AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1

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  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    Doc. Code Product Name AP


    For internal use Product Version R12

    Prepared by AP PDU Doc. Version V1.1

    AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide

    Prepared by AP R12 PDU Date 20110!1"

    Reviewed by Date

    Reviewed by Date

    Approved by Date

    Huawei Technologies Co. !td.

    All rights reserved.

  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    Change History

    Data Revision


    Description Author

    20110111 V1.0 Completed t$e initial dra't. R12 PDU

    20110()0 V1.1 Add t$e troubles$ootin% %uideabout UAP2*)+,UAP2*++

    R12 PDU

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 2 o' 1)2

  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use


    Change History..................................................................................................................................2

    1 #ervice #etup $aults.......................................................................................................................%

    1.1 Failure to Initiate a Voice Call........................................................................................................................... ......(

    1.2 Cell /ana%ement Faults........................................................................................................................................1(

    2 Handover $aults...........................................................................................................................21

    2.1 -andoer 'rom a )& /acro Cell to t$e -AP...................................................................................................... ..21

    2.2 -andoer 'rom a )& /acro Cell to t$e ePico................................................................................................. ......2!

    2.) -andoer 'rom t$e AP to a )& /acro Cell...................................................................................................... .....)(

    2.( InterAP -ard -andoer........................................................................................................................................()

    2.+ Failure to Per'orm lind -andoer to a /acro Cell........................................................................................... ..(*

    2.! A U Fails to Reselect t$e AP 'rom t$e /acro Netor3............................................................................ ......... .+!

    2." A U Fails to Reselect t$e 2& /acro Netor3 'rom t$e AP.......................................................................... ......!0

    2.* A U Fails to Reselect t$e )& /acro Netor3 'rom t$e AP.......................................................................... ......!(2.4 A U Fails to Per'orm Reselection eteen APs.................................................................................... ......... ...."0

    2.10 Failure to Redirect an mer%ency Call to a /acro Cell......................................................................................"+

    & "oice 'uality Proble(s................................................................................................................)*

    ).1 Abnormal Uplin3 A/R Voice..................................................................................................................... ......... ."*

    % +pgrade Proble(s........................................................................................................................*,

    (.1 Failure to 5ync$roni6e Parameters eteen t$e AP/ and t$e AP................................................................. ......*+

    (.2 #$e AP Fails to e Up%raded #$rou%$ t$e AP/................................................................................................. .**

    , Data Trans(ission Proble(s.......................................................................................................-&

    +.1 Unstable Data #ransmission in t$e -5DPA 5erice..............................................................................................4)

    +.2 7o Data #ransmission Rate in t$e -5DPA 5erice........................................................................................... .4"

    +.) Failure to 5et Up t$e -5UPA 5erice.................................................................................................. .......... .....10)

    +.( Unstable Data #ransmission in t$e -5UPA 5erice............................................................................................10"

    +.+ 7o Data #ransmission Rate in t$e -5UPA 5erice.................................................................................... ......110

    Proble(s Related to Auto(atic Power Ad/ust(ent................................................................11&

    !.1 Callased Automatic Pilot Ad8ustment o' t$e AP............................................................................................. .11)

    !.2 5tatisticsased Automatic Pilot Ad8ustment o' t$e AP......................................................................................11*

    ) Trans(ission $aults....................................................................................................................122

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e ) o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    ".1 #ypical /et$ods o' 7ocatin% #ransmission and Poeron Faults in R12...........................................................122

    * HG0 $aults................................................................................................................................12)

    *.1 9o5 Issues................................................................................................................................................... ........12*

    *.2 Issues Related to :iFi Distributed 5ystem...................................................................................................... ..124*.) Dia%nosin% Netor3 Con%estion #$rou%$ t$e Port /irror Function.................................................... ......... ....1)0

    *.( Dia%nosin% Netor3 Con%estion #$rou%$ C$aracteristic Pac3et Capturin%......................................................1)1

    *.+ C$ec3in% t$e 5ystem rea3don Issue #$rou%$ 7o%s.......................................................................................1)2

    1 #ervice #etup $aults1.1 $ailure to nitiate a "oice Call

    1.1.1 Proble( Description

    A U under t$e AP 'ails to initiate an A/R call.

    1.1.2 Cause Analysis

    Cause 1

    Cause Description#$e AP cell 'ails to be set up.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    ;bsere $et$er t$e RUN indicator on t$e AP is %reen at t$e near end. ;n t$e AP/< c$ec3$et$er t$e AP status is nline< as s$on in t$e 'olloin% 'i%ure.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e ( o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    Cause 2

    Cause Description

    #$e User Access Policy used by t$e AP is Closed or &roup< and t$e AP does not add t$e I/5Io' t$e U to t$e accessible U list.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    7o% in to t$e A-R< and c$ec3 t$e user access policy and accessible U list o' t$e AP< ass$on in t$e 'olloin% 'i%ure.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e + o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    ;n t$e AP/< c$ec3 $et$er t$e 5AC under #ingle Con4igurationis correctly set< as s$onin t$e 'olloin% 'i%ure.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e * o' 1)2

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  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use



































    Attac$ment ) 9uery t$e cause alue o' cell setup 'ailure.

    ;n t$e AP/< c$ec3 t$e settin%s under Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.:i;.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.D1$)?='ueryCell#tatus.Cell#tatus 'or t$estatus o' t$e current cell. Cell#etup$ailCauseindicates t$e speci'ic cause 'or t$e 'ailure to setup t$e current cell.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 14 o' 1)2

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  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use


    For t$e AP t$at uses t$e Closed or &roup mode< t$e R7;CA#I;N R9 messa%e must carryt$e I/5I ot$erise< t$e incomin% relocation may 'ail. #$e source RNC needs to carry t$eI/5I in t$e R7;CA#I;N R9 messa%e.

    #ypical Case


    Cause &

    Cause Description

    #$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro netor3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause alue is;/@IN#RVN#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e U to be relocated is not in t$e accessible U list.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    #$e user access policy t$at t$e current AP uses is Closed. Vie t$e R7;CA#I;N R9messa%e. #$e I/5I must be in t$e accessible U list o' t$e AP< as s$on in t$e 'olloin%'i%ure.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 2* o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    2.& Handover 4ro( the AP to a &G 7acro Cell

    2.&.1 Proble( Description

    #$e U does not initiate t$e relocation 'rom t$e AP to a )& macro netor3 =because t$eRANAP@R7;CA#I;N@R9UIRD messa%e is not traced on t$e Iu inter'ace>.

    :$en t$e U relocates 'rom t$e AP to t$e )& macro netor3< t$eRANAP@R7;CA#I;N@PRPARA#I;N@FAI7UR messa%e is receied on t$e Iuinter'ace o' t$e AP.

    :$en t$e U relocates 'rom t$e AP to t$e )& macro netor3< call drops occur =becauset$e RANAP@R7;CA#I;N@C;//AND messa%e is traced on t$e Iu inter'ace and t$eRRC@R@RCF&@CF& messa%e is traced on t$e Uu inter'ace>.


    2.&.2 Cause Analysis and #olution

    . The Relocation s 5ot Triggered Properly

    Cause 1

    Cause Description

    No nei%$borin% cell is con'i%ured or searc$ed.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    For t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells< c$ec3 7 nter$re@Cellor ntra$re@Cell'or t$e nei%$bor cell list. I' t$e nei%$bor cell list is empty< t$e current nei%$borin% macro cell

    is not con'i%ured correctly.

    For t$e automatically searc$ed nei%$borin% cells< uery t$e nei%$bor cell list under5eighbor!istn+se. I' t$e reuired nei%$borin% cell is not in t$e nei%$bor cell list< c$ec3$et$er t$e 'reuencies o' nei%$borin% macro cells are correctly con'i%ured under0CD7A$DDin t$e parameter area. I' no in'ormation is aailable under 0CD7A$DD< t$e'reuencies o' nei%$borin% macro cells are not con'i%ured< and t$ereby searc$in% nei%$borin%macro cells 'ails.


    For t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells< manually add nei%$borin% )& macro cells byaddin% instance con'i%uration to nter$re@Cellor ntra$re@Cell.

    For t$e automatically obtained nei%$borin% cells< i' t$e nei%$borin% cell 'reuencies are notcon'i%ured< add t$e 'reuencies o' nei%$borin% macro cells< deactiate t$e cell< and t$enactiate t$e cell to tri%%er nei%$borin% cell searc$. I' t$e nei%$borin% cell 'reuencies arecorrectly con'i%ured< c$ec3 $et$er t$e current enironment is coered by a macro netor3='or e?ample< certain scenarios suc$ as t$e basement are not coered by t$e macro netor3>.I' yes< deactiate and t$en actiate t$e cell to retri%%er nei%$borin% cell searc$.

    #ypical Case


    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e )( o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    #$e RANAP@R7;CA#I;N@PRPARA#I;N@FAI7UR messa%e is receied on t$e Iuinter'ace o' t$e AP< it$ t$e cause alue bein% messa%e not compatible it$ receier state.#$e possible cause is t$at t$e CN or tar%et cell is abnormal< t$ereby causin% relocationpreparation 'ailure.


    #$is type o' problem needs to be soled on t$e macro netor3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side> ill be blindly $anded oer to t$e macro netor3 accordin% to t$especi'ic access mode =;pen< Close< &roup< or -ybrid>. I' t$e blind $andoer 'ails< t$eRRC connection is released.

    In -ybrid mode< $en t$e rate decreases due to insu''icient cell resources or $en t$eDCCC rate 'ails to be increased< an unaut$ori6ed user ill be blindly $anded oer. I' t$eblind $andoer 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC connection isnot released.

    #$e 'olloin% cases are supported only in t$e ePico ersion

    In t$e ePico ersion< $en a 1F eent report is receied< t$e blind $andoer is tri%%ered.I' t$e blind $andoer 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRCconnection is not released. #$e -AP does not support t$is 'eature.

    A'ter t$e poer is primarily oerloaded and t$e DCCC rate 'ails to be decreased< a useris selected accordin% to t$e con'i%uration in t$e C8!!!DRcommand 'or blind$andoer. I' t$e blind $andoer 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRCconnection is not released. #$is 'eature is not supported by de'ault.

    In t$e ePico ersion< a'ter an emer%ency call 'ails to be located< t$e blind $andoer istri%%ered 'or t$e user $o ma3es t$e emer%ency call. I' t$e blind $andoer 'ails< t$e userstill camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC connection is not released. #$is 'eature is notsupported by de'ault.

    2.,.2 Cause Analysis and #olution

    Cause 1

    Cause Description

    #$e RANAP@R7;CA#I;N@R9UIRD messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iuinter'ace< and t$e cause is t$at no nei%$borin% cell is aailable.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    ;n t$e AP/< ie t$e parameters underDevice.#ervices.$AP#ervice.1.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.5eighbor!istn+se toc$ec3 $et$er t$ere are aailable nei%$borin% cells.

    9uery t$e intra'reuency< inter'reuency< and interRA# nei%$borin% cells< as s$on in t$e'olloin% 'i%ure.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e (4 o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use


    Con'i%ure t$e correspondin% $andoer al%orit$m sitc$es accordin% to carrier reuirements.

    I' a $andoer al%orit$m sitc$ is turned o''< t$e correspondin% blind $andoer is notsupported.

    #ypical Case


    Cause ,

    Cause Description

    #$e RANAP@R7;CA#I;N@R9UIRD messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iuinter'ace. For t$e $andoer to a nei%$borin% 2& cell< t$e possible cause is t$at t$e Ucapability or serice does not support t$e $andoer.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    I' nei%$borin% cells e?ist and support blind $andoer< c$ec3 $et$er t$e U supports 2&capabilities. I' t$e U supports 2& capabilities< c$ec3 $et$er t$e serice supports t$e$andoer to a nei%$borin% 2& cell. For e?ample< t$e VP serice does not support t$e $andoerto a nei%$borin% 2& cell.


    I' t$e U does not support 2& capabilities< replace t$e current U it$ a U supportin% 2&capabilities< con'i%ure a U supportin% 2& capabilities< or con'i%ure a nei%$borin% )& macrocell. I' t$e serice does not support t$e $andoer to a nei%$borin% 2& cell< con'i%ure a correct

    nei%$borin% )& macro cell. #ypical Case



    Cause Description

    #$e RANAP@R7;CA#I;N@R9UIRD messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iuinter'ace. For t$e $andoer to an inter'reuency nei%$borin% )& cell< t$e possible cause ist$at t$e 'reuency is loc3ed 'or t$e U.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e +) o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use


    C$ec3 $et$er t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cell e?ists or $et$er t$e nei%$borin% cellparameters are correctly con'i%ured. I' t$e nei%$borin% cell parameters are incorrectlycon'i%ured< con'i%ure t$em correctly. I' t$e resources o' nei%$borin% macro cells arecon%ested< release resources o' t$e tar%et nei%$borin% cell< and t$en initiate blind $andoer tot$e tar%et nei%$borin% cell a%ain. I' t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells do not support $andin-.log'ile on t$e AP/ 'or t$e 'olloin% messa%es


    In t$is case< no $uman interention is reuired. #$e AP/ automatically tri%%ers redonloadin%. In %eneral< t$e up%rade ill be 'inally success'ul.

    #ypical Case

    #$e V/5 o''ice in Vietnam 'ails to be up%raded. Durin% t$e pin% operation< t$e delay is %reatand t$e pac3et loss rate is about (0Q. Up%rade t$e V/5 o''ice 'or multiple times and up%radeonly seeral APs eac$ time. Finally< t$e up%rade is success'ul.

    Cause 2

    Cause Description

    :$en t$e AP and F#P serer donload t$e so'tare pac3a%e< t$e AP is reset or t$etransmission is interrupted ='or e?ample< t$e netor3 cable is loose or t$e netor3 uality isery poor>.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    #$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is E#rans'er 'ail and retrans'er.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>-.log'ile on t$e AP/ 'or t$e 'olloin% messa%es


    In t$is case< no $uman interention is reuired. #$e AP/ automatically tri%%ers redonloadin%. In %eneral< t$e up%rade ill be 'inally success'ul.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e ** o' 1)2

  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    #ypical Case


    Cause &

    Cause Description

    Cause 1 or 2 occurs 'or consecutie 'ie times.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    #$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is E#rans'er 'ail and retrans'er out o' ma?imum.E C$ec3$et$er t$e ap(gr6tr>-.log'ile on t$e AP/ contains t$e precedin% timeout in'ormation 'or determinin% $et$er t$e AP is bein% up%raded.


    Per'orm ne up%rade only a'ter t$e current up%rade is complete.

    #ypical Case


    Cause ,

    Cause Description

    #$e AP is per'ormin% an uploadin% tas3 or sync$roni6in% parameters< t$ereby 'ailin% to createan up%rade tas3.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    #$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EResource e?ceeded.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>-.log'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e it$ its 'aultcode bein% 400(. C$ec3 $et$er t$ere areuploadin% tas3s or t$ere are per'ormance 'iles bein% uploaded at t$e inte%ral point on t$eAP/.


    Per'orm up%rade only a'ter t$e uploadin% tas3 is complete.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e *4 o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    #ypical Case



    Cause Description

    #$e so'tare pac3a%e is not donloaded it$in )0 minutes.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    #$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EDonload 'ailure.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>-.log'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e it$ its 'aultcode bein% 4010.


    #$is is a bu% in earlier ersions. #$is bu% is soled in ersions later t$anePico)*01V200R0105PC100 and UAP210+V)00R011C005PC120. I' a user uses t$e

    seamless up%rade< t$e emer%ency up%rade is recommended to speed up t$e up%rade. I' t$eso'tare pac3a%e still 'ails to be donloaded it$in )0 minutes in t$e emer%ency up%rade-.log'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e it$ its 'aultcode bein% 401". I' t$e messa%e e?ists on t$e 7/# to c$ec3 $et$er t$e R5CP and CBN; are normal $ent$e U initiates t$e serice.

    $igure a.1 5i%nal noise ratio =5NR> and R5CP o' t$e cell


    /odi'y 7a$APTPowern+seand PCPCHPowern+se underDevice.#ervices.$AP#ervice.:i;.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.R$ to increase t$etransmit poer< or moe t$e U or AP.

    #ypical Case


    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 4( o' 1)2

  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    Cause 2

    Cause Description

    #$e transmission 9o5 o' t$e public netor3 is poor< 'or e?ample< many pac3ets are lost ont$e netor3 or t$e netor3 8itter is %reat.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    I' it is suspected t$at t$is problem is caused by t$e transmission 9o5< you can per'orm a pin%test 'irst to c$ec3 $et$er t$e 9o5 o' t$e transport netor3 beteen t$e AP and 5e&: meetst$e reuirement. #$e 'olloin% table describes t$e 9o5 reuirements o' arious serices 'ort$e transport netor3.

    Table 1.1 9o5 reuirements o' all types o' serices


    #ypical Case


    Cause &

    Cause Description

    #$e CPU is oerloaded. A'ter t$e CPU usa%e reac$es *+Q< t$e RR/ is tri%%ered to decreaset$e user rate. A'ter t$e CPU usa%e reac$es 4+Q< a $al' o' P5 serice pac3ets are discarded.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    I' it is suspected t$at t$e CPU is oerloaded< enable CPU usa%e tracin% on t$e 7/#< as s$onin t$e 'olloin% 'i%ure. I' t$e CPU usa%e periodically increases and t$en decreases a'ter t$eCPU usa%e reac$es about 4+Q< t$e CPU is oerloaded.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 4+ o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    $igure a.2 CPU usa%e detection


    Decrease t$e number o' serices or tra''ic under t$e AP to loer t$e CPU usa%e.

    #ypical Case


    Cause %

    Cause Description

    Pac3et loss occurs on t$e A& or CN.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    :$en usin% t$e U under t$e AP to ma3e a oice call< capture pac3ets on t$e A& or CN toc$ec3 $et$er pac3et loss occurs on t$e A& or CN.


    I' unstable data transmission is caused by pac3et loss on t$e A& or CN< as3 A& or CN

    en%ineers 'or 'ault location.

    #ypical Case


    ,.1.& n4or(ation Collection

    I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e 'olloin% table.

    te( ptional or 7andatory

    #est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory

    CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics sitc$> /andatory

    #raced cell 5NR and R5CP /andatory

    Pac3ets captured on t$e U side /andatory

    Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side /andatory

    Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional

    e'ore in'ormation collection< you are adised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#Pdonload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro netor3.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 4! o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    ,.2 !ow Data Trans(ission Rate in the H#DPA #ervice

    ,.2.1 Proble( Description

    #$e U initiates t$e -5DPA serice under t$e AP. #$e rate is lo but stable.

    $igure a.1 7o data transmission rate

    ,.2.2 Cause Analysis and #olution

    Cause 1

    Cause Description

    #$e subscription rate o' t$e U is lo.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    C$ec3 t$e rate applied 'or t$e U t$rou%$ t$e directly trans'erred messa%es on t$e Uuinter'ace.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 4" o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use


    Rede'ine t$e 5I/ card on t$e -7R and c$an%e t$e subscription rate to ".2 /bitBs.

    #ypical Case


    Cause 2

    Cause Description

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 4* o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    #$e -5DPA".2/ license o' t$e -AP is not enabled< and t$ere'ore t$e AP rate does note?ceed ).! /bitBs.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    :$en t$e license is not enabled< t$e obious 'eature is t$at t$e rate is lo and stable. ou canc$ec3 $et$er t$e AP license is enabled on t$e AP/.


    nable t$e license on t$e A-R.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 44 o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    ADD TRA$$C9 D>> CD"TF,>>>>>

    Conert t$e PCR into /bitBs< t$at is< PCR K 1+000 A#/ cellsBsec K 1+000 cellsBsec ? (*ytesBcell T? * bitByte K +."! /bitBs. #$is indicates t$at t$e A& restricts t$e IuP5bandidt$. /odi'y t$e PCR to 20000 and t$e ma?imum supported bandidt$ to ".!* /bitBs.

    In addition< c$ec3 t$e A#/ PCR con'i%ured on t$e 5&5N and modi'y it to a reasonable alue.#$en t$e problem is soled.


    Cause %

    Cause Description

    #$e A& route is incorrectly set. As a result< pac3ets are lost beteen t$e A& and t$e 5&:>to aoid outer 'ra%mentation.

    #ypical Case


    Inner 'ra%mentation a''ects serice e?perience.

    C$an%e t$e A& /#U to a alue smaller t$an 1%&>to ensure t$at t$e encrypted pac3etsarriin% at t$e 5e&: 'rom t$e A& are still smaller t$an 1+00 bytes. #$e A& 'ra%ments t$epac3ets 'rom t$e P5 CN< and t$ere'ore t$e A& per'ormance is a''ected. As a result< t$e A&

    discards pac3ets< t$ereby a''ectin% serice e?perience< 'or e?ample< slo Internet access. #$e 5e&:'ra%ments a pac3et and combines an 5P pac3et and an IP pac3et 'or transmission on t$epublic netor3. Certain netor3 deices do not support suc$ 'ra%ment reassemblin% anddiscard 'ra%ment pac3ets< and t$ere'ore users 'ail to access t$e Internet.


    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 102 o' 1)2

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    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use


    Cause Description

    #$e transmission bandidt$ is limited.

    CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od

    Directly connect a PC to t$e Internet and test t$e actual transmission bandidt$ t$rou%$ t$eF#Pbased multit$read donload or pro'essional rate test ebsite. I' t$e transmissionbandidt$ is limited< t$e -5DPA data transmission rate ill 'ail to reac$ t$e t$eoreticallyma?imum alue.


    I' t$e bandidt$ is insu''icient< coordinate customers en%ineers to ensure su''icientbandidt$.

    #ypical Case


    ,.2.& n4or(ation Collection

    I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e 'olloin% table.

    te( ptional or 7andatory

    #est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory

    CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 71B72 statistics sitc$> /andatory

    #raced cell 5NR and R5CP /andatory

    Pac3ets captured on t$e U side /andatory

    A&BAP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory

    Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side ;ptional

    Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional

    e'ore in'ormation collection< you are adised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#Pdonload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro netor3.

    ,.& $ailure to #et +p the H#+PA #ervice

    ,.&.1 Proble( Description

    #$e upload is not based on t$e UPA c$annel< t$ereby causin% a lo upload rate.

    ,.&.2 Cause Analysis and #olution

    Cause 1

    Cause Description

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 10) o' 1)2

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  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    $igure a.& 5erice rate assi%ned by t$e CN


    I' t$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN is loer t$an t$e DC- bearer t$res$old o' t$e AP< 'irst c$ec3$et$er t$e subscription data o' t$e 5I/ card on t$e -7R is properly con'i%ured. I' t$eupload rate in t$e subscription data is $i%$er t$an t$e DC- bearer t$res$old o' t$e AP /andatory

    Uplin3 R#:P /andatory

    Number o' users sered by a dedicated c$annel /andatory

    Uplin3 C resources /andatory

    A&BAP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory

    Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side ;ptional

    Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional

    e'ore in'ormation collection< you are adised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#Pdonload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro netor3.

    2011!1" -uaei Con'idential Pa%e 10! o' 1)2

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  • 7/27/2019 AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide 20110617 B 1.1


    AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use

    In %eneral< t$e R#:P is about 40 dm in t$e case o' no load and ran%es 'rom *+0 dm to*00 dm in a serice. I' t$e R#:P is $i%$er t$an *00 dm< t$e uplin3 rate is a''ected.

    5olutionL C$an%e t$e position o' t$e AP< and t$en obsere $et$er t$e uplin3 R#:P is normal.

    L /odi'y t$e 'reuency and scramblin% code o' t$e AP< and t$en obsere t$e uplin3R#:P.

    L Disable -5UPA sc$edulin%< and t$en obsere t$e uplin3 rate.

    #ypical Case


    #$e R#:P is normal in t$e case o' no load and is oerloaded a'ter a serice is per'ormed.

    #$e R#:P o' t$e AP is normal in t$e case o' no load. A'ter t$e U initiates a serice>- ; ;-:;-:/ ?-; :- DNS ; -.; IP -..

    ; > INIT HMS


    S8 S- P;- 2!07 P;- ?- ; > SCTP AP

    S8 D. P;- 2!07 P;- ?-

    ; > SCTP AG

    A?: S )0FALSE, 1TRUE+ A?::.-:; ..

    TCM_"ITHOUT_TUNNEL )0@:>, 1@:>;+ 0 ">>-

    ; .J:8 > >-

    ; .J:8 > SIM -

    TCM_"ITHOUT_NEIGBOR )0@:>, 1@:>;+ 0 ">>- ;

    .J:8 :/>;-:/

    TCM_"ITHOUT_DISCO(ER#)0@:>, 1@:>;+ 0 ">>-

    ; .J:8 > :.;- 8-;..

    TCM_"ITHOUT_HMSAUTH )0@:>, 1@:>;+ 0 ">>-

    ; .J:8 > -/:.-:; 8-;..

    nner=D5# or 5T=H7# PAddrindicates t$e IP address o' t$e INI# -/5 t$at iscurrently used. #$e result o' t$e TC7=#how$ilecommand does not contain t$e IPaddress o' t$e 5-/5 =t$e IP address needs to be proided subseuently>. ;n t$eA-R< $oeer< you can 3no t$at t$e IP address o' t$e 5-/5 is 1*+.22.!1.*1. #$eIP address o' t$e 5-/5 is not displayed a'ter you run TC7=#how$ile. #$ere'ore