

SM W&UP on Pad 3-9 Rockwell/SD-Darney. C. Hughes i s responsible. (Outside display area CM b & u p 3PDR was t ransfer red to the Smithsonian and shipped t o XSCI 1/6/72. SM scrapped at Rockwell/SD.

Located a t Aero.iet. SACTO. Retained for possible ASkP b e . Transferred acc untabil i t f r o NAS -150 t o NAI 9-1!000. DDly49, #CV-24849, dated 6 /LO/?)+. Scrapped a t WSV af%e? rexovin,n the banks and other reusable items.

I ' Transferred to..the Air Force.

Shtpped to JSC 12/67, CCA 1679. Disposed of as excess.

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. . .. .. .. -. . . . . . " . . l _ _ . ...........


CM-E -






Engineering Test.

Lunax hnding Researc Fac i l i ty

C o d Module Pro- cedures Simulator used fo r flight crew training

hna r Module Proce- dures Simulator

Skylab Mission Simulator used fo r crew training purposes.

CM Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator


m i f i e d t o mockup. See "28.

Located a t Langley ReseaPch Center, VA,, ard is not currently in active use

Deactivated on April 1, 1974. Certain components will be used for the Shuttle procedures- simulator. Transferred to the S m i t h sonian as an a r t i f a c t . Will be dis- played at Center of Science and Industry, Columbus, Ohio

Transferred to Smithsonian as an artifact - HOU 404, for display at Center of Science and Industry, C O ~ U m b U s ; Ohio.

Deactivated. & d28poaition hast been approved, Cmputer complex.aaa.i&ned t o . 0 r h i t e r re t rof l igh t simulator. Crew station given t o PAOb Stored 3 Blag:29. Visual generation hardwar stored for possible use. An interim crew stat ion has been loaned. t o PA0 for display and. unusec peripheral and visual hardware a,re stored in ELdg, 5, The stored material will impact bui ld ing modi- f icat ions i n the near futurer s ' Faber' is responsible,

Deactivated on 2/28/73 Transferred' t o the ' Smithsonian - will be displayed a t Center of Science and Industry, Columbus, Ohio.

. .

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I.; . , .

"" . ~ ~ - .,. ,. .. . ~ .. . ... . ... .. . ." . .. .. .



CMS-1 . .

m "2

m3- 3




PD-1 - fiM

m-2 - LIM

- 24 Simla to r :for1 ASTP.

Lunar Mission S imla - t o r

Lunm Mission Sirrmla- t o r

IM Ascent Stage B o - pulsion Test Vehicle.

Prototype LM D/ 8 Pro- pulsion Test Vehicle Ear l ie r Design.

Prototype LM D/S Pro- pulsion Test Vehicle h t e r Design.


Transferred to the Smithsonik. On loan t o Hornton Medical Museum.

. "

'Disposed of by components a t KSC.

U p w e d o$' by components a t K S C ,

Sinnilator has .bbeen salvaged. Limited components are i n use by other crew training and simulation division f a c i l i t i e s . Crew stat ion given to Public Affairs Office.

Disposed of' by components at KSC. I

Savaged a t WSTF.

. .

Salvaged a t WSTF.

Salvaged at WSTF.

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' i( I

.. ......... .... .. .- " - - -._..-. . ..... . . ............ . . . . . ." . - . . .


jT-1 - CM


D E S C R J r I O N -


see page 3 CM 2 S-1 which is the prim fiesignation.

L3M fu13 mission Engineering simulator Used for engineering evaluation and veri- f ica t ion tests at GAC-Bethpage.


Transferred t o Smithsonian. D i s - '!

mantled for controls and d i S p W , panels t o equip the M-7 mockup t o IX coclqpit configuration.

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.. .









HA-1 - LM

HA-2 - LM

hunched w i t h Apollo 8.- Not recovered. - -

IEA-1, ascent stage, transferred to Smithsonian 2/74. D/S. t r m s f e r r e d t o the Smithaonian 9/76 for display a t GAC-Bethpage, NY.

Launched on "502. Not recovered.

Transfer red to the Smithsonian 9/76. On display a t Franklin Institute, PhiladelDhia, PA.

!L'ransferrerl t o the %ithaonfan-ll/71,

h a t e d a t WSTF, 'Offered t o t h e Smithsonian as an a r t i f a c t - 6/75, declined. Partially stripped. 1


Transferred to JSC 2/18/71 as a program support vehicle and fo r d i sp l ay i n Bldg. 2 auditorium. An ASHUR i s

required for removal of components. C. A. Biggs is con- tact point for moving LTA-8 for t e s t purposes.

bunched AS-5Ol. Not recovered.

U A - 1 1 , descent stage t ransfer red to Smithsonian 2/74.


Scrapped a t Bell .

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. . . . . . . .


LTV #3

2 Trainer

. ” .... . . . . ”””... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2ashed and burned during training at EAFB 12/2/68,. -

Located a t JSC, Cap. Equip. #i’kT94 T a i l No. NASA 951. Crashed at EAK6 1/28/71.

I;ocatea‘at ,ALabama Space and Rocket Center. Transferred t o the Smithsonian.

Trainer, lG, Lunar Roving Vehicle, S/N 001 JSC Tag #87541. bca-bd at Bldg. 2 (on display). . C . Biggs is custodian Value $7OO,OOO. Transferred t o Smithsonian 9/74.

I ,

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............ ~”

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" -9 LM

TM-11 LM

TM-13 LM

TM-14 LM

TM.15 IN

TM-16 LM

TM-17 LM


LM RCS Plum Test completed 5/16/69

LM Bat Ins t a l l a t ion Thermal Test.

Docking Tunnel Test

Thermal Quad I.

Quad I1 Structural Tests.

Quad I11 Thermal Tests.


Dismantled and Components sent three d i f fe ren t d i rec t ions . No longer recogriized as an end item.

MESA p a l l e t and deployment system. Nature of item was an accumulation of components rather than an ident i - f i ab le end item. Dismankled by GAC and disposed of as excess components through approved routine disposal .


Nature of item was an accumulation of components rather t h a n an identi- f i ab le end item. Dismantled by GAC and disposed of as exce8s components through approved routine disposal procedures.

Nature of item was an accumulation o f components rather than an identi- f i ab le end item. Dismantled by GAC and disposed of as excess components through approved routine disposal procedures

Nature of item was an accumulation of components rather than an identi- fiable end item. Dismantled by GAC and disposed of as excess components through approved routine disposal procedures.


Themnal t es t MESA pa l l e t . Nature of item was an accumulation of com- ponents rather than an ident i f iab le end item. Dismantled by GAC and d i s posed of as excess components t h o u & approved routine disposal procedures

Page 38: APOLLO/SKYLAB - klabs.orgklabs.org/history/history_docs/mit_docs/1690.pdf · Apollo 16 Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered. shipped to the Smithsonian

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A6 st


Q1 S.


- 'SC quarantine fa@li2;: :heckout.

itronaut quarantine - ;orage

ickup quarantine xility - storage.

mrantine f a d l i t y - t o r age.


ransfer red to a contagious disease nter, Atlanta, GA.

ransferred t o the . , Smithsonian, l i / ? ' h n display a t MSFC.

#ansferred t o the Smithsonian.

Page 39: APOLLO/SKYLAB - klabs.orgklabs.org/history/history_docs/mit_docs/1690.pdf · Apollo 16 Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered. shipped to the Smithsonian

. . . . . . . . . . ... ....................... _- .......... ...I___. ........................ .......






PD 1

PD 2

PD 3


Ksc 1

Ksc 2

KSc 3

Ksc 4

Ksc 5

SESL Thermal Vacuum Test Support.

SESL ThexmaJ. Vacuum Test Support.

Orbiter checkout.

Orbiter checkout/ r!empkm Room only, Orbiter checkout

SESL Thermal Vacuum Test Support

Ready storage.

Ready storage.

Ready storage.

Ready storage,

Ready storage.


. _

Bldg. 32, JSC. D. 0. Bil l ings l ey i s responsible.


Bldg . 32, JSC. D. G. Billings'ley i s responsible . b c a t e d at Palmdale. A. E. Lightsey is responsible.


Located-at Palmdale. A. E. -Lightsey is responsible. Located at Rockwell/Palmdale. A . E, Mghtsey is responsible, Bldg. 32A, JSC. (Fabricated from SAC 1 and 2.) A. E. Lightsey is" responsible.

KSC =OB. A. E. Lightsey is responsible.

KSC WOB. A. E. Lightsey i s responsible

KSC mOB. A, E. Lightsey i s responsible.

KSC S O B . A. E. Lightsey i s responsible.

KSC S O B . A. E, Lightsey is resnons ible .

Page 40: APOLLO/SKYLAB - klabs.orgklabs.org/history/history_docs/mit_docs/1690.pdf · Apollo 16 Apollo 5 As-204, with SLA #7r launched - 1/22/68, not recovered. shipped to the Smithsonian