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Page 2: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Today’s Class Announcements:


Freshmen & Sophomores: 7:45 – 8:30 am Juniors & Seniors: 8:45 – 9:15 am

Not that you would know it, but TUSD Stats is current (except for 13-14 Exam)○ If you missed the exam on Units 13-14, please schedule a makeup ASAP

Connections Assignment: Friday, April 24 AP Info & Review Schedule Units 1-2 Review

Page 3: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Final Exam Info

Part 1: Thursday, April 30 Part 2: Friday, May 1 Cheat sheets ARE allowed.

1 piece of 8.5x11” paper, but only one side of the paper this time

Nothing that unfolds or somehow gives you more space.

You don’t have to make a cheat sheet.

Page 4: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

AP Psychology Exam Info Monday, May 4 (afternoon session)

bring photo ID, pens/pencils, & DO NOT BE LATE 2 hour, 10 minute exam

Part 1: Multiple choice○ 100 questions (A-E)○ 70 minutes○ ANSWER EVERY QUESTION! GUESS GUESS GUESS!

10 minute break Part 2: Free response

○ 2 questions○ 50 minutes○ ANSWER DIRECTLY!

Page 5: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

AP Psychology Exam Info

Composite Score AP Grade (approx.)

96-150 5

74-95 4

55-73 3

36-54 2

0-35 1

150 total possible points (100 multiple choice, 50 free response)

Page 6: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 1 Review Topics

Important People to Know John Locke Rene Descartes Hippocrates Sir Frances Bacon Wilhelm Wundt William James Sigmund Freud

Terms/Ideas psychology phrenology empiricism dualism tabula rasa structuralism

○ introspection functionalism Gestalt psychology

○ perceptual units psychodynamic/psychoanalytic theory

○ unconscious behaviorism humanistic psychology cognitive psychology social psychology nature vs. nurture psychology vs. psychiatry

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Unit 2 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

random assignment reliability validity (internal & external) demand characteristics placebo effect double-blind design Descriptive statistics

○ measures of central tendency

○ measures of variability Inferential statistics

○ statistical significance○ meta-analysis

informed consent debriefing Institutional Review Boards


Terms/Ideas hypothesis theory operational definition population sample (random sampling) Descriptive research

○ case study○ surveys○ naturalistic observation

Correlational research○ correlation coefficient (r)○ direction and size of correlations○ limitations?

Experimental research○ independent & dependent variables○ experimental & control conditions○ confounds

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Unit 3 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

agonists & antagonists Nervous system

○ central and peripheral○ Peripheral Skeletal and

Autonomic○ Autonomic Sympathetic and

Parasympathetic Endocrine system

○ hormones○ pituitary gland

Mapping Brain Functions○ EEG○ CT scan○ PET scan○ MRI & fMRI

Terms/Ideas glial cells Neuron

○ cell body/soma○ nucleus○ dendrites○ axon○ myelin sheath

Nodes of Ranvier, Schwann cells

○ terminal buttons/terminal branches resting potential action potential threshold (“all or none law”) synapse/synaptic cleft Neurotransmitters

○ vescicles○ receptors○ reuptake (SSRIs)

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Page 10: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 3 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Forebrain, cont.○ cerebral cortex

frontal lobeparietal lobetemporal lobeoccipital lobe

○ corpus callosum○ anterior cingulate

plasticity Important People to Know

Phineas GageH.M.


○ medulla○ pons○ reticular formation○ cerebellum

Midbrain○ thalamus

Forebrain○ limbic system


Page 11: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 4 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Visual Sensation & Perception, cont.○ cues to depth perception

(monocular vs. binocular)○ motion perception

stroboscopic effect phi phenomenon

○ change blindness○ Stroop task

Auditory Sensation & Perception○ amplitude & frequency of sound

waves○ parts of the ear○ pitch theories (place theory,

frequency theory)○ cocktail party effect

gate-control theory of pain synesthesia

Terms/Ideas sensation vs. perception bottom-up & top-down processing absolute threshold

○ just-noticeable difference (JND)○ Weber’s Law

priming signal detection theory sensory adaptation transduction Visual Sensation & Perception

○ amplitude & frequency of light waves○ parts of the eye○ theories of color vision

trichromatic theory opponent-process theory (afterimages)

○ feature detector neurons

Page 12: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 5 Review Topics Sleep, cont.

○ sleep disorders insomnia narcolepsy (hypocretin) sleep apnea night terrors

Hypnosis○ absorption○ applications of hypnosis

Psychoactive drugs○ addiction, tolerance, &

withdrawal○ 3 classes:

depressants stimulants hallucinogens

Near-death experiences

Terms/Ideas consciousness (normal/waking vs.

altered states) Sleep

○ circadian rhythm (roles of hypothalamus, pineal gland, melatonin)

○ stages of sleepbrain wave activity

○ Why do we sleep?○ Why do we dream?

Freud (manifest vs. latent content)

activation-synthesis theorymemory consolidation

Page 13: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 6 Review Topics Operant conditioning

○ Law of Effect○ shaping○ positive & negative reinforcement○ 4 schedules of partial

reinforcement: fixed ratio variable ratio fixed interval variable interval

○ positive & negative punishment Other types of learning besides

conditioning○ latent learning○ insight learning○ social/observational learning

(modeling)○ mirror neurons

Terms/Ideas Classical conditioning

○ 4 aspects: unconditioned stimulus (US) conditioned stimulus (CS) unconditioned response (UR) conditioned response (CR)

○ acquisition○ extinction○ reacquisition○ spontaneous recovery○ stimulus discrimination○ stimulus generalization○ biological preparedness○ taste aversion (Garcia & Koelling study)○ systematic desensitization

Page 14: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 6 Review Topics

Important People to KnowIvan PavlovJohn WatsonEdward ThorndikeBF SkinnerWolfgang KohlerAlbert BanduraRobert Rescorla

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Unit 7 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Memory, cont.○ retrograde & anterograde

amnesia○ long-term potentiation○ flashbulb memories○ memory interference

(proactive & retroactive)○ repression○ mnemonic devices

Terms/Ideas Memory

○ 3 steps to forming a memory (encoding, storage, retrieval)

○ Atkinson & Shiffring (1968): 3 Stage Model of Memorysensory memory short-term

(working) memory long-term memory○ rehearsal○ chunking○ levels/depth of processing○ primacy & recency effects○ types of memories

explicit vs. implicitepisodic, semantic, procedural

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Unit 7 Review Topics

Important People to Know Hermann Ebbinghaus Elizabeth Loftus Benjamin Whorf Noam Chomsky

Terms/Ideas Thinking

○ linguistic relativity (Whorf)○ algorithms vs. heuristics

heuristics: availability, representativeness, anchor & adjust

○ confirmation bias Language

○ phonemes, morphemes○ grammar (syntax, semantics)○ Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s


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Unit 8 Review Topics Emotion

○ basic emotions○ catharsis○ 3 important theories of emotion

1. James-Lange2. Cannon-Bard3. two-factor theory (Schacter &

Singer)○ polygraph tests○ effects of stress

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Important People to Know

Abraham Maslow Paul Ekman Schacter & Singer Hans Selye

Terms/Ideas Motivation

○ drive-reduction theory○ law of optimal arousal (aka.

Yerkes-Dodson Law)○ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs


○ hunger (lateral & ventromedial hypothalamus)anorexia nervosa, bulimia

nervosa○ evolutionary perspective on

mating habits○ flow

Page 18: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 9 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Psychosocial Development○ attachment styles○ critical period/imprinting○ Baumrind’s parenting styles○ Erikson’s stage model

Moral Development○ Kohlberg’s stage model

dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease Important People to Know

Jean Piaget Harry Harlow Mary Ainsworth Konrad Lorenz Lawrence Kohlberg Erik Erikson

Terms/Ideas Physical/Prenatal

Development○ zygote embryo fetus○ teratogens

Cognitive Development○ schemas (assimilation &

accomodation)○ Piaget’s stage model

object permanenceconservationegocentrism/theory of

mind○ autism

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Unit 10 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Trait approach○ factor analysis○ five-factor theory of

personality (“the Big Five”) learned helplessness

Important People to Know Sigmund Freud Anna O. Carl Jung Gordon Allport Alfred Adler

Terms/Ideas Psychoanalytic theory (aka.

psychodynamic)○ the unconscious○ Ways to access the unconscious:

dreams (manifest vs. latent content) free association hypnosis projective tests

○ id, superego, & ego○ Freud’s stage model of

psychosexual development○ Oedipus complex○ defense mechanisms:

repression, displacement, projection, regression, reaction formation, sublimation

Page 20: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 11 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

stereotype threat Important People to Know

Alfred Binet & Theodore Simon Lewis Terman Charles Spearman Howard Gardner Robert Sternberg

Terms/Ideas Intelligence

○ general intelligence (g)○ emotional intelligence○ convergent vs. divergent thinking

(creativity)○ crystallized vs. fluid intelligence

Intelligence testing○ Intelligence quotient (IQ)○ famous IQ tests:


○ standardization○ reliability (test-retest; split-half)○ validity (criterion/predictive)

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Page 22: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 12 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Mood disorders○ Major depressive disorder (MDD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

○ Bipolar disorder (BD) Schizophrenia

○ delusions, hallucinations, language disruptions

Personality disorders○ especially borderline (BPD) and

antisocial (APD) Dissociative Identity Disorder

(DID) Somatoform disorders

Important People to KnowDavid Rosenhan

Terms/Ideas Diagnostic & Statistical Manual

of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV)○ 5 axes of the DSM

Anxiety Disorders○ Generalized anxiety disorder

(GAD)○ Panic disorder (PD)○ Agoraphobia○ Phobias○ Social anxiety disorder (SAD)

(aka. social phobia)○ Obsessive-compulsive

disorder (OCD)○ Post-traumatic stress disorder


Page 23: AP REVIEW. Today’s Class  Announcements: MANDATORY AP ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK DURING CONFERENCE PERIOD IN THE AUDITORIUM: ○ Monday, April 20 Freshmen & Sophomores:

Unit 13 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Types of Medication○ antipsychotics,

antidepressants, antianxiety, mood-stabilizers

“Alternative” Therapies○ electroconvulsive therapy

(ECT), rTMS, EMDR, lobotomy Important People to Know

Sigmund FreudCarl RogersAlbert Ellis

Terms/Ideas Psychoanalytic Therapy

○ resistance○ transference

Humanistic Therapy○ client-centered therapy○ active listening

Behavioral therapy○ counterconditioning○ token economies○ systematic desensitization

Cognitive therapy/cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)○ rational-emotive therapy

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Unit 14 Review Topics Terms/Ideas, cont.

Stereotypes, prejudice, & discrimination○ Explicit vs. implicit attitudes (IAT)○ outgroup homogeneity, ingroup

favoritism Persuasion

○ Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

○ persuasion techniques: foot-in-the-doordoor-in-the-face

Attraction & relationships○ mere exposure effect○ halo effect○ Sternberg’s triangle theory

Group processes○ social facilitation, social loafing,

group polarization, groupthink

Terms/Ideas Hindsight bias Fundamental attribution error Social roles (Stanford Prison

Study) Cognitive dissonance Conformity

○ Informational & normative social influence

Obedience to authority Helping behavior

○ Bystander effect, diffusion of responsibility

Terror Management Theory

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Unit 14 Review Topics Important People to Know

Phil ZimbardoLeon FestingerSolomon AschStanley MilgramRobert Sternberg