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AortographyA form of angiography that outlines the lumen of the aorta and major arteries from it.In this procedure, a dye is injected into the aorta. The dye can be seen on an X-ray. This shows how well blood is flowing through the aorta.Aortography can show if there:Are any blockages in the aorta.Is a tear in the wall of the aorta (aortic dissection).Is a weak spot with widening in the aorta (aortic aneurysm).


Bleeding.An allergic reaction to the dye or medications used.Swelling or bruising at the groin insertion site.Infection.Blood clots.

With any procedure, risks and complications can occur. With aortography, some people may experience:

7BEFORE THE PROCEDUREDo not eat or drink 8 hours before the procedure.You will need to fill out paperwork and sign consent forms for the procedure.



Hair will be removed from the groin area and the site will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution.PROCEDURE


Patient will be given alocal anestheticto the groin area. A specialized physician (radiologist) will insert a needle into the artery of the groin. A thin flexible wire will be passed through the needle. Over this wire, a thin tube (catheter) will be inserted. The catheter will be threaded up the artery to the aorta. Once the catheter is in the aorta.

(this area of your body will be numbed, but you will stay awake).10PROCEDURE


Dye will be injected into the catheter. Patient may feel some warmth or a burning sensation when the dye is injected.Once the dye is in the blood vessels, X-ray pictures will be taken. Patient will be asked to lie still and to hold breath for a few seconds for each picture.



The catheter will be removed after the procedure. Pressure will be applied for up to 20 minutes to close the puncture hole made in the groin. A bandage will be placed over the insertion site.

AFTER THE PROCEDUREPatient will be taken to a recovery room area. The vital signs and the insertion site will be monitored.Patient will need to lie flat for about 4 hours after the procedure. Bending the leg that has the groin insertion site can cause bleeding.

AFTER THE PROCEDUREIf the blood pressure and heart rate are stable and no bleeding occurs at the insertion site, patient may go home the same day as the procedure.

End.Document Released: 05/06/2010 Document Revised: 03/11/2013 Document Reviewed: 05/06/2010ExitCare Patient Information 2014 ExitCare, LLC.

Coronary ArteriographyWhat is coronary arteriography?Coronary arteriography, also known as coronary angiography, is an invasive procedure that involves cardiac catheterization. It's used to diagnose coronary artery disease.It is an invasive test it's often ordered only after you've had a series on noninvasive heart tests.

What is coronary angiography?Coronary angiography is a procedure in which a special X-ray of your hearts arteries (the coronary arteries) is taken to see if they are narrowed or blocked. It is an important test, used when your doctor suspects or knows that you have coronary heart disease. During coronary angiography, you are given a local anesthetic and then a catheter (a long thin tube) is put into an artery in your groin, or at the inside of your elbow or near your wrist. The catheter is moved up the inside of your artery until it reaches your heart. A special dye is then injected into your coronary arteries and X-rays are taken. The X-ray image (a coronary angiogram) gives detailed information about the state of your heart and coronary arteries.

When is coronary angiography required?you have chest pain that your doctor suspects is caused by narrowed coronary arteries, but he or she wants to be sure your doctor wants to assess the degree of narrowing in your coronary arteries to see if you could benefit from a procedure such as angioplasty or bypass surgery, to relieve your symptoms and reduce your risk of further heart problems you have had a heart attackif you had treatment to dissolve the clot blocking your coronary artery, or you have continuing chest pain, or the results of an exercise test indicate the need for further investigation, your doctor will need detailed information about your heart and arteries.Artery narrowed by build-up of fatty deposits

Catheter insertion into artery at groin

NURSING CARE OF THE CLIENT HAVING CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHYBEFORE THE PROCEDURE Assess the clients and familys knowledge and understanding of the procedure. Provide additional information as needed. Explain that the client will be awake during the procedure, which takes 1 to 2 hours to complete. A sensation of warmth (a hot flash) and a metallic taste may occur as the dye is injected. A rapid pulse or a few skipped beats, also are common and expected during the procedure.. A good understanding of the procedure and expected sensations reduces anxiety and improves cooperation during the procedure

24Provide routine preoperative care as ordered. Although the client remains awake, sedation may be given. Signed consent is required, and preprocedure fasting may be ordered. Administer ordered cardiac medications with a small sip of water unless contraindicated. Regularly ordered medications are continued to prevent cardiac compromise or dysrhythmias during the procedure25Assess for hypersensitivity to iodine, radiologic contrast media, or seafood. Iodine or seafood allergy increases the risk for anaphylaxis and requires an alternative dye or special precautions. Record baseline assessment data, including vital signs, height, and weight. Mark the locations of peripheral pulses; document their equality and amplitude. Instruct to void prior to going to the cardiac catheterization laboratory>An iodine-based radiologic contrast dye is typically used for an angiogram.>The data provide a baseline for evaluating changes after the procedure. >,to promote comfort.26AFTER THE PROCEDURE Assess vital signs, catheterization site for bleeding or hematoma, peripheral pulses, and neurovascular status every 15 minutes for first hour, every 30 minutes for the next hour, then hourly for 4 hours or until discharge.The data provide vital information about the clients status and potential complications such as bleeding, hematoma, or thrombus formation27Maintain bed rest as ordered, usually for 6 hours if the femoral artery is used, or 2 to 3 hours if the brachial site is used. The head of the bed may be raised to 30 degrees. Keep a pressure dressing, sandbag, or ice pack in place over the arterial access site. Check frequently for bleeding Arteries are high-pressure systems. The risk for significant bleeding after an invasive procedure is high.Bed rest reduces movement of and pressure in the affected artery, reducing the risk of bleeding or hematoma. (if the access site is in the groin, check for bleeding under the buttocks).

28Instruct to avoid flexing or hyperextending the affected extremity for 12 to 24 hours. Unless contraindicated, encourage liberal fluid intake. >Minimizing movement of the affected joint allows the artery to effectively seal and promotes blood flow, reducing the risk of bleeding, hematoma, or thrombus formation. >An increased fluid intake promotes excretion of the contrast medium, reducing the risk of toxicity (particularly to the kidneys). 29Promptly report diminished peripheral pulses, formation of a new hematoma or enlargement of an existing one, severe pain at the insertion site or in the affected extremity, chest pain, or dyspnea. Provide instructions about dressing changes, follow-up appointments, and potential complications prior to discharge.While the risk of complications is low, myocardial infarction or insertion site complications may occur. These necessitate prompt intervention. 30 2008 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761 INF-045-C