Apex test

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Page 1: Apex test


Time for another random ApexWireless event! Andrew Westlund started the week with an idea to get some peopletogether for a fun afternoon, doing something that was likely a first timeexperience.How maHow many people get the chanceto fly in a helicopter up to the top of the local Vancouver, BC mountains, and have a fun littleskeet shooting competition?

EVENTS of 2012

Page 2: Apex test

Into the AlpineSKY Helicopters transports the APEX Wireless crew high into the local Vancouver, BC mountains to find the perfect spot for someskeet shooting.

Clockwise from left:

Above the landing sight;the entire team ready for action; David Chung & Justin Mckinlay return from ridingthe slope on mathe slope on makeshiftsleds.

We found a perfect location with a rocky terrain for us to set up our base for the afternoon. There was even a slope just above that a couple of us tried out with a couple improvised sleds.

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PULL!! Once the safety breifing was complete and the rules were set, it was time for theear plugs and the action to begin. Two shooters at a time would get a chanceto fire at the skeets. Many of us had never fired any real weaponsbefore, so this before, so this was definitely a learningexperience for them. It was nerve racking, exciting, challenging, and a lot of fun. To get to try something like this any time, would be an exciting experience, but todaywe were in one of the most beautiful settingswith an amazing backdrop that is the British Columbia coaBritish Columbia coastal mountains. We are so lucky to live in such diverse geography,and today we got to see it from one of the highest points above Vancouver.

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Top to bottom:

Mike Schmidt and JK Choibreak the tie with paper, rock, scissors;Jaclynn Villanueva and Justin McKinlay duel;ANdrANdrew Westlund sets his sights.

Clockwise from top left:

Richelle on top of the world;David Chung & Ali square off;the group gets briefed on therocks; Jenna Cyr sniping;Britney Bourke dressed for success; JK Choi aims;success; JK Choi aims;Justin McKinlay hits his target.