My definition of plagiarism is u sing any information from any resources not of your own and not quoting and or referencing according to APA citation guidelines. The difference between summarizing, paraphrasing and plagiarizing are when you summarize the original work of an author but leave out the most i mportant points of original work. n paraphrasing is when you rewrite another author ideas in your own words ideas and plagiarism is using someone else!s work and ides and present it as your own work. will avoid plagiarism by writhing in my own words and when and if using other recourses will site the authors work in the proper AP A format .


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My definition of plagiarism is using any information from any resources not of your own and not quoting and or referencing according to APA citation guidelines. The difference between summarizing, paraphrasing and plagiarizing are when you summarize the original work of an author but leave out the most important points of original work. In paraphrasing is when you rewrite another author ideas in your own words ideas and plagiarism is using someone elses work and ides and present it as your own work. I will avoid plagiarism by writhing in my own words and when and if I using other recourses I will site the authors work in the proper APA format.