HERO GAMES ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM! The critically-acclaimed HERO System rules are now available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring, and equipment — but without all of the options and details found in the stan- dard rulebook. The Basic Rulebook boils the HERO System down to its essential elements so you can easily teach yourself the game, bring new players into your campaign quickly, or refresh your memory on a crucial rule. And when you’re ready to move up to the complete HERO System, learning it will be a snap be- cause the Basic Rulebook’s already taught you the basics! But the Basic Rulebook doesn’t sacrifice the flexibility, customizability, and freedom that are the hallmarks of the HERO System. With it you can create any sort of character, ability, weapon, spell, gadget, or vehicle you can think of. It lets you do just what you want to do: create great characters and games. The Basic Rulebook includes: H A quick introduction to the HERO System rules, with guidelines and suggestions for character creation H Character creation rules, including Characteristics, Skills, Perks, Talents, Powers, Advantages, Limita- tions, Complications, and more H Combat, adventuring, and task resolution rules that are easily learned but offer a wide range of tactics and abilities H Five sample characters, plus hundreds of example abilities, spells, weapons, and vehicles. H A comprehensive glossary and index so you can easily find just the rule you’re looking for. ISBN: 978-1-58366-122-2 DOJHERO1003 $19.99 US www.herogames.com Sample file

ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,

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Page 1: ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,



ANY HEROLESS SYSTEM!The critically-acclaimed HERO System rules are now

available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook!

The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core

HERO System rules, including character creation,

combat and adventuring, and equipment — but

without all of the options and details found in the stan-

dard rulebook. The Basic Rulebook boils the HERO

System down to its essential elements so you can

easily teach yourself the game, bring new players into

your campaign quickly, or refresh your memory on a

crucial rule. And when you’re ready to move up to the

complete HERO System, learning it will be a snap be-

cause the Basic Rulebook’s already taught you the


But the Basic Rulebook doesn’t sacrifice the

flexibility, customizability, and freedom that are the

hallmarks of the HERO System. With it you can create

any sort of character, ability, weapon, spell, gadget, or

vehicle you can think of. It lets you do just what you

want to do: create great characters and games.

The Basic Rulebook includes:

H A quick introduction to the HERO System rules,

with guidelines and suggestions for character


H Character creation rules, including Characteristics,

Skills, Perks, Talents, Powers, Advantages, Limita-

tions, Complications, and more

H Combat, adventuring, and task resolution rules

that are easily learned but offer a wide range of

tactics and abilities

H Five sample characters, plus hundreds of example

abilities, spells, weapons, and vehicles.

H A comprehensive glossary and index so you can

easily find just the rule you’re looking for.

ISBN: 978-1-58366-122-2 DOJHERO1003 $19.99 USwww.herogames.com


























Page 2: ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,



ANY HEROLESS SYSTEM!The critically-acclaimed HERO System rules are now

available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook!

The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core

HERO System rules, including character creation,

combat and adventuring, and equipment — but

without all of the options and details found in the stan-

dard rulebook. The Basic Rulebook boils the HERO

System down to its essential elements so you can

easily teach yourself the game, bring new players into

your campaign quickly, or refresh your memory on a

crucial rule. And when you’re ready to move up to the

complete HERO System, learning it will be a snap be-

cause the Basic Rulebook’s already taught you the


But the Basic Rulebook doesn’t sacrifice the

flexibility, customizability, and freedom that are the

hallmarks of the HERO System. With it you can create

any sort of character, ability, weapon, spell, gadget, or

vehicle you can think of. It lets you do just what you

want to do: create great characters and games.

The Basic Rulebook includes:

H A quick introduction to the HERO System rules,

with guidelines and suggestions for character


H Character creation rules, including Characteristics,

Skills, Perks, Talents, Powers, Advantages, Limita-

tions, Complications, and more

H Combat, adventuring, and task resolution rules

that are easily learned but offer a wide range of

tactics and abilities

H Five sample characters, plus hundreds of example

abilities, spells, weapons, and vehicles.

H A comprehensive glossary and index so you can

easily find just the rule you’re looking for.

ISBN: 978-1-58366-122-2 DOJHERO1003 $19.99 USwww.herogames.com


























Page 3: ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,

Dedication: We’d like to dedicate the Basic Rulebook to our hard-working corps of volunteer GMs who run games for us at Origins and GenCon, and anyone else who runs HERO System games at conventions, game stores, or other places where gamers first encounter the HERO System. Thanks for helping to spread the faith!

Special Thanks: The HSBR’s roots lie in HERO System Sidekick, a similar book that Hero Games published in 2004. We were for-tunate to have a large group of playtesters help with the creation of that book, and we’d like to thank them here once more: Tobie Abad, Toby Akers, Katherine Allen, Jay Anyong, Kate Aton, Dexter Ball, Barry Battle, Torsten Beck, Tommy Bisanz, Thomas Biskup, Lee Blankenship, Jonathan Bodey, Brett Bowman, Jackie Brenegar, Mike Brown, Gwynne Brunet, Christopher M. Cadeau, Amie Marie Carey, Sabrina Carlin, Sean Carlin, Ken Carlson, Marcelo H. Cerri, Thomas Clegg, Barbara Coble, William Coble, Joseph Cocco, Randy Conklin, Robert Cote, Jesse Cox, Russel Cox, Char-lie Critz, The Cumberland Fire-Eaters (Dave Insel, Paul Reed, Cody Reichenau, S. John Ross), Dan Dean, Matthias Deigner, Thomas Dembach, Thalles de Mello, Patrick Deters, Beth Drum-mond, Zachary Drummond, Bryant Durrell, Suzanne Eggebrecht, Ian Eller, Derek Ellis, Ali Eslami, Gabriel Falcon, Doug Field, Tammy Field, Aaron Fink, James Flanagan, Ken Flickstein, Rob Flock, Sven “8t88” Flottmann, Anthony Flynn, Dick Forney, Bruce Frazier, Slaine Fullerton, Wes Ganote, S. Alexander Gentry, Aaron Gilbank, Lisa Graff, Ryan Graff, Melissa Grant-Ricks, Jason Gray, Phillip Green, Tara Green, Rick Haufe, Scott Henry, Don Hoban, Sean Hoban, Lenard Ignacio, John Jelsovsky, Chris Johnson,

Steve Jones, Oliver Kammann, Ali Kaplan, Cary Karraker, Daniel Kasatchkow, Kevin Keel, Matthew Kerwin, Christine Kinney, Jona-thon Kirkland, Ben Kisner, Stephen Klozik, Dave Kramer, Kerstin Kramer, Scott Krok, Jenn Lach, Mike Lach, Keegan Lacy, Michael Larrimore, Kristen Lebowski, Steven Lebowski, Feral Lewis, John Longenbaugh, Aimee Love, Aidan Malony, Ian Malony, Mike Malony, Ryan Malony, Sean Malony, Pedro Manholer, Vince Mariotte, Adrian Martinez, Keith McGee, Jr., Keith McGee, Sr., Charles McGinnis, Chris Meid, Luiz Gilberto O. Messias, Ron Micksch, Douglas “Hive” Miller, Will Mistretta, Justin Mitchell, Susanna Mitchell, James Morris, David Mowery, Ray Moyer, Baraka Murdaugh, Eric Nannamen, Brendon Nuenfeldt, Mela-nie Oehlmann, Alexander Osias, Jeff Overman, Deanna Palmer, Jaguar Palmer, Peter T. Palmer, Peter W. Palmer, Tania M. Palmer, Wylie Palmer, Meredith Peck, Scott Petersen, Marion Peuschel, Keith Phemister, Greg Piasentin, Jenny Precht, Dan Poryanda II, Robert Pulchini, Mike Rodriguez, Ted Rowe, Jr., Slobodan “Slobo” Sardi, Jörg Schumacher, Chris Shaffer, Vincent Michael Simbu-lan, John Simons, Tomas Skucas, Brian Sniffen, Justin Stamen, Kyle Stephens, Heather Strange, Chris Streb, John Stepp, James “Cracky” Summa, Jacob Szeluga, Chris Tatro, James Tauscher, Jochen Terstiege, Thorne, Gary Trumble, Kim Roark Trumble, Mark Ulbrich, Wagner Utiel, Richard Vaillancourt, Brett Walston, Lorraine Walston, Taylor Walston, Joel Williams, Jennifer William-son, William Yon, Bonnie “B-Chan” Zabytko, Argelia Zaucha, and Joe Zaucha.

HERO SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system.

HERO System Copyright © 1984, 1989, 2002, 2009 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.

Champions, Dark Champions, and all associated characters © 1981-2008 Cryptic Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. “Champions” and “Dark Champions” are trade-marks of Cryptic Studios, Inc. “Champions” and “Dark Champions” are used under license from Cryptic Studios, Inc.

Fantasy Hero Copyright © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.

Pulp Hero Copyright © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.

Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, and Western Hero Copyright © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 226 E. 54th Street, #605, New York, NY 10022-48541.Printed in Canada. First printing August 2009.Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.Stock Number: DOJHERO1003ISBN Number: 978-1-58366-122-2


Quick-Play Rules for the HERO System

Author: Steven S. Long

Layout and Graphic Design: Bill Keyes

Cover Graphics: Andy Mathews, Albert Deschesne, Fred Hicks

Interior Artwork: Brett Barkley, Christopher Burdett, Storn Cook, Anthony Cournoyer, Aléjandro Garza, Joshua Guglielmo, Brian & Brendon Fraim, Melissa Gay, Sam Kennedy,

Chris Legaspi, Greg Smith, Christian N. St. Pierre, Imario Susilo, and Jason Williford




Page 4: ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,

Table of ConTenTsPRESENCE ATTACKS .................... 105EXAMPLE OF COMBAT.................. 106LIVING IN A DANGEROUS WORLD .110BREAKING THINGS ....................... 111VEHICLES ..................................... 113

Using Vehicles ............................. 115Vehicles In Combat ...................... 115

WEAPONS AND ARMOR ................ 116HERO SYSTEM GLOSSARY ........... 130

Index .......................................... 133

LIMITATIONS .................................. 67Taking Limitations .......................... 67Limitations Descriptions ................. 68

MULTIPOWERS ............................... 72EXAMPLE POWERS ........................ 73

Cyberware ..................................... 73Psionic Powers .............................. 74Spells ........................................... 75Enchanted Items ............................ 76Superpowers ................................. 77

COMPLICATIONS ............................ 78Complications Descriptions ............ 79Experience Points .......................... 83

SIZE TEMPLATES ............................ 84EXAMPLE CHARACTER ................... 86SENSES AND PERCEPTION ............. 90

Perception Rolls ............................. 90Targeting And Nontargeting Senses 90Sense Groups ................................ 90

ENTERING COMBAT ........................ 91Combat Basics .............................. 91Game Scale ................................... 91Combat Time ................................. 91

The Speed Chart ......................... 91Beginning Combat ......................... 92Actions ......................................... 92Holding an Action ........................... 93Aborting an Action ......................... 93

FIGHTING ........................................ 94Attack Rolls and Combat Value ....... 94The Attack Roll .............................. 94Calculating OCV And DCV ............... 95Combat Sequence Checklist ........... 95Mental Combat .............................. 96Combat Modifiers .......................... 96Combat Maneuvers ........................ 98Explanation Of Standard Maneuvers 98

DETERMINING DAMAGE ............... 101Damage Class ............................. 101Normal Damage Attacks ............... 101Killing Damage Attacks................. 101Taking Damage............................ 101Normal Damage .......................... 101Effects of Damage ....................... 103

Stunning ................................... 103Knockout .................................. 103Injury ........................................ 103Death ....................................... 103Knockback ................................ 103

RECOVERY .................................... 104Holding Breath And Drowning ....... 104Recovering BODY......................... 104

INTRODUCTION ................................ 5What’s The Difference? .................... 5Where Can I Get Some Help? ........... 5What Else Is Out There? ................... 5

BASIC RULES AND CONCEPTS ......... 6Game Basics ................................... 6Character Creation ........................... 6Combat ........................................... 7Character Points ............................ 14Restrictions On Spending Points ..... 15What Not To Spend Points On ......... 15Character Design Guidelines .......... 15

CHARACTERISTICS ......................... 17Movement ..................................... 17Explanation of Characteristics ......... 17Characteristics Table ...................... 17Other Characteristics Rules ............ 19

SKILLS ........................................... 22Buying Skills .................................. 22Using Skills ................................... 22Skill Modifiers Table ....................... 22Skill Roll Table ............................... 23Time Chart .................................... 23The Skill List .................................. 24Skill Descriptions ........................... 25

PERQUISITES (PERKS) .................... 31Perk Descriptions........................... 31

TALENTS ........................................ 32Talent Descriptions ........................ 32Perks and Talents Summary Table ... 33

POWERS ......................................... 34Special Effects ............................... 34General Rules ................................ 36What Powers Do ............................ 36Using Powers ................................ 37Categories of Powers ..................... 37

Adjustment Powers...................... 37Attack Powers ............................. 38Body-Affecting Powers................. 38Defense Powers .......................... 39Mental Powers ............................ 39Movement Powers ....................... 40Sense-Affecting Powers ............... 40Sensory Powers .......................... 41Size Powers ................................ 41Special Powers ............................ 41Standard Powers ......................... 41

Power Descriptions ........................ 45ADVANTAGES ................................. 62

Buying Advantages ........................ 62Using Advantages .......................... 62Advantage Descriptions .................. 62Advantages and Limitations

Calculations Tables ...................... 66




Page 5: ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,

Welcome to

The heRO SySTem




Page 6: ANY HERO LESS SYSTEM!...available in a condensed form: the Basic Rulebook! The Basic Rulebook contains all of the core HERO System rules, including character creation, combat and adventuring,

5 Hero System Basic Rules


After you’ve worked with the BR for a while, you’ll probably find yourself wanting to go beyond it — to expand the range of Skills, Powers, Advantages, Limitations, Combat Maneuvers, and other game elements available to you. If that’s the case, you should consider upgrading to the full HERO System 6th Edition rules. They come in two books, Volume I: Character Creation and Volume II: Combat And Adventuring.

Because the BR rules are the same as the HERO System rules — just minimized and simplified — upgrading is easy. All you have to do is start adding elements from the full rulebook to your characters as you need them. For example, if you want to create a charac-ter who’s highly resistant to damage, you could pick up the 6th Edition rulebook, learn about the Power Damage Reduc-tion, and buy it for your character.

Sidebars throughout this book list some of the HERO System elements the BR lacks, to give you an idea of what you’ll find in the 6th Edition rulebook.

T he HERO System, the award-winning role-playing game rules set that got its start as Champions in 1981, is renowned for its flexibility, customizability, and wealth of

detail. Instead of forcing players and GMs to create characters based on a limited conception of how a game should work, or requiring them to pick abili-ties from a finite list, the HERO System lets you design anything you want for your character and campaign, however you want it. However, HERO’s strengths come at the price of some complexity. The HERO System has a lot of rules, terms, and information — and sometimes that makes it seem daunting to newcomers. Most gamers who give it a try soon discover that its internal consistency makes it much easier to learn than they thought, but there’s still an initial learning curve.

To make the learning process easier, Hero Games presents the Basic Rulebook. The “BR” is a set of easily-learned “core” rules that can get you up and running in a HERO System game quickly.

What’s The Difference?BR differs from the full HERO System rules

in just one major respect: the amount of details, options, alternatives, and minor/special rules avail-able. The core mechanics of the two systems — how you make an Attack Roll or a Skill Roll, how char-acters take damage, and so forth — are identical. But where the HERO System might include ten paragraphs and four special Power Modifiers to explain a particular Power and provide ways for gamers to customize it, BR probably only has a couple of paragraphs. It leaves out a lot of the detail and options of the full HERO System. The intent is to pare the HERO System down to its most neces-sary rules — that way you can easily learn them before diving into the more complex, but much richer, rules of the full system.

If you have a question about any element of the BR rules, the best place to look for the answer is the HERO System 6th Edition rulebook. It contains hundreds of pages of additional information, rules, explanation, examples, and options that BR does not. As you explore more and more of the rules, you’ll gradually learn the full HERO System and discover that it’s even more fun than BR.

Where Can I Get some Help?If the HERO System 6th Edition doesn’t have

the answers you seek, there are two other resources you can turn to for help. The first is the message boards at the Hero Games website:

www.herogames.comThe boards have hundreds of registered fans,

many of whom post every day. They’re one of the friendliest, most enthusiastic communities in gaming, and if you ask a question they’ll answer it quickly.

Second, you can contact HERO System Line Developer Steven S. Long directly by e-mail at [email protected]. Steve is glad to answer ques-tions from the fans about Hero’s rules or products.

What else Is out There?Hero Games and the HERO System have

been around for nearly 30 years, so there are lots of resources you can use with the BR. There are tens of thousands of pages’ worth of HERO System materials published by Hero Games for the various editions of the HERO System, and they’re all easy to adapt to the BR rules.

Buying books isn’t the only way to get into the game (though it’s one we hope you’ll try eventu-ally!). In addition to all the things you’ll find on the Free Stuff page at www.herogames.com, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of fan-created websites containing HERO System characters, campaign set-tings, house rules, and just about anything else you can think of.


