“The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is

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Page 1: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is

“The easiest way for Irish companiesto raise new venture finance.”

Page 2: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is


1. Benefits of EquittJ Crowdfunding

2. What is EquittJ Crowdfunding?

3. What is the difference between EquittJ Crowdfunding & P2P


4. What is the difference between EquittJ Crowdfunding & Rewards


5. Is IJOUr companlJ suitable for EquittJ Crowdfunding?

6. EquittJ Crowdfunding in Ireland

7. How do I get started?

8. About Spark Crowdfunding

9. Risk Warning

10. Contact Us

Page 3: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is

Raise money in a short time period – typically 30 days.

Raise money at a lower cost than other methods of fundraising.

Generate free publicity for your company by promoting the crowdfunding campaign.

Attract Investors, Evangelists and Customers.

Reach investors far and wide.

Obtain valuable feedback on your Product or Growth Obtain valuable feedback on your Product or Growth Strategy.

The fundraising process is streamlined and transparent.

Think of Equity Crowdfunding as an online version of Dragons’ Den. A company seeking to raise new money to finance its growth plans offers a fixed amount of shares to the ‘crowd’ in return for a fixed amount of money. The crowd then subscribes forfor shares in the company and if the target amount of money is reached the company issues new shares to the investors.










Page 4: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is

ExampleBigShotBigShot Limited is looking to raise €100,000 in return for a 20% shareholding in the company. It starts a campaign on a crowdfund-ing website. Investors can subscribe for as little at €10 or for all of the €100,000 that is available, but, with crowdfunding, it would be typical to have hundreds of small to medium sized investors. Let’s assume that 500 investors pledge an average of €200 each. An in-vestor who invested €10,000 would get 1/10 of the 20% on offer (i.e. 2% of BigShot), whereas an investor who only invested €1,000 would receive 0.2% of BigShot. The larger the size of the invest-ment, the larger the shareholding the investor receives in BigShot.

The key difference between equity and debt crowdfunding is that with the equity model the company gives away shares in the com-pany but does not have to repay the money in the form of a loan repayment. With equity crowdfunding, the investor owns part of the company and the amount s/he receives back depends on how well the company performs.

An equity investor is effectively hold-ing out for a windfall on a sale of the business and/or dividend payments. There are also certain tax reliefs as-sociated with equity investment (such as the EIIS in Ireland). However, it is important to note that Shareholders are typically the last to be paid (if at all) if the company gets into financial difficulty.



Page 5: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is

With P2P (i.e. Person to Person) Lending, the lender receives regular principal and interest payments over a fixed term, such as 3 years. The rate of interest paid by the company depends on the perceived risk of the loan to the company. However, the person lending to the company does not receive any shares in the company. The maxi-mum return is the principal lent plus the interest repayments.

Every investment will involve a level of risk. Each investor must assess the potential return with the level of risk of financing a particu-lar project through crowdfunding.

With equity crowdfunding, the compa-ny is selling shares (i.e. equity) in the company to outside investors. There is another type of venture funding called Rewards-based Crowdfunding in which a company raises funds but, instead of selling shares in its compa-ny, it gives the Investors a ‘reward’ based on the size of the investment. For example, a company with an idea for a new video game wants to raise €100,000 to design and manufacture this. Rather than giving away shares in the company, what they could do is reward ‘donorreward ‘donors’ with a free version of the game when it is produced.



Page 6: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is


Not every company is suitable for equity crowdfunding. Investors will only purchase shares in a company if they believe the company will be worth a lot more when it is eventually sold or floated on the stock market.

IfIf your company cannot demonstrate to investors that they are likely to get a high return on their investment, then equity crowdfunding is not suitable. A high street shop with limited capacity for expansion in that area would not typically appeal to investors looking for a high return on their investment.

Similarly,Similarly, ‘lifestyle’ businesses, with limited scalability, where the own-er(s) run the business to fund their lifestyle, as opposed to trying to build it up, would not be suitable for equity crowdfunding. Professional ser-vices businesses, such as Solicitors, Accountants, Doctors or PR Agen-cies would fit into this category and would not be suitable for equity crowdfunding.

Companies which can demonstrate scale potential, ideally in an inter-national context, are ideal businesses for equity crowdfunding. Con-sumer products and technology applications would be ideal examples.


Page 7: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is



Equit!d Crowdfunding is a regulated service in

the UK and the USA. It is not as !:Jet regulated

in Ireland, although this is under review b!:J the

Irish Department of Finance and we would

expect to see a regulator!:J infrastructure intro­

duced in Ireland in the next 12-18 months.

Although it has experienced huge growth rates in

the UK and the USA over the last 5 !:Jears, equit!d

crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland.

The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business

is suitable for equit!d crowdfunding or not.

If !:Jou're satisfied !:JOUr business is suitable and !:JOU

have a good stor!:J to tell, !:JOU then need to decide

how much !:JOU would like to raise and how much of

!:JOUr compan!:J !:JOU are willing to give awa!:J.

There are a wide range of other factors to consider, such as how best

to present the compan!:J or the time commitment required to manage

the crowdfunding campaign for 30 da!:Js, so it's best to stud!:J the prod­

uct carefull!:J before making a decision.

Spark Crowdfunding can help !:JOU with all of this. Contact us for a free,

no obligation consultation.


Page 8: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is



Spark is an Irish-based equit!d crowdfunding platform which connects

companies looking to raise funds with investors seeking new invest­

ment opportunities. We simpl!:J act as a facilitator, although we are

alwa!:Js on hand to assist with the mechanics of the campaign -

before, during and after.

One particular area in which we can add considerable value is in rela­

tion to the marketing of !:JOUr online crowdfunding campaign. We have

specific expertise in the areas of digital marketing, social media mar­

keting and online PR. We can also make videos for specific use during

!:JOUr campaign. Online promotion is critical to the success of a cam­


Spark does not give an!:J investment advice

in relation to the companies raising funds

through equit!d crowdfunding. Investors

make up their own minds in relation to com­

pan!:J valuations and compan!:J prospects,

taking into consideration their own finan­

cial circumstances and attitude to risk.

Additionall!:J, Spark does not hold an!:J

client funds. Onl!:J if a crowdfunding cam­

paign achieves its investment target will

funds be accepted from investors and

these funds (less our fees) are immediatel!:J

sent to the compan!:J at completion.

Finall!:J, Spark takes no trading risk with its

own capital and does not take a stake in

companies raising funds on the Spark plat­



Page 9: “The easiest way for Irish companies to raise new venture ... · crowdfunding is a relativel!:J new concept in Ireland. The first thing to determine is whether !:JOUr business is


Investing in start-ups and earll:J

stage businesses involves risks, in­

cluding illiquiditl:), lack of dividends,

loss of investment and dilution, and

it should be done onll:J as part of a

diversified portfolio. Spark Crowd­

funding is targeted exclusivell:J at

investors who are sufficientll:J so­

phisticated to understand these

risks and make their own invest­

ment decisions. You will onll:J be

able to invest via Spark Crowdfund­

ing once l:JOU are registered as suf­

ficientll:J sophisticated.



SparR Crowdfunding