Speakers will be: Rev. Dr. John DeLancey, Director of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT) Dr. Phil McKinney, Pastor of Discipleship at Fairfax Church of Christ, VA Dr. Tom Tribelhorn, Professor of Judaic Studies, St. Petersburg Seminary, FL “BRINGING THE BIBLE TO LIFE” Pastor’s Conference DATES: Monday night - Wednesday noon February 4-6, 2019 LOCATION: TBA Church in Lakeland, FL This unique multi-media conference will provide a small and intimate setting of learning the Bible in the context of the land of Israel. Through personal instruction and interaction with each presenter, you will encounter the following teaching sessions: 1. Introduction to the Physical Settings of the Bible 2. “Connecting the Dots” - Biblical Geography 3. Biblical Archaeology 4. Hebraic Backgrounds of Jesus 5. Old & New Testament Jerusalem 6. Customs & Culture of the Bible 7. “How-to” sessions: These will be sessions aimed to help you revolutionize your teaching and preaching in learning to integrate the context of the Bible. WWW.BIBLICALISRAELTOURS.COM Conference Cost: $75.00. On-line registration is on the BIMT web site This unique and eye- opening conference for pastors will teach the “physical settings” of the land of Israel and help you preach “in context”

“BRINGING THE BIBLE TO LIFE” - Biblical Israel Toursbiblicalisraeltours.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/BBL... · 2018-08-31 · Director of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours

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Page 1: “BRINGING THE BIBLE TO LIFE” - Biblical Israel Toursbiblicalisraeltours.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/BBL... · 2018-08-31 · Director of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours

Speakers wi l l be:

• Rev. Dr. John DeLancey, Director of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT)

• Dr. Phil McKinney, Pastor of Discipleship at Fairfax Church of Christ, VA

• Dr. Tom Tribelhorn, Professor of Judaic Studies, St. Petersburg Seminary, FL

“BRINGING THE BIBLE TO LIFE” Pastor’s Conference

D AT E S :

M o n d a y n i g h t - W e d n e s d a y n o o n F e b r u a r y 4 - 6 , 2 0 1 9

L O C AT I O N :

T B A C h u r c h i n L a k e l a n d , F L

This unique multi-media conference will provide a small and intimate setting of learning the Bible in the context of the land of Israel. Through personal instruction and interaction with each presenter, you will encounter the following teaching sessions: 1. Introduction to the Physical Settings of the Bible

2. “Connecting the Dots” - Biblical Geography 3. Biblical Archaeology 4. Hebraic Backgrounds of Jesus 5. Old & New Testament Jerusalem 6. Customs & Culture of the Bible 7. “How-to” sessions: These will be sessions aimed to help you revolutionize your teaching and preaching in learning to integrate the context of the Bible.

W W W. B I B L I C A L I S R A E LTO U R S . C O M

Conference Cost: $75.00. On-line registration is on the BIMT web site

T h i s u n i q u e a n d e y e -o p e n i n g c o n f e r e n c e

f o r p a s t o r s w i l l t e a c h t h e “ p h y s i c a l

s e t t i n g s ” o f t h e l a n d o f I s r a e l a n d h e l p

y o u p r e a c h “ i n c o n t e x t ”