1. Woodrow Wilson hardened Senate opposition to the Treaty of Versailles by his refusal to compromise on the issue of a. reparations limited to the amount Germany could afford to pay b. plebiscites to determine the new borders of Germany c. the border between Italy and Germany d. protectorate status for African colonies seized from Germany e. the unconditional adherence of the United States to the charter of the League of Nations 2. During the First World War, the Committee on Public Information issued propaganda to persuade the American people of all of the following EXCEPT a. the United States was fighting for freedom and democracy b. the United States was fighting a barbarous nation c. buying bonds was important to support the war effort d. a German invasion of the United States was a possibility e. Congress should reject the League of Nations 3. The Open Door Policy of the twentieth century called for a. the continuation of the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere b. the opening of the United States to foreign goods c. the elimination of passports for international travel d. unlimited European immigration into the United States e. open access to China for American investment and commercial interests 4. “We have pacified some thousands of the islanders and buried them; destroyed their fields; burned their villages, and turned their windows and orphans out-of- doors; subjugated the remaining ten millions by Benevolent assimilation….And so, by these Providences of God—and the phrase is the government’s, not mine—we are a World Power” The statement above was most probably made in reference to United States policy in the a. opening of Japan b. annexation of the Hawaiian Islands c. occupation of the Philippines d. acquisition of Puerto Rico and Cuba e. conquering of Columbia 5. Which of the following led immediately and directly to Theodore Roosevelt’s issuance of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? a. Pancho Villa’s armed raids into Texas and New Mexico b. General Augusto Sandino’s insurrection against American troops occupying Nicaragua c. The arrest of an unarmed party of American sailors in Tampico, Mexico d. American concern that a Japanese syndicate would attempt to purchase land near the Panama Canal e. American fear that financial instability in the Dominican Republic would lead to European intervention 6. Constitutional amendments enacted during the Progressive Era concerned all of the following EXCEPT a. imposition of an income tax b. imposition of poll taxes c. extension of suffrage to women d. prohibition of the sale alcoholic beverages e. procedures for electing United States senators 7. Joseph Pulitzer achieved fame and wealth as a a. radio commentator b. political cartoonist c. photographer d. film producer e. newspaper publisher 8. The primary function of the war boards during the First World War was to Unit 6 Exam

AP U.S. Unit 6 Exam + Answers

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Page 1: AP U.S. Unit 6 Exam + Answers

1. Woodrow Wilson hardened Senate opposition to the Treaty of Versailles by his refusal to compromise on the issue ofa. reparations limited to the amount Germany could afford

to payb. plebiscites to determine the new borders of Germanyc. the border between Italy and Germanyd. protectorate status for African colonies seized from

Germanye. the unconditional adherence of the United States to the

charter of the League of Nations

2. During the First World War, the Committee on Public Information issued propaganda to persuade the American people of all of the following EXCEPTa. the United States was fighting for freedom and

democracyb. the United States was fighting a barbarous nationc. buying bonds was important to support the war effortd. a German invasion of the United States was a possibilitye. Congress should reject the League of Nations

3. The Open Door Policy of the twentieth century called fora. the continuation of the Monroe Doctrine in the Western

Hemisphereb. the opening of the United States to foreign goodsc. the elimination of passports for international traveld. unlimited European immigration into the United Statese. open access to China for American investment and

commercial interests

4. “We have pacified some thousands of the islanders and buried them; destroyed their fields; burned their villages, and turned their windows and orphans out-of-doors; subjugated the remaining ten millions by Benevolent assimilation….And so, by these Providences of God—and the phrase is the government’s, not mine—we are a World Power”The statement above was most probably made in reference to United States policy in thea. opening of Japanb. annexation of the Hawaiian Islandsc. occupation of the Philippines d. acquisition of Puerto Rico and Cubae. conquering of Columbia

5. Which of the following led immediately and directly to Theodore Roosevelt’s issuance of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?a. Pancho Villa’s armed raids into Texas and New Mexicob. General Augusto Sandino’s insurrection against

American troops occupying Nicaraguac. The arrest of an unarmed party of American sailors in

Tampico, Mexicod. American concern that a Japanese syndicate would

attempt to purchase land near the Panama Canale. American fear that financial instability in the Dominican

Republic would lead to European intervention

6. Constitutional amendments enacted during the Progressive Era concerned all of the following EXCEPTa. imposition of an income taxb. imposition of poll taxes c. extension of suffrage to womend. prohibition of the sale alcoholic beveragese. procedures for electing United States senators

7. Joseph Pulitzer achieved fame and wealth as a a. radio commentatorb. political cartoonistc. photographerd. film producere. newspaper publisher

8. The primary function of the war boards during the First World War was toa. increase cooperation among business, labor and

governmentb. encourage the breakup of monopoliesc. nationalized the banking industryd. limit the influence of social scientists on the government

policye. minimize the tax burden

9. During Woodrow Wilson’s administration, the federal government attempted to counteract the economic influence of big business bya. eliminating the gold standardb. increasing tariff ratesc. centralizing economic planningd. applying the provisions of the 14th Amendment to

corporationse. establishing the Federal Trade Commission

10. As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain relinquished to the United States control of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and which of the following?a. Alaskab. Hawaiic. The Panama Canal Zoned. Bermudae. The Philippines

11. Most Progressives sought all of the following EXCEPT thea. democratization of the political structureb. reformation of children’s labor lawc. expansion of women’s rightsd. legislative creation of a socialist commonwealth e. application of “scientific methods” to solve social


12. Which of the following best characterizes the muckrakers of the early 20th century?a. They were primarily concerned with radical issuesb. They were mostly recent immigrants to the United

Statesc. The were leading critics of urban boss politics d. Their influence on public opinion was greatest after the

First World War.e. They wrote primarily for an academic audience.

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13. Theodore Roosevelt’s mediation in the Russo-Japanese War reflected his belief that United States interests were best served bya. a decisive victory for Russiab. a decisive victory for Japanc. the acquisition of Russian and Japanese spheres of

interest by the United Statesd. a balance of power between Russia and Japan e. the return of Russian and Japanese spheres of interest to


14. The creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 did which of the following?a. Made currency and credit more elastic. b. Established a floating exchange rate for the dollar.c. Insured bank deposits.d. Gave Congress the authority to set interest rates.e. Instituted controls on stock market transactions.

15. “Article X says that every member of the League, and that means every great fighting power in the world, . . .solemnly engages to respect and preserve . . .the territorial integrity and existing politcal independence of the other members of the League. If you do that, you have absolutely stopped ambitious and aggressive war.”Woodrow Wilson’s statement above was made in justifications of hisa. decision to send troops to northern Russia and Siberia

after the Bolshevik Revolutionb. refusal to award Fiume to the Italiansc. insistence on “open treaties, openly arrived at”d. opposition to the resolution on racial equality put forth

at the Paris peace negotiations by the Japanese delegation

e. refusal to accept the “reservations” proposed by Henry Cabot Lodge in the Senate debate over ratification of the Treaty of Versailles

16. The United States Open Door Policy in Asia did which of the following?a. Guaranteed military support for China’s territorial

integrity.b. Opened China to Western trade for the first timec. Bolstered American commercial interests in China d. Rid China of Europeans spheres of influencese. repudiated Japan’s interests in China

17. Which of the following statements best summarizes Theodore Roosevelt’s position on trusts?a. Trusts are an economic evil and should be destroyed in

every case. b. Only trusts in the railroads should be toleratedc. Good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts are

prevented from manipulating marketsd. Only trusts in the meatpacking industry should be

broken up.e. Anything that stands in the way of complete and

unrestricted economic competition is evil and should be removed.

18. All of the following were part of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points EXCEPTa. self-determinationb. open diplomacyc. freedom of the seasd. a League of Nationse. a restoration of a balance of power

19. Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom and Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalism were similar in that botha. removed restrictions on the rights of women and

minoritiesb. removed restrictions on the rights of unions to organize

within the workplacec. expanded the rights of states to regulate business

operations within state bordersd. expanded the government’s role in regulating businesses

and business monopoliese. expanded the notion of individualism inherent in their

laissez-faire economic policies.

20. Which country did the United States have to protect Panama from after the Panamanian revolutionaries successfully overthrew their rulers and announced their independence?a. Colombia b. Méxicoc. Boliviad. Venezuelae. Uruguay

21. All of the following contributed to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment legislating Prohibition in 1919 EXCEPTa. the continued efforts of the Anti-Saloon leagueb. the fervor of the First World War lending patriotism to

the cause of prohibitionc. the Progressive belief in social reformd. the cumulative impact of state prohibition lawse. the high death tool from alcohol-related automobile


22. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine expanded America’s role ina. Central America and the Caribbean b. the Philippinesc. North Africad. Asiae. Europe

23. The leaders of the Progressive movement were primarily a. farmers interested in improving agricultural productionb. immigrant activists attempting to change restrictive

immigration lawsc. representatives of industries seeking higher tariffsd. workers concerned with establishing industrial unionse. middle class reformers concerned with urban and

consumer issues

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24. Margaret Sanger is best known for hera. contribution to the radical suffragist movementb. endorsement of coeducationc. advocacy of birth control d. presidency of the WCTUe. organization of the Women’s Trade Union League

25. Which work was representative of the Harlem Renaissance?a. Langston Hughes, "Song to A Negro Wash Woman" and

The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain"b. W.E.B. DuBois, The Philadelphia Negroc. The Autobiography of Malcolm Xd. Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemmae. John Howard Griffin, Black Like Me

26. To the people living in the decade of the 1920s, which came to symbolize immoral decadence?a. Muller v. Oregon caseb. Sacco and Vanzetti trialc. Scopes triald. Leopold and Loeb trial e. sit down strikes.

27. Prohibition became part of the Constitution in the 18th Amendment. Many Americans, convinced that a new dawn had arrived, celebrated its arrival. Events in the 1920s illustrated that prohibited was not working, that it produced undesirable results, yet millions of Americans continued to support prohibition.Who were the strongest supporters of prohibition in the 1920s?a. The three Republican presidentsb. Organized crime figuresc. Rural Americans and small town residents d. Immigrants in big cities.e. Labor leaders and labor unions.

28. How do you explain the hero worship lavished on Charles Lindbergh and Babe Ruth during the 1920s?a. Both men did something no one else had ever done

before.b. They showed the accomplishments possible through

team effort.c. They demonstrated that individualism was still alive in a

modern American dominated by corporations and team players.

d. Their exploits took people's minds off the depression.e. Both were associated with the isolationist cause to keep

America out of Hitler's wars.

29. Which of the following were manifestations of the small town anti-urban impulse of the 1920s?

I. Prohibition II. Fundamentalism III. Immigration restriction IV. Ku Klux Klan V. Election of 1928a. I, II, and III onlyb. I, II, III, IV, and V c. II, III, and V onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, III and IV

30. "At this time, among all the peoples of the world, the group that suffers most from injustice, the group that is denied most of those rights that belong to all humanity, is the black group. ...We of the UNIA believe that what is good for other folks is good for us. ...We [want} a kind of government that will place our race in control, even as others races are in control of their own government. ...You and I can live in the United States of America for 100 years, and our generations my live for 200 years or for 5,000 more years, and as long as there is a black and white population, when the majority is on the side of the white race, you and I will never get political justice or get political equality in this country."These words are form a speech by the black leader who

founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Who was the "Black Moses"?a. Marcus Garvey b. Robert C. Weaverc. Thurgood Marshalld. A. Philip Randolphe. Ralph Bunche.

31. The decade of the 1920s was one of dramatic accomplishments in sports. Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of this decade?a. Gene Tunney defeated Jack Dempsey to become the

heavyweight champion of the world.b. Jim Thorpe, later voted the most outstanding athlete of

the first half of the twentieth century, won the decathlon at the Olympics and was later stripped of his medals for earlier playing semi-professional baseball

c. Red Grange, "The Galloping Ghost," starred as a football player at the University of Illinois and in the newly formed professional National Football League.

d. Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim the English Channel.

e. Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in a single season.

32. The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921 a. was aimed at reducing childbirth mortality rates and

infant mortality rates.b. was the first broad-based restriction on immigration into

the U.Sc. provided federal funds for highway constructiond. in reaction to the Red Scare restricted the right of labor

unions to use the general strike as a tactic.e. provided for the building of planned suburban

communities such as Columbia, Maryland.

33. The mass production and mass purchasing of automobiles led to many changes in American society. Which of the following did NOT happen in the 1920s as a result of the mass marketing of automobiles?a. changes in dating customsb. Demands by voting public for more governmental funds

for highwaysc. The stimulation of industries connected to the

automobile industry, such as batteries, steel, oil, glass, and rubber

d. The development of a motel industrye. A decline in the population of large cities as people

moved to the suburbs and small towns since they could now commute to work.

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34. The first talking motion picture wasa. The Jazz Singer b. Rebel Without a Causec. Gone With the Windd. Birth of a Natione. Bridge over the River Kwai

35. Four of the following contributed to the passage of the Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924. Which did NOT?a. Results of I.Q. tests given to American soldiers during

the World War One.b. Resentment of workers against foreign immigrants'

taking jobs away from Americans by their willingness to work for low wages

c. A belief, caused by two short postwar depressions, that the nation's pool of labor was already overcrowded

d. The belief that those immigrants already in the country were not adequately Americanized

e. A desire to resume the prewar policy of restrictive quotas after the First World War

36. During the 1920s, the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan was toa. repeal prohibitionb. prevent women from votingc. teach evolutiond. promote white supremacy e. encourage immigration

37. With which of the following issues were fundamentalists most concerned during the 1920s?a. the theory of evolution b. organized crimec. movie censorshipd. technological changee. classic automobile restoration

38. The U.S. faced all of the following problems after WWI except?a. violent labor strikesb. urban racial riotsc. bomb scaresd. anger towards anarchistse. food shortages

39. All of the following contributed to the “Red Scare” EXCEPTa. the presence of Communist party members in the United

Statesb. fears over the election of a Catholic as President c. the Russian Revolutiond. bomb scares and actual bombingse. labor strikes

40. Which of the following reasons was most likely the primary motivation behind passage of the National Origins Act?a. The United States was becoming overcrowdedb. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants wanted to bar

immigrants of different racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds

c. Immigrants had proven themselves to be a threat to democracy

d. Congress felt that it had to retaliate against nations the did not allow Americans to migrate

e. Businesses no longer wanted cheap labor

41. One result of prohibition during the 1920s wasa. the creation of urban artistic coloniesb. a decline in dancing and socializingc. an increase in alcoholismd. an increase in drunk driving arrestse. the rise of organized crime

42. Why did prohibition seem to fail during the 1920s?a. prohibition weakened the American economyb. prohibition proved difficult to enforce c. prohibition increased alcoholism in the United Statesd. prohibition led to increased racial violence by the Ku

Klux Klane. immigration still rose dramatically

43. In the 1920s, women’s suffrage seemed to have its greatest impact ina. promoting the nomination of women for national officeb. changing local politicsc. supporting legislation favorable to women d. ending militant groups such as the National Woman’s

Partye. developing the language for the Equal Rights


44. The Scopes Trial revealed fundamentalist’ discomfort witha. international communismb. nativismc. evolutionary science d. labor unionse. prohibition

45. There is no need to recount the virtues of the American pioneers;…from among these all but the best died swiftly, so that the new Nordic blend which became the American race was bred up to a point probably the highest in history…These Nordic Americans for the last generation have found themselves increasingly uncomfortable, and finally deeply distressed…The Nordic American today have been gradually arousing themselves to defend their homes and their own kind of civilization”The above statement was typical of the views of thea. Ku Klux Klan b. Industrial Workers of the Worldc. Knights of Columbusd. Ancient Order of Hibernianse. Anti-Saloon League

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46. Why was the Open Door Policy important to the United States?a. it gave the United States territory in Chinab. it gave the United States access to millions of Chinese

consumesc. it increased Chinese immigrants to the United Statesd. it stemmed the flow of Chinese immigrants to the United

Statese. it allowed more immigrants into the country to work in

the factories

47. The United States followed a policy of expansionism in the late 1800s largely becausea. U.S. factories needed foreign laborb. many Americans were demanding high-quality foreign

goodsc. European nations were eager to sell rights to their

coloniesd. Canada and Mexico implemented a trade embargo

against the United Statese. The nation needed more markets for its goods

48. The building of the Panama Canal was important because ita. promoted European investment in the United Statesb. facilitated trade between Atlantic and Pacific ports c. helped stabilize the economies of Latin American

nationsd. improved relations between Colombia and the United

Statese. gave many skilled-labor Americans employment

49. How did most Americans view Germany during the early years of the war?a. they were indifferent toward Germanyb. they sympathized with Germanyc. they viewed Germany as very heroicd. they wanted to vacation in Germany because of its

tremendous cuisinee. they viewed Germany as cold-blooded and cruel

50. Which of the following was major factor in the United States decision to enter WWI?a. Vladimir Lenin’s rise to power in Russiab. The Zimmerman Notec. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare d. Britain’s naval blockade of Germanye. the fall of France to the Central Powers

51. Which was true of African Americans during WWI?a. African American troops were segregated and rarely

allowed to engage in combatb. African American troops were usually reserved for

offensive actionc. African American were not allowed to serve in the ward. Almost as many African Americans served in the war as

did white Americanse. Many defected to Germany for more freedoms

52. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Schenck v. U.S.?a. the government's seizure and operation of the railroad

industry is a constitutional use of its wartime powers.b. the government can restrict the First Amendment right

to free speech in time of war.c. the government's prohibition of the manufacture and

sale of distilled liquor is a constitutional use of its wartime powers.

d. the government does have the power to compel young men to serve in the armed forces during time of war.

e. the government can question individual investment options

53. Alfred T. Mahan is best known for his writings about thea. dangers of annexing the Philippinesb. importance of sea power c. irrelevance of an isthmian canald. sinking of the Mainee. Supreme Court decision dealing with “clear and present


54. The Republican billion-dollar Congress did all of the following EXCEPTa. Increase tariff ratesb. Increase pensions for Civil War veteransc. Increase the coinage of silverd. Enact an antitrust lawe. Enact a law regulating interstate commerce

55. “Transportation being a means of exchange and a public necessity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the interests of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the post office system, being a necessity for the transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interests of the people.”

The passage above is most likely from which of the followinga. The Interstate Commerce Actb. Grover Cleveland’s annual message to congressc. The platform of the republican partyd. The platform of the Populist party e. The Sherman Antitrust Act

56. Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy differed from that of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft by its emphasis on a. U.S. investment in Latin Americab. The application of moral principles to foreign affairs c. Sending troops to intervene in a neighboring country’s

politicsd. An open door policye. Building a strong navy

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57. Which statement accurately summarizes Theodore Roosevelt’s policy on the Panama Canal?

a. Roosevelt waited for Columbia to agree to a fair price for the Canal Zone

b. Roosevelt gave military support to Panama’s revolt against Columbia

c. Panama’s government persuaded Roosevelt to give U.S. assistance for building the canal

d. Roosevelt signed a treaty in which Colombia agreed to create Panama as a separate nation

e. Roosevelt was able to develop strong Latin American support for his canal project

58. Which of the following best explains the influence of yellow journalism on U.S. foreign policy in the 1890’s?

a. Sensational news stories stirred the anger of the American public

b. Newspapers failed to report news about Congressc. Most editorials favored China and criticized Japand. Political cartoons ridiculed “mugwump” politicse. Publishers of New York dailies suppressed news that

favored Cuban revolutionaries

59. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine called for a. Prohibiting foreign nations from purchasing land in the

Western Hemisphereb. Investing in the development of Latin Americac. Intervening in Latin America nations that could not pay

their debts to European creditors d. Building a U.S. naval base in Cubae. Pledging never to interfere in another nation’s foreign


60. “German submarine warfare was the single most important factor in causing the U.S. to enter WWI” Evidence supporting this position includes all of the following EXCEPTa. the sinking of the Lusitaniab. the Zimmerman Telegram c. the Sussex Pledged. Wilson’s decision to break off diplomatic relations with

Germanye. Wilson’s war message to Congress, April 1917

61. Which of the following was NOT involved in Woodrow Wilson’s decision to ask Congress for a declaration of war?a. the influence of Henry Cabot Lodge b. the Russian Revolutionc. Germany’s autocratic governmentd. Sympathy for the democracies of Britain and Francee. Germany’s plans for military victory

62. Which of the following could Not be an explanation for Woodrow Wilson’s reelection in 1916? a. Henry Cabot Lodge’s opposition to the League of

Nationsb. The Democratic campaign slogan: “He kept us out of

war.”c. Prosperity resulting from increase exports to Britaind. Wilson’s policy of neutralitye. A decline in support for the Socialist party

63. Going into war, Wilson said: “The world must be made safe for democracy.” Someone wishing to argue that democracy in the U.S. was less safe after WWI would point toa. the Senate debate on the Treaty of Versaillesb. Wilson’s speeches for the League of Nationsc. The Red Scare d. The Republican control of Congresse. Adoption of the 19th Amendment

64. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the split in the Republican party in 1912?a. Democratic control of the White House b. Taft’s tariff policyc. Progressives’ fight against House Speaker Joseph

Cannond. Conservatives’ nomination of William Howard Tafte. Popularity of Theodore Roosevelt

65. W.E.B. Du Bois disagreed with Booker T. Washington’s a. stress on civil rightsb. suggestion that economic issues were more important

than Civil Rightsc. advocacy of Progressive reformsd. reasons for founding the Tuskegee Institutee. attitude toward emancipation of slaves

66. “It is vitally necessary to move forward, to shake off the dead hand . . . of the reactionaries, and yet we have a lunatic fringe among the votaries of any forward movement.” By the “lunatic fringe,” Theodore Roosevelt was probably referring to: a. supporters of the Social Gospelb. suffragistsc. the NAACPd. conservationistse. Socialists

67. Which of the following was the focus of a dispute between modernists and traditionalist in the 1920s? a. Ford assembly linesb. Washington Conferencec. Scopes trial d. Teapot Dome Scandale. Welfare capitalism

68. Prohibition led to all of the following EXCEPTa. defiance of the law by large numbers of peopleb. rise of organized crimec. divisions in the Democratic party d. widespread smugglinge. greater tolerance among temperance reformers

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69. Of the following individuals, who would have been most likely to agree with the policy depicted in the cartoon above?a. Woodrow Wilsonb. Robert La Follettec. Eugene V. Debsd. William Howard Taft e. Henry George

70. In Congress, the most reliable support for Wilson’s position on the League of Nations came froma. Henry Cabot Lodgeb. The reservationistsc. The irreconcilablesd. Democrats e. Republicans

71. Republican isolationists successfully turned Warren Harding’s 1920 presidential victory into a a. victory for the munitions industryb. victory for idealismc. demand for self-sacrificed. death sentence for the League of Nations e. blank check for territorial expansionism

72. President Wilson broke diplomatic relations with Germany whena. the Zimmerman note was intercepted and made publicb. Germany announced that it would wage unrestricted

submarine warfare in the Atlanticc. News was received that a revolutionary movement had

overthrown the czarist regime in Russiad. Germany rejected Wilson’s Fourteen Pointse. Wall Street demanded reparations for the losses

73. The sentiment expressed in the above cartoon most directly influenced the passage of a. laws restricting immigration b. the 18th Amendmentc. protective tariff legislationd. antitrust lawse. disarmament treaties

74. The progressive-inspired city-manager system of government

a. brought democracy to urban dwellersb. was developed in Wisconsinc. was designed to remove politics from municipal

administrationd. made giant strides under the leadership of Hiram

Jacksone. established sanitation codes that were illegal

75. The independent farmer as the cornerstone of a strong nation was at the center of government policy for

a. John Adamsb. Alexander Hamiltonc. Thomas Jefferson d. Benjamin Franklin e. George Washington

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76. The war hawks were a group of young congressmen who called for military action againsta. Mexico in 1914b. Spain in 1819c. Great Britain in 1812 d. Germany in 1917e. Japan in 1937

77. Justification for the vast differences between the rich and the poor in the late 19th century could be found in the a. Jeffersonian traditionb. Frontier thesis of Frederick Jackson Turnerc. Gospel of Wealth d. Writings of Henry Georgee. Social gospel

78. During Reconstruction, the Radical Republicans would have described their primary social goal asa. Domination of the Southb. Extending equal rights to African American freedmen

and womenc. Establishing permanent domination by the Republican

Partyd. implementing the plans of President Lincolne. guaranteeing control of national economic policy by

northern businessmen

79. The primary goal of President Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana territory was toa. Prevent the British from claiming itb. Provide more land for American farmersc. Strengthen the Democratic-Republican Partyd. Demonstrate his belief in strict interpretation of the

Constitutione. Acquire New Orleans and gain control of the

Mississippi River

80. The development of higher education in colonial America was largely the result of efforts by a. Colonial governmentsb. Wealthy patronsc. British governmentd. Churches e. English Universities

EXTRA CREDITE1) How long does it take to hard-boil and ostrich egg?FOUR HOURS

E2) What animal can live the longest with out water?THE RAT

E3) Farmer Brown went to the market with 100 pigs, but the market man paid him for 101. Where did the market man go wrong?MRS. BROWN DID NOT HAVE A CURLY TAIL

E4) A girl dreamt that a lion was chasing her. She was running as fast as possible. The lion was getting closer and closer until she came upon a tree. She climbed the tree and there was a poisonous snake ready to strike her! So there was a lion on the ground and snake in the tree! How did she escape without being harmed?SHE WOKE UP