AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations

AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant several codons for each amino acid “wobble” in the tRNA “wobble”

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Page 1: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Chapter 15.


Page 2: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Code is redundant several codons for

each amino acid “wobble” in the tRNA “wobble” in the

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzyme that loads the tRNA

Universal code

Page 3: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006


When do mutations affect the next generation?

Point mutations single base change base-pair

substitution silent mutation

no amino acid change redundancy in code

missense change amino acid

nonsense change to stop codon

Page 4: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Point mutation leads to Sickle cell anemiaWhat kind of mutation?

Page 5: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Sickle cell anemia

Page 6: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Mutations Frameshift

shift in the reading frame

changes everything “downstream”

insertions adding base(s)

deletions losing base(s)

Page 7: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

What’s thevalue of


Page 8: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Chapter 17.


Page 9: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Transcription -- another look The process of transcription includes

many points of control when to start reading DNA where to start reading DNA where to stop reading DNA editing the mRNA protecting mRNA as it travels through


Page 10: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Primary transcript Processing mRNA

protecting RNA from RNase in cytoplasm add 5’ cap add polyA tail

remove introns


Page 11: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Protecting RNA 5’ cap added

G trinucleoside (G-P-P-P) protects mRNA

from RNase (hydrolytic enzymes)

3’ poly-A tail added 50-250 A’s protects mRNA

from RNase (hydrolytic enzymes) helps export of RNA from nucleus


Page 12: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Dicing & splicing mRNA Pre-mRNA mRNA

edit out introns intervening sequences

splice together exons expressed sequences

In higher eukaryotes 90% or more of gene can be intron no one knows why…yet

there’s a Nobel prize waiting…

“AVERAGE”…“gene” = 8000bpre-mRNA = 8000bmature mRNA = 1200bprotein = 400aalotsa “JUNK”!

Page 13: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Discovery of Split genes1977 | 1993

Richard Roberts Philip Sharp

NE BioLabs MITadenovirus

common cold

Page 14: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

snRNPs small nuclear RNA RNA + proteins

Spliceosome several snRNPs recognize splice site

sequence cut & paste

RNA as ribozyme some mRNA can

splice itself RNA as enzyme

Splicing enzymes

Page 15: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Ribozyme RNA as enzyme

Sidney Altman Thomas Cech

1982 | 1989

Yale U of Colorado

Page 16: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Splicing details No room for mistakes!

editing & splicing must be exactly accurate a single base added or lost throws off the

reading frame







Page 17: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Alternative splicing Alternative mRNAs produced from same gene

when is an intron not an intron… different segments treated as exons

Hardto definea gene!

Page 18: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Domains Modular architecture

of many proteins separate

functional & structural regions

coded by different exons in same “gene”

Page 19: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006AAAAAAAAGTP



promoter transcriptionstop



The Transcriptional unit (gene?)

transcriptional unitTAC ACT





5' 3'



mature mRNA

5' 3'




Page 20: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006

Any Questions??

Page 21: AP Biology 2005-2006 Chapter 15. Mutations AP Biology 2005-2006 Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  “wobble” in the tRNA  “wobble”

AP Biology 2005-2006




The Transcriptional unit

transcriptional unitTAC ACTDNATATA


5' 3'

5' 3'

