Apk Report g5 2013

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  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    School of MedicineUniversity Malaysia Sabah

    Entrepreneurship(UW 00302)

    Section 3

    REPR! "E#!REPRE#EURS$%P PR&E'! # 'MP#*

    !RU+#E ,#SEP S-# .$-/RUP

    SUPER1%SR -R M$MM- $%RU4 $5UE4E'!URER P -R !# !E, S#/

    M-M -E4%#E !M %# 4%#/

    -!E " SU.M%SS%# May* 2063


    #a7e Matriculation nu7ber Si8nature Tan Siew Qin BM12110080

     Thian Kueh Khong BM12110082

    Kaysha-Lin Lexminarayana BM12110035

    Raiebau! "#awiyah Bini "b#u!



    Kirhene 'o(a! BM1211003%

    )aireya Bini )a*+ BM1211002&

    "miera Bini ,oor "!ammi BM1211000&

     eow .ei /huan BM1211003

    irmansyah Bin Moh# "ib BM12110020

    a#+i!ah )ani Bini ami! BM1211001

  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    #a7e Matric9





    !an Sie: 5in BM12110080 01%-&&3318 se4resyyy6homai!74


    !hian ,ueh ,hon8 BM12110082 010-%00& e!!iohian36yahoo74o




    BM12110035 01%-25150 aysha!in6homai!74o


    Raiebatul da:iyah

    .inti bdul 4atif 

    BM121100%& 01-8&351 (ashaawiyah6yahoo74


    ,irtthene /opal BM1211003% 01%-0%&0 irhenego(a!6gmai!74


    $aireya .inti $a

  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013




    e690 %ntroduction   1290 chieve7ent of b?ectives   5390 %7ple7entation and e@ectiveness of business

    strate8y (proposed) in achievin8 the ob?ective


    A90 Proble7+solvin8 s>ills and techniBues applied in

    the practicu7 pro?ect


    90 4essonsCe;perience 8athered fro7 the

    i7ple7entation of the practicu7 activity


    D90 "inancial Report

    6.1 Profit and Loss

    6.2 Balance sheet Statement


    90 Reco77endations   21

    F90 'onclusion   24G90 ppendi;   26609


    Reports of visitations   36

    1.0 Introduction

  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    For the UW00302 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Acculturation (APK) module, we

    were assined the tas! of "isitin #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad, a medical and la'orator

    needs pro"ider Esta'lished in 200*, this compan has thri"ed and flourished o"er the ears to

     'ecome one of the ma+or pro"iders of medical, research and la'orator supplies in the reion

    #he compan is situated at

    -ot 2*, &loc! &,

    Karamunsin Warehouse,


    //000, Kota Kina'alu,

    %a'ah, alasia


    We, roup *, conducted 1 "isits to #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad, which were on April

    203, 23 April 203, 0 a 203 and 4 a 203 respecti"el #he ten mem'ers whocollecti"el ma!e up 5roup * are #an %iew 6in, #hian Kueh Khon, 7eow Wei 8huan,

    9aie'atul Adawiah 'inti A'dul -atif, Kirtthene :;< 5opal, Kasha$-in -e=minaraana,

    Fad>ilah ?ani 'inti .amil, Firmansah 'in ohd A!i', ?airea 'inti ?afi> and Amiera 'inti

     @oor Alammi

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  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    healthcare, and to rise as a potent competitor in the field of la'orator and medical eGuipment

    #he compan currentl has 2* staff consistin of pharmacists, an electrical and electronics

    (EE) enineer, 'iotechnoloists, a chemist, and sales staff #he compan has 'een conferred

    &umiputera status

    &asicall, #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad supplies a wide arra of medical and

    la'orator eGuipment, and their taret customers are hospital la'oratories, science la'oratories in

    uni"ersities, and more Amon the main customers supplied include pu'lic health centers, the

    Fisher 9esearch :epartment, Uni"ersiti #e!noloi ara (Ui#), the hemistr :epartment,

    and so on #he compan also supplies this eGuipment to local health clinics and o"ernment

    health centers Amon the products supplied ' this compan include chemistr analsers,

    eGuipment to test for laminar flow, to carr out centrifuation and coaulation, and

    haematoloical tests, 'iosafet ca'inets, 'lood culture machines, microscopes, and histolo


    #he compan has ties with manufacturers from all across the lo'e, such as the United

    %tates of America, %inapore, .apan and tal, who suppl hih$Gualit and relia'le products to

    the compan to 'e distri'uted Accordin to r hew, the most lucrati"e and profita'le products

    supplied ' #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad which ain the hihest percentae of orders

    annuall are plastic and lassware, such as test tu'es, slides and 'ea!ers, as the are routinel

    used and reGuired ' the customers

      We were also informed that this compan faces stiff competition as there are

    appro=imatel fift to si=t similar companies "in for the 'usiness of customers in the state of 

    %a'ah itself #hus, the emploees of this compan stri"e aainst all odds to 'e a cut a'o"e the

    rest, to ensure that #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad maintains its stronhold on the medical and

    la'orator needs industr n the words of r hew, the pa full attention to the wants, needs

    and comments of their customers, as the customers are their 'est teachers in the process of impro"in the compan and spurrin it to reater heihts

    #o step up the efficienc of the companDs operations, the staff mem'ers freGuentl

     'rainstorm and ha"e meetins to impro"e and increase the le"el of moti"ation amon the team

    mem'ers Awards such as commission and special ad"antaes are also i"en out as a form of 

  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    incenti"e &esides that, reional sur"es are carried out to learn more a'out the mar!et in %a'ah,

    thus ena'lin the staff to plan the companDs mar!etin strateies As for ser"ice strateies, the

    compan practices the principle of oin to the customers, in which 'ac!$up solutions and plans

    are e"er$present to attract the interest of customers should an emerencies arise #he compan

    also places utmost importance on the prices of the products, which reasona'l correspond with

    the Gualit and performance potential of the products offered #he customers are alwas notified

    of the reasons as to wh a particular product is cheaper or more e=pensi"e than the competitorsD

    Guoted prices

    n addition to that, the customer$approach principle is used in the plannin of 

     promotional strateies, where' the appropriate and rele"ant machines or instruments are

     promoted to the customers and potential 'uers, dependin on their loistics and reGuirements

    9eardin mar!etin analsis, the compan !eeps trac! of the customersD histor of purchases

    and these findins are discussed ' the team mem'ers, to identif wh certain products sell

     'etter than others, and was to sol"e and o"ercome such pro'lems are deli'erated carefull

    oreo"er, the compan carries out competitor analsis ' identifin their possi'le competitors,

    after which, the le"el of competition is tareted @e=t, information a'out the competitors, such as

    their ser"icin, pricin and reputation, are ethicall o'tained throuh customers and other 

    a"aila'le sources such as the World Wide We'

    Accordin to r hew, one of the oals of the compan is to create new tarets which

    will need to 'e achie"ed annuall &esides that, this compan is forecasted to row healthil to

     pro"ide more opportunities and careers for the people of %a'ah n the ne=t few ears, the

    compan aspires to e=pand as a franchise throuhout %a'ah, whereas in the lon run, there are

     plans to open 'ranches in %arawa! and e"en Peninsular alasia We were told that the wor!ers

    of #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad ha"e e=cellent teamwor! s!ills and wor! sneristicall to

    achie"e the oals of the compan #he compan is currentl stri"in towards achie"in the

    hihest accolades in the 'usiness field, and the are wor!in on o'tainin %< certification for 

    the products the distri'ute

    2.0 !chievements of $%&ectives

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  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    Was of mar!etin and


    1 #o learn a'out financial


    A 'rief idea on the cash

    flow of the compan

    Understandin 'asic

     procedures of financial


    dentification of financial

     pro'lems and sol"instrateies

    #he process and 'enefit of 

    routine financial monitorin

    Achie"ed Achie"ed without

    an pro'lems

    * #o learn a'out ris!  

    assessment and


    Understandin 'asic

     principles of ris! 


    Awareness of personal

    lia'ilit especiall the

    super"ision of dru

    distri'ution process

  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    re"aluation of the

     performance of the


    the customers an pro'lems

    #han!full, our roup has achie"ed all of the o'+ecti"es than!s to the cooperation of the

    compan We "isited the compan four times in total A lot has 'een learned throuhout the

    "isits We e"aluated our achie"ement of o'+ecti"es after each and e"er "isit #his was carried

    out ' usin the e"aluation and monitorin form

    +.0 Implementation and effectiveness of %usiness strate," -proposed in achievin, the


    #here were se"en strateies we intended to implement in this practicum

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    ) Form a committee and outline the specific +o' scope

    n order to ensure that all of our roup mem'ers would pla their roles e=cellentl

    throuhout this practicum, all of us had a discussion and formed our committee We felt that '

    formin a committee, we would 'e a'le to decrease the indi"idual wor!load, and it would also

    ensure the efficienc of this particular acti"it Each mem'er of the roup was assined with a

    specific +o' ' the president who was the mastermind of the entire pro+ect, and the person who

    was responsi'le to monitor the flow of this acti"it After formin a committee, the roup,

    consistin of 0 people, was di"ided into 1 su'$roups Each su'$roup was assined one

    specific date for a "isit to the compan &esides that, as this was a colla'oration with roup , we

    also had a discussion with them to ensure the "isits went smoothl All of us wor!ed accordin to

    our plan, and sometimes we also "oiced out our ideas or opinions for 'etter options or solutions

    to pro'lems After completin this acti"it, all of us areed that formin a proper committee is

    the most important step in carrin out a pro+ect li!e this, and it is the first thin that needs to 'e

    done so that all of us will !now what to achie"e, and we will wor! in a proper wa to a"oid an

    mista!es that will lead to failure #herefore, this is a ood form of wor! implementation which

    ena'led us to complete our +o' successfull We would li!e to e=tend our ratitude to our 

     president for her 'rilliant plans and e=cellent leadership

    2) onduct a 'riefin 'efore each "isit

    For each "isit, we had alread planned out some o'+ecti"es that needed to 'e achie"ed so that

    each of us will ha"e a clear idea of what should 'e done durin each "isit Each su'$roup had a

     'riefin toether one da 'efore each "isit #his was done to ensure that all of us !new what to

    achie"e and we also discussed transportation arranements reardin our respecti"e "isits A

     phone call to the compan was made ' one of the su'$roup mem'ers to confirm the "isit, as

    well as to remind the companDs representati"e that we would 'e ma!in a trip to their premises

    #his implementation was effecti"e 'ecause we were a'le to a"oid an complications or misunderstandins 'etween the roup mem'ers and the compan

    3) Prepare Guestionnaires as a medium in conductin the inter"iew

    All of us areed to conduct our inter"iew with the compan usin Guestionnaire as our main

    medium to o'tain information We prepared our own Guestions for each session accordin to the

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    specific o'+ecti"es determined 'eforehand For each "isit, the respecti"e roups were i"en the

    responsi'ilit to ensure that the Guestionnaires would 'e answered completel ' the companDs

    representati"e n addition, to ensure each "isit went smoothl, all of us a"e our full cooperation

    and com'ined our ideas to create and produce the Guestionnaires 'efore the 1 "isits too! place

    &ased on the Guestionnaires, the deleates understood their o'+ecti"es well and the Guestions

     pro+ected also ser"ed as a uide for the deleates in as!in Guestions n addition, the could also

    modif the Guestions 'ased on different circumstances All Guestions were answered ' the

    compan and this helped us indefinitel in achie"in our "isit o'+ecti"es #herefore, all of us

    areed that ' usin this mode of implementation, it helped us in increasin our understandin

    a'out the compan and successfull achie"in our o'+ecti"es

    1) Prepare a lo 'oo! and undero monitorin ' super"isor 

    #he attendances of roup mem'ers at each meetin and also for each "isit were recorded in a

    lo 'oo! #his lo 'oo! was continuousl monitored ' our super"isor, :r ohammad 8ahirul

    ?oGue We also souht uidance and opinions from our super"isor We made reular calls to our 

    super"isor to inform him a'out our "isits and to o'tain his opinions when it was not possi'le to

    meet him face$to$face

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    We reali>ed that a ood relationship 'etween the students and the compan was essential to

    achie"e the o'+ecti"es of this acti"it As a result, all of us tried our le"el 'est to maintain a ood

    relationship with the compan so that we could ha"e a rela=ed, comforta'le en"ironment durin

    our inter"iew sessions and to a"oid an aw!wardness throuhout the duration of the pro+ect &

    ha"in a ood relationship, we were a'le to communicate 'etter and ain more information from

    the compan A i"e$and$ta!e concept was practised to maintain this ood relationship All of 

    our roup mem'ers would neotiate a specific date for each "isit with the compan f the

    compan was found to 'e 'us on the particular date that we had suested, the would usuall

    suest a more suita'le date which would 'e more fa"oura'le for 'oth parties We, as the

    students and "isitors to this compan, respect the opinions of the compan and complied to their 

    reGuests, and ' doin so, we were a'le to maintain a sta'le, ood relationship with the

    compan #hus, we found that this implementation was indeed essential for us in this acti"it

    4) Plannin, orani>in, leadin and controllin

    n order to achie"e our o'+ecti"es, we implemented the four functions of manaement,

    namel plannin, orani>in, leadin and controllin Plannin was carried out for all the staes

    of the practicum pro+ect from the 'einnin of the preparation of the proposal to the finishin of 

    the report #hese four functions ser"ed as a !e or framewor! to achie"e our ultimate oal n the

    earl staes of plannin, 5roup * mem'ers thouht out the oals and o'+ecti"es of the practicum

     pro+ect Furthermore, we also discussed the preliminar plans that were to 'e carried out for this

     practicum pro+ect #he preliminar plans were presented in the wor!in paper ; proposal Hia this

    e=perience, we surmised that plannin is important 'ecause it will pro"ide 'etter coordination

    and teamwor! amon the roup mem'ers ation s!ills focus on the di"ision,

    coordination, and control of tas!s and the flow of information within the orani>ation t is in this

    function that manaers distri'ute authorit to +o' holders n our case, we di"ided the entire

    wor!load eGuall amonst oursel"es to complete the tas!s the proposal, "isitations and

     practicum report

    /.0 Pro%lemsolvin, sills and techniues applied in the practicum pro&ect

    We faced a few pro'lems and o'stacles in the course of completin 5roup *Ds practicum

     pro+ect #o sol"e these pro'lems, we set up a committee and all of us a"e our full commitment

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    in order to accomplish this proramme .o' distri'ution was done in the earl staes, so that each

    and e"er mem'er in 5roup * would understand +ust how important their role in runnin this

     proram was For instance, the roup leader or chairperson was the person in chare of the

    entrepreneurship proram for our roup %he would 'e monitorin and ma!in the final decision

    if need 'e, for the roup #he "ice chairperson would assist the chairperson #he secretar would

     'e recordin the meetin minutes and carrin out the +otter +o' %he would 'e assisted ' her 

    assistant For the treasurer, she would handle the financial aspect and 'udet for the pro+ect that

    we conducted #here are 1 people who were made the acti"it coordinators #he would 'e

    responsi'le to contact the compan and inform the compan a'out the "isits -astl, one of us

    was assined as the person in chare of transportation

    Firstl, we had pro'lems with transportation #his was 'ecause onl one of our roup

    mem'ers, Kasha, has a car, which posed a loistical pro'lem for us #hus, the person in$chare

    of transportation came out with the 'est solution to sol"e out this pro'lem %he neotiated with

    the leader of roup in order to carpool durin the "isits ?ence, for each "isit, some of the

    5roup * mem'ers were assined to "isit #ru$

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    (carried out on the date proposed)

    Kasha -in -e=minaraana

    #an %iew 6in

    #hian Kueh Kon


    (carried out on the date proposed)

    9aie'atul Adawiah 'inti A'dul -atif 

    Fad>ilah ?ani &t .amil


    (postponed to 4;0*;203)

    Kirrthene :;< 5opal

    7eow Wei 8huan

    Firmansah 'in A!i'


    (postponed to 2;03;203)

    Amiera &t @oor Alammi

    ?airea &t ?afi>

    As almost all of us come from Peninsular alasia and we are still not "er familiar with

    Kota Kina'alu, we faced some difficulties in findin our wa to the compan with onl a written

    address i"en, durin the first "isit #o o"ercome this, we called and spo!e to the compan

    representati"e throuhout the +ourne in order to et the accurate directions to et to the

    companDs premises Finall, the first su'$roup arri"ed safel at the compan, e"en thouh their 

    arri"al was later than scheduled For the followin "isits, the rest of our mem'ers manaed to et

    there with "irtuall no pro'lems

    &esides that, the compan is located in the middle of the cit #hus, the traffic is alwas

    at its pea! around lunchtime and in the e"enin when the wor!in class are headin home from

    their wor!places #he +ourne to the compan too! us a'out 10 minutes from Uni"ersiti

    alasia %a'ah for each "isit ?ence, we tried our 'est to ma!e an appointment with the

    compan at around 3pm in order to a"oid time$wastin ' 'ein cauht in the hea" traffic +am

    durin pea! hours ?owe"er, the compan found it hard to accommodate us in the afternoon due

    to their own reasons, and for that, we had to o there in the earl mornin for the 3 rd and 1th

    "isits Althouh it too! us Guite a lon time to reach the compan, we made a conscious effort to

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    a"oid speedin and the respecti"e dri"ers dro"e carefull within the speed limit, all the wa to

    the compan, most importantl to ensure our safet and to compl with road rules

    #he dates stated in the ta'le a'o"e were the dates that we planned to "isit the compan

    ?owe"er, due to their 'us 'usiness schedule which chaned Guite often, we had to postpone the

    3rd and 1th "isits to other das #his was a pro'lem for us 'ecause we had to snchroni>e these

    e"ents with our own schedules &ut in the end, we manaed to o"ercome this ' postponin the

    last two "isits to 4th a 203 and 2st a 203 for the third and fourth "isits respecti"el

    which was a win$win situation for 'oth the compan and the deleates who were oin on the

    last 2 "isits

    #here were rele"ant 'usiness strateies which were used to sol"e the pro'lems -uc!il,

    these critical s!ills were tauht to us ' adam Adeline #am 7in -in durin our 

    Entrepreneurship lectures

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    n the end, with teamwor!, hard wor!, perse"erence and cooperation from each of the

    mem'ers, we manaed to sol"e each and e"er pro'lem we were faced with E"er roup

    mem'er adopted a proacti"e and accommodati"e approach, where' the mem'ers stro"e to

    achie"e the hihest Gualit of wor! possi'le, as well as to o"ercome the hurdles and o'stacles

    faced #herefore, all of our pro'lems were sol"ed in the end ?owe"er, it was noted that each

     pro'lem was not eas to resol"e, due to the dnamic and e"er$chanin en"ironment while we

    were carrin out our practicum pro+ect hanes had to 'e made, for e=ample, the reschedulin

    of "isitations and appointments with #ru$

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    #he practical session in"ol"ed each mem'er of our roup "isitin the compan as

    representati"es We were assined to #ru$e proper manaement s!ills

    As we all !now, manaement is a "er important aspect in an tpe of compan whether it is 'i

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    or small, 'ecause it determines the rowth and wealth of the compan t is also important to

    ensure that the proress of the compan and wor! dedication can 'e carried out efficientl

    without an delas #hrouh the "isits, we were pri"ileed enouh to see how the manae their 

    compan ' di"idin the +o' accordin to the emploeeDs professions in each of the departments

    Althouh people miht thin! that doctors will not ha"e to possess such detailed manaement

    s!ills as the will onl 'e wor!in in a hospital settin, we feel that the ap 'etween 'usiness

    and medicine is narrowin as we 'ecome more interated with one another, due to the sneristic

    relationship 'oth fields possess #herefore, manaement s!ill is an important s!ill that all doctors

    and future doctors should possess #he "isits to #ru$

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    We also learnt to 'e responsi'le and e"er$willin to face challenes all the time #his is a

    "er important lesson that each and e"er one of us should possess, not onl in wor! 'ut also in

    the course of our dail life #he compan is willin to face an challenes that come their wa,

    mainl from the competitors #he carr out sur"es a'out their competitors, mainl information

    athered from their con"ersations with customers For e=ample, the can attain information li!e

    how man competitors the ha"e, the price and 'rand of the competitorsD products, and their 

    wea!nesses and 'enefits mainl in product and relationships #he companDs wor!ers function at

    their 'est all the time to pro"ide their customers with sophisticated ser"ice and professionalism

    alon with the constant a'idance to wor! ethics

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    6.0 )inancial eport

    #he whole pro+ect was funded ' us, the 5roup * mem'ers We decided to collect 9

    2* from each mem'er We areed to contri'ute that amount to the roup, and we also areed to

    di"ide the mone eGuall amon oursel"es if there were to 'e an 'alance ?ence, our roup

    manaed to collect 9 2*0 as our initial amount of mone for this entrepreneurship proram

    All alon the course of this proram, we 'ouht stationer such as pens and lo 'oo!s for 

    writin purposesI costin 9 /C0, and ifts of appreciation and hampers worth 9 C/ for #ru$

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    Ta%le of forecast %ud,et Ta%le of actual e5penditure

    vents !mount vents !mount

    #ransportation 9 1000 #ransportation 9 1000

    Printin 9 3000 Printin 9 4*0

    %ou"enirs 9 *000 %ou"enirs 9 /C0

    %tationar 93000 %tationar 9 C/00(rand total 7 230.00 (rand total 7 13/./0

    Pre"iousl, we e=pected to spend 9 2*0 to conduct our "isit n the "isits, o"erall we

    spent 9 *110 for "arious areas #herefore, our ross profit is 9 C*0 #he ta'le 'elow

    shows the detailed financial statement of our pro+ect

    Ta%le : )inancial Statement

    9 9)und 2*000

      Minus 5penses of the visit

    #ransport (petrol) 1000

    Printin 4*0

    %tationer /C0

    %ou"enir C/00

    #otal E=penses of the "isit *110

    (ross Profit C*0

      Minus $ther e5penses 4 $verhead 000

    'et profit C*0

    6.2 Balance sheet Statement

    At the end of the e"ent, our current asset, cash a"aila'le is 9 C*0 n this case, we do

    not ha"e an fi=ed asset and lia'ilit n addition, we do not pump further capital or fund into the

    e"ent & su'tractin the e=penses, we earn 9 C*0 and this is our net profit #a'le 'elow

    shows the 'alance sheet of our pro+ect

    Ta%le 6: Balance sheet of the practicum

    9 9

    #urrent !ssets #urrent Lia%ilities 000

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    #ash 1*0

    Lon, term Lia%ilities 000

    )i5ed !ssets 000


    apital 000Profit 1*0


    Total !ssets 1*0 #otal -ia'ilities and EGuit 1*0

    8.0 ecommendation

    9eardin our "isit to the compan of #ru$

  • 8/9/2019 Apk Report g5 2013


    "er sta'le financial 'ac!round which can sustain an potential set'ac!s we ma


    +. Increase the ualit" of products

    Another strate to esta'lish a 'usiness is ' increasin the Gualit of products

    onsumers are "er particular a'out ettin "alue for mone #herefore, the products

    need to 'e testified and certified ' the authorities that are responsi'le to ma!e sure that

    the Gualit of product is at its 'est #his will reassure the consumers that there is no harm

    in usin such products

    /. (et candid input from the nearest people and customersAs human 'eins, we are not perfect in e"er aspect #herefore we need people who can

    uide us to 'e the 'est in anthin we do ' pro"idin constructi"e criticism and

    opinions t is "alua'le to et points of "iew from colleaues, famil mem'ers, !e

    emploees who !now us "er well #he !now our tendencies, our moods, the wa we

    thin!, our 'lind spots and our passions As for customers, we can alwas distri'ute

    Guestionnaires so that we can impro"e our compan Gualit

    3. !chieve visions and missions

    n order to achie"e our lon term oals, we must ha"e a "ision or ha"e an eale$ee "iew

    of the current situation or opportunit Plannin our mission well so that we can achie"e

    our oal step ' step would certainl 'e 'eneficial for our compan & riht, this should

     'e shared to all the staff of the compan so that e"erone would pla their role "er well

    6. !l9a"s have %ac up plans

    %ometimes plans +ust do not wor! out the wa we want them to #herefore, it is wise to

    alwas 'e eGuipped and read with other plans for different situations so that we can ta!e

    adapt oursel"es should the need arise

    8. 7ae 9ise decisions

    f we are addin a new product, increasin the customer ser"ice 'udet, reducin

    o"erhead, permittin use of our name;trademar!, enterin into a co$"enture areement,

    we should ma!e a list of the potential ad"antaes and disad"antaes that will surface if 

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    our decision has 'een made & doin this, we will !now if the decision is reall ood to

     'e made &esides that, we must et opinions from others such as co$partners,

    shareholders, emploee or others who ha"e much e=perience in the 'usiness world

    . ;an, out 9ith people 9ho have e5cellent &ud,ment#here are so man su'tleties a'out acGuirin and de"elopin ood +udment that most of 

    the process comes 'est from friends, colleaues, competitors and staff that alread ha"e

    reat +udment We can learn from them, in e"er con"ersation We should ma!e it count

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    ustomers are now more li!el to "enture into online shoppin since it is easier, faster 

    and relia'le #hus, ' creatin a 'usiness in the c'er world, this can further ena'le the

    compan to row and prosper

    .0 #onclusion

      :urin this acti"it with #ru$

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      We would li!e to sa than! ou to Prof :r 8ahirul ?oGue, our super"isor, who

    enthusiasticall helped us and a"e us "alua'le input related to APK Also, hue appreciation

    oes to our entrepreneurship lecturer, Prof Adeline, who uided us in completin the proposal

    and report of this acti"it #he dedication shown ' Associate Professor :r #an #e! %on, our 

    coordinator for this course is also "er much appreciated ' all of us -astl, we would li!e to

    than! 5roup for associatin with us durin the "isits to #ru$

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    A discussion was held 'etween our roup mem'ers and r hew hun Wen to !now more information

    a'out the compan, their orani>ation, and manaement, financial and mar!etin strate

    %econd "isit was on 23 April 203 5roup * mem'ers Raiebau! "#awiyah Bini "b#u! Lai$ 

    and a#+i!ah )ani Bini ami! with roup mem'er -il

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    #hird "isit was on 4 a 203 5roup * mem'ers 7eow Wei 8huan, irmansyah Bin Moh# "ib

    and Kirhene 'o(a! with roup mem'er 9ifGi

    #hird "isitDs mem'ers too! a photo with r hew hun Wen

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    #his is the store where the !eep all their eGuipment

    -ast "isit on 2st a 203, attended ' roup * mem'ers )aireya Bini )a*+ and "miera Bini

    ,oor "!ammi (not in picture) with roup mem'ers .umaria and Kel"in

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    #he 'usiness card of r hew hun Wen, 5eneral %ales anaer of #9U$one Konsep

    %endirian &erhad

    7TI'( 7I'*TS.

    :A#E :A7 EE#@5

    2203203 F9:A7 EE#@5

    First 'riefin of roup * mem'ers on the entrepreneurship


    #opics that we ha"e discussed are

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    nformation a'out the name of compan for practical "isit

    2 Address of the compan

    3 @ame and contact num'er of our super"isor 

    1 ome out with the entrepreneurship pro+ect committee

    $(!'I>I'( #$77ITT

    Supervisor: :9

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    01203 #UE%:A7 EE#@5

    5roup 'riefin 'efore oin to "isit #ru$

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    40*203 F9:A7 EE#@5

    Follow up;update and discuss a'out the

    entrepreneurship e"ent report

    2 :iscussion a'out the "isit to #ru$

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    10.0 eport for visits

    For the first "isit on /th April 203, 3 mem'ers from 5roup * M #an %iew 6in, #hian

    Kueh Khon and Kasha$-in -e=minaraana, as well as 2 mem'ers from 5roup were assined

    to "isit #ru$one Konsep %endirian &erhad A short Guestion and answer (6A) session was held

    with the eneral sales manaer of the compan, r hew hun Wen, to o'tain first$hand

    information on the compan

    :urin the second "isit on 23rd  April 203, 2 mem'ers from 5roup * M 9aie'atul

    Adawiah 'inti A'dul -atif and Fad>ilah ?ani 'inti .amil and 3 of the 5roup mem'ers were

    assined to "isit the compan #he mem'ers had the opportunit to o'tain further information

    reardin the compan, throuh a 6A session held with r hew

    For the third "isit on 4 th a 203, 3 of the 5roup * mem'ers M Kirtthene :;< 5opal,

    7eow Wei 8huan and Firmansah ohd A!i' were assined to "isit the compan A 6A

    session was conducted with r hew to ain e"en more information a'out the compan, in

    addition to the information alread acGuired durin the first 2 "isits

    For the fourth and final "isit on 2st a 203, the mem'ers who represented 5roup *

    were Amiera 'inti @oor Alammi and ?airea 'inti ?afi> #he mem'ers had a 6A session with

    r hew to discuss the last installment of Guestions used to o'tain necessar information

    reardin the compan

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