
Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

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Page 1: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Page 2: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

What are you afraid of?

At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Page 3: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

What do these people have in common?

Page 4: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Nervousness is normal

Public speaking makes most people nervous

Consistently one of the top fears of the public

2005 Gallup Poll

42% terrified of public speaking

28% scared of dying

Page 5: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

“Given a choice, at a funeral most of us would

rather be the one in the coffin than the one giving the eulogy”

- jerry Seinfeld

Page 6: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Answer these questions in your notes:

Am I nervous about speaking in public?How will I deal with the nerves?

Page 7: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Dealing with nervousness

Gain experience


Think positive/use power of visualization

Know that most nervousness is not visible

Don’t expect to be perfect

Page 8: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

tips for nervousnessBe at your best physically/mentally

Quietly tighten/relax legs or hands to help release adrenaline

Use deep breathing before starting

Develop a strong introduction

Make eye contact

Concentrate on communication

Use visual aids--distract audience attention from you

Page 9: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Speech communication process

Page 10: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Person who is presenting a message

Page 11: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Whatever a speaker communicates to someone else

Page 12: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Means through which the message is communicated

Page 13: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Person who receives the message

Impacted by Frame of Reference

sum of a person’s knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes

different people have a different frame of reference

Page 14: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Messages sent from a listener to a speaker

usually nonverbal

Page 15: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Anything that impedes the communication of a message

External- outside your audience

Internal- within your audience

Page 16: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Time and place in which speech communication occurs


physical setting

Page 17: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it


Page 18: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

what is good delivery

Conveys ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting

Some formality with attributes of good conversation

Delivery is different for everyone- different styles

Page 19: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

methods of delivery

Reading from a manuscript

Reciting from memory

Speaking impromptu

Speaking extemporaneously

not memorized, uses note cards for key points; remains conversational

Page 20: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

speaker’s voiceVolume

Consider acoustics, size of room/audience



How fast/slow you speak


Are beneficial; make them deliberate

Page 21: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Speaker’s voice cont...Vocal Variety

Don’t sound like a robot


Make sure pronunciation is correct


Speak as clearly and distinctly as you can


Page 22: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

How would you say these words?




Page 23: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Speaker’s body

Kinesics: study of body motions as a systematic mode of communication

Personal appearance

dress for occasion, follow hygiene, grooming standards

Page 24: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

speaker’s body cont...Movement


should not be distracting

should appear natural and spontaneous

Eye contact

make eye contact with whole audience

do this by scanning the audience

Page 25: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

practicing delivery

Read speech aloud

Prepare notecards with delivery cues

Practice several times

Polish and refine- consider practicing in front of mirror

“Dress rehearsal”

Page 26: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Answering questions

Formulate answers to possible questions

Practice delivery of answers

Page 27: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

Questions cont...

Managing Q & A

approach with positive attitude

listen carefully

direct answers to entire audience

be honest and straightforward

stay on track

Page 28: Anxiety. What are you afraid of? At the top of your notes packet write down one thing you are afraid of and give a reason for it

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