APEGBC 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND AGM BUILD YOUR VALUE IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre | Kelowna, BC October 15 – 17, 2015 PLATINUM SPONSORS

aPEGBC - Aventri · Scott Edwards, P.Eng. •Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT •Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood

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Page 1: aPEGBC - Aventri · Scott Edwards, P.Eng. •Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT •Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood



Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre | Kelowna, BC

October 15 – 17, 2015

Platinum SPonSorS

Page 2: aPEGBC - Aventri · Scott Edwards, P.Eng. •Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT •Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood

SoCial EVEntS GuESt ProGramS

Thursday, OcTOber 15, 2015 exhibitor Wine and beer Tasting reception 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

The Franklin expedition event – discovering the hMs erebusRyan Harris, Senior Underwater Archaeologist, Parks Canada 8:00 pm–10:30 pm Enjoy an evening of discovery and adventure as Ryan Harris, Senior Underwater Archaeologist with Parks Canada, unravels the mysteries surrounding the Franklin Expedition. As the Expedition’s lead archeologist and member of the dive team, Ryan will share his involvement in the discovery and the state-of-the-art technology used to locate the historic ships of the ill-fated 1845 Franklin Expedition. Learn about what has been lost underwater for more than 150 years.

Friday, OcTOber 16, 2015 President’s awards Gala 6:15 pm–Midnight

saTurday, OcTOber 17, 2015 aGM breakfast 7:15 am–8:30 am

aPeGbc recognition Luncheon 12:30 pm–2:30 pm

Friday, OcTOber 16, 2015 The Okanagan Wine experience Tour 10:00 am–3:00 pm

saTurday, OcTOber 17, 2015 Guest buffet breakfast 7:30 am–9:30 am


Special APEGBC conference delegate rates will be offered by the Delta Grand Okanagan. To make a reservation, please contact the Delta Grand directly at www.deltahotels.com/Groups/Delta-Grand-Okanagan-Groups/APEGBC-Annual-Conference-and-AGM.

Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre 1310 Water Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 9P3

rOOM inFOrMaTiOnFor information, please visit www.deltahotels.com/Groups/Delta-Grand-Okanagan-Groups/APEGBC-Annual-Conference-and-AGM*Rates guaranteed until September 21, 2015.

Tel: 250.763.4500 Toll Free: 1.888.890.3222 www.deltahotels.com/Hotels/Delta-Grand-Okanagan-Resort-Conf-Cntr


Thursday, OcTOber 15, 2015Leadership: start With Why Luncheon 12:00 pm–1:45 pm Stephen Shedletzky

Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from

their customers and employees alike? Stephen Shedletzky shares a simple and powerful idea called the Golden Circle, discovered by his colleague Simon Sinek. The Golden Circle explains that the leaders and organizations who have the greatest influence all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way, and it’s the complete opposite of everyone else. It’s not about changing who you are, it’s about understanding who you are.

Friday, OcTOber 16, 2015a Field Guide to Productivity and Performance in a hectic World Luncheon 12:00 pm–1:45 pm Bruce Kirkby

The modern brain is busier than ever before, swamped with information and distraction, making

it increasingly difficult to reap the rewards that come with sustained effort and concentration. The successful in our society—artists, athletes, executives, professionals—have learned to maximize productivity and performance by spending less time on the mundane, and more time on the inspiring and rewarding. In his newest keynote, Bruce Kirkby shares stories from the Himalayan travels, along with simple mindfulness strategies like Offloading and Filtering, that allow our brains to relax, and perform the great work they are truly capable of.

2015 aPEGBC annual ConfErEnCE anD aGm

aPEGBC 96th annual GEnEral mEEtinG

saTurday, OcTOber 17, 2015 8:30 am–12:30 pm

The AGM is free to attend. If you are unable to attend in person, it will be available via webcast*.*Webcast may be cancelled if there is low participation.

Page 3: aPEGBC - Aventri · Scott Edwards, P.Eng. •Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT •Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood

Wednesday, OcTOber 14, 2015tEChniCal tourS

• DEGIRS Field Trip – When Geohazards and Development Collide Jennifer Clarke, P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon)

• University of British Columbia Okanagan – School of Engineering Open House

Thursday, OcTOber 15, 2015EnGinEErinG anD GEoSCiEnCE in thE rESourCE SECtor

• Challenges of Application of a Risk-Based Watershed Assessment in the BC Interior Kim Green, P.Geo.

• Developing a Synthetic Magnitude-Frequency Curve for Debris Flows Richard Norman, P.Geo.

• Using Unmanned Aircraft: From Regulations to Results Dr. Matt Sakals, P.Geo.

• Site C and the Environmental Assessment Process for Major Projects James Mattison, P.Eng.

• Design, Construction and Monitoring of a GRS Arch Built in Discontinuous Permafrost Calvin VanBuskirk, P.Eng./P.Geo.

muniCiPal EnGinEErinG

• Bernard Avenue Revitalization, Kelowna, BC Rob Fortuin, P.Eng., Pat McCormick and Kari O’Rourke

• 30th Avenue Upgrade Vernon, BC Mark Dowhaniuk, P.Eng., Rob Fortuin, P.Eng. and Cleo Corbett

• City of Maple Ridge Town Centre Revitialization – Economics, Engineering and Communications David Pollock, P.Eng.

• The Nexus of Tradition and Regeneration – The Urban Transformation of New Westminster Eugene Wat, P.Eng.

• Vancouver: Active Streets – Lively City Scott Edwards, P.Eng.

• Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT

• Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood of National Historic Significance Lisa Leblanc, P.Eng.

EnVironmEntal EnGinEErinG anD GEoSCiEnCE

• APEGBC Energy Modelling Guidelines – Update Gilbert Larocque, P.Eng., LLB, FEC

• Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy – Panel Discussion Ben Cross, Carrie Baron, P.Eng., and Steve Litke

• Embankment or Water Retention Structures - Responsibilities Surrounding Inspections and Maintenance Tim Smith, P.Geo., Eng.L., FGC and Bob Patrick, P.Eng., FEC

• UNBC Speaker TBD


• Boost Your Professional Performance Joanne Blake

• Speaking as a Leader Humphrey Group

• Why Don’t They Do What I Want? Leonard Firkus, P.Eng.

• Gender Inclusive Workplaces – Best Practices to Retain and Support Top Female Talent Susan Hollett

YounG ProfESSional

• Financial Literacy for Emerging Leaders Karen Chan, P.Eng., CPA, CMA

• Negotiation Skills – Working Towards Agreement Sean Garrity, EIT

• Mastering the First Meeting in the Global Arena Kimberly Law

• The Development and Demonstration of Leadership – Goals, Habits, Results Andrew Bay

Friday, OcTOber 16, 2015StruCtural

• S304-14 Updates to S304 Design of Masonry Structures Dr. Svetlana Brzev, P.Eng.

• Updates to National Building Code of Canada 2015 Part 4 Grant Newfield, P.Eng., Struct.Eng.

• S16-14 Updates to S16 Design of Steel Structures Andy Metten P.Eng., Struct.Eng.

• 086-14 Updates to 086 Engineering Design in Wood - Special Focus on CLT and Connection Design Aspects Robert Malczyk, P.Eng., Struct.Eng.


• Tech Etiquette Joanne Blake

• Why Most Strategic Planning Efforts Fail and What You Can Do About It Leonard Firkus, P.Eng.

• Risk Transfer and Insurance Strategies to Reduce Unforeseen Risks When Pursuing New Opportunities Ben Kent and Rob Selnes

• Top 5 Conversations for Promoting the Professions Kathy Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC

EnErGY EffiCiEnCY anD rEnEwaBlE EnErGY

• Solar Electric PV Systems Design and the 2015 Electrical Code Ed Knagg, P.Eng.

• Connecting Energy Conservation and Economic Growth Leya Behra, P.Eng.

• Convection Pipe Cooling – A New Approach to Road Construction in Cold and Permafrost Regions Peter Bullock, P.Eng.

• Building Value through Sustainable Energy Management Andrew Cooper, P.Eng.

ClimatE ChanGE

• Designing Climate Resilient Public Infrastructure in BC Dirk Nyland, P.Eng., Trevor Murdock, Zane Sloan, P.Eng.

• Low Cost “Green” BC Energy Efficient Projects Paul Willis, P.Eng.

• Overview of Methodologies for the Vulnerability Assessment of Infrastructre to Climate Change Dr. Guy Felio, P.Eng.

• Legal and Professional Responsibilities for Climate Change Andrew Gage

• The Impact of Severe Weather as Observed by the Insurance Industry Bill Adams


• Mount Polley Ann English, P.Eng.

• Overview of APEGBC’s 2015/2016 Operating and Capital Budget Dr. Michael Wrinch, P.Eng., FEC

• Everything You Wanted to Know About Investigation and Discipline But Were Afraid to Ask Efrem Swartz, LLB

• Building Value Through Branding Dylan Ballentine and Rob Newell

ProfESSional DEVEloPmEnt StrEamS

Sessions and speakers are subject to change. For updated information or to register, please visit the conference website: apeg.bc.ca/ac2015

Page 4: aPEGBC - Aventri · Scott Edwards, P.Eng. •Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT •Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood



Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre | Kelowna, BC

October 15 – 17, 2015

2015 aPEGBC annual ConfErEnCE anD aGm SPonSorS

12d SolutionsADS (Advanced Drainage Systems)ArmtecAtlantic IndustriesBasalite Concrete ProductsBCITCanada Revenue Agency

Canadian Wood CouncilCanselDiamond Precast ConcreteEagle West PrecastExpocrete - An Oldcastle CompanyGeoStabilization InternationalHollis Wealth

Langley Concrete GroupLock-BlockMcElhanney Consulting ServicesMica ControlsNilexPoly-Mor CanadaRoyal Building Products

S-FRAME Software Spidex All Terrain ExcavatingT2 Utility EngineersTerra Remote SensingThe University of British Columbia (UBC)WSP Canada

2015 aPEGBC annual ConfErEnCE anD aGm ExhiBitorS





association of Professional engineers and Geoscientists of bc 200–4010 Regent Street Burnaby, BC V5C 6N2

Tel 604.430.8035 | Fax 604.430.8085 | www.apeg.bc.ca

Page 5: aPEGBC - Aventri · Scott Edwards, P.Eng. •Places and Spaces: Streetscape Managment in Vancouver Kathryn Kolbuch, EIT •Rethinking and Rehabilitating Streets in Gastown, A Neighbourhood

ConfErEnCE PaCKaGESPlease select which package and add-ons you wish to attend. Early fees apply until August 31, 2015. There will be no refunds after September 30, 2015. A $20 administration fee will apply to all cancellations received prior to September 30, 2015.

2015 aPEGBC annual ConfErEnCE anD aGm rEGiStration form

Last Name: First Name:

Professional Designation: Title: Company:


City: Province: Postal Code:

Telephone: Email:

Preferred Name for Badge: Member ID #:

Guest Name(s):

Dietary Restrictions:

APEGBC may publish my name and company on the conference participant list Yes No

ContaCt information

mEthoD of PaYmEnt

Visa Mastercard AMEX or Cheque

Card Number: Expiry Date:

Cardholder Name:

Signature: Date:


If paying by cheque, please address it to the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC and send to APEGBC, 200–4010 Regent Street, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6N2. Updated conference information is available at apeg.bc.ca/ac2015.

Three-day conference Package Oct. 15–17 Includes: Thursday and Friday Professional Development, Thursday and Friday Breakfast Presentation, Thursday and Friday Keynote Luncheon, Exhibitor Wine and Beer Reception, President’s Awards Gala, AGM Breakfast and Recognition Luncheon.

Two-day conference Package Oct.15–16 Includes: Thursday and Friday Professional Development, Thursday and Friday Breakfast Presentation, Thursday and Friday Keynote Luncheon, and Exhibitor Wine and Beer Reception.

One-day conference Package

Choose either: Thursday, Oct. 15 or Friday, Oct. 16

Includes: Professional Development, Breakfast Presentation and Keynote Luncheon.

aGM delegate Package Includes: President’s Awards Gala, AGM Breakfast and Recognition Luncheon.

aGM Guest Package Includes: President’s Awards Gala, Saturday Guest Breakfast Buffet Breakfast and Recognition Luncheon.

tEChniCal tourS

deGirs Field Trip: When Geohazards and Development Collide Wednesday, Oct. 14, 9:00 am–4:30 pm

university of british columbia Okanagan - school of engineering Open house Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

SoCial EVEntS

breakfast Presentation - Thursday Oct. 15, 7:30 am–8:45 am

breakfast Presentation - Friday Oct. 16, 7:30 am–8:45 am

Keynote Luncheon - Thursday Oct. 15, 12:00 pm–1:45 pm

The Franklin expedition event - Thursday Oct. 15, 8:00 pm–10:30 pm

Keynote Luncheon - Friday Oct. 16, 12:00 pm–1:45 pm

President’s awards Gala Friday, Oct. 16, 6:15 pm–Midnight

aGM breakfast Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:15 am–8:30 am

recognition Luncheon Saturday, Oct. 17, 12:30 pm–2:30 pm

GuESt ProGram

The Okanagan Wine experience Tour Friday, Oct. 16, 10:00 am–3:00 pm

Guest buffet breakfast Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:30 am–9:30 am

$825 / $895

$625 / $675 Student Member $100

$360 / $410 Student Member $50

$255 / $275

$245 / $265

$75 / $85




$65 / $75

$35 / $45

$65 / $75

$145 / $155


$65 / $75





add 5% GsT

total PaYmEnt